ALGEBRAIC DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTER VARIETIES ADAM S. SIKORA Abstract. We find finite, reasonably small, explicit generator sets of the coordinate rings of G-character varieties of finitely generated groups for all classical groups G. This result together with the method of Gröbner basis gives an algorithm for describing character varieties by explicit polynomial equations. For a reductive group G over a field K, denote the G-character variety of a finitely generated group Γ by XG (Γ). For every γ ∈ Γ and for every representation φ : G → GL(n, K), there is a regular map τφ,γ : XG → K sending the equivalence class of ρ : Γ → G to tr(φρ(γ)). We prove that functions of this form do not generate the coordinate rings of SO(2n, K)-character varieties. We discuss the generating sets over fields of arbitrary characteristics. 1. Character Varieties We will assume throughout the paper that G is an affine reductive group over an algebraically closed field K of characteristic zero and that Γ is a (discrete) group generated by γ1 , ..., γN . The space of all G-representations of Γ forms an algebraic subset, Hom(Γ, G), of GN , called the G-representation variety of Γ. The group G acts on this set by conjugating representations and the categorical quotient of that action XG (Γ) = Hom(Γ, G)//G is the G-character variety of Γ, c.f. [S2] and the references within. With Hom(Γ, G) and XG (Γ), there are naturally associated algebraic schemes Hom(Γ, G) and XG (Γ) = Hom(Γ, G)//G such that the coordinate rings, K[Hom(Γ, G)] and K[XG (Γ)], are nil-radical quotients of the algebras of global sections K[Hom(Γ, G)] and K[XG (Γ)], c.f. [S2]. Due to ubiquitous applications of character varieties in low-dimensional topology, geometry, gauge theory, and quantum field theories one is interested in an explicit description of them by polynomial equations, or, equivalently a description of K[X(Γ, G)] and of K[X (Γ, G)] by generators and relations. In this paper we describe generating sets of these rings for all classical G and all Γ. We do not discuss here the second part of the problem: finding complete sets of relations between generator sets. An algorithmic solution to this problem is given by the theory of Gröbner basis. (However, due to its computational complexity, this method may be difficult to be employed in practice.) Let T be a maximal torus in G. Key words and phrases. character variety, moduli space. 1 2 ADAM S. SIKORA Example 1. ([St, 6.4], [S2, Example 42]) If G is connected then XG (Z) = T /W, where T /W is the quotient of T by the action of the Weyl group of G. Consequently, K[XG (Z)] is isomorphic to the representation ring of G. For a matrix group G ⊂ GL(n, K) we define τγ : XG (Γ) → K by τγ (ρ) = tr(ρ(γ)). Throughout this paper we will consider the classical groups as specific matrix groups: O(n, K) = {A ∈ GL(n, K) : AAT = I}, SO(n, K) = O(n, K) ∩ SL(n, K), and Sp(n, K) = {A ∈ GL(n, K) : AJAT =J} where n is even and J is a non0 In/2 degenerate skew-symmetric matrix,eg. J = . −In/2 0 Our main results are Theorems 6,8,9, 10 giving efficient descriptions of coordinate rings of character varieties. In particular, they imply the following: Theorem 2. (1) For G = SL(n, K), Sp(n, K), O(n, K), for any n and for G = SO(n, K) for n odd, K[XG (Γ)] is generated by τγ , where subscript gammas are ±1 words in γ1±1 , ..., γN length at most n2 . (For G = O(n, K), SO(n, K), the choice of specific J as above, does not matter.) (2) For all n for which Kuzmin’s conjecture holds, c.f. [Ku], (in particular, for n ≤ 4), it is enough to consider such words of length at most n+1 2 . (3) If Γ is abelian, then it is sufficient to consider above words of