iz stranih medija
Financial Times - 22.09.2008.
Christopher Brown-Humes
preuzimanja kolaterala po tim kreditima,
Securum se našla sa neobičnim portfolijem
aktive - gde su bile zgrada britanske ambasade
u Burmi, avio čarter operater u Zimbabveu i
skijaška vila u SAD - kao i imovina u Evropi i
švedske industrijske operacije.
Securum je dobila injekciju kapitala od
Skr 42 milijarde i 15 godina da proda svoju
aktivu. Ustvari, uz pomoć ozdravljenja tržišta
nekretnina i akcija sredinom 1990-tih godina,
bankarstvo 9 - �� ����
ada se govori o "švedskom modelu"
ne misli se uvek na način na koji je
Švedska rešila svoju akutnu bankarsku
krizu početkom 1990-tih godina.
Način na koji je Švedska postupila - naročito
usvajanje modela dobra banka/loša banka veoma je relevantan za spasavanje finansijskog
sistema koji se primenjuje u SAD. Lombard
Street Research je naslovio svoje istraživanje u
petak, 19.09.2008. godine, sa "Hank i Ben uče
Maca je došla na vratanca početkom 1990-tih
godina posle masovnog gomilanja kredita koji
se ne otplaćuju u celom švedskom bankarskom
Pet od sedam najvećih banaka je zatražilo
podršku države ili ogromne injekcije kapitala
od svojih akcionara. Dve banke - Nordbanken
i Gota Bank - preuzela je država i merdžovala
Od ključnog značaja za očuvanje poverenja
bila je blanko garancija kreditorima - ne
akcionarima - koji je Švedska dala za celo
bankarsko tržište krajem 2002. godine i držala
je skoro četiri godine.
Posle preuzimanja Nordbanken, država
je ubacila Skr 67 milijardi loših kredita u
lošu banku koja je nazvana Securum. Posle
from foreign media
Financial Times - 22.09.2008.
Christopher Brown-Humes
bankarstvo 9 - �� ����
hen people talk about the "Swedish
model", they are not usually
referring to the way that Sweden
resolved its acute banking crisis in the early
But the way Sweden acted - and in particular
its adoption of the good bank/bad bank model
- is highly relevant to the financial system bailout now being implemented in the US. "Hank
and Ben learning Swedish" was how Lombard
Street Research headlined its latest piece of
research on Friday.
Like the current US financial crisis, the
origins of the Swedish banking crisis lay in the
credit markets - which were deregulated in 1985
- and in a finance and real estate bubble that
eventually collapsed.
The chickens came home to roost in the early
1990s a�er a massive pile-up of non-performing
loans across the Swedish banking system.
Five of the country’s seven biggest banks
required state support or huge injections of
capital from their own shareholders. Two banks
- Nordbanken and Göta Bank - were taken over
by the state and eventually merged.
Crucial to maintaining confidence was
the blanket guarantee for creditors - not
shareholders - that Sweden put under the
whole banking market in late 2002 and kept in
place for nearly four years.
A�er taking over Nordbanken, the state
dumped Skr 67bn of non-performing loans into
a bad bank called Securum. A�er taking over
the collateral behind them, Securum eventually
found itself with an extraordinary portfolio of
assets - they included the British Embassy
building in Burma, an air charter operation in
Zimbabwe and a skiing lodge in the US - as well
prestala je sa radom posle samo pet godina
tokom kojih je povratila Skr 13 milijardi.
Što je još važnije, medjutim, švedska reakcija
na krizu koštala je poreske obveznike vrlo malo,
ako ih je uopšte koštala - još jedan razlog zašto
su donosioci politike u SAD zainteresovani da
razgovaraju sa donosiocima politike koji su bili
direktno uključeni u raščišćavanje švedskog
Mada je Švedska na početku potrošila oko
Skr 65 milijardi da podrži sistem, dobila je
natrag najveći deo novca. Veliki deo je došao
iz dividendi i reprivatizacije Nordbanken na
kraju. Država i dalje drži 19,9 procenta udela
u Nordea banke čiji je sada deo Nordbanken
posle niza pan-Nordic merdžera.
