Multimodal Temporal Processing Between Separate and Combined

In: Kokinov, B., Karmiloff-Smith, A., Nersessian, N. J. (eds.) European Perspectives on Cognitive Science.
© New Bulgarian University Press, 2011
ISBN 978-954-535-660-5
Multimodal Temporal Processing Between Separate and Combined Modalities
Adam D. Danz (
Central and East European Center for Cognitive Science, New Bulgarian University
21 Montevideo St., 1618 Sofia, Bulgaria
Previous research has shown that the auditory modality
dominates in detecting temporal frequency changes when
there is a discrepancy between the auditory and visual
modalities. Little to no research investigates how the visual
and auditory modalities cooperate when the temporal
frequencies are perceived in parallel between the two sensory
modalities. In experiment I, detection of temporal frequency
changes of an increase or decrease of 5% from a base
frequency of 2Hz are examined in separate modalities. In
experiment II, the frequencies were presented in parallel
between both modalities. Comparison of these results shows
support towards multimodal sensory integration rather than
auditory dominance of temporal perception.
Keywords: multimodal, temporal discrepancy; perception;
RT, time, auditory, visual, sensory integration, cognition.
Many experimental designs have been devised in studying
temporal processing utilizing auditory stimuli (Schubotz,
Friederici, & Cramon, 2000), visual stimuli (Moutoussis,
1997), and even tactile stimuli (Macar et. al., 2002).
Researchers have studied how one percept can influence the
other in multimodal temporal processing (Welch &
DuttonHurt, 1986; Gebhard & Mowbray, 1959) and how
various aspects within a single percept are perceived at
different time courses (Moutoussis, 1997). The bulk of
literature concerning multimodal temporal processing
focuses on a paradigm of competing modalities in order to
determine which sensory modality is dominant in temporal
The study herein, however, provides an
examination of multimodal temporal stimuli between vision
and audition as they are perceived when stimuli are
presented congruently in parallel (experiment II) compared
to processing these modalities in isolation (experiment I).
In this approach, sensory modalities are not competing
against differing temporal representations and instead, they
may either work together or allow one modality to dominate
interpretation of the temporal stimuli.
Sensory influence on temporal processing
As Newton proclaimed in Principia Mathematica (1698),
“absolute, true, and mathematical time, of itself and from its
own nature, flows equably without regard to anything
external”, yet without sensory organs to detect this
incorporeal flow, humans have the ability to synchronize
with and recreate temporal patterns even accurately
predicting some durations of time (Rao, 2001). Even
more intriguing, temporal perception is highly congruent
across observers. Because human sensory organs are
susceptible to limitations, the processing of external
temporal events are affected and, as with every sensory
perception, not necessarily representative of the actual
When two or more events occur without discernable
succession, they are said to have occurred simultaneously,
or to have occurred „at the same time‟. Perceived
simultaneity does not conform to physical simultaneity. In
attempt to determine the limits of perceived simultaneity,
many paradigms have been used resulting in many differing
succession/simultaneity threshold of various sensory
modalities in isolation including vision, audition, and tactile
perception. The results showed that successive stimuli
under approximately 20ms intervals were perceived as
simultaneous across all modalities whereas intervals greater
that 20ms were perceived as successive. Instead of singlemodality succession of stimuli, Hirsh & Fraisse (1964)
tested succession across modalities using an acoustic click
and a brief flash of light. When the sound preceded the
light, the threshold was measured at about 60ms while light
preceding the sound resulted in thresholds between 90 to
120ms (Hirsh & Fraisse, 1964). The contrast of these
results demonstrates the sensitivity of temporal perception
relative to sensory modality. However, such inconsistencies
have been shown within a single modality by merely
changing the complexity of the stimuli (see Moutoussis,
1997). For example, when six letters are presented in
random succession, they are perceived as simultaneous as
long as the total duration does not succeed 90ms (Hylan,
1903). When four light emitting diodes in the shape of a
diamond are lighted in an ordered succession, as long as the
duration between the first and last flash of light is under
125ms, the succession is perceived as simultaneous
(Lichtenstein, 1961).