length at most n only. (4) For G = SL(n, K) it is enough to consider words γ of length specified above, composed of positive powers of γ1 , ..., γN only. Because of the epimorphism K[XG (Γ)] K[XG (Γ)] any generating set of K[XG (Γ)] is a generating set of K[XG (Γ)] as well. For example, parts (3) and (4) of the above theorem imply that K[XSL(2,K) (Γ)] is generated by τγi , τγi γj , τγi γj γk , for i, j, k ∈ {1, ..., N }. The following is left as an exercise for the reader: Proposition 3. If Γ is generated by γ1 , ..., γN and K[XSL(n,K) (Γ)] is generated by τγ , for gammas in some set B ⊂ Γ then K[XGL(n,K) (Γ)] is generated by τγ , for γ ∈ B and by the functions σ1 , ..., σN , where σi (ρ) = det(ρ(γi ))−1 . (Since the algebraic group GL(n, K) is composed of elements of (M, d) ∈ M (n, K) × K such that det(M ) · d = 1, the function d = det−1 is regular on GL(n, K).) For even n, the generators of XSO(n,K) (Γ) are more difficult to describe. Consider a function Qn : M (n, K)n/2 → K, on the Cartesian product of n/2 n × n matrix algebras, given for n/2 matrices A, B, ..., Z by P Qn (A, B, ..., Z) = σ∈Sn sn(σ)(Aσ(1),σ(2) −Aσ(2),σ(1) )(Bσ(3),σ(4) −Bσ(4),σ(3) )... (1) (Zσ(n−1),σ(n) − Zσ(n),σ(n−1) ), where Mj,k is the (j, k)-th entry of a matrix M and sn(σ) = ±1 is the sign of σ. ALGEBRAIC DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTER VARIETIES 3 Observe that Qn is a multi-linear, symmetric function such that Qn (X, ..., X) is 2n/2 (n/2)! times the Pfaffian of X −X T . A function with these properties is unique. It is the “full polarization” of 2n/2 (n/2)!P f (X − X T ). The function Hom(Γ, SO(n, K)) → K sending ρ to Qn (ρ(γ1 ), ..., ρ(γn )) is a polynomial function invariant under conjugation by elements of SO(n, K). Therefore, it factors to a function on XSO(n,K) (Γ) which we denote by Qn (γ1 , ..., γn/2 ). Theorem 4. For n even, K[XSO(n,K) (Γ)] is generated by τγ where γ’s are words of length at most n2 and by Qn (w1 , ..., wn/2 ), for all possible words w1 , ..., wn/2 of length at most n2 − 1 in which the number of inverses is not larger than half the length of the word. Functions τγ do not generate K[XSO(n,K) (Γ)] alone. Consider, for example, m = 1 and Γ = Z. Let ρ, ρ0 : Z → SO(2, K) send 1 to 1 x + x−1 i(x − x−1 ) A= ∈ SO(2, K) −i(x − x−1 ) x + x−1 2 and to AT , respectively, for some x 6= ±1. Since Q2 (ρ) = 4(x − x−1 ) 6= Q2 (ρ0 ), [ρ] and [ρ0 ] are distinct points of XSO(2) (Z). However [ρ] and [ρ0 ] are not distinguished by τγ for any γ ∈ Z. In fact, we believe that a much stronger result holds. For every representation φ : G → GL(n, K) and for every γ ∈ Γ, τγ,φ ([ρ]) = tr(φρ(γ)) defines a regular function τγ,φ : XG (Γ) → K. Conjecture 5. For G = SO(2m, K), m > 1, and every free group Γ of rank ≥ 1, K[XG (Γ)] is not generated by τγ,φ for all γ ∈ Γ and all G-representations φ. Acknowledgments: We would like to thank S. Lawton for helpful conversations. He has proved versions of some of the results of this paper as well, independently of us. 2. SL(n)-Character Varieties The result of this section (albeit technical) provides a very efficient system of generators of K[XSL(n,K) (Γ)]. We say that a set of generators s1 , ..., sN of a semigroup S is homogenous if there is a homomorphism of semigroups deg : S → N = {1, 2, ...