ReimaginEd 2015 Trends in K12 Education David Havens @eduhavens #ReimaginED2015 Vivek Murali @vivmurali Systemic inequality rising while mainstream tech catching on The following slides analyze how innovations have scaled in education US students are low income (eligible for free or reduced lunch) 60 text messages are sent each day by the average teen 1 30 US students were homeless in 2013 79 teenagers age 13-18 have smart phones 11 states had no black student take the AP Computer Science exam 51% MEANWHILE 81% US districts interested in implementing 1:1 solution in next 2 years Source: Southern Education Foundation, Ambient Insights, Level Playing Field Institute,, Benedict Evans “Mobile is eating the world” 2 #ReimaginED2015 Outline Continued Challenges: Diversity, Equity, and Education 4 The Evolving Landscape New Technologies and Approaches Appendix 16 27 46 3 #ReimaginED2015 Continued Challenges: Diversity, Equity, and Education “Too often, America’s education system amplifies not opportunity but inequality.” NICHOLAS KRISTOF The New York Times Source: The New York Times. 4 #ReimaginED2015 Educational mobility in the U.S. is lower than you think There is a 5% college completion rate for Americans whose parents didn’t graduate from High School* Russian Federation* ABSOLUTE EDUCATIONAL MOBILITY (2012) Korea Percentage of 25-64 years-old-non-students whose educational attainment is higher than (upward mobility), lower than (downward mobility) or the same as (status quo) that of their parents. France Finland Upward mobility Flanders (Belgium) Downward mobility Ireland Poland Netherlands Canada Estonia Sweden Japan Australia Average Spain England / N. Ireland (UK) Danemark Norway Italy Slovak Republic United States Austria Germany *compare to 23% for other wealthy nations Czech Republic 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Source: Chart A4.3 - OECD Indicators - Education at a Glance 2014 5 #ReimaginED2015 Many factors influence education opportunity, starting in preschool Over 8,000 toddlers were suspended from preschool in 2011 school year. 70% were minority. DISPARITY IN DISCIPLINE STARTS IN PRESCHOOL Out-of-school suspension (single) Overall enrollment Out-of-school suspension (multiple) 100% 43% 26% 26% 80% 4% 3% 60% 4% White 20% 25% Two or more races Hispanio/Latino 40% 29% Black or African-American 42% 20% 0% Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 48% 18% 1% 0.1% 0.1% 4% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% Asian American Indian or Alaska Native Source: U.S. Department of education, Office for civil Rights Data Collection, 2011-12, 6 #ReimaginED2015 Homelessness of youth is up 67% in the last 7 years Growth in math and literacy is slower among homeless and highly mobile students RISE IN NUMBER OF HOMELESS CHILDREN 1/30 2.5M 1/50 1/45 MATH ACHIEVEMENT NUMBER OF CHILDREN HOMELESS ANNUALLY 240 220 200 General (non-HHM or FRL) 1.6M 180 National Norm 1.5M Reduced Meals Free Meals 2006 2010 2013 3 4 5 6 7 8 Homeless or highly mobile GRADE Source: The National Center on Family Homelessness at American Institutes for Research 7 #ReimaginED2015 Racial segregation persists 60+ years after Brown v. Board of Education An increasing number of black and hispanic students go to schools that are over half-minority PERCENTAGE OF LATINO & BLACK STUDENTS ATTENDED SCHOOLS THAT WERE MORE THAN HALF MINORITY Hispanic Students 55% 80% 40 years later… Black Students 77% 74% 1968-69 School Year 2009-2010 School Year Source: 8 #ReimaginED2015 The racial disparity in discipline continues in high school Black students are 62% more likely to receive discretionary discipline than white students PERCENT OF STUDENTS COMMITING DISCRETIONARY AND MANDATORY VIOLATIONS, BY RACE AND ETHNICITY. 100% 80% 7.2% 7.9% 60% 5.3% Discretionary Punishment Mandatory Punishment 40% 76.7% 66.7% 47.9% 20% Students suspended or expelled for a discretionary violation are nearly 3 times more likely to be in contact with the juvenile justice system the following year 0% African Hispanic American (n=366.900) White (n=400.104) (n=133.719) Source:, 9 #ReimaginED2015 Not just race: achievement gap between rich and poor widening The 90/10 percentile income gap compares to the black/white gap in the 1950s AVERAGE DIFFERENCE IN STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES (90/10 income gap or black-white gap) IN STAND ARD DEVIATION UN ITS 1.50 1.25 90/10 Income Gap 1.00 .75 Black-White Gap .50 .25 .00 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 COHOR T BIR TH YEAR 10 #ReimaginED2015 A vast majority of young people are ill-prepared for college While 95% of 8th graders