Woolley Hill Wind Farm CONDITION 31 CONSTRUCTION METHOD STATEMENT FOR WOOLLEY HILL WIND FARM, ELLINGTON Appeal Decision APP/H0520/A/11/ 2158702 1001741FUL Date of Approval 23rd March 2012 Site of Proposed Development: LAND EAST OF WHITLEATHER LODGE, WOOLLEY HILL, ELLINGTON Description of Proposal: ERECTION OF 4 THREE BLADED WIND TURBINES, UP TO A HEIGHT OF 130.5 METRES, AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRICITY TRANSFORMERS, UNDERGROUND CABLING, TWO NEW ACCESSES TO THE SITE AND NEW BRIDGE, TRACKS, HARDSTANDINGS, CONTROL BUILDING, SUBSTATION COMPOUND, MET AND COMMUNICATIONS MAST FOR A PERIOD OF 25 YEARS; TEMPORARY WORKS TO INCLUDE CONSTRUCTION COMPOUNDS LAY DOWN AREA AND 2 ANEMOMETRY MASTS. Applicant: Address: RES UK & Ireland Limited Beaufort Court Egg Farm Lane Kings Langley Herts WD4 8LR CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .....................................................................................1 3.0 PLANNING CONDITIONS.....................................................................................1 3.1 Conditions of Consent 1 3.2 Non-Material Amendment 5 3.3 Design Basis 5 4.0 CONSTRUCTION PHILOSOPHY AND GENERAL WORKS.................................................6 4.1 Timescale 6 4.2 Environmental Management 7 4.3 Flood Risk Assessment 9 4.4 Site Won Materials 9 4.5 Spoil Management 9 4.6 Traffic Management 10 4.7 Reinstatement of Construction Areas 10 4.8 Community Liaison 10 4.9 Health and Safety Management 10 5.0 CONSTRUCTION METHOD ................................................................................ 11 5.1 Temporary Construction Compounds and Site Fencing 11 5.2 Site Entrances 11 5.3 Site Tracks 12 5.4 Bridge 14 5.5 Crane Hardstandings 15 5.6 Turbine Foundations 16 5.7 Turbine and Turbine Transformer Erection 17 5.8 Cable Trenching Works 18 5.9 Substation Compound and RES Control Building 19 5.10 Grid Connection 20 5.11 Anemometry & Communication masts 21 6.0 DECOMMISSIONING METHOD............................................................................. 22 6.1 Site Access Tracks & Temporary Hardstanding Areas 22 6.2 Wind turbines 22 6.3 Turbine Foundations 22 6.4 Electrical Equipment 23 7.0 RECORDS .................................................................................................... 23 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Construction Method Statement (CMS) is submitted by RES UK & Ireland Ltd (RES). The principal objective of this document is to provide information on the methodologies to construct and decommission Woolley Hill Wind Farm, to assist in discharging the preconstruction planning conditions (Appeal Ref: APP/H0520/A/11/2158702). At the time of preparing this CMS, RES were yet to appoint a wind turbine manufacturer or contractors to undertake the electrical or civil engineering works. The contractor(s) appointed to construct the project will prepare detailed method statements to construct the works. These detailed method statements will incorporate the details in this outline CMS. The construction methodologies described in this CMS have been developed in accordance with relevant local and national design standards, guidelines, regulations and publications and with due regard to avoiding, minimising and mitigating adverse environmental impacts. 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed Woolley Hill Wind Farm is made up of the following elements: Installation of four wind turbines with a maximum height to blade tip of 130.5 m including an external transformer at each turbine; Construction of approximately 2.0 km of new access track and the upgrade of approximately 1.1 km of existing access track; Construction of associated infrastructure including an on-site substation, crane hardstandings, electrical connection cables and a permanent met mast; Provision of two temporary site calibration and power performance masts; and Provision of two temporary construction compounds during the construction period. 3.0 PLANNING CONDITIONS 3.1 Conditions of Consent Consent was received on the 23rd March 2012 to construct and operate the Woolley Hill Wind Farm wind powered electricity generating station subject to condition compliance. For ease of reference, the sections of this document which relate to specific Planning Condition’s are included in Table 1. RES acknowledges that unless otherwise agreed with Huntingdonshire District Council through the CMS approval process, the development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved plans and conditions. p.1 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved Table 1 - Woolley Hill Wind Farm Planning Conditions and Relevant Supporting Information No. 1 3 4 5 6 7 Planning Condition Relevant CMS Section The development hereby permitted shall begin not later than 5 years from the date of this decision. (23 March 2012) The permission hereby granted shall expire no later than 25 years from the date when electrical power is first exported from any of the wind turbines to the electricity grid network, excluding electricity exported during initial testing and commissioning (‘First Export Date’). Written confirmation of the First Export Date shall be provided to the Local Planning Authority no later than one calendar month after the event. Not later than 12 months before the expiry of this permission, a decommissioning and site restoration scheme shall be submitted for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall make provision for the removal of the wind turbines and the associated above ground equipment and foundations to a depth of at least one metre below finished ground level. The scheme shall include the management and timing of any works; a traffic management plan to address likely traffic impact issues during the decommissioning period; an environmental management plan to include details of measures to be taken during the decommissioning period to protect wildlife and habitats; identification of access routes; location of material laydown areas; restoration measures; and a programme of implementation. The approved scheme shall be fully implemented within 24 months of the expiry of this permission. If any of the turbines hereby permitted fails to produce electricity for supply to the grid for a continuous period of 6 months, a scheme shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for its written approval within 3 months of the end of that 6 month period for the repair or removal of the relevant turbine. Where repairs or replacements are required the scheme shall include a proposed programme of remedial works. Where removal of the relevant turbine is required the scheme shall include a method statement and timetable for the dismantling and removal of the relevant turbine and associated above ground works and foundations to a depth of at least one metre below finished ground level; and a method statement and timetable for any necessary restoration works following removal of the turbine. The relevant scheme shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details and timetable. Construction work shall only take place between the hours of 07:00 – 19:00 on Monday to Friday inclusive and 08:00 – 13:00 hours on Saturdays, with no construction work on a Sunday or Public Holiday. Outside these hours, works at the site shall be limited to emergency works and dust suppression. The Local Planning Authority shall be informed in writing of emergency works within 3 working days of occurrence. Where turbine erection has started, emergency work includes any construction work necessary to make the turbine safe. The delivery of any construction materials or equipment for the construction of the development, other than turbine blades, nacelles and towers, shall be restricted to the hours of 07:00 – 19:00 on Monday to Friday inclusive and 08:00 – 13:00 hours on Saturdays with no such deliveries on a Sunday or Public Holiday unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority having been given a minimum of 7 working days written notice of the proposed delivery. 4.1.1 4.1.1 4.1.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.2 p.2 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved 8 9 10 11 12 13 30 31 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) The turbines shall have a semi matt finish and be a pale grey colour. Prior to the erection of any turbine, its exact specification of finish and colour along with details of dimensions, finish and colour of any external transformer units and the proposed meteorological and communications masts shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No name, sign, symbol or logo shall be displayed on any external surfaces of the turbines or any external transformer units or the masts other than those required to meet statutory requirements. The development shall be carried out as approved and thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved details. The overall height of the wind turbines shall not exceed 130.5 metres to the tip of the blades when the turbine blade is in the vertical position as measured from natural ground conditions immediately adjacent to the turbine base. The hub height of the wind turbines shall be between 77 metres and 87 metres. All wind turbine blades shall rotate in the same direction. There shall be no permanent illumination on the site other than a passive infra-red-operated external door light for the substation building door to allow safe access; temporary lighting required during the construction period or during maintenance; or emergency lighting; and infra-red lighting required by Condition 23. Construction of the substation building and the associated substation compound and parking area shall not commence until details of the external appearance and materials to be used, together with details of surface and foul water drainage, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details. All cabling between turbines and between the turbines and substation shall be laid underground. The development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment (February 2011) submitted in Appendix 3.1 of the Supplementary Environmental Information. Development shall not be begun until a construction method statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The construction method statement shall set out details of all on-site construction works; postconstruction reinstatement; drainage; mitigation; and other restoration, together with details of their timetabling. It shall include details of, and measures to secure:the phasing of construction works; the formation of the temporary construction compound and the temporary enabling works construction compound; the temporary laydown area; and the temporary anemometry masts; dust management and suppression; cleaning of site entrances, facilities for wheel washing and cleaning the adjacent public highway; pollution control, including the protection of water courses and ground water; subsoil surface water drainage; bunding of fuel storage areas; sewage and foul water drainage and disposal; and emergency procedures and pollution response plans; temporary site illumination during the construction period; 5.7.1 5.7.1 5.7.1 4.2.3 and 5.7.1 5.9.1 5.8.1 4.3 4.1 5.1 4.2.4 5.2 4.2.2 and 5.9.1 4.2.3 p.3 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved (j) the methods to be adopted to reduce the effects of noise occurring during the construction period to the lowest practicable levels and in accordance with BS 5228: Noise control on construction and open sites; storage of materials and disposal of surplus materials; the construction of the access into the site, the erection of any entrance gates and the creation and maintenance of associated visibility splays; access tracks and other areas of hardstanding; (k) the construction of the crane pads; 5.5 (l) the carrying out of foundation works; 5.6 (m) method of working cable trenches; 5.8 (n) the erection of the meteorological and communications masts; 5.11 (o) watercourse crossings; 4.2.1 (p) soils storage and handling; 4.5 (q) post-construction restoration/reinstatement of the working areas; the sheeting of all heavy goods vehicles construction materials to, or spoil from, the site to prevent spillage or deposit of any materials on the highway; 6.0 (g) (h) (i) (r) (s) (t) (u) any works to the public highway including temporary widening and/or replacement of street furniture; a traffic management plan including access and egress arrangements for abnormal loads and heavy goods vehicles; pre and post construction surveys of the slip road at junction 20 of the A14 (T) and Maltings Lane, from the east bound on-road at junction 20 to the site entrance, and a programme and methodology for any repairs as a consequence of any damage caused by construction traffic following the completion of construction; and a local signage scheme; and restricted access to the skew bridge by way of a removable barrier. 4.2.1 4.5 5.2 5.3 and 5.5 4.2.1 4.6 4.6 5.4 p.4 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved 3.2 Non-Material Amendment During the development of detailed designs for the construction of the wind farm it became apparent that improvements could be made through small changes in the layout of infrastructure, to help minimise the quantities of earthworks required and improve health and safety during construction. A Non-Material Amendment (NMA) was thus applied for and approved in February 2013, refer to Annex 1 for details of the approval and description of changes to the design incorporated in the NMA. 3.3 Design Basis RES has employed a mix of internal specialists and external consultants to develop and validate an appropriate design associated with the site specific conditions for Woolley Hill Wind Farm. The following parties were used in the preparation of this method statement: McCloy Consulting (Drainage design) Waterman Transport & Development Ltd (Site Access and Bridge design) Mott MacDonald (Substation design) RSK Environment Ltd (Geotechnical Investigations) p.5 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved 4.0 CONSTRUCTION PHILOSOPHY AND GENERAL WORKS Woolley Hill Wind Farm will be constructed in accordance with the Environmental Statement 2010, the Supplementary Environmental Information 2011 and the Non-material Amendment 2013 prepared during the development stage of the project. Throughout the development of project, the overarching design philosophy has been to ensure the design: minimises extent of infrastructure; avoids sensitive habitats; minimises environmental impacts; and maximises health and safety. Where appropriate and practicable, local plant and materials will be used in order to maximise the benefit of the wind farm project to the local community. 4.1 Timescale 4.1.1 Wind Farm Operation In accordance with Planning Condition 1, the development will commence before the expiration of 5 years from the date of the consent. In accordance with Planning Condition 3, the permission for the operation of the Wind Farm is for a period not exceeding 25 years from the date when electrical power is first exported from any of the wind turbines to the electricity grid network, excluding electricity exported during initial testing and commissioning. In accordance with Planning Condition 4, within 24 months of the end of the period of consent pursuant to Planning Condition 3, those parts of the Development requiring decommissioning and restoration in accordance with the conditions of the consent will be removed and the land restored, in accordance with the decommissioning of the scheme and detailed restoration and aftercare required by Planning Condition 4. In accordance with Planning Condition 5, if an installed and commissioned turbine fails to produce electricity for supply to the grid for a continuous period of 6 months, a scheme will be submitted to Huntingdonshire District Council for its written approval within 3 months of the end of that 6 month period for the repair or removal of the relevant turbine. 4.1.2 Wind Farm Construction Hours In accordance with Planning Condition 6, construction work will only take place between the hours of 07:00 – 19:00 on Monday to Friday inclusive and 08:00 – 13:00 hours on Saturdays. No construction work will take place on a Sunday or Public Holiday. Outside these hours, works at the site will be limited to emergency works and dust suppression. The Local Planning Authority will be informed in writing of emergency works within 3 working days of occurrence. Where turbine erection has started, emergency work includes any construction work necessary to make the turbine safe. In accordance with Planning Condition 7, the delivery of any construction materials or equipment for the construction of the development, other than turbine blades, nacelles and towers, will be restricted to the hours of 07:00 – 19:00 on Monday to Friday inclusive and 08:00 – 13:00 hours on Saturdays with no deliveries on Sundays or Public Holidays. p.6 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved If any works are required outside these times, written details will be provided and agreed with the Local Planning Authority prior to commencing. Table 2 highlights the projected key dates and timescale for construction activities. Table 2 - Outline Project Programme Jul12 Task Aug13 Sep13 Oct13 Nov13 Dec13 Jan14 Feb14 Mar14 Apr14 Mobilise to site and set up main construction compound Site Entrance and on-site tracks Crane Hardstandings Abnormal Load Site Entrance Turbine Foundations Control Building & Substation MV Cable Installation Turbine Deliveries Turbine Erection Operational Take Over 4.2 Environmental Management Monitoring will be carried out throughout the construction of the wind farm. Specific documents relating to this are: 1. Environmental Requirements of Contractors – Annex 3 2. Emergency Procedure in the Event of a Contaminant Spill – Annex 4 3. SuDS Design Statement – Annex 5 4. Water Quality Monitoring Procedure – Annex 6 4.2.1 Contractors Requirements Specific details of the environmental management and emergency procedures to be adopted during the construction phase by Contractors are detailed in the Environmental Requirements of Contractors document. RES specific environmental management requirements and compliance of the Contractors to their environmental responsibilities are managed through our Environmental Management System Procedures and Policies which are certified to ISO 14001. The appointed Contractors will be required to adopt methods of working on site which reduce the effects of noise occurring during the construction period in accordance with BS 5228: Noise control on construction and open sites. The following mitigation measures will be implemented where necessary: For any particular job where construction noise may be an issue, the quietest plant and/or machinery will be used where reasonably practical; All equipment will be maintained in good working order and fitted with the appropriate silencers, mufflers or acoustic covers where applicable; p.7 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved Stationary noise sources will be sited as far away as reasonably possible from residential properties and where necessary acoustic barriers will be used to shield them; and The movement of vehicles to and from the site will be controlled and employees supervised to ensure compliance with the noise control measures adopted. The appointed Contractors will be required to sheet all heavy goods vehicles when transporting loose construction materials to, or spoil from the site, to prevent spillage or deposit of any materials on the highway. 4.2.2 Management of Surface and Ground Water and Water Quality Monitoring Any incident that may impact on water quality will be dealt with in accordance with the Emergency Procedure in the Event of a Contaminant Spill. Detailed measures to address surface water management during the construction of the wind farm will be based upon the SuDS Design Statement prepared by McCloy Consulting. Water quality monitoring in accordance with the Water Quality Monitoring Procedure will be undertaken on discharge waters prior to, during and following the construction phase to assess and manage the performance of the drainage system, making adjustments as necessary to ensure that site drainage does not impact on local watercourses. 4.2.3 Temporary Lighting Temporary lighting will be required at the temporary construction compounds for security purposes and to ensure that a safe working environment is provided to construction staff. In addition, temporary lighting may be required to ensure safe working conditions during construction. Any works will be undertaken within the working hours defined by Planning Condition 6 of the planning permission, unless otherwise agreed with the Planning Authority. All lighting rigs will be downward facing and all lights will be switched off during daylight hours. 4.2.4 Dust Management Typical construction operations such as the excavation and deposition of materials, vehicle movements around site and site cutting works may result in dust arising during the works. The potential issue of dust creation during the works will be weather and season dependant, therefore detailed dust management methods will be subject to the works programme and contractor working methods. Dust management will be carried out at all times in accordance with industry best practice measures to ensure that any local sensitive receptors are not affected by nuisance levels of dust from the works. The following methods of dust suppression will be implemented during the construction phase of the wind farm: Site tracks to be damped down using bowser or other suitable system; Road sweeper to be used to remove loose material from highways during construction; Cleaning vehicles including wheel washing facilities; Soil erosion control measures; Speed limits to be put in place to ensure low vehicle speeds; Vehicle loads to be covered; Damping of dry excavations and cutting activities which generate dust; and p.8 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved 4.3 Programming of works to minimise the time that soils are exposed. Flood Risk Assessment Planning Condition 30 states that the development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) (February 2011) submitted in Appendix 3.1 of the Supplementary Environmental Information. Mitigation measures outlined in the FRA have been incorporated in the design of the new bridge, access tracks, drainage and other site infrastructure and the positioning of temporary and permanent buildings on site. The following consents will be obtained from the relevant drainage authority (Environment Agency and Alconbury and Ellington Internal Drainage Board (IDB)) to satisfy compliance with Planning Condition 30: Environment Agency Flood Defence Consents (separate consents for both the Permanent and Temporary works): Construction of the new bridge across Ellington Brook; and Construction of access tracks, associated extension of drainage pipe and connection of new drainage to existing outfall within 9m of the top of bank for Ellington Brook. Alconbury and Ellington IDB Application for Consent for Works Affecting Watercourses: 4.4 Works affecting tributaries of an IDB controlled watercourse; and Extension of drainage pipe. Site Won Materials Analysis of geotechnical site investigation results has determined that material won from the lower strata is unsuitable for construction use within the development. Therefore all stone for tracks, compounds, sub-station and crane hardstandings will be imported from appropriate local sources, where possible. Soil mixing, strengthening and compacting may occur with materials available in the upper soil strata on site and will be performed in-situ to the extent possible. Suitable material at locations specific to excavations such as turbine foundations, crane hard standings and building platforms may be excavated and treated such that they are suitable as engineering fill within the site. 4.5 Spoil Management In line with construction best practice and to suit the ground conditions anticipated on site, the track and crane hardstanding design has endeavoured to minimise spoil created during construction. Topsoil and spoil excavated during the works will generally be stockpiled close to the excavation to limit vehicle movements on site. There will be no permanent storage of excavated materials within a 10m buffer of any watercourse, stream or river on site to prevent possible wash-out of fine soils or risk of instability of the watercourse banks. There will be no permanent spoil stockpiled within the floodplain as identified in the Environment Agency’s flood mapping. The locations for the permanent placement of excavated spoil are shown on Drawing 02341D3503-01 in Annex 2. p.9 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved 4.6 Traffic Management In accordance with Planning Condition 30(t), details of the proposed traffic management for the site have been developed and are included in the Woolley Hill Wind Farm Traffic Management Plan (TMP) (Reference: 02341-004519). 4.7 Reinstatement of Construction Areas 4.7.1 General Reinstatement will be undertaken as work progresses using the turf and or topsoil removed during the construction activities detailed in Section 5. In addition, following the completion of the works a final inspection of the wind farm site will be undertaken and in circumstances where reinstatement using turf and or topsoil is unsuccessful alternative methods will be considered. 4.7.2 Temporary Construction Compounds The temporary construction compounds will be reinstated to the approximate pre-construction condition and the following shall take place: 4.8 all temporary structures, construction equipment and fencing will be removed; the granular material which was placed to form the hardstanding areas will be taken up and removed to areas agreed with the landowner; and the areas will be backfilled with material stripped and stored during the construction of the compounds, covered with topsoil and reseeded as required. Community Liaison Throughout the construction period of the project, RES will maintain an open dialogue with local residents and all other interested parties. Regular progress meetings will be held within the local communities and updates on progress and forthcoming activities will be communicated by a dedicated website and regular newsletters. A dedicated Community Liaison Officer will be appointed to provide a key contact between RES and the community through a Community Liaison Group (CLG). Details of this CLG are provided in Annex 7. 