AllCovered NEWS TTHHEE N NEEW WS SY YO OU UN NEEEEDD Monday, 2 August 2004 Edition #395 A Aw weeeekkllyy sseerrvviiccee ffoorr cclliieennttss aanndd ffrriieennddss ooff A Alllccoovveerreedd..nneett aanndd tthhee A Allleenn IInnssuurraannccee G Grroouupp PP..O © © O.. B Booxx 11443399 // 330044 M A MLLK K JJrr.. D Drr.. // FFoorrtt VVaallleeyy,, G Geeoorrggiiaa 3311003300 U USSA A ©222000000444A Alllllc lccooovvveeerrreeeddd..n .nneeettt A A R R AllllllR Riig igghhhtttsssR Reeessseeerrrvvveeeddd VVooiiccee:: 447788..882255..55556666 // FFaaxx:: 447788..882255..33229911 // U S T O L L F R E E : 8 0 0 . 9 2 2 . 5 5 3 6 US TOLL FREE: 800.922.5536 AllCovered-NEWS is a weekly service for clients and friends of and the Allen Insurance Group. Allcovered-News is sent via email to all who request it in “Plain Text” to limit your download times. This easy-to-read online version is available through this link: WHAT IS IN ALLCOVERED NEWS? Each week Allcovered invests many hours to bring you news organized in this way: --- News useful to all Small Businesses --- News affecting Trucking companies or logistics professionals that use truckers --- News of Security developments that affect logistics --- News specifically for Air & Ocean logistics professionals --- Jokes in Just For Fun Our goal is to bring you information to help you grow and manage your business in a quick easy-toread style with links to more detailed information if you wish it. Not all of our stories will be of use to you, but we hope we make it easy to find the information that you can use. If you know of a way we can make Allcovered News better, please let us know. We want Allcovered News to be an email you look forward to receiving each week. With your help, we’ll make it better. Have a great week! Mike -- CONTENTS THIS WEEK— SMALL BUSINESS: Driven to Distraction Who Makes the Best Computers Today? Managing Slips & Falls Coming War for Talent Flunking “Email 101” TRUCKING: Will Idling Limits Spread? Trucker Protests In Detroit SECURITY: Heathrow Cargo Theft Ring Busted Greece Steps Up Port Security OCEAN & AIR FORWARDING: Many Iraqi Shipments Frozen Hawaii to Super-Ferry Insuring Mobile Phones Ocean Rate Hikes Moving Household Goods JUST FOR FUN: Thought For the Day Work Sickness Excuses Kitchen Signs NEXT WEEK: “Up-Selling” – Just Ask 1 > > > > > SMALL BUSINESS SECTION < < < < < PERSONAL BIZ - DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION It’s not the cellphone. Despite the bad press that cell phone use by motorists has received, it is not the most distracting or dangerous behavior displayed by drivers, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Researchers used in-car video cameras to see how drivers behaved when they were behind the wheels of their own cars. -- RESULTS In three hours of driving: -- 90% of people were distracted by something outside the car -- 100% of people were distracted by something inside the car -- COMMON DISTRACTIONS WHILE DRIVING --- 70% read or write -- 34% “groom” (comb hair, apply makeup) -- 25% use cell phone while driving TECH BIZ – WHO MAKES THE BEST COMPUTERS TODAY? Shopping for computers? Each year PC Magazine polls its readers to judge the quality of computers, the reliability of computers, and the tech support computer makers. This is a good way to judge which computers are getting better and which companies’ service is getting worse. The detailed report begins with an overview, followed by links to overall rankings of computers and reviews of each major manufacturer: OVERVIEW STORY: PC MAG STORIES:,1759,1623585,00.asp?kc=PCPCYH103129TX1BTT00586 TECH BIZ – NEW WORMS & VIRUSES ATTACK: There are new versions – more dangerous versions – of old viruses and worms that have appeared this past week. Two are a high threat. If I type their names here then poorly set spam and email filters will block this email. For more on the threats and how to protect yourself, go here: MORE:,1759,1628067,00.asp FREE VIRUS SCAN - LATEST VIRUS INFO INSTANTLY Find the latest information on computer viruses, worms, a free virus scan and links to anti-virus software. Go to Click on “Internet Links” and choose any of the links you want. – We have logistics allcovered. SMALL BIZ – SAFETY – MANAGING SLIPS & FALLS Is your workplace dangerous? You’d be surprised what might be considered a hazard. 