Day 7- Lesson 5- Introduction to fractions Author: Maria Cibella Grade/Level: 2nd & 3rd Length: 30 minutes Essential Question: What is a fraction? Do we use fractions daily? How do fractions help us? How do we write a fraction? Performance Objectives: Students will be able to Recognize how fractions are used in their daily lives Students will be able to Retell what the numerator and denominators are Vocabulary: Fraction, half, whole, third, fourth, denominator, numerator I will introduce the vocabulary through the Brain Pop Jr. video. Then we will write down the specific words I want students to know on the board. Standards/Performance Indicators: Number & Operations—Fractions¹ 3.NF, Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. CCLS Standards that are addressed in this lesson through instructionRI.3.1. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. SL.3.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. Instructional Materials: Computer, paper pizza, fraction cards, white board, markers Initiating Strategy: Ask students who enjoys eating pie during the holidays. After students have raised their hands and talked about what their favorite kind of pie is explain to them that the slices of pie they eat are fractions. Proceed to ask students if they know what a fraction is. Discuss fractions and tell students that they will be learning about the different types of fractions that are in our daily lives during the lesson today. Teaching Procedure: Have students seated at their seats to watch the Brain Pop jr. fractions video. Play the video and pause for any questions or misunderstandings. Recap the video by writing the words numerator and denominator on the board with a sample fraction, pointing to each part of the fraction and having the students tell if it is the numerator or denominator Pass out paper pizzas and fraction cards In groups students will use the paper pizzas to show the different fractions I will be asking them First show me one whole pizza and place the one whole fraction card next to the pizza Check for comprehension and fix any groups who may have made a mistake Next show me ½ of the pizza and put the ½ fraction card next to the pizza Ask students if it matters which half they took away from the whole, discuss Next ask students to show ¼ of the pizza Check for comprehension and fix any groups who may have made a mistake Next ask students to show 2/4 of the pizza. Ask if anyone sees something familiar. Explain to students that 2/4 and ½ are equivalent fractions meaning they equal the same amount, they can put the ½ fraction card next to the 2/4 pizza. Ask students to show 1/3 of their pizza with the paper pizza along with the 1/3 fraction card Check for comprehension and fix any groups who may have made a mistake Finally ask students to show 3/3 with the paper pizza. Ask if anyone sees something familiar. Explain to students that 3/3 and 1 whole are the same amount and again equivalent fractions. Closure: When students complete the group activity, allow 3 students to come up to the board and write a fraction of their choice. They will be able to choose a student to come up to the board and draw a picture to represent the fraction their friend has created. Go over with class and if all students draw circles to represent the fractions show students that fractions do not have to be in the shape of a pie or pizza they can also be in the shape of a rectangle like a bar of chocolate. Re draw one of the fractions using a “chocolate bar” picture to represent the fraction. Ticket out the door- Students will need to name and draw a food they can turn into a fraction. They will need to pick one fraction, ½, 1/3, ¾ or ¼ to show on their picture. Assessment/Rubrics: From the participation in the group activities I will be able to see which students were engaged and following along. The ticket out the door will be a good assessment to see if students retained what was taught in the lesson, ticket will be graded out of 3. 1 2 3 Active listening and participation during group activity Distracted, not listening or sitting correctly, not participating Listened to directions and followed along with the activity Engaged in lesson, participated and became very immersed in the group activity Listening during video Student is distracted and not listening during video Student watches the video with no reminders Student is engaged in the video and asks questions about the video afterwards Ticket out the door Student does not complete the assignment Student answers some of the assignment not finishing all of the task Student completes the assignment with 100% accuracy