12/11/13: Animal Behavior

S h a p i n g th e F u t u r e o f V e t e r i n a r y M e d i c i n e
Promoting the Human -Animal Bond
~ Since 1896 ~
2 0 1 4
December CE
January CE
President’s Thoughts
Renewal Reminder
Public Education
Animal Welfare
Member Fellowship
New Members
Request for Volunteers
Awards & 2014 Slate
CVMA Classifieds
Relief Veterinarians
Holiday Safety Tips
for your clients
University of Illinois
Calendar of Events
12/11/13: Animal Behavior - Dr. Gary Landsberg
This presentation will discuss:
1. Preventing/Managing Fear
& Aggression in Hospital;
2. Walking the Dog: Aggression when meeting people
and animals;
3. Drugs and Behavior: Show
Me the Evidence;
4. How Health Affects Behavior & How Behavior
Affects Health; and
5. Lick & Spin: Medical or
Compulsive, Diagnosis and
For Dr. Landsberg’s
bio or for info
about this event,
visit CVMA online.
$135 for CVMA
members; $225
for nonmembers;
additional $30 fee
for all week-of and
day registrations.
This course will
offer 6 hours of CE
credit* and lecture
notes are provided.
To pre-register:
Gary Landsberg DVM,
Registration starts
log-on, email or
at 7:15am. The CE
call by Friday, Desession runs from 8:00am- cember 6. We are not able to
issue refunds after 12/6/13.
1/15/14: Practice Management - Fritz Wood
Tenets of Personal
Ignorance is not
Financial Success
bliss! What you
We are all subject
don’t know will
to the
laws of
hurt you.
science and the
laws of personal
Come to get the
financial success.
keys to your future
Come to learn, or
financial success!
review, the timeBring all personal
Fritz Wood CPA, CFP
honored truths of
financial questions
money. Personal finance is a and concerns. This is your
critical life skill, yet too few opportunity to consult with an
gain those skills at home or objective, full-time expert.
in school. Those with a basic
understanding of personal For Fritz Wood’s bio or for
finance have a lifetime ad- more info about this event,
vantage over those without. visit CVMA online.
This course offers 6 hours of
CE credit* and lecture notes
are provided. Registration
starts at 7:15am. The session
runs from 8:00am-3:30pm.
$175 for CVMA members;
$250 for nonmembers; additional $30 fee for all week-of /
day-of registrations.
To pre-register: log-on, email
or call by Friday, January 10.
We are not able to issue
refunds after 1/10/14.
*Chicago Veterinary Medical Association is an AAVSB-RACE approved provider of Continuing Education - Provider #559. These
programs have been submitted (but not yet approved) for 6 hours of continuing education credit in jurisdictions which recognize
AAVSB RACE approval; however, participants should be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours
accepted in certain categories and/or restrictions on certain methods of delivery of continuing education.
Please call Richard Susralski, CVMA Executive Director, at (630) 325-1231 for further information.
President’s Thoughts
Happy Fall to my colleagues!
I hope you are all fairing
well in this completely unpredictable weather. I now
work outside much more
than I have in the past, but I
don’t recall the cold being
quite so cold in the past few
years…I don’t think we’ve
had time for our hides to
thicken this year!
Dr. Alexis Newman, CVMA President
2013 Executive Officers
President Elect
Past President
Alexis Newman
Richard Rossman
Ericka Haynes
Richard Rossman
David Saidel
Board of Directors
3-Year Directors
Julie Bunn
Anthony Coronado
Rosemarie Niznik
2-Year Directors
Mark Howes
Jay Whittle
1-Year Directors
James Ammirati
Bathala Bhaskar
Fred Goldenson
ISVMA Representatives
Jack Brar
Joanne Carlson
Sandra Faeh
David Saidel
CVMA Office Staff
Executive Director
Richard Susralski
Director of Public Education &
Media Relations
Eric Voogd
Executive Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Legal Counsel
Danielle Rothe
Barb Yena
This is my last President’s
report after two years as the
CVMA President. It’s been a
privilege and a great experience. I have been very proud
of the work our Board members and general members
have done.
During the past months,
there has been discussion at
the Executive Board meetings regarding the availability
and participation of members
in our Association. Recently,
we surveyed the Executive
Board members as well as
Committee Chairpersons,
asking for feedback on what
they consider to be the
strengths and weaknesses of
the CVMA. The results can
be summarized
by saying
that there is great support of
our Association and recognition of the strengths and abilities that we gain from being
members. However, there is
also recognition that some
changes are necessary to
meet the needs of the members as communication and
technology changes.
