PROGRAM GOALS AND TIMETABLES (Section 46a-68-44) January 2015 This section of the 2013 Plan was found to be in compliance. Subsection (a) and (e) The University has developed and will implement the program goals listed below. Goals have been developed to erase disparity created by employment policies or practices that adversely affect protected race/sex group members, the physically disabled or older persons. Goals for the Plan year are designed to encourage creativity, and the use of best practices in recruitment and retention activities. Goal #1 The Office of Diversity and Equity (ODE) will collaborate with the Department of Human Resources (DHR) and the Assistant Vice Provost for Diversity and Academic Affairs to enhance the search orientation trainings offered to search committees, chair and administrators. These monthly workshops, facilitated by ODE, focus on affirmative action and equal employment, strategic recruiting, and the search process including applicant evaluation, interviewing, and applicant selection. To provide a more comprehensive training, the DHR will design and present a module focused on the development of job descriptions, qualifications and the hiring process including background checks and offer letters. The module developed and presented by the Assistant Vice Provost for Diversity will focus on inherent bias and offer best practices and resources for eliminating bias in the search process. This new combined workshop will provide search committees, chairs and administrators with comprehensive training relative to the search process. This program goal is established to address adverse impact found in Test 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Responsible Units: Office of Diversity & Equity Department of Human Resources, and Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity Target Date: September 30, 2015 Goal #2 The Office of Diversity and Equity (ODE) and the Department of Human Resources (DHR) will design a new webpage for all applicants applying for open positions. All applicants will be directed to a page providing the University’s affirmative action/equal employment policies and programs, reasonable accommodation policies and procedures, and federal and state regulations. The University’s commitment to fostering a nondiscriminatory and inclusive workplace environment will be communicated to applicants. Additionally, applicants will find links to ODE’s website and other valuable resources. This program goal is established to address adverse impact found in Test 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Page 1 of 7 Sec. K Program Goals and Timetables Responsible Units: Office of Diversity & Equity and Department of Human Resources Target Date: September 30, 2015 Goal #3 The Office of Diversity and Equity (ODE) in collaboration with the Assistant Vice Provost for Diversity will develop a checklist to guide search committees in developing recruitment strategies. This recruitment checklist will provide an outline of categories of recruitment sources expected to be used in the course of a search. Search committees will be required to enumerate the efforts made for each recruitment category prior to approval to continue the search. The checklist will include sources such as professional contacts, professional associations and sources targeting underrepresented populations. This program goal is established to address adverse impact found in Test 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Responsible Units: Office of Diversity & Equity and Assistant Vice Provost for Diversity Target Date: September 30, 2015 Goal #4 The Office of the Provost will require job postings for faculty positions to include specific language related to the University’s commitment to diversity. Additionally, all faculty candidates will be required to include a statement regarding their commitment to diversity in their applications. These requirements will assist in communicating the University’s commitment to prioritizing diversity in the recruitment process. This program goal is established to address adverse impact found in Test 1, 2, and 3. Responsible Units: Assistant Vice Provost for Diversity Target Date: September 30, 2015 Goal #5 The Office of Diversity & Equity (ODE) in partnership with the Department of Human Resources (DHR) will increase efforts to recruit individuals with disabilities and veterans. Developing recruiting relationships with local veteran organizations and state military units will provide opportunities to recruit veterans for available positions. ODE and DHR also will explore networking with agencies and organizations serving individuals with disabilities