VSoIP Export Player.book - CBC Group

VSoIP export
20 December 2010 ZNS-CSC
VSoIP Export Player UG 3.1.20/12/10
Table of Contents
1 Installing VSoIP Export Player .......................................................3
VSoIP Export Player Overview....................................................................................... 3
Prerequisites................................................................................................................... 3
Before Installing VSoIP Export Player ............................................................................ 4
Installing VSoIP Export Player........................................................................................ 5
Post-installation checklist ............................................................................................... 5
Starting VSoIP Export Player.......................................................................................... 5
2 Using the Player to View Exported Recordings ...........................7
Playing a Recording ....................................................................................................... 7
Controlling a Recording.............................................................................................. 8
Stop Viewing a Recording .............................................................................................. 8
Closing VSoIP Export Player.......................................................................................... 8
3 Using VSoIP Export Player to View Video Streams .....................9
Choosing Suitable Video Streams .................................................................................. 9
Viewing a Video Stream.................................................................................................. 10
Removing Obsolete Streams ..................................................................................... 11
Controlling VSoIP Export Player .................................................................................... 12
Stopping a Video Stream ................................................................................................ 12
Closing VSoIP Export Player.......................................................................................... 12
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Chapter 1 – Installing VSoIP Export Player
This chapter contains information on the following:
VSoIP Export Player Overview
Before Installing VSoIP Export Player
Installing VSoIP Export Player
Post-installation checklist
VSoIP Export Player Overview
The VSoIP Export Player is a Microsoft .Net framework based application for Microsoft Windows
operating systems. It is designed to play:
Media streams originating from RTSP-based sources, such as a transcoder/broadcaster.
Recordings exported from a client application
The VSoIP Export Player has the following IETF (Internet Engineering Taskforce) standards
RTSP - RFC 2326
RTSP - session negotiation (SDP) - RFC 2327/3556
RTP - MPEG4-part2 - RFC 3016
The computer used to run the Player is typically a general purpose PC and therefore it is
possible that other programs running on the PC might starve the Player of system resources. If
playback issues are noticed, confirm that the computer’s resources are not being overstretched.
The type of PC used should be have excellent graphical display ability and contain hardware
that works well with Microsoft Direct-X 3D rendering.
Caution: When using MegaPixel cameras or encoders, the resolution of the rendered image
might exceed the Direct -X 3D capabilities of the graphics adapter or driver. Where
this occurs, the displayed image will be missing regions of the actual image being
sent from the camera and can also be distorted. This is not a fault of the software but
is a limitation of the graphics sub-system. Please ensure that the graphics adapter
you select can render textures on a Direct-X surface equal to or greater than the
resolution of the mega-pixel source.
When using the Player always consider network bandwidth limitations that might exist locally
and/or remotely. If quality, frame-rate or connectivity is not what is expected for a stream,
consider whether the bandwidth available en route from sources to VSoIP Export Player might
have been exceeded.
Please see the hardware and operating system prerequisites for the VSoIP Client, in the VSoIP
Pro or VSoIP Lite User Guide.
VSoIP Export Player Overview
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Before Installing VSoIP Export Player
Operating System Settings
Note: Changes to the operating system settings, such as the changing the local or global
policies relating to rights and permissions, are discouraged. These notes assume that
the operating system is set up as if in a fresh installed state.
Player installation, .Net installation and Direct-X components installation and all maintenance
should be carried out as a user with local administrative rights.
Make sure that the PC network connection is enabled and connected. Check this by opening a
command prompt and running the ipconfig Windows command-line utility.
Firewall Information
Any local software firewall should be carefully configured so as not to prevent VSoIP Export
Player from communicating with RTSP/RTP stream sources. Remember to configure any
hardware firewall on the LAN to allow appropriate network access to the PC on which the Player
is executing. Some local, software-based firewalls block incoming/outgoing traffic solely on a
port number basis. Others block ports to all but explicitly defined applications.
Table 1 Firewall information
Default Path
Port Number
Player installer
installation media
The bootstrap installer for
VSoIP Export Player
.MSI file
Player installer
installation media
The main installer for VSoIP
Export Player
VSoIPExportPlayer Application
Video streaming ports
* Streams could arrive on port 554 or 7000, 7001, 7002, up to 7005. The number is source dependent but is usually 554. Confirm with the provider
of the stream what video port is likely to be used. This is often in the presentation string that requests the stream, e.g.