Without exception, there is
the sentiment that our members and the association
would benefit if more members became actively involved, either as committee
members, volunteering time
at CVMA sponsored events,
serving on the Board, or even
writing articles for the Bulletin. We will be sending a survey to all members in the
near future asking how the
CVMA can help support you,
a member, as well as ask you
how you can help support
the CVMA. Be on the look
out at the beginning of 2014
for this survey and be sure to
voice your thoughts! This will
be a focus for the CVMA for
the upcoming year.
I want to thank the group of
Board and Committee members who have worked so
hard to keep the CVMA running and continuing to offer
member benefits. I also want
to thank Rich Susralski and
Danielle Rothe for their
support of the CVMA office
and being so supportive when
I needed their assistance.
Also, I think the members are
aware, Eric Voogd has been
an incredible asset, not only
to our association, but to
myself as president - guiding
me with interviews, articles,
and anything else he somehow volunteered me for. I
was initially reluctant…then
saw how much his efforts
were benefitting the CVMA,
and these commitments became more enjoyable and
I have to confess that I will
not miss forgetting to meet
the deadlines for this bulletin
(my apologies to Danielle,
and thanks for your patience!). Fortunately, I do not
have to miss the camaraderie
that goes with being an active
member of the CVMA. I will
be happy to support Dr. Rich
Rossman as he becomes our
next President. He has done
a great job as Treasurer, and
takes the position with enthusiasm and experience. I
am honored to hand him the
Alexis Newman, DVM
Norm Bloch
Membership Renewals Due 12/31
The CVMA office is in the thick of Membership
Renewals! We have already received over 25% of
your renewals so far! Thank you!
The Bulletin, a publication of the
For renewals, please be aware of the following:
Chicago Veterinary Medical
1. Have you received your renewal? If not,
Association, is published bi-monthly to
please contact the CVMA office immediately
members free of charge. Information
to avoid a lapse in your membership.
and advice presented in this
Remember the renewal deadline of 12/31/13.
publication does not necessarily
Late renewals are assessed a $30 late fee.
represent the views of the CVMA.
3. Finally, there are many ways to pay your
renewal. Bring payment to the 12/11 CE
event at Hamburger University in Oak Brook,
pay online, or mail/fax your payment to the
CVMA office.
We thank you for your dedication to organized
veterinary medicine and we look forward to
serving you in the new year!
Standard-Bearers of Excellence
Eric Voogd, Public Education &
Media Relations Director
As we prepare for the upcoming holiday season, we are reminded how
precious life is and of the miracles
most evident in recent days. The good
people of Illinois begin the process of
recovery after devastating tornadoes
swept across the state on the 17th of
November. Our prayers are with them
and their loved ones at this time, and
all those who were in the storm's path
throughout the Midwest.
Only days before the violent storms
hit Illinois, CVMA President Dr. Alexis
Newman and I were preparing for the
2013 Whole Community Conference,
which in part examines disaster preparedness components and the vital
public health and leadership role of
veterinarians under such circumstances. It has been seven years since the
passage of the PETS Act legislation in
Congress in 2006.
Subsequently, Dr. Newman is address-
ing stakeholders from Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana on November 21,
2013 with an immediate call for action
to remove burdensome obstacles and
fully integrate veterinarians in disaster
response teams. In the coming weeks
and months, veterinarians from the
CVMA will hopefully have opportunities to assist these families, individuals
and their pets, which are now picking
up the pieces and beginning to rebuild
in the affected locales. The potential
exists for the CVMA to shape the way
and provide a workable disaster preparedness and response model for
other VMAs to implement across this
great country.
Most encouraging, it should be noted
that the expertise of veterinarians is
acknowledged by the United States
military. In communication at the end
of October 2013 with a ranking non
veterinary member of the military
community, he surmised that veterinarians, like their colleagues who practice human medicine, should be able to
perform medical procedures unimped-
ed in times of disaster across multiple
jurisdictions. Further discussed was
the fact that veterinarians are doctors
who have the most difficult job, since
their patients cannot speak to them;
therefore, their job truly involves
degrees of forensic medicine.