Tajna uspeha Securuma bila je u tome što je
ona imala aktivan pristup svojim investicijama
da bi maksimizovala vrednost a ne da vidi sebe
kao kompaniju za likvidaciju.
Jan Kvarnstrom, nekadašnji glavni direktor
Securuma, uvek je bio uveren da druge zemlje
mogu da uče iz švedskog iskustva. Jednom
je izjavio: "Morate brzo uhvatiti osnovnu
aktivu, uspostaviti kontrolu nad tokom novca
i upravljati aktivom da bi se sa njom ostvarila
dodatna vrednost. Vrlo je važno dokazati na
tržištu svoje profesionalne sposobnosti umesto
da vas vide kao otpad za aktivu."
lan za spasavanje hipotekarnih kredita na
papiru je jednostavan: dodeljuje Trezoru
SAD veliku količinu novca i mnogo
slobode kako da ga potroši. Ali, verovatno je
da će biti mnogo složeniji za sprovođenje.
Plan daje Trezoru ček od blizu USD 700
milijardi da kupi poremećenu aktivu od
finansijskih institucija koju može prodati ili
držati do dospelosti. Imaće široku slobodu u
pogledu toga koju aktivu da kupi i po kojoj ceni
i šta da radi sa njom.
Ovlašćenja koja traži Trezor omogućiće da
se obuhvat spasavanja šiti tokom primene.
Mada plan na početku obuhvata kupovinu
hipotekarne aktive - stambene i komercijalne u
formi hartija od vrednosti ili kredita - sekretar
Trezora će imati ovlašćenje da kupi i drugu
aktivu ako je potrebno.
Ukupan pul američkih hipoteka iznosi
oko USD 12.000 milijardi. To bi sugeriralo
da USD 700 milijardi koje je Trezor namenio
uključuju hartije od vrednosti strukturirane na
bankarstvo 9 - �� ����
Financial Times - 22.09.2008.
Alan Bea�ie, Washington and Henny Sender and Aline van Duyn, New York
as European property and Swedish industrial
Securum was given a Skr 24bn equity
injection and 15 years to dispose of its assets.
In fact, helped by a recovery in property and
stock markets in the mid-1990s, it ended up
being wound down a�er just five years. By that
time it had recouped nearly Skr 13bn.
More important, however, Sweden’s
response to the crisis meant it cost the taxpayer
very li�le, if anything - another reason why US
policymakers have been keen to talk to some of
the decision-makers who were directly involved
in clearing up the Swedish mess.
Although Sweden originally spent about
Skr 65bn to shore up the system, it got most
of the money back. Much of this came from
dividends and the eventual re-privatisation
of Nordbanken. The government still holds a
19.9 per cent stake in Nordea, the bank that
Nordbanken is now part of following a series
of pan-Nordic mergers.
One secret to Securum’s success was that it
took an activist approach to its investments to
maximise value rather than just seeing itself as
a liquidating company.
Jan Kvarnström, a former chief executive of
Securum, always felt other countries could learn
from the Swedish experience. "You have to get
your hands on the underlying assets quickly,
get control over the cash flow and manage the
assets to add value to them. It is very important
to prove your professional credentials to the
market and not to be seen simply as an asset
dump" he once said.
Financial Times - 22.09.2008.
Alan Bea�ie, Washington and Henny Sender and Aline van Duyn, New York
bankarstvo 9 - �� ����
he mortgage rescue plan is simple on
paper: it gives the US Treasury a large
chunk of money and a lot of discretion
about how to spend it. But it is likely to turn out
to be much more complex to execute.
The plan gives the Treasury something close
to a $700bn blank cheque to buy troubled assets
from financial institutions and either sell them
on or hold them until they mature. It will have
wide discretion about which assets to buy and
for what prices, and what to do with them
The powers sought by the Treasury also
allow the scope of the rescue to be widened as it
goes along. Although the plan initially involves
buying mortgage assets - both residential and
commercial, in the form of securities or loans
- the Treasury secretary will have the power to
buy other assets as necessary.