4.9 Health and Safety Management The Principal Contractor will be responsible for ensuring that a construction phase health and safety plan is implemented and followed on site. All work will be carried out in accordance with: the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974; the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007; and all applicable third party safety guidelines. p.10 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved 5.0 CONSTRUCTION METHOD 5.1 Temporary Construction Compounds and Site Fencing 5.1.1 General Temporary construction compounds are required for the provision of site offices, welfare facilities and storage arrangements for materials, plant and equipment. There are two temporary construction compounds required for different areas and stages of the project. The temporary construction compounds will be constructed at the locations indicated on Drawing 02341D1001-06 in Annex 2. Details of the construction compounds are shown on Drawings 02341D2220-02, 02341D2239-02 and 02341D2229-02 in Annex 2. The Main Construction Compound shown in Drawing 02341D2220-02 and 02341D2239-02 in Annex 2 will be built for use during construction of the access tracks and as the main compound for the site, with welfare facilities provided at this location. The Enabling Works Construction Compound shown in Drawing 02341D2229-02 in Annex 2 will be used solely for the temporary setting down of materials during the construction of the Ellington Brook Bridge. As the compound is located within the floodplain identified within the EA flood mapping, it will not be fenced and no temporary construction buildings will be erected. 5.1.2 General Construction Method The typical construction activities associated with the temporary construction compounds are: the areas to be used as compounds will be set out; topsoil shall be removed and carefully stockpiled; granular material will be spread and compacted to provide an area suitable for the siting of offices, storage containers, parking (where required) and to enable offloading of materials; a covered, impermeable bunded area will be provided within the Main Construction Compound for the storage of fuel oils. Refuelling will be undertaken in line with the requirements as outlined in Annex 4; the Main Construction Compound will be fenced around the perimeter and secured with locked gates outside working hours. 5.2 Site Entrances 5.2.1 General Method All traffic associated with construction of the wind farm (except for some larger turbine components) will be required to access the site via Grove Lane using the newly constructed General Site Entrance in accordance with the TMP. Grove Lane is a Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) adopted highway, therefore technical approval for the new entrance will be sought from CCC. Turbine component deliveries will be made via both the newly constructed General Site Entrance and the Abnormal Load Site Entrance from the eastbound off-slip at Junction 20 of the A14. The A14 off-slip is a Highways Agency (HA) adopted highway, therefore technical approval for the new entrance will be sought from the HA. p.11 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved The site entrances will be constructed at the locations indicated on Drawing 02341D1001-06 in Annex 2. Details of the site entrances are provided in the Woolley Hill Wind Farm Traffic Management Plan (TMP) (Reference: 02341-004519). All works to be carried out within the public highway will be designed in accordance with the relevant Highway Authority’s standards. Technical approval for the works will be obtained from the relevant Highway Authority prior to the works commencing. The technical approval will address: construction of the access into the site; erection of entrance gates; creation of visibility splays; installation of a removable barrier for restricting access to the new bridge (Abnormal Loads Site Entrance only); and cleaning of site entrances, facilities for wheel washing and cleaning the adjacent public highway. Prior to public road works being undertaken, a Section 278 Agreement in accordance with the Highways Act 1980 will be entered into with the relevant Highway Authorities. All works to public roads will be carried out in accordance with details of the Section 278 Agreement. A detailed programme of all works and any required traffic management proposals will be submitted to and agreed with the Highway Authorities 5.2.2 General Construction Methodology The site entrances will be constructed in accordance with the approved technical drawings as follows: obtain necessary permits and approvals from Cambridge County Council, Highways Agency and the Environment Agency; inform statutory services & identify any assets to be protected or diverted; install appropriate traffic management; topsoil shall be removed and carefully stockpiled; new drainage will be installed taking care to ensure that existing drainage will not be compromised; edge restraints where required in the design will be installed; road pavement works at the site entrance will be completed to the design requirements of the relevant Highway Authority; and line marking, signage, fencing and vehicle restraint systems required as part of the design will be completed. 5.3 Site Tracks 5.3.1 Design Philosophy The general approach to road construction is to provide an alignment that minimises environmental impact whilst providing an access track that meets the requirements for the safe delivery of wind turbine components and other vehicles. The running width of the tracks shall be in accordance with the requirements of the chosen turbine supplier. Typically this is 4.5 - 5.5 metres wide on straight sections, increasing at corners and passing places to accommodate the swept path of turbine delivery vehicles. The p.12 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved track working area will be kept to the minimum required allowing for working area, safe access, drainage and electrical works. All site tracks have been designed taking account of the loadings provided by the turbine manufacturer, and will consist of compacted stone structure. A number of track designs may be utilised on site which will be determined during detailed design dependent on the ground conditions encountered on site. Examples of the track designs that may be used can be found in Drawing 02341D2221-02 in Annex 2 and include: cut track from suitable load bearing strata; cut track from ground improved strata; floating track; and another appropriate method identified by the civil works contractor appointed to undertake the works. Track drainage will be incorporated within the design as set out in Drawings MCL11554_DWG_101_5 to MCL115-54_DWG_105_5 in Annex 5. 5.3.2 Cut Track Cut track construction may be used in areas identified where the thickness of soft soils is low, and the underlying layer has adequate load bearing properties. This cut track system will likely consist of a suitable capping layer and then a suitable running layer, but may be optimised if a stiffer bearing stratum is encountered. 5.3.3 Floating Track Floating track construction may be adopted where the ground conditions require. This system involves installing geo-grid directly onto the organic or exposed soil layer and placing layers of suitable stone and geo-grid (as required) above. 5.3.4 Ground Stabilisation Where the load bearing properties of the underlying soils are determined to be insufficient, ground stabilisation may be carried out to provide adequate bearing capacity of the formation level. A variety of methods may be required due to the variable nature of the ground at Woolley Hill but are likely to comprise in-situ soil mixing with lime and/or cement. Specific construction methods shall be selected at detailed design stage in consultation with specialist contractors. Any track design based on ground improvement techniques will be performed in accordance with a project specific Specification for Ground Improvement Works. 5.3.5 Watercourse buffers A buffer zone will be maintained around all watercourses on site. The exception to these buffer zones is where there are crossing points or where the existing track is located within the buffer zone. Site personnel will be made aware of the buffer zones through the site induction and specific tool box talks. Buffer zones and mitigation measures to prevent contamination of watercourse by silts will be in accordance with the SuDS Design Statement provided by McCloy Consulting in Annex 5. 5.3.6 General Construction Methodology The following general methodology will apply to construction operations for both upgraded tracks and new tracks: p.13 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved 5.4 establish alignment of the site tracks from the construction drawings and mark out the centrelines with ranging rods or timber posts, track corridors shall be pegged out in advance of operations; a cut off ditch may be installed on the slope above the earthworks footprint where achievable given the sloping topography; topsoil will be removed and stored carefully for use in reinstatement works (not applicable to floated tracks); any remaining subsoil will be excavated down to a suitable bearing stratum and set aside along each side of the road, for later use in landscaping, backfilling around structures and verge reinstatement (not applicable for floated tracks); design buffer zones will be adhered to and as construction is progressed the effectiveness of the buffer zones will be reviewed and if necessary increased; depending on depth and type of material, embankment slopes are anticipated to be between 1:1 to 1:3; the stone track pavement material shall then be either spread by a dozer or placed by excavator and compacted in layers, typically using vibratory rollers. The thickness of layers and amount of compaction required will be determined based on the design, which will take account of the characteristics of the material and the compaction plant to be used; track drainage will be excavated adjacent to the tracks where required. The running surfaces of the site tracks will be finished to encourage drainage and reduce ponding. Surface water runoff will not be allowed to discharge directly into existing watercourses but will be routed through the drainage system; where the road alignment crosses existing drainage channels, crossings appropriate to the location will be designed in accordance with the relevant guidelines; and reinstatement of the road verges, drainage swales and embankments will be ongoing as the roads are constructed. The intention will be to minimise the amount of time in which any material will be stockpiled. Bridge A bridge across Ellington Brook is required to provide access to the site for the delivery of turbine components. The construction of the bridge will require permanent Flood Defence Consent from the Environment Agency under the Flood and Water Management Act. The Abnormal Load Access Bridge General Arrangement is shown on Drawing CIV_SA_03_100_A03 in Annex 2.The proposed bridge will be a single span bridge so that there is no support within the existing channel and will have an overall length of approximately 10.5 metres between faces of abutments. The bridge deck will be supported on reinforced concrete abutments and have steel containment parapets. 5.4.1 Method Statement A Flood Defence Consent for temporary works will be obtained from the Environment Agency, prior to the works commencing. The temporary works Flood Defence Consent will include a method statement developed with reference to “Works and maintenance in or near water: PPG5” and will details how elements of the bridge will be built including addressing the following: excavation for abutments and managing the risk of silt pollution; disposal of contaminated water; managing concrete and cement used in the works; and p.14 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved use of oils and chemicals in the works. 5.5 Crane Hardstandings 5.5.1 Design Philosophy All crane hardstandings will be designed taking account of the loadings provided by turbine manufacturers, and will consist of one or a combination of the following: a compacted stone structure bearing directly on a suitable formation strata; a compacted stone structure bearing on a formation strata improved through ground stabilisation techniques; a compacted stone structure bearing on a strengthened soil mass created by the installation of multiple stone or concrete columns; or another appropriate method identified by the civil works contractor appointed to undertake the works. Floated construction is not deemed to be acceptable for crane hardstandings due to the flexibility of such structures and the inevitable settlement. 5.5.2 General Method The main crane hardstandings are anticipated to be 40m x 30m and have a maximum cross and longitudinal fall tolerance of 1% (1:100). The temporary hardstanding elements as shown in Drawing 02341D2226-04 in Annex 2 will be reinstated post construction. The main crane hardstanding area will be left uncovered for the operational lifetime of the wind farm in line with good practice outlined in the Scottish National Heritage guidance “Good Practice during Windfarm Construction”. Where competent soils exist close to the existing ground surface, the hardstanding area shall typically be constructed using the following methods: a cut off ditch may be installed on the slope above the earthworks footprint where required given the sloping topography; topsoil will be removed and stored carefully for use in reinstatement works; any remaining subsoil will be excavated down to a suitable bearing stratum and set aside for later use in landscaping, backfilling around structures and verge reinstatement; where excavation is required to extend below the water table or in material which does not drain freely, appropriate pumping will be employed to keep the excavation dry. Water pumped from an excavation shall not be discharged directly to any watercourse, and shall be treated according to the principles of the SuDS Design Statement, refer Annex 5. temporary & permanent drainage shall be installed; temporary and permanent drainage will be excavated adjacent to the crane hardstanding where required. The surfaces of the crane hardstanding will be finished to a cross fall of no greater than 1% to encourage drainage and reduce ponding. Surface water runoff will not be allowed to discharge directly into existing watercourses but will be routed through the drainage system; the crane hardstanding material shall then be either spread by a dozer or placed by excavator and compacted in layers, typically using vibratory rollers. The thickness of layers and amount of compaction required will be determined based on the design, p.15 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved which will take account of the characteristics of the material and the compaction plant to be used. Where the load bearing properties of the underlying soils are determined to be insufficient, ground stabilisation may be carried out to provide adequate bearing capacity of the formation level. Due to the variable nature of the ground at Woolley Hill Wind Farm, specific construction methods shall be selected at detailed design stage in consultation with specialist contractors. Such methods may consist of: Compaction of the existing in situ soils; Lime/cement stabilisation of the existing in situ soils; or Installation of stone or concrete columns to provide adequate support. Any crane hardstanding design based on ground improvement techniques will be performed in accordance with a project specific Specification for Ground Improvement Works. In all cases, the completed hardstanding platform shall consist of a compacted stone layer from the improved formation level to design level. 5.6 Turbine Foundations 5.6.1 Design Philosophy Foundations will be designed in accordance with the RES Basis of Design - Wind Turbine Gravity Base Foundations, taking account of the specific foundation techniques to be employed at Woolley Hill. Due account will be taken of guidance provided in appropriate codes and standards such as Eurocodes, British Standards and other specialist design documents. Due to the anticipated load bearing capacity of the near surface soils, gravity base turbine foundations are expected to be used to support the wind turbine superstructure. The wind turbine foundation is characterised by having to resist very high overturning moments. Gravity foundations are designed to have sufficient weight to maintain stability under all loading conditions and be of appropriate size and stiffness to distribute load in accordance with the geotechnical conditions encountered at each turbine location. The foundations will be designed as a reinforced concrete structural slab. The foundation geotechnical design will be based on the information contained in the site investigation reports produced by RSK Environment Ltd and factors of safety will be incorporated in accordance with European design standards. The site specific designs will typically be of the dimensions detailed on Drawing 02341D2225-02 in Annex 2. An earth mat will be buried around the turbine to provide protection to personnel in the event of an electrical fault during operation of the wind farm. The foundations will been designed and constructed in accordance with relevant UK safety legislation and design regulations. Design risk assessments will be carried out and risk mitigation measures incorporated into the design. 5.6.2 General Construction Method Details of the foundation works are detailed in the sections below: the extent of the excavation will be marked out, including an allowance for trimming the sides of the excavation to provide a safe working area; the topsoil will be excavated and stored to one side for reuse during the landscaping around the finished turbine; p.16 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved where excavation is required to extend below the water table or in material which does not drain freely, appropriate pumping will be employed to keep the excavation dry. Water pumped from an excavation shall not be discharged directly to any watercourse, and shall be treated according to the principles of the SuDS Design Statement, refer Annex 5. temporary & permanent drainage shall be installed; excavation will be undertaken to competent material. Excavated material may be stockpiled temporarily adjacent to the excavation for later use as backfill or stored elsewhere on site; a layer of concrete blinding will be laid directly on top of the newly exposed formation, finished to ensure a flat and level working surface; steel reinforcement, the turbine anchorage system and cable ducts will be fixed in accordance with the designer’s drawings and schedules. Formwork will be erected around the steel cage; concrete will be placed using a crane, pump or other suitable lifting device and compacted using vibrating pokers to the levels and profile indicated on the drawings and in accordance with best working practices; upon completion of the concreting works the foundation will be covered and allowed to cure; following the curing period any formwork around the foundation will be stripped and stored for reuse; the foundation will be backfilled with suitable material, where possible using the material arising during the excavation, and landscaped using the vegetated soil layer set aside during the initial excavation; a gravel footpath will be built leading from the access track or crane hardstanding to the turbine door or access steps and around the turbine for maintenance. In the case where competent material is lower than the required formation level the foundation will likely be over-excavated to competent material and compacted engineering fill used to provide suitable bearing capacity. 5.7 Turbine and Turbine Transformer Erection 5.7.1 Turbines In reference to Planning Condition 8, Planning Condition 9 and Planning Condition 10, the turbine will be supplied with a semi matt finish and be pale grey colour (RAL 7035) and installed with a height not exceeding 130.5 m measured from ground levels to the blade tip in the vertical position. The wind turbine blades will rotate in the same direction. The turbines will not carry any symbols, logos or other lettering except where required under other legislation. However, RES propose to add turbine numbers to the base of each tower to aid service engineers during the operational phase of the wind farm. A typical detail for a completed turbine is shown in Drawing 02341D2227-02 in Annex 2. In line with health and safety best practice, turbine manufacturers have indicated a preference to locate a passive infra-red (PIR) detector and light above each turbine door. It should be noted that this lamp will not be permanently lit and would only be switched by the PIR when personnel approach a particular turbine. Specific locations for the turbines are as per Drawing 02341D0001-09 in Annex 2. p.17 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved 5.7.2 Turbine Transformers Depending on the model of turbine finally chosen for the site, turbine transformers will be placed externally to the main turbine. The transformers are delivered by the manufacturer. If the oil cooled type, they will be supplied full of oil and will not require topping up or filtering on site. The transformers will be of the sealed type and will be inspected for any damage prior to offloading. The units will be tested, commissioned and energised by suitably trained and authorised persons. The transformers will be located within enclosures which shall be locked, accessible by trained and authorised personnel only, and displaying appropriate warning signs. 5.7.3 General Turbine Erection Method The following steps will be undertaken in order to erect the turbines on site: turbine components are delivered in sections to the site; the sections are lifted by adequately sized cranes (1 main crane and smaller tail crane) and positioned on the foundations / other turbine sections until the entire turbine is erected; wind turbine erection is subject to a maximum wind speed and for safety and structural reasons if the upper tower section is in place it must have the nacelle section in place too, or other means to ensure the structural integrity of the tower in its partly constructed state; upon completion of the erection all fasteners will be tightened to the correct torque and the internal fit out of the turbine undertaken. Finally the mains power will be connected to the turbine controller; and when the controller is ‘booted up’ the turbine commissioning will commence, and following the successful execution of the ‘tests on completion’ the turbines will be handed over as complete. 5.8 Cable Trenching Works 5.8.1 Design Philosophy In accordance with Planning Condition 13, all electricity and other service cables between the turbines and the substation/control building will be placed underground. The detailed construction and trenching specifications will depend on the ground conditions encountered but typically cables will be directly buried inside a trench, except at road crossings where cables will be ducted. 5.8.2 General Method The approximate layout of onsite cables can be found in Drawing 02341D4301-01 in Annex 2. The cable trench cross sectional size is dependent on the number and size of the cables required at each location. Typical details of a cable trench are shown in Drawing 02341D430402 in Annex 2. The following construction method will typically be used when cable trenching is on flat terrain: trenches will be excavated and a suitable bedding material placed for which to lay the cables upon. The ground is trenched typically using a mechanical digging machine; p.18 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved the cables shall be laid directly onto the bedding material; the trench will then be backfilled and compacted with a suitably competent material up to the required level and finished with a layer of topsoil to aid in the trench reinstatement. a suitable marking tape is installed between the cables and the surface; and the cables are terminated on the switchgear at each turbine and the substation. 