say they are going to college, schools prepare only 37% 95% 80% 37% 17% 8% of 8th graders say they are going to college graduate from HS are prepared to succeed in college of low income students are prepared to succeed in college of students in the lowest income quartile complete a college degree within six years Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 11 #ReimaginED2015 Educational inequality is manifest in the corporate world Disparities in STEM Education are mirrored in the STEM Workforce RACIAL AND ETHNIC REPRESENTATION IN THE STEM WORKFORCE 100% Total workfoce STEM 80% 66.9 70.8 60% • White and Asian students are more than 4x as likely to take AP Math and Science exams and more than 6x as likely to take the AP Computer Science exam than their Black and Latino/a peers • In eleven states, no black students took the AP Computer Science test 40% 20% 10.8 14.5 6.4 14.9 6.5 5.5 0.6 0.4 0% White alone, not Hispanic or Latino Black or Africain American alone Asian alone American Indian and Alaska Native alone Hispanic or Latino (of any race) Note: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander alone was combined with Some Other Race because of a small number of sample observation. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011 American Comunity Survey. Source:, Level Playing Field Institute 12 #ReimaginED2015 U.S. tech companies lack diversity 1% of VC-backed internet startups (Series Seed & A) have a black founder. 83% are all white teams. Ethnicity (US only) DIVERSITY IN LEADING U.S. TECH COMPANIES IS LACKING 34% 5% 57% 30% Facebook 3% 61% White Google Asian Hispanic 12% Black Two or more race 39% 50% 38% 55% Other 64% 16% Non-Hispanic white Yahoo Lnkedln Hispanic Black Asian The labor force by ethnicity Did not Identify racially or ethnically Source: Techcrunch, SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics 13 #ReimaginED2015 And the inequality continues up the ladder to leadership White men make up over 90% of Fortune 500 CEOs but less than 35% of all Americans 1% African 1% Hispanic American 4% Women 2% Asian Fortune 500 CEOs by Race and Ethnicity Fortune 500 CEOs by Gender 96% Men 96% Non-Hispanic white Source: Diversity Inc. 14 #ReimaginED2015 With equitable access, education can help level the field Education continues to offer a strong return on investment RETURNS TO EDUCATION COMPARED TO OTHER INVESTMENTS 25 PERCENT RETURN 20 15 10 5 0 Associate’s degree Professional degree Bachelor’s degree Some college Stocks Gold 10-year Treasury bonds T-bills Housing Source: CPS (2009, 2010-12); Damodaran (2013), Federal Reserve Economic Data (2013); National Center for Education Statistics: (NCES 2012-13); National Mining Association (2012); Shiller (2013); authors’ calculations. 15 #ReimaginED2015 The evolving landscape “School is where childhood happens. Even if civil war dates are forgotten and geometry becomes a blur, one lesson must stick: the love of learning.” LILY ESKELSON NEA President 16 #ReimaginED2015 Universal pre-K is gaining traction A highly researched benefit begins to make its way to practice PERCENT OF 4-YEAR-OLDS SERVED BY STATE PRE-K 0% of 4-year-olds served 1-10% of 4-year-olds served 11-20% of 4-year-olds served 21-30% of 4-year-olds served 31-40% of 4-year-olds served 41-50% of 4-year-olds served 51-60% of 4-year-olds served 61-70% of 4-year-olds served Source: 17 #ReimaginED2015 Common Core continues to roll out around the country Confronting new challenges and opportunities along the way COMMON CORE ADOPTION ACROSS THE USA Adopted Not adopted Source: 18 #ReimaginED2015 Graduation rates have increased in the past twenty years 81% of high school students are graduates (the equivalent of 7,000 dropouts/day) AVERAGED FRESHMAN GRADUATION RATE FOR PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: SCHOOL YEARS 1990–91 THROUGH 2011–12 100% 80 80% 74 71 81 73 72 60% 40% 20% 0% 1990-91 1995-96 2000-01 2005-06 2010-11 2011-12 SCHOOL YEAR Source: 19 #ReimaginED2015 Teachers have a huge impact on student performance Student performance varies greatly depending on quality of teacher THE EFFECT OF TEACHER QUALITY 100th STUDENT PERFORMANCE (IN PERCENTILE) 90th Student with top-quintile teacher 50th Student with bottom-quintile teacher There is a 53% difference in student achievement based on performance of the teacher 37th 0th 8 11 Age "Students of different ethnicities respond equivalently within the same quintile of teacher effectiveness" Source: 20 #ReimaginED2015 Vergara v California put spotlight on teacher tenure laws nationally States re-examine how easy it should be to get tenure HOW LONG BEFORE A TEACHER EARNS