Biological Conservation 186 (2015) 176–186 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Biological Conservation journal homepage: Witnessing extinction – Cumulative impacts across landscapes and the future loss of an evolutionarily significant unit of woodland caribou in Canada Chris J. Johnson a,⇑, Libby P.W. Ehlers b, Dale R. Seip c a b c Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute, University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, Prince George, British Columbia V2N 4Z9, Canada Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Graduate Program, University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, Prince George, British Columbia V2N 4Z9, Canada Ecosystem Protection and Sustainability Branch, British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Prince George, British Columbia V2L 3H9, Canada a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 7 November 2014 Received in revised form 5 March 2015 Accepted 10 March 2015 Keywords: Cumulative impacts Extinction Habitat Population decline Rangifer Resource selection a b s t r a c t Habitat change is a major driver of species distribution and persistence, but there have been few recorded extinction events for terrestrial mammals across Canada. Currently, we are observing the decline, extirpation, and perhaps extinction of several evolutionarily significant units of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), an iconic and cultural keystone species. We used an extensive set of caribou locations (5 subpopulations, 102 animals, 270,808 GPS-collar locations) collected over 11 years within the Central Mountain Designatable Unit to develop species distribution models that quantified avoidance by caribou of anthropogenic and natural disturbance features. Those empirical relationships allowed us to measure the loss of habitat over a 22-year period and correlate habitat change with measured population decline. The disturbance responses for caribou were complex and varied by season and subpopulation. We modelled a zone of influence for roads (1.75 km), seismic and pipelines (2.5 km), oil and gas features (4.25 km), cutblocks (5.5 km), burns (8.0 km), and coal mines (3.0 km). When the distribution models for each subpopulation were applied to the respective seasonal ranges, we measured a maximum loss in high-quality habitat of 65.9%. The reduction in habitat was strongly correlated with the annual multiplicative growth rate of 5 subpopulations of caribou. At current rates of habitat loss and population decline, these caribou, a significant component of Canada’s biodiversity, are unlikely to persist. Although the factors leading to extinction are complex, the cumulative impacts of industrial development are a correlative if not causative factor. Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Habitat change is cited as one of the most influential causes of the deepening biodiversity crisis (Pimm et al., 2014). Although a logical outcome, there are few contemporary extinction events for mammalian fauna that can be empirically related to this process (Loehle and Eschenbach, 2012). This is especially the case when considering broadly distributed terrestrial mammals found in the developed nations. Canada is a case in point. A country rich in both economic wealth and capacity for conserving and managing biological diversity, Canada has recorded the extinction of only three mammalian species or other evolutionary unit (SAR Public Registry, 2014). Dawson caribou (Rangifer tarandus dawsoni), an ⇑ Corresponding author at: Ecosystem Science and Management Program, University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, Prince George, British Columbia V2N 4Z9, Canada. Tel.: +1 250 960 5357. E-mail address: (C.J. Johnson). 0006-3207/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. island endemic, was the last subspecies declared extinct; however, habitat loss from human activities was likely not a leading causal factor. Approximately 80 years after the extinction of the Dawson caribou, we are witnessing the loss of a second subspecies of Rangifer, woodland caribou (R.t. caribou; Festa-Bianchet et al., 2011). Significant contractions in distribution across southern Canada can be traced to the late 19th and early 20th centuries following human expansion and ecosystem change (Spalding, 2000; Schaefer, 2003; Santomauro et al., 2012). Currently, rapid industrial development across much of the boreal and subboreal forest has precipitated new concerns for the loss of this cultural keystone subspecies. Caribou receive much conservation attention from federal, provincial and territorial agencies as well as from industry, Aboriginal communities and non-governmental organisations. Despite those efforts, the subspecies continues to decline at an increasing rate (e.g., St-Laurent et al., 2009; Hervieux et al., 2013; COSEWIC, 2014). C.J. Johnson et al. / Biological Conservation 186 (2015) 176–186 The cumulative impacts of multiple anthropogenic activities are now recognized as one of the most pressing problems facing the conservation and management of wildlife across North America and beyond (Johnson et al., 2005; Vors et al., 2007; Krausman and Harris, 2011). This issue is especially challenging for species, such as woodland caribou, with broad distributions, slow life histories, and inherent sensitivity to human activities (Cardillo et al., 2005). Habitat change resulting from cumulative human