5.9 Substation Compound and RES Control Building 5.9.1 Design Philosophy MV cables will export power from the wind turbine generators to the RES substation compound and control building before being transferred to the local distribution network. The location of the control building is shown on Drawing 02341D1001-06 in Annex 2. The control building has been designed, sized and positioned to be sympathetic with the surroundings. To ensure a high level of design will be carried out in the development of the control building and substation, Mott Macdonald has been commissioned to provide specialist input to the design process. The layout shown on Drawing 02341D2222-02 in Annex 2 and elevations shown in Drawing 02341D2223-03 in Annex 2 represent the probable building configurations but are dependent on a final choice of turbine and detailed electrical design. The control building contains a control room, RES switch room, utility switch room, SCADA room, storage rooms and welfare facilities. The foundations for the building will be designed based on the investigation reports produced by RSK Environment Ltd. The substructure will likely consist of mass concrete foundations, in the form of part raft and part strip footing, insulated and tanked in accordance with best practice and Local Authority Building Control requirements. Trenches or a floor void would be provided between the foundation and ground floor to accommodate services via a raised floor system. The superstructure will likely consist of external and internal walls built off the foundation and would support the roof. The ground level raised floor system would be supported by either the walls or directly by the foundations. The walls would be constructed of precast reinforced concrete, masonry, blockwork or similar. The control building roof covering will be dark grey tiles or similar, while the external walls will be finished with a textured grey render. In accordance with Planning Condition 12, construction of the control building and substation compound will not commence until details of the exact finishes of the control building have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The roof will be a traditional pitch roof construction that complies with relevant design standards. All doors and window frames will be made of steel or timber, prefabricated to fit structural openings. All door openings will be sized to comply with the current mechanical and electrical requirements. The substation control building will have a domestic electrical system including lights, sockets, fire alarm and intruder alarm. This will be designed, installed and commissioned by specialist electrical contractors. Surface water drainage from the substation and control building will be connected to the wind farm drainage network, refer Annex 5. Foul water drainage will be provided in the form of a sealed cess pit at the location as shown in Drawing 02341D2222-02 in Annex 2. p.19 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved 5.9.2 General Method The control building and substation compound will be constructed generally in accordance with the following: 5.10 the plan area of the control building and substation compound will be set out and the soil stripped and removed to a temporary stockpile. Storage areas will be stripped of vegetation prior to stockpiling in line with best working practises; the dimensions of the control building and substation compound area will be set out to meet the layout shown on Drawing 02341D2222-02 in Annex 2. Since the overall footprint cannot be determined until a turbine has been selected, all details present a worst-case in terms of overall footprint to satisfy the requirements of the Grid Operator and the necessary equipment and accommodation to safely and efficiently operate the wind farm; the building foundations will be excavated down to the level indicated by the designer. Reinforcement, waterproofing systems and formwork will be installed and the foundation concrete will be poured; internal and external walls will be installed/constructed by mobile crane or by hand as appropriate, services or ducts will be incorporated, and the raised floor system will be put in place; the 33kV switchgear is typically installed using a mobile crane or HIAB, the indoor equipment is then connected, wired, tested and commissioned typically by engineers supplied by the switchgear manufacturer; the roof trusses will be lifted into position using an adequately sized mobile crane, felted, battened, tiled and sealed against the weather; the doors will be fitted and the external & internal finishing applied including any fitted furniture. If precast wall are used, doors may be installed prior to erection; internal and external fittings, finishes and hardware will be installed in the Control Building. Finishes are to be agreed with the local authority: o Walls to be finished with render or cladding on all sides. o Roof tiles to be fibre slating or similar. o Doors to be made or framed by steel or timber with steel sheeting for security. The compound area will be re-graded, the electrical equipment plinths constructed and an over site carpet of single size clean granular material will be laid. A palisade fence will be erected around the compound and the area surrounding the building landscaped as required, returning it as far as practicable to near original condition; PIR (Passive Infrared) operated external lighting will be installed on the building and substation compound to enable safe access and egress during periods of reduced light. Grid Connection Connection to the grid shall be made at Perry Primary Substation. UK Power Networks will facilitate the connection by installing an underground power line from the onsite substation to the grid connection point. UK Power Networks will design and construct the connection in accordance with their recognised standards, planning conditions and any relevant landowner agreements. p.20 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved All necessary consents for the underground power line shall be obtained by UK Power Networks, and constitute separate consents. 5.11 Anemometry & Communication masts Two types of mast have permission to be erected at Woolley Hill Wind Farm, permanent lattice and temporary guyed tubular masts. In total four different masts are required for the development as follows: one permanent anemometry mast; two temporary site calibration and power performance masts; and one permanent communication mast. The locations of permanent and temporary masts are identified in Drawing 02341D1001-06 in Annex 2. Typical details of the masts can be found in Drawing 02341D2224-04 in Annex 2. 5.11.1 Permanent Anemometry Mast The mast will require its own reinforced concrete foundation and crane pad to allow for erection, plus associated electrical and communication plant that service the mast. The foundation construction and mast erection will follow a similar approach to that of the turbines. 5.11.2 Temporary Site Calibration & Power Performance Masts Two masts are to be installed within the development boundary. Temporary site calibration & power performance masts have planning permission to be erected during construction and will continue to be in place for a period during operation of the wind farm while accurate wind speed measurements are taken. 5.11.3 Communication Mast The mast will require its own reinforced concrete foundation and crane pad to allow for erection, plus associated electrical and communication plant that service the mast. The foundation construction and mast erection will follow a similar approach to that of the turbines. p.21 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved 6.0 DECOMMISSIONING METHOD In conformance with Planning Condition 4, within 24 months of the end of the 25 year period pursuant to Planning Condition 3, decommissioning of the wind farm will be carried out in accordance with Planning Condition 4. Planning Condition 4 requires that a site restoration scheme will be provided to the Local Planning Authority no later than 12 months before the expiry of the planning permission for written approval and will detail measures covering the removal of all ground elements of the development. The site restoration scheme will include: the management and timing of works; the environmental management provisions; and a traffic management plan. The works described below are indicative of the decommissioning method which would be undertaken. 6.1 Site Access Tracks & Temporary Hardstanding Areas The new site tracks and temporary hardstanding areas would be reinstated to the approximate pre-wind farm condition, unless otherwise agreed with the Local Planning Authority. Areas to be reinstated would likely be treated in the following way: the material used to construct the tracks would be taken up and removed to areas identified and agreed in the site restoration scheme; the areas would be backfilled with material generated local to the access tracks and hardstanding areas, covered with topsoil and reseeded as required; backfilling of access tracks would be carefully planned in advance to avoid having to unnecessarily move plant and equipment on freshly reinstated land. Upgraded tracks would be left unchanged from the conditions used during the operation phase of the wind farm. 6.2 Wind turbines The decommissioning of the wind turbines would be the reverse of the erection process involving similar lifting plant and equipment; 6.3 It is anticipated that the turbine nacelle would be taken down and loaded straight onto the back of transport vehicles and removed from site for reconditioning or scrap; and The turbine towers and blades would be broken down into smaller component parts than during the initial delivery and erection process, into more manageable sections prior to removal from site. Turbine Foundations Following the removal of the wind turbine the concrete foundation would be removed to 1.5 m below existing ground level; The steel foundation insert or bolt ring and any exposed reinforcement would also be cut back to 1.5 m below existing ground level and treated with a proprietary corrosion protection system; p.22 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved 6.4 Upon completion of the corrosion protection the foundation would be backfilled with material generated local to the foundation, covered with topsoil and reseeded as required; and It is widely accepted within the construction industry that there is no appreciable effect on the local environment from buried reinforced concrete structures left in-situ due to the inert state and classification of concrete. Electrical Equipment The electrical equipment will be decommissioned in the reverse of the installation method described above to a depth of 1.5m or as agreed with the Local Planning Authority. The equipment would be dismantled, removed from site and disposed of in an appropriate manner. Cables may be left in the ground if recovery is not reasonably practicable. 6.4.1 Substation and RES Control Building The substation and RES control building would be decommissioned by disconnecting and dismantling all the surface plant. Solid structures such as the building and equipment plinths will also be dismantled and foundations removed to a depth of 1.5 m. Ducting and cabling that is practical to remove will be removed to a depth of 1.5 m. The fence surrounding the compound would be removed and the area landscaped back to its original state. 6.4.2 Turbine Transformers The units would be decommissioned in the same manner as they were installed, removed from site and either disposed of or refurbished by a company certified to handle such materials. This specialist company will also dispose of any oil or residual waste products in line with applicable COSHH Regulations. 7.0 RECORDS Records, as-built drawings, specifications, operational maintenance manuals and residual risks will be collated and filed in the Project Health & Safety file based upon the requirements of the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 or applicable legislation at the time of decommissioning. p.23 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved Annexes ANNEX 1 NON-MATERIAL AMENDMENT CONFIRMATION ANNEX 2 DRAWINGS ANNEX 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS OF CONTRACTORS ANNEX 4 PROCEDURE IN THE EVENT OF A CONTAMINANT SPILL ANNEX 5 SUDS DESIGN STATEMENT ANNEX 6 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROCEDURE ANNEX 7 COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP INITIATION LETTER AND TERMS OF REFERENCE Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved ANNEX 1 NON-MATERIAL AMENDMENT CONFIRMATION Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved '(4 RIECIE~VIED ,.~ ...... .. ~ ~. , 1 FEB,2013 /Huntingdo~nshire DISTRICT COUNCIL Pathfinder House, St Mary's Street Huntingdon. PE29 3TN Tel: 01480 388388 Fax: 01480 388099 ww.huntingdonshire.gov.uk mail~huntsdc.gov.uk DX 140316 HuntingdonSC RES UK And Ireland Ltd (FAO Mr J Knight) Beaufort Court Egg Farm Lane Kings Langley Hertordshire WD4 8LR Our Ref: 1300045NMA Your Ref: 7th February 2013 Oear Sir/Madam Application for Non-Material Amendment following a grant of Planning ~ermission Amendment to Planning Permission 1001741FUL (allowed at appeal) to alter position of track leading to turbine 4 and associated infrastructure. Additional temporary constrUction areas. Redesign of bridge crossing Ellngton Brook. Redesign of substation compound and control building layout Land East Of Whitleather Lodge Woolley Hil Ellngton I refer to the above submission received on the 11 th January 2013 and accompanying drawings referenced below. Plan Type General PlanninQ Layout Elevations Planning Layout Elevations General General PlanninQ Layout Reference 0234102226-04 0234102222-02 02341 02223-03 02341 02220-02 02341 02239-02 0234102414-01 0234101301-01 0234101001-06 Version Date Received 11.01.2013 11.01.2013 11.01.2013 11.01.2013 11.01.2013 11.01.2013 11.01.2013 11.01.2013 I would confirm that the non-material amendment(s) as described is (are) considered acceptable subject to the additional conditions identified below (the development remains subject to the conditions attached to the original planning permission) ; 1. Note to applicant. No conditions Should you wish to discuss the matter further please contact Jennie Parsonson 01480 388409. ufm4.rt - (( I1 ,\ '/I!! i¡ ,t ~ .... ~. ~ ....~ ~ ,/Huntingdonshire DISTRICT COUNCIL Pathfinder House, St Mary's Street Huntingdon. PE29 3TN mail~huntsdc.gov.uk DX140316 Huntingdon se Tel: 01480 388388 Fax: 01480 388099 ww.huntingdonshire.gov.uk Yours faithfully A;tvft' Andy Moffat Planning Service Manager (Development Management) ~ ufm4.rt ANNEX 2 DRAWINGS Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved Schedule of Drawings Layouts Turbine Layout Infrastructure Layout Civil Works Abnormal Load Access Bridge General Arrangement Crane Hardstanding General Arrangement Typical Access Track Design Typical Construction Compound Layout Typical Construction Compound Layout Elevations Typical Enabling Works Construction Compound Control Building and Substation Layout Control Building and Substation Elevations Wind Turbine Foundation Met Masts Drainage Design (Refer SuDS Design Statement - Annex6) Drainage Management (SuDS) Site General Arrangement Sheet 1 of 5 Drainage Management (SuDS) Site General Arrangement Sheet 2 of 5 Drainage Management (SuDS) Site General Arrangement Sheet 3 of 5 Drainage Management (SuDS) Site General Arrangement Sheet 4 of 5 Drainage Management (SuDS) Site General Arrangement Sheet 5 of 5 Drainage Management (SuDS) Typical Details Surface Water Detention Basin Drainage Management (SuDS) Typical Details Trackside Drainage Drainage Management (SuDS) Typical Details Silt Fence Drainage Management (SuDS) Permanent & Temporary Track Drainage Grip / Waterbar Spoil Placement Permanent Landscaping Areas Wind Turbine Generator Typical Front and Side Elevations of Typical Wind Turbine Electrical Works MV Cable Layout Cable Trench Profile 02341D0001-09 02341D1001-06 CIV_SA_03_100_A03 02341D2226-04 02341D2221-02 02341D2220-02 02341D2239-02 02341D2229-02 02341D2222-02 02341D2223-03 02341D2225-02 02341D2224-04 MCL115-54_DWG_101_5 MCL115-54_DWG_102_5 MCL115-54_DWG_103_5 MCL115-54_DWG_104_5 MCL115-54_DWG_105_5 MCL115-54_DWG_201_2 MCL115-54_DWG_202_2 MCL115-54_DWG_203_2 MCL115-54_DWG_204_2 02341D3503-01 02341D2227-02 02341D4301-02 02341D4304-02 Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved Some of the turbines spacing is < 4D. Some turbines are closer than 10D to houses. This has been approved by the DPM. Project scoping turbine shortlist: ECM memo 01456-000067 his drawing should not be scaled. Dimensions to be verified on site. Any discrepancies should be referred to the Engineer prior to work being put in hand. This drawing is the property of Waterman Transport & Development Limited, and the drawing is issued on the condition that it is not copied reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without the consent in writing of Waterman Transport & Development Limited Pickfords Wharf, Clink Street, London SE1 9DG t 020 7928 7888 f 020 7902 0992 GENERAL NOTES Rev Date Description By Amendments Project Title Client & Civic House 156 Great Charles Street Birmingham B3 3HN t 0121 212 7700 f 03333 444 501 mail@watermangroup.com www.watermangroup.com Drawing Status PRELIMINARY Designed by Checked by Drawn by Date Project No Computer File No Scales @ A1 work to figured dimensions only Zone Category Number Revision File Path Publisher 1 DRAWING NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 02341D2226-04 CONFIGURATION 2 CONFIGURATION 1 A A B B C C D D E 04 MP 171212 GE 070113 03 DJK 070910 MPW 070910 MINOR AMENDMENTS 02 SB 090710 TJS 090710 ROTOR DIAMETER AMENDED 01 SB 050710 TJS 060710 FIRST ISSUE ISSUE DRAWN DATE APPD DATE LAYOUT DWG MINOR AMENDMENTS REVISION NOTES T-LAYOUT NO. N/A E N/A DRAWING NUMBER 02341D2226-04 F COORDS N/A PURPOSE PLANNING SCALE NTS ORIGINAL PLOT SIZE A3 F PROJECT TITLE WOOLLEY HILL WIND FARM DRAWING TITLE CRANE HARDSTANDING GENERAL ARRANGEMENT THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED AND NO REPRODUCTION MAY BE MADE IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION G G BEAUFORT COURT, EGG FARM LANE, KINGS LANGLEY, HERTS WD4 8LR. TEL +44 (0) 1923 299200 FAX +44 (0) 1923 299299 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 TYPICAL RUNNING WIDTH 4.5-5.0m 0.25m SHOULDER A 5 6 7 8 RUNNING SURFACE 9 1. 0.25m SHOULDER CAPPING LAYER/ENGINEERED FILL TOPSOIL/PEAT LAYER EXISTING GROUND LEVEL SNOW POLES TO DELINEATE SITE TRACKS AT NOMINAL 50m INTERVALS DRAINAGE SWALE SHOWN INDICATIVELY TYPICALLY 250-450mm ALL EMBANKMENT SLOPES TO BE PROVIDED AT A STABLE ANGLE BASED ON THE PROPERTIES OF THE MATERIAL ENCOUNTERED ON SITE. 3. MATERIALS ARISING FROM TRACK CONSTRUCTION TO BE SEGREGATED AND PLACED IN AGREED LOCATIONS ADJACENT TO THE WORKING AREA. REINSTATEMENT AND/OR SPOIL MANAGEMENT PLANS WILL BE DEVELOPED DURING THE DETAILED DESIGN OF SITE INFRASTRUCTURE AND WILL IDENTIFY AREAS OF RE-USE AND PERMANENT STORAGE OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS IN LINE WITH CURRENT BEST PRACTICE. B CUT TRACK SECTION TYPICAL RUNNING WIDTH 4.5-5.0m 0.25m SHOULDER 0.25m SHOULDER 4. C EXISTING GROUND LEVEL DRAINAGE SWALE SHOWN INDICATIVELY FILL TRACK SECTION GEOSYNTHETIC REINFORCEMENT MAY BE USED TO REDUCE THE DEPTH OF TRACK CONSTRUCTION. REQUIREMENT TO BE DETERMINED DURING DETAILED DESIGN. 6. A GEOTEXTILE SEPARATOR MAY BE INSTALLED BENEATH THE CAPPING/ENGINEERED FILL LAYER FOR ALL TRACK CONSTRUCTION TYPES DEPENDING ON GROUND CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED ON SITE. D TYPICAL RUNNING WIDTH 4.5-5.0m 0.25m SHOULDER RUNNING SURFACE, CAPPING LAYER AND ENGINEERED FILL TO BE FORMED FROM SUITABLE MATERIALS COMPACTED IN LAYERS. 5. DEPTH VARIES (SEE NOTE 5) DRAINAGE SWALE SHOWN INDICATIVELY EFFECTIVE WIDTH OF TRACK TO BE 4.5-5.0m ON STRAIGHT SECTIONS WITH WIDENING ON BENDS AND PASSING PLACES. 2. LOAD BEARING STRATA TBC VIA IN-SITU TESTING DRAINAGE SWALE SHOWN INDICATIVELY 10 E DEPTH VARIES 02 DJK 01 SB ISSUE DRAWN LAYOUT DWG GEOSYNTHETIC MESH REINFORCEMENT. NUMBER OF LAYERS REQUIRED TO BE DETERMINED DURING DETAILED DESIGN. PB CHKD C D 110313 CMS ISSUE 060710 FIRST ISSUE APPD DATE REVISION NOTES T-LAYOUT NO. E N/A DRAWING NUMBER 02341D2221-02 FLOATED TRACK SECTION 0.25m SHOULDER GE TJS N/A GEOTEXTILE SEPARATOR LAID DIRECTLY ONTO VEGETATION MAT F B 0.25m SHOULDER EXISTING GROUND LEVEL TYPICAL RUNNING WIDTH 4.5-5.0m A 0.25m SHOULDER COORDS N/A PURPOSE PLANNING SCALE 1:100 ORIGINAL PLOT SIZE A3 F PROJECT TITLE WOOLLEY HILL WIND FARM EXISTING GROUND LEVEL DRAWING TITLE TYPICAL ACCESS TRACK DESIGN THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED AND NO REPRODUCTION MAY BE MADE IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION DEPTH VARIES (SEE NOTE 5) G DRAINAGE SWALE SHOWN INDICATIVELY BENCHING TYPICALLY 300-500mm G SLOPING GROUND SECTION 1 2 3 4 BEAUFORT COURT, EGG FARM LANE, KINGS LANGLEY, HERTS WD4 8LR. TEL +44 (0) 1923 299200 FAX +44 (0) 1923 299299 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 DRAWING NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 02341D2220-02 NOTES 1. NUMBER AND LOCATION OF COMPOUND EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ARE INDICATIVE ONLY 2.5m A Soak away (See note 4) Oil separator (See note 4) Bunded refueling area A 2. STRUCTURE TO BE TEMPORARY AND TO BE REMOVED AFTER CONSTRUCTION. Generator for temporary compound electrics 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RELEVANT AGENCY REQUIREMENTS, TO SUIT THE GROUND CONDITIONS. A CESS PIT OR PACKAGE TREATMENT PLANT MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE PROPOSED SEPTIC TANK AND SOAKAWAY. KERB EDGING FINISH TYPICAL FENCE PANEL 1:75 SCALE B Storage area Laydown area B 4. THE USE OF AN OIL INTERCEPTOR AND SOAKAWAY FOR THE BUNDED REFUELLING AREA SHALL BE AGREED WITH THE RELEVANT AGENCY TO SUIT GROUND CONDITIONS. USE OF A FULLY COVERED BUNDED AREA MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE PROPOSED OIL INTERCEPTOR AND SOAKAWAY. Containers as required and supplied by subcontractors C C 5. INTERNAL LAYOUT OF THE CONSTRUCTION COMPOUND MAY BE REVISED TO SUIT THE CONTRACTORS WORKING REQUIREMENTS. Skips with wind shield and lid 6m wide gate Turning area D 80m D Containers for RES use. Temporary Storage area Hardstanding to compound consisting of compacted stone over a layer of goetextile to provide a clean and firm surface suitable for cabins / heavy traffic Storage area E Site Road Chain link fence 6m wide gate Temporary passing place allows for temporary lorry parking Under road drainage 02 MP 171212 GE 070113 UPDATED TO SUIT THE TOPOGRAPHY 01 SB 050710 TJS 060710 FIRST ISSUE ISSUE DRAWN DATE APPD DATE LAYOUT DWG REVISION NOTES T-LAYOUT NO. N/A E N/A DRAWING NUMBER 02341D2220-02 Fence 1.2m high between pedestrian and vehicular areas Pedestrian access gate COORDS N/A PURPOSE PLANNING SCALE 1:350@A1 Parking F ORIGINAL PLOT SIZE A3 F PROJECT TITLE Parking WOOLLEY HILL WIND FARM Pedestrian access gate DRAWING TITLE RES office & meeting room Sub contractor offices, drying room & canteen Parking TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION COMPOUND LAYOUT THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED AND NO REPRODUCTION MAY BE MADE IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION Toilets G G Soak away (See note 3) 20m 1 2 40m 3 4 5 Septic tank (See note 3) 6 BEAUFORT COURT, EGG FARM LANE, KINGS LANGLEY, HERTS WD4 8LR. TEL +44 (0) 1923 299200 FAX +44 (0) 1923 299299 7 8 9 10 1 DRAWING NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 02341D2239-02 NOTES 1. NUMBER AND LOCATION OF COMPOUND EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES ARE INDICATIVE ONLY A Containers as required and supplied by subcontractors Containers as required and supplied by subcontractors Sub contractor offices, drying room & canteen Skips with wind shield and lid 2. STRUCTURE TO BE TEMPORARY AND TO BE REMOVED AFTER CONSTRUCTION. Generator for temporary compound electrics Toilets 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE INDICATIVE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE. CONTRACTOR MUST COMPLETE THEIR OWN SURVEY BEFORE COMMENCING DETAILED DESIGN. 2.5m 6m 1m B 6m A 6m B 80m NORTH ELEVATION SCALE : 1:300 SCALE : 1:300 Containers as required and Containers as required and supplied by subcontractors C Sub contractor offices, drying room & canteen Skips with wind shield and lid RES office & meeting room C 2.5m Generator for temporary compound electrics 80m SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE : 1:300 D RES office & D Sub contractor offices, drying Sub contractor offices, drying room & canteen Toilets 2.5m 2.5m RES office & meeting room E 02 MP 171212 GE 070113 AMENDED TO SUIT THE REVISED LAYOUT 01 BC 031110 PF 101110 FIRST ISSUE ISSUE DRAWN DATE APPD DATE LAYOUT DWG 20m 40m REVISION NOTES T-LAYOUT NO. N/A E N/A DRAWING NUMBER 02341D2239-02 EAST ELEVATION SCALE : 1:250 F COORDS N/A PURPOSE PLANNING SCALE AS SHOWN@A3 ORIGINAL PLOT SIZE A3 F PROJECT TITLE WOOLLEY HILL WIND FARM 2.5m Generator for temporary compound electrics 2.5m DRAWING TITLE TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION COMPOUND LAYOUT ELEVATIONS 6m 40m 20m G G WEST ELEVATION SCALE : 1:250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 DRAWING NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 02341D2229-02 9 10 KEY NEW SITE TRACK A A EXISTING TRACK NOTES ENABLING WORKS COMPOUND TO BE USED SOLELY FOR THE SHORT TERM STORAGE OF MATERIALS DURING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS STORED WITHIN THE ENABLING WORKS COMPOUND TO BE PLACED ALIGNED PARALLEL TO ELLINGTON BROOK 50.5m B B HARD STANDING AREAS TO BE REMOVED FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION NO FENCE TO BE ERECTED AROUND ENABLING WORKS COMPOUND Temporary Storage Area C 36.0m C Temporary Storage Area D Hardstanding to compound consisting of compacted stone over a layer of goetextile to provide a clean and firm surface suitable for heavy traffic E 29.5m Temporary Storage Area D 02 BC 130213 GE 150213 INTERNAL LAYOUT REVISED 01 DJK 070910 MPW 080910 FIRST ISSUE ISSUE DRAWN CHKD APPD DATE LAYOUT DWG REVISION NOTES T-LAYOUT NO. N/A E N/A DRAWING NUMBER 02341D2229-02 COORDS BRITISH NATIONAL GRID 1936 PURPOSE PLANNING SCALE 1 : 250 @ A3 Laydown area F ORIGINAL PLOT SIZE A3 F PROJECT TITLE Temporary Storage Area WOOLLEY HILL WIND FARM DRAWING TITLE TEMPORARY ENABLING WORKS CONSTRUCTION COMPOUND THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED AND NO REPRODUCTION MAY BE MADE IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION 43.5m G G BEAUFORT COURT, EGG FARM LANE, KINGS LANGLEY, HERTS WD4 8LR. TEL +44 (0) 1923 299200 FAX +44 (0) 1923 299299 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 DRAWING NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 02341D2222-02 NOTES 1. ROOM DESCRIPTIONS AND POSITIONS OF DOORS, GATES, INTERNAL WALLS AND EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT ARE INDICATIVE ONLY AND ARE SUBJECT TO REQUIREMENTS OF THE TURBINE SUPPLIER AND GRID COMPANY. A A 2. LIGHTING & VENTILATION LEVELS WITHIN OFFICE TO BE DESIGNED FOR OCCASIONAL USE. 3. POSITION OF DOORS AND GATES, ARE INDICATIVE ONLY AND ARE SUBJECT TO REQUIREMENTS OF THE TURBINE SUPPLIER AND GRID COMPANY 4. LOCAL BUILDING MATERIALS AND FINISHES ARE PROPOSED TO ENSURE THAT THE BUILDING IS IN KEEPING WITH OTHERS IN THE AREA 50m B 1.5m B SINGLE SIZED GRAVEL SURROUND FOR EARTHING PROTECTION 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 47m TEMP GENERATOR HARD STAND TARIFF METER ROOM C APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SOLAR TUBE OFFICE TURBINE SCADA ROOM DNO HV ROOM 13m 13m STORE ROOM C 19m LIVING AREA WF HV ROOM WF CONTROL ROOM D DRYING ROOM BUNDED STORE ROOM D E 1.5m 3m 3m 1.5m WC 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 17m 1.5m 27m 20m 02 MP 171212 GE 070113 UPDATED TO SUIT THE TOPOGRAPHY 01 SB 050710 TJS 060710 FIRST ISSUE ISSUE DRAWN DATE APPD DATE LAYOUT DWG REVISION NOTES T-LAYOUT NO. N/A E N/A 30m DRAWING NUMBER 02341D2222-02 CONCRETE AREA TO FACILITATE PALLET LOADING EQUIPMENT SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RELEVANT AGENCY REQUIREMENTS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUILDING REGULATIONS PATH LEVEL TO TIE IN WITH ADJACENT TRACK F COORDS N/A PURPOSE PRELIMINARY SCALE 1:200@A3 ORIGINAL PLOT SIZE A3 F PROJECT TITLE WOOLLEY HILL WIND FARM DRAWING TITLE CONTROL BUILDING AND SUBSTATION LAYOUT THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED AND NO REPRODUCTION MAY BE MADE IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION G G BEAUFORT COURT, EGG FARM LANE, KINGS LANGLEY, HERTS WD4 8LR. TEL +44 (0) 1923 299200 FAX +44 (0) 1923 299299 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 DRAWING NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 02341D2223-03 10 NOTES 1. ROOM DESCRIPTIONS AND POSITIONS OF DOORS, GATES, INTERNAL WALLS AND EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT ARE INDICATIVE ONLY AND ARE SUBJECT TO REQUIREMENTS OF THE TURBINE SUPPLIER AND GRID COMPANY. A APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SOLAR TUBE VIEW A 17m 3. LOCAL BUILDING MATERIALS AND FINISHES ARE PROPOSED TO ENSURE THAT THE BUILDING IS IN KEEPING WITH OTHERS IN THE AREA 5.5m VIEW B B A 2. LIGHTING & VENTILATION LEVELS WITHIN OFFICE TO BE DESIGNED FOR OCCASIONAL USE. AIR CONDITIONING UNIT. B 4. AIR VENTS ARE SHOWN INDICATIVELY ONLY. THE FINAL NUMBER AND POSITION OF AIR VENTS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO SUIT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE BUILDING REGULATIONS. 