The total pool of US mortgages is about
$12,000bn. That would suggest that the $700bn
earmarked by the Treasury will include
bankarstvo 9 - �� ����
kompleksne načine, ezoterične prirode što čini
Wall Streeta.
da je teško da se valoriziju, izjavio je Ira Jersey,
Kombinacija stvarne trgovine, dilerskih
analitičar u Credit Suisse.
procena i modela sa varirajućim inputima dala
Aktiva koju drže strane institucije biće
je subjektivne sudove sa malo konzistentnosti
podobna da učestvuje u šemi i mada je
među firmama.
kupovina prvobitno ograničena na one sa
Otuda slični pulovi hipotekarnih hartija
"značajnim operacijama" u SAD, ograničenje
od vrednosti stoje u knjigama po dramatično
može da se popusti ako su sekretar Trezora
različitim nivoima kod raznih firmi na Wall
i čermen Federalnih rezervi uvereni da je to
neophodno za stabilizovanje tržišta.
Dino Kos, raniji zvaničnik Njujorškog
Izazova će verovatno biti kada iz Trezora
Feda koji sada radi u istraživačkom butiku
budu tražili da se odredi aktiva koja će
Portales Partners, izjavio je: "Uvođenje aukcije
se otkupiti i koja će se cena platiti. Gde
za utvrđivanje cena za prodaju doneće nešto
je to moguće, cene će se utvrditi tržišnim
jasnoće dok sada imamo samo nagađanja. Ali
mehanizmima, kao što su "obrnute aukcije"
ako je cena niža od one iz knjiga banaka, ohna kojima vlada kupuje najje�inije ponuđene
hartije od vrednosti.
Douglas Elmendorf iz Brookins Institute
Lawrence Levine, direktor u RSM
ukazuje na to da aukcije mogu da funkcionišu
McGladrey, izjavio je: "Nema sumnje da može
efikasno samo kada je aktiva homogena. "Hartije
biti neslaganja šta je vrednost ovih hartija od
od vrednosti podržane hipotekom razlikuju
se u pogledu verovatnoće otplate po osnovu
Viši zvaničnik
Feda kaže da su
detalji o tome kako
će funkcionisati
Predlog Trezora
planirana olakšica
Trezor može
samo skicirani i da
• Veličina Fonda: do USD 7000 milijardi
da radi svoje
je dikcija namerno
na osnovu otkupne cene aktive (ne po
vlastite procene ili
prvobitnoj vrednosti)
može da angažuje
Teže je pitanje
investicionu firmu
• Vrste aktive: hartije od vrednosti
za sud o tome
institucije mogu
podržane stambenim ili poslovnih
koje hartije od
hipotekama, uz pravo sekretara Trezora
vrednosti da kupi
udarac na svoje
i čermena Feda da uključe i druge ako
i po kojoj ceni. Za
sumnjive bilanse
bude potrebno.
sada, verovatna
ako se pokaže da
struktura obuhvata
su ove vrednosti
• Način otkupa: tržišnim mehanizmima
serije nezavisnih
znatno niže od
"gde je to moguće" uključujući obrnute
trustova koje vode
onih koje su sada
menadžeri aktive
markirane. Do sada
nije bilo stvarne
• Podobnost za učešće: svaka finansijska
institucija sa značajnim poslovanjem za
u tome kako je
verovatno dobiti
bilo koja od ovih
deo otkupne cene
toksičnih hartija
• Upravljanje:
u novcu a deo u
od vrednosti bila
privatnog sektora koje imenuje Trezor.
formi neke vrste
• Trajanje: otkupno ovlašćenje traje dve
čime će zadržati
mučnih objašnjenja
godine. Trezor ima diskreciono pravo
neku izloženost
da odluči koliko dugo će držati i kada
će prodati otkupljenu aktivu
bankarstvo 9 - �� ����
securities structured in complex ways, the
Wall Street quarterly reports.
esoteric nature of which makes them difficult to
The combination of actual trades, dealer
value, said Ira Jersey, analyst at Credit Suisse.
estimates and models with varying inputs has
Assets held by foreign institutions will
resulted in subjective judgments with li�le
be eligible to participate in the scheme, and
consistency across firms.