developments is well documented as having contributed to the decline of caribou across much of their mountainous and boreal ranges (St-Laurent et al., 2009; Environment Canada, 2012, 2014). In Canada, federal conservation legislation (Species at Risk Act, 2002) recognizes the evolutionary importance of a collection of individuals at a level below the taxonomic designation of species (Green, 2005). These Designatable Units (DU) are identified as irreplaceable components of Canada’s biodiversity and must constitute an evolutionarily significant and discrete population or collection of populations. This allows for the assignment of conservation status for each DU. Currently, Rangifer tarandus are classified as 4 extant subspecies and 11 DUs (COSEWIC, 2011). The Central Mountain DU of woodland caribou consists of 9 extant and 2 extirpated subpopulations (i.e., herds) that are behaviourally distinct, generally separated by topography, and genetically dissimilar from neighbouring subpopulations found in adjacent DUs (McDevitt et al., 2009; COSEWIC, 2011). Since the 1980s, the core range for these caribou subpopulations has undergone rapid land-use change (Nitschke, 2008). In particular, the 7 Central Mountain subpopulations located in British Columbia (BC) have experienced a high rate of development from a large number of resource sectors. Forestry and agriculture have a longhistory in the area, but in the last 25 years oil and gas exploration and development has increased rapidly followed by coal mining, and most recently wind energy. Consistent with other areas of Canada, caribou populations in this region have shown steep declines in distribution and abundance with recent observations of population extirpation (COSEWIC, 2014). Given the rapid rate of development and corresponding decrease in Central Mountain caribou subpopulations, we hypothesize that this generation of resource managers and conservation professionals will observe the extinction of this evolutionarily significant faunal group. If realized, this would be the first empirically documented extinction of a mammalian DU in Canada. Future population monitoring will allow a full test of our hypothesis. In this paper, however, we provide early evidence to support this assertion, namely a precipitous decline in the abundance of caribou and a high rate of habitat loss. Although contemporary declines and even extirpation are documented for woodland caribou (Schaefer, 2003; Environment Canada, 2012, 2014; Hervieux et al., 2013) there have been few efforts to quantify historical landscape change, relative to functional habitat, that might explain such patterns (but see Rudolph et al., 2012). We applied an extensive set of locations for monitored caribou to a species distribution model and quantified the zones of influence that represented caribou avoidance of disturbance features. We used those models to calculate the cumulative impacts of habitat change over a 22-year interval for 5 subpopulations found within the Central Mountain DU. We related those measures of change in functional habitat to estimates of population decline. We defined a loss of functional habitat as a reduction in the relative probability of use of an area adjacent to human or industrial infrastructure. We assumed that caribou did not adjust their behaviour in response to industrial development and that measured avoidance resulted in a reduction in the quality of habitat. 177 2. Study area The study area is located on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains and encompasses approximately 41,000 km2 in the South Peace region of eastern BC (Fig. 1). Williston Reservoir serves as the northwest boundary of the study area, which then extends southeast towards the town of Tumbler Ridge, and south along the Alberta border. Topography is diverse across this region; the Rocky Mountains are rugged in the west and transition to foothills in the eastern portions of the study area. Heading north and east, the low-elevation boreal forest becomes prominent. The gradient in topography, from the Rocky Mountains to the boreal plains, results in a diversity of ecosystems. The Sub-Boreal Spruce (SBS) bigeoclimatic zone in the western portion of the study area and the Boreal White and Black Spruce (BWBS) zone in the east occur at the lowest elevations (1300 m). Dominant tree species include hybrid white spruce (Picea engelmannii glauca), black spruce (P. mariana) and tamarack (Larix laricana) on bog-type sites, and drier stands of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). The Interior Cedar Hemlock (ICH) is a low-elevation wet ecosystem found at the southern boundary of the study area. The Engelmann SpruceSubalpine Fir (ESSF) zone occurs at mid-elevations. Dominant tree species include white spruce (P. glauca), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides). At the highest elevations (>2000 m), caribou are found across the Boreal Altai Fescue Alpine (BAFA) ecosystem. Soils are generally poorly developed with conifers occurring in krummholz form at lower elevations. At higher elevations one finds a shrub layer of scrub birch (Betula glandulosa) or open areas dominated by lichens (Meidinger and Pojar, 1991). 