27m FRONT ELEVATION APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SOLAR TUBE C 9 5. EXPLOSION VENTS MAY BE FITTED WITHIN THE SWITCH ROOM EXTERNAL WALLS WHERE REQUIRED BY THE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION NETWORK OPERATOR. AIR CONDITIONING UNIT. C V = VENT RWP = RAINWATER PIPE VIEW B VIEW A 17m REAR ELEVATION OF BUILDING D D APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SATELLITE BROADBAND DISH E 03 MP 171212 GE 080113 02 JEL 150710 TJS 250710 AREA OF FENCE REMOVED 01 SB 050710 TJS 060710 FIRST ISSUE ISSUE DRAWN DATE APPD DATE LAYOUT DWG 1.5m 3m AMENDED TO SUIT THE REVISED LAYOUT REVISION NOTES T-LAYOUT NO. N/A E N/A DRAWING NUMBER 02341D2223-03 VIEW 'A' F COORDS N/A PURPOSE PLANNING SCALE 1:200 @ A3 ORIGINAL PLOT SIZE A3 F PROJECT TITLE WOOLLEY HILL WIND FARM AIR CONDITIONING UNIT. DRAWING TITLE 3m 13m CONTROL BUILDING AND SUBSTATION ELEVATIONS 1.5m THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED AND NO REPRODUCTION MAY BE MADE IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION VIEW 'B' G G BEAUFORT COURT, EGG FARM LANE, KINGS LANGLEY, HERTS WD4 8LR. TEL +44 (0) 1923 299200 FAX +44 (0) 1923 299299 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 DRAWING NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 02341D2225-02 9 10 NOTES 1. DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS ARE INDICATIVE ONLY AND MAY VARY DUE TO SPECIFIC TURBINE OR GROUND CONDITIONS. A A 2. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 3. TURBINE BASES ARE TO BE BACKFILLED TO 200mm BELOW THE FINISHED GROUND LEVEL, UTILISING SUITABLE MATERIAL ARISING FROM THE EXCAVATIONS ON SITE. WHERE INSUFFICIENT SUITABLE MATERIAL EXISTS, BACKFILL MAY BE IMPORTED ONTO SITE. THE TOP 200mm OF FILL IS TO BE EXISTING TOPSOIL, STRIPPED AND SET ASIDE, EXCEPT UNDER HARD STANDINGS. 4. THE UPSTAND OF THE PLINTH ABOVE FINISHED GROUND LEVEL SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 100mm AND A MAXIMUM OF 1000mm. 5. THE CONTRACTOR MAY CAST THE PLINTH AS AN OCTAGON SUBJECT TO THE ENGINEERS APPROVAL OF THE DETAIL & METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION. B B C C D D SHEET 1 OF 2 E 01 TW 281212 PB 240113 ISSUE DRAWN DATE APPD DATE LAYOUT DWG FIRST ISSUE REVISION NOTES T-LAYOUT NO. N/A E N/A DRAWING NUMBER 02341D2225-02 F COORDS N/A PURPOSE PRELIMINARY SCALE NOT TO SCALE ORIGINAL PLOT SIZE A3 F PROJECT TITLE WOOLLEY HILL WIND FARM DRAWING TITLE TURBINE FOUNDATION THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED AND NO REPRODUCTION MAY BE MADE IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION G G BEAUFORT COURT, EGG FARM LANE, KINGS LANGLEY, HERTS WD4 8LR. TEL +44 (0) 1923 299200 FAX +44 (0) 1923 299299 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 DRAWING NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 02341D2225-02 9 10 NOTES 1. DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS ARE INDICATIVE ONLY AND MAY VARY DUE TO SPECIFIC TURBINE OR GROUND CONDITIONS. A A 2. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 3. TURBINE BASES ARE TO BE BACKFILLED TO 200mm BELOW THE FINISHED GROUND LEVEL, UTILISING SUITABLE MATERIAL ARISING FROM THE EXCAVATIONS ON SITE. WHERE INSUFFICIENT SUITABLE MATERIAL EXISTS, BACKFILL MAY BE IMPORTED ONTO SITE. THE TOP 200mm OF FILL IS TO BE EXISTING TOPSOIL, STRIPPED AND SET ASIDE, EXCEPT UNDER HARD STANDINGS. 4. THE UPSTAND OF THE PLINTH ABOVE FINISHED GROUND LEVEL SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 100mm AND A MAXIMUM OF 1000mm. 5. THE CONTRACTOR MAY CAST THE PLINTH AS AN OCTAGON SUBJECT TO THE ENGINEERS APPROVAL OF THE DETAIL & METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION. B B C C D D SHEET 2 OF 2 E 01 TW 281212 PB 240113 ISSUE DRAWN DATE APPD DATE LAYOUT DWG FIRST ISSUE REVISION NOTES T-LAYOUT NO. N/A E N/A DRAWING NUMBER 02341D2225-02 F COORDS N/A PURPOSE PRELIMINARY SCALE NOT TO SCALE ORIGINAL PLOT SIZE A3 F PROJECT TITLE WOOLLEY HILL WIND FARM DRAWING TITLE TURBINE FOUNDATION THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED AND NO REPRODUCTION MAY BE MADE IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION G G BEAUFORT COURT, EGG FARM LANE, KINGS LANGLEY, HERTS WD4 8LR. TEL +44 (0) 1923 299200 FAX +44 (0) 1923 299299 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 DRAWING NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 02341D2224-04 LIGHTNING ROD A A ANEMOMETER CROSS BOOM WITH WIND VANE AND ANEMOMETER AT INDICATIVE HUB HEIGHT B B INDICATIVE ANTENNA FOR SITE COMMUNICATIONS 80m C 80m C D D E 04 TW 100611 IR 130611 TEMPORARY MAST AMENDED 03 SB 101110 PF 101110 TEXT AMENDED 02 SB 090710 TJS 090710 BOOM HEIGHT AMENDED 01 SB 050710 TJS 060710 FIRST ISSUE ISSUE DRAWN LAYOUT DWG CROSS BOOM WITH WIND VANE AND ANEMOMETER AT APPROX 10m ABOVE GROUND APPD DATE REVISION NOTES T-LAYOUT NO. N/A E N/A DRAWING NUMBER 02341D2224-04 INDICATIVE ANTENNA FOR SITE COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS MAST MAY REQUIRE GUY WIRES DEPENDENT ON INSTALLATION 10m INSTRUMENT BOX INCORPORATING DATA LOGGER DATE F COORDS N/A PURPOSE PRELIMINARY SCALE NOT TO SCALE ORIGINAL PLOT SIZE A3 F PROJECT TITLE WOOLLEY HILL WIND FARM CONCRETE FOUNDATION 6 x 6 x 3 m NOM. CONCRETE FOUNDATION 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 m NOM. PERMANENT MET MAST DATA LOGGER AND SOLAR PANEL EARTH ROD DRAWING TITLE MET MAST TEMPORARY AND SITE CALIBRATION MET MASTS COMMUNICATIONS MAST G THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS LIMITED AND NO REPRODUCTION MAY BE MADE IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION G BEAUFORT COURT, EGG FARM LANE, KINGS LANGLEY, HERTS WD4 8LR. TEL +44 (0) 1923 299200 FAX +44 (0) 1923 299299 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ANNEX 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS OF CONTRACTORS Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved Environmental Requirements of Contractors Report No: 01226R00016 Prepared: Barry Cundy Signed Electronically: 25-Mar-2011 Checked: Susan Schnadhorst Signed Electronically: 25-Mar-2011 Approved: Julian Hubbard Signed Electronically: 31-Mar-2011 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved Revision History Issue 01 Date 25/05/06 02 03 13/06/07 17/04/08 04 05 06 20/01/09 19/03/09 27/07/09 07 2/12/09 08 9/3/11 Nature And Location Of Change Generic EMS Procedure adapted from EMS Template 01157R00005-03 which is now discontinued SF6, oil interceptor and spill kit requirements updated 6.2 ii updated 6.5 iv inserted Updated logo SNH, unexpected wildlife & sustainable wood added Para 6.4.1 reworded, App 2 – Points 2 & 5 clarified. EHS changed to NIEA. Documents hyperlinked. PPG5 replaced with latest version. Procedure revised to remove copies of PPGs included as Appendix 4, new font incorporated. Sub-Contractor changed to Contractor. Para 6.4 i). additional wording regarding oil pollution and requirement to check bowser interbund on a regular basis. Para 6.4 iii). Clearer requirements for delivery pipes and pumps. Para 6.4 vi) & v), same wording just re-ordered. Para 6.6 new i) inserted and subsequent sub-paras incremented. Para 6.6 iii). Clarifies requirement for copies of licences. Para 6.7 ii). new silt pollution wording added, subsequent sub-paras incremented. Para 7.0 Completed Waste Transfer Notes added as a deliverable. Appendix 2 replication removed from Para 2. Para 6.4 ii) & Appendix 3 revised to include provision of ‘Kelp’ bio-remediation solution on site to cope with any oil spills. Para 6.6 iv) SmartWaste included. Para 6.8 iii) Plant spill kits & operative training included. Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved CONTENTS 0.0 JURISDICTION...................................................................................................................................0 1.0 OBJECTIVES......................................................................................................................................0 2.0 DEFINITIONS .....................................................................................................................................0 3.0 SCOPE................................................................................................................................................0 4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................0 5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES.............................................................................................................................1 6.0 PROCEDURE......................................................................................................................................2 6.1 EXISTING FEATURES 2 6.2 SITE DRAINAGE 3 6.3 DELIVERIES 3 6.4 STORAGE OF FUELS, OILS AND CHEMICALS 4 6.5 COSHH 5 6.6 WASTE MANAGEMENT 6 6.7 EARTHWORKS 7 6.8 PLANT 8 6.9 ROAD CLEANLINESS 9 6.10 DRIP TRAYS 9 6.11 CONCRETE 9 6.12 EMERGENCIES 10 6.13 WILDLIFE 10 6.14 FENCING AND WOOD 11 6.15 TRAINING AND AWARENESS 11 7.0 DELIVERABLES................................................................................................................................11 8.0 APPENDIXES....................................................................................................................................11 Appendix 1 - Fuel and oil storage (mobile refuelling point) 12 Appendix 2 - Dealing with silty water 14 Appendix 3 - Spill Kits 17 Appendix 4 - Enviromental Requirements of Contractors Receipt for Issue 19 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved 0.0 JURISDICTION When using this Procedure the user must ensure that the legislation of the country in which it is being used is being complied with. This Procedure has been generated from RES template 01135R00001: Issue: 08 in accordance with RES Procedure 01135R00015, Control of Documents replacing template 01157R00005 Environmental Requirements from Contractors Template. 1.0 OBJECTIVES This procedure aims to identify environmentally safe working procedures and standards for particular operations that must be implemented by all Contractors when working on a site managed by RES. These procedures have been developed to ensure that RES and all its Contractors comply with UK Environment Agency, Northern Ireland Environment Agency and Scottish Environment Protection Agency Pollution Prevention Guidelines, and additional planning requirements set out by the Local Planning Authority and other enforcing bodies. 2.0 DEFINITIONS Abbreviation or term Explanation of abbreviation or term i) C Contractor: COSHH CSM EA EM NIEA SEPA SNH The person or persons, firm or company, including its employees and agents or Contractors, to whom the Company has awarded a contract, which requires work to be carried out on the Companies premises or sites. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Construction Site Manager Environment Agency Environmental Manager Northern Ireland Environment Agency Scottish Environment Protection Agency Scottish Natural Heritage ii) iii) iv) vi) vii) vii) viii) 3.0 SCOPE This procedure is applicable to RES employees and all RES Contractors working on wind farm construction sites managed by RES. The following procedures provide minimum requirements to address environmental hazards that will normally be encountered during the construction of a wind farm. Contractors shall remain responsible for the assessment of project specific environmental risks and the identification and application of all preventative measures, which shall form part of a Contractor’s work instruction (method statement). 4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS This procedure should be read and implemented in conjunction with: 0 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Environmental Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan - 01226R00010 Emergency Procedure in the Event of a Contaminant Spill – 01276R00001 Wind farm Construction & Decommissioning Method Statement Template 01157R00010 Environmental Checklist – 01157R00017 Reporting and Recording – 01276R00002 All Environment Agency/SEPA Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPGs) are applicable. CIRIA reference and guidance material was used to support and inform best practise within this procedure. 5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES Contractors will identify all potential environmental risks within the construction site, report these to the CSM, and ensure that all employees working on the RES managed wind farm follow and adhere to these procedures as absolute minimum requirements. These responsibilities are supplementary to project specific requirements detailed in Contract specifications. The CSM shall complete the environmental check-sheet template 01157R00017 at regular intervals (interval at the discretion of the CSM depending on level of works on site but at least once per month), and any actions arising from this shall be discussed with Contractors at the site safety meetings. Completed check-sheets shall be stored in the Construction Environmental Plan and any actions shall be completed within the agreed time frame. Contractors shall be responsible for informing RES of any environmental incident or potential incident as soon as practicable. The CSM shall be responsible for informing the EM of any environmental incident or emergency which may occur on the construction site and completing the relevant form under the reporting and recording work instruction 01276R00002. 1 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved 6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 EXISTING FEATURES Responsibility Contaminated Land i) ii) Areas of contaminated land will be identified in the Project Health and Safety Plan. Where the construction works require the disturbance of these areas the procedure to be used shall also be detailed in the Project Health and Safety Plan. Any remediation or disposal of contaminated land will only be carried out following consultation with the local environmental authority. CSM If it is not necessary to disturb these areas then it is important that any contaminated area is fenced off and all personnel are aware of this hazard through induction and the site rules. C Where any unexpected and potentially hazardous obstacles are encountered, construction in the area should cease until specialist advice is sought. C Underground Services i) Existing underground services will be identified in the Project Health and Safety Plan, which will include procedures for the control of risks including the use of a permitting system where necessary. Assessment of the hazards for underground services shall include an assessment of the environmental impact of damage during construction. CSM Should the general condition of a buried service appear to be poor, even after being safely exposed, then this should be reported to the relevant authority. Existing storage tank i) Any old containers found on site should be checked and emptied by a Licensed Waste Carrier before they are removed. C A copy of the licence certificate and where waste has been removed the waste transfer note shall be obtained and handed to the RES site manager for inclusion in the Construction Environmental Plan. C CSM Further information regarding disposal of waste is given in Waste Management 6.5 below. 2 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved Protection from vandalism i) Vandalism, theft and tipping are common causes of pollution and the project area should be adequately protected by fencing and locked access to discourage unauthorised access. C Any occurrence of tipping on the site should be reported to the site management who will then inform the local environmental authority and the police if necessary. CSM 6.2 SITE DRAINAGE i) Surface water drains should carry uncontaminated rainwater only and shall be protected from ingress of silt, or any other contaminants. Wet cement and raw concrete shall never be allowed to enter any watercourse. Responsibility C Refer to the contract drawings for details of the site drainage plan to be implemented and monitored. It is essential that drainage is installed as roads are installed /progressed, thus ensuring that silt is controlled at source. ii) If working adjacent to a watercourse, ensure that a suitable method for containing any surface water is provided (eg cut off ditches and interceptors). C iii) Avoid storing or moving plant within 10m of a watercourse where no works are required on the watercourse bank. C iv) All methods being implemented to prevent water contamination should be regularly checked and works carried out to ensure full functionality at all times. C/CSM Any sign of failing water treatment measures or sight of silted or contaminated water entering a water course should be reported to the site management immediately. 6.3 DELIVERIES i) Fuel and oil deliveries shall take place within the designated refuelling area only, as detailed in the contract drawings. Responsibility C A responsible person shall supervise site deliveries to ensure that the correct amount of material is delivered to the correct tank and that the level is checked prior to refilling to avoid spillage. 3 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved 6.4 STORAGE OF FUELS, OILS AND CHEMICALS i) Oil is the most common pollutant in the UK, therefore, it is essential that Contractors provide suitable resources to ensure that the risk of pollution occurring is minimised. Responsibility C All fuels and oils shall be stored in the designated area only, including mobile bowsers when not in use. Fuel bowsers on site must be bunded with a means of checking the bund to ensure there are no fuels in the bund; i.e. visual inspection inside the bund, electrical sensors or dip sticks. The bund check shall be undertaken and recorded at a regular interval, as a minimum at least once a week. Generators permanently stationed in the site compound (used for powering site cabins) shall be kept in the designated refuelling area. Generators used elsewhere on the site shall be bunded (the bund shall be capable of containing 110% of the fuel tank’s capacity) or shall have a double skinned fuel tank. The bund shall be kept empty of water, either by emptying/ draining via an oil interceptor or keeping the bunded area covered. The oil interceptor shall be a full retention separator, with the addition of an automatic closure device. It is highlighted that these are two separate and equally feasible options; i.e. covered refueling area or uncovered refueling area with full retention separator connected directly downstream. The full retention separator will have the same design capacity as that of the bund. ii) Chemicals on site must be stored in accordance with their materials safety data sheet and COSHH assessment, which must be readily available and up to date. An appropriate spill kit must be kept and maintained by the Contractor, at a suitable location on site to deal with the event of a spillage, this must be made available at ALL times to all construction personnel. C All chemicals must be stored in a correctly marked container clearly identifying the contents. Where labels are worn off, then they must have a new label placed on them or the contents transferred to a correctly marked container. Where chemicals are required on site, they must be placed in an appropriate bund to prevent ground contamination. Appendix 3 details the minimum contents specification required for Spill Kits to be kept on site – the Contractor is responsible for determining the required volumes/ number and maintaining kit replenishment. ‘Kelp’ bio-remediation solution is to be provided by the Contractor for early treatment of any oil spills after initial clean-up. 4 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved 6.4 STORAGE OF FUELS, OILS AND CHEMICALS iii) All bowsers must be stored so as to minimise the risk of collision, run-away and vandalism. They shall not be stored adjacent to watercourses. When not in use, bowsers shall be securely stored in the designated refuelling area. Responsibility C In addition to the general requirements for primary and secondary containment, the following are requirements for mobile bowsers; iv) Any flexible pipe, tap or valve must be fitted with a lock where it leaves the container and be locked when not in use. Flexible delivery pipes must be fitted with manually operated pumps or a valve at the delivery end that closes automatically when not in use. The pump or valve must have a lock and be locked when not in use. All fuel tanks and bowsers on site must be labelled with the fuel type and capacity of the tank. C The contents of any tanks, bottles or containers on site must be clearly marked. Warning notices including “No smoking” and “Close valves when not in use” shall also be displayed. v) No tanks or containers may be perforated or dismantled on site. A competent operator shall empty all contents and residues for safe disposal elsewhere. C/CSM vi) Any switchgear installation containing SF6 (Sulphur Hexafloride) shall be clearly labelled, both on the equipment itself, and on the door to the substation and/or wind turbine. The contact numbers for the responsible Contractor should be included on the notice. C/CSM SF6 will not normally be handled onsite as it’s delivered in sealed units, however if any leak or damage to switchgear containing SF6 occurred, it should be treated following the guidance in the Emergency Procedure in the Event of a Contaminant Spill – 01276R00001. 6.5 COSHH i) The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all materials ordered or brought to site listed as hazardous under the COSHH Regulations are accompanied with a hazardous information sheet, a copy of which must be given to the CSM. The CSM is responsible for filing the information sheets in the Construction Environment Plan. Responsibility C CSM 5 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved ii) The Contractor is responsible for carrying out a risk assessment of each substance and ensuring that all appropriate storage, protective equipment and if necessary emergency procedures are put in place on site. C iii) All COSHH materials must be stored in appropriate containers, must be indelibly and legibly labelled to identify the contents, hazards and precautions required. C iv) Chemicals on site must be stored in a bunded area and in accordance with their materials safety data sheet / COSHH assessment, which must be readily available and up to date. An appropriate spill kit must be kept and maintained by the Contractor, at a suitable location on site to deal with the event of a spillage, this must be made available at ALL times to all construction personnel. C Where chemicals are required on site, they must be placed in an appropriate bund to prevent ground contamination. 6.6 WASTE MANAGEMENT i) Waste management should follow the route of; Reduce, Re-Use, Re-Cycle; Responsibility C Methods to reduce the amount of waste generated in the first place, together with the re-use and recycling of wastes must be considered. There is scope for significant savings, as the costs of raw materials and waste disposal continue to rise. Advice on waste minimisation and local initiatives can be obtained from your nearest Environmental Agency Office. ii) All waste must be stored in designated areas that are isolated from surface drains, prior to removal from site. C Skips must be covered to prevent refuse blowing away and rainwater accumulating. They shall be replaced when full and the contents disposed of in accordance with statutory requirements. iii) Contractors work areas shall be kept tidy. Burning of waste on site is prohibited. C/CSM Chemical containers, used oil and filters, solvents, paints, electrical items, contaminated materials and hazardous refuse are all classified as “special waste” and, as such, must be stored in a bunded area away from watercourses and disposed of by licensed contractors in a controlled manner. C Under the duty of care and waste legislation, producers of waste must ensure it remains under their control until passed to a C 6 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved 6.6 WASTE MANAGEMENT Responsibility registered waste carrier. The carrier shall have a licence issued by the Environment Agency, and shall take the waste to a similarly licensed disposal facility. Current copies of the carrier’s licence certificate, waste disposal facility licence and correctly completed consignment notes / waste transfer notes, shall be handed over to the RES site manager for inclusion in the Construction Environmental Plan. C/CSM iv) The Contractor shall implement the Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) using the SmartWaste on-line SWMP facility. C 6.7 EARTHWORKS i) All site personnel should refer and work to the site drainage plan being implemented from the project design, any alterations to this must be agreed with RES site management first. ii) Silt pollution is a major cause of environmental incidents; it can damage and kill aquatic life by smothering and suffocating and can also cause flooding by blocking culverts and channels. Responsibility C/CSM C If you can prevent water becoming contaminated in the first place, then it reduces the risk of pollution and the overall cost of your control measures. To avoid silt pollution you should, whenever possible, use methods of work that reduce or eliminate working in the channel and that do not contaminate surface water. iii) Silty water can arise from excavations; exposed ground, stockpiles, wheel-washing and site roads and water containing silt shall not be discharged directly into rivers, streams or surface water drains. C Where silty water does occur and presents a hazard to the environment, suitable treatment will be required. General details of the use of settlement lagoons or tanks or grassed areas are contained in Appendix 2, though reference should always be made to the site drainage design. iv) Where possible, water shall be prevented from entering excavations. Use of cut-off ditches and well point de-watering may be necessary. Water discharged by any pumping arrangement shall be dealt with according to the site drainage plan. C v) It is of paramount importance to minimise disturbance to flora and fauna whilst carry out the construction works, and to ensure C 7 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved 6.7 EARTHWORKS Responsibility that disturbed habitats will regenerate quickly after completion of the works. Topsoil and vegetation (stored separately from subsoil) shall be retained and reinstated over the track shoulders and all other areas of stripped ground, as soon as possible to prevent erosion and leaching. On wet and marshy ground it may be necessary to store excavated materials on a geotextile in order to minimise disturbance to the vegetation below. Where reasonably practicable, turfs shall be reinstated with the vegetated side facing upwards, in order to speed up the re-generation process, minimise the need for re-seeding, and help maintain the original species mix. vi) The total quantity of exposed ground and stockpiles, and storage duration shall be minimised in order to minimise generation of silt and dust. If long-term storage is required then stockpiles can be seeded or covered and silt fences constructed from a suitable geotextile. In dry weather dust suppression measures may be required. C vii) The Contractor is responsible for avoiding excessive levels of nuisance dust being created, measures should be taken to eliminate at source, e.g. watering. C viii) The Contractor shall be deemed to be familiar with and shall execute works in accordance with the guidance provided in the Environment Agencies PPG5 – Works and maintenance in or near water. C 6.8 PLANT i) Where possible, mobile plant shall be refuelled in the designated area. Where plant is to be refuelled outside this area a double skinned bowser must be used and re-fuelling shall take place over a drip tray. Refuelling shall always take place away from watercourses or surface drains. ii) Plant and site vehicles are to be well maintained and any vehicles leaking fluids must be repaired or removed from site immediately. Any servicing operations shall take place over drip trays. C/CSM iii) All plant must contain a spill kit and operatives should be suitably trained on immediate actions in event of a fluid spill. C Responsibility C 8 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved 6.9 ROAD CLEANLINESS i) Site Roads shall be brushed or scraped as required to minimise dust and mud deposits, especially at site entrances and any watercourse crossings. If necessary during dry weather, dust suppression may be achieved by spraying water onto the site tracks to dampen down the airborne dust particulate. ii) Measures will be undertaken throughout the construction phase of the wind farm to ensure that dust and mud does not migrate onto the adjacent public highways, private roads or accesses. Responsibility C/CSM C/CSM This may require the establishment of a wheel washing station comprising an apron onto which vehicles will drive in order to clear the wheels and undersides using a power washer. Any water used during the wheel washing process will be collected and passed through a silt trap before discharging into a soakaway. Where necessary, roads shall be cleaned with a mechanical suction brush. 