15% of accidental deaths are caused by something as simple as slips and falls. Employees, customers, and others face these risks. If you own, lease, or manage any kind of property, you are at risk for slip and fall liabilities. In the US, 33,000 people suffer disabling injuries from falling on stairs every year. If you are sued for damages in a “slip and fall” accident, there is a 45% chance of a damage award of $220,000 or more. --- WHAT TO DO ---- Make sure employees know you encourage them to report anything dangerous. 2 -- Train employees on ways to prevent hazards. -- Accompany and/or assist guests. -- Identify slip-and-fall hazard areas. -- Illuminate all dangerous areas. -- Apply “anti slip” treatments to slippery surfaces. -- Have a plan for inclement weather to keep surfaces safe. SMALL BIZ – COMING WAR FOR TALENT For employers it is time to shift from cutting to building. Competition for skilled workers will heat up as the economy improves. A new study by Accenture finds many companies are not ready for the challenge. Accenture believes companies that do not change their focus will not attract good applicants and will lose their best employees to competitors. -- SURVEY --- 41% expect the war for talent will impact their companies, up from 25% a year ago -- 65% consider developing effective leadership a priority -- 8% say their organizations are performing well in that area -- 32% of firms are still focused on cost-cutting and not growth -- 18% are satisfied with their HR departments -- 16% are satisfied with their training programs SMALL BIZ – FLUNKING “EMAIL 101” During the era of corporate scandals, improperly managed e-mail has been the root of many a legal nightmare. Yet, a new study by The ePolicy Institute shows many firms continue to treat e-mail without proper precautions. -- 79% of firms have a written e-mail policy -- 20% have drafted rules regarding instant messages -- 65% of firms use software to monitor external communications -- 27% of firms keep tabs on the internal e-mail conversations between employees -- 20% of firms had employee e-mail subpoenaed in a lawsuit or investigation in 2003 -- 13% of firms have had a workplace lawsuit triggered by an e-mail EU ECONOMIES – EUROZONE GROWTH PEGGED AT 1.5% THIS YEAR, 2.5% IN 2005: MORE: US ECONOMY – CONSUMER CONFIDENCE AT 2-YEAR HIGH: MORE: US ECONOMY – DURABLE GOODS ORDERS UP 0.8% US ECONOMY – HIGH OIL HAS NOT HURT… YET: High oil prices have failed to dent growth in the US economy, but what if oil moves to $50 per barrel? Long-time industry leader T. Boone Pickens thinks the booming world economy will push prices much higher. What then? MORE: US ECONOMY – GDP GROWTH SLOWS: MORE: 3 > > > > > > > TRUCKING SECTION < < < < < < < AllCoveredNEWS - EASY TO READ & PRINT VERSION: TRUCKING – CALIFORNIA’S IDLING LIMIT --- WILL IT SPREAD? --Idle your truck for more than five minutes and face a $100 fine in California if new rules take effect. The state of California has adopted a measure that will limit most truck idling to five minutes beginning next year. Truckers who rest in sleepers in compliance with hours-of-service regulations would be exempt from the time limit, but may be affected by future regulations. The rule from the California Air Resources Board will become effective in six months if it passes the California Office of Administrative Law’s technical review. The California Trucking Association says, “This left long-haul drivers with the option of finding a truck stop in order to plug in an on-board electrification system, renting a room and risk having their cargo stolen, or braving the elements to sleep in the cab.” CARB agreed to work with the trucking industry on the issue. --- EXEMPTIONS --- During certain traffic conditions, such as at a traffic light. - While vehicle is waiting in line, if it is at least 100 feet from residential areas. - When forced to remain motionless because of weather or mechanical difficulties driver cannot control. - When necessary to verify that all equipment is in good working order, such as during a daily inspection or when needed to test, service or diagnose a mechanical problem. - While controlling cargo temperature; operating a lift, crane, pump, drill, hoist, mixer or other auxiliary equipment; or while providing mechanical extension to perform work functions for which the vehicle was designed. MORE: TRUCKING – PROTESTS AT DETROIT INTERMODAL YARD Unrest began with port truckers last month. It is spreading. A group of independent truck drivers stopped work in Detroit last week and formed