The profession deserves much credit
for its benevolence. In early November
during a meeting with a senior adviser
to Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, I conveyed a direct message to his office of
how the veterinary profession gives
self sacrificially in charitable areas
working with the public and pet owners without ever really talking about
these acts of kindness, that this is
simply one of the innate qualities that
characterize veterinarians.
I am incredibly proud of our association's doctors who routinely volunteer
their time, services, and resources to
help make contributions for the betterment of their surrounding communities. You are making a significant im(Continued on page 4)
Animal Welfare Committee
Linda Kopija, Committee Chair
This month, I was fortunate to be
able to participate in “Can You Hear
Me Now?” The Conversation, an
animal welfare summit organized by
the AVMA. It was the first meeting
of its kind for the AVMA and was a
great success. The goal of the conference was to facilitate conversation
about animal welfare between veterinarians in order to learn how we can
better communicate with each other
and with other stakeholders on important issues. The diverse group
represented veterinarians working in
all fields of veterinary medicine. Information was presented by speakers
from different areas of expertise and
we participated in group discussions
to learn directly from each other.
The topics of conversation ranged
from the philosophy of how animals
are perceived to current food animal
issues to laboratory animal concerns
to the ethics of zoos. It was an extremely engaging event and much
was accomplished. The AVMA will
be working with a group of the participants to develop strategies to facilitate productive dialog within our
profession. I will be passing along
the results of their work when they
are available.
ment all the time and that several of
them are being reviewed this fall. It’s
a good opportunity to give your
opinion on a variety of topics and
see what other veterinarians are
thinking as well.
Also, for those who are AVMA
members, I want to remind you that
all AVMA Policies are open for com-
Finally, have a great holiday season
and a Happy New Year!
Please don’t forget that the DuPage
County Health Department is looking for veterinarians interested in
volunteering in case of emergency to
help perform mass vaccination on
people. If you would be willing to
participate if needed, please go to
Member Fellowship Update
Dr. Christie Comm, Committee Co-Chair
2013 Committee Chairs
Animal Welfare
Shannon Greeley
CVMA Office
Yuval Nir
Continuing Education Andrew Miz
Don Sedlacek
Raymond Wise
Human Animal Bond Lori Coughlin
Judith Rae Swanson
Shannon Greeley
Yuval Nir
Julie Bunn
Christie Comm
David Saidel
Public Education Anthony Coronad
Monique Lewison
had a great turnout and everyone enjoyed the informative yet casual discussion
session. Thank you so much
to the AVMA for allowing us
to use their facilities and to
everyone who attended!
currently brainstorming topics and plan to restart after
the holidays. If anyone has
any suggestions or is interested in helping present a topic,
please let us know!
Thanks, again, to everyone
We are excited to continue who supported us this year!
our small group meeting We look forward to supportseries next year. We are ing you further next year.
Linda Kopija
The Membership Committee
was pleased to again host
“Basic Financial Planning for
Veterinarians” with Lisa
Shake, CPA, MST on
Wednesday, 10/30/13, at the
AVMA offices in Schaumburg.
Topics covered included personal budgeting and saving,
basic investing, taxes and
planning for retirement. We
Lori Civello
(Continued from page 3)
pact by paying it forward and
setting the bar high for everyone else to follow. In yet
one of many examples, this
year members of the CVMA
Public Education Committee
diligently worked alongside
the Museum of Science &
Industry and the Smithsonian
Institution, while sharing
their passion for veterinary
medicine with the public.
Exciting doors continue to
open, as the CVMA was
honored to be selected to
participate and contribute to
the year-long “Art of Learning Science” program in 2014
in collaboration with the
Museum of Science & Industry and National Science
Foundation. The planned
program entails veterinarians
working alongside STEM
professionals and other business industries on a project
specific to Chicago, where
our world-class city is also
joined by San Diego,
California and Worcester,
Massachusetts as innovation
incubators in this endeavor.
Such participation by CVMA
veterinarians will be recognized both at local and
national levels.
If you are not already
involved in one of the
CVMA's committees, 2014 is
definitely the year to join
your fellow colleagues in the
public education arena or
other specific interests
where you want to demonstrate the importance of
veterinary medicine. I look
forward to hearing how you
want to be involved in
shaping veterinary medicine
in the 21st Century.
Have a most joyous and
productive year in 2014!
Eric Voogd
CVMA Director of Public
Education & Media Relations
Welcome New Members!
Please welcome the newest
group of CVMA members.