6.10 DRIP TRAYS i) Where practicable, drip trays shall contain absorbent granules, sheets or fibres, so that these can be disposed of once contaminated. Responsibility C After use the drip tray shall be cleaned using an appropriate absorbent material which shall be disposed of in accordance with COSHH regulations. Drip trays shall be regularly checked and cleaned. 6.11 CONCRETE i) Concrete is highly alkaline and corrosive and can have a detrimental impact on watercourses and wildlife. It is illegal to allow cement and wash-out water to enter a watercourse. Washing-out of concrete wagons on site shall only be permitted when the Contractor has provided a designated, suitably prepared wash-out area with signage identifying the area as suitable for concrete wagon wash-out to the satisfaction of the RES Site Manager. Responsibility C C CSM The concrete ‘washout’ in the lagoon shall not be emptied into any watercourse and shall be disposed of once set in accordance 9 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved with the Site Waste Management Plan No tools, equipment or materials may be washed in watercourses. Mortar mixing and material storage areas must be away from watercourses. Sulphate resistant concrete shall be used where geological conditions dictate, to prevent long term corrosion of concrete (local release of alkaline compounds) due to sulphate attack. ii) When undertaking construction involving wet concrete in proximity or within a watercourse, consent should be sought from the appropriate agency and work should not commence without agreement from the RES site manager. 6.12 EMERGENCIES i) Environmental emergencies such as spills shall be dealt with in accordance with 01226R00010 Environmental Emergency Response Plan, and Contractors shall familiarise themselves with this document. ii) Each Contractor working with controlled substances shall supply an appropriate spill kit which shall be kept on site - refer to Appendix 3 for requirements. C/CSM Responsibility C/CSM C The spill kit shall be made accessible at all times to all site personnel. iii) The relevant environmental emergency number shall be posted by RES in all Contractors’ accommodation, and the emergency procedure will be included in the RES site induction. CSM 6.13 WILDLIFE i) Wildlife shall be protected from entering and becoming trapped in any part of the works on the site. For excavations this may mean that fences, crossings or escape routes are necessary. ii) The CSM shall identify any ecological / bird habitat constraints on site and/or ensure working time restrictions due to ecological / bird habitat constraints being respected on site. CSM iii) If unexpected wildlife is encountered during construction (e.g. badger sett or bird nest), work should be temporarily suspended and the site ecologist or CSM informed. CSM Site Ecologist Responsibility C If required work in the area shall remain suspended until advice is sought from the environmental agency responsible for that area. 10 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved 6.14 FENCING AND WOOD i) Existing stock proof fencing on the site shall be retained in good order, and all gates shall be kept closed to ensure stock does not stray or escape during construction. RES will agree a fencing scheme with the landowner, identifying any sections of fencing to be removed to make way for the works, locations of replacement temporary and permanent fencing, and new gates and cattle grids to be installed - refer to the contract drawings. CSM ii) The Contractor should, whenever possible, only use wood from sustainable sources, both in construction and during temporary works. Typically this wood would be marked as FSC or PEFC. C 6.15 TRAINING AND AWARENESS i) The Contractor will ensure that all site personnel whom they have responsibility for are fully briefed and aware of any on site environmental constraints and sensitivities. The Contractor will provide adequate environmental training and awareness for construction site personnel. The CSM will initiate tool box talks where necessary and ensure all site personnel are inducted on environmental issues on site. 7.0 Responsibility C Responsibility C CSM DELIVERABLES The following shall, be retained as Environmental Records in the Construction Environmental Plan. i) ii) iii) 8.0 Issue/Receipt for this Procedure (Appendix 4) shall be filed in the Wind Farm Construction Environmental Plan Completed Environmental Checklists Completed Waste Transfer Notes APPENDIXES 11 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved Appendix 1 - Fuel and oil storage (mobile refuelling point) 12 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved Two examples of the required arrangement for a mobile refuelling point are shown below: In addition to the design of the storage unit itself, the surrounding area should be improved to ensure that any spills are contained within an area that can be later removed along with other contaminated waste. Any draw off guns used for fuel delivery should not be lockable to avoid over-delivery. 13 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved Appendix 2 - Dealing with silty water 14 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved Silty Water Wherever possible, silty water should be avoided. However, where is does occur it is vital that the silt that is held in suspension is allowed to settle out before the water reaches a watercourse. Silt can cause lasting damage to river life such as fish, insects and plants, can pollute local private water supplies and can also build up and cause flooding. All watercourses on site should be shown to be free of the risk of silt pollution. The drainage design which will be used to control runoff at the proposed site has been designed to cater for both quality and quantity and has been based on the design principals of SUDS. A full SUDS Design Statement has been submitted for the site (See Construction Method Statement Appendix) and forms an integral part of the Construction Method Statement. Reference must always be made to the SUDS Design Statement in the first instance, which provides the minimum specification upon which the contractor would be required to build. The SUDS design philosophy is based around prevention of contamination with silt. Where silt is unavoidably introduced into runoff, the runoff is dealt with at source through the use of regular check dams, numerous breakouts over a vegetated area, silt sumps, silt fences and settlement ponds, which are incorporated into a treatment train. Generic Solutions for dealing with Silty Water: 1. Flat grassed area Where the topography allows, existing grassed depressions are ideal for the natural filtration of run-off containing silt. However, it is important to ensure that water issuing onto such areas is not causing erosion en route, and also that the volume of silt being deposited in the settlement area is tolerable. 2. Sumps A sump dug prior to any site drainage reaching an existing watercourse will act as a settlement lagoon. The level of accummulated silt should be monitored and lowered through controlled removal (such as a sludge tanker) when necessary. A series of sumps may be necessary to deal with larger discharges. 3. Settlement / separation tanks These proprietary tanks operate on the same principle as the sump. Their performance is often enhanced by the inclusion of a baffle which prevents water overshooting the settlement tank. This baffle arrangement has the added advantage of acting as an oil separator in the event of such pollution reaching the tank. Sophisticated separators, or interceptors, which monitor the silt/oil level trapped are availabile. The tank size, layout and number of baffles can all be selected to identify the most appropriate arrangement. 4. Filter Drains/ Stone Check Dams These should be built up with the filter drains along the length of the access tracks at regular intervals to slow the flow within the filter drain and trap sediment. They need to be installed as the tracks progress and regularly maintained to ensure they act as a barrier across the channel and routinely cleared to prevent sediment build up. 5. Geotextile Check dams These should be kept on site in case of emergency silt ingress, when they should be deployed immediately. Please refer to the SUDS Design Statement for more details. Geotextile should only be used as a downstream polisher (last stage in the treatment train). As geotextile check dams are 15 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved difficult to install properly and are onerous to maintain, their use should be avoided and implementation of a full SUDS system should minimise requirements. 16 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved Appendix 3 - Spill Kits 17 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved Minimum Spill Kit Contents The Spill Kits on site shall contain and be maintained with the following contents: - Absorbant Granules - Pads - Rolls/ Socks - Disposal Bags and ties - Personnel Safety Kit The Contractor shall ensure that as a minimum there is a spill kit kept within the bunded refuelling are, with the capacity to absorb 250l, the Contractor must replenish the kits if any material is taken from them. The Spill Kit MUST be contained in a suitable container; i.e wheelie bin accessible at all times to the bunded area. It is recommended that security seal tape is placed on the spill kits to ensure that when they are checked it is clear if any content has been taken if the seal is broken. Mobile spill kits must be provided in each item of plant working on site. Suitable quantities of ‘Kelp’ bio-remediation solution such as; LK-301 (obtainable from - KN Services, Main Street, Balbeggie, Perth) should also be kept on-site to enable quick response to any oil spillages by acting as a chemical dispersant. In addition to the spill kit detailed above, the Contractor shall provide for straw bales and filter fences to be made available on site as deemed necessary in the site drainage plan. 18 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved Appendix 4 - Enviromental Requirements of Contractors Receipt for Issue 19 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTORS ISSUE DOCUMENT Issued to ................................................................................................................. Contract Number and Description ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Location .................................................................................................................. The person named below is the Company Project Manager responsible for overall management of the contract. Project Manager .............................................................Telephone .............................. The person named below is the Company Site Manager responsible for local management of the contract, who will be permanently on site. Site Manager ..................................................................Mobile .................................. Other Site Telephones ................................................................................................. The Site Manager should always be the first point of contact, if for any reason, he is not available you should contact the Company Project Manager. The Company Environmental Management System and Site Rules are available/displayed at : ............................................................................................................................. 20 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTORS RECEIPT DOCUMENT RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS COPY (To be detached and retained by the Site Manager when this document is issued to a Contractor on site) I acknowledge receipt of the Environmental Management System Procedure - Environmental Requirements of Contractors. I will disseminate the information contained within this procedure to our company workforce by; ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. I will disseminate the information contained within this procedure to our contractors by; ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Contract Number and Description............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. Location ...................................................................................... Signed ......................................................................................... Contracting Company ....................................................................................................... Date ............................................................................................ Contracting Company Head Office Telephone .................................................................... Local/site Telephone Number ....................................................... 21 Document Reference: 01226R00016 Issue: 08 - Approved ANNEX 4 PROCEDURE IN THE EVENT OF A CONTAMINANT SPILL Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved Emergency Procedure in the Event of a Contaminant Spillage Report No: 01276R00001 Prepared: Barry Cundy Signed Electronically: 19-May-2011 Checked: John Boyce Signed Electronically: 20-May-2011 Approved: Julian Hubbard Signed Electronically: 20-May-2011 Document Reference: 01276R00001 Issue: 08 - Approved Revision History Issue 01 02 03 04 05 Date 28/02/03 02/02/04 25/07/05 31/07/06 13/06/06 06 07 20/01/09 10/03/11 08 17/05/11 Nature And Location Of Change First Created Updated scope to include construction Updated to include all COSHH substances Change Special waste to hazardous waste Updated to include procedure on SF6, spill kits and drainage Updated logo Completed revised in line with current practice and regulations, hyperlinks added for documents. Para 6.1 x) updated, xii) inserted and previous para xii) and subsequent paras renumbered. Document Reference: 01276R00001 Issue: 08 - Approved CONTENTS 0.0 JURISDICTION ................................................................................................................................1 1.0 OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................................................1 2.0 SCOPE..............................................................................................................................................1 3.0 RISK ASSESSMENT .......................................................................................................................1 4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS...........................................................................................................1 5.0 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................2 6.0 PROCEDURE...................................................................................................................................2 6.1 Wind Farm Construction Site 2 6.2 Operational Wind Farm Site 5 Document Reference: 01276R00001 Issue: 08 - Approved 0.0 JURISDICTION When using this Work Instruction the user must ensure that the legislation of the country in which it is being used is being complied with. This Work Instruction has been generated from RES template 01135R00016: Issue: 04 in accordance with RES Procedure 01135R00015, Control of Documents. 1.0 OBJECTIVES This procedure details the emergency procedure to be followed and actions to be taken in the event of a hazardous waste spillage such as oil, fuel and chemicals, occurring on a wind farm construction site or an operational wind farm site in order that the environmental impacts that may be associated with a hazardous waste spillage may be mitigated. 2.0 SCOPE This procedure covers all wind farms (and stand alone turbines) for which RES are the Construction or Operation & Maintenance Contractor. 3.0 RISK ASSESSMENT Where this Work Instruction does not fully cover the activities to be undertaken a risk assessment must be undertaken and the Work Instruction amended, or a new Work Instruction created, to incorporate those activities. For Contractors using a RES Work Instruction, variation from the Work Instruction must be agreed in advance with RES management and authorisation given in writing. 4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan - 01226R00010 QM 012 - Education and Training Procedure – 01135R00003 EM 14 – Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning Procedure HSQE00-001043 Environmental - Reporting and Recording - 01276R00002 Register of Environmental Aspects template – HSQE00-000068 Environmental Incident Summary Record Sheet template – 01157R00002 Environmental Requirements of Contractors – 01226R00016 1 Document Reference: 01276R00001 Issue: 08 - Approved 5.0 DEFINITIONS Abbreviation or term i) C ii) COSHH iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) CSM EM H&S Plan HSM MSDS OMS RRM RS Explanation of abbreviation or term Contractor: Any company employed by RES to carry out any part of the wind farm construction or O&M works Control of Substance Hazardous to Health Regulations 2011 Construction Site Manager Environmental Manager Health and Safety File maintained by the CSM Health and Safety Manager Material Safety Data Sheet supplied by manufacturer Operation and Maintenance Staff Responsible RES Manager RES Staff 6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 Wind Farm Construction Site i) Responsibility The CSM shall ensure that the relevant contact numbers for CSM the Environmental Government body are displayed where they can be accessed by all Contractors. ii) The Contractor shall provide MSDS and COSHH C assessments for all substances controlled under COSHH that are to be used or stored on the site. Substances with hazardous properties such as cement, concrete and curing agents are all controlled by the COSHH. iii) The CSM shall file MSDS & COSHH assessments in the CSM Construction Health & Safety Plan Appendix 14. iv) The Contractor shall provide a secure impervious bund for all CSM fuel, oil and chemicals stored on site which should be of adequate capacity i.e. 110% of the volume of substances stored. The CSM shall check that the oil interceptor installed is a full retention separator, with the addition of an automatic closure devise. In the event that this facility is not installed, the bunded area must contain a drain cover seal to be used in the event of a major spill. v) The Contractor shall provide spill kits of appropriate form and C size as detailed in “Environmental Requirements of Contractors” - 01226R00016, this provides details on the minimum quantities of spill control products for the controlled substances that will be used or stored on the site, the contractor shall train personnel in the use of these spill kits. 2 Document Reference: 01276R00001 Issue: 08 - Approved vi) The CSM shall ensure that the Contractor provides the CSM appropriate spill kits and stores these in an appropriate accessible location on site. vii) The EM will provide oil spill training and awareness material EM, to the CSM, and Contractor, summary spill procedure and CSM, Environmental Government Body emergency details will be C provided and should be displayed on site at all times. The CSM shall post spill summary procedures to be provided by the EM in visible locations around the construction compound and attached to Spill kits on site. viii) The CSM shall ensure that a designated area away from CSM known watercourse is provided for washing out of concrete lorries to prevent contamination of roads and water courses. ix) If the site is within a ground protection zone the concrete CSM washout must be removed from the site for treatment as liquid waste. x) In the event of a liquid spill occurring on a wind farm C construction site the Contractor shall cease work in the vicinity immediately. If spillage is flammable, extinguish all ignition sources. Identify source of pollution and rectify the problem. The Contractors trained personnel shall immediately deploy the spill kit in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Contractor’s personnel shall don appropriate PPE and clean up the spill. All used spill kit materials should be disposed of in the proper manner xi) In the event of a concrete spillage into a water channel or CSM, surface water, the waste is highly alkaline and regarded as C Hazardous Waste. The CSM or Contractor should contact the relevant Environmental Regulator immediately. Every effort should be made to contain the movement of the liquid cement in the watercourse or drainage channel. xii) In the event of a Peat / Spoil Movement / Slip into a water course the following steps should be considered; Notify the following agencies; Environmental Agency, local Fisheries. Remove any peat or clay material which has entered the watercourse and transport to a location where it will no longer be a source of pollution. 3 Document Reference: 01276R00001 Issue: 08 - Approved Place geotextile silt fences/stone barrages at downstream points in the river as laid out in Water Pollution Mitigation Measure Drawing. Constant monitoring should be maintained not only of the water quality (clarity) downstream of the check dams, but also of the excavated peat or clay material. Consideration should also be given to the subsequent movement of the spoil / peat and any preventative / containment measures required. xiii) The Contractor shall inform the CSM of the incident as soon C as possible and no more than 1 hour after the spill. xiv) The CSM shall inform the relevant Environmental CSM Government body of the incident – contact detailed in Appendix 1 of the Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan 01226R00010 and on the spill summary sheet on display on site. xv) The CSM is responsible for completing an Environmental CSM Incident Summary Record Sheet – 01157R00002. This must be completed ASAP and within 48 hours of the incident occurring. xvi) The CSM is responsible for informing the EM ASAP of the CSM incident and must submit the completed and signed form to the EM within 48 hours of the incident occurring. xvi) The EM is responsible for checking all completed incident EM forms which are received and for logging them in accordance with the Environmental - Reporting and Recording 01276R00002. xvii) The Contractor is responsible for replacing the used spill kits C as soon as possible and no later than 24 hours after use. xviii) The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that used spill kits C and any other oil/fuel soaked material e.g. rags, used during the incident are disposed of in accordance with the Environmental Waste Management Regulations in operation. As such oil / fuel contaminated materials shall be bagged up, and disposed of at a licensed hazardous waste disposal site e.g. taken away by a licensed oil / fuel disposal / broker company, as detailed in the Site Waste Management Plan. xix) The Contractor shall submit copies of the receipt or waste oil C certificate to the CSM within 48 hours. 4 Document Reference: 01276R00001 Issue: 08 - Approved xx Where the site drainage plan has identified a possible risk of C silt ingress into drainage channels during earthworks or unstable strata. Straw bales and geotextile silt fences should be sourced prior to this work being commenced, so that in the event of a spoil slide or silt ingress they can be placed across the channel immediately to prevent excessive silt entering the watercourse, however, the effects can be minimised by ensuring that adequate drainage is properly instigated during installation of tracks. xxi) In the event of a leak or damage to switchgear containing CSM, SF6 (Sulphur Hexafluoride) the CSM shall notify the C Contractor responsible for the installation and maintenance of the switchgear. Personnel should not enter area where an SF6 leak is suspected or handle equipment contaminated with SF6. Only trained personnel from the Contractor should handle the equipment contaminated with leaked SF6 in accordance with guidance within manufacturer’s guidance or IEC Technical Report 1634 as an example of procedural advice. Warning signals are in the form of a pungent and unpleasant odour, irritation occurs within seconds of contact. xxii) 6.2 The CSM shall file hazardous waste transfer notes and CSM certificates with project documentation, the Contractor shall C provide fully completed waste transfer documentation for all items treated as waste and removed from site. Operational Wind Farm Site i) ii) Responsibility The RRM shall ensure that an oil spill kit is present at all RRM operational wind farm substation control buildings and that there is sufficient material to deal with an oil spill from one of the turbine transformers on the site. The RRM shall also ensure that heavy duty bin bags and tags are available at all operational wind farm control buildings for the disposal of any oil stained rags etc. The RRM shall also ensure that both packs are within their RRM use by date and are in good working order and are not damaged in any way and that the instructions for use are clearly legible on the packs. 