} called the degree map such that deg(si ) = 1 for all i. (Note that such S never has an identity.) Let Sd = {γ ∈ S : deg(γ) ≤ d}. Let I be the two-sided ideal in KS generated by elements z n for all z ∈ KS. Let B ⊂ S be such that B ∩ Sd spans KSd /KSd ∩ I for all d ∈ N. Let Br ⊂ B be the set of those elements of B which are words in s1 , ..., sr for 1 ≤ r ≤ N. Theorem 6. Let S be a semigroup with a homogeneous generating set s1 , ..., sN . If η : S → Γ is an epimorphism of semigroups, then K[XSL(n,K) (Γ)] is generated by 4 ADAM S. SIKORA τγ , for γ ∈ η(B), where B = {s1 , ..., sN } ∪ N [ Br · sr , r=1 for any B as above. In practice, B can be constructed inductively by taking B0 = ∅ and Bd+1 to be a minimal set of elements of Sd+1 containing Bd and spanning KSd+1 /KSd+1 ∩ I. Every group Γ is an image of a semigroup S with a homogenous generating set. Indeed, one can take S to be a free semigroup on s1 , ..., s2N and send s1 , ..., sN to the generators of Γ and sN +1 , ..., s2N to their inverses. However, sometimes a smaller S exists. The nilpotency index, ν(A), of an algebra A is the smallest integer r such that the product of every r elements of A vanishes. By Nagata-Higman theorem, ν(KS/I) is finite. Furthermore, by [Ra] (page 759 in English translation), ν(KS/I) ≤ n2 . Therefore, one can take B to be the sets of all elements in S of degree at most n2 − 1. This implies part (3) of Theorem 2 and, hence, part (1) for G = SL(n, K) as well. Kuzmin’s conjecture, stating that n+1 ν(KS/I) = 2 for all n, [Ku], implies part (2) of Theorem 2 for G = SL(n, K). His conjecture holds for n ≤ 4, [Du, VL]. Corollary 7. (1) For every Γ generated by γ1 , ..., γN , K[XSL(2,K) (Γ)] is generated by τγi , for i = 1, .., N, τγi γj for i < j and τγi γj γk , for i < j < k. (2) If Γ is an abelian then K[XSL(2,K) (Γ)] is generated by τγi , for i = 1, .., N, and τγi γj for i < j. Proof. (1) Let S be the free semigroup on s1 , ..., s2N and let η : S → Γ send −1 s1 , ..., sN to γ1 , ..., γN and s1 , ..., sN to γ1−1 , ..., γN . Since the nilpotency index of KS/I is 3 for n = 2, we can take B = {s1 , ..., s2N , si sj , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 2N }. si sj + sj si = s2i + si sj + sj si + s2j = (si + sj )2 = 0 implies sj si = −si sj in KS/I. Therefore, we can assume i < j for si sj in B and, hence, B = {si , for i = 1, ..., 2N, si sj , for i ≤ j, si sj sk , for i < j ≤ k}. τα−1 Since = τα and ταβ −1 = τα τβ − ταβ , Theorem 6 yields the generators of the Corollary, with the possibility of j = k. However, since ταβ 2 = τβ ταβ + τα for all α, β ∈ Γ, the statement follows. (2) Let S be the free abelian semigroup on generators s1 , ..., s2N and let η : S → Γ be as above. Since s2i + si sj + sj si + s2j = (si + sj )2 = 0, sj si = 0 in KS/I. By taking B = {s1 , ..., s2N }, we get B = {si , i = 1, .., N, si sj , for i ≤ j}. Since τγ 2 = τγ2 − 2 we can assume that i < j in η(B) and the statement follows. ALGEBRAIC DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTER VARIETIES 5 3. Sp(n, K)- and O(n, K)-character varieties We say that a semigroup S has an involution ∗ : S → S iff s∗∗ = s and (st)∗ = t∗ s∗ for all s, t ∈ S. We say that s1 , ..., sN in S are homogeneous generators of a semigroup with involution S iff s1 , ..., sN , s∗1 , ..., s∗N are homogeneous generators of S as a semigroup. In particular, deg(s) = deg(s∗ ) then for every s ∈ S. Let S be a semigroup with involution with homogeneous generators s1 , ..., sN . As before, let I be the two sided ideal in KS generated by the n-th powers of all elements. Let Sd = {s ∈ S : deg(s) ≤ d}. Let B ⊂ S be such that B ∩ Sd spans KSd /KSd ∩ I for all d ∈ N. Let Br ⊂ B be the set of those elements of B which are words in s1 , ..., sr , s∗1 , ..., s∗r for 1 ≤ r ≤ N. Every group Γ is a semigroup with an involution γ ∗ = γ −1 . Theorem 8. Let G = Sp(n, K), O(n, K) for any n or G = SO(n, K) for odd n. Then for every epimorphism of semigroups with involution η : S → Γ, K[XG (Γ)] is generated by τγ , for γ ∈ η(B), where B = {s1 , ..., sN } ∪ N [ Br · sr , r=1 for any B as above. Theorem 8 implies Theorem 2 for G = Sp(n, K), O(n, K) and G = SO(n, K) for n odd. Indeed, if S is the free semigroup on s1 , ..., sN , s∗1 , ..., s∗N then, as before, one can take B to be the sets of all elements in S of degree at most n2 − 1. Theorem 8 can be strengthened further for symplectic groups. For n even, let I s be the two sided ideal in KS generated by the n/2-th powers of all symmetric elements, (x+x∗ )n/2 , x ∈ KS. Let B s ⊂ S be such that B s ∩Sd spans KSd /KSd ∩I s for all d ∈ N. Let Brs ⊂ B be the set of those elements of B which are words in s1 , ..., sr , s∗1 , ..., s∗r . Theorem 9. For every epimorphism of semigroups with involution η : S → Γ, K[XSp(n,K) (Γ)] is generated by τγ , for γ ∈ η(B s ), where B s = {s1 , ..., sN } ∪ N [ Brs · sr , r=1 for any B s as above. By [P2, Thm 8.10.2], I ⊂ I s . Therefore, any set B as above is also a B s set. For G = SO(n, K) for n even the description of generators is more complicated. Let M ⊂ B be such that {s − s∗ : s ∈ M} spans the space {s − s∗ : s ∈ KB} In particular, one can take M to be the subset of B composed of elements s0i1 ....s0id where s0i is either si or s∗i and the number of stared si ’s is not larger than the number of the non-stared ones. Theorem 10. Let n be even. For every epimorphism of semigroups with involution η : S → Γ, K[XSO(n,K) (Γ)] is generated by τγ for γ ∈ η(B) defined in Theorem 8 and by Qn (µ1 , ..., µn/2 ), for all possible µ1 , ..., µn/2 ∈ η(M). (Qn was defined by (1)). Since KS/I is spanned by monomials in s1 , ..., sN , s∗1 , ..., s∗N of degree at most n − 1, Theorem 4 follows. Recall that there are two representations D+ , D− of SO(n, K) which ... 2 6 ADAM S. SIKORA The representation ring of SO(n, K) is generated by the defining rep and D+ , S− . They satisfy the following relations. Q is a multilinearization or polarization of D+ − D− . 4. Proof of Theorem 6 L∞ Recall that a K algebra R is graded if R = k=0 Rk as a vector space and Rk · Rl ⊂ Rk+l . An element of R is homogeneous if it belongs to Rk for some k. All graded algebras in this paper are connected, i.e. R0 = K. An element r ∈ R has Ld L degree d if d is the smallest index such that r ∈ k=0 Rk . We will denote k>0 Rk by R+ . The following lemma will be useful Lemma 11. If R is a graded ring with a given set of its generators which are homogeneous elements, then every element of degree d in R+ · R+ is a polynomial in generators of degree < d. Proof. By splitting elements of R+ into Psums of homogenous elements, every element of R+ · R+ can be written as r = i si · ti , where all si , ti are homogeneous of positive degree. After P eliminating all summands such that deg si + deg ti > deg r, the equality r = i si · ti still holds and deg si , deg ti < deg r for all i. Now the statement follows from the fact that each homogeneous element x is a polynomial in homogeneous generators of degree ≤ deg(x). Remark 12. Throughout the paper we will often use the following fact: If a reductive group G acts on K-algebras A and B such that an epimorphism φ : A → B is G-equivariant then φ restricts to a G-equivariant epimorphism AG → B G . This follows from the existence of Reynolds operators ∇ : A → AG and ∇ : B → B G which are are onto and from the commutativity of the following diagram: φ A → ∇↓ AG φ → B ↓∇ BG Let Cn,N = K[ai,j,k : i = 1, ..., N, j, k = 1, ..., n]. (The letter “C” stands for the fact that this will be our ring of coefficients.) Let F SG(s1 , ..., sN ) be the free semigroup on these generators. By “abstract nonsense” argument there exists a unique universal quotient, P (S), of Cn,N such that the homomorphism of semi-groups Ψ : F SG(s1 , ..., sN ) → M (n, Cn,N ) sending s1 , ..., sN to A1 = (a1,∗,∗ ), ..., AN = (aN,∗,∗ ) ∈ M (n, Cn,N ) composed with the natural projection M (n, Cn,N ) → M (n, P (S)) factors to a homomorphism (2) Ψ : S → M (n, P (S)), which we denote by the same letter, Ψ. (“Universal” means that every other such quotient factors through this one.) Here is a concrete construction of P (S) : as every semi-group, S has a presentation S = hs1 , ..., sN | r1,i = r2,i , i ∈ Ii . Then P (S) is the quotient of Cn,N by the ideal generated by n2 polynomial entries of the matrix Ψ(r1,i ) − Ψ(r2,i ) taken for every i ∈ I. ALGEBRAIC DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTER VARIETIES 7 Since s1 , ..., sN are homogeneous generators of S, deg(r1,i ) = deg(r2,i ) for each i. Therefore, the grading on Cn,N descends to a grading on P (S). (Hence the image of every ai,j,k in P (S) has degree 1.) This grading will be important later. Indeed, its existence is the reason we considered homogenous generators of Γ in the first place. In [S2], we have defined the universal representation algebras R(Γ, G) for algebraic groups G. (See also [S1], for G = SL(n, K).) By their definition, R(Γ, G) = K[Hom(Γ, G)]. By the universality of P (S), we have a natural homomorphism P (S) → R(Γ, G). Let G = SL(n, K). Since Cn,N is the coordinate ring of M (n, K)N (the Cartesian product of N copies of M (n, K)), the SL(n, K) action on M (n, K)N by conjugation, induces an SL(n, K) action on Cn,N . This action descends to an action on P (S) and on R(Γ, G). Since by the definition of categorical quotient R(Γ, G)G = K[Hom(Γ, G)]G = K[XG (Γ)], we have an epimorphism P (S)G → R(Γ, G)G = K[XG (Γ)]. by Remark 12. By abuse of notation, denote the images of A1 , ..., AN under the projection M (n, Cn,N ) → M (n, P (S)) by the same symbols. Let T (S) be the subalgebra of P (S) generated by the traces of monomials in A1 , ..., AN ∈ M (n, P (S)). Clearly, T (S) ⊂ P (S)G . Lemma 13. T (S) = P (S)G . G Proof. By [P1, P2], Cn,N is generated by the traces of monomials in A1 , ..., AN ∈ M (n, Cn,N ). Now the statement follows from the fact that P (S) is a G-equivariant quotient of Cn,N and from Remark 12. By abuse of notation, denote the set of monomials in A1 , ..., AN in M (n, P (S)) corresponding to the elements of B ⊂ S via the map (2) by the same symbol, B. In order for the above discussion to imply Theorem 6, we need to show that T (S) is generated by traces of monomials in B. We are going to do it by induction on the degree. Proposition 14. For every monomial M of degree d > 1 in variables A1 , ..., AN , tr(M ) belongs to the K-subalgebra of P (S)G generated by the traces of monomials in Ψ(B) and by the traces of monomials in A1 , ..., AN of degree < d. Proof. Identify P (S) with the scalar matrices in M (n, P (S)). Let S(S) be the T (S)-subalgebra of M (n, P (S)) generated by the matrices A1 , ..., AN . Note that T (S) is a graded subalgebra of P (S). Additionally M (n, P (S)) is a graded algebra, with a matrix having degree k iff all its entries are of degree k in P (S). In particular, deg Ai1 ...Aik = k. S(S) is a graded subalgebra of M (n, P (S)). Define T (S)+ ⊂ T (S) and S(S)+ ⊂ S(S) to be the subalgebras without identity spanned by the elements of positive degree. Hence, T (S) = T (S)+ ⊕ K and S(S) = S(S)+ ⊕ K. The homomorphism (2) restricts to an epimorphism Ψ : KS → S(S)+ 8 ADAM S. SIKORA sending si to Ai . Lemma 15. Ψ(I) ⊂ T (S)+ S(S). Proof. Every element of Ψ(I) is a sum of elements XY n Z, where X, Z ∈ S(S) and Y ∈ S(S)+ . The matrix Y ∈ S(S)+ satisfies its characteristic polynomial n Y + n−1 X ci Y i = 0, i=0 with c0 , ..., cn−1 ∈ T (S), since they are conjugation invariant. Furthermore, they belong to T (S)+ since each ci is homogeneous of degree n − i in the entries of Y ∈ S(S)+ . Hence, XY n Z = − n−1 X ci XY i Z ∈ T (S)+ S(S). i=0 Let M = Ai1 ....Aid , for some i1 , .., id ∈ {1, ..., N }, d > 1. Let r = M ax{i1 , ..., id }. Since T r(Ai1 ...Aid ) is invariant under a cyclic permutation of Ai1 , ...., Aid , we can assume that id = r. By the definition of B, X (3) si1 ...sid−1 = cs · s + C, s∈B, deg s≤d−1 where cs ∈ K and C ∈ I. By multiplying both sides of (4) by sid , applying Ψ and then taking trace, we get X T r(M ) = T r(Ai1 ...Aid ) = cs · T r(Ψ(s)Ar ) + T r(Ψ(C)Ar ). s∈B, deg s≤d−1 Note that Ψ(s)Ar ∈ B for s ∈ B and that T r(Ψ(C)Ar ) is an element of degree ≤ d in T (S). Furthermore, by Lemma 15, T r(Ψ(C)Ar ) ∈ T r(T (S)+ S(S)Ar ) = T r(T (S)+ S(S)+ ) = T (S)+ · T r(S(S)+ ) = T (S)+ · T (S)+ . Since the traces of monomials in A1 , ..., AN are homogeneous generators of T (S), Lemma 11 implies that T r(Ψ(C)Ar ) is polynomial in traces of monomials of degree < d. This completes the proof of Theorem 14. 5. Proof of Theorem 8 The proof is an adaptation of the proof of Theorem 6. Let G = Sp(n, K), O(n, K), for any n or G = SO(n, K) for odd n. As before, let F SG(s1 , ..., sN , s∗1 , ..., s∗N ) be the free semigroup on s1 , ..., sN , s∗1 , ..., s∗N (and, hence, the free semigroup with involution on s1 , ..., sN ). Consider M (n, Cn,N ) as a semigroup with the symplectic involution, A∗ = JAT J −1 , for G symplectic and with the orthogonal involution, A∗ = AT , for G orthogonal and special orthogonal. Let Ψ : F SG(s1 , ..., sN , s∗1 , ..., s∗N ) → M (n, Cn,N ) ALGEBRAIC DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTER VARIETIES 9 be a homomorphism of semigroups with involution sending si to Ai = (ai,∗,∗ ) Let P (S) be the universal quotient of Cn,N such that Ψ composed with M (n, Cn,N ) → M (n, P (S)) factors to Ψ : S → M (n, P (S)). Since S has a homogenous set of generators, the grading on Cn,N descends to a grading on P (S). As before, we have a natural epimorphism P (S) → R(Γ, G) = K[Hom(Γ, G)]. The G action on M (n, K)N by conjugation defines a G action on Cn,N , which descends to an action on P (S) and on Rep(Γ, G). By Remark 12, P (S)G → R(Γ, G)G = K[XG (Γ)]. is an epimorphism. By abuse of notation, denote the images of A1 , ..., AN , A∗1 , ..., A∗N ∈ M (n, Cn,N ) in M (n, P (S)) (under the natural projection) by the same symbols. Let T (S) be the subalgebra of P (S) generated by the traces of monomials in these matrices. Then T (S) = P (S)G , by [P1, Thm 10.1], [P2, Sec 11.8.2]. Therefore, in order to establish Theorem 8 it is enough to prove that T (S) is generated by traces of monomials in B. That will follow by induction on the degree of monomials, from the following proposition. (The degree of a monomial is the number of components Ai and A∗i in it.) Proposition 16. For every monomial M of degree d in variables A1 , ..., AN , A∗1 , ..., A∗N , tr(M ) belongs to the K-subalgebra of T (S) generated by the traces of monomials in Ψ(B) and by the traces of monomials of degree < d. The proof of this proposition is almost identical to that of Proposition 14. Let M = A0i1 ....A0id , for some i1 , .., id ∈ {1, ..., N }, d > 1, where A0i is either Ai or A∗i . Let r = M ax{i1 , ..., id }. Since tr(M ) = tr(M ∗ ), one can replace M with M ∗ without loss of generality. Therefore, we can assume that there is at least one component Ar (without the star) in that monomial. Since T r(Ai1 ...Aid ) is invariant under a cyclic permutation of its components, we can assume that id = r. By the definition of B, X (4) si1 ...sid−1 = cs · s + C, s∈B, deg s≤d−1 where cs ∈ K and C ∈ I. By multiplying both sides of (4) by sid , applying Ψ and then taking trace, we get X T r(M ) = T r(A0i1 ...A0id ) = cs · T r(Ψ(s)Ar ) + T r(Ψ(C)Ar ). s∈B, deg s≤d−1 The completion of the proof is identical to that of Proposition 14. 