although the purchases are initially restricted
Hence similar pools of mortgage securities
to those with "significant operations" in the US,
have been carried at dramatically different
that restriction too can be relaxed if the Treasury
levels by different Wall Street firms.
secretary and the Federal Reserve chairman
"The introduction of an auction to establish
believe it is necessary to stabilise markets.
clearing prices will result in some clarity while
The challenges are likely to come when
we only have guesses now" says Dino Kos,
the Treasury seeks to determine what assets
a former NY Fed official who now works at
are to be bought and what prices paid. Where
research boutique Portales Partners. "But if
possible, prices will be determined by market
the price is lower than where these banks were
mechanisms, such as "reverse auctions" where
carrying them, oh-oh."
the government buys the cheapest securities
Douglas Elmendorf of the Brookings
on offer.
Institution points out that auctions only
"There is no doubt there could be
tend to work efficiently when assets are
disagreement on what the fair value for these
securities is" said Lawrence Levine, director at
"Mortgage-backed securities differ in the
RSM McGladrey.
probability of mortgage repayment and other
characteristics" he
Fed official says
said in a recent
that details of
how the planned
Treasury proposal:
The Treasury
facility will work
could make its
are still sketchy
• Size of fund: up to $700bn based on the
own assessment,
and the language
purchase price (not the initial value) of
the assets
investment firm,
to judge which
• Type of assets: residential and
securities to buy
question is whether
commercial mortgage-backed securities,
and at what price.
with discretion for the Treasury
At the moment,
secretary and Fed chairman to add
the likely structure
afford the hit to
others as needed
involves a series
their precarious
• Mode of acquisition: through market
trusts run by
if those values
mechanisms "where possible" including
private sector asset
prove far lower
reverse auctions
than where they
are marked today.
• Eligibility to participate: any financial
probably receive
Until now there
institutions with significant operations
a portion of the
has been no real
in the US
purchase price in
cash and a portion
in how any of
• Management: private sector fund
in the form of some
these now toxic
managers appointed by Treasury
sort of capital
• Duration: purchase authority lasts for
they will retain
two years, Treasury has discretion over
some exposure to
how long to hold and when to sell assets
računovodstvo sa fer vrednošću, rekao
je vodeći ekspert za standarde, pošto su
američki kongresmeni predložili suspenziju
kontroverznih pravila o "mark to market"
kada su odbacili predlog vlade SAD o USD 700
milijardi iskupljenja.
Dok je svet posrtao prema globalnoj
finansijskoj krizi, eksperti su tvrdili da su
problemi Wall Streeta poništili šanse da se
IFRS preuzmu u SAD. Političari SAD su
pokazali svoju odvratnost prema pravilima
za mark-to-market. Republikanski kritičari
plana Hanka Paulsena od USD 700 milijardi
za spasavanje Wall Streeta smatrali su da je
najbolje suspendovati fer vrednost.
Torijevski ministar finansija vlade u senci,
George Osborne, ove nedelje je ponovio to
gledište pozivom za tromesečnu suspenziju
mark-to-market. Torijevci kažu da aktiva treba
da se valorizuje u skladu sa onim što banka
očekuje da dobije od nje na duži rok.
Republikanski komitet za studije je objavio
da bi bilo bolje valorizovati aktivu prema
njenoj "stvarnoj ekonomskoj vrednosti" a ne po
vrednostima izvedenih iz "kratkoročne manije".
Komitet, kojim predsedava predstavnik iz
Teksasa Jeb Hensarling, pokušava da progura
zakon koji suspenduje računovodstvo sa markto-market.
Predlog je izbacio suprotstavljena gledišta
o računovodstvu fer vrednosti u prvi plan
globalnih debata o rešavanju finansijske
krize. Eksperti međutim ističu da ne postoji
Ken Wild koji vodi IFRS u Deloi�u, kaže:
"Stvarno ne mogu da vidim koju alternativu
"Na mark-to-market svalila se paljba
proteklih nedelja, ali u svemu tome tu je i
element "ubij glasnika". Pre 15 godina, sve
je vođeno po istorijskim troškovima. Reći
"uzmimo prosek" na primer pogađa me kao
nonsens. Računi moraju da budu objektivni."