5 Document Reference: 01276R00001 Issue: 08 - Approved iii) The RRM shall ensure that all members of RES staff who RRM visit the site are aware of the location of these packs and that they are accessible at all times. A clear sign in the control building indicating the location of the packs is sufficient for this purpose. iv) The RRM shall ensure that all OMS RES staff and RRM Contractors have read through and understand the OMS instructions for use on these packs. v) The EM will provide oil spill training and awareness material EM to the CSM and Contractors, summary spill procedure and Environmental Government Body emergency details will be provided and should be displayed on site. vi) In the event of an oil spill occurring on an operational wind RRM farm site the RRM, or member of RES staff on site who RS noticed the spill shall immediately deploy the oil spill kit in accordance with the manufacturers instructions to soak up and contain the oil. vii) The RRM shall ensure that the relevant contact numbers for RRM the Environmental Government body are displayed near to the oil spill kit in the control building. viii) If a member of RES staff other than the RRM discovers the RS oil spill they are responsible for informing the RRM ASAP of the incident. ix) The RRM shall inform the Government body of the incident. x) The RRM is responsible for completing an Environmental RRM Incident Summary Record Sheet – 01157R00002. This must be completed ASAP and certainly within 48 hours of the incident occurring. xi) The RRM is responsible for informing the EM ASAP of the RRM incident and must submit the completed and signed form to the EM within 48 hours of the incident occurring. xii The EM is responsible for checking all completed incident EM forms which are received and logging them in accordance with the Environmental - Reporting and Recording 01276R00002. xiii) The RRM is responsible for ordering in new packs of oil RRM absorbents to replace any that are used at an operational wind farm site. relevant Environmental RRM 6 Document Reference: 01276R00001 Issue: 08 - Approved xiv) The RRM or RS at the scene are responsible for ensuring RRM that used oil spill kits and any other oil soaked material e.g. RS rags used during the incident are disposed of in accordance with the Environmental Waste Management Regulations in operation. As such oil containing materials shall be bagged up, and disposed of at a licensed oil disposal site e.g. taken away by a licensed oil disposal broker company, or disposed of at an oil disposal facility at a Local Authority Waste Disposal tip. In all cases a copy of the receipt or waste oil certificate shall be obtained and filed in the appropriate project file. xv) The RRM shall ensure that the relevant contractor dealing RRM with the emergency (i.e. turbine or HV maintenance contractor) maintains files of hazardous waste transfer certificates or receipts received and makes them available for inspection as required. xvi) The RRM shall ensure that all switchgear is checked with RRM manufacturers for SF6 content, if present signage should be installed notifying SF6 content and contact details for the subcontractor responsible for maintenance of the switchgear. 7 Document Reference: 01276R00001 Issue: 08 - Approved ANNEX 5 SUDS DESIGN STATEMENT Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire Client: RES UK & Ireland Ltd Prepared by: McCloy Consulting Ltd February 2013 52 Mallusk Enterprise Park, Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland BT36 4GN T: +44 28 9084 8694 E: info@mccloyconsulting.com W: www.mccloyconsulting.com MCL115-54 REVISION HISTORY Document Reference: Revision Reference Revision Status A MCL115-54_DG01 Date of Issue Reason for Issue / Amendments Issued to DRAFT 15/02/2013 Issued for Comment / Original RES UK & Ireland Ltd FINAL DRAFT 27/02/2013 Minor Amendments / Issued for CMS RES UK & Ireland Ltd CONTRACT This report describes work commissioned by RES UK & Ireland Ltd following written instruction by their representative. The RES UK & Ireland Ltd representative for the contract was Gareth Edwards. Prepared by: Dan Hackett Graduate Engineer Reviewed by: Anthony McCloy Director Approved by: Anthony McCloy Director Date: 27 February 2013 DISCLAIMER This document has been prepared solely as a SuDS Design Statement in support of the submission of a Preliminary Construction Method Statement for RES UK & Ireland Ltd. McCloy Consulting Ltd accepts no responsibility or liability for any use that is made of this document other than by RES UK & Ireland Ltd for the purposes for which it was originally commissioned and prepared. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire February 2013 MCL115-54 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 DETAILS OF THE SITE ........................................................................................................................................................2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 TERMS OF REFERENCE .......................................................................................................................................................1 STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY .................................................................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................................1 SITE DETAILS .....................................................................................................................................................................2 SITE HYDROLOGY ...............................................................................................................................................................2 DESIGNATED SITES AND WATER DEPENDENT HABITATS .......................................................................................................2 RELEVANT GUIDANCE AND LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................3 3.1 RELEVANT GUIDANCE AND LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................3 3.1.1 Legislation and Planning Policy .............................................................................................................................3 3.1.2 EA Guidance Notes and Selected Industry Guidance ...........................................................................................3 3.1.3 Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) – Guidance Manuals ................................3 4 PROJECT PLANNING REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 DESIGN CRITERIA ...............................................................................................................................................................7 5.1 6 DESIGN CRITERIA ................................................................................................................................................................7 SUDS DESIGN PHILOSOPHY .............................................................................................................................................8 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 PLANNING CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................................................................5 IDB – LAND DRAINAGE BYELAWS .........................................................................................................................................5 WOOLLEY HILL FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT ...........................................................................................................................5 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT (ES) REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................5 CONTROLLING RUNOFF .......................................................................................................................................................8 WATER QUALITY & TREATMENT ...........................................................................................................................................8 PRESERVING SITE HYDROLOGY ...........................................................................................................................................8 AMENITY / BIODIVERSITY .....................................................................................................................................................9 SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................................................................................9 DRAINAGE – OUTLINE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS .....................................................................................................10 7.1 PREAMBLE .......................................................................................................................................................................10 7.2 WATERCOURSES & WATERCOURSE CROSSINGS ................................................................................................................10 7.2.1 Identification of Watercourse Crossings ..............................................................................................................10 7.2.2 Design of Watercourse Crossings .......................................................................................................................10 7.2.3 Water Feature Buffer Zones ................................................................................................................................10 7.3 LAND DRAINAGE / FIELD DRAINAGE ....................................................................................................................................11 7.4 LINEAR TRACK DRAINAGE (SWALES)..................................................................................................................................11 7.4.1 Check Dams ........................................................................................................................................................11 7.5 RUNOFF ATTENUATION .....................................................................................................................................................11 8 CONSTRUCTION PHASE CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................................................................13 8.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................13 8.2 PLANNING AND PHASING OF DRAINAGE WORKS..................................................................................................................13 8.3 EARTHWORKS AND SPOIL MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................13 8.4 SPECIFIC DRAINAGE RELATED CONSTRUCTION PHASE MEASURES .......................................................................................14 8.4.1 Working in the vicinity of water / Buffer zones .....................................................................................................14 8.4.2 Watercourse Crossings........................................................................................................................................14 8.4.3 Mini-Settlement Ponds .........................................................................................................................................15 8.4.4 SuDS Detention Basins .......................................................................................................................................15 8.4.5 Turbine Bases and Crane Pads ...........................................................................................................................15 8.4.6 Substation and Temporary Compounds ..............................................................................................................16 8.4.7 Cable Trenches ...................................................................................................................................................16 8.4.8 Excavated-type Track Makeup ............................................................................................................................16 9 SUDS MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................................................................17 SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire February 2013 MCL115-54 9.1 9.2 GUIDANCE AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION PHASE .......................................................................................17 GUIDANCE AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POST-CONSTRUCTION (OPERATIONAL) PHASE .....................................................17 APPENDICES APPENDIX A General Arrangement Drawing and Typical Details SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire February 2013 MCL115-54 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Terms of Reference RES UK & Ireland Ltd has appointed McCloy Consulting Ltd to undertake Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) design as part of the development proposals for Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire. This design statement explains the rationale behind the outline SuDS proposals that have been developed to service the proposed access tracks and hard standing areas that are required for the development. This report explains the principals and approach being adopted for the outline and detailed design of drainage for the site. It will demonstrate to the relevant authorities that a drainage strategy is deliverable at the site, which will have negligible impact on the receiving environments. This report will support the submission of the preliminary Construction Method Statement, in particular, relating to the SuDS proposed at this site. The design principals set out within this document will be further elaborated by the Contractors’ site specific Drainage Management Plan and Maintenance Manual. 1.2 Statement of Authority McCloy Consulting is an independent environmental consultancy specialising in SuDS, drainage, hydrological and hydrology assessments, river modelling and flood risk assessment. McCloy Consulting has ongoing involvement in numerous SuDS projects across the UK and has developed a particular expertise in hydrological assessment and sustainable drainage design for wind farm sites. McCloy Consulting has had successful involvement in the design of innovative SuDS solutions for 50+ onshore wind farms in accordance with current best practice guidance in Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Great Britain, and Europe. 1.3 Introduction The construction phase of all projects is a period within which there is an increased potential for pollution, in particular silt pollution to local watercourses due to exposure of fine grained soils (silt and clay). The additional hardstanding areas for the access tracks, buildings and turbine bases will give rise to increased rates and volumes of runoff. The aim of this document is to provide sufficient detail to ensure that pollution of watercourses will not occur as a result of construction activities at the site and there is no additional risk of flooding in the downstream environment arising from the development of the proposed site. The main objectives of the project in terms of drainage have been identified and defined as follows: Propose appropriate, robust and buildable SuDS measures for the prevention of erosion and the removal of silts and pollutants from runoff during construction and operational phases. Maintain existing hydrological response from the catchment. Ensure that surface runoff flows discharged from site are restricted to pre-development rates. Provide sufficient capacity for conveyance of flow for new watercourse culvert crossings. Ensure the effectiveness of existing land drainage / field drainage is maintained. Consider the control and monitoring for the dewatering of excavations. The drainage design adopts a SuDS approach to surface water management, which will be incorporated during both the construction (temporary) and operational (permanent) phases of the development. The use of swales, check dams, and detention basins in series provides a sequence of surface water management measures that will mitigate any adverse impact on the hydrology of the site and surrounding areas during the construction phase of the project. These techniques will be supported by the use of other pollution prevention measures such as silt fences and mats where necessary. Where construction activities near watercourses and water bodies are essential, steps have been undertaken to identify sufficient mitigation measures for the protection of the watercourses against pollution and have been presented on drawings accompanying this report. Silt management and pollution prevention during all elements of construction has been given due consideration within the design statement and within the scope of the full SuDS design. This report gives both specific and general details on the drainage method for temporary works, permanent site drainage and pollution prevention measures for silt management. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 1 February 2013 MCL115-54 2 DETAILS OF THE SITE 2.1 Site Details The proposed wind farm site occupies an area of approximately 2.2km2 (within which the Wind farm infrastructure will be located) and is located in the District of Huntingdonshire within the county of Cambridgeshire, East Anglia. The site is situated approx 0.5 km north of the village of Ellington, 8 km west of Huntingdon and approximately 32 km north west of Cambridge. Elevations within the site range from around 16 mAOD at the southern site extent to approximately 52 mAOD at the central crest of the site before descending again in the northern section of the site. Existing land use within the site is predominantly arable grasslands, with some sporadic areas of small planting located across the site. Proposed construction activities at the site include construction of site tracks; wind turbine infrastructure including turbine hard standing areas, access track, meteorological mast, construction compound, electrical substation, cabling and associated activities. 2.2 Site Hydrology The following reports were used in reference to the hydrology and hydrogeology for the site and used as a basis for undertaking the SuDS design for Woolley Hill Wind Farm: Woolley Hill Wind Farm; Volume 2- Environmental Statement Rainfall records indicate that the Woolley Hill site has an average annual rainfall in the region of approximately 548mm (data sourced from FEH CD-ROM). Based on the Meteorological Office banding of annual average rainfall amounts, the above statistics indicate that rainfall at the site is within the 2nd lowest band of rainfall (of 9 bands) and that the climate in the vicinity of the site is below the UK average. A walk over assessment of the proposed turbine locations and access tracks was carried out on 20th November 2012 by McCloy Consulting Ltd. Observations arising from the site walkover assessment and the EIS Chapter on Hydrology and Hydrogeology1 are summarised as follows: 2.3 The majority of areas within the site where work will be taking place during the construction phase of the project drain towards the Ellington Brook which traverses the southern site boundary. Whilst low flows were observed in the Ellington Brook on the day of McCloy Consulting’s walkover, disturbed vegetation along the watercourse banks indicate evidence of high flows. The remainder of the site drains towards a tributary of the Alconbury Brook (tributary no.23), which flows along the north eastern site boundary. The site is drained extensively by privately maintained field drains, purposely built to drain the land. During the site visit, the drainage channels present on the site were observed to be well vegetated and carrying no base flow, which would indicate that they are only likely to receive flow in response to rainfall runoff. Both watercourses draining the site are tributaries of the River Ouse which flows in an easterly direction towards its discharge point to the North Sea at Wash Bay, King’s Lynn. Designated Sites and Water Dependent Habitats There are no internationally or nationally designated sites identified by the ES which could be affected by the proposed development. 1 1 Woolley Hill Wind Farm: Volume 2- Full Environmental Statement; Chapter 9: Hydrology SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 2 February 2013 MCL115-54 3 RELEVANT GUIDANCE AND LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Relevant Guidance and Legislative Requirements It is proposed that all drainage relating to the Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire project will be constructed using best practice and in conformance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory authorities. The key legislation and guidance which will be adhered to are defined as follows: 3.1.1 Legislation and Planning Policy EC Directives Water Framework Directive(2000/60/EC) EC Freshwater fish Directive (78/659/EEC) Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control Directive (2008/1/EC) National / Local Legislation and Planning Policy UK Water Quality (Water Supply) Regulations 2000 Flood and Water Management Act 2010 Pollution Control and Local Government Order 1978 The Groundwater Regulations 1998 Fisheries Act 1966 Land Drainage Act 1994 The Environment Act 1995 EC Dangerous Substances Act The Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) Regulations 2001 National Planning Policy Framework (superseding PPS25 – Development and flood risk) Alconbury and Ellington Internal Drainage Board Land Drainage Byelaws Code of Practice for Protecting Board Maintained Watercourses and Culverts 3.1.2 EA Guidance Notes and Selected Industry Guidance BS6031:1981 Code of Practice for Earth Works (UK Guidance) EA Pollution Prevention Guidance Notes (PPGs): o PPG01 General Guide to the Prevention of Water Pollution o PPG02 Above Ground Oil Storage Tanks o PPG03 Use and Design of Oil Separators in Surface Water Drainage Systems o PPG04 Disposal of Sewage where no Mains Drainage is available o PPG05 Works in, near or liable to affect Watercourses o PPG06 Working at Construction and Demolition Sites o PPG07 Refueling Facilities o PPG08 Safe Storage and Disposal of Used Oils o PPG18 Managing Fire Water and Major Spillages o PPG20 Dewatering Underground Ducts and Chambers o PPG21 Pollution Incident Response Planning o PPG26 Pollution Prevention Storage and Handling of Drums & Intermediate Bulk Containers 3.1.3 Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) – Guidance Manuals CIRIA Report C532 Control of Water Pollution from Construction Sites SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 3 February 2013 MCL115-54 CIRIA Report C648 Control of Pollution from Linear Construction Project. Technical Guidance CIRIA Handbook C651 Environmental good practice on site checklist CIRIA Report C689 - Culvert Design and Operation Guide CIRIA Report C692 Environmental Good Practice on site 3rd Edition CIRIA Report C697 – The SUDS Manual SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 4 February 2013 MCL115-54 4 PROJECT PLANNING REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Planning conditions The following planning condition is noted by APP/H0520/A/11/2158702; 31. Development shall not be begun until a construction method statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The construction method statement shall set out details of all on-site construction works; post-construction re-instatement; drainage; mitigation; and other re-instatement, together with details of their timetabling. It is proposed that the SuDS outline design statement and associated drawings discharges the planning condition aspects relating to drainage. 4.2 IDB – Land drainage byelaws The following is noted from the Alconbury and Ellington IDB list of byelaws; “3. Control of Introduction of Water and Increase in Flow or Volume of Water No person shall, without the previous consent of the board, for any purpose, by means of any channel, siphon, pipeline or sluice or by any other means whatsoever, introduce any water into the District or, whether directly or indirectly, increase the flow or volume of water in any watercourse in the District.” 4.3 Woolley Hill Flood Risk Assessment Section 5.2 of the Flood Risk Assessment2 for the site states that; Surface water management systems for the proposed development will be designed to mimic existing hydrological regimes, with track side drainage comprising either buffer strips or infiltration trenches. Mitigation proposed as part of the FRA for the construction of the project includes; The provision of appropriate surface water drainage from hardstanding areas- design of the system will seek to mimic existing runoff regimes. The temporary enabling works compound within the south of the site will be designed with due consideration to flooding to allow flood waters to pass through the compound, Any potentially polluting substances will be appropriately bunded. Section 4.6 of the Flood Risk Assessment addresses floodplain compensation where track and compound construction is proposed within the floodplain. The FRA requires the proposed design to consider; “The proposed skew bridge crossing and all access routes within the floodplain will be constructed at grade to the surrounding land, removing any requirement for floodplain compensation works.” 