These veterinarians and veterinary students joined our association from 9/18 - 11/19/13:
Dr. Sarah Baker
Dr. Ryan Downs
Dr. Catherine Febvay
Dr. Steven Fox
Dr. Nick Miller
Dr. Matthew Mottel
Dr. John Naeser
Dr. Andrew Pierson
Dr. Robert Plourde
Dr. Julio Toro-Burguete
Dr. Sarah Tracy
Dr. Jennifer Woll-Creed
Sarah Andermann (‘17)
Margaret Barron (’17)
Jean Cruse (’14)
Price Dickson (‘17)
Tess Fiedler (’16)
Ellen Glenn (‘16)
Leah Holtzman (‘17)
Christine Lamont (‘17)
Joseph Lupo (’14)
Christina Mazulis (’15)
Erin Mortimer (’17)
Erica Morton (’16)
Melissa Mottonen (’14)
Malgorzata Pajak (’17)
Meaghan Pryde (’15)
Mallory Sczygelski (’17)
Samantha Seemann (’17)
Gail Simpson (’17)
Anna Stobnicki (’15)
We are now 1074 members
strong! We anticipate many
years assisting and advocating
for the veterinary community.
2012 Award Recipients
(To be awarded at the 12/11 General Meeting)
Lifetime Membership Recipients:
Dr. Stephen Barten Dr. Jayanti Gundrania Dr. Craig Wardrip
Dr. Emil Baukert
Dr. Christine Krowzack Dr. Susan Wardrip
Dr. Mary Baukert
Dr. Dennis Macchia Dr. Craig Welbourne
Dr. Lyle Campbell
Dr. Ron McLaren
Dr. John Whitney
Dr. Michael Fedyniak
Dr. Paul Navin
Dr. Saif Ullah Tahir
Dr. Keith Schacht
CVMA Awards
Merit Award ........... Dr. Alexis Newman
Lifetime Merit Award ........... Dr. David Saidel
President’s Service Award ........... Mr. Eric Voogd
Congratulations to all Award Winners!
2014 Proposed Slate of Officers
(To be voted on at the 12/11 General Meeting)
Executive Board
President ...............Dr. Richard Rossman
President-Elect ...............Dr. Natalie Marks
Secretary ...............Dr. Anthony Coronado
Treasurer ...............Dr. Ajaz Alvi
Past-President ...............Dr. Alexis Newman
Board of Directors
3-Year Directors
2-Year Directors
Dr. Lyle Brumley
Dr. Emil Baukert
Dr. Tracey Hlede
Dr. Julie Bunn
Dr. Benjamin Welbourne
Dr. Rosemarie Niznik
1-Year Directors
Dr. Fred Goldenson
Dr. Mark Howes
Dr. Jay Whittle
To add additional name(s) to the ballot of proposed officers, or to nominate someone for a particular position, please contact the CVMA or attend the 12/11 General
Membership Meeting at Hamburger University in Oak Brook. The meeting will take place at 12:00pm in Room 134/136 during the lunch for attendees of the scheduled CE
course, Animal Behavior with Dr. Gary Landsberg. If you plan to attend the general meeting but not the CE course, you must RSVP to the CVMA by 12/5/13.
Volunteers Needed!
Contact the CVMA office to volunteer at our
booth for these events. Volunteers receive:
February 22-23
IKC Dog Show at McCormick Place
1st time volunteers are welcomed and
encouraged to participate.
March 14-16
Family Pet Expo at Arlington Race Track
Professional Hospital Development
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Best practices explained with our books:
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CVMA Classifieds
Placing Ads
Payment must
accompany ad.
Bulletin ads are
limited to 60
words. Those
exceeding 60
words will be
edited by the
CVMA. “To be
given away” and
“Job Wanted”
ads from both
students and
technicians are
free, 40-word
limit. All ads
must be
submitted in
writing, on or
before the 15th
of the month
prior to
publication date.
Bulletin Rates
Member fee is
$50/issue; the
non-member fee
is $100/issue.
Website Rates
Member fee is
$25/month; and
the non-member
fee is $50/
Relief Listings
Member fee is
$100/year; the
non-member fee
is $200/year. Ad
runs for 12
months, both in
Bulletin and
Animal Hospital of Streamwood:
Seeking an energetic, experienced associate with a strong surgical and dental
background for a FT position at our
busy, small animal four doctor practice.
We have full diagnostic capabilities with
an in-house laboratory, ultrasound and
digital radiology (including dental). Superior salary and benefits (health, 401k, CE,
vacation, dues, liability and more). Contact Dr. Hetler at: ehetler@vetcor.com.
