
Consultation Bulletin – week ending 14 December 2012
Newly received this week
Commission on
Devolution in Wales
Second call for evidence
WCVA will be submitting a
response to this
consultation If you have any
comments that you would
like us to include in our
response please email
them to
Consultation on policies for
.cymru and .wales
Issue date
Deadline for
The Commission on Devolution in Wales was established by the UK
Government in October 2011 to consider whether the devolution settlement
for Wales should be amended to better serve Wales within the United
We are now taking evidence on Part II of our work, on the non‐financial
aspects of the current devolution settlement. We will be accepting
submissions until 1 March 2013 from any interested party, whether an
individual, government, business or other organisation that wishes to share
their experience of devolution and help us in our considerations of how the
devolution settlement could be modified to better serve the people of Wales.
Nominet is consulting on our proposals for the new internet domains for
Wales. The plans for .cymru and .wales domains have huge potential to
provide significant cultural, economic and social benefits in Wales.
Having submitted our applications for .cymru and .wales earlier this year,
we are now seeking views to ensure that the new top level domains meet
the needs of a wide range of stakeholders in Wales and beyond. The
consultation seeks feedback on a number of areas including:
• Whether there should be any link between the .cymru and .wales domain
names and if so, how such a connection might operate.
• Whether there should be any restrictions on who can register a .cymru or
.wales domain.
• The approach to managing domain names in Welsh.
• Proposals for the launch of the new domain name spaces, including the
approach to trade marks and other rights.
Welsh Government
Non-material Amendments
to Planning Permissions
Non-material amendments to an existing planning permission are normally
small changes to an approved development proposal that have no impact
on the overall context of the development scheme or its surroundings.
There is no formal process for approving these changes. So the current
approach taken by local planning authorities in dealing with them varies
across the country.
The consultation sets out our proposals to introduce an application process
for making non-material changes to existing planning permissions.
National Assembly for
Wales – Children and
Young People
Inquiry into Attendance and
National Assembly for
Wales – Communities,
Equality and Local
Inquiry into Home
The National Assembly for Wales’ Children and Young People Committee is
undertaking a short inquiry into attendance and behaviour.
The overall aim of the inquiry is to review effectiveness of the Welsh
Government’s policy and guidance to promote positive behaviour and
attendance within education provision for pupils of compulsory school age.
The National Assembly for Wales’ Communities, Equality and Local
Government Committee is to undertake an inquiry into home adaptations.
The Committee will consider the following:
 Why there are still significant variations in the time it takes to deliver
aids and adaptations funded by Disabled Facilities Grants across
 Has sufficient progress been made on implementing
recommendations from the Equality of Opportunity Committee’s
2009 report on home adaptations?
 The impact that reduced resources for housing are likely to have on
the provision of home adaptations?
 Is the Welsh Government effectively monitoring the provision of
adaptation services?
 What more needs to be done to improve home adaptation services
in Wales?
Welsh Affairs Select
The Work Programme in
The Work Programme is a new payment-for-results welfare-to-work
programme being delivered by a range of private, public and voluntary
sector organisations.
The Committee invites written submissions and requests observations on
the following issues:
• the development of the Work Programme in Wales and its payment-by
results model for contractors;
• the impact of the new payment model on welfare-to-work contractors, and
whether there is effective collaboration between Work Programme
• whether jobseekers on the scheme are able to access the full range of
services they require; and
• whether the scheme is embedded in local areas and responsive to the
needs of different communities.
Welsh Government
Placing children on remand
in secure accommodation
This consultation seeks your views on amendments to the Children (Secure
Accommodation) Regulations 1991 governing the circumstances in which a
local authority can place a child in secure accommodation.
Welsh Government
Business rates relief for
charities- call for evidence
The impact of business rates relief for charities in Wales is the subject of a
new call for evidence issued by Professor Brian Morgan, chair of the
independent panel that produced a review into business rates for the Welsh
Government earlier this year.
WCVA will be submitting a
response to this
consultation If you have
any comments that you
would like us to include in
our response please email
them to
Views on the following areas are being sought:
The levels of relief that are currently available to charities across all
the types of non-domestic premises they occupy.
Whether the relief available to charities should be changed and the
impact that this might have based on the available evidence
Whether relief, or further relief, should be offered to social
enterprises and credit unions as an incentive to support their work
Any other evidence or examples that you think are relevant.
Welsh Government
Framework for Action on
Independent Living
The Framework for Action is based on the social model of disability; it
examines the barriers to equality and inclusion faced by disabled people,
and the action needed to address them. This consultation provides an
opportunity to comment on the contents of the Framework. Reponses will
help inform the Welsh Government’s future direction in this area of work.
Department for
Business Innovation
and Skills
Energy intensive industries
compensation scheme
Consultation on a proposal setting out eligibility and design for a scheme to
compensate key electricity-intensive business to help offset the indirect cost
of the Carbon Price Floor and the EU Emissions Trading System, subject to
state aid guidelines.