to apprise them of the employment opportunities and inclusive work environment at the University. These newly cultivated recruiting sources will encourage veterans and individuals with disabilities to apply to open positions. This program goal is established to address adverse impact found in Test 1, 2, and 3 Responsible Units: Department of Human Resources and Office of Diversity and Equity Target Date: September 30, 2015 Page 2 of 7 Sec. K Program Goals and Timetables The University is electing not to establish a specific program goal related to Adverse Impact Test #6, as this test did not reveal significant impact and the need to set a goal. Subsection (b) and (e) The University has identified any selection device having an adverse impact on protected race/sex group members and will implement the specific program goals set out above. Adverse Impact tests were conducted and adversely affected race/gender groups in each occupation category were identified. ATTACHMENT A. Subsection (c) The University of Connecticut has more than carefully considered the feasibility of implementing one or more of the measures to erase any disparity as listed in Section 46a-68-43. In fact, many of the eighteen criteria have been an integral part of the University's personnel practices for many years. All of the factors are discussed below with the University's status regarding their implementation. (1) Establishment of recruitment and training programs, pursuant to statutes. The Department of Human Resources coordinates the training offered by DAS as part of the State’s In-Service Program for state employees. In addition, the Organizational and Staff Development Unit of Human Resources has continued to develop their programs for University administrators, faculty, and staff. It has been a huge success and many of the programs are ‘wait’ listed. The Training Analysis portion of the Employment Analyses sections of this report details that activity for these courses. In addition, the Upward Mobility section of the Plan details the courses and the programs run. (2) The creation or cancellation of positions or position classifications or filling of vacancies therein. This is standard operating procedure for the University. As needed, the University will request the establishment, modification, or cancellation of job classifications to meet its operating needs. (3) Continuous recruitment of applicants, pursuant to Section 5-216 (b) of the Connecticut General Statutes. The University currently implements this measure. Pass/Fail lists for Maintenance Supervisor 1 – Plumbing/Steamfitting, Maintenance Supervisor 2 – Plumbing/Steamfitting, Building Superintendent 1, and Maintenance Supervisor 1 - Electrical, were used for openings at these levels after consideration of re-employment and SEBAC placements. The emphasis on exams in the State should increase the University’s usage in this area. (4) The continuance or cancellation of employment lists pursuant to Section 5-216 (c) of the Connecticut General Statutes. Page 3 of 7 Sec. K Program Goals and Timetables The University currently implements this measure. As needed, the University requests DAS to call exams and continue or cancel employment lists to facilitate recruitment. (5) Compensation for performance of duties of higher job classification, in accordance with section 5-209 of the Connecticut General Statutes. The University currently implements this measure as a means to assist in erasing disparity. This mechanism is used not only for classified appointments, but also for classified employees substituting in unclassified vacancies. Many employees have gained valuable skills and training under temporary service in a higher class (TSHC), leading to permanent promotional appointments at higher levels. Some TSHC assignments into unclassified positions lead to women being promoted to technical and/or managerial level positions. (6) Extension of employment lists, pursuant to Section 5-217 of the Connecticut General Statutes. The University currently utilizes employment lists, which have been extended by DASPersonnel. (7) Alteration of examination process, pursuant to Section 5-218 of the Connecticut General Statutes. The University currently implements this measure. During the 2013-2014 Plan year, after placement of layoffs, the University's Department of Human Resources requested that DAS sponsor pass/fail exams for the following titles: Maintenance Supervisor 1 – Plumbing/Steamfitting, Maintenance Supervisor 2 – Plumbing/Steamfitting, and a Building Superintendent 1. Other state exams were offered by the DAS for which UConn employees were eligible to apply. (8) Consideration of volunteer