Peter Wyman iz PricewaterhouseCoopers
kaže da ovaj pokret može da umanji uporedivost
među bankama.
JP Morgan je takodje objavio ove nedelje da
ovaj pokret može da znači "ubjanje glasnika",
dok predsednik Federalnih rezervi Ben
Bernanke kaže da bi takav plan ustvari štetio
poverenju investitora a ne obrnuto.
Spektakularni događaji prošlih nedelja
mogli su takođe da nanesu udarac saglasnosti
o IFRS, tvrde neki. Istraživač iz Brisela sa
Bruegel Institute naveo je: "Verovatno nije bilo
mudro misliti da (IFRS) mogu biti prihvaćeni
na tako brz način". Izvor blizak IASB-u saopštio
je da oni razumeju da u tekućoj atmosferi ima
odvraćanja od IFRS, ali bord nema podataka o
ponovnim evaluacijama.
Ako republikanski predlog zakona bude
prošao, SEC će morati da podnese iscrpan
izveštaj o računovodstvu mark-to-market u
roku od 90 dana pošto predlog zakona postane
bankarstvo 9 - �� ����
Accountancy Age - 1.10.2008.
David Jetuach
Accountancy Age - 1.10.2008.
David Jetuach
bankarstvo 9 - �� ����
anks have no alternative to fair value
accounting, a leading standards expert
has said, a�er US congressmen proposed
suspending the controversial "mark-to-market"
rules as they struck down the US government’s
$700bn (£370bn) bailout.
As the world lurched towards a global
financial crisis, experts also claimed that
the issues on Wall Street had damaged the
chances of IFRS being taken up in the US.
US politicians this week made clear their distaste
for the mark-to-market rules. Republican critics
of Hank Paulson’s $700bn bailout for Wall Street
said that it would have been be�er to suspend
fair value.
Tory shadow chancellor George Osborne
this week echoed the view with a call for a
three month suspension of mark-to-market.
The Tories say the assets should be valued
according to what the banks "expect to get out
of them over the long term".
The Republican study commi�ee said it
would be be�er to mark assets to their "true
economic value" rather than according to
values derived from a "short term mania". The
commi�ee, headed up by Texas representative
Jeb Hensarling, is trying to push through a bill
suspending mark-to-market accounting.
The proposal has brought the contest over
fair value accounting to the forefront of global
debates on resolving the financial crisis. But
experts say there is no alternative.
"I can’t really see what alternative you’ve
got" said Ken Wild IFRS leader at Deloi�e.
"Mark-to-market has taken some flak in
recent weeks, but there is an element of "shoot
the messenger" in all of this. 15 years ago,
everything was done at historical cost. Saying,
"let’s just use averages" for example strikes me
as a bit of a nonsense. Accounts are meant to
be objective."
Peter Wyman of PricewaterhouseCoopers
said the move would reduce comparability
between banks.
JP Morgan also said this week that the move
would entail "shooting the messenger", while
Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has
said any such plan would actually damage
investor confidence rather than the other way
The spectacular events of the last few
weeks could have also dealt a blow to IFRS
convergence, some are arguing. "It was
probably not very prudent to think that [IFRS]
could be adopted in such a swi� way" said a
research fellow from the Bruegel institute, a
Brussels-based think tank.
A source close to the IASB said they
understood there were distractions from IFRS
in the current climate, but the board has no
evidence of a re-evaluation.
If the Republican bill is pushed through,
the SEC will also have to submit an exhaustive
report on mark-to-market accounting within 90
days of the bill becoming law.
CBS News - 10.10.2008.
Kim Lengle
da zaštiti.
To je kao kad bi stotine ljudi mogli da kupe
polise osiguranja za kuće koje ne poseduju a
ipak naplaćuju punu vrednost ako izgore.