2.1. Historical and current land use practices in the South Peace region Dating back to the early 1990s, eastern BC has experienced rapid land-use change from resource extraction activities, including the exploration and development of oil and gas reserves, in addition to large-scale commercial forestry, agriculture, mining, and most recently, wind power. The cumulative effects of these activities have produced forests that are progressively younger and more fragmented (Nitschke, 2008). In addition, forestry and petroleum exploration and development results in a high density of linear features such as roads and seismic lines. These disturbance types reduce the total availability of old forest, often used by caribou as habitat. Also, landscape change creates early-seral vegetation communities that provide forage for other ungulates, resulting in a greater density and broader distribution of wolves (Canis lupus) and bears (Ursus americanus), primary predators of caribou (Serrouya et al., 2011). Two open-pit coal mines that specialize in the extraction of metallurgical coal are located within the core winter range of the Quintette subpopulation of caribou. The development of infrastructure for wind energy is also increasing across the South Peace region. Although not currently a direct threat to study subpopulations, the ridgeline locations and associated road networks required for the construction of wind turbines can occur across caribou habitat. 3. Methods 3.1. Study animals The Central Mountain DU has 11 recognized subpopulations (COSEWIC, 2011). We focused the analysis on 5 of the 7 subpopulations found in BC (Moberly, Burnt Pine, Quintette, Narraway, 178 C.J. Johnson et al. / Biological Conservation 186 (2015) 176–186 Fig. 1. Locations of GPS collared woodland caribou representing their current distribution across the South Peace region of British Columbia, Canada. Bearhole–Redwillow; Fig. 1) that represent approximately 50% of the caribou in that DU (COSEWIC, 2014). Over the 11-year study period (October 2000 – April 2011), a total of 102 female caribou (Moberly/Burnt Pine = 17, Quintette = 31, Bearhole–Redwill ow = 7, Narraway = 47) were captured via helicopter net-gun and fitted with GPS collars. Animal capture and handling methods were reviewed by the BC Animal Care Committee to assure compliance with the BC Resources Inventory Committee Standards for Live Animal Capture and Handling and the Canadian Council on Animal Care guidelines (live-capture permit #FJ07-40107). We deployed GPS collars primarily from two manufacturers: Advanced Telemetry Systems (G2000 or remote-release collar; C.J. Johnson et al. / Biological Conservation 186 (2015) 176–186 Minnesota, USA) and Lotek Wireless (Iridium; Newmarket, Canada). The majority of collars (80%) recorded one location every 6–9 h (range 4–20 h). Although relocation intervals varied, given the large sample size and the focus of these analyses on broadscale resource selection, not movement, it is unlikely that sampling schedules influenced results (Johnson and Gillingham, 2005). 3.2. Distribution of caribou: resource selection function models We used resource selection functions (RSF) to quantify the spatial relationships between GPS-collared caribou and a number of variables that were hypothesized to influence caribou distribution across both a 1990 (pre-disturbance) and a 2012 (current level of disturbance) landscape. We defined two seasons for describing the resource selection by caribou: summer (April 1 – October 31) and winter (November 1 – March 31). Coefficients from RSFs represented selection for or avoidance of a resource (i.e., habitat or industrial feature). Selection is assumed when an animal uses a habitat type out of proportion to the availability of that habitat across some defined area relative to a comparison set of random locations. We used a conditional fixed-effects (paired) logistic regression to develop and generate the coefficients for seasonal RSFs for each subpopulation (STATA V.11.0, StataCorp). Pairing of used and random locations in space and time provides a more specific definition of resource availability relative to the seasonal distribution of a monitored animal (Compton et al., 2002; Johnson et al., 2005). We used the interval between GPS-collar locations to define the spatial domain of available habitat. For this calculation, we centered a circular area on the preceding collar location for each individual study animal (Johnson et al., 2005). This circle had a radius equal to the 95th percentile movement distance for the respective relocation interval (e.g., 4 h, 6 h, 8 h), as calculated for all collared caribou during that season. Five comparison locations were randomly selected within that spatiotemporal buffer, defined as the availability radius. Similar to Johnson et al. (2005), we assumed caribou would not respond to a disturbance feature at excessively large distances. Thus, we used the paired logistic regression to statistically remove the responses of caribou locations that exceeded a set distance threshold to individual disturbance features. When a specific disturbance type was found outside the availability radius for a caribou location, distance values were held constant for the use and random locations. This allowed us to model a matched sample of caribou and random locations based on the effects of habitat, while statistically removing the effects of an ecologically implausible ‘disturbance’ (Johnson et al., 2005). For the purposes of this study, we fitted RSF models that included a full range of disturbance and ecological covariates, as determined by past research (Williamson-Ehlers, 2012). Our goal was to generate predictive models of