4.4 Environmental Statement (ES) Requirements The following specific requirements to be addressed by the SuDS design have been identified as part of the Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire - Environmental Statement. The table below indicates the section of this report that refers to each requirement. ES Requirement Referring Section Section 9.6.3 Infrastructure Drawing “Track side drainage will be provided and tracks will have a camber to encourage the quick runoff of track drainage” MCL115_54_DWG-101-105 1 2 Woolly Hill Wind Farm - Flood risk assessment - prepared by SKM Enviros SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 5 February 2013 MCL115-54 ES Requirement Referring Section Section 9.7.4 Section 7.6 “To limit potential impacts of hardcore and excavated material entering watercourses or sediment levels increasing within surface water runoff, the contractors will be required to adhere to a Construction Method Statement and Environmental Management System (CMS and EMS) during construction activities that will be developed to control pollution and sediment levels during this stage. Such measures to be incorporated within this include storage of excavated soil for the access tracks on the furthest side from the watercourse.” Section 9.7.9 Section 6.2 “When excavating the turbine foundations groundwater may be encountered. Any water will be pumped out and passed to a settling lagoon to allow suspended sediment to settle.” Section 9.7.6 Section 7.2.2, 7.3 “Where crossings are needed for local field drains, these will be constructed in accordance with EA and CIRIA best practice guidance and will be agreed in advance with the EA and Huntingdon District Council. The type of crossing method will be chosen at the detailed design stage and will be based on the sensitivity of the drainage channel. The use of culverts will be minimised where possible.” Section 9.8.2 Section 7.4.1 “It is anticipated that during the construction period there may be an increase in sediment loadings of runoff for the Site. However, this is predicted to be of short duration during periods of high intensity rainfall and as such no significant long-term effect upon the local water environment is predicted.” Section 8.0 Section 9.7.12 To mitigate against potential impacts on soil hydrology, soil movement will be undertaken with reference to best practice guidelines available from DEFRA in the form of Good Practice Guide for Handling Soils (MAFF 2000). In principal, soil excavation should be undertaken during dry periods and undertaken with backacters and dump trucks. Topsoil and subsoil should not be mixed or stored together. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 6 February 2013 MCL115-54 5 DESIGN CRITERIA 5.1 Design criteria Surface water management on the site will use the principles of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). The design criteria and objectives of SuDS applicable to the Woolley Hill Wind Farm site are: To maintain existing runoff rates, volumes and frequencies that tend to be increased as a result of the development, thus having a neutral impact on the risk of downstream flooding. Return periods for the attenuation of flows have been identified and agreed with the Environment Agency as 1 in 1 year +CC, 1 in 30 year +CC and 1 in 100 year. Encouraging natural groundwater recharge (where appropriate) to minimise the impacts on aquifers and river base flows in the receiving catchment; To minimise sediment loads in the runoff with particular attention being given to the construction phase of the project; Remove pollutant concentrations in storm water, thus protecting the quality of the receiving water body; Avoidance of high flow velocities, particularly at the entry point to the final settlement pond. Energy dissipation devices of multiple outflow structures will help to restrict re-suspension of sediment; To act as a buffer for accidental spills by preventing direct discharge of high concentrations of contaminants to the receiving water body; To protect sensitive downstream receptors from pollution; To contribute, where practicable, to the enhanced amenity value, providing habitats for wildlife and opportunities for biodiversity enhancement. Specifically, surface water management at the site will aim to: Maintain runoff rates and volumes at pre development (Greenfield) rates; Manage hydraulic erosion on site and provide for reinstatement of vegetation along the access track; Ensure that the runoff discharged from the site does not cause deterioration in the receiving watershed when compared to existing baseline conditions. These design criteria have been translated into an outline design philosophy to steer drainage design and surface water management at the site. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 7 February 2013 MCL115-54 6 SUDS DESIGN PHILOSOPHY In order to meet the design criteria and objectives detailed in Section 5 of this report and regulatory authority requirements (Section 3 and 4), the following design philosophy has been developed: 6.1 6.2 6.3 Controlling Runoff Track and hardstanding runoff will be handled by sheet flow to trackside ditches or swales. Tracks and hardstanding areas are to be constructed from unbound aggregate and are not surfaced, thus helping to reduce runoff volumes. This has been allowed for within the design philosophy through the utilisation of a reduced runoff coefficient of 70%, and a heavy silt loading assumed as defined by D'Arcy et al (2000), for light industrial and engineering land uses. Piped under track drainage, where required, will be provided with associated sumps and check dams. The under track drainage will provide a means for flows to pass from a swale on the uphill side of the slope to the downhill side of the slope. In cases where the tracks must run significantly downhill, transverse drains (‘grips’) will be constructed where appropriate in the surface of the tracks to divert any runoff flowing down the track into the adjacent swale / drainage ditch. Rate and volume of runoff will be attenuated using detention basins receiving flows from newly constructed hardstanding areas. Attenuation features will also reduce flow velocities and allow settlement of silts prior to discharge. Flow rates will also be reduced throughout the scheme, through the integration of open channel swales and checkdams. There will be no merit in using methods such as infiltration trenches or soakaways due to the lack of infiltration capacity across the site (refer to RSK Geotechnical Investigation Report: Section 6.5). Water Quality & Treatment A treatment train will be designed with a minimum of three stages of treatment for polluted runoff from the site during the construction phase prior to flows entering receiving watercourses / land drainage ditches. Silt laden runoff within trackside swales will be treated through the provision of small check dams at specified centres along the swales (frequency to be specified as part of detailed design). Appropriate site management measures will be taken to ensure that runoff from the construction site is not contaminated by fuel or lubricant spillages. There will be no discharge of trade effluent, sewage effluent or contaminated drainage into any watercourse system or ditch. Earth spillages into any existing streams will be avoided. Any dewatering from excavations will be via surface silt traps, check dams, temporary settlement ponds and detention basins to reduce potential for sediment entering receiving land drainage ditches and watercourses. Areas stripped of vegetation should be kept to a minimum. Stripped vegetation should be reinstated on slopes as early as possible. Where appropriate, a lateral drainage ditch (cut-off drainage ditch) will be provided to ensure that surface runoff can be directed around areas of work and consequently reduce volumes and rates of silt laden construction runoff. Cut off drainage will be reinstated post construction and once vegetation within the receiving drainage channels has established. Preserving Site Hydrology Piped drainage will be provided under the tracks at all locations where existing land drainage passes under the proposed tracks. Existing field drainage will be maintained as existing. Runoff will be attenuated within detention basins. Attenuated flows will be discharged to receiving watercourses and land drainage ditches as per the existing drainage regime for the site. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 8 February 2013 MCL115-54 6.4 Amenity / Biodiversity 6.5 Detention basins may be provided with micro pools subject to requirements of the habitat management or enhancement plans for the site. These water features may be retained for the whole life of the project as a means of providing wetland habitat on the site. Requirement for standing water / micropools is to be agreed with RES appointed ecologist in relation to the appropriateness or otherwise of basin locations. Summary The proposed SuDS design provides a series of surface water management techniques that will mitigate any adverse impact on the hydrology of the site. The design consists of permanent and temporary measures to manage surface water runoff during and post construction phase. Application of the above design philosophy in the detailed design and construction of site specific elements is considered in the following sections of this report. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 9 February 2013 MCL115-54 7 DRAINAGE – OUTLINE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 7.1 Preamble The following key considerations have been identified in the preliminary design of hydrology and drainage for the site. These issues and development of suitable mitigating measures will be given further consideration during the detailed design stage of the project. 7.2 Identification of watercourse crossings and drainage paths across the site Detailed design of track drainage & silt management Detailed design of turbine hardstanding drainage, construction compound drainage & silt management Separation of “natural runoff” and “construction runoff” flows Spoil storage Definition of buffer-zones Watercourses & Watercourse Crossings 7.2.1 Identification of Watercourse Crossings One watercourse, the Ellington Brook, charted on OS 1:50,000 mapping, has been identified on the site that will be affected by the construction of a new or upgraded watercourse crossings (culvert, bridge or similar) in order to allow for abnormal load access to and within the proposed development site. 7.2.2 Design of Watercourse Crossings There are no additional watercourses present on the Woolley Hill Wind Farm site other than those identified in Section 2.2. The wind farm design requires the construction of a new bridged crossing of the Ellington Brook (Grid Ref TL159722). Design of this watercourse crossing will be undertaken at detailed design stage by the appointed bridge designer and in agreement with Environment Agency. Detailed mapping of drainage paths across the site has been provided. In addition, field drain records have been provided by the land owner. In accordance with the requirements of Land Drainage Act 1991 / Water Resources Act 1991, works in, over or under a watercourse or works altering or repairing any structure in, over or under a watercourse must have prior consent from the EA in the form of a Flood Defence Consent. Design of water crossing structures will comply with the provisions made in the Construction Method Statement for the site, as well as additional considerations in this report. Additional factors considered in the design and orientation of watercourse crossings includes: Consideration of clear span crossings in order to avoid disruption to the stream bed where migratory fish have, or sensitive downstream receptors been identified; Consideration of the passage of out-of-bank flood flows; Crossings are generally located in an area where bank slopes are the shallowest available, thus reducing the potential for runoff to carry sediment into the watercourse. 7.2.3 Water Feature Buffer Zones Infrastructure design has ensured that buffer (exclusion) zones will be maintained around all identified watercourses as per ES requirements. Where the local site environment requires additional protection (e.g. steep slopes or lack of vegetation between construction corridor and watercourse) the buffer zone will be increased or stringent mitigation measures introduced. Presence of watercourses has been identified from 1:50,000 OS mapping and 9m buffer zones are indicated on the SuDS General Arrangement Drawing. Buffers will act as filters minimising sediment transport and attenuating flows as per requirements of the ES. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 10 February 2013 MCL115-54 7.3 Land drainage / Field drainage Preliminary information provided by the land owner identifies the presence of field drainage across sections of the site. The proposed works to construct the Wind farm should ensure the following; The existing land drainage should continue to be useable, in terms of facilitating positive drainage from the field catchments Facilitate jetting/rodding of the existing drains (long term maintenance). Ensuring that all new land drainage pipe work is installed to allow a positive gradient in the direction of flow. Any land drain found to be no longer functioning due to being crushed or lacerated due to construction of wind farm infrastructure will be replaced at similar gradient to that of the existing field drainage. The existing discharge location will be retained. Similarly, with the placement of the cables around the site, care will be taken not to disturb the underlying land drainage system. Where disturbance is unavoidable, the affected sections of land drainage will be replaced, like for like, with the replacement drain sections tested via rodding. 7.4 Linear Track Drainage (Swales) The cross fall on the track will be aligned to divert “construction runoff” (i.e. silt entrained surface runoff from track or excavations) into trackside swales by overland sheet flow or via track surface grips. The slope from the track/hardstanding to the ditch will be suitably profiled to reduce the volume and rate of runoff and prevent erosion, and in accordance with turbine delivery requirements. Any vegetation used will be appropriate to the local area. Temporary erosion protection may be required until the vegetation becomes established (coir matting or similar). All swales and sumps will be kept as shallow as possible so that they pose no health and safety risk to plant or personnel. Maximum depth of standing water will be limited to 0.3m within the swales. Drainage swales shall be designed to provide sufficient conveyance and demonstrate adequate settlement of silts prior to discharge. Where no regular outflow points are permitted, the swale profile has been enlarged to cope with the additional flow anticipated during the higher return period rainfall events. Locations for larger swale profiles are identified on the SuDS layouts and sizes provided by the typical details. 7.4.1 Check Dams It is proposed that rock filled check dams will be installed within trackside swales at regular frequencies, in order to reduce flow velocities and improve conditions for the settlement of solids in transit. It is intended that these dams will be relatively simple to construct but provide treatment of construction runoff at source. The stone used for the construction of the check dams will be 4-40mm ‘clean’ graded stone. On steep slopes the check dams will be reinforced using larger 100-150mm stone placed on the downhill side of the check dam to prevent washing away of the smaller graded stone. The frequency of the check dams will be determined at detailed design stage. The check dams will serve dual functions, by both removing and settling out silts and reducing flow velocities, therefore mitigating against the effects of erosion within the swale. Check dams will be used as a temporary measure during the construction phase when silt loading is expected to be high. Where feasible and where observed site conditions allow, the frequency of installed check dams may be reduced for the post-construction phase, due to reduced silt loading anticipated following completion of construction activities and establishment of vegetation within the swale. 7.5 Runoff Attenuation EA or IDB approval (depending on location of works undertaken) must be granted for discharge of runoff from proposed works to receiving watercourses. Alconbury and Ellington IDB have requested that a separate consent will be provided for each of the separate discharge points from the proposed site drainage. Nine points of discharge from the proposed works are currently proposed, each of which will require consent from the IDB. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 11 February 2013 MCL115-54 Additional runoff generated by the site proposals will be attenuated within SuDS detention basins strategically placed across the site to collect rainfall runoff from the proposed Wind farm infrastructure. These basins will be shallow and will incorporate sumps to aid the removal of suspended silts. Calculations for the determination of storage requirements have been undertaken, and the preliminary proposals for placement and configuration of the basins are detailed on Infrastructure drawings MCL115-54_DWG_101-105. It is noted that the site proposals incorporate several areas such as the site compound, which will be temporary in nature. Post removal and re-landscaping of temporary development areas; the detention basins receiving runoff from such areas may be reduced in size in line with the reduced runoff being received. The location and design of the basins must ensure that they pose minimal health and safety risk to site personnel. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 12 February 2013 MCL115-54 8 CONSTRUCTION PHASE CONSIDERATIONS 8.1 Introduction It is highlighted that the track layout design and SuDS considerations to date have been designed to minimise and mitigate for the effects of pollution to all local watercourses. However, this does not remove environmental responsibilities from the contractor / sub-contractors. All site personnel should be made aware of their environmental responsibilities at the site induction prior to being allowed to work on site through the production of a Method statement, outlining Environmental Requirements for SubContractors, which will include environmental emergency response procedures to deal with spillages, should they occur. This section of the report outlines the steps which should be undertaken during the construction phase of the project to ensure compliance with the relevant guidance and legislation outlined in Section 3 of this report. Site visits by the SuDS Engineer will be agreed in advance and will be undertaken at various stages of the construction process to ensure that the proposed SuDS scheme is being constructed in adherence with the design. Essential mitigation measures relevant to controlling erosion and runoff from construction of the SuDS are described in the EA’s Pollution Prevention Guidance notes. 8.2 Planning and Phasing of Drainage Works Unless proven technically infeasible, temporary or permanent drainage & silt management features (SuDS) are to be constructed prior to earthworks (including preliminary or enabling works) proceeding to construct any linear works (tracks / hardstanding areas / cable routes), turbine bases, and other infrastructure, including: Temporary silt fences should be erected in areas where risk of pollution to watercourses has been identified e.g. watercourse crossing locations and areas where tracks or other infrastructure lie within 9m watercourse buffer zones. Upslope cut-off drainage channels approximately parallel to the proposed track alignment should be installed in advance of any significant excavated cuttings for the track or turbine hardstanding areas. This will prevent washout by surface flows of exposed clays in excavations and fine sediments in track makeup, and increase efficiency of silt removal in future trackside drainage swales. Watercourses, drains, natural flow paths and cut-off drain outlet locations should be identified and charted, in order to ensure that piped crossings can be installed in advance of or adjacent to the track construction. Settlement ponds should be constructed in advance of commencing excavations for WTG foundations and at any other locations identified as required at detailed design stage. Trackside drainage swales should be installed in parallel with track construction. Note that this may require that drainage swales are reformed on an ongoing basis as temporary track alignments are modified to their eventual finished design level. Temporary drainage measures (ponds, check dams etc.) can be removed post construction when the risk of silt pollution is significantly diminished. In addition, spoil management is to be planned in advance of earthworks and on an ongoing basis, in order to allow planning of drainage required in advance of spoil being deposited. Suitable prevention measures should be in place at all times to prevent the conveyance of silts to receiving water courses. 8.3 Earthworks and Spoil management In accordance with BS6031: 1981 Code of Practice for Earth Works, land disturbance will be kept to a minimum and disturbed areas will be stabilised as soon as possible. Soil handling will be undertaken with reference to best practice guidelines available from DEFRA in the form of the Good Practice Guide for Handling Soils (MAFF 2000). In principle, soil excavation should be undertaken during dry periods whenever possible. However, it is noted that other factors such as bird nesting season and other ecological constraints may affect working timeframes. Therefore working only during dry weather may not always be practicable or feasible. A Spoil management plan should be developed for the site which will detail the placement of excess spoil across the site. As per ES requirements, careful consideration is to be given to the location of topsoil and subsoil storage areas during construction. Spoil is to be stored in a dry area away from watercourses; spoil material, size and location of SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 13 February 2013 MCL115-54 storage areas are to be assessed to prevent risk of rainwater moving material. Top soils and subsoils will not be mixed as part of any temporary spoil management plan. In areas where there is a risk of high surface runoff and erosion potential, temporary cut off drains will be installed upslope of storage areas to divert flows away from spoil. In addition, the following should be noted in terms of drainage for temporary spoil management areas: There will be no depositing of material within the 9m watercourse buffer zones as identified on drawing MCL115-54_DWG_101-105. There should be no ponding of surface water on top of spoil. Temporary spoil should be compacted and graded to ensure that all direct precipitation will run directly off the surface. Natural flow paths (drainage channels) should not be altered or blocked by deposited spoil. Silt management measures such as silt fencing will be incorporated as part of the site works as deemed appropriate. 8.4 Specific drainage related Construction Phase Measures 8.4.1 Working in the vicinity of water / Buffer zones The following procedures apply to the general construction activities either within watercourses or in the vicinity of watercourses. Due cognisance will be given to the prevailing ground conditions and season when programming the execution of the works in order to minimise generation of silt laden runoff. Plan so that trackside drains do not discharge directly into watercourses, but rather via either: o via buffer area of adequate width (see below) or; o via sediment sumps Cement and concrete should be stored outwith buffer zone to avoid contamination of watercourses. Runoff from excavations will NOT be permitted to be pumped directly to watercourses. Where dewatering of excavations is required, water shall be pumped to the head of a treatment train (swale, basin, settlement pond or detention basin) in order to receive full treatment prior to re-entry to the natural drainage system. In line with the requirements of the ES, buffer zones to drainage features will be set as follows: 9m to watercourses identified on 1:50,000 OS mapping. It will be necessary to encroach on the 9m buffers to facilitate watercourse crossing locations. Buffer zones are shown on the SuDS general arrangement overview drawings included with this report. It is noted that SuDS treatment techniques will be utilised to remove silts from runoff prior to the discharge of flows to watercourses or over land. In the event that a specific short term risk to water quality is identified on site, specific localised measures will be implemented including; Placing temporary filtration silt fences within drainage channels where siltation is observed; Halting of works in the vicinity until the source of the risk is identified and all necessary preventative measures are implemented to mitigate the risk. 8.4.2 Watercourse Crossings Due to the lack of watercourses present within the site, there has been no necessity to avoid watercourse crossings throughout the design evolution of the site. Where a new crossing is necessary to facilitate the access of abnormal loads adjacent to the unnamed Bridge (Grid Ref TL159722), all future detailed design will ensure that risk to the receiving environment is reduced at design stage. Residual risk to watercourses specific to the construction stage will be fully addressed in the Contractor’s construction method statement and in addition to those points outlined in Section 8.2 will include: Erection of silt fences along watercourse banks adjacent to, upstream and downstream of the crossing location in order to intercept polluted runoff; Due cognisance will be given to the prevailing ground conditions and season when programming the execution of the works in order to allow works to be undertaken during periods of low river flows. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 14 February 2013 MCL115-54 Utilise construction methods that avoid or minimise use of cementitious materials in the vicinity of the watercourse; Avoid disturbance to the river bed where practical or specifically denoted. 8.4.3 Mini-Settlement Ponds The following shall apply to the construction of temporary settlement ponds at the site: All flow depths to be kept to a normal depth of 0.3m with a maximum depth of 0.5m. Side slopes to be shallow, nominally at a 1 in 3 side slope (maximum). Material excavated from the settlement pond should be compacted around the edge of the pond, which will provide a natural barrier to prevent site personnel from falling into the pond. Consideration will be given to retention of the settlement ponds as permanent ponds in post construction phase, should they be deemed to provide ecological and habitat benefit for the site. Mini-settlement ponds are to be inspected for damage on a fortnightly weekly basis and after intense storms in particular at the entry point and around the forebay area. The mini-settlement ponds will also be inspected at each site visit (conducted by the SuDS Engineer) and in line with the construction period maintenance schedule. 