Banfield Pet Hospital: Seeking Chicago
Veterinarians. Join a team committed to
practicing the highest quality medicine
with modern equipment and diagnostics,
and excellent paraprofessional staff. We
see a diverse caseload and focus on
teamwork, compassionate pet care and
thorough client education. Apply online:
banfield.com/Veterinary -Professionals/
education, diagnostic medicine, dentistry
& surgery a must. Salary commensurate
with experience. Send resumes to Kurt
Klepitsch DVM, 3225 W. Main St., St.
Charles, IL 60175. Fax: (630) 377-6668.
Email: gatewayvetclinic@sbcglobal.net.
Lincolnshire Animal Hospital: We are
seeking a veterinarian to join our team
that is motivated, client-oriented, with
passion for making a difference. Recently
renovated with fully integrated laboratory, digital radiology (including dental),
ultrasound, class IV laser and more! Benefits include paid vacation and CE, 401k,
health insurance and paid licenses. Email
resume to: erafferty@tds.net.
Naperville Animal Hospital: Overnight
emergency doctor needed for animal
hospitals located in the western suburbs
of Chicago. Salary between $95,000$100,000. Please contact Dr. Tom StauBrookville Animal Hospital: Looking dacher at: (630) 355-5300.
for a full-time or part-time associate for
growing small animal practice in Boling- Oak Park Animal Hospital: Seeking
brook. New fully-equipped facility with part-time veterinarian. Small animal &
excellent support staff. Competitive exotic modern state-of-the-art, AAHA
salary and benefits. Email resumes to: accredited hospital. Includes digisadoc70@sbcglobal.net.
tal+dental radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy, excellent medicine, ethics and a
CARE Animal Emergency Services: great team work environment. 2+ years
Experienced Relief Veterinarians needed experience, base salary plus. Call (630)
for Emergency hospital serving West 605-2659, fax (708) 383-6385, mail: 242
and SW Chicago Suburbs. Shifts are Madison St, Oak Park, 60302, or email:
nights, weekends and holidays. State-of- anbdvm@gmail.com.
the-art facility and competitive wages.
Call (815) 609-0555 or email Suzanne at: Tree House Humane Society, an anisuzward929@yahoo.com.
mal welfare organization in Chicago,
seeks a full time Veterinarian for our
Dundee Animal Hospital: Seeking full- Spay/Neuter and Wellness Clinic at 1629
time associate veterinarian to join N. Ashland Ave. The Clinic focuses on
large, organized team with a family spaying, neutering and wellness care for
feel. 3 well-established locations include our cats and dogs, including feral cats
a 24-hour emergency practice at our from our Trap-Neuter-Return Program.
Dundee location and a full-time internal Schedule is Tuesday through Saturday. If
medicine specialist. The schedule may be interested, contact Dave at (773) 784in more than one location and does 5488, ext 226, or at defuniinclude every other weekend, including ak@treehouseanimals.org.
Sunday. Email resume to Practice
Manager, Dena Chiddister, at:
On-Call Veterinary Orthopedic Surgery & Ultrasound: Emanoel Kotev,
Gateway Veterinary Clinic: Full-time DVM. Over 15 years of professional
Associate position available in 5-doctor experience as a practicing veterinarian
AAHA-accredited hospital. Gateway and surgeon with expertise in complex
offers digital radiology, in-house lab, orthopedic, abdominal, cardiac and
ultrasonography, digital dental radiology, thoracic surgeries. A skilled ultrasonogCornerstone management software and rapher offering reports, results &
a clientele allowing you to practice a high consultations. Dr. Kotev comes to your
standard of medicine. Interest in client hospital or clinic to enhance your surgi-
cal/diagnostic abilities economically,
on-site. Call (847) 716-0653 or email:
emanoelkotev@me.com. Visit online:
Hoffman Estates Animal Hospital:
CVT Head Technician needed in South
Barrington. Contact Dr. House at: (847)
310-8668, fax resume: (847) 310-8738
or email: info@HEAnimalHospital.com.
Animal Behavior Partners: Do you
have a patient with training or behaviorrelated issues? Dr. John Ciribassi, certified by the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists (ACVB), Dr. Kelly
Ballantine (training for ACVB Certification) & Laura Monaco Torelli, an awardwinning trainer certified by Karen Pryor
Academy & CCPDT, can address ALL
your behavior needs. Call (312) 685ABP1(2271) or go online to: animalbehaviorpartners.com for more information
or brochures.