resource selection by each subpopulation of caribou, not generate the most parsimonious model as might be revealed by an information-theoretic approach. The Burnt Pine herd had few collared animals (N = 5) and occurred immediately adjacent to the Moberly herd. Until recently, those two herds were considered to be the same herd so they were combined for the analysis. We generated separate RSF models for each subpopulation based on pooled location data across years. The matched logistic regression controlled for interyear differences in resource availability. We used the robust Huber–White estimator of variance to accommodate repeated sampling of individual caribou (Williams, 2000; Nielsen et al., 2002). We reported coefficients (b) from the fully parameterized model and used 95% confidence intervals to identify the precision of each covariate. Selection or avoidance of habitat or disturbance 179 features could not be determined if covariates fell close to or overlapped with zero. We used tolerance scores to determine multicollinearity among variables (Menard, 2002). Where tolerance scores fell below the threshold value of 0.2, we used bivariate correlation and visual inspection of standard errors to assess if there was an effect on model inference. We used a k-fold cross validation to assess the capability of the top-ranked RSF model to predict resource selection by caribou (Boyce et al., 2002). A strong Spearman rank correlation (rs) between the frequency of occurrence of animal locations and the predicted RSF values suggested a predictive model (Boyce et al., 2002). Also, we used the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to further examine the classification accuracy of each RSF model. An area under the ROC curve (AUC) of >0.7 suggests good predictive performance. We generated independent AUC scores by withholding approximately 20% of the animal locations from the model-building process. 3.3. Resource and disturbance covariates Drawing from past research on wildlife-development interactions and observations of the study area, we identified a number of resource and human disturbance variables for modelling the spatial responses of caribou to their environment: vegetation cover, ecosystem type, topography, and distance to and density of disturbance features. Vegetation cover was estimated using the provincial Vegetation Resource Inventory (VRI; BC Ministry of Forests and Range, 2007). We used existing knowledge of caribou ecology to consolidate categories of vegetation cover from the VRI into 8 classes, based on the leading species (Alpine, Black Spruce/Tamarack, Subalpine, Pine, Spruce, Mixed Conifer/ Deciduous, Nonproductive Forest, Other). We used the Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) to identify ecosystem type. Five BEC zones occurred across the South Peace study region: BAFA, SBS, ESSF, BWBS, and the ICH (see methods). Subzones classified under the BEC zones were also included during analyses (Meidinger and Pojar, 1991). We classified the topography across the seasonal range of each subpopulation into four classes: valley, slope, steep slope, and ridgeline (e.g., Dickson and Beier, 2007). These classes were generated using a digital elevation model (25 m 25 m) and the Topographic Position Index as implemented in the ArcGIS software CorridorDesigner ( See Jenness (2006) for a full documentation of the modelling process. We used visual inspection of model outputs, related to our knowledge of the study area, and the digital elevation model, to choose the parameters that broadly represented ridgelines and valley bottoms as well as steepness of topographic slope (1500 radius; canyon threshold = 60; ridgeline threshold = 100; slope = 6). We calculated the distance (km) from caribou locations to human disturbance features as well as the density of disturbance features at each animal location. Human disturbance variables were grouped by industry type as well as their ability to influence caribou behaviour: linear features (roads, seismic lines and pipelines); forestry cutblocks <30 years since harvest, the time when early successional vegetation communities are selected by moose (Alces alces) during winter (Nielsen et al., 2005); open-pit coal mining; oil and natural gas exploration and extraction facilities (P1 ha and <30 years since development); and burns from wildfire (650 years). When conducting the GIS analyses for RSF modelling, we matched the caribou locations for each year with landscape disturbance as it was recorded during that year. Thus, the behavioural responses of caribou, as recorded with GPS collars, were specific to individual disturbance features as they developed from 2000 to 2011. 