BrainPop, Jr. Resources

BrainPop, Jr. Resources
BrainPop Resources
Absolute Value (01:39)
It's all about the distance from zero!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Ada Lovelace (05:23)
Meet Ada Lovelace, British mathematician and the first computer programmer!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Adam Smith (05:16)
Meet the inventor of modern economics!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Adding and Subtracting Fractions (04:11)
Even fractions have their pluses and minuses.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Adding and Subtracting Integers (04:11)
Add some integers here, subtract some integers there…Tim and Moby show you how!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Angles (02:11)
Learn about the difference between acute, obtuse, and right angles.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Area of Polygons (02:02)
Measuring polygons may look tough, but it's a snap, once Tim and Moby show you how it's
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Associative Property (01:54)
The associative property works for addition and multiplication. Find out all about it in this
BrainPOP movie.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Basic Probability (02:12)
You may think that chance is just a roll of the dice, but...Actually chance IS just a roll of the
dice! Learn how to calculate and express basic probability.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Binary (03:07)
Computers are great, but they don't speak our language! In this movie, learn about their
communication style of choice: binary!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Budgets (05:18)
Find out how making a budget can keep you in the black and help you save money!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Calculus (04:03)
Who's afraid of calculus?
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Circles (03:05)
Find out what a circle is and how to measure it!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Commutative Property (01:45)
The Commutative Property works for addition and multiplication. Find out all about it in this
BrainPOP movie.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Comparing Prices (02:29)
Learn how to compare prices with Tim and Moby!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Compound Events (03:27)
Tim and Moby play a board game to show the difference between mutually exclusive and
inclusive events in this BrainPOP movie!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Converting Fractions to Decimals (03:26)
"One-half" is the same as saying "point five," but how do you get from one to the other?
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Coordinate Plane (03:31)
Plot a point, any point.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Customary Units (04:24)
Ounces, pounds, gallons, miles…learn about them all in this BrainPOP movie!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Decimals (03:46)
Find out one popular way to represent a part of a whole!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Distance, Rate, and Time (03:36)
Learn strategies for solving Distance, Rate, and Time problems.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Distributive Property (02:04)
The distributive property involves addition and multiplication. Find out all about it in this
BrainPOP movie.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Division (03:30)
Learn how to divide and conquer!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Elapsed Time (04:28)
How do you know how much time has gone by? Tim and Moby teach you to keep track of
elapsed time.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Equations with Variables (04:49)
Learn how to simplify and solve algebraic equations.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Estimating (05:30)
Don’t have all the information? Learn how to estimate with Tim and Moby!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Exponents (04:22)
Exponents--more powers than Superman.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Factoring (04:48)
What do factors and multiplication have to do with breaking numbers into smaller pieces?
Find out in this animated movie!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Fibonacci Sequence (04:54)
Discover the meaning of this mysterious sequence!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Fractions (04:19)
Find out how the numerators and denominators of fractions represent pieces of a whole!
Game | Quiz | Activity | Q&A
Game Theory (03:18)
What does chess have to with international relations? Everything, turns out.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Geometry (03:55)
Get out your compass and protractor!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Graphing and Solving Inequalities (03:21)
Tim and Moby risk life and limb to show you how to graph and solve inequalities.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Graphing Linear Equations (03:58)
Understand graphs, find trends, and even predict the future by graphing linear equations!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Graphs (04:57)
Learn about bar, pie, and line graphs with this adventure to the Caribbean!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Independent and Dependent Events (03:11)
This movie teaches you about probability! What are the odds?
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Inequalities (02:34)
Less than? Greater than or equal to? Huh? Learn the basics of inequalities with Tim and
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Interest (04:54)
Learn how opening a bank account can get you free money!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Isaac Newton (04:32)
Drop in on the life of Isaac Newton, one of the most important scientists of all time!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Mean, Median, Mode, and Range (02:15)
Learn about how mean, median, mode, and range can help you work with sets!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Metric Units (03:23)
Bouncing decimals point the way to easy conversion of metric units!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Metric vs. Customary (02:46)
What’s the difference between customary and metric measurement?
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Mixed Numbers (02:02)
What are mixed numbers?
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Mortgages (04:01)
Learn what happens when you take out a loan to buy a home!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Multiplication (04:16)
Let the zookeeper's boy introduce you to the basics of multiplication . . .
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Multiplying and Dividing Exponents (02:43)
Multiplying and dividing powers is easy when you understand the basics!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (02:35)
Tim and Moby show you how to multiply and divide fractions in this BrainPOP movie!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Order of Operations (01:56)
When you come across a bunch of math to do, which part do you do first? Tim and Moby
help you get it straight.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines (02:28)
A look at what makes parallel and perpendicular lines!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Percents (03:34)
Lear about three methods for calculating percents!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Pi (02:39)
Learn what the number pi measures and how you can use it in geometry.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Polygons (01:54)
A look at different types of polygons and how to identify them.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Polyhedrons (02:56)
Watch the Greek gods (and Tim) playing dice with polyhedrons!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Polynomials (03:20)
Find out the difference between a monomial and a polynomial in this BrainPOP movie.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Prime Numbers (05:27)
The numbers with only two factors.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Problem Solving Using Tables (03:32)
Find out how you can use tables to solve mathematical problems!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Proportions (02:18)
Tim and Moby show you how to use proportions in everyday life in this BrainPOP movie.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Pythagorean Theorem (02:46)
Tim and Moby prove the Pythagorean Theorem in this BrainPOP movie.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Rational and Irrational Numbers (02:33)
Rational numbers are defined and examples demonstrated in this BrainPOP movie.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Ratios (01:39)
Learn the basics about ratios and how they work!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Reducing Fractions (03:38)
Learn to simplify some fractions with Tim and Moby!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Roman Numerals (04:17)
Learn how to read the numbers that Julius Caesar used to count his legions!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Rounding (03:02)
This movie on rounding's only about three minutes long.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Similar Figures (04:19)
What makes two geometric shapes similar? Find out in this movie!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Slope and Intercept (03:53)
Figure out how to plot the x- and y-intercepts of a line and calculate its slope!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Square Roots (02:03)
What is the square root of a number, and how do you find it? Tim and Moby will show you!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Standard and Scientific Notation (03:11)
An explanation of scientific notation and why it is useful.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Statistics (05:05)
Learn about the field of statistics, and see how statistical terms show up in everyday life!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Supply and Demand (02:55)
Do you demand a movie on economics? Okay, then. We'll supply you with one.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Taxes (04:06)
Learn what taxes are, how they're calculated, and where all that money goes!
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Transformation (02:22)
Translate, rotate, and reflect. Repeat for best results.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A
Two-Step Equations (02:27)
Tim and Moby explain how to solve a two-step equation in this BrainPOP movie.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Types of Triangles (03:01)
A look at different types of triangles and how to identify them.
Game | Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Using a Calculator (03:47)
Forgot your pencil? No worries! Here's help on how to get the answer, fast.
Quiz | Activity | Q&A
Volume of Cylinders (02:04)
Learn to find the volume of cylinders.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Volume of Prisms (02:15)
How to find the volume of prisms!
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Experiment | Q&A
Word Problems (03:35)
We can't solve all your problems--but we'll help make word problems a snap.
Quiz | Activity | FYI | Q&A