picket lines to protest what they describe as poor working conditions at rail and container yards. The drivers, who carry shipments between steamships, railroads and customers, conducted their work stoppage with the assistance of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. The union hopes to organize the truck owners and operators, said Dan Dengel of the Teamsters’ Port Division in Detroit. Dengel estimated that 200 drivers joined the protest. Representatives of CSX and Norfolk-Southern said some drivers honored the shutdown, but the majority of shipments to automakers, retailers and other companies were completed. MORE: TRUCKING – PORT TRUCKERS SEEN AS SECURITY RISK: (See “Security” Section) TRUCKING – DIESEL RISES: The US National Average Retail Price for a gallon (3.8 liters) of diesel rose to $1.754 last week. That is $0.01 per gallon higher than the week before, and $0.31 per gallon higher than this time last year. MORE: TRUCKING – CARRIER PROFITS RISE: Capacity is tight, fuel costs are up. Strong volumes and tight capacity have proven beneficial to trucking companies, most of whom are reporting sharply higher prices. MORE: 4 > > > > > > > SECURITY SECTION < < < < < < < AllCoveredNEWS - EASY TO READ & PRINT VERSION: SECURITY – POLICE SMASH HEATHROW CARGO THEFT RING Police arrested 14 people Tuesday saying the crew were making fortunes out of robberies and drug smuggling at Heathrow Airport. Three of those arrested were airport workers or former workers. Four of those arrested are alleged to have been involved in a robbery of USD 6.5-million of mostly American currency at Heathrow in February 2002. The money had just been unloaded off a British Airways flight from Bahrain. Worldwide, crime-related to the loss of cargo at airports is estimated at USD 90-Billion. In the last 18 months, detectives tackling organized crime at Heathrow have arrested 97 people, seized six guns recovered $250-million in stolen goods and convicting 24 people who have been sentenced to jail terms totaling 150 years. MORE: SECURITY – GREECE STEPS UP PORT SECURITY Greece is stepping up cargo security at its key port of Piraeus ahead of next week's Olympic Games. Piraeus has joined the US-led container screening initiative. To get the security program running before the summer Olympics begin on August 13, the United States is lending Greece two large-scale Xray machines that can rapidly screen whole containers for terrorist weapons. MORE: SECURITY - MANY IRAQI SHIPMENTS FROZEN – DELAYED: See “Air & Ocean” Section SECURITY – KERRY ATTACKS BUSH ON PORT SECURITY: Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry decried the lack of physical inspections of all cargo containers entering the United States. "We shouldn't be letting 95% of our container ships come into our port without ever being physically inspected." Kerry did not say what the rate of inspection should be, or offer any details. MORE: SECURITY – CONGRESS CONSIDERS 9-11 IDEAS: When Congress returns for hearings on implementing the recommendations from the 9-11 Commission, they will find the report shares many of their concerns about security weaknesses in cargo transportation. "Major vulnerabilities still exist in cargo and general aviation security," the 585-page report says. "Opportunities to do harm are as great, or greater, in maritime or surface transportation. Initiatives to secure shipping containers have just begun." MORE: SECURITY – PORT TRUCKERS SEEN AS SECURITY RISK - WORRY DHS: As ports ramp up security to face terrorist threats, port truckers are now seen as the next major gap in security. The Department of Homeland Security is taking a hard look at how to close the security gap when a container is transferred to largely unregulated, mom and pop shuttle drivers to move cargo in and out of ports. Most of the thousands of port truckers are “owner-operators” who own their truck, work for themselves, and move containers from ports to final destination on a per-trip fee basis. "There isn't always the capability to track that trucker, and he doesn't always show up when you expect," says Elaine Dezenski, director of cargo and trade policy at DHS. MORE: 5 SECURITY – US WANTS “GOLD STANDARD” OF SECURITY: The Department of Homeland Security wants to establish a "gold standard" for supply-chain security that combines regulation and voluntary cooperation between government and business, say Elaine Dezenski, director of cargo and