
Norman Del Prado
Skyline College
Telecomnnrnicationsand Networking
TCOM 482
Chapter 12
Module 3
Topics To Be Covered In Class
Basic Router Configuration
show Commands
Serial Interface
Ethernet Interface
Configuration of:
a. InterfaceDescription
b. Message-of-the-DayBanner
c. Host Tables
7) Backup And Documentation
TCOM 482 CCNA 2 MOdule_3_configuring-a-router_agenda.doc
TCOM 482, CCNA 3, Norman Del Prado, Skyline College
ClassLecture Notes, Chapter 12, Module 3
Chapter 12, Router Configuration
Module 3, Configuring A Router
1) Configure a Router 3.1
a) CLI commandmodes 3.1.1
i) global configuration mode; sometimescalled global config
(1) Router#configure terminal
(2) Router(config)#
ii) modes enteredfrom global configuration mode
(1) Interfacemode
(2) Line mode
(3) Router mode
(4) Subinterfacemode
(5) Controller mode
iii) exit leave specific mode, return to global configuration mode
iv) Ctrl-Z refixns router to privileged EXEC mode.
b) Configuring a router name 3.1.2
i) Router(config)#hostname Tokyo
(1) Tokyo(config)#
c) Configuring router passwords 3. 1.3
1) should always be configured for virtual terminal (vty) lines and the console
ii) also usedto control accessto privileged EXEC mode
(1) console
(a) Router(config)#line console0
(b) Router(config-line)#login
(c) Router(config-line)#password<password >
(2) a[vty lines
(a) Router(config)#line vty 0 4
(b) Router(config-line)#login
(c) Router(config-line)#password<password >
(3) accessto the privileged EXEC mode
(a) Router(config)#enable password <password>
(b) Router(config)#enablesecret<password >
(i) MD5 algorithm for encryption
(4) passwordscan be shown in clear text output from show running-config or
show startup-config
(a) Router(config)#service password-encryption
(1) weak encryption (enable secretis preferred)
d) Examining the show commands 3.1.4
i) show interfaces
(1) Router#show interfaces serial 0/L
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TCOM 4 I 2_CCNA 2_Mo duleJ _confi guring-a-router_classnotes.doc
TCOM 482, CCNA 3, Norman Del Prado, Skyline College
ClassLecture Notes, Chapter12, Module 3
ii) show controllers serial
(1) Router#show controllers serial 0/1
iii) show clock
iv) show hosts
v) show users
vi) show history
vii) show flash
show version
ix) show arp
x) show protocols
xi) show startup-config
xii) show running-config
e) Configuring a serial interface 3.1.5
i) from global config mode
(1) Router(config)#interfaceserial 0/0
(2) Router(config-if#ip address<ip address) <netmask >
(3) clock rate <full decimal number>
(4) no shutdown
(a) shutdown--administratively disabled
Making configurationchanges 3.1.6
t) verrf changes
(1) show running-config
ii) savethe configuration variables to the startup configuration file in NVRAM
(1) Router#copy running-config startup-config
iii) Remove the startup configuration file
(l) erasestartup-config
g) Configuring an Ethernet interface 3.1.7
1) from global config
ii) int <seriaUethernet/fastethernet>
iii) ip address<ip address)
iv) enable interface---configuration may result in shutdown!
(1) no shutdown or no shut
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TCOM_4 82_CCNA_2_Mo dule_3_configuring-a-router_classnote
TCOM 482,CCNA 3, Norman Del Prado, Skyline College
ClassLecture Notes, Chapter12, Module 3
2) Finishing the Configuration 3.2
a) Importanceof configurationstandards3-2-I
i) standardis a set of rules or proceduresthat are either widely usedor officially
ii) successfuladministration and managementof a network relies on standards
(1) a.E.,drawtopologyandwrite out configurationdetailsbeforedoing
hands-onlab assignments
b) Interface descriPtions 3-2-2
1) identift important information such as a router, a circuit number, or a specific
network segment
ii) best practice is to utiltze a standardformat and apply it to eachinterface
c) Configuring an interfacedescrrption 3"2-3
r) from global config
iD enter specific interfacemode
(1) €.g.,interfaceethernet0
iii) use the descriPtion command
(1) description LAN Engineedog, Bldg-2
d) Login banners 3"2.4
r) login banneris a messagethat is displayedat login
ii) can be seenbY anYone
iii) should warn usersnot to attempt login unlessthey are authotued
(MOTD) 3-2.5
e) Configuring message-of-the-day
1) from global config
(1) banner motd comrnand
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CCNA 2 Module 3 configuring-a-router_classnotes.doc
TCOM 482, CCNA 3, Norman Del Prado, Skyline College
ClassLecture Notes, Chapter 12, Module 3
(a) banner motd # <messageof the day > #
(b) watch syntax!!!--command, space,delimiting character(such as the
pound sign (#)), MOTD, space,delimiting characteragain
(1) NOTE: the delimiting character is a character that doesnot
appear in the messageof the day text!!!
ii) copy running-config startup-config command to savethe changes
Host nameresolution 3.2.6
i) usedto associatea host namewith an IP address
ii) host table
iii) administrator useseither host name or the IP addressto Telnet to a remote
g) Configuring host tables 3.2.7
1) from global config
ii) ip host command followed by the name of the router and all IP addresses
associatedwith the router interfaces
(1) e.g.,ip host Stryline ip host San Mateo
(2) savethe configuration to NVRAM
iii) test connectivity to the host, use telnet or ping with the name or IP associated
with the router name
h) Configuration backup and documentation 3.2.8
i) documenteverything!!! (seenext stagebelow)
Backing up configuration files 3.2.9
1) current copy of the configuration can be stored on a TFTP server
(1) copy running-config tftP
ii) configuration file stored on TFTP network server can be used to configure
(1) copy tftp running-config
iii) save a router configuration to a disk or hard drive
(1) capturetext in the router and save
(a) edit by removing all non-commandtext
(2) use edit featuresof terminal emulator to pastecommand file into router
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Norman Del Prado
Skyline College
Telecommunications and Networking
TCOM 482
Chapter 12
Module 3
Recap and Questions
1) A router hastwo CLI modes
a. What are they?
b. What distinguishes them?
2) What is the show command used for?
3) What is a clock signal?
a. Where is it used?
4) By default, are interfacesup or down?
a. What is no shutdown?
5) What is a MOTD?
a. Where and why is it used?
6) What is Host Name Resolution?
a. How do you configure it?
7) What will show running-config tell you?
S) How can you saverouter configurations?
9) How can you backup configurations?
TCOM 482 CCNA 2 MOdule_3_configuring-a-router_recap.doc