TENURE? VOTERS DISAGREE WITH CURRENT TEACHER TENURE REQUIREMENTS Poll Question: California public school teachers are currently awarded tenure after 18th months in the classroom. Which of the following do you agree with most: Two years is too soon for a teacher to earn tenure Years of experience required Number of states 1 1 2 4 3 32 4 4 5 6 Other 4 38% 41% Public school teachers should not receive tenure at all 35% 35% Two years is the right amount of time for tenure Refuse Two years is too long for teachers to wait for tenure 17% 13% 6% 7% 4% 5% All voters Parents Source:, 21 #ReimaginED2015 While teachers continue innovating with few resources The average U.S. teacher spends 1000 hours instructing each year Hours per week 0 10 20 30 40 50 States Chile nada) Brazil exico AVERAGE HOURS SPENT WORKING AND TEACHING PER WEEK (UAE) Hours per week stonia 0 rtugal nland public gdom) roatia Netherlands Abu Dhabi (UAE) Estonia Portugal Spain Finland oland Slovak Republic rance England (United Kingdom) stralia lgaria Serbia Israel public Croatia Average Latvia Flanders (Belgium) apan Iceland weden Denmark Italy apore 50 Switzerland Brazil Korea 40 Chile Mexico nmark 30 These figures show how much teachers get paid on average each year in dollars, average gathered over 15 years. Alberta (Canada) atvia eland 20 United States erage gium) 10 TEACHERS SALARIES $1000 s (OECD DATA) Korea Spain Poland France Australia Bulgaria Total working hours Germany Hours spent on teaching Belgium Korea Ireland Japan 68.82 57.87 53.73 51.47 47.34 47.3 45.93 Australia 44 Finland 42.81 Total working hours Danemark 41.71 Spain 41.52 Hours spent on teaching United States United Kingdom 41.46 40.90 Source:, 22 #ReimaginED2015 Venture capital entering edtech at record levels With investments in K12 education technology up 32% from 2013, to $643 million ED TECH FINANCING: INVESTMENT DEALS AND DOLLARS Q1’09 – Q2’14 500 120 450 98 350 72 300 63 57 250 47 43 200 29 150 100 95 85 29 19 22 12 25 78 100 81 73 80 62 60 51 44 40 29 17 Amounted Invested (M$) Number of Deals 20 50 Q2 '14 Q1 '14 Q4 '13 Q3 '13 Q2 '13 Q1 '13 Q4 '12 Q3 '12 Q2 '12 Q1 '12 Q4 '11 Q3 '11 Q2 '11 Q1 '11 Q4 '10 Q3 '10 Q2 '10 Q1 '10 Q4 '09 Q3 '09 0 Q2 '09 0 Q1 '09 Dollars Invested (M) 400 Source:, NewSchools Venture Fund 23 #ReimaginED2015 Privacy laws concerning student data continue to evolve Ensuring that companies use learning data to improve learning, not sales Signed a new law Passed a bill Introduced a bill Had no bills A bill died see appendix for more details Source:, 24 #ReimaginED2015 Virtual school students are fastest growing K12 sub-population While adoption is increasing dramatically, effectiveness is mixed and controversial VIRTUAL SCHOOL ENROLLMENT 250.000 NUMBER OF STUDENTS 200.000 150.000 100.000 50.000 0 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 YEAR Source: 25 #ReimaginED2015 Mobile phones offer key access to poor and rural communities Teens w/ household incomes <$30k per year send significantly more SMS messages than their peers TEXTS SENT PER DAY FROM TEENS (12-17) BY HOUSEHOLD INCOME SMARTPHONE PENTRATION BY AGE DEMOGRAPHIC % by age group who own a smartphone 250 100% Mean 74% 80% 79% 69% 60% 61% 57% 45% 40% 25% 150 100 20% 50 0% 0 All 12-17 18-24 Median 200 NUMBER OF TEXTS 80% 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Less than $30K $30K - $50K $50K - $75k $75K + AGE Source: Source: The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, April 26 – May 22, 2011 Teen/Parent Survey. n=799 teens ages 12-17 and a parent or guardian. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish, on landlines and cell phones. 26 #ReimaginED2015 New Technologies and Approaches “With the energy, creativity and money being invested recently in [education], I am optimistic that this time will indeed be different” UMANG GUPTA Silicon Valley Technology Entrepreneur, wrote Oracle’s first business plan 27 #ReimaginED2015 Evolution of student and school data 28 #ReimaginED2015 Re-imagination of student data One-dimensional data systems → holistic and benchmarked data Incremental and static Holistic and actionable Source: Schoolzilla 29 #ReimaginED2015 Evolution of data analytics tools New tools provide school leaders with actionable, timely data that make school decisions proactive Key Questions Addressed How do we ensure more equitable enrollment of students in AP/IB courses? What’s the connection between technology use and learning outcomes in my school? Do I provide my students with effective feedback to improve? How does school spending impact student outcomes? How do we make rigorous AP/IB course offerings more available to minority students? What residual problems may arise from technology adoption? Am I conveying class material effectively? How does school spending compare to other districts with similar demographics? 