With such variability of simultaneity-threshold
measurement, it is not surprising that investigations of
duration perception yield varying results. Experiments
involving duration require participants to either estimate a
duration after it has completed or interact with a duration
that is being perceived at present time. For stimuli used in
duration discrimination tasks, not only do participants
process the temporal span of stimuli as in simultaneity
research, but the semantic aspects of stimuli are also
processed. The „paradox of subjective duration‟ (Pöppel,
1997) demonstrates that in retrospective evaluation of
duration, a high memory load, consistent with a difficult
task, complex stimuli, or both, will result in less attention
towards the actual duration and therefore an overestimation
of that duration. On the other hand, during the experience
of time passing, if task and stimuli are complex, time seems
to pass quicker rather than during states of boredom
(Pöppel, 1997; Fraisse, 1979)
The sensory modalities chosen for temporal perception
research, the types of stimuli and their features, the
complexity of the stimuli, and the response task all
contribute to measures of temporal processing. Since these
sensory-based confounding constraints are unavoidable,
researchers should be conscious of them when designing
their experiments and interpreting their results.
Integration of Multimodal Sensory Data
The „modality appropriateness hypothesis‟ states that in
multimodal perception, contributions of various sensory
modalities are relative to the stimuli being perceived.
Welch & DuttonHurt (1986) demonstrated this effect in the
field of temporal perception by using bimodal temporal
stimuli resulting in auditory dominance over vision in
discrimination of temporal frequencies. In their experiment,
designed discrepancies between auditory and visual
frequencies showed evidence of auditory bias over vision
demonstrating that when visual and auditory temporal
frequencies are in conflict the auditory information
dominates the percept.
Whereas vision specializes in spatial perception, audition
seems to dominate that of temporal perception as a gross
number of studies confirm. The threshold of vision in
discriminating between flashes of light is much lower than
the threshold of audition in discriminating between
successive bursts of sound showing that temporal acuity is
much higher in audition than in vision. This gives rise to
the phenomenon referred to as „auditory driving‟ which
shows that when an auditory frequency is gradually
increased or decreased while being compared to a steady
visual frequency, the visual oscillations seem to increase or
decrease along with the auditory stimuli even though they
are remaining constant (Gebhard & Mowbray, 1959). The
visual system does not seem to yield the same effect,
however, on auditory perception.
Sensory transduction itself operates on different time
courses as sensory data are being transformed into
electrochemical impulses.
Specifically, auditory
information is encoded faster than visual information and if
a bimodal temporal stimulus is to be perceived
simultaneously the brain must either lean towards the timing
of one modality or integrate the incoming sensory data
(evidence of integration sites for auditory and visual stimuli
can be found in Bushara, Grafman, & Hallett, 2001 and
Calvert, et. al., 2001). The dynamic integration of temporal
perception spans beyond sensory constraints. By using
direct galvanic stimulation of the vestibular system, Trainor (2009) were able to manipulate participants into
perceiving otherwise ambiguous rhythms as specific
interpretations. The galvanic stimulation replicated the
common experience of nodding the head to music except
without bodily movement. The vestibular system sends
much of its information to the cerebellum, which has been
shown to play a role in interval timing (Ivry, 1996).
Tempo Perception, in Music
Though the ties between frequency perception and tempo in
music research seem plausibly related, there is a
communicative gap between music theorists and cognitive
scientists who currently use different lexicons to measure
the same entity. Where frequency is measured in hertz (Hz)
and durations in milliseconds (ms), tempo is measured in
beats per minute (bpm) whereby a „beat‟ is Euclidean in that
it represents a point or marker without duration in and of
While psychophysical measurements concern
thresholds of simultaneity and succession, music theorists
broaden their scope to measure the range of tempos with
which musicians may interact. Tempi above ~300bmp
(5Hz, 200ms intervals) are perceptually difficult to discern
in the context of music (Van Noorden & Moelants, 1999)
while tempi under ~40bpm (0.67Hz, 1500ms intervals)
result in perceptual isolation of each beat and is beyond the
capacity of working memory to process two consecutive
beats that are required to create a tempo (Van Noorden &
Moelants, 1999). Moelants (2002) implied that there must
be a zero point between these ranges where tempo
perception is optimal. Researchers have settled at an
optimal tempo centered around 120 bpm (2Hz, 500ms
intervals) which has also been replicated within the visual
modality (Luck and Sloboda, 2007).