AVMA GHLIT: Fred Rothschild CLU,
RHU & David Rothschild have advised
more than 400 veterinarians. For AVMA
Group Life & Health information, underwritten by New York Life Insurance
Company in New York, NY, call: (847)
673-5040 or email: rothschildins@mcleodusa.net for analysis.
Need help Selling, Buying, or Appraising your Veterinary Practice? For
a free consultation, call G.R. Sikora,
DVM or J.P. Bryk, DVM toll free at:
(877) 487-7765. Or visit us online at:
Practice for Lease: Small animal single
doctor practice for long-term lease, with
option to buy. 100-year-old practice.
Grossing more than $500,000 per year.
Located on South East side of Chicago.
Please call Dr. Raju at (773) 375-2433.
Practice for Sale: Established 1-doctor
small animal practice in Chicago, next to
suburbs. Excellent location, great clientele & good neighborhood with good
net income. Real estate includes a completely renovated building of about
2000SF in brand new condition. Call Dr.
Manyam: (773) 788-9000.
CVMA Relief Veterinarians
Dr. Christine Appleyard (WSU ‘87)
Small Animal Medicine & Surgery
Chicago and West Suburbs
(630) 620-9483
Dr. Angela Kovalick (IL ‘83)
Small Animal
West & SW Suburbs
(630) 337-1331
Dr. Nancy Arden (IL ‘92)
Small Animal Medicine
Chicago & Suburbs
(773) 802-2181
Dr. Melanie Laasch (IL ‘88)
Small Animal General Practice
Chicago & Suburbs
(815) 545-2475
Dr. Lyndon Conrad (OH ‘68)
Dogs and Cats / Mentoring
West Suburbs
(630) 229-0953
Dr. Stacy Lempka (KSU ‘94)
Canine/Feline Medicine & Surgery
Chicago, North & NW Suburbs
(773) 960-1700
Dr. Jim Cornelius (MO ‘75)
Small Animal / Surgery / ER
Chicago & Suburbs
(630) 835-8810
Dr. Margaret Minett (IL ‘96)
Small Animal Medicine
South & SW Suburbs
(815) 546-0931
Dr. Lerpen Duangkaew (MN ‘97)
Internal Medicine/Dermatology
Preventative Medicine
City & West Suburbs: Naperville,
Joliet, Aurora
(630) 544-4163
Available after January 5, 2014
Dr. Adam Morsi (Cal ‘64)
Chicago South, SW & West Suburbs
(708) 663-6721
Dr. Irena Gaber (YUG ‘98)
Small Animal / Surgery
Chicago & Suburbs
(708) 257-4909
Dr. Tracy Garza (MI ‘04)
General Practice
Chicago & Suburbs
(517) 881-6487
Dr. Rosemarie Niznik (GA ‘90)
DuPage, Cook & Surrounding
(630) 915-0156
Dr. Mohammed Rahman (IND ‘58)
Medicine / Surgery
Chicago & SW Suburbs
(630) 605-3390
To be added as a
Relief Veterinarian,
contact CVMA!
Dr. Emily Rosenzweig (LSU ‘01)
Medicine/Soft Tissue Surgery/
Chicago/Suburbs; Statewide for
consecutive dates
(813) 215-8078
Website: reliefveterinarian.net
Dr. Ken Schwartz (U Penn ‘00)
Small Animal Medicine / Surgery
City, North, NW & West Suburbs
(786) 877-9936
Dr. Mary (Papacek) Svoboda (MN ‘83)
Canine/Feline Medicine/
N/NW Cook/Kane/McHenry/Lake
(847) 476-3359
Dr. Ariel Valyo (IL ‘84)
Canine/Feline Medicine & Surgery
Chicago, Near N, W, SW Suburbs
Short Notice OK
(773) 582-1320 or (708) 345-7640
Dr. Ivan Veljic (YUG ‘81)
Small Animal
Chicago & Suburbs
Short Notice OK
(773) 273-1973
Dr. Tiffany Whisler (KSU ‘90)
Small Animal
Chicago & Suburbs
(847) 427-1921
Dr. Steve Zimmerman (IL ‘88)
Small Animal
Chicago & Suburbs
(847) 244-2452
For Relief Veterinarian listing information, contact the CVMA office at: (630) 325-1231. The CVMA does not endorse any
veterinarian listed in the Relief Veterinarian section. The Association cannot attest to
the veterinarians’ abilities to practice veterinary medicine or to the conduct of the individual.