Opasnost nastaje kada kompanija bude
u neizvršenju a prodavac - zato što se to ne
traži od njega - nema novac da isplati kod
Investicione firme koje su trgovale različitim
derivatima, kao što su CDS, naplaćivale su u
proseku USD dve milijarde provizije kvartalno
protekle dve godine. A trgovci koji govore
za CBS News kažu da su ove transakcije
bile najveće novčane krave na Wall Streetu,
čak profitabilnije od hipoteka. Ove najnovije
transakcije bile su shvaćene kao lak novac i
bankarstvo 9 - �� ����
"Ovaj predlog zakona, po mom sudu, čini
verovatnim buduće masovne iskupe na račun
poreskih obveznika. Ako želite da se kockate,
idite u Las Vegas. Ako želite da trgujete
derivatima, nek vam bog pomogne."
To je izjavio senator iz Severne Dakote,
Byron Dorgan, sa govornice u Senatu - ne ove
nedelje ili prošle nedelje, niti tokom poslednjih
šest meseci tokom kojih je Wall Street u kolapsu
- već 1999. godine.
Četiri godine kasnije u pismu akcionarima,
milijarder investitor Warren Buffet u svom
upozorenju nazvao je derivate "oružjem za
masovno uništenje koje kontrolišu ludaci".
Kada su finansijski eksperti bili zabrinuti
mehurom stanogradnje i hartijama od vrednosti
podržanih hipotekom, Dorgan i Buffe� su bili
usmereni na - što mnogi sada veruju da može
biti veliki pad sledeće cipele - tržište kreditnih
derivata, bolje poznato kao svopovi neizvršenja
po kreditima.
Ono što najviše brine finansijske insajdere
je USD 54,6 hiljada milijardi rizičnih kreditnih
derivata koncentrisanih kod nekoliko banaka
koje su opstale.
Svopovi neizvršenja po kreditima (CDS)
su ugaoni kamen tržišta kreditnih derivata
sa učešćem od preko 98 procenata kreditnih
derivata. Njih je teško pojmiti, regulatori
ih ignorišu i jadno su iskazani u bilansima.
Pojednostavljeno, CDS su polise osiguranja
za stvari kao što su obveznice, krediti i dugovi
privrede. Ali dve su značajne razlike: prodavac
CDS ne mora da ima novac da pokrije gubitke
ako hartija od vrednosti ne bude izvršena i
kupac ne mora da poseduje aktivu koju želi
CBS News - 10.10.2008.
Kim Lengle
bankarstvo 9 - �� ����
"This bill will, in my judgment, raise the
likelihood of future massive taxpayer bailouts.
If you want to gamble, go to Las Vegas. If you
want to trade in derivatives, God bless you."
That was North Dakota Senator Byron
Dorgan’s statement on the floor of the Senate
- not this week or last, or even during the last
six months as Wall Street collapsed - but back
in 1999.
Four years later in a le�er to shareholders,
billionaire investor Warren Buffe� followed
with his own warning, calling derivatives
"weapons of financial mass destruction"
controlled by "madmen".
While financial experts were concerned
with the housing bubble and mortgage-backed
securities, Dorgan and Buffe� were focused on
what many now believe may be the next big
shoe to drop - the credit derivatives market,
be�er known as credit default swaps.
What worries financial insiders most is
the $54. 6 trillion of risky credit derivatives
concentrated among the few banks le�
Credit default swaps (CDS) are the
cornerstone of the credit derivatives market
accounting for more than 98 percent of all credit
derivatives. They are difficult to understand,
ignored by regulators and poorly reported
on balance sheets. In simplest terms, CDS are
insurance policies on things like bonds, loans
and corporate debt. But there are two big
differences: the seller of a CDS doesn’t need to
have the money to cover losses if the security
defaults, and the buyer doesn’t need to own the
asset it wants to protect.
It’s as if hundreds of people could buy
insurance policies on houses they didn’t own
yet still collect the full value if it burns down.
The danger comes when the company
defaults and the seller - because he’s not
required to - doesn’t have the money to pay
out on the default.
