Characteristic Functions in Radar and Sonar Southeastern Symposium on System Theory March 18,2002 Stephen R. Addison Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Central Arkansas Conway, AR 72035 Presented By John E. Gray Code B-32 Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Dahlgren, VA 22448 1 Outline • FOUR QUESTIONS • WHAT ARE CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTIONS? • SINGLE VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION. • MULTI-DIMENSIONAL CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTIONS • RAYLEIGH PROBLEM 2 FOUR QUESTIONS å å å Question 1: Given we know the density for x is PÝxÞ, what is the distribution for u = fÝ xÞ? å å Question2: Givenwe knowthe densityfor x is PxÝxÞ and the densityfor y is PyÝyÞ, what is the distributionfor å å å u = x + y? å å Question 3: Given we know the density for x is P x ÝxÞ and the density for y is P y ÝyÞ, what is the distribution for å åå u = x y? å å Question 4: Given we know the density for x is P x ÝxÞ and the density for y is P y ÝyÞ, what is the distribution for å åx u = å? y 3 DEFINTIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION MP ÝSÞ = e jSx = X DEFINTION: 1. 2. 3. 4. PROPERTIES K ?K e jSx PÝxÞ dx MÝ0Þ = 1. MD Ý?SÞ = MÝSÞ. |MÝSÞ| ² 1. |MÝSÞ| ² MÝ0Þ. ALTERNATIVE DEFINITION: K K MP ÝSÞ = X ?K e PÝxÞ dx = X ?K > jSx n K ÝjSxÞ PÝxÞdx n=0 n! => n K ÝjSÞ n=0 n! Öx n × 4 DEFINTIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION TWO METHODS FOR CALCULATION OF MOMENTS K Öx × = X ?K x n PÝxÞ dx n n Öx × = n 1 / MP ÝSÞ /S n jn P S =0 differentiation is easier than integration Fourier transform pair relationship between the PDF and CF: PÝxÞ = 1 2^ K X?K e ?jSx MP ÝSÞdx 5 SINGLE VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION one would often like to know the density of a new variable, å say û, that is a function of the old variable: å u= fÝ xÞ Probability Density Function: Characteristic Function: Apply CF to PDF: PDF for Transformed variable: 1 2^ PÝuÞ = Mu ÝSÞ = e PÝuÞ = 1 2^ K X?K e ?jSu Mu ÝSÞ dS jSfÝxÞ K K = X ?K e jSfÝxÞ PÝxÞ dx K X?K X ?K e jSfÝxÞ e ?jSx PÝxÞ dS dx K PÝuÞ = X ?K NÝu ? fÝxÞÞ PÝxÞ dx This solves the problem for Exercise 1. 6 SINGLE VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION Interpretation of Delta Function of Function NÝgÝxÞÞ = >i NÝx ? x iÞ g v Ýx1 Þ | i | NÝfÝxÞ ? uÞ = >i NÝx ? x i Þ fv Ýx1 Þ | PÝuÞ = >i i | PÝxi Þ |fv Ýx iÞ | 7 SINGLE VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION Translation å å å (Translation): Let u = ax + b, what is PÝuÞ given we know that the PDF of x is PxÝxÞ? Solving for zero of the equation gives x = u ?a b and note dx = 1a , then the distribution is 1 PxÝ u ? b Þ u?b = # PÝxÞ| PÝuÞ = 1 x= a a a a 8 SINGLE VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION Square Law Detector å å å (Square Law Detector): Let u = x 2 , what is PÝuÞ given we know that the PDF of x is P x ÝxÞ? Answer: Solve for zeros x1 = u and x2 = ? u note 2xdx = du, then * becomes PÝuÞ = å If x is NÝ0, aÞ, then the PDF is 1 P x ÝuÞ| x ,x = 1 PÝ u Þ + PÝ? u Þ 1 2 2 u 2 u P u ÝuÞ = # ? u 1 e 2a2 BÝuÞ. a Ý2^uÞ where B is the unit step function BÝxÞ = 1 Ýx ³ 0Þ = 0 ÝotherwiseÞ # 9 SINGLE VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION The coordinate transform ation y = R sinÝj! Þ a P DF f j Ýj Þ is onto but not one-to-one ov er interv al ß?K, Kà. Thus ref: * has an infinite num ber of zeros. It is m ore conniv ent to determ ine the C F directly, so the transform ation of the P DF is M S Ýg Þ = K X ?K e jgR sin Ýj Þ f j Ýj Þdj . The ex ponential can be w ritten as K > J n Ýg RÞe jn j = e jgR sin Ýj Þ , n =?K so the C F is giv en by K M S Ýg Þ = > n =?K J n Ýg RÞ X K ?K e jn j K fÝj Þdj = > J n Ýg RÞF ÝnÞ; n =?K w hich can be rew ritten as K M j Ýg Þ = J 0 Ýg RÞ + > J n Ýg RÞ ßF ÝnÞ + Ý? 1Þ n F Ý?nÞ à n =1 w here F ÝnÞ is the F ourier transform of the P DF f j Ýj Þ ev aluated at g = n. Depending on the problem , the C F is sufficient, but som etim