Data Integration Challenges and Solutions for Life Science Industry

marketing initiative
Data Integration Challenges and Solutions for Life Science
n today’s globalized world, identifying • Increased regulatory compliance
compliance errors and data integrity
new markets, addressing the unmet These pressures are forcing the industry
challenges due to multiple places
where the same data is captured
demand, and delivering consistent t o d r i v e m a n u f a c t u r i n g o p e r a t i o n a l
business growth has become a top excellence through data integration
▶Managing product specific recipe
priority of business executives. The Life across the business.
elements while maintaining consistent
Sciences Industry, in both developed
operating philosophies can be timeand especially in emerging markets, Within this new environment, challenges
and often increases overall
has a tremendous growth opportunity abound. Many plants are operated with
time. Lack of a central
as unmet needs still abound and people many different systems that must either
introduces errors and
around the world are waiting for new and be updated manually or via integration of
can lead to material
better solutions.
many different systems. Often, in these
losses or delays in release.
types of plants, the paper batch record is
▶ P a r t i a l a u t o m a t i o n a d d r e s s e s
Emerging markets are defining themselves the glue that holds everything together.
challenges of specific equipment;
in this growth place; however, they have In this paradigm, these different levels
h o w e v e r, c o n n e c t i n g d a t a w i t h
a unique challenge of addressing wide of automation with the paper batch
the batch records still must be
customer profiles within highly cost record do not provide optimal, efficient
handled manually.
sensitive markets. This wide customer solutions for integrating business data
spectrum along with changing economics and ensuring data integrity.
• Islands of automation on different
of existing developed markets is applying
n e w p r e s s u r e s o n P h a r m a c e u t i c a l Data Integrity Challenges
▶M u l t i p l e c o n t r o l s y s t e m s c a n n o t
Manufacturers, including:
be designed based on plant-wide
• Price reduction
• Mixed Levels of Automation
standards posing greater challenges
• Diminishing profits
▶ H ybrid automation, a mix of manual
for data integration.
• Rising R&D cost
and automated processes, forces ▶This lack of consistency can also
• Manufacturing process excellence /
plants to maintain elaborate SOPs
be confusing to plant personnel and
and create manual records, increasing
be a potential source of deviations.
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Pharma Bio World
marketing initiative
Finding the resources to maintain the Without effective data management
disparate systems can be challenging systems, companies face recurring
as well.
issues in proving compliance, turning
▶Updating, modifying, or expanding d a t a i n t o a c t i o n a b l e i n f o r m a t i o n ,
several different automation systems and easily preparing for inspections
r e q u i r e s e x t e n s i v e p l a n n i n g a n d and audits.
is expensive.
▶ A mixed environment for managing the Save Time and Effort with Standardsproduct specific recipe changes when Based Data Connections
producing the next SKU increases
the overall batch cycle time due to “Digital Smart Field” is a common term
resolution of errors and deviations used to illustrate field device diagnostic
associated with these activities.
intelligence. These digital smart field
devices are not only responsible for
• Manual and paper process
measuring process parameters with
▶Both manual processes and paper required accuracy but also have the
records enable more opportunities capability to share diagnostic information
f o r m a n i p u l a t i n g t h e d a t a a n d over the same wires. Leveraging this
hence managing data integrity is a diagnostic information with the control
challenge. There is more opportunity system allows the diagnostic information
for data to get out of synch or be r e a c h t h e O p e r a t o r, M a i n t e n a n c e ,
revised inappropriately resulting in Production, and Enterprise levels.
compliance issues.
▶I n t h e m a n u a l b a t c h r e c o r d a n d Emerson’s DeltaV distributed control
manual process world, information system makes it easy to connect data
about batches in progress is not in the field. At the device level, the
readily available, causing delays in
decision making. Batch releases
are delayed when an investigation
requires review of data across
several batches.
▶There are more opportunities for
errors including missing data,
improper calculations, transposing
Enterprise Layer
of data, improper use of materials
• Data Representation
or equipment due to expiry dating or
Data management has serious
implications on a plant’s operations and
productivity. Data from field devices must
be communicated throughout the control
systems, manufacturing execution
systems, and enterprise business
systems. If data is lost or blocked at
any step in the data-chain, the plant’s
profitability will suffer. If data mapping
is too difficult and requires too much
maintenance, the lifecycle costs balloon.
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Enterprise Layer
• Data Representation
Enterprise Layer
• Data Representation
Enterprise Layer
• Data Representation
other mix-ups that are common when
there is no electronic check.
DeltaV system provides plug-and-play
capability for runtime and diagnostics
in a variety of standard protocols:
fieldbus, DeviceNet, and Profibus
DP. DeltaV SIS, although a separate
architecture, integrates seamlessly
with the DeltaV system to provide
process safety that is managed from
the same engineering, operations, and
maintenance tools.
The DeltaV system makes it easy to
connect to enterprise business systems.
Industry standard OPC along with SOA
web services have been built-in to
provide connections to Emerson’s MES,
Syncade Suite, and other production
level systems anywhere on the network.
Data integration with the DeltaV system
links data between the field and
business systems with minimal setup
time. Decision makers at every level in
the plant - from engineering, operations,
and production - can get the critical
data they need, reliably, securely, and
in real time. With Syncade, integration
to existing SCADA systems or PLCs
as well as integration with the DeltaV
system is easy.
Top process industry manufacturers
are transitioning from paper-based to
electronically executed manufacturing
operations in order to increase production
efficiency and quality. Configurable
solutions that manage process plant
production, quality and maintenance
activities are delivering desired results.
Emerson’s Syncade software manages
process manufacturing operations,
providing solutions for material tracking,
order management, manufacturing
p r o c e d u r e w o r k f l o w, s y s t e m s
integration and data visualization, and
document management.
By delivering technology at levels
1-3 of the ISA95 architecture and
designing tight integration between the
Pharma Bio World
marketing initiative
Figure 2: Emerson Manufacturing Digital Integration Solution
levels, Emerson delivers an optimized
architecture for vertical data integration.
From smart field devices at level one
to process control at level two and
asset management and operations
management at level three, the data from
your technology investment is delivered
to the right people to enable quick and
effective decision making.
sent to decision makers responsible for
production. Data integration provides
complete visibility into the state of the
plant to those who need to know.
and connects the controllers directly
to the equipment. This reduces costly
data-entry errors during start-up and
maintenance activities.
Benefits of Vertical Data Integration
With Syncade, the batch record
information is readily available.
Information about a given batch is
available at any given moment – what
equipment is used, where the batch
currently is in the process, etc.
Share Real-Time Process Updates With
All Decision Makers: Using the standard
OPC protocol and robust Web Services,
the DeltaV system connects to any
layer of the manufacturing environment.
Updates from processing data can be
Eliminate Manual Data-Mapping
Errors: The DeltaV system’s plug-andplay design with field devices allows
operating and diagnostic data to start
flowing with minimal configuration. The
system removes the data-mapping step
Mapping the product specific set points
based on a recipe become even simpler
when you add Syncade as part of the
overall solution. With change control
capabilities, you can manage the product
specific parameters to produce many
SKUs with one parameterized recipe.
Pharma Bio World
Streamline Business Processes:
The DeltaV and Syncade systems
allow management teams to react to
changing market demands and modify
order information by sending a request
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