Certified Title Insurance Associate Please complete all portions of this application and submit, accompanied by the following: 1.Non-refundable Application Processing Fee of $95*, which may be submitted by credit card online at TLTA.com or by check payable to Texas Land Title Association. *NOTE: This is an introductory member rate. Non-members add $25. 2.Educational credentials, see Section III. Electronically transmit to certification@tlta.com or mail to: Certification Council, Texas Land Title Association, 1717 West Sixth St., Ste. 120, Austin, TX 78703. Questions? Email certification@tlta.com; or call TLTA education at 512.472.6050. Please choose your preferred test date and city: April 4, 2014 – McAllen April 16, 2014 – Dallas April 17, 2014 – Houston May 8, 2014 – Austin October 15, 2014 – Dallas October 16, 2014 – Houston I hereby make application and submit the following information for testing on the above date for: Certified Title Insurance Associate (CTIA 175 points required for eligibility) plus Prior Certification Eligibility = CESA CAEA Experience Eligibility = Certified work history of 10+ years in industry. SECTION I: PERSONAL INFORMATION Name__________________________ _________________ (last) (first) _______________________ (middle) ID#_________________________________________________________________________ (TLTA assigns) Home address_________________________________________________________________ Evening contact number__________________________________________________________ Email address__________________________________________________________________ Work address_________________________________________________________________ Day contact number____________________________________________________________ Email address__________________________________________________________________ PLEASE CONTINUE TO PAGE 2/3 SECTION II: SUMMARY OF ELIGIBILITY POINTS Transfer points from Sections III, IV and V Units Achieved Points/ Unit Points Earned Education–30 Points Minimum TLTA Land Title School – must attend classes and pass test (70% or better) for full points; Tue-Wed or Thur participation may receive 5 pts per day 25 Other TLTA-Sponsored Educational Events ___ CE Hrs 3 ALTA-Sponsored Educational Events ___ CE Hrs 1 TDI-Approved Courses by other providers ___ CE Hrs 2 Texas Licensed Attorney License 5 Teach/speaker for TLTA-sponsored events ___ Hrs 5 Teach/speaker for real estate boards, bar associations, builder groups, financial or allied professional organizations, higher education, in-house training ___ Hrs 2 Employee of title insurance underwriter or agent. ___ Yrs 5 Attorney or employee of law firm (in Texas or out-of-state) ___ Yrs 3 Out-of-state title industry employment experience ___ Yrs 3 Real Estate Licensee ___ Yrs 2 Employee of company providing services or goods to the title industry. ___ Yrs 2 Active TLTA Committee Member ___ Yrs 5 TLTA Committee Chair ___ Yrs 5 TLTA Board Member/Officer ___ Yrs 5 PAC Board Member ___ Yrs 5 Leadership Academy Participant ___ Yrs 5 College/Advanced Degrees (see point calculation guidelines) Industry Work Experience–15 Points Minimum Industry Participation–5 Points Minimum Individual Member of TLTA at time of application 5 TLTA Awards or Honors (see list) ___ Awards 20 ALTA Awards or Honors (see list) ___ Awards 10 Write an Article for Industry Publication(s) ___ Articles 5 Total Points Earned: ____________ PLEASE CONTINUE TO PAGE 3/3 Complete the following sections and transfer the Eligibility Points to the preceding page. Add additional pages, if needed. SECTION III. EDUCATION Acceptable credentials are a photocopy of your college diploma or transcript; official statement of participation or TDI Certificate of Attendance from courses taken within the last five years and/or license. For teaching credit, attach brochure, program agenda or letter from provider. POINTS 1 2 3 4 SECTION IV: WORK EXPERIENCE Beginning with the present, for each employer list name, address, dates of employment and position held. Add additional pages, if needed. POINTS 1 2 3 4 SECTION V: PROFESSIONAL PARTICIPATION Include name of the organization, date of participation/award, committee, position, name of award/honor or published article (attach copy of article to application). POINTS 1 2 3 4 I certify that all statements in this application are true and correct and authorize the Professional Certification Council to verify same in its evaluation of this Application. I will not attempt to obtain a copy of the examination or disclose any questions from the examination. Date Signature of Applicant Please sign once form is filled out and return by mail or email I would like to contact others in my area about meeting to study for the test. I authorize TLTA to give others my contact information.