180 C.J. Johnson et al. / Biological Conservation 186 (2015) 176–186 We used databases from government and industry to identify the date and location of roads and forestry cutblocks (DataBC, 2011; Canfor Corporation; West Fraser Timber Company Ltd.). During the period of monitoring for caribou, the Wolverine and Trend coal mines were fully operational and spatial data were acquired directly from their parent corporations (Western Coal and Peace River Coal Ltd.). This mine footprint was applied to caribou locations that occurred within the vicinity of active coal mines. Lastly, we used the Oil and Gas Commission of BC’s public database, complete through 2011, to identify the date and spatial location of seismic lines, pipelines, well sites and other developed areas related to the exploration and development of oil and natural gas reserves (BC Oil and Gas Commission, 2011). Seismic lines and pipelines were rare in the database prior to 1999 suggesting incomplete spatial data for that development type. We combined spatial data for roads, seismic lines and pipelines to generate a variable representing the density of linear features (km km2; 1.56 ha moving window). As reported in WilliamsonEhlers (2012), we fit RSF models to three sizes of moving windows (0.56, 1.56, 3.06 ha) and selected the window with the best fit for explaining the disturbance response of caribou. Likewise, we combined spatial data for forestry (cutblocks), mines, oil and gas to create a variable representing the density of non-linear features (ha km2; 1.56 ha moving window, Williamson-Ehlers, 2012). The final RSF model varied by subpopulation, but generally took the form: wðxÞ ¼ exp ðvegetation patch ½category þ ecosystem type ½category þtopographic position ½category 2 þdensity linear feature ½km km 2 þdensity nonlinear feature ½ha km þ wildfire½km þclearcut ½km þ mine ½km þ road ½km þseismic line=pipeline ½km þ petroleum feature ½kmÞ ð1Þ predicting the spatial distribution of habitat (i.e., maps), the RSF coefficients produced a continuous set of values (w(x)). We used quartile breakpoints (25th, 50th and 75th percentile) generated from the RSF values of observed caribou locations to identify four habitat classes (low, moderate, high, very-high quality) from the range of mapped RSF scores for each seasonal range and year of analysis (1990 and 2012). We applied the RSF coefficients to the pre-disturbance (1990) and current (2012) landscape which resulted in four maps for each herd: 1990 winter, 1990 summer, 2012 winter, and 2012 summer. During the late 1980s, the South Peace region had relatively few seismic lines, pipelines and oil/gas well facilities; we considered the year 1990 as the pre-disturbance period. We calculated landscape change for each habitat class by measuring the difference in area of each class between the 1990 and 2012 landscape (Johnson et al., 2005). The categorical breakpoints for the habitat classes were consistent for each time period. Thus, relative change in habitat area was a function of the modelled avoidance of various disturbance features, as represented by the empirical RSF covariates (i.e., Eq. (1)), when applied to the increasing extent of disturbance across the 2012 landscape. We assumed that the RSF covariates, premised on location data collected from 2000 to 2012, represented the behaviour and disturbance responses of woodland caribou that would have occupied seasonal ranges during 1990. When building the spatial surfaces of disturbance and vegetation covariates there were no inventory data that classified roads according to their year of construction. Thus, we assumed a 30% increase in road development over the study period, and retained 70% of the linear distance of roads recorded in 2012 for the projection of habitat disturbance in 1990; choice of road sections for retention was random. Given the rate of industrial development across the study area, this was likely a conservative estimate. We expect the implications of this decision to be minor, as the vast majority of growth in linear features can be attributed to oil and gas exploration and infrastructure. 3.4. Identifying the Zone of Influence We followed the methods of Johnson and Russell (2014) and used an iterative model fitting procedure to identify the zone of influence for each disturbance feature. This method works by incrementally fitting the paired logistic regression to clusters of caribou and random locations at cumulative distance intervals of 250 m from the nearest feature. The zone of influence is defined as the distance at which the RSF no longer improves in model fit, and caribou no longer demonstrate a statistical avoidance response to a disturbance feature. This analysis is premised on a decay function where animal response to a disturbance decreases as the distance from the feature increases. At each 250 m distance interval, we recorded the change in the log likelihood statistic, a measure of model fit, and the coefficients for the disturbance feature, a measure of a weakening disturbance response by caribou. We identified the zone of (disturbance) influence as the distance at which the log likelihood reached an asymptote (Boulanger et al., 2012). Beyond the zone of influence, additional clusters of caribou and random locations did not improve model fit and caribou no longer demonstrated a disturbance response. If multiple asymptotes were observed, we required a minimum of P10% of caribou use locations to occur within the identified zone of influence. 3.5. Quantifying Habitat Loss We applied the coefficients from the RSF model (Eq. (1)) to the respective GIS data and produced maps representing the relative value of habitat, by season, for each subpopulation. When 3.6. Population change We calculated the annual multiplicative rate of change (k) for each subpopulation. This involved choosing the most accurate population estimate for the past (Nt-i) and the present (Nt) and inferring the annual k. A high level of precision was expected for subpopulations surveyed across treeless alpine habitats, with less certainty for the Narraway and Bearhole–Redwillow subpopulations that wintered in forested areas. Survey techniques and effort were consistent over time reducing bias in the estimates of k (see Seip and Jones (2014) for methods and multi-year estimates). However, the population estimates did not include a measure of variance, thus, we considered k as an index of population change. We used a Pearson correlation to relate k to the seasonal percent change of the very-high quality habitat class. Because distribution and habitat change for the Moberly and Burnt Pine subpopulations were combined, we also pooled the concurrent population estimates. 