Holiday Safety Tips for Pet Owners
Winter Holidays are a busy time for everyone. This time of year, families are busy with each other, so our
schedules are hectic and pets & their safety may be neglected. Many pet hazards can be overlooked in all
the chaos of the holiday season. Follow these tips to be sure your pet is safe and happy during the holidays.
Rich or fatty
People Foods are holiday favorites, but they can result in life-threatening pancreatitis for
your pet. Anything salty, spicy or greasy qualifies as well. Splintered poultry bones (chicken or turkey) can
puncture the digestive tract, causing deadly results. Keep table scraps out of reach and secure garbage.
Holiday Sweets: Candies, gums, mints, baked goods & chocolate containing the “sugar-free” sweetener
xylitol, are highly toxic, causing rapid low blood sugar and liver failure. Chocolate contains theobromine &
caffeine; and the darker the chocolate, the more toxic. And, grapes & raisins can cause kidney failure.
Curious cats and dogs are enticed by The
Tree in the living room. Fresh trees may have both pine sap and
fertilizer in the tree water (both are hazardous). Vacuum up pine needles that drop from branches, as they
can be eaten and puncture intestines. To prevent the tree from falling, be sure to secure it with wire.
Decorations: Ornaments can be eaten whole or in pieces (allowing shards of glass/fiberglass to damage stomach
and intestines). Packaging materials (i.e.: Styrofoam) should be put away, as they are also a hazard if ingested.
Ribbon & tinsel are tempting for cats to play with and chew/eat. Pets can knock over candles or burn themselves.
Many Holiday
Plants are toxic. Poinsettas, while harmful, are low on the toxic scale. The especially toxic
plants are: Christmas cactus, holly, mistletoe, lilies, cedar, balsam and pine. For example, mistletoe will
cause low blood pressure or heart failure. Also, acorns can easily get lodged in the intestines if eaten.
Pets can chew on Electrical
wires, causing electrocution or death. Pets may chew on the few extra batteries lying
around. Battery fluid may leak and burn the pet’s mouth and/or esophagus.
New Years Eve: Confetti causes stomach upset when ingested. Balloons can cause choking or an
intestinal blockage. Loud noises may easily spook a pet. Alcohol—giving a pet alcohol can cause
seizures or a drop in blood pressure. It could even put a pet in a coma or cause fatal respiratory failure.
Make sure your Holiday
Guests know your rules regarding your pet and be sure they abide by them. Beside
holiday hazards, guests may leave their medications out or a door open...to a curious or run away pet.
Pet Stress: Holidays throw everyone off their normal routine. A full house or loud party can be overwhelming to a pet. Put your pet in a quiet room with their bed and favorite toys. Make sure to stop and
visit them so they know they aren’t forgotten.
Whether or not you celebrate the holidays, winter brings other hazards that may be even more
dangerous for pets. Freezing temperatures are the most hazardous culprit, especially in our windy
city! Other hazards include a cozy fireplace—be sure to use a cover/door. Place mouse traps in areas
that your pet does not have access. Antifreeze tastes sweet to animals and ingestion is highly toxic.
Also, cats or small animals may take shelter near a warm car engine, whether in a garage or outdoors.
It’s always a good idea to tap the hood or look under the vehicle before starting it.
Tips provided by the Chicago Veterinary Medical Association, for it’s members’ clients. Some content
sourced from www.animalplanet.com. For more information and tips on holiday pet safety, call or visit your
family veterinarian. Your veterinarian is the best resource on keeping your pet safe, healthy and happy!
News from your Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
College Gains Re-Accreditation After monthslong development of a self-study document
and a site visit in April, the University of Illinois
College of Veterinary Medicine was recently
granted full accreditation status by the AVMA
Council on Education.
Submitted by:
Christine Beuoy
U of I - CVM
Director of Marketing &
“Successful re-accreditation is a great accomplishment, signifying our college’s commitment
to quality and continuous improvement through
rigorous peer review,” said Dean Herb Whiteley. “I
want to thank all the faculty, staff, and students
who participated in the process.”
To be accredited, the college must meet 11 specific
standards of education, relating to such topics as
organization, finances, facilities, the admissions processes, the curriculum, and outcomes assessment.