Note: Blocking required ports and/or not allowing the Player and related applications to use the
network can prevent successful installation or execution of the Player, and will prevent
stream connections being made.
The provision of presentation strings is often by an on-demand, self-service arrangement
at a website where a streaming session can be set up.
Direct-3D Hardware Support and Microsoft Direct-X 9.0c or above
To ensure maximum performance, the PC used must have an excellent graphic sub-system.
The minimum requirement is a graphics sub-system capable of hardware accelerated Direct 3D
rendering. You should have also installed the latest released graphic drivers either from the
graphic sub-system manufacturer or from the PC manufacturer.
Caution: When using MegaPixel cameras or encoders, the resolution of the rendered image
might exceed the Direct -X 3D capabilities of the graphics adapter or driver. Where
this occurs, the displayed image will be missing regions of the actual image being
sent from the camera and can also be distorted. This is not a fault of the software but
is a limitation of the graphics sub-system. Please ensure that the graphics adapter
you select can render textures on a Direct-X surface equal to or greater than the
resolution of the mega-pixel source.
Note: Some graphic sub-systems are modified to work in the PC manufacturer’s hardware.
Before Installing VSoIP Export Player
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Use Direct-X diagnostics to determine which version of Direct-X the VSoIP Export Player PC is
using, and whether the graphics sub-system is able to support Direct 3D, as follows:
From the Windows Start menu, select Run.
In the Run dialog, enter dxdiag.
On the System tab, find the System Information entry for Direct-X version. Check this is 9.0c
or a higher revision number.
On the Display tab, find the Direct 3D Acceleration entry and ensure that it is enabled. If
either the version or 3D support is unsatisfactory, the system will be unable to run the
.Net Framework
The installation program for VSoIP Export Player will automatically download the correct version
of the .Net Framework. However if preferred, install the .Net Framework prior to installing the
Player. No configuration of the .Net Framework is required.
Windows 3.1 Installer
The installation program for the .Net will automatically download Windows 3.1 Installer if
Installing VSoIP Export Player
Log in to the computer as a user with administrative level privileges, typically this is the
administrator user name.
The VSoIP Export Player installer program, setup.exe, automatically examines the local
system for the .Net Framework. If this is not present, or it is an earlier version, the installer
program automatically connects to Microsoft’s servers over the Internet and downloads the
correct version of the software.
Choose an installation folder, or use the default folder suggested.
On finishing, the installer will add a shortcut to VSoIP Export Player in the Windows Start
Post-installation checklist
Prior to starting the Player, confirm the following:
Network connection is available and configured
.Net 3.5 SP1 is installed
Microsoft Direct-X 9.0c (March 2009, or newer) is installed
Starting VSoIP Export Player
From the Windows Start menu, choose the VSoIP Export Player entry to open the Player.
Installing VSoIP Export Player
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Figure 1 Starting the Player from the Windows Start menu
Starting VSoIP Export Player
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Chapter 2 – Using the Player to View Exported
This chapter contains information on the following:
Playing a Recording
Stop Viewing a Recording
Closing VSoIP Export Player
Playing a Recording
To use the VSoIP Export Player application to play back recordings made by VSoIP Pro:
Open the Player as described on page 5. Alternatively, since the installer program sets up
an association between files with .cvc or cve file extensions and VSoIP Pro, you can also
start the Player automatically by double-clicking one of these files in Windows Explorer.
From the File menu, select Open File and choose the required recording.
Note: By default, standard, non-encrypted recordings (.cvc files) are displayed. To view
encrypted recordings (.cve), select this option from the drop-down list, as shown in
Figure 2. You are asked to enter a password to access the encrypted recording.
Figure 2 Playing back a recording
Click Open to play the recording.
Playing a Recording
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Controlling a Recording
The recording can be controlled as follows:
Table 2 Controlling VSoIP Export Player
Go to the start of the recording.
Step back through the recording frame by frame.
Play backwards through the recording at normal speed.
Stop viewing the current recording.
If a recording has been stopped, click Play to start viewing the recording again.
Step forward through the recording frame by frame.
Go to the end of the recording.
Aspect ratio – the video can be proportioned such that it is faithful to the original or
so that is expanded or reduced to fill up the client area of the Player.
Full-screen – the video is displayed so that the video area of the computer display
shows the content of the Player’s client area. If the aspect ratio is set to be faithful
to the original then bands are displayed at the top and bottom, sides or both top,
bottom and sides of the Player’s client area. Press the [ESC] key or left-click on the
displayed video to restore normal viewing.