4. Results We used 270,808 GPS-collar locations for the Moberly/Burnt Pine (n = 44,599), Quintette (n = 81,526), Bearhole–Redwillow (n = 27,365), and Narraway subpopulations (n = 117,318) to develop seasonal resource-selection models. Each model contained variables representing vegetation cover, ecosystem, topography, and distance to and density of disturbance features. Seasonal models predicted well with AUCs ranging from 0.71 to 0.88 (Table 1). The best seasonal 181 C.J. Johnson et al. / Biological Conservation 186 (2015) 176–186 models had good predictive performance with average k-fold scores across subpopulations of 0.93 (SD = 0.070) and 0.92 (SD = 0.081) for the summer and winter models, respectively. 4.1. Seasonal resource selection Selection of vegetation and topographic resources was consistent with past research and understanding of these subpopulations (Jones et al., 2007; Williamson-Ehlers, 2012). Those covariates were included in the predictive models to statistically control for environmental factors when quantifying the influence of industrial features on the distribution of collared caribou (Eq. (1)). Thus, we provide only a brief description of those results (Supplement 1). During summer, caribou from the Moberly/Burnt Pine, Bearhole–Redwillow, Narraway, and Quintette subpopulations selected for high-elevation parkland and alpine ecosystems. Those areas were characterized by the moist/cold subzones of the ESSF and BAFA zones and ridgeline topography. Low-elevation valley bottoms and pine dominated portions of the range were avoided during the summer season (Supplement 1). We observed a greater range of strategies in resource selection during the winter with the Moberly/Burnt Pine and Quintette subpopulations generally occupying high-elevation mountainous areas and the Bearhole–Redwillow and Narraway subpopulations ranging across low-elevation habitats in the boreal forest. In particular, the Moberly/Burnt Pine and Quintette caribou continued to select moderately sloped or ridgeline topography across the BAFA and the parkland subzone of the ESSF. Throughout the winter months, steep slopes and spruce-dominated habitats were avoided (Supplement 1). In contrast, caribou from the Bearhole–Redwillow and Narraway subpopulations were found across habitats dominated by black spruce, tamarack, and pine trees. Those caribou avoided ridgelines. 4.2. Identifying the Zone of influence The disturbance responses modelled for caribou were complex and variable – the measured zone of influence varied by disturbance type, season, and subpopulation. In some cases, RSF models suggested that caribou selected habitats within the vicinity of industrial developments. Such maladaptive behaviour may be a result of range fidelity, forced use of suboptimal habitats, or long-term habituation to human disturbance. We did not incorporate those selection responses when spatially representing habitat change for the 1990 and 2012 landscapes, as attraction to anthropogenic features can act as a population sink (Table 2). Roads influenced the distribution of caribou during each season. Caribou in both mountainous and boreal landscapes avoided roads during winter and summer to a distance of 1.75 km, the zone of influence for that landscape feature (Table 2). Caribou from the Bearhole–Redwillow subpopulation avoided seismic lines and pipelines to a distance of 2.5 km during winter and the Moberly/ Burnt Pine subpopulations avoided these features to a distance of 2.0 km during winter (Table 2). Caribou in both mountainous and boreal habitats avoided oil and gas wells and facilities during summer, but not consistently during winter. Specifically, subpopulations of caribou in high-elevation habitats demonstrated a disturbance threshold of 4.25 km and caribou in the low-elevation habitats avoided those features to a distance of between 2.0 and 12.5 km. Caribou from the Quintette subpopulation avoided coal mines to a distance of 3.0 km during winter. Caribou in both mountainous and boreal landscapes demonstrated a maximum disturbance response of 5.5 km to forestry cutblocks. Caribou in the Quintette subpopulation avoided wildfire burns to a distance of 2.75 km during summer. The zone of influence associated with burns was greatest for the Narraway subpopulation, ranging between 5.25 and 8.0 km during the summer and winter season, respectively (Table 2). 