8.4.4 SuDS Detention Basins In order to maintain predevelopment runoff rates from the site it is proposed to provide attenuation of flows in the form of SuDS detention basins across the site. These basins will provide sufficient storage volume for the attenuation of additional runoff from the critical duration 100 year (Q100) rain event. Proposed basin locations are shown by the SuDS General Arrangement Drawings (MCL115-54_DWG_101-105). The following shall apply to the construction of the SuDS detention basins at the site; Basin top water level (TWL) depths will be restricted to a maximum of 1m, with shallower basins required where outlet levels are elevated. Side slopes to be shallow, nominally at a 1 in 3 side slope (maximum). Material excavated from the detention basin should be stored in a designated spoil storage location. Suitable fencing around basins will be considered when determining residual risk to construction works and farm works. Fencing will not be provided unless deemed necessary. Basins are to be inspected for damage on a fortnightly basis through the construction phase and after intense storms in particular at the outlet to ensure free discharge. Basins should also be inspected at each site visit (conducted by SuDS Engineer) and in line with the construction period maintenance schedule. Basins will be reduced in size post-construction when temporary hard surfacing has been removed and areas relandscaped. Storage provision for the permanent hard-standing scenario will be confirmed following completion of an “as built” survey. 8.4.5 Turbine Bases and Crane Pads Concrete will not be allowed to enter watercourses under any circumstances, and drainage from excavations in which concrete is being poured will not be discharged into existing watercourses without appropriate treatment and consent of the EA. Delivery trucks, tools and equipment will be cleaned at designated washout areas located within a controlled area of the site. In addition the following drainage measures will apply; Installation of temporary cut-off drains around the working areas to intercept clean surface runoff and divert it around and away from the works where necessary. Minimising the stockpiling of materials and locating essential stockpiles as far away as possible from watercourses as practical (minimum outwith the 9m buffer zone). Silt fences will be situated around the down slope toe of stockpiles where deemed necessary. Construction runoff (silt laden) water collecting in the base of turbine base excavations will be gathered in a sump, and pumped at a low flow rate into either the mini-settlement pond or track swale for treatment. Dewatering of excavations directly to watercourses will not be permitted. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 15 February 2013 MCL115-54 The foundation working areas should be re-vegetated as soon as possible after construction. 8.4.6 Substation and Temporary Compounds The following shall apply to the construction of the temporary compound at the site: During construction of the substation and temporary compounds, similar measures to those implemented during turbine/crane pad construction will be used to limit water ingress, sediment erosion and concrete pollution. ‘French drains’ or similar will be constructed around the substation to ensure ground water levels around the building can be managed and that internal sumps within the building do not become waterlogged. 8.4.7 Cable Trenches It is noted that where feasible, the design of cable trench alignment will avoid the creation of preferential flow routes. The following shall apply to the construction of all cable trenches at the site: To minimise impacts from disturbance, cables will be laid in small trenches along the side of access tracks as far as possible. Due cognisance will be given to the prevailing ground conditions and season when programming the execution of the works in order to reduce the likelihood of runoff entering the excavations. Excavation of cable trenches will be carried out over short distances, with frequent backfilling of trenches in order to minimise opportunity for the ingress of water into open trenches. Temporary silt traps will be provided in longer trench runs and on steeper slopes. Where constructed trackside swales are disturbed by cable installation, swale slopes are to be correctly reinstated post infilling of the cable trench. 8.4.8 Excavated-type Track Makeup All tracks proposed at the site are currently assumed as excavated type track construction. All track runoff (construction runoff) is to be directed to flow to track-side drainage channels which will be installed as tracks are constructed. The finished level of the track construction should not exceed existing ground levels in areas designated as floodplain. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 16 February 2013 MCL115-54 9 SUDS MAINTENANCE 9.1 Guidance and Recommendations for Construction Phase This report will serve as the primary SuDS System maintenance manual for the construction phase. It is envisaged that regular site inspections are arranged during the construction phase of the wind farm, in order for the SuDS Designer to validate that the SuDS specification is being adhered to by the contractor and to make additional recommendations where potential problems are identified. In addition to the regular site inspections carried out by the SuDS Designer, the following construction inspections will be undertaken by the site engineer during the construction phase of the project. All detention basins, flow controls and discharge location points will be checked for signs of siltation, blockage and erosion. All swales, check dams, mini-settlement ponds and detention basins to be checked at least once fortnightly via a walkover survey during the full period of construction. All excess silts to be removed and land applied in accordance with relevant authority and landowner requirements. Land applied silts should not be located where wash off to local watercourses may occur. Where check dams have become fully blocked with silt, they should be replaced. Procedure for replacement of the check dam is as follows: o o o o o 9.2 Silt deposits to be removed from the upstream side of check dams. Removed silt to be disposed of by spreading in an area of the site where surface runoff will not convey silt deposits back to a water course. The existing 4-40mm stone check dams are to be removed and disposed of appropriately. Stone materials removed from the check dams should not be disposed of over vegetated areas of the site. Replacement check dam to be installed using 4-40mm stone. Where there are regular incidents of check dam blockage further check dams to be installed (every 15-20m intervals) within the swales. Soil in the swales should not be smeared or compacted so that permeability is reduced. All excavations are to the required size and gradient and located in correct position. Variations to the original design should be kept to a minimum and only implemented where necessary (i.e. due to localised site constraints). Ensure side slopes are correct. Ensure depth of excavation is correct. Any temporarily stored or stockpiled material will be placed in a manner to ensure stability. Debris (e.g. loose roots) to be removed from the base of the swale. Should there be noticeable effects of erosion along the swales or at discharge points, suitable erosion protection measures such as placement of large stones or erosion protection mattresses should be installed at the area affected. Guidance and Recommendations for Post-Construction (Operational) Phase It is recommended that a post construction drainage inspection programme be implemented by the wind farm operator, with a walk over site visit to be undertaken on an ongoing 6-monthly basis. The maintenance manual for the drainage at the site will be developed over the progress of construction, with details to be held with the Health and Safety file for the site. Maintenance and Operations will be made aware of the importance of ensuring silts or any other pollutants do not enter any of the watercourses receiving runoff from the site, as part of any routine maintenance that they may undertake. SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 17 February 2013 MCL115-54 APPENDIX A Outline SuDS General Arrangement Drawing And Typical Details SuDS Design Statement Woolley Hill Wind Farm, Cambridgeshire 18 February 2013 N N N N N ANNEX 6 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROCEDURE Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved Water Quality Monitoring Procedure Author: Helen Densem Date: 5-Dec-2007 Ref: Prepared: Barry Cundy Signed Electronically: 14-Dec-2009 Checked: Barry Cundy Signed Electronically: 14-Dec-2009 Approved: Ted Picken Signed Electronically: 14-Dec-2009 01226-000032 This document (“Report”) has been prepared by Renewable Energy Systems Ltd (“RES”). RES shall not be deemed to make any representation regarding the accuracy, completeness, methodology, reliability or current status of any material contained in this (“Report”), nor does RES assume any liability with respect to any matter or information referred to or contained in the Report. Any person relying on the Report (“Recipient”) does so at their own risk, and neither the Recipient nor any party to whom the Recipient provides the Report or any matter or information derived from it shall have any right or claim against RES or any of its affiliated companies in respect thereof. Recipient shall treat all information in the Report as confidential. Document Reference: 01226-000032 Issue: 03 - Approved Revision History Issue 01 02 Date 5-Dec-2007 07/07/09 Author Helen Densem Barry Cundy 03 14/12/09 Barry Cundy Nature And Location Of Change First Created New logo added, SNH replaced with SEPA, EHS changed to NIEA, requirements for sampling further clarified following advice from SKM. Following advice from SEPA; Control of Pollution Act and Ground Water Regs removed as now covered by other legislation. SEPA Environmental changed to Environment. Document Reference: 01226-000032 Issue: 03 - Approved CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 PROCEDUREAL APPROACH 1 Legislation Strategy Sampling Interval Sampling Procedure Sample Testing Reporting 3.0 PERSONNEL & EQUIPMENT Personnel Equipment 4.0 CONSULTANT’S EXPERIENCE 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 Document Reference: 01226-000032 Issue: 03 - Approved 1.0 INTRODUCTION RES Construction Ltd, will appoint a suitably qualified consultant to provide water quality monitoring services for the wind farm. The following contains information regarding the proposed procedure, testing regime and legislation to be employed. 2.0 PROCEDUREAL APPROACH Legislation The key primary legislation currently enforced by the different Environment bodies by Country to protect the quality of water is: Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) The Industrial Pollution Control (NI) Order 1997; The Waste and Contaminated Land (NI) Order 1997 (partially enacted); and The Water (NI) Order 1999. A series of Regulations (secondary legislation) are also relevant including (among others) ‘The Surface Waters (Dangerous Substances) Regulations (NI) 1998’ and the ‘Groundwater Regulations (NI) 1998’. Environment Agency (EA) – England & Wales The Water Resources Act 1991 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Water Industry Act 1991 Land Drainage Act 1991 Private Water Supply Regulations 1992 Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) – Scotland Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (WEWS Act). Any surface water or groundwater (where feasible) whose catchment lies wholly or partially within the Wind Farm boundary will therefore be considered to be a ‘controlled water’ with respect to this water quality monitoring programme. Controlled water covers all tidal rivers, all freshwater rivers and watercourses, all lakes and ponds and any water contained in underground strata. Strategy During construction works carried out at the wind farm site, there is a potential for contamination, emanating from construction plant or materials to enter the controlled surface and groundwaters either by direct runoff, leaching or infiltration. Consequently, it will be necessary to monitor the concentrations of certain key contaminants (refer to section – “Sample Testing” for full list) at key locations throughout the wind farm site with due regard to the relevant ‘Pollution Prevention Guidelines’ prepared by SEPA, EA and NIEA; specifically PPG5 (‘Works in, near or liable to affect watercourses’) and PPG6 1 Document Reference: 01226-000032 Issue: 03 - Approved (‘Working at Construction and Demolition sites’). These sampling points will represent a selection of relevant watercourses and available wells were present. The exact location of each sampling point will be determined during a walk over survey to be conducted as part of a hydrological desk study. The location of the sample points will reflect the point on all relevant controlled waters closest to the proposed active construction areas. Sampling points up-stream and down-stream of the construction activity area should also be selected to provide a full profile of the controlled waters. Early consultation with the Environmental Water Quality Officer is recommended to discuss what the most sensitive features are and understand exactly what they would expect from the monitoring. This also provides an opportunity for the developers to demonstrate diligence and build up a relationship in case of future problems. Sampling Interval Site sensitivity must be taken into account when deciding on the level and periodicity of sampling that is to be undertaken, sensitive sites/ areas are normally defined by the local EA, therefore, close co-operation with the EA is advisable to ensure that any planned monitoring / sampling will fulfil our obligations and meet their requirements. As considerable costs may be incurred with a prolonged testing regime the site sensitivity is crucial in identifying which sites may need the additional monitoring. A sensitive site may well require a monitoring programme to be initiated to establish the baseline conditions whereas a non-sensitive site may well find that an initial sampling visit, carried out prior to commencement of site construction mobilisation and activity, is suffice to establish a baseline water quality data set. Non-Sensitive Site Testing; An initial sampling visit, carried out prior to commencement of site construction mobilisation and activity, is normally sufficient to establish a baseline water quality data set. On-going monitoring will be carried out during the construction phases and then a postconstruction sampling visit will be carried out following cessation of all construction work and demobilisation. Post-construction testing must reflect the needs of the site and replicate what testing was undertaken prior to construction. The following table summarises the proposed frequency of the on-going water quality monitoring required for non-sensitive sites: Construction Phase Frequency Civil Works Monthly Turbine Erection Bi-monthly Sensitive Site Testing; Sensitive sites may require a monitoring programme to be carried out as 4 or 5 visits over an 8 to 10 week period, ideally covering at least one high rainfall event. As water quality conditions can change quickly in response to natural conditions, this program of monitoring will provide a range for comparison during the construction phase. The high rainfall event will provide additional information during high flows, e.g. when there may be more suspended sediment, and may provide extra data to protect developers liability. On-going monitoring will be carried out during the construction phases and then a post-construction sampling visit will be carried out following cessation of all construction work and 2 Document Reference: 01226-000032 Issue: 03 - Approved demobilisation. Again this post-construction testing must reflect the needs of the site and replicate what testing was undertaken prior to construction. Data from the on-going and post-construction surveys will be compared to the baseline data to check for any anomalies or changes to the water quality. In the event that an incident (such as a fuel spillage or spoil slip) occurs, that potentially effects on site groundwater or a surface watercourse, or there is justifiable cause for concern, a targeted programme of sampling will be implemented to assess the impact and determine on-going water quality. It is essential that an ongoing dialogue is maintained with the EA to ensure that the monitoring regime is suffice to ensure that any planning conditions are not compromised. Sampling Procedure The protocol followed at each sample point will comprise: i. All samples will be collected by a suitably experienced consultant. ii. All samples containers used will be fully compatible with the intended analysis as agreed with the accredited laboratory. iii. All containers will be provided by the laboratory and comprise 1 x 2000ml plastic bottle and 1 x 500ml amber jar. iv. All containers will be sterilised and sealed by the laboratory prior to delivery. v. All containers will be clearly labelled on site with water resistant labels. vi. River water samples will be collected at a distance as far from the bank as practicable. If it is necessary for the sampler to stand in the river the container will be placed upstream of the sampler. vii. The sample will be taken by immersing an open mouthed vessel to a depth just below the surface to avoid surface film being sampled. viii. Care will be taken to avoid disturbance of the bottom sediment close to the sampling point. ix. Temperature and total dissolved solids are to be measured in the field. x. In accordance with codes of practice; BS5930 - Site Investigation, and BS EN ISO 10175:2001 - Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites, groundwater from wells should be purged until consecutive readings of pH, temperature and conductivity have stabilised within 10% of each other or three times the volume of standing water within the well has been purged, to ensure a representative groundwater sample is taken. xi. Samples will be stored in sealed chilled cooler boxes until delivery to the laboratory. xii. The sample name, date, weather, flow and visual description will be recorded at each point. 3 Document Reference: 01226-000032 Issue: 03 - Approved xiii. A series of on-site hydro chemical analyses will be completed using portable, calibrated field instruments. These will be completed with due regard to the manufacturers specification. Parameter to be analysed will include temperature, pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Oxidation / Reduction Potential (ORP). xiv. The samples will be dispatched to the accredited laboratory to arrive no later than 48hours after sampling. xv. Samples were accompanied with laboratory specific Chain of Custody documentation. A general description of the sample point will be completed using a standard Sample Visit Log Sheet, sample point locations should be identified on a map of the site. Sample Testing It is proposed that the following analyses will be carried out on the water samples collected: Heavy metals (10 elements); Fuels and Oils; Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs); Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD); Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD); pH; Total Suspended Solids; Total Dissolved Solids; Field Readings (observation of visible oils, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH and oxidation reduction potential. Note: Depending on the site, undertaking hydrocarbon and metal analysis may not be required for each monitoring visit. For example, if there are no know sources of metals or if construction works with the potential for hydrocarbon leaks are distant from water bodies. Additionally, Turbidity analysis may be required as a precaution if construction works are undertaken that may alter the natural flow of a watercourse, e.g. pillars supporting a watercourse crossing. Reporting A baseline report will be prepared 2 weeks following initiation of the baseline water quality monitoring programme. This report will provide details of any contamination concentrations recorded and will be used to depict “uncontaminated background pollution levels” for the site. The analytical results will be compared to the most relevant Environmental Quality Standards appropriate. 4 Document Reference: 01226-000032 Issue: 03 - Approved Following each of the on-going monitoring visits a brief report including a discussion of the analytical results with respect to the most relevant Environmental Quality Standards will be prepared within 2 weeks of submission to the laboratory. A series of rolling graphs of water quality would be included in the report. Any environmental deterioration illustrated by the results would be highlighted. In the event of a potential pollution incident, all relevant monitoring points will be visited and re-sampled to determine any changes relative to baseline data. A report detailing the findings will be prepared for each incident and recommendations provided for any further monitoring and/or requisite mitigation measures. Following completion of the construction of the wind farm, all sample points will be visited, re-sampled and analysed for the full suite of analytical parameters and a further report prepared, assessing and discussing any impacts upon water quality throughout the construction process. All information, recovered during the monitoring process, will be collated and an assessment made regarding the impact on the surface and groundwater of the construction activities. 3.0 PERSONNEL & EQUIPMENT Personnel All personnel taking samples, analysing and reporting will be suitably qualified. Equipment Sample containers and cool box Disposable gloves Submersible pump Hanna Instruments HI98128 Waterproof pH and Temperature meter Hanna Instruments HI98311 Waterproof Electrical Conductivity and Temperature meter Hanna Instruments HI98120 Waterproof ORP and Temperature meter Hanna Instruments HI9146 Waterproof Dissolved Oxygen Meter 4.0 CONSULTANT’S EXPERIENCE The contractor will be appointed based upon evidence of previous relevant experience within the UK, Ireland and the EC, their ability to commit appropriate resources to the project and the qualifications and competency of the personnel charged with completing the work. 5 Document Reference: 01226-000032 Issue: 03 - Approved ANNEX 7 COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP INITIATION LETTER AND TERMS OF REFERENCE Document Reference: 02341-003667 Issue: 01 - Approved RES UK & Ireland Limited Beaufort Court, Egg Farm Lane, Kings Langley Hertfordshire WD4 8LR, United Kingdom T +44 (0)1923 299 200 F +44 (0)1923 299 299 E info@res-group.com www.res-group.com Cllr xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx Our Ref: 02341-004976 11 January 2013 Dear Cllr xxxx, Re: Community Liaison Group (CLG) We are looking to hold a Community Liaison Group (CLG) meeting on Tuesday 13th November at the village hall in Ellington at 7pm to discuss progress with the Woolley Hill Wind Farm. A CLG is an opportunity for RES to open a forum for discussion and an exchange of information with the local community. We will be inviting representatives from the key interested parishes in the vicinity and would be delighted if you are able to attend as the relevant Huntingdonshire councillor. Further details will be confirmed in due course and we be circulating an agenda and updated factsheet prior to the meeting. I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any further questions my details are below. Please do not hesitate to get in touch. Regards George Registered in England & Wales Number 4913493 Registered Office as above Document Ref: 02341-004976 Issue: 01 WOOLLEY HILL WIND FARM COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. Role of the Liaison Group 1.1 The Group will be known as the Woolley Hill Community Liaison Group (hereafter referred to as the CLG). 1.2 The CLG membership will comprise: • Ellington Parish Council - 2 Representatives • Barham & Woolley Parish Council - 2 Representatives • Spaldwick Parish Council - 2 Representatives • Alconbury Parish Council - 2 Representatives • Alconbury Weston Parish Council - 2 Representatives • Easton Parish Council - 2 Representatives • Leighton Bromswold Parish Council - 2 Representatives • Huntingdon District Council - Ward Councillors • Cambridgeshire County Council - Division Councillor • Shailesh Vara MP - Member of Parliament (North-West Cambridgeshire) 1.3 Membership of the CLG is not dependent on support or objection to the wind farm. 1.4 The aim of the CLG is to provide a forum for the exchange of information in regards to the preparation, construction and operation of the RES wind farm. 1.5. The CLG will operate as an avenue for the creation and maintenance of channels of communication between representatives of RES, the local community and their elected representatives. 1.6 The local community is defined as those living or working in the vicinity of the wind farm. 1.7 Discussions undertaken by the CLG are restricted to matters relating solely to the RES wind farm. 2. Group membership 2.1 The founding members of the CLG will be based on elected representatives of the immediate local community. 2.2 Additional community representatives can be identified by existing members or put themselves forward for membership. However, there will be no more than 6 additional members at any one time. 2.3 Should any member of the CLG step down, a new member will be nominated and agreed with the existing membership. 2.4 Members of the general public are welcome to attend the CLG in an observational capacity. 2.5 Questions can be submitted by the public in advance of a CLG meeting and will be addressed at the next meeting, or at a suitable subsequent meeting (for example where a detailed technical response is required). 3. Chairperson 3.1 The CLG will identify a Chair and Vice Chair from within its membership at the inaugural meeting 3.2 The Chair and Vice Chair are responsible for the orderly running of meetings, adherence to the agenda and enforcement of the CLG’s Terms of Reference. 4. RES commitments RES commits to undertake the following responsibilities in relation to the CLG: 4.1 To undertake administrative duties necessary to organise the meetings 4.2 To cover the cost of venue hire and advertising 4.3 To provide scribing services so that proceedings are fully recorded 4.4 To provide agendas and minutes relating to CLG meetings 4.5 To publish the confirmed minutes on the project website 4.6 To respond to questions arising during CLG meetings in a timely manner 4.7 To provide relevant, project specific speakers to answer questions relating to the Woolley Hill Wind Farm 5. CLG member commitments CLG members commit to undertake the following: 5.1 To make representation on behalf of the communities they represent 5.2 To disseminate responses and outcomes of meetings back to their communities 5.3 To advertise the CLG meeting dates via community and parish noticeboards, websites or publications using information provided by RES 5.4 To work with RES to identify key topics of interest to the local community that might be the subject of ‘themed’ CLG meetings or additional workshops 6. Meeting arrangements 6.1 The frequency of meetings will be agreed among the membership 6.2 The CLG shall meet in Ellington Village Hall.