experience in partial fulfillment of training and experience requirements, pursuant to Section 5-291(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes. The University currently implements this measure. The University encourages applicants to include volunteer experience as part of their application. (9) Making open competitive appointments rather than promotional appointments, pursuant to Section 5-228 of the Connecticut General Statutes, where promotional appointments from internal labor market areas would perpetuate underutilization. Wherever possible, the University utilizes open competitive appointments to further diversify applicant pools. (10) Appointments, pursuant to Sections 5-234(a) and 5-228 of the Connecticut General Statutes. This measure refers to special item number 535Q (formerly 500Q). Item 535Q reflects those classes that are filled at the trainee level and then promoted to the target level; 535Q is used extensively to facilitate hiring for entry-level clerical jobs and to provide upward Page 4 of 7 Sec. K Program Goals and Timetables movement for current clerical employees. For example, candidates hired under the Q-item as Clerk Typist are generally promoted upon completion of initial working test period. Item 535Q is also used extensively by the University’s Division of Public Safety when recruiting for Police and Fire Trainees. Hiring Protective Services Trainees rather than Certified Police Officers and Firefighters provides departments with a larger and more diverse applicant pool. For promotional appointments, the Q-item allows applicants and departments additional options. The applicant does not miss out on promotional opportunities because of the exam process. The department again has the opportunity to consider more integrated pools of applicants. (11) Appointments, pursuant to Sections 5-228 and 5-234(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes. DAS-Personnel regulations have limited the use of this measure to agencies with Merit Promotional Testing plans. The University will not be implementing a Merit Promotional System. (12) Use of provisional, temporary, emergency, and intermittent appointments in an affirmative manner, pursuant to Sections 5-228 and 5-235 of the Connecticut General Statutes. The University may use these mechanisms after consideration and placement of statewide layoffs. For example, the initial hiring as temporary or durational has been especially effective for Maintenance-Service jobs. The NP-2 Contract requires that preference be given to current NP-2 employees by seniority, and subsequently, durational maintenance employees are given preference over outside hires. Many hires from under-represented groups begin as durational (replacements for LAWS, WCOMP, etc.) in entry-level noncompetitive jobs. Once hired, the durational employee is free to apply during internal posting and may be selected if no NP-2 permanent employee applies. The competition for the durational employee is minimal, and many successful permanent hires from underrepresented groups have resulted. Once in the system, the hire from the under-represented groups gains experience and status and is eligible to compete for promotions. The clerical contract also allows durational employees to apply as transfers for permanent, noncompetitive positions posted for permanent bargaining unit members. Under a negotiated agreement between the State and unions, laid off employees may be placed provisionally in competitive jobs they are qualified to fill pending exam. (13) Merit Promotion System appointments, pursuant to Section 5-220(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes. The University does not intend to implement this measure. (14) Special training courses for employees, pursuant to Section 5-265 of the Connecticut General Statutes. The DHR Organization and Staff Development unit’s mission is to ensure our workforce has the skills necessary to create a school of choice for academically talented students, and Page 5 of 7 Sec. K Program Goals and Timetables an employer of choice for exceptional faculty and staff. They continue to develop programs to support this mission. The Department of Residential Life periodically sends technical employees for supplemental training to keep their skills and knowledge current in their specific trade field. (15) Upward mobility training, pursuant to Sections 4-61u and 4-61w of the Connecticut General Statutes. This measure is implemented at the University and is described in detail in the Upward Mobility section of this Plan. (16) Use of job sharing arrangements and flextime. Individual departments currently arrange alternate work schedules