The site-visit team—which included small and
mixed animal practitioners from the U.S., a Canadian veterinarian, and the deans of three U.S. veterinary colleges—met with faculty, students and staff
at the college’s Urbana and Chicago locations over
five days to verify and supplement the information
in the self-study document.
Accreditation visits occur every seven years. This
was the first review since the college introduced
several new features that were highlighted in the
site-visit team’s report, including:
 An "innovative, integrated curriculum...[that] provides clinical exposure early in the program";
 The Clinical Skills Learning Center, an innovative
resource for hands-on student learning and
assessment which employs a wide variety of
creative Objective Structured Clinical Examinations to assess student achievement of the nine
clinical competencies”;
 Web-based curriculum management software
used to speed detection and response to concerns with a student's performance in class
or students' feedback on course content and
 The Chicago Center for Veterinary Medicine,
which provides an outstanding facility where
students can engage in contemporary primary
care practice, including dentistry;
 Shelter medicine electives that expand students’
experience with entry-level surgery.
Meet the New Surgeons. In under 2 years, four
small animal surgeons have joined the faculty and
staff of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Urbana:
Dr. Karanvir Aulakh did his surgical residency at
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary
Medicine in Blacksburg, Va., where he had also
completed two small animal internships. He earned
a veterinary degree from Punjab Agricultural University in Ludhiana, Punjab, India, and a master’s
degree in microbiology and immunology from the
University of Louisville (KY) School of Medicine.
His areas of interest include both soft tissue and
orthopedic surgery, minimally invasive procedures,
and reconstructive surgery.
Dr. Tisha Harper also came to Illinois from the
Virginia-Maryland Regional veterinary college,
where she was an assistant professor since completing a small animal residency and master’s
degree there and gaining board certification in
2005. Her veterinary degree is from the University
of the West Indies in the Republic of Trinidad
and Tobago. She recently completed the BioMedtrix Universal Hip Certification Program and offers
total hip replacement surgery as well as general
orthopedic and neurological surgeries. She also
oversees the rehabilitation service.
Dr. Heidi Phillips spent five years as assistant
director of the Renal Transplant Program at the
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary
Medicine, where she honed her microsurgery skills
performing kidney transplants on cats. She also
earned her veterinary degree and completed her
surgical residency at UPenn, and is board certified.
Her expertise includes microvascular surgery,
reconstructive surgery, and urogenital surgery,
especially feline and canine ureteral surgery and
transplant surgery.
Dr. Laura Selmic is among the 36 veterinary
surgeons who were the first to be designated as
Fellows of Surgical Oncology by the American
College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2012. She earned
her veterinary degree from the Royal Veterinary
College, University of London, England, and has a
master’s in public health degree from the Colorado
School of Public Health. Her interests include
general soft tissue surgery; maxillofacial, plastic and
reconstructive surgery; minimally invasive surgery;
advanced oncologic surgery, including limb sparing;
and multimodal oncologic treatment.
D ecember
Are you interested in a leadership role in 2014? It’s
not too late to participate on the CVMA or
CVMF board or within a committee! Email or call
the office at (630) 325-1231 to learn more!
NAVC Conference January 18-22
Chicago Veterinary Medical Association
100 Tower Drive, Suite 234
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
December / January 2014
Look Inside
Inside for:
December/January CE
 December/January
President’s Thoughts
 President’s
2013 Awards
 2013
2014 Slate
Slate of
of Officers
 2014
Volunteers Needed
 Volunteers
 Updates:
 Membership
 Animal
Animal Welfare
 Public
Public Education
» » » Membership Renewals are due by December 31, 2013 « « «
Our Mission:
Chicago Veterinary Medical Association’s purpose is to
provide its members opportunities for:
 Professional enrichment and communication
 Quality continuing education
 Dissemination of information to the public
 Promoting the health and well-being of animals
Shaping the Future of Veterinary Medicine
Promoting the Human-Animal Bond
~ Since 1896 ~
Chicago Veterinary Medical Association
100 Tower Drive, Suite 234  Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: (630) 325-1231  Fax: (630) 325-4043
Email: cvma@chicagovma.org
Our Vision:
The membership of the CVMA is dedicated to the
health and well-being of animals through its nurturing
of the human animal bond. The CVMA will strive to
fulfill the diversified needs of its members by offering
innovative member services and public awareness,
cultivating membership involvement and providing
nationally recognized CE programs.
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