6. Proof of Theorem 9 The proof is identical to that of Theorems 8, except that one replaces Lemma 15 with the following one: Lemma 17. Ψ(I s ) ⊂ T (S)+ S(S). 10 ADAM S. SIKORA Proof. Every element of Ψ(I s ) is a sum of elements X(Y + Y ∗ )n/2 Z, where X, Z ∈ S(S) and Y ∈ S(S)+ . For n even and M ∈ M (n, K) invariant under the symplectic involution, P fM (λ) = P f ((λI − M )J) is called the characteristic Pfaffian of M. (Here I is the identity matrix and J the skew-symmetric matrix defined before.) Let n−1 X n P fM (λ) = λ + ci λi i=0 be the characteristic Pfaffian of M = X + X ∗ . Since every matrix invariant under the symplectic involution satisfies its characteristic Pfaffian equation, P fM (M ) = 0, c.f. [P2, Sec 11.8.7]. The coefficients c0 , ..., cn−1 belong to P (S)G = T (S), since they are conjugation invariant. Furthermore, they belong to T (S)+ since each ci is homogeneous of degree n − i in the entries of M ∈ S(S)+ . Hence, n−1 X X(Y + Y ∗ )n Z = − ci X(Y + Y ∗ )i Z ∈ T (S)+ S(S). i=0 7. Proof of Theorem 10 Let G = SO(2n). Let ... be defined us in the proof of Theorem 8. Let T (S) be the subalgebra of P (S) generated by the traces of monomials in matrices A1 , ..., AN , A∗1 , ..., A∗N ∈ M (n, P (S)). Unlike for other classical groups, T (S) ⊂ P (S)G is usually a proper embedding. The proof of Theorem 8 implies that T (S) is generated by the traces of matrices in Ψ(B). (Note that Lemma 15 holds here – since c0 , ..., cn−1 are not only SO(n, K) invariant but also O(n, K) invariant, they belong to T (S).) Proposition 18. (1) P (S)G is generated by T (S) and by the values of Qn (M1 , ..., Mn/2 ) for all M1 , ..., Mn/2 in S(S). (2) It is enough to consider M1 , ..., Mn/2 ∈ B only. Proof. (1) By Remark 12, the natural projection M (n, Cn,N )G → P (S)G is onto. Therefore, it is enough to prove that statement for the semigroup M (n, Cn,N ) with involution M ∗ = M T . That was done in [P2, Sec 11.8.2]. We will prove (2) by contradiction: Denote by T 0 (S) the subalgebra of P (S)G generated by T (S) and by the values of Qn (M1 , ..., Mn/2 ) for M1 , ..., Mn/2 ∈ B only. Assume that T 0 (S) 6= T (S). Let (d1 , ..., dn/2 ) ∈ Nn/2 be the smallest element in the lexicographic order such that there exist monomials M1 , ..., Mn/2 of degrees d1 , ..., dn/2 such that Qn (M1 , ..., Mn/2 ) 6∈ T 0 (S). We can assume that at least one Mi is not in Ψ(B). Let us assume that it is the first one for the simplicity of notation. Abbreviate d1 to d. Then M1 = A0i1 ...A0id . By definition of B, X s0i1 ...s0id = cs · s + C, s∈B, deg s≤d where C ∈ I. ALGEBRAIC DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTER VARIETIES 11 By applying Ψ we get (5) M1 = X cs · Ψ(s) + Ψ(C). s∈B, deg s≤d By Lemma 15, (6) Ψ(C) = X Tj · Xj , j where Tj ∈ T + (S), Xj ∈ S(S). Furthermore, by splitting each Tj , Xj into a sum of homogeneous summands if necessary, we can assume that all Tj , Xj are homogeneous with respect to the grading on T (S) and on S(S). Finally, we can remove all summands Tj Xj of degree greater than d from the right side of (6) without loss of validity of that equation. Therefore, (5) combined with (6) expresses M1 as a sum of terms of the form T X where T ∈ T (S), X ∈ S(S) and and either X ∈ Ψ(B) or deg X < d. Since elements of T (S) are scalar matrices in S(S) and Qn is multilinear, Qn (M1 , ..., Mn/2 ) can be expressed as a sum of terms T ·Qn (X, M2 , ..., Mn/2 ) with deg X < deg M1 . Therefore, Qn (X, M2 , ..., Mn/2 ) 6∈ T 0 (S), for at least one such X of degree < d – contradicting the initial assumption. 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