to accommodate day care and transportation. The Department of Human Resources has the statewide Commuter newspaper available in the lobby for information on ride sharing and the DHR has implemented and sponsors an online Carpool Application which allows employees to find other employees interested in carpooling in specific geographical areas. In addition, the University’s Work/Life Connections Website is reviewed and enhanced on a regular basis. The website provides our employees with valuable community connections for childcare, elder care and other options to promote a flexible and supportive work environment including an ongoing list of University sponsored events pertaining to work life issues. The DHR continues to offer a Work Life Expo twice each year. The Work Life Expo provides employees with an opportunity to explore the services available to them to help balance work and personal life. The clerical bargaining unit has a flextime program as a result of efforts by a management/union committee implementing contractual obligations. The University actively supports the State's Voluntary Leave Program. The program allows for time off without pay or a reduced work schedule in exchange for certain benefit advantages. This popular program provides the University with regular savings each year. (17) Day Care The University of Connecticut, the Town of Mansfield, and the State of Connecticut jointly operate "Mansfield Discovery Depot," a day care facility for University employees, students, and town residents. Human Resources maintains a link on our website to community childcare facilities throughout the State. In addition, Human Resources offers an open enrollment once a year for a Dependent Care Program. The program allows money to be deducted from an employee's paycheck to cover childcare or elder care. The money is tax sheltered. The rules for the program are governed by the IRS. Representatives for the program are available during the open enrollment to answer employee questions. Workshops were held at the University this past plan year. Page 6 of 7 Sec. K Program Goals and Timetables (18) Requests for review and alteration of job specifications where they have an adverse impact on protected classes. The University's Department of Human Resources works with DAS-Human Resources to revise and update job specifications with the spirit and intent of affirmative action in mind. Any time the University expands or updates classification options or descriptions, there is a concurrent growth in opportunity for all protected classes. In summary, most of the eighteen measures listed are currently performed. Page 7 of 7 Sec. K Program Goals and Timetables Adverse Impact Test Results Occ Category Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 WM,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M Test 5 Test 6 BM,BF,HM,HF,OM,OF none WM,WF,BM,HM,HF,OM, WM,WF,BM,BF OF EEO 1 University Director WF,BM,BF,OF N/A N/A EEO 1 Remaining Titles WF,BM,BF N/A N/A EEO 2 Professor All Titles BM,BF,HF,OF N/A N/A EEO 2 Associate Professor Titles WF, HF N/A N/A WM,WF,BM,HM,HF WM,WF,BF,HM, OM,OF WM, WF, BF,HM,HF,OM,OF EEO 2 Assistant Professor Titles WF, BM, BF, HF N/A N/A WF,BM,BF,OM EEO 2 Remaining Titles WM,WF,BF N/A N/A EEO 3 U Staff Professional III BM,BF,HM,HF,OF N/A N/A WM,WF,BM,BF,OM,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HF,OM,O WF,BM,BF,OF BF,OM,OF F WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,OF F WF,BM,OM EEO 3 U Staff Professional - Other Titles WM,HM,HF,OM N/A N/A WM,BM,BF,OF WM,BM,BF,OF none EEO 3 UC Professional 11 WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,OM,OF N/A N/A none none WM EEO 3 UC Professional 10 WF,BF,HM,HF N/A N/A EEO 3 UC Professional 9 WF,HM N/A N/A WM,BM,HM,OM WM,BM,HM,OM,OF BF WM,WF,BM,BF,HF,OM WM,WF,BM,BF,HF,OM,O BM,OM,OF ,OF F EEO 3 UC Professional 9 - U Lib 3 WF,BF,OF N/A N/A none EEO 3 UC Professional 8 WF,BF,HM,HF N/A N/A WM,WF,BF,HF,OM,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,OM,OF EEO 3 UC Professional 8 - Program Director BM,BF,HM,HF N/A N/A EEO 3 UC Professional 7 WF,HF,OM,OF N/A N/A WM WM,BF,OM,OF WF,OF WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,OM, WM,BM,BF,HM,HF,OM,O BM OF F EEO 3 UC Professional 7 - Comp Tech Cons 2 WF,BF,HF,OM N/A N/A WM,OF EEO 3 UC Professional 7 - Program Manager WF,HM,HF,OM,OF N/A N/A WM,WF,BM EEO 3 UC Professional 6 WF,OM N/A N/A EEO 3 UC Professional 6 - Program Admin EEO 3 UC Professional 6 - Program Specialist 1 WF,BF N/A N/A N/A N/A WF,BF Sec. K Program Goals and Timetables - Attachment A Page 1 of 4 WM,WF,BF,HM,OM,OF BF WM,WF,BF,HF,OM,OF none WM,WF,BM,BF, HM none WM,BM,OF WM OF WM WM,WF,BM WM