Consultation on proposal to
increase the fee to add a
prohibited type dog to the
Index of Exempted Dogs
Defra is seeking views from Wales on a proposed increase in the fee for
placing a dog on the Index of Exempted Dogs.
A consultation on Working
Together to deliver river
basin management
In December 2009, the Environment Agency published river basin
management plans covering all of England and Wales that outlined what
would be done to protect and improve the environment. The Environment
Agency is now working to review and update them and will publish the
revised plans in December 2015.
Environment Agency
The proposal has already been consulted upon in England as part of a
package of measures aimed at tackling irresponsible ownership of dogs.
However, the other proposals would apply to England only. The Index of
Exempted Dogs applies to Wales as well as England.
The Environment Agency wants to make sure that everyone can have the
opportunity to contribute. By creating successful ways to work together, we
can develop and put into practise the best solutions. The Environment
Agency would like to know how different groups can work together to
achieve this.
Care Council for
Draft Care Council for
Wales (Fitness to Practise)
The Care Council for Wales is consulting on the development of Fitness to
Practise Rules for dealing with allegations against registered social workers,
social care workers and social work students.
The aim is to move from delivering public protection through assessing
whether a social worker, social work student or social care manager or
worker has, through his/her actions, committed misconduct, to assessing
whether, as a result of his/her actions, they are fit to practise.
The new process will be set out in Fitness to Practise Rules. Developing
Fitness to Practise Rules will bring the Care Council in line with regulators
such as the Nursing and Midwifery Council, the General Medical Council
and the Health and Care Professions Council which became responsible for
regulating social workers in England from 1 August 2012 following the
abolition of the General Social Care Council.
Welsh Government
School admissions and
school admission appeals
This consultation document seeks your views on draft Codes for School
Admissions and School Admission Appeals.
The new Codes are intended to replace the Welsh Assembly Government’s
Codes on School Admissions (July 2009) and School Admission Appeals
(July 2009).
The draft Codes impose requirements and offer guidance in respect of the
discharge by local authorities, the governing bodies of maintained schools,
admission forums and admission appeal panels of their school admissions
and admission appeals functions. These bodies must “act in accordance
with” the Codes.
Welsh Government
'When I am ready' Planning transition to
adulthood for care leavers
This consultation seeks your views on a proposed scheme, entitled “When I
am Ready”, which aims to ensure better support for care leavers in their
transition to adulthood and independence.
Welsh Government
Vibrant and Viable Places
This consultation document is the result of a policy review of approaches to
regeneration instigated by the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and
Heritage in February 2012.
Our regeneration policies encompass a range of integrated activities. These
aim to reverse economic, social and physical decline in order to achieve
lasting improvement, in areas where market forces will not be sufficient to
achieve this without some support from government.
Welsh Government
Grants Consultation
Document for Advancing
Equality Fund and Inclusion
Finance Minister Jane Hutt has launched a consultation on the future
arrangements for the Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights Grants
programme for 2013–16.
This consultation focuses upon the new grants framework following the end
of the current Advancing Equality Fund and Inclusion grant programmes in
Welsh Government
Patients’ Voice for Wales Proposals following the
Review of Community
Health Councils
WCVA will be submitting a
response to this
consultation If you have
any comments that you
would like us to include in
our response please email
them to
by 2 January.
Welsh Government
School Organisation
We are consulting on proposals for the future development of Community
Health Councils.
These proposals are intended to improve how the Community Health
Councils and the Board of Community Health Councils function.
This follows a review undertaken by the Welsh Institute for Health and
Social Care.
The School Organisation Code will impose requirements in accordance with
which relevant bodies (the Welsh Ministers, local authorities, governing
bodies and other promoters) must act.
It will also include practical guidance to which relevant bodies must have
due regard and sets out the policy context, general principles and factors
that should be taken into account by those bringing forward proposals to
reconfigure school provision and by those responsible for determining
This consultation asks for views on the draft School Organisation Code.
Welsh Government
National Assembly for
Wales – Health and
Social Care
The Strategy for Older
People in Wales (Phase 3)
We want your comments on the progression of Phase 3 of this strategy.
Consultation on Human
Transplantation (Wales) Bill
The Human Transplantation (Wales) Bill aims to increase the number of
organs and tissues available for transplant by introducing a soft opt-out
system of organ and tissue donation in Wales.
We are keen to hear from older people, workers and volunteers in the
statutory, private and voluntary sectors. Also everyone with an interest in
ensuring that Wales is sensitive to the needs of its older population. This is
a real opportunity to shape the future of older people’s services in Wales
and everyone's views are welcome.
The Committee welcomes evidence from those with an interest in this
subject. If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, please provide a
brief description of the role of your organisation.
Welsh Government
Draft Clean Air for Port
Talbot Short Term Action
Plan 2012
Historically, Port Talbot has had a high level of pollution due its industrial
nature. But emissions in the area can be caused by:
 industry;
 road transport;
 domestic sources;
 construction projects;
 natural sources (such as sea spray); and
 other sources.