Experiment I: Separate Modalities
20 participants (7 males) took part in the study with mean
age 26.4 (19-35 years; 4.4 SD). Participants with imperfect
vision wore corrective lenses or glasses and no participants
were hearing impaired. All participants had little to no
musical experience eliminating experts in tempo
Stimuli and Design
The auditory pulse consisting of a square wave tone of
440 Hz lasting 125ms presented binaurally using full
coverage headphones produced the sound of one auditory
„beep‟. Each 125ms pulse followed by one empty interval
consisted of one cycle. Cycles repeated between 15 to 22
times defining one stimulus. There was a 1500ms inter trial
interval which also consisted of silence. The baseline tempo
consisted of the 125ms tone followed by a 375ms period of
silence before the following tone. Combined, the 500ms
baseline cycle represented the preferred tempo range of
120bpm (2Hz).
During the auditory portion of the
experiment, the computer monitor was gray as in the visual
portion of the experiment; however, participants were not
instructed to watch the monitor.
The visual stimulus consisted of a black circle with a
diameter of 1.25cm centered on the screen with a light gray
background to reduce contrast and thereby reducing
afterimage effects. Similar to the auditory stimulus, the
„dot‟ appeared for 125ms followed by a 375ms light gray
background. This constituted the 500ms (120bpm, 2Hz)
baseline frequency for the visual pulse.
Two experimentally manipulated conditions, two
masking conditions, plus one set of catch trails, or control
trials, were designed and replicated across both modalities.
Unchanged frequencies, or „catch trials‟, were included in
the experiment so that participants would not signal a
detection on every trial thereby decreasing habitual
guessing. The experimentally manipulated conditions all
began at a baseline frequency of 500ms intervals (120 bpm,
2Hz) and after at least seven cycles of 500ms (but no more
than 14 cycles) featured a sudden 5% increase or decrease in
frequency. Masking trials consisted of either a 20%
decrease or 30% increase of frequency. Catch trials
continued at the base frequency without change. Thus, the
design of the experiment was a within-subject 2 (Modality:
visual vs. auditory) x 2 (Directionality: decrease vs.
increase) design.
Eight different change points were used and repeated
three times per item making a total of 24 trials per condition
per modality. Catch trials totaled 24 and masking trials
totaled 50 (24 increases and 24 decreases) per modality.
Changes in frequency were created by increasing or
decreasing the silent, or „empty‟, intervals between pulses
whereby a decrease in interval created an increase in
frequency and vice versa. Five percent increases contained
an empty interval of 351 ms and 5% decreases contained
410 ms of silence between pulses. Changes occurred only
once during the stimulus. Cycles continued for exactly
eight pulses after the frequency change ending with a silent
interval. For this reason, the window of time for detection
of the change was different between conditions ranging
from three to five seconds.
While each modality was tested separately, all trials
including the masking and catch trials were pseudo
Participants were tested individually using E-Prime 2.0
software (Schneider, Eschman, & Zuccolotto, 2002), wore
full-coverage headphones with external volume control
during the auditory portion of the experiment, and were left
uninterrupted in a quiet room for the full duration of the
experiment. Participants were instructed to adjust the
volume to their preference at the beginning of the practice
session. Half of the participants began with the auditory
portion of the experiment while the other half began with
the visual portion. Participants were provided with written
instructions to press the mouse button as soon as they detect
a change in frequency of the stimuli. They were informed
that some trials would be more obvious than others while
some trials would not change at all. Instructions were
followed by a practice session featuring one to two trials in
each condition including masking and catch trials. Each
portion of the experiment required about thirty minutes and
participants were able to take a break between auditory and
visual portions of the experiment as well as after every 40
trials within each modality. After completing 120 trials,
participants were tested in the other modality. E-prime
experiment generator software controlled stimuli
presentation, timing, recorded responses and reaction time
(Schneider, Eschman, & Zuccolotto, 2002).
Experiment II: Combined Modalities
21 participants (3 male) took part in the study with mean
age 25.3 (20-36 years; 4.7 SD). Participants with imperfect
vision wore corrective lenses or glasses. One participant
had visibly noticeable amblyopia but performed better than
average in the experiment. No other visual deficiencies
were present in the participants and all had unimpaired
hearing. All participants had little to no musical experience
eliminating experts in tempo discernment.
participants had taken part in experiment I at least three
weeks prior to participation in this experiment.