trade policy for DHS' border and transportation directorate. She says the combination of regulation and incentives that encourage companies to improve security are at the heart of the department's decision making. MORE: SECURITY – UNIONS ALLEGES PORT SECURITY BREACH: The International Longshore and Warehouse Union claims management at the ports of LA & Long Beach, which handle a large share of US Pacific trade, are 'throwing caution to the wind' in their bid to get cargo off ships and to US retailers. The union says container seals are not being checked, empty containers were going uninspected and that searches of workers entering and leaving the two West Coast ports are inconsistent. Shipping companies say they are in compliance with government mandates. MORE:,4567,123532,00.html MORE: SECURITY – SAUDI SHIP WARNING: Hong Kong shipowners and ship managers have been warned that their ships will be barred from ports in Saudi Arabia if they cannot produce international ship security certificates required under new anti-terrorism guidelines. Each ship is required to have an international ship security certificate as part of the International Ship and Port Facility (ISPS) code that came into force on July 1 as an International Maritime Organization anti-terrorism measure. MORE: SECURITY – AUSTRALIA GETS TOUGHER INSPECTING SHIPS: MORE:,4574,123898,00.html? 6 > > > > > > AIR & OCEAN SECTION < < < < < < AllCoveredNEWS - EASY TO READ & PRINT VERSION: TRADE – MANY IRAQI SHIPMENTS FROZEN - DELAYED You cannot truck cargo into Iraq without trucks and without drivers. “Unless Iraq authorities provide a safe environment, no shipper would feel comfortable sending cargo to Iraq,” says an unnamed official. For example, it costs only $500 to move a twenty-foot container (TEU) from India to Dubai. It costs another $2,000 to have the container trucked to Baghdad say reports. The ongoing hostage crisis in Iraq has hit trade. Feeder ships on the Iraq-Middle East sector, which used to carry a lot of cargo, have almost stopped their services. Transport companies from Kuwait and Jordan, which operated truck/trailer services between the Iraqi port city of Umm Qasr and various other cities, have suspended their services and withdrawn their staff, bringing the cargo movement to an abrupt halt. Dubai’s PL Shipping is struggling to move goods with fewer trucks. Simatech Shipping, a leading feeder operator on the Jebel Ali-Iraq sector, is believed to have suspended operations. Most transport service providers from Kuwait and Jordan, including Kuwait and Gulf Link (KGL), whose three Indian drivers were taken captive by a terrorist outfit called ‘Black Banner’, have already announced suspension of services, to save their employees. Daoud and Partners, a Jordanian firm, whose two employees were taken into captivity, has also closed down operations in Iraq. MORE: TRADE – ISRAELI DOCKWORKERS DEFY COURT ORDER: Union longshoremen in Israel defied a court order to end the strike that has crippled cargo handling at the country's main ports. Reports quote government officials as saying cargo handling is moving only at 30% of normal levels. MORE: TRADE – ISRAELI STRIKE HELPS EGYPTIAN PORTS: According to Egypt’s union of water transport users Egyptian ports, which unloaded the ships’ cargo turned away from Israeli ports, netted a profit of over $4.4 million. Since the Israeli port strike began some 70 ships refused to turn back and unpacked some 20,000 containers throughout Middle-Eastern ports. MORE: TRADE – INDIAN PORT STRIKE AT VIZAG: More than 3,000 port workers at Visakhapatnam Port in India have gone on strike, halting work on six berthed ships while seven ships were waiting at roads (deep sea). MORE: TRADE – TRUCKER PROTESTS AT DETROIT INTERMODAL YARD: See “Trucking” Section TRADE – THAILAND LOGISTICS EXPENSIVE: Inefficiency and poor rail infrastructure are blamed for the high cost of logistics in Thailand. Government officials say logistics costs amount to 25% of GDP in Thailand versus 11% in the US and EC. MORE: 7 TRADE – IPBCC RAISES RATES: The India-Pakistan-Bangladesh-Ceylon Conference (IPBCC), which controls 80% of the trade on its route, says rates will go up by $250 a TEU and $500 a FEU for all westbound shipments from the Indian ports of Mumbai, Mundra and Kandla and Pakistan's Karachi, as well as other ports within this range, to the United Kingdom, North Continent, Scandinavian, Baltic and Mediterranean ports. MORE: TRADE - HK CARGO COSTS MUST COME DOWN: A new industry study has urged the government to take urgent steps to reduce the costs of transporting cargoes through Hong Kong. Cheaper port and logistics facilities in nearby Shenzhen are fast eroding Hong Kong's market share, and the effect could be devastating for the port and logistics industry. It costs companies US$300 (HK$2,340) more to ship a cargo via Hong Kong than Shenzhen, said the report by consultants McKinsey & Company. MORE: TRADE - NEW HAWAII SUPER-FERRY FOR CARGO At a cost of only 2 to 3 cents a pound, cargo shippers and farmers can't wait for the Hawaii Superferry to begin service. The company, which plans to begin its inter-island service in the fourth quarter of 2006, filed its schedule and rate plans with the state Public Utilities Commission last week. One-way passenger fares start at $50 and a 20-foot-long truck loaded with goods will be charged $500. "People who run trucking lines have been knocking at our doors asking about rates and if we can start earlier," Superferry's Tim Dick says. "They want to book their space on the ferry right now." MORE: SHIPPING - MOBILE PHONE RISKS --- YOU CAN INSURE THEM --Among the cargo insurance fraternity, folks agree the single most loss prone item in the world is the mobile phone. Because of this, many cargo insurers will not insure cell phones. WE DO INSURE MOBILE PHONES. We do need extra information – a checklist is here: GO TO: CLICK: “Training & Help” – then – CLICK: “What Do I DO?” -- #C3 deals with “high value” items …… We have logistics Allcovered! OCEAN – JUNE CARGO BOOM: Containerized imports from Asia continue to surge, confirming the views of maritime industry analysts that the congestion in Los Angeles-Long Beach and on the intermodal rail network has been in large part due to higher than anticipated cargo volumes. Imports through Long Beach increased 27.6%, and 13% in Los Angeles, compared to June 2003. The LA-Long Beach port complex handles about 70% of the cargo volume on the West Coast and more than 40% of all US containerized imports. MORE: OCEAN – TSA NOT PLANNING RATE HIKE: The Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (TSA) says it is not planning a second rate hike this year despite the decision of the Canadian Transpacific Stabilization Agreement carriers to implement a second eastbound rate increase in August. MORE: 8 OCEAN – US WEST COAST PORTS TO HIRE MORE: Waterfront employers and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union will take emergency action to resolve the labor shortage in Los Angeles-Long Beach by hiring 3,000 part-time workers, known as casuals, and promoting about 1,000 existing part-timers to full-time status. The first wave of new workers should be trained and on the docks in three weeks. Box imports are running 14% ahead of last year and ships are backing up. MORE: OCEAN – VANCOUVER VOLUME UP 7%: MORE: OCEAN – AP MOELLER-MAERSK DENIES HIDING EVIDENCE: Danish shipping group A P MollerMaersk rejected claims made by one of its engineers that he was acting on an unwritten company rule after he was charged by US authorities with destroying documents on oil waste. MORE:,4574,123891,00.html? MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS Up to one-third of all movements of Household Goods suffer damage during transit. Household Goods are not typical cargo. They are not "things." They are memories. They are emotions. They are precious and often irreplaceable. Each existing dent, scratch and chip has a story... and NO ONE wants new damage. Because of that shippers are much more emotional about claims for loss. We can help with tips and tricks for you and the Shipper. GO TO: CLICK: Training & Help” … then… CLICK: What Do I DO?” #C6 will help you and your Shipper of Household Goods. Is your current insurer helping you like this? …… We have logistics ALL covered. AIR – AIR INDIA WILL NOT PRIVATIZE: The Indian government has ruled out privatization of national carrier Air-India and at the same time said the airline's fleet will double within two years. AIR – US & INDONESIA OPEN SKIES: The US and Indonesia signed an open skies aviation agreement that removes all restrictions on air services to, from and beyond each other's territory. AIR – LUFTHANSA EXPANDS SERVICES: Lufthansa Cargo said its “cd.Solutions” product line, which offers customers direct deliveries to their warehouses, is now on tap at Munich and Cologne