CCJS 300: CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGICAL RESEARCH METHODS SPRING 2014 Cambridge Community Center 1100 SECTION 0301 Tuesday & Thursday, 12:30pm-1:45pm SECTION 0401 Tuesday & Thursday, 11:00am-12:15pm Instructor: Dr. Alan R. Lehman 2209 LeFrak Hall 301 405-4735 Office Hours: Wednesday 11:00am–2:00pm And by appointment Teaching Assistants: Lisa Alix (0301) Anat Kimchi (0401) 2209 LeFrak Hall 301 405-4735 Office Hours: Lisa Alix Thursday 9:00am-12:00pm Anat Kimchi Wednesday 1:00pm-4:00pm Course Description: CCJS 300 is an introduction to the formulation of research questions covering research design, data collection, and interpretation and reporting in criminological and justice-system settings. Using data provided by the instructor, you will conduct basic descriptive and inferential statistics using computer software (SPSS). In this course, you will learn how to generate and interpret statistical output. Course Prerequisites: You MUST have already COMPLETED CCJS 100 and 105; AND one of the following statistics courses: CCJS 200, SOCY 201, PSYC 200, ECON 321, or BMGT 230 in order to take this class. Required Textbooks: Hagan, Frank E. 2014. Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology, 9th edition, Allyn and Bacon, New York. (ISBN: 978-0-13-300861-6) Kirkpatrick, Lee A., and Brooke C. Feeney. 2013. A Simple Guide to IBM SPSS Statistics for Version 20.0, Thomson Wadsworth, Belmont, CA. (ISBN: 978-1-285-08601-9) Required Data: The data files, codebooks, and any other supplementary files that will be used for this course are on our Canvas space. Course Grading: Your grade will be based upon three exams and 7 class assignments, four of which will include statistical programming (IBM SPSS). Each exam will count 20% toward your final grade, the assignments will be worth a total of 40%). The exams will cover material from the lectures, class discussions, and assigned readings from the textbooks. Exams are not cumulative. I have a very strict policy concerning makeup exams. Exams must be taken on the assigned day unless you have presented a valid, written excuse before the exam and made arrangements to take a makeup exam. Health center notes are not valid excuses! Under no circumstances will oversleeping, car trouble, or health problems be grounds for a makeup. Dr. Lehman reserves the right to change the format of the makeup exam if he so wishes. Class assignments are due by the end of class on the day it is due (see table with dates and due dates). Assignments may always be turned in early and can be given to me in person or submitted in my mailbox in the CCJS office. If you choose to work on your assignment rather than attend class (this is not recommended), it must be given to the CCJS office (2220) on the 2nd floor of LeFrak Hall to be date and time stamped by the end of the class period or it will be considered late! Assignments may not be submitted via email. While it is perfectly acceptable to get help with these assignments from Dr. Lehman or the teaching assistants, each student must complete his or her own assignments and do their own work. Late assignments will not be accepted; there will be no makeup assignments unless you have presented a valid, written excuse before the assignment is due and made specific arrangements with Dr. Lehman. Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty in any form will absolutely not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty encompasses behaviors such as plagiarism, cheating on exams and assignments, giving false statements, etc. All students are required to sign the Honor Pledge on each exam and computer assignment. Class Assignments Class assignments will be given out in class; all assignments will also be available on Canvas. You will be printing out all of the SPSS output, so you need to register for a PRINT ACCOUNT in the BSOS computer lab (the main entrance to the lab is 0291 LeFrak and the print registration room is 0221 inside 0291) if you do not already have one. It is strongly suggested that you save electronic copies of all of your computer output. The best way to do this is to use a ‘key chain’ flash storage drive; the BSOS office in LeFrak carries such flash drives. There will be no curve-final grades will be assigned based on the following scale: A+ = 97.00% - 100% A = 93.00% - 96.99% A- = 90.00% - 92.99% B+ = 87.00% - 89.99% B = 83.00% - 86.99 B- = 80.00% - 82.99% C+ = 77.00% - 79.99% C = 73.00% - 76.99% C- = 70.00% - 72.99% D+ = 67.00% - 69.99% D = 63.00% - 66.99% D- = 60.00% - 62.99% F = <60.00% Week Week 1 Week 2 Date(s) January 28 Topics, Exams, Due Dates Introduction to Criminal Justice Research Methods Book Chapter(s) Hagan Chapter 1 January 30 Finish Introduction(The Elegant Universe film clip) Begin Ethics in Research Hagan Chapter 1 Finish Ethics in Research (Ethics Assignment given out) Begin Experimental Methods and Research Design Hagan Chapter 2 Finish Experimental Methods and Research Design (Ethics Assignment Due) EXAM #1 Hagan Chapter 3 February 4 February 6 Week 3 February 11 February 13 Week 4 February 18 Week 5 February 20 February 25 February 27 Week 6 March 4 March 6 Week 7 March 11 March 13 Week 8 March 18 & March 20 No Class—Dr. Lehman at Conference MEET IN COMPUTER LAB 5 (ROOM 0214, LeFrak Hall) THIS WEEK (See Lab Assignment Sheet for dates and times.) (SPSS Assignment #1 given out) Begin Sampling and Survey Research: Questionnaires Finish Sampling and Survey Research: Questionnaires (SPSS Assignment #1 due) (Sampling & Survey Assignment given out) Begin Interviews and Telephone Surveys (SPSS Assignment #2 given out, In-Class Computer Instruction) Finish Interviews and Telephone Surveys (Sampling & Survey Assignment due) Spring Break-No Classes-Have Fun! Hagan Chapter 2 Hagan Chapter 3 Hagan Chapters 1-3 Kirkpatrick & Feeney Chapters 1-3, 5 Hagan pgs. 252-254 Hagan Chapter 4 (pgs. 110-122) Hagan Chapter 5 Hagan Chapter 5 Hagan Chapter 6 Hagan Chapter 6 Week Week 9 Date(s) March 25 Book Chapter(s) Hagan Chapter 7 LaPiere Article Jack London Chapter Field Day Assignment Mandatory Attendance (SPSS Assignment #2 due [Optional]) Exam #2 (SPSS Assignment #2 due [Required]) Hagan Chapter 7 April 3 Begin Unobtrusive Measures and Secondary Analysis (SPSS Assignment #3 given out, In-Class Computer Instruction) Research in the Future? Hagan Chapter 8 April 8 Begin Film: Adjustment Bureau April 10 Finish Film: Adjustment Bureau (SPSS Assignment #3 due) Finish Unobtrusive Measures and Secondary Analysis (SPSS Assignment #4 given out, In-Class Computer Instruction) March 27 Week 10 Topics, Exams, Due Dates Participant Observation and Case Studies April 1 Week 11 Hagan Chapters 4-7 LaPiere Article Jack London Chapter Week 12 April 15 Hagan Chapter 8 Week 13 April 17 April 22 Begin Validity & Reliability Finish Validity & Reliability Hagan Chapter 9 Hagan Chapter 9 Week 14 April 24 April 29 Begin Scaling/Index Construction Finish Scaling/Index Construction Hagan Chapter 10 Hagan Chapter 10 May 1 Begin Policy Analysis and Evaluation Research (SPSS Assignment #4 due [Optional]) Finish Policy Analysis and Evaluation Research (SPSS Assignment #4 due [Required]) Hagan Chapter 11 Week 15 May 6 Hagan Chapter 11 Week 16 May 8 May 13 No Class—Dr. Lehman at Conference Exam Review Hagan Chapters 8-11 Finals: 0401(11:00am) Thursday May 15 Final Exam 8:00am-10:00am Hagan Chapters 8-11 Hagan Chapters 8-11 0301(12:30pm) Tuesday May 20 Final Exam 1:30pm-3:30pm