WM,BM,BF,HM,HF,OM,O WM,BM,BF,HM,HF,OF F WM,BM,HF,OF WF,BF,OF WF,BF,HM,OF WM,WF,BM,HF,OM,O WM,BM,HM,OM F None WM Adverse Impact Test Results Occ Category Test 1 EEO3 UC Professional 5 EEO 3 UC Professional 5 - Administrative Coordinator EEO 3 UC Professional 5 - Administrative Service Specialist 3 EEO 3 UC Professional 5 - Dining Asst Manager EEO 3 UC Professional 5 - Program Coordinator WM,OM N/A N/A Test 4 Test 5 WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF HM,OM ,OM WM,BM,BF,HM,HF,OM N/A N/A WM,WF,BF,HF WM,WF,BF,HM,HF none BM,HM,HF,OM,OF N/A N/A WM,WF WM,WF none BM,BF,HM,HF,OM,OF N/A N/A none WF,OM,OF N/A N/A WM none WM,BM,BF,HM,HF,OM,O WM F EEO 3 UC Professional 4 EEO 3 UC Professional 4 - Administrative Assistant 3 EEO 3 UC Professional 4 - Administrative Service Specialist - Specialist 2 OM N/A WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O N/A M,OF N/A N/A WM,BF,HF WM,WF,BM,HM,HF,O WF,HM,HF,OM WM,HM M,OF WM,WF,BM,HM,HF,OM, WF,BF,HF,OF none OF BM,BF,OM N/A N/A WM,WF,HF EEO 3 UC Professional 4 - Program Assistant 2 BF,HF,OM N/A N/A EEO 3 UC Professional 3 N/A N/A WM,HM,HF WM,WF,BM,HM,HF,OF WM WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,O WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,OM, WM M,OF OF EEO 3 UC Professional 3 - Program Assistant 1 BF,HF,OM,OF N/A N/A WM,WF,BF,HM,HF,OF WM,WF,BF,HM,HF,OF EEO 3 UC Professional 1 WF,BM,BF,HF N/A N/A EEO 3 Academic Assistants WM,WF,BM,BF,HF N/A N/A WM,WF,HM,OM,OF WM,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M WM,WF,HM,OM,OF WM,WF,BF WM,BM,BF,HM,HF,OM,O none F EEO 3 Specialist 1A WM,OF N/A N/A BF BM,BF,HM,HF,OM BF EEO 3 Specialist 2 WM,WF,HF,OM,OF N/A N/A WF,BF,HM,OM WF,BF,HM,OM none EEO 3 Specialist 3- 4A WM,BM,BF,HM,HF,OF N/A N/A BF EEO 3 Remaining Titles WM,OM,OF N/A N/A WF,BF,OM none WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HFO WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF M OF EEO 7 Protective Services - Storrs EEO 7 Protective Services - Police Officer Storrs BM,BF,HM,OM,OF WF,BF,HF,OM,OF N/A WM,BM WM,WF,BM,HF,OM HM BF,HM,HF,OM,OF N/A N/A WM,BM,HM WM,BM,HM BF EEO 4 Administrative Assistant - Storrs WF,BM,BF,HM,OM,OF NONE NONE WM WM,HF none WM,BF Test 2 Test 3 Sec. K Program Goals and Timetables - Attachment A Page 2 of 4 WM,WF,BF,HF Test 6 WM,WF,HF,OF WM,OF none Adverse Impact Test Results Occ Category EEO 4 Secretary 1 - Storrs Test 1 WM,BM,BF,HM,HF,OM,O F WM,BM,BF,HM,HF,OM,O F EEO 4 Office Assistant - Storrs WM,HM,OM EEO 4 Clerk Typist - Storrs N/A WM,HF WM,HF none EEO 4 Remaining Titles - Storrs WM,BM,BF,HM,OM,OF N/A WM,BM,BF,HM,HF,OM,O NONE F NONE None None None EEO 5 All Titles - Storrs WM,WF,BF,OM,OF N/A BM,HM,HF BM,HM,HF WM,HF EEO 6 QCW - Storrs WM WM,WF,HM WF,OM EEO 7 General Trade Worker - Storrs WF,BF,HF,OM,OF N/A WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O N/A M N/A None None WF EEO 7 Lead Custodian - Storrs WM,BM,HM,OF N/A N/A none none WF EEO 7 Custodian - Storrs BM,BF,OM,OF N/A N/A WM,WF,BM,BF WM,WF,BM,BF EEO 7 Remaining Titles - Storrs WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,OF N/A N/A WM,BM,HF WM,BM,HF WF,BF,HM WF,BM,BF,HM,H F EEO 4 All Titles - Hartford WF,HM,OM BM,BF,HM,HF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O N/A M,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF WF,BM,BF WM,WF,BM,BF,HF HF N/A None None None WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,OM,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M,OF N/A N/A None None None N/A N/A None None None N/A N/A None None None N/A N/A None None None N/A N/A None None None N/A N/A None None None N/A N/A None None None EEO 4 Secretary 2 - Storrs EEO 6 All Titles - Hartford EEO 7 Remaining Titles - Hartford EEO 4 All Titles - Avery Point EEO 5 All Titles - Avery Point EEO 6 All Titles - Avery Point EEO 7 All Titles - Avery Point EEO 4 All Titles - Stamford EEO 7 Remaining Titles - Stamford Test 2 N/A Test 3 Sec. K Program Goals and Timetables - Attachment A Page 3 of 4 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 WM WM HF WM WM none WM,WF,BF,HM,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,OF none Adverse Impact Test Results Occ Category EEO 4 All Titles - Torrington EEO 7 All Titles - Torrington EEO 4 All Titles - Waterbury EEO 5 All Titles - Waterbury EEO 6 All Titles - Waterbury EEO 7 Remaining Titles - Waterbury Test 1 WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M,OF WM,WF,BM,BF,HM,HF,O M,OF Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 N/A N/A None None None N/A N/A None None None N/A N/A None None None N/A N/A None None None N/A N/A None None None N/A N/A None None None Sec. K Program Goals and Timetables - Attachment A Page 4 of 4