Stimuli and Design
The only difference between the stimuli of this
experiment and of experiment I is that the visual and
auditory pulses were combined to make one audio-visual
pulse consisting of the 1.25cm black circle and 440hz
square wave tone in controlled synchrony for 125ms. The
same two conditions (decrease vs. increase) were used as in
experiment I as there were no other changes to the stimuli
between experiments. The use of E-prime experiment
generator software ensured the physical simultaneity and
congruency of the auditory and visual stimuli each
beginning and ending in parallel.
The procedure matched that of experiment I although
requiring half the time, about 30 minutes, due to the
combination of modalities. Participants were instructed
simply to press the mouse button if and when they detected
a change in frequency of the stimuli while ignoring
unchanged catch trials. Participants were not influenced to
add any unnatural attention towards visual or auditory
modalities as it was up to their discretion in how they
detected the changes in frequency. This is important to note
as it provides a natural approach to detection and does not
force unnatural attention to any particular modality. This, in
addition to non-competitive temporal frequencies, provides
a natural perception of frequencies as experienced outside of
the laboratory.
Experiment I: Separate Modalities
The data of four participants were withdrawn from analysis
after accuracy calculations showed that two had performed
under chance level as their d-prime analysis (d‟) resulted in
scores of less than 1.1 in all conditions within both
modalities. The other two participants were excluded from
analysis because they did not detect any changes in one of
the experimental conditions. The following results are from
the remaining 16 participants.
Dependent variables
included reaction time (RT), number of pulses to detect
temporal change (NoP), and accuracy of detection
(measured in percent-hits and d‟).
RT analysis
Reaction time analysis was based on correct responses
only. For a response to be correct, detection was required to
occur after the onset of frequency change. This eliminated
trials that did not feature a frequency change as well as trials
where participants signaled detection prematurely to the
programmed frequency change. RT was measured from the
point of frequency change in each stimulus to the point of
detection by the participant. For increases of frequency the
initial pulse after the increase is naturally presented sooner
than in baseline cycles allowing for immediate
discrimination from the baseline frequency. Decreases in
frequency, however, naturally present the initial pulse
following the decrease later than expected. For this reason,
all RT measurements in the decrease condition were tailored
by subtracting the baseline frequency interval (375ms) from
the final RT since it is impossible to detect this change in
frequency during this initial span of time. It is only after
this initial 375ms that the frequency actually changes in
decreases conditions as the empty interval become longer in
duration and timing mechanisms may begin to detect this
change in frequency. Table 1 shows mean RT and SD per
condition in both sensory modalities.
A 2 (Modality: visual vs. auditory) x 2 (Directionality:
decreases vs. increases) repeated measures analysis of
variance (ANOVA) on item and subject RT means resulted
in concurrence with preferred tempo research (Moelants,
2002) having no main effect of increases or decreases from
the 120 bpm (2Hz, 500ms interval) base frequency (Fi (1,
7)=0.84; p>0.7; Fs (1, 15)=0.23; p>0.8). Furthermore,
overall auditory detection of the frequency changes did not
differ from visual performance (Fi (1, 7)=2.98; p>0.1; Fs (1,
15)=4.26; p>0.056). An interaction was found between
modality (auditory vs. visual) and directionality (increase
vs. decrease) (Fi (1, 7)=14.26; p<0.006; Fs (1, 15)=14.29;
p<0.001) first showing that increase conditions did not
differ across modalities and secondly, RT was greater by
about 540ms for auditory-decrease conditions than visual
decreases which resided near the more quickly detected
increase conditions (p<0.005; Bonferroni test was used for
all post-hoc analysis in both experiments).
Pulse analysis
While RT analysis shows meaningful results, measuring
the number of pulses that transpire between frequency
change and detection is an additional measure of RT that
sheds light upon aspects of temporal perception and
especially music and cognition. RT alone does not describe
how many cycling stimuli were required to detect the
change in frequency. Additionally, pulse analysis is more
attributable towards cognitive models of duration
discrimination since those models measure accumulated
pulses while their output is dependent upon the pulse-count.