airports. AIR - DRAGONAIR ADDS CARGO ROUTES: Dragonair will include Frankfurt in Germany and London Stansted as major points in their freighter network. Chief Executive Officer of Dragonair Stanley Hui said the two points will provide Dragonair with even deeper access to central and eastern Europe and the important southern UK market. MORE: AIR – WORLD AIR TRAFFIC SURGES: Passenger numbers are up over 20% worldwide (Asia is up more than 30%). Cargo loads worldwide are up 13% in the first six months of 2003. Capacity is up 21%. MORE: AIR – ATLAS AIR EMERGES FROM BANKRUPTCY: MORE: 9 AIR – AIR CHINA ORDERS FREIGHTERS: Air China is expanding its freighter services with the purchase of two 747-400 Freighters. The first is scheduled for delivery in November 2005, followed by the second delivery in March 2006. MORE: AIR – JUMP IN HK CHARGES: Hong Kong will allow airlines that use its Chek Lap Kok Airport to raise air freight charges in response to soaring jet fuel prices as of next Monday, August 9. Airlines will raise surcharges to US$0.26 per kilogram on long-haul routes. MORE: > > > > > > > > > JUST FOR FUN < < < < < < < < < (These are shared by readers – Please share yours. Thanks. Mike) AllCoveredNEWS - EASY TO READ & PRINT VERSION: THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers on the wine farms and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink their wine, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, “It is better that you drink this wine and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about your liver." OFFICE SICKNESS 1. The Macy's One Day Sale Flu. 2. The Drivers License Renewal Appointment 24-Hour Virus. 3. The Friday-Afternoon-Start-The-Weekend-Early Sudden Unbearable Stomach Pains. 4. The I'm Looking for a New Job and I Don't Know How Long It's Going to Take, but I Want To Stay On The Payroll Until Then Mysterious Infection. 5. The My Boyfriend's Got the Week Off So Suddenly I'm Too Contagious To Come In To The Office Disease. 6. The I Need a Hair Cut and My Stylist Doesn't Make Evening Appointments Bout of Influenza. 7. The There's No Federal Holidays for Two Months and I Want a Day Off Sickness. 8. The It's Spring Break and I Want To Pretend I'm a Teenager Again General Ailment. 9. The I've Messed Up Royally and I Won't Come In To Face the Music Terminal Illness. 10. The I Really Am Sick and I've Got The Doctor's Bills and the Completed Medical Expense Reimbursement Forms to Prove It Infirmity. 10 KITCHEN SIGNS 1. Kitchen closed - - this chick has had it! 2. Martha Stewart doesn't live here!! 3. I'm creative; you can't expect me to be neat too! 4. So this isn't Home Sweet Home... Adjust! 5. Ring Bell for Maid Service...If no answer, do it yourself! 6. I clean house every other day.... Today is the other day! 7. If you write in the dust, please don't date it! 8. I would cook dinner but I can't find the can opener! 9. My house was clean last week, too bad you missed it! 10. A clean kitchen is the sign of a wasted life. 11. COOK CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! 12. I came, I saw, I decided to order take out. 13. If you don't like my standards of cooking...lower your standards. If you have curious or interesting or funny or thoughtful items that might be good in “Just For Fun”, Email them to . Thanks. AllCovered-NEWS is a weekly service for clients and friends of It is intended to help our clients be more effective and better informed than their competition. If you have not received AllCovered-NEWS before, you are receiving today either because you signed up, or a friend recommended you. We hope AllCovered-NEWS is a valuable resource for you. If you wish not to receive AllCovered-NEWS, please hit the “return” button of your browser. In the “Subject” line type “UNSUBSCRIBE” followed by your email addresse. Information for this week’s AllCovered-NEWS was gleaned primarily from: Air Transport World = American Shipper = Business Times of Asia = The Economist = Financial Times of London = Journal of Commerce = Logistics News = Trucking Info = The Trucker = Additional information comes from our own and other sources. This information has been edited for length and to make it more relevant for our clients. We thank these news sources for allowing us to use their material and urge you to support them. This information is believed accurate but is not guaranteed. Copyright 2004 – & The Allen Insurance Group All Rights Reserved 11