es it is still useful to k now the P DF . N ow if w e apply the identity (A bram ow itz) n K Þ B Ý1 ? |g |Þ, X ?K e ?jgt J n ÝtÞ dt = 2Ý? jÞ T n Ýg Ý1 ? g 2 Þ w here T n Ýx Þ is the n-th order C hebyshev polynom ials, the P DF of the coordinate transform ation is f y ÝyÞ = w here a n = Ý? jÞ n F ÝnÞ. a 0 + > Kn =1 Ýa n + a ?n ÞT n Ý 2 2 ^ ÝR ? y Þ y R Þ B Ý1 ? y Þ, R # 10 MULTI-VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION Repeating the same procedure for the single dimensional case to the multi-dimensional case yields: K K PÝu, vÞ = X ?K X ?K X X Nßu ? fÝx, yÞàNßv ? gÝx, yÞàPÝx, yÞ dxdy This due to Cohen, is sufficient to allow us to solve the problem of determining many of the two dimensional combinations of random variables such as those in Exercises 2-4. 11 MULTI-VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION Let û = fÝx!,yÞ, the CF is K K MuÝSÞ = X ejSfÝx,yÞ PÝx,yÞ dxdy, X ?K ?K so the density becomes K 1 e?jSuMuÝSÞ dS PÝuÞ = X 2^ ?K K K K 1 ejSßu?fÝx,yÞà PÝx,yÞ dydxdS = X X X 2^ ?K ?K ?K integrating out S gives delta functions K PÝuÞ = X K X ?K ?K Nßu ? fÝx,yÞàPÝx,yÞ dx. # (C) 12 MULTI-VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION EXAMPLE: Translation å å å Let z = x + y, with distributions P x ÝxÞ and P y ÝyÞ (assuming they are uncorelated), then the distribution of û which is denoted by P u ÝuÞ is ref: C P z ÝzÞ = = = K K X ?K X?K Nßz ? x ? yàP xy Ýx, yÞ dxdy K X ?K Pxy Ýx, z ? xÞ dx K X ?K Px ÝxÞP y Ýz ? xÞ dx (uncorrelated) # 13 MULTI-VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION EXAMPLE: Multiplication å åå Let z = x y, with distribution PxyÝx,yÞ or distributions PxÝxÞ and PyÝyÞ (assuming they are uncorelated), then the distribution of û which is denoted by PzÝzÞ is ref: C K PzÝzÞ = X If we note that >i NÝx ? x i Þ K X ?K ?K Nßz ? xyàPxyÝx,yÞ dxdy. 1 , so |f Ýx iÞ| v NÝy ? zx Þ Nßz ? xyà = |x | so K f zÝzÞ = X ?K 1 P z ,x dx. |x| xy x # 14 MULTI-VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION EXAMPLE: Division or Monopulse Ratio å åx Let z = å , with distribution PxyÝx,yÞ or distributions PxÝxÞ and PyÝyÞ (assuming they are y uncorelated), then the distribution of z! which is denoted by PzÝzÞ is K K PzÝzÞ = X X Nßz ? xy àPxyÝx,yÞ dydx. ?K ?K If we note that Nßz ? xy à = NÝy ? zxÞ|x| so K f zÝzÞ = X |x|PxyÝzx,xÞdx. ?K # 15 MULTI-VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION RAYLEIGH PROBLEM Sum of two dimension random amplitudes and phases: X=> N ! x i=1 i => N i=1 â i cosÝS! i Þ Arose in Scattering off Rough Surfaces, Applications in Radar, Sonar, Acoustics, Communications, Physics, etc. 16 MULTI-VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION INSTANCE OF TRACKING PROBLEM Transformations from spherical to C artesian coordinates x! = Ý r! Þ cos S! sinÝ j! Þ , y = Ý r! Þ sin S! sinÝ j! Þ , z! = Ý r! Þ cos Ý j! Þ . Rewritten as: x! = y= !r 2 !r 2 #( sin S! + j! + sin S! ? j! cosÝS! + j! Þ ? cosÝS! + j! Þ 17 MULTI-VARIABLE APPLICATIONS OF CHARCTERISTIC FUNCTION 1 Then the distribution for z is: f z ÝzÞ = X ?1 >Kn=1 Ýan +a ?n ÞT n ÝjÞ P r Ý jz Þ a 0 + ^|j| Ý1?j 2Þ dj. two sum case z = z 1 + z 2 fzÝzÞ K =X ?K 1 X?1 (uncorrelated) = 1 X?1 K X?K Pz Ýz1ÞPz Ýz1 ? zÞ dz1 1 # 2 K Pr1Ý j11 Þ a0 + >n=1 Ýan +a?n ÞTnÝj1Þ z ^|j1 | Ý1 ? j21Þ K 1?z Pr2Ý z2+z j2 Þ a0 + >n=1Ýan + a?n ÞTnÝj2Þ ^|j2 | Ý1? j22Þ dj1 × dj2dz1 Case n is obtained by repeated application of Case 2 18 Conclusions • Demonstrated how to use CF to bypass difficulties in computing combinations of random variables using a method based on Cohen • Using Fourier analysis and application of definition of Dirac delta function, combined PDF is obtained with considerable simplification • Motivation engineering applications that occur in radar/sonar applications that involve combinations of probability density functions • Have demonstrated simple method to obtain PDF for different combinations of random variables • Rayleigh problem for i=2 solved which implies general solution for case i=n 19