Furthermore, remembering that trials changed frequency
once and only once during observation, and understanding
that mean RT were considerably longer than one or two
cycles of each frequency, there is evidence that detection of
frequency change is holistic rather than direct comparison of
individual cycles. It might be the case that NoP is a richer
measurement of temporal processing in such a cyclical
experimental design in that it explicitly shows the number
of cycles needed before confidence is reached and signaled
in detecting a change in frequency.
Though measurements of RT and NoP should coincide,
there remains some variance between them due to how each
variable is measured. Counting cycles between signal and
detection results in a whole number whereas RT is measured
to the millisecond. For example, if participants signal
detection after the sixth cycle, there can be an RT variance
of up to 400ms depending on when the detection occurred
within the empty interval. Secondly, in conditions of
frequency decrease, fewer cycles will transpire in a fixed
amount of time than in conditions of frequency increase and
in comparison to baseline frequencies. These differences
should be considered in comparing literature using differing
systems of measurement. Future research would benefit
from the use of both measurements.
Number of pulses required to detect frequency change
was analyzed using correct responses resulting in the exact
same data set as the RT analysis. Pulses were counted after
the first changing empty interval. Table 1 shows mean NoP
and SD per condition in both sensory modalities. A 2
(Modality: visual vs. auditory) x 2 (Directionality: decreases
vs. increases) repeated measures analysis of variance
(ANOVA) on item and subject NoP means agreed with RT
findings showing no main effects of directionality (increase
vs. decrease) (Fi (1, 7)=0.90; p>0.3; Fs (1, 15)=1.78; p>0.2)
nor modality (auditory vs. visual) (Fi (1, 7)=2.27; p>0.1; Fs
(1, 15)=3.11; p>0.09). In further agreement with RT
measurements, the interaction between modality (auditory
vs. visual) and directionality (increase vs. decrease) (Fi (1,
7)=14.95; p<0.006; Fs (1, 15)=16.324; p<0.001) resulted in
greater NoP for the auditory-decrease condition than other
conditions, though not significantly different from visual
increase detection. This small discrepancy is most likely
due to properties of NoP measurement resulting in more
pulses for increase conditions compared to decrease
Experiment II: Combined Modalities
Data from three participants were removed from analysis
after accuracy calculations showed performance under
chance level for at least one condition. An additional two
participants were removed from analysis to match for
experiment I. The following results are from the remaining
16 participants.
Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) of
item and subject RT means (Fi (1, 7)=7.63; p<0.002; Fs (1,
15)=6.47; p<0.002) showed a main effect of directionality
(increase vs. decrease) resulting in faster detection of
decreases by ~250ms on average. Analysis of NoP had no
effect (Fi (1, 7)=2.27; p>0.1; Fs (1, 15)=1.46; p>0.2), as
there also was no effect for ANOVA analysis of accuracy
(Fi (1, 7)=0.01; p>0.9; Fs (1, 15)=0.002; p>0.9)
Table 1: means and standard deviations
RT (ms) (SD)
Experiment 1
Percent correct as well as d-prime (d‟) scores were
examined in analysis of accuracy while both measurements
were statistically analyzed separately. Here, „percent
correct‟ is defined as the percentage of experimental trials
where participants signaled a detection after the change of
frequency. In signal detection theory, these are known as
„percent hits‟. For a response to be correct, detection had to
be signaled after the experimentally manipulated onset of
frequency change and before the end of the stimulus,
exactly eight cycles after frequency change. Because d’
scores matched the accuracy measurements, they are not
reported herein. Due to the design of both experiments,
percent correct measurements are more appropriate than d’
Sixteen participants executing 240 trials each resulted in
3840 sets of data. Control conditions, or catch trials,
accounted for 768 of these trials, while masking conditions
accounted for 1536 trials. The remaining 1536 trials were
independent variable trials. From the control conditions,
featuring no change of frequency, 78% (598 trials) were
correctly rejected. From the frequency-change trials, 43%
(660 trials) were detected, 48% (731 trials) were missed by
participants, and 9% (145 trials) signaled detection prior to
the experimentally manipulated change of frequency.
Though these figures seem to hover at chance level of
performance, it should be noted that in similar designs, 5%
changes from similar baseline frequencies have been
detected (Jongsma, 2007).