You can also use the timeline to navigate through a recording.
Note: If your mouse has a scroll button, you can zoom in and out quickly on the timeline.
Position your mouse over the area of the timeline you want to view in more detail, and
move the scroll button up to zoom in, and down to zoom out.
Stop Viewing a Recording
To stop viewing the current recording, either open another recording or click the stop icon.
Closing VSoIP Export Player
To close the Player, select Exit from the File menu. The recording stops automatically.
Stop Viewing a Recording
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Chapter 3 – Using VSoIP Export Player to View
Video Streams
This chapter contains information on the following:
Choosing Suitable Video Streams
Viewing a Video Stream
Controlling VSoIP Export Player
Stopping a Video Stream
Closing VSoIP Export Player
Choosing Suitable Video Streams
What type of video stream is compatible?
Video streams suitable for VSoIP Export Player are encoded in MPEG4 format, known fully as
MPEG4-part 2. Video streams must meet the following standards compliance:
RTSP - RFC 2326.
RTSP - session negotiation (SDP) - RFC 2327/3556.
RTP - MPEG4-part2 - RFC 3016.
What do information do I need before I can view a video stream?
The VSoIP Export Player requires two pieces of information before it can display video from a
video source:
An address and port number of a video source specified as an IP v4 address, or host name,
and a port number.
A description meaningful to the video source of what video content it should stream.
These two pieces of information combine into an expression called a presentation string which
is similar in form to the URL, uniform resource locator, used to access web-pages on the
For example:
• is the IP v4 address of a source of RTSP video streams.
554 is the number of the network port that the requested stream will be sent through.
/broadcaster/video/source/carpark2 details some video content available from the source.
Note: The VSoIP Export Player has no mechanism of finding out what content is available at a
source. This information must be obtained using an alternative method such as
presentation strings listed on a website, from information you have been emailed, by
word-of-mouth, etc. Often the provision of presentation strings is by an on-demand,
self-service arrangement at a website where a streaming session can be set up.
Choosing Suitable Video Streams
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Viewing a Video Stream
If no video stream is currently being shown:
From the File menu, choose Open Stream.
Figure 3 Opening a stream in the Player
In the Open Stream dialog, enter a presentation string, for example:
Alternatively, select a previously-viewed stream from the drop-down list.
Click OK to close the dialog and request the stream.
The requested video stream appears automatically once enough of the stream has been
Note: There can be a significant delay after closing the dialog before the stream is shown. Wait
until video is shown or an error message box is presented — ten to fifteen seconds is not
an unusual wait time.
If the stream has been opened previously and is still available at the video source, then click the
Play icon to restart the stream.
Note: The VSoIP Export Player does not actually start or stop the video being sent by the video
source. Instead the Player can be thought of as either being interested in the stream
being sent — video is displayed in the Player or disinterested in the stream — no video is
Note: The video shown in the Player can end at any time — this will occur if the video source is
no longer offering that video stream. This is normal operation of the Player and the video
area will clear when the video stream ends. Contact the stream service provider to obtain
a new presentation string, or restart the stream using the old presentation string.
Viewing a Video Stream
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Removing Obsolete Streams
To delete streams that are no longer required or valid from the drop-down list:
Select the required stream from the drop-down list.
Figure 4 Removing an unwanted stream from the drop-down list
Check the Show More Options box.
Click Remove.
Note: If you are connecting directly to a camera, or to another RTSP source (other than VSoIP
Export Player), you may need to enter a user name and password.
Viewing a Video Stream
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Controlling VSoIP Export Player
Figure 5 VSoIP Export Player main screen
The stream displayed by VSoIP Export Player can be displayed as originally sent by the video
source, or it can be altered as follows:
Table 3 Controlling VSoIP Export Player display
Stop viewing the current video stream. This does not affect the stream being
provided by the video source — this stream continues regardless of the Player’s
If a stream has been opened previously and is still available at the video source,
click Play to start viewing the stream again.
Stopping a Video Stream
To stop viewing the current video stream, either open another video stream or click the stop
Closing VSoIP Export Player
To close the Player, select Exit from the File menu. The video display stops automatically.
Note: Closing or stopping viewing a stream does not affect the stream being provided by the
video source — this stream continues regardless of the Player's state.
Controlling VSoIP Export Player
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