4.3. Habitat loss and population change Application of RSF coefficients to the 1990 and 2012 landscapes suggested that caribou experienced variable, but for some subpopulations extreme reductions in habitat valued as high (0.6–52.9%) and very-high (0.2–65.9%) quality (Table 3, Supplement 2). During summer and winter, the Moberly/Burnt Pine subpopulations lost 34.7% and 39.3% of the area of the very-high quality habitat class. The Burnt Pine subpopulation is now considered extirpated and the Moberly subpopulation is declining at an annual rate of 12.7% (Table 4). The Quintette subpopulation was most affected by the loss of habitat across their summer range; we estimated an 11.3% reduction in very-high quality habitat between 1990 and 2012. During winter, aggregate habitat loss was less with a 3.72% reduction in Table 1 Sample size (Obs) and classification accuracy of seasonal resource selection functions using the area under the curve (AUC) for the receiver operating characteristic and k-fold cross validation for 5 subpopulations of woodland caribou, South Peace region, British Columbia, Canada. Moberly/Burnt Pine # Obs AUC k-fold Quintette Bearhole–Redwillow Narraway Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter 24106 0.83 0.99 20493 0.88 0.99 46448 0.86 0.99 35078 0.83 0.99 12705 0.85 0.85 14660 0.79 0.85 87451 0.71 0.90 29867 0.79 0.85 Table 2 The zone of influence (km) resulting from the avoidance response of woodland caribou to disturbance features during summer and winter, South Peace region, British Columbia, Canada. An asterisk (⁄) indicates a zone of influence that was confounded by more than one asymptote in the curve; a plus (+) indicates apparent selection by caribou for a disturbance; (ns) indicates a non-significant or non-applicable disturbance. Covariate Roads Seismic and pipelines Cutblocks Non-linear oil and gas Mine Fire Moberly/Burnt Pine Quintette Bearhole–Redwillow Narraway Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter 1.75 + + 4.25 ns + 1.75 2.00 + + ns + 1.50 + + + 3.00 2.75 1.25 + 0.50 + + + + 2.50 3.00 12.50⁄ ns + 1.00 0.50 + 2.00 ns + + 13.50⁄ + 4.00 ns 5.25 1.75 + 5.50⁄ + ns 8.00 182 C.J. Johnson et al. / Biological Conservation 186 (2015) 176–186 Table 3 Habitat change between 1990 and 2012 for 5 subpopulations of woodland caribou across the South Peace region of British Columbia, Canada. Four classes (low, moderate, high and very high) of habitat were defined according to predicted RSF values generated for caribou monitored with GPS collars. Change was calculated as the difference in area for each habitat class as a percentage of the predisturbance (1990) landscape. Caribou subpopulation Habitat class Winter Summer 1990 (km2) 2012 (km2) % Change 1990 (km2) 2012 (km2) % Change Moberly/BP Very high High Moderate Low 106.67 159.92 513.39 4361.18 64.72 165.73 434.42 4476.29 39.33 +3.63 15.38 +2.64 104.13 499.59 726.88 3752.45 68.02 460.26 687.28 3867.49 34.68 7.87 5.45 +3.07 Quintette Very high High Moderate Low 138.47 191.53 456.69 2924.31 133.32 194.27 472.40 2911.00 3.72 +1.43 +3.44 0.45 118.59 180.81 283.69 2918.79 105.19 192.20 278.99 2925.49 11.30 +6.30 1.66 +0.23 BearholeRW Very high High Moderate Low 218.50 535.40 744.08 1842.69 74.51 342.92 374.13 2549.12 65.90 35.95 49.72 +38.34 516.43 851.64 2032.57 1682.47 272.91 613.97 2247.46 1948.77 47.15 27.91 +10.57 +15.83 Narraway Very high High Moderate Low 25.35 44.50 79.01 449.23 16.26 20.95 41.25 519.62 35.84 52.91 47.80 +15.67 626.88 1116.30 1152.14 2834.54 596.30 944.11 929.63 3259.83 4.88 15.43 19.31 +15.00 Table 4 Seasonal habitat loss (%) for the very-high habitat class between 1990 and 2012, population estimates (Seip and Jones, 2014), and the annual multiplicative growth rate (k) for subpopulations of caribou across the South Peace region of British Columbia, Canada. Caribou subpopulation % Loss of very high Summer Winter Moberly + Burnt Pinea Moberlya 34.68 39.33 34.68 39.33 Burnt Pine 34.68 39.33 Quintette 11.30 3.72 Bearhole– Redwillow Narraway 47.15 65.90 4.88 35.84 a Population estimate (year of survey) Annual multiplicative growth rate (k) 26/211 (2012/ 1997) 25/191 (2012/ 1997) 1/17 (2012/ 2006) 98/166 (2013/ 2008) 14/49 (2014/ 2008) 59/102 (2014/ 2008) 0.870 0.873 0.624 (extirpated)b 0.900 0.812 0.913 a Habitat change was calculated for combined Moberly and Burnt Pine subpopulations. b Population surveys in 2013 and 2014 revealed 0 and 1 caribou, respectively, across the range of the Burnt Pine subpopulation. area of that class. This subpopulation had a relatively low rate of decline with an estimated multiplicative growth rate of 0.90 (Table 4). Of the subpopulations we studied, the Bearhole–Redwillow subpopulation experienced the greatest level of habitat loss for both the summer and winter ranges. In 22 years, these caribou in the low-elevation boreal forest lost 65.9% of winter habitat classified as very-high quality (Table 3). The annual growth rate was estimated at 0.81 (Table 4). The Narraway subpopulation also experienced a rapid loss of winter range with a 35.8% reduction in the area of very-high quality habitat. The loss of summer habitat, typically high-elevation range, was less extreme. Summer habitat classified as very-high quality decreased by 4.9%. The number of caribou in the Narraway subpopulation decreased although at an estimated rate (k = 0.91) that was less than observed for the other 4 subpopulations (Table 4). All subpopulations demonstrated dramatic decreases in estimated abundance over a short time period. This rapid decline was highlighted by the extirpation of the Burnt Pine subpopulation (Table 4). Although the sample was small, there was a strong positive correlation between the percentage reduction in area of very-high quality habitat and the multiplicative growth rate. The correlation was greatest when considering the loss of summer habitat (r = 0.96) relative to winter (r = 0.79; Fig. 2). 