The mix of sources in this area has led to difficulties in meeting the air
quality limits for PM10. These limits were introduced in Directive
2008/50/EC on Ambient Air Quality. We are responsible for meeting these
Welsh Government
Approach to the
development of a national
outcomes framework for
Social Services in Wales
We are seeking your views on our plans to transform social services in
Refreshing the Carers
Strategy for Wales
We know that there are many thousands of people in Wales who are caring
for disabled or older relatives, friends or neighbours. The Carers Strategy
for Wales is our national plan for supporting these unpaid carers. It sets out
what we are doing to help the NHS, local councils, charities and businesses
to provide better services and support to carers of all ages.
Welsh Government
This consultation sets out our proposals for the next three years. The
framework gives us the means to describe and measure the well-being of
people who need care and support. The framework will describe and
measure well-being using a number of outcome statements which focus on
the individual. These statements are the key areas where social services
can make a difference to people and their lives.
The Carers Strategy was last updated over five years ago, and we want to
make sure it is still making a difference to carers’ lives. This draft of a
refreshed Strategy sets out the actions we intend to take to support carers
over the next three years.
If you are a carer, or a person who is cared for, we are keen to hear your
Home Office
Alcohol strategy
This consultation puts forward proposals and questions on five key areas
set out in the Government’s Alcohol Strategy (‘the Strategy’), published on
23 March 2012:
• the price level and mechanisms for a minimum unit price for alcohol;
• introducing a ban on multi-buy promotions in the off-trade (see glossary);
• reviewing the mandatory licensing conditions;
• introducing health as a licensing objective for cumulative impact; and
• reducing the burden of regulation on responsible businesses.
Department for Work
and Pensions
Consultation on measuring
child poverty
During the summer, the Government announced it would consult on
developing better measures of child poverty which include income, but
provide a more accurate picture of the reality of child poverty today. This
consultation asks how we can best reflect the reality of child poverty using a
multidimensional measure.
Care Council for
Consultation on Practice
Guidance for Social Care
Managers registered with
the Care Council for Wales
The Care Council for Wales is pleased to present The Social Care Manager
which is draft Practice Guidance for Social Care Managers registered with
the Care Council for Wales: residential childcare managers, adult care
home managers and domiciliary care managers (from 31 January 2013).
The Care Council is inviting comments on The Social Care Manager.
Comments can be submitted online or by post, using the consultation
questions or in another format if preferred.
Welsh Government
Consultation to collect
views about whether a
Public Health Bill is needed
in Wales
This consultation provides an opportunity to consider whether legislation
could help us to further improve overall health and wellbeing in Wales. It
starts a debate about whether new legislation would provide an effective
way of making further progress in key areas.
Welsh Government
Consultation on legislation
to end violence against
women and domestic
abuse (Wales)
This White Paper consultation outlines the policy and legislative proposals
aimed at ending violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual
The proposals focus on three specific areas:
1. improving leadership and accountability;
2. improving education and awareness; and
3. strengthening services in Wales.
The proposed legislation will help Wales take significant steps forward in
achieving the aim of ending violence against women, domestic abuse and
sexual violence.
Welsh Government
Penalty Notices for regular
non-attendance at school
The consultation sets out proposals for the introduction of fixed penalty
notices to address the issue of persistent unauthorised absence from
In considering the most suitable strategy for improving attendance,
particularly for unauthorised absences, it is proposed that penalty notices
would, in some circumstances, provide a suitable quick and effective
measure for improving levels of unauthorised absences.
Welsh Government
A Fly-tipping free Wales
We are developing a new fly-tipping strategy as the current strategy and the
Fly-tipping Action Wales partnership document “Pride in our Communities”
ends in 2012.
We want your views on this consultation to help us develop a new fly-tipping
strategy for Wales.
Welsh Government
Proposals for a draft
Control of Dogs (Wales) Bill
The Welsh Government intends to lay before the National Assembly for
Wales the Control of Dogs (Wales) Bill. This consultation seeks responses
to the proposed content of the Bill which will address the issues of out of
control dogs, provide for a new enforcement mechanism and lead to more
responsible ownership.
Welsh Government
Sustainable Development
Bill – White paper
This White Paper sets out the Welsh Government’s proposals to bring
forward legislation to make sustainable development the central organising
principle of the Welsh Government and Welsh public service organisations
in Wales; and to create an independent sustainable development body for
WCVA will be submitting a
response to this
consultation If you have
any comments that you
would like us to include in
our response please email
them to
We held a consultation earlier this year on our initial proposals for the Bill.
We have used those responses to help us develop the proposals set out in
this white paper, A Sustainable Wales: Better choices for a better future.
We now want your views on:
the proposals for a new duty to embed sustainable development as
the central organising principle of selected organisations in Wales;
the proposals for an independent sustainable development body;
the proposed phasing and implementation of the duty, including the
timing for the creation of the independent sustainable development
body; and
the proposals to improve the accountability framework for
sustainable development in Wales.