30 #ReimaginED2015 Evolution of assessments 31 #ReimaginED2015 Re-imagination of assessments Driven by mobile and CCSS, moving from high-stakes summative testing to digital portfolios of work Important and longitudinal, but infrequent and often too late Long Cycle Time Valuable diagnostic tools that identify gaps Media rich digital portfolios Short Cycle Time 32 #ReimaginED2015 Evolution of feedback Written feedback → dynamic voice enabled feedback Prescriptive feedback that lacks nuance Dynamic, voice enabled feedback 33 #ReimaginED2015 Evolution of school-to-home communication 34 #ReimaginED2015 Re-imagination of school-to-home communication Robo-calling and infrequent in-person meetings → personalized, real-time communications Infrequent one-way status updates Regular communication that empowers parents to be actors, not observers 35 #ReimaginED2015 Evolution of school-to-home communication Free & teacher friendly products are pioneering a new model of viral, consumer-like growth Consumer Mobile 400 million active users $58 million invested, $19 billion acquisition Education 23 million teachers and parents $60 million invested With each signup, a teacher offers a built-in community of potential users Teacher User 100 million active users $648 million invested, $10 billion valuation 38 million teachers, parents and students, $10 million invested 300 million active users $57 million invested, $1 billion acquisition 46 million teachers, students, parents $88 million invested Student Users Parent Users Source: Publicly disclosed data, Note: Snapchat figure based on industry estimates that vary between 100M - 200M, 36 #ReimaginED2015 Evolution of teacher professional development 37 #ReimaginED2015 Re-imagination of teacher professional development One size fits all static content → peer-led, personalized, and simulation-based instruction Static, undifferentiated Collaborative teacher-driven PD Source: EdCamp “The best PD has been when a teacher shows me what has revolutionized their classroom.” – A US teacher Source: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Teachers Know Best: Teachers’ Views on Professional Development 38 #ReimaginED2015 Landscape of teacher professional development Communities have formed both online and in person to advance teacher development Offline Communities WHY IT MATTERS 29% Online Communities Unstructured Educator Forums Few teachers are highly satisfied with current professional development offerings. Opportunities for Simulation 51% Educator Focused Content 51% of educators do not engage in any formal professional learning Source: Brightbytes, NewSchools Venture Fund 39 #ReimaginED2015 Emerging Evolutions 40 #ReimaginED2015 Re-imagination of teacher spending Out-of-pocket expense, slow reimbursement time → Crowdfunded, easy approval and tracking Out-of-pocket spending The average teacher spends $480 out-of-pocket on classroom supplies Paper-based, manual entry expensing Streamlined discovery and purchasing Can take 2-3 months for reimbursement 41 #ReimaginED2015 Other re-imaginations that excite us There has never been a better time in education to be a technology entrepreneur Project Based Learning Peer to Peer Learning Data Literacy Kinesthetic Engagement 42 #ReimaginED2015 There’s more work to do ELA, science, and cross-disciplinary education still necessitate better tools TEACHER VOICES: AREAS THAT LACK USABLE DIGITAL TOOLS • High School Math and ELA tools • Grades 3-8 crossdisciplinary products • Grade 3-8 science products • Project based learning workflow tools Source: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 43 #ReimaginED2015 So, you want to re-imagine education? #ReimaginED2015 JOIN IN JOIN OUR COMMUNITY WORK FOR A START UP ATTEND AN EVENT START A COMPANY community entrepreneurs/submit QUESTIONS? Contact 45 #ReimaginED2015 Appendix #ReimaginED2015 A sampling of student data laws enacted LIMITING DATA COLLECTION INCREASING TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY • • Laws in Colorado, Idaho and West Virginia require the publication of lists of data points collected about students, such as race, ethnicity, disability status, disciplinary record, family financial status and medical conditions like asthma. Colorado’s list includes a category for ‘dietary supplements for weight control.’ • Colorado must also list the names of third-party data warehouse, Florida prohibits school districts from collecting unique biological data – called biometrics – including students fingerprints or scans of the vein patterns in their palms. • Kansas forbids districts from collecting biometric details on minors, and from surveying them about religious, moral or sexual beliefs, without parental consent. • Louisiana prohibits • Louisiana, Rhode Island and Maine protect students or REGULATING THE HANDLING OF DATA prospective students from having to give school officials access to their personal social media accounts or email addresses. • Noth Carolina requires • Wyoming public school employees from collecting information about students political or religious beliefs, family income, relationships with ministers of doctors and gun ownership. • New Hampshire prohibits • Virginia prohibits students email addresses, Social Security Numbers, biometric data, criminal records and information about family members from being stored in a state-run educational database. ‘public institutions of higher education’ from selling information about students, including thair named, addresses and email addresses, to marketers. cloud service, learning apps and educational sites under contract with the education department that hold student data. the states board of education to develop a plan for securing student information. State officials must also develop rules to comply with a federal student privacy law, called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or Ferpa. directs the state’s departments of education and enterprise technology to create a data security plan for students information. Among other steps, state officials are required to develop procedures for data breach prevention and notification. Source:, 47 #ReimaginED2015 Expectations of educational achievement vary with household income 86% of high income parents expect children to go to college vs. 50% of low income parents PARENTAL EXPECTATIONS FOR ACADEMIC ATTAINMENT FOR CHILDREN IN GRADES 6-12, PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION BY HOUSEHOLD INCOME LEVEL (2007) 100% 86.5 80% High School or Less 70.7 Some Postsecondary Education 59.8 60% Bachelor’s Degree or Higher 49.9 40% 20% 30.8 28.4 23.9 19.3 11.4 11.2 6.2 2.2 0% $25.000 or less $25.001 - 50.000 $50.001 - $75.000 More than $75.000 *Some postsecondary education include attending a vocational or technical school after high school, or attending two or more years of college but finishing with less than a four-or fiveyear college degree. Source: Child Trends’ original analyses of National Household Education Survey data. 48 #ReimaginED2015 National spotlight starts to look at diversity and accessibility in higher ed New York Times pilots college access index as department of education develops new ranking system College Pell (2012-2014) Pell (2008) Net price, lowto middles-income College Access Index Endowment per students Vassar 23 12 $5.600 3.1 $340.000 Grinnell 24 14 $10.400 2.7 $880.000 U.N.C. - Chapel Hill 21 13 $7.600 2.3 n/a Smith 23 16 $11.600 2.2 $440.000 Amherst 20 16 $8.400 2.0 $940.000 Harvard 17 13 $3.000 2.0 $1.520.000 Pomona 18 12 $5.200 1.8 $1.170.000 St. Mary’s (ind.) 24 14 $15.900 1.8 $80.000 Susquehanna 25 17 $18.000 1.7 $50.000 Columbia 16 12 $3.500 1.6 $320.000 Rice 18 15 $8.100 1.5 $810.000 Kalamazoo 21 13 $13.900 1.5 $190.000 Wesleyan 18 12 $8.700 1.5 $200.000 Denison 20 11 $11.800 1.5 $330.000 Source: 49 #ReimaginED2015 In 40 years, spending has doubled while achievement has not With spending levelling off, schools must be smarter about the resources they do have AVERAGE US PER-PUPIL EXPENDITURES AVERAGE SCALE SCORES ON NATIONAL ASESSMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS (NAEP). SPENDING DATA IN CONSTANT 2011-12 US DOLLARS. 500 $12.000 $11.184 450 $10.000 400 Per-student Expenditures Mathematics: Age 17 350 $8.000 Reading: Age 17 Mathematics: Age 13 Reading: Age 13 300 Mathematics: Age 9 $6.000 Reading: Age 9 250 $4.529 200 $4.000 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 YEAR Source: National Center for Education Statistics 50 #ReimaginED2015 Native American, Black, and Hispanic students overrepresented in dropouts Minority students make up 59% of 9-12 dropouts but 38% of the population PUBLIC HIGHT SCHOOL EVENT DROPOUT RATE FOR GRADES 9-12, BY RACE/ETHNICITY: SCHOOL YEAR 2009-10 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 5.5 6.7 5.0 2.3 1.9 0% White Black Hispanic Asian / Pacific Islander American Indian / Alaska Native Source: U.S. Departement of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), ‘NCES Common Core of Data State Dropout and Completion Data File,’ School Year 2009-10, Version 1a.,, 51 #ReimaginED2015