Five percent change of
frequency is not easily detected even among professional
musicians (Danz & Janyan, 2009). Strategies of pure
guessing also would have resulted in a greater number of
incorrect detections prior to the experimentally manipulated
change. For a comparison with the much easier masking
trials, 30% increases were detected with 84% accuracy and
20% decreases with 85% accuracy.
A 2 (Modality: visual vs. auditory) x 2 (Directionality:
decreases vs. increases) repeated measures analysis of
variance (ANOVA) on item and subject accuracy means
obtained a main effect of directionality (increase vs.
decrease) resulting in much greater accuracy in the
frequency-increase conditions (Fi (1, 7)=427.25; p=0.000; Fs
(1, 15)=50.83; p=0.000). A main effect of modality
(auditory vs. visual) was also found resulting in auditory
frequencies having higher accuracy (Fi (1, 7)=14.96;
p<0.006; Fs (1, 15)=19.23; p<0.005). An interaction
between modalities and directionality explains these main
effects (Fi (1, 7)=427.25; p=0.000; Fs (1, 15)=63.67;
p=0.000) as the accuracy of detection of auditory-increases
far outperformed other conditions. Audition detected 5%
increases at a mean 75% success (p=0.000) while all other
conditions were detected at chance levels (24%-38%).
Among these conditions, auditory-decrease resulted in the
lowest accuracy of 24% (p<0.03).
Exp. 2
NoP (SD) Accuracy
Combined dec
Many multimodal investigations of temporal processing set
sensory representations in competition with one another to
determine how the mind best perceives and processes time.
One eye may have better vision than the other yet both
contribute to perception. Likewise, time is perceived
dynamically via many sensory organs and may even employ
embodied variables from the vestibular system (Trainor; 2009), gait and motion patterns, the inherent
rhythmicity of the heart, breathing patterns, and sleep
cycles, in order to develop a conscious experience of what
Newton claims to be an „equably flow without regard to
anything external‟. In the current study, multimodal
temporal frequencies were instead studied in parallel and in
congruency while being compared to the performance of
isolated sensory modalities.
The conditions of 5%
frequency change from a base frequency of 2Hz is
considered fairly difficult to detect yet this condition has
been used in other studies as well (Jongsma, 2007). In
separate modalities, the data herein conflicted with the
„preferred tempo‟ findings (Moelants, 2002) in that auditory
detection of frequency increases from a 120bpm base were
detected far more accurately than decreases, though RT
between these conditions did not differ significantly albeit a
slightly quicker detection of decreases by the visual
modality (see Table 1). Due to this strength of auditory
detection of 5% increases, the auditory modality
outperformed the visual modality in accurately detecting the
challenging condition, holding true to the bulk of literature
pointing towards the auditory system as dominant in
temporal perception.
However, when these modalities were presented in
parallel without competition, the dominance of the auditory
system became extinct and resulted in accuracies between
increase and decrease conditions that varied less that 1%
and resided near chance level. While the phenomenon of
auditory driving demonstrated the auditory system‟s ability
to overcome incompatible frequencies of the visual
modality, when these bimodal perceptions are presented in
parallel, the auditory system loses its drive as it gives way to
visual processing. Furthermore, decrease conditions for
auditory and visual modalities resulted in very low mean
accuracies (24% and 34% respectively) in experiment I.
However, in experiment II, with the combination of audition
and vision, these means almost doubled to 53% in both
conditions. This cannot be explained via auditory driving
since audition alone resulted in much lower accuracy than in
combination with vision.
This could point towards
integrative effects of multimodal perception and away from
the modality appropriate hypothesis.
With concerns to RT, the visual modality registered
decreases of frequency about 300ms on average faster than
increases while auditory detection did not significantly
differ between these conditions but registered detection of
decreases more than 500ms later than vision. In combined
modalities, the visual artifact was preserved as decreases
were detected about 250ms on average faster than increases
(see Table 1). Once again, auditory integration with the
visual system improved detection of temporal frequency
change when compared to audition alone.
While audition seems to lead perceptions of frequency in
isolation or in sensory conflict situations, parallel and
congruent multimodal frequencies demonstrate a more
integrative and dynamic representation of time.
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