5. Discussion Our analyses showed that the cumulative effects of industrial development had strong influences on the patterns of resource selection by caribou representing 50% of the subpopulations within the Central Mountain DU. When the resulting coefficients were related to the landscapes occupied by those caribou, we found that the total availability and quality of habitat had decreased substantially over the past 22 years. Furthermore, indices of the change in abundance suggested a strong correlation between decline in the number of woodland caribou and the loss of high-quality habitat. Past research, notably studies of boreal woodland caribou, also reported a decline in population numbers relative to humancaused landscape alteration (Sorensen et al., 2008; Environment Canada, 2011). In those cases, however, habitat change represented the contemporary footprint, including a 250 or 500 m zone of influence, of industrial activity and fire; avoidance, and thus the zone of influence, was inferred from other studies (but see Rudolph et al., 2012). In contrast, we modelled the spatial responses of caribou to industrial features and natural disturbance. When statistically controlling for other resource covariates, those empirical avoidance responses, and associated zones of influence, provided a measure of the incremental loss of functional habitat for caribou over time (1990–2012). 5.1. Seasonal resource selection This study was not designed to fully explore the ecological strategies and resource selection patterns of woodland caribou; such results for these caribou were reported elsewhere (Jones et al., 2007; Williamson-Ehlers, 2012). However, when modelling the disturbance responses of wide-ranging animals it is necessary to statistically control for habitat effects. Populations of caribou across the central Rocky Mountains demonstrate a variety of wintering strategies. Consistent with past research, these analyses revealed that caribou in the Moberly/Burnt Pine and Quintette subpopulations wintered across high-elevation alpine and subalpine habitats (Jones et al., 2007; Williamson-Ehlers, 2012). As a second 183 C.J. Johnson et al. / Biological Conservation 186 (2015) 176–186 0.95 Winter Habitat Mulplicave Growth Rate (λ) 0.925 Summer Habitat Narraway Narraway 0.9 QuinteeQuintee 0.875 Moberly/Burnt Pine Moberly/Burnt Pine 0.85 0.825 Bearhhole-Redwillow Bearhole-Redwillow 0.8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Reducon in Very High Quality Habitat (%) Fig. 2. Correlative relationship between the decrease in the very-high quality habitat class (1990–2012) for both the winter and summer seasons and the multiplicative growth rate of 5 subpopulations of woodland caribou found across the, South Peace region, British Columbia, Canada. Each datum represents the estimated growth rate of 1 subpopulation (Moberly/Burntpine, Quintette, Bearhole–Redwillow, Narraway) not multiple estimates for a single subpopulation. ecological strategy, caribou of the Bearhole–Redwillow and Narraway subpopulations wintered in the low-elevation boreal forest. The majority of caribou demonstrated altitudinal migrations during the summer, selecting habitats along mountainous ridgelines. Areas classified as a valley bottom or those with a steep slope were consistently avoided by caribou in both mountainous and boreal habitats. Such avoidance may be a response to a relatively high abundance of other ungulates and associated predators typically found within these forest types (Courbin et al., 2009; Latham et al., 2011a,b). 5.2. Quantifying the Zone of Influence We provided empirical evidence demonstrating that subpopulations of caribou within the Central Mountain DU avoided some linear and non-linear features associated with industrial developments. In general, however, caribou demonstrated the strongest response and largest zone of influence for non-linear patch-type disturbances. We suggest a cautious interpretation of the reported zone of influence (Table 2). These distances may be unique to the South Peace study area, study animals, and our chosen methods of analysis. A variety of analytical tools and statistical methods have been used to quantify disturbance responses and associated thresholds (e.g., Johnson et al., 2005; Leblond et al., 2011; Nagy, 2011; Polfus et al., 2011), but there is no clear guidance on the most ecologically precise or accurate method (Ficetola and Denoël, 2009). Furthermore, there is rarely an empirical verification of a fitness effect resulting from a modelled disturbance response. The method we applied has some advantages, including: multiple metrics for assessing the strength of avoidance; accounts for other covariates that may influence a species’ distribution; the method is not dependent on a precise P-value that encumbers measures of avoidance of concentric areas around a disturbance (e.g., Nagy, 2011; Polfus et al., 2011); and the technique does not assume a specific statistical response associated with a nonlinear function (e.g., Johnson et al., 2005). As reported by others (Boulanger et al., 2012; Johnson and Russell, 2014), however, the log likelihood decay function can be difficult to interpret. These data and the associated method suggested that some caribou across the South Peace study area selected for industrial features. Such results are counter-intuitive for a species that is widely accepted as being sensitive to human disturbance with numerous empirical studies demonstrating displacement from habitats (Dyer et al., 2001; Seip et al., 2007; Vors et al., 2007; Leblond et al., 2011; Boulanger et al., 2012; Johