ISC-SHRM Newsletter Winter 2009


Winter 2009 Volume 1, Issue 3





A word from the 2009 ISC-SHRM Director

Dear HR Colleague,

The end of the year is rapidly approaching and it is a time

Leadership Conference, The second is a change in being held on January 11 at

Starved Rock State Park

Lodge. It is an opportunity l o c a t i o n . T h e 2 0 1 0

Conference will be held at the DoubleTree Inn in to look forward and back at the same time. A quick look for volunteer leaders from a t 2 0 0 9 s h o ws I S C gather, network and share

Oakbrook. NIU has been a throughout the state to wonderful host to the recent conferences held in DeKalb continuing to grow and ideas and best practices on develop. We had our most c h a p t e r o p e r a t i o n s , but moving it should allow for growth and additional p r o g r a m m i n g a n d o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d successful conference ever in July, continued our work with Blue Cross/Blue Shield on workplace wellness and opportunities. It will be preceded by a day of experiences. I hope you all plan on joining us for this jumped into the world of social networking with a presence on both Facebook strategic planning by the officers and core leadership directors of ISC to set the path we will undertake in the special event.

Finally, I think that 2010 will also bring other new and LinkedIn. We also created and filled our first

Marketing/Public Relations/ future.

Communications position on the Board to great success.

But with January rapidly

Later on in 2010 will be our

11 th

Annual Illinois State

SHRM Conference, August 2 and 3 to be exact. We are excited about this for a projects, events, challenges and horizons that ISC will be undertaking. Please keep your ears and eyes open for announcements about these developments in the new year. approaching, it is time to look ahead to 2010. The first couple of reasons. One is that it begins our second Best regards, event of the new year will be our 3 r d

Annual State decade of conference programming in the state.

John K. Jorgensen, SPHR

ISC-SHRM Director

Illinois SHRM leaders visit DC for annual conference

Illinois HR professionals from throughout the state visited Washington, DC this past November for SHRM’s

A n n u a l L e a d e r s h i p

Conference. From left: ISC

-SHRM President-Elect

Donna Rogers poses outside the U.S. Capital with Stacy DeGroot, Chloe

Rada Veronica Manzella and Laura Retzlaff.


Special points of interest:

 A Message from ISC-SHRM

Director John Jorgensen

 SHRM News from our

District Director

 A Look at Illinois SHRM

Chapter Activities

 ISC-SHRM Partnership with


 ...And so much more!

Inside this issue:

SHRM news 2

Diversity spotlight

Chapter notes



About us

NIU partnership




Survey Says…

ISC-SHRM wants your input!

Recently, ISC-SHRM developed an online survey to assess hiring, benefits and compensation trends going into 2010.

We encourage you to visit this link: http:// s/SWKVWPZ to take the five-minute survey.

Once we reach 100 respondents, we will analyze our results and communicate the findings to you and the media.

What a great FREE resource to find out what other organizations are doing!

Don’t Forget!


Deadline for




March 1, 2010.

News from SHRM

The Society for Human Resource

Management (SHRM) is concluding a year of significant change and has weathered the recession well, Society


Be an advocate on the most critical issues facing workplaces and the human resource officials told volunteer leaders at the

2009 SHRM Leadership Conference, held Nov. 19-21, 2009, in Arlington, Va. profession.

The six strategic priorities are: Providing high-

SHRM Board Chair Robb E. Van Cleave,

SPHR, IPMA-CP, and SHRM President value resources to SHRM’s core membership; being more global; operating as a financially sustainable organization in order to fulfill its and CEO Laurence G. O’Neil outlined current programs and services, reviewed the Strategic Business Review process mission for the profession; evolve the organization’s positioning to become more of an advisor and advocate; attract and engage HR

SHRM undertook in 2009 and highlighted the five-year Strategic Plan that emerged from those findings. Van Cleave told executives and business and organizational leaders; and engage non-HR professionals. members that as a result of the review,

SHRM has a new plan that includes “six strategic priorities that will guide our

“This is our marching plan,” O’Neil said. “This is our road map to continued success.”O’Neil and

Van Cleave added that SHRM wants to find new growth for the next five years.”

SHRM has a new vision statement: “To and different ways to serve its members by providing timely and innovative solutions and rapid responses to shifting trends. “We want to be a globally recognized authority whose voice is heard on the most pressing be a truly global organization,” O’Neil said. “We people management issues of the day— now and in the future.” To realize that have the experience, information and tools that much of the world is seeking.”

Aliah D. Wright is an online editor/manager for SHRM. vision, SHRM aims to:


Build partnerships that address

Your North Central Regional Team is: people management challenges and

Martha Ramirez (left) – Field Services influence the effectiveness and sustainability of organizations and

Director and Western Regional




Provide a global community for human resource professionals to share

Kristine Hofmann (right)– expertise and create innovative solutions.


Provide thoughtful leadership, education and research.

Focus on diversity: a look ahead to 2010

The Illinois State Council’s

Diversity focus is proud to look back on a year of accomplishments and is

Among recent activities around the state were a major event in Kankakee and a special presentation eager to develop new initiatives in the coming on Women’s' Studies related to workplace year. dynamics presented by the

CIC-SHRM Chapter.

As the Diversity Council chairperson, I will be P l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e contacting SHRM leaders throughout 2010 to assist

D i v e r s i t y C h a i r a t

with in developing programs and other activities. news and ideas!

Please let me know of the diversity events that you are sponsoring, so that I can include them in this newsletter and elsewhere.

All the best for the holiday season.

Robert W. Hotes, Ph.D.,


“We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.”

-Anne Frank

Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 3

Chapter notes: A look at activities throughout Illinois

District 1:

The Human Resource Association of

Greater Oak Brook is proud to present keynote speaker and author John

Bloomberg to speak at our December

Informative programs and chapter events were offered in 2009, and the Rock River

Human Resources Professional

Association now begins to transition into

2010. They have elected new officers and are ready to kick off the new year! holiday event. John's new book, Good to the Core , challenges readers to evaluate their personal and organizational core values and then do something about it. For more program information, visit


The Society of Human Resource

Professional’s recent conference,

During 2009, the Illinois Fox Valley

SHRM adopted the Military as our community outreach initiative. Spearheaded by former Chapter President,

Peggy Thodos from the Agency Staffing, we worked to bring comfort to those serving by providing old cell phones

“Navigating the Changing Federal

Landscape: What the HR Professional

Needs to Know” provided insight into how changes on a federal level may impact HR making it easier for them to keep in touch with family and sending a bi-monthly supply of cookies from a local bakery. Moving forward to 2010, we will and organizations across the country.

Speakers shared what may be coming in terms of potential legislation and the priorities of the Administration. Topics included healthcare reform, discrimination, employee benefits, unions and labor management, social media and employee continue to work with state-side organizations who help transition returning service members into local jobs. While the country is facing an unemployment rate of 10.2%, the rate for these folks is

11.6%. As HR professionals in the Fox

Valley area, we strive to look for ways to engagement.

District 2:

Stateline SHRM had a great 2009 experiencing growth and superior member support our employees and family members - our Troops.

District 4:

Bloomington Normal HR Council hosted participation. Programs were all HRCI approved attracting members, new members and guests. Likes attract, and with 3 member companies, Sage Products its first HR Executive Exchange between Diane Crutcher, HR Director for

Brome nn Medi ca l C enter, a nd

Sherry Schambach, VP of HR for 1st Inc. ( 5 years in a row, #5 in 2009 ),

Centegra Health Systems, and Advocate

Health Care being recognized in the 100

Best Places to Work in Healthcare, it stands to reason that Stateline enjoys high caliber members. Over 40% of Stateline members are certified with 9 receiving their

Certifications this year.

District 3:

The Grundy Will HR Association is hosting a Holiday Celebration on December

Farm Credit Services. It was moderated by a former radio personality.

T h e y a l s o h e l d a c h a p t e r strategic meeting to gear up for 2010.

Human Resources Association of East

Central Illinois held its first "after dark" evening meeting in October and it was well received. Jim Dye, of

The Checkley Agency gave an update on the proposed healthcare legislation. HRA-

10th at the Department in downtown

Joliet. We will be celebrating the Chapter's achievements over the last year, including reaching 100 local members! The Chapter

ECI is also planning a leadership conference in January.

CIC-SHRM recently held a silent auction will also be presenting two scholarships to members furthering their education in an

HR Discipline. 2009 was a year filled with growth for the Will Grundy HR Association with 52 new members and 66 National to benefit the SHRM Foundation and raised $229. We also raised $311 with 50/50 drawings at our chapter meetings to benefit the Clothes for Career

SHRM members. Thank you to everyone who helped make this year a success!

Program through the Springfield Urban

League. ( cont’d on page 4)

Central Illinois Human

Resources Group

( C h a m p a i g n ) w a s selected as of one of the 19 finalists for the

2 0 0 9 P I N N A C L E

AWARD at the recent

SHRM L ea ders hi p

C o n f e r e n c e i n

Alexandria, Virginia.

They submitted a project on "Committing t o H e a l t h a n d


Congratulations to

C I H R G f o r t h e i r selection as a finalist!

District 1 News: SMA of

Greater Chicago is proud to announce i t ' s S t af f i n g

P r o f e s s i o n a l o f t h e

Year Award recipient-Erin

Peterson, VP of Global Talent

A c q u i s i t i o n a t H e w i t t

Associates Erin received her award at the SMA of Greater

Chicago's Annual Dinner in

October 2009.

We’re on the Web!

About Us...

The Illinois State Council for the Society for Human

Resource Management (ISC-SHRM) is dedicated to serving the needs of SHRM chapters in Illinois by representation to SHRM and assistance in achieving each

SHRM Illinois chapter's highest potential. The ISC-SHRM promotes professionalism in human resources and adds value to the SHRM membership. The ISC-SHRM Board is made up of volunteer representatives across Illinois who serve to advance the human resources profession.

Our purpose is to support over 12,800 human resources professionals in Illinois who are either members of SHRM

Illinois chapters or members of SHRM by providing timely and relevant information, on-going professional development opportunities and intra-state communication regarding issues of interest in the field of human resources.


“ Advancing the Profession,

Serving the Professional”

For more information on ISC-

SHRM, visit us on the web at phone: (815) 729-9269


I S C - S H R M p a r t n e r s w i t h N I U O u t r e a c h o n n e w

H u m a n R e s o u r c e s o f f e r i n g

Today's successful and competitive businesses and organizations embrace initiatives promoting sustainability and

"greening" of the organization. HR plays a key role in developing an internal culture that values practices promoting sustainability and aligns these practices and systems to support the goals of the organization.

In the first of its kind, HR: A Strategic Partner in Sustainability Planning and Implementation features corporate leaders will share best practices and insights concerning the strategic role of HR in helping design and implement sustainability programs that have earned prestigious state and national awards for their respective organizations.

The HR Certification Institute has pre-approved this program and will award 2.0 hours of

HRCI credit for PHR, SPHR, and GPHR recertification. Early bird registration fees are $89 regular and $79 SHRM member/NIU alumni (After 4/7/10 $109 regular and $99 SHRM member/NIU alumni).

More Chapter notes….

District 5:

Decatur Area SHRM had our First Legal Council Half

Day Conference in October.

All who attend felt that it was valuable and worth the time and $50 investment. We are getting ready to wrap up

2009 with our Christmas gathering.

Back by popular demand, we will treat our members to a 5 minute chair massage during the meeting. It is a great way to let go of stress during benefits renewal and year-end wrap up. For all of us caught in "HR madness", don't forget

IT'S CHRISTMAS (in case you didn't get the e-mail).

2009 Board of Directors

ISC Director: John Jorgensen,


Director-Elect: Donna Rogers,


Past Director: Carolyn Sperl,


Treasurer: Amy Byers

Secretary: Lenore Erickson, SPHR

SHRM, Field Services Director:

Martha T. Ramirez, PHR

SHRM Regional Administrator:

Kristine Hofmann

Core Leadership Areas

HRCI/Professional Development:

Michelle Jackson, SPHR

College Relations: Laura Donahue

Legislative: Tami Ireland

Technology: Carrie Gurski, PHR

HR Executive Outreach: Roger


SHRM Foundation: Donna Rogers,


Diversity: Robert Hotes, SPHR

Strategic Alliance Director: Cindi


Workforce Readiness: Mary Jo



Heather Hammitt, SPHR

Membership: Jeff Williams

2010 Conference Chair: Cathy


District Directors

Karen Vujtech

Melissa Pilch

Connie Wolgemuth, PHR

Janeane Reis, SPHR
