MSE 3190: Materials Processing I 3 Credits Bordia, Mefford Meeting Times: MW 2:30-3:45pm, Olin Hall 200 Instructors: Prof. R. Bordia office: 161 Sirrine Hall (MSE Main Office) phone: 864.656.5228 email: (Preferred method of contact) Prof. O. T. Mefford office: 201C Olin Hall (Right across the hall from your classroom) or 207 Advanced Materials Research Laboratory phone: 864.656.4307 email: (Preferred method of contact) Office Hours: Bordia: MW 1:30-2:30 pm Mefford: MW 1:30-2:30pm • • If you have classes scheduled during these times, you may email the instructors for an alternate time. Please send your class schedule if this is the case. If no one shows up to office hours within the first 20 minutes, office hours will be stopped for the rest of the hour. Teaching Assistants: Mustafa Bahar ( Tucker McFarlane ( Course Description: Introduction into the principles underlying the processing/manufacturing of ceramic, polymeric, and metallic materials. Co-requisites: MS&E 210 Course objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. To introduce students to polymer, metal and ceramic processing methods. Define the differences between primary and secondary manufacturing. Enforce the link between processing methods and material properties. Highlight the materials commonly used in bio-medical applications Expected student outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Be able to discuss production cycles. Be able to discuss considerations for materials selection based on cost and recycling. Understand polymeric processing for fibers, films and bulk structures. Discuss secondary metals and ceramics manufacturing methods. Discuss semiconductor-processing methods. Understand the role of surfaces and control of surface properties 1 MSE 3190: Materials Processing I 3 Credits Bordia, Mefford Required text: There is no required text for this class. However, the instructors will post a large amount of reading material on Blackboard. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor these folders for class resources. Class notes are strongly encouraged. Class policy: You are expected to wait 10 minutes for the professors to arrive. If the professor is over 10 minutes late, you may assume there is no class and leave. You are expected to attend every class. Unless you have a medical or family emergency, the instructors will not review the class material you missed during office hours During lecture, you are expected to give your complete attention to the lecture. You will be dismissed from class if you become a distraction for other students or the instructor. Unless otherwise instructed, you cannot have your laptop on or cell phone on ring (turned off or on vibrate is fine). You may not answer your phone in class, but instead may walk into the hall to answer. Contacting the Instructors Student should email the instructor to set up appointments or in instances of sickness, travel, etc. When emailing the instructor, the following format will be used (EMAIL WILL NOT BE RESPONDED TO WHEN THIS FORMAT IS NOT USED): -subject line should include the name of course/section being taken (“MSE3190: YOUR NAME”) -address faculty member by name (“Prof. Mefford or Prof. Bordia”) -describe reason for contact in complete sentences. -sign email with name, department and contact information (email, phone number) Email should NOT be used for questions about course content or grades. To discuss these topics, students should ATTEND OFFICE HOURS. Homework: 12 homework assignments will be given over the course of the semester. You must complete and turn in the homework at the beginning of class. Late homework will be marked off by 25 points. It must be turned into Sirrine 162 (MSE Student Services) to the mailbox on the top left corner labeled “MSE 319”. Homework 2 days or more late will not be accepted. Homework will be graded for completeness. You will be responsible for getting the key from Blackboard. Exams: There will be two 45-minute examinations and one final examination (which is a comprehensive exam). There are no make up exams and there will no exemption for the final exam. With an excused absence, your final exam grade will be substituted for the missed exam 2 MSE 3190: Materials Processing I 3 Credits Bordia, Mefford Grading: Homework Term Project Exams Final 10% 10% 25% each (2) 30% Likely grade scale (downward adjustments only) 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D This course addresses the following outcomes listed in Criterion 3: a) Knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. b) Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. c) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. d) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. e) A knowledge of contemporary issues Accommodations for students with disabilities: (Taken from Clemson University Academic Policy): Students with disabilities who need accommodations should make an appointment with Arlene Stewart, Director of Student Disability Services, to discuss specific needs within the first month of classes. Students should present a Faculty Accommodation Letter from Student Disabilities Services when they meet with instructors. Student Disability Services is located in G-20 Redfern (656-6848). Please be aware that accommodations are not retroactive and new Faculty Accommocation Letters must be presented each semester. Academic Integrity (Taken from Clemson University Academic Policy): “As members of the Clemson University community, we have inherited Thomas Green Clemson’s vision of this institution as a ‘high seminary of learning.’ Fundamental to this vision is a mutual commitment to truthfulness, honor, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of others. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of a Clemson degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form.” “When, in the opinion of a faculty member, there is evidence that a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty, the faculty member shall make a formal written charge of academic dishonesty, including a description of the misconduct, to the Associate Dean for Curriculum in the Office of Undergraduate Studies. At the same time, the faculty member may, but is not required to, inform each involved student privately of the nature of the alleged charge.” Tentative Topic Outline: Date Day 8/21/13 Wednesday 8/26/13 Monday 8/28/13 Wednesday 9/2/13 9/4/13 Monday Wednesday Section Introduction to Syllabus/ Text Processing Overview Processing Overview Polymers Topic Introduction to Course Casting, Machining, Finishing Materials Cost, Recycling Introduction to Polymers Extrusion 3 Homework Instructor Homework 1 Bordia/ Mefford Mefford Homework 2 Mefford Homework 3 Mefford Mefford 9/9/13 Monday 9/11/13 9/16/13 Wednesday Monday 9/18/13 Wednesday 9/23/13 Monday 9/25/13 9/30/13 Wednesday Monday MSE 3190: Materials Processing I 3 Credits Bordia, Mefford Injection Molding Blow Molding / Thermoforming Rotamolding Foaming / Transfer Molding Rapid Prototyping Techniques Composite Manufacturing Exam 1 10/2/13 Wednesday Project Overview/ Jan Comfort 10/7/13 Monday Metals 10/9/13 10/14/13 Wednesday Monday Fall Break BRING YOUR LAPTOP TO CLASS Overview of inorganic materials processing Liquid metal to solid metal: casting 10/16/13 Wednesday Solid state metal processing (forging extrusion etc) 10/21/13 Wednesday Phase diagram and heat treatments 10/23/13 10/28/13 10/30/13 11/4/13 Monday Monday Wednesday Ethics Exam 2 Monday Project Presentations Movie Editing/ Uploading with CCIT 11/6/13 Wednesday 11/11/13 Monday 11/13/13 Wednesday 11/18/13 Metals: Case Study Monday Mefford Homework 4 Mefford Mefford Homework 5 Mefford Mefford (No HW) Mefford/ Comfort Homework 6 Homework 7 Bordia Homework 8 Bordia Bordia Ethical use of plastizsizer in medical devices Mefford Bordia/Mefford Homework 9 Ceramics Semiconductors Ceramic Processing II: Densification Semiconductor Processing Coatings Surface Modification: Coatings 4 Bordia Bordia Case study: metallic hip and knee implants Ceramic Processing I: Forming Mefford Mefford Bordia/Mefford/CCIT Bordia Homework 10 Bordia Bordia Homework 11 Bordia MSE 3190: Materials Processing I 3 Credits Bordia, Mefford 11/20/13 Wednesday 11/25/13 Monday 11/27/13 Wednesday 12/2/13 Monday 12/4/13 Wednesday 12/12/13 Thursday Project Presentations Mefford Project Presentations Thanksgiving Break Ceramics: Case Study Ceramics: Case study Exam 3:00 pm 5:30 pm, Olin 200 Mefford Case Study: Alumina in biomedical applications Case Study: Dental Ceramics 5 Bordia Homework 12 Bordia