Investment firms that traded various
derivatives, such as CDS, collected an average
of $2 billion in fees each quarter over the past
two years. And traders who spoke to CBS
News said these transactions were the largest
cash cows on Wall Street, even more profitable
than mortgages. The newfangled transactions
were seen as easy money and many traders had
the a�itude that when it blows up, it’s someone
"Niko ne zna gde su (kreditni derivati), čije
bilanse oni mogu da ugroze ili koliki dodatni
rizik oni predstavljaju za finansijske firme. Ipak,
rečeno mi je da ovaj plan ne može da zahteva
regulativu i transparetntnost ovih finansijskih
tržišta jer u Kongresu i Beloj kući postoji otpor",
izneo je Dorgan u izjavi objašnjavajući zašto nije
glasao za iskup.
Mnogi veruju da su banke koje su već
pretrpele gubitke od fijaska sa subprajmom
suočene sa lančanim stečajevima iz tržišta
kreditnih derivata.
"Ako tržište nastavi da se kreće u smeru
u kome je išlo do sada imaćemo mnogo
neizvršenja koja su opasna stvar" izjavio je
Neki ekonomski analitičari predviđaju još
veću paniku tokom nekoliko narednih meseci.
Kako sve više korporacija ima neizvršenja i
banke nalaze da ne mogu da se naplate po
svojim ugovorima, može da nastupi nova
runda gubitaka za fondove i finansijske firme
koja će učiniti da u poređenju sa nedavnim
gubicima po hartijama od vrednosti podržanih
hipotekom izgledaju vrlo mali.
bankarstvo 9 - �� ����
mnogi trgovci su imali stav da kad to pukne
predstavlja problem nekog drugog.
Danas, isti teškaši iz komercijalnog
bankarstva mislili su da su najsigurniji,
JPMorgan, Citigroup Inc. i Bank of America
drže 92 procenta od svih obelodanjenih ugovora
o kreditnim derivatima, prema Kancelariji
kontrolora valute.
Ali taj broj je samo procena jer najveći
deo ovih ugovora su neregulisani - privatni,
najvećim delom neobelodanjeni i teški za
"Nema sumnje da smo na ivici litice i da će
neko da padne" izjavio je Harvey Miller senior
partner u Weil, Gotshal & Manges koji sada
nadgleda stečaj Lehman Brothers.
Još ranije, 1999. godine, kada je tekla
debata o legislativi senator Dorgan se protivio
konsolidaciji komercijalnih i investicionih
banaka. U stvari, on je podržao dva amandmana
da se zabrani ovim mega bankama ... da
investiraju u derivate.
Danas, Dorgan izgleda da ima isti pristup.
On je bio jedan od 25 senatora koji su glasali
protiv iskupa od USD 700 milijardi.
bankarstvo 9 - �� ����
else’s problem.
Today, the same commercial banking
heavyweights thought to be the most safe,
JPMorgan, Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America,
hold 92 percent of all the disclosed credit
derivative contracts, according to the Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency.
But that number is merely an estimate
because the overwhelming majority of these
contracts are unregulated - private, mostly
undisclosed and difficult to measure.
"There is no question we are at the edge of
the cliff and someone is going to fall off, " said
Weil, Gotshal & Manges Senior Partner Harvey
Miller who is currently overseeing the Lehman
Brothers bankruptcy.
Back in 1999 when the legislation was
being debated Senator Dorgan opposed the
consolidation of commercial and investment
banks. In fact, he sponsored two amendments
to prohibit these new mega-banks from …
investing in derivatives.
Today, Dorgan apparently feels the same
way. He was one of 25 senators who voted no
on the recent $700 billion bailout.
"No one knows where [the credit derivatives]
are, whose balance sheets they may threaten, or
how much additional risk they pose to financial
firms. Yet, I was told this plan could not require
regulation and transparency of these financial
markets because there was opposition in
Congress and the White House" Dorgan said
in a statement explaining why he didn’t vote
for the bailout.
With banks already suffering losses from
the subprime fiasco, many now believe they
face chain reaction failures from the credit
derivatives market.
"If the market keeps going in the direction it’s
been going, you’re going to have lots of defaults
which are dangerous things" said Miller.
Some economic analysts predict even
more panic over next few months. As more
corporations default and banks find out they
can’t make good on their contracts, a new
round of losses for funds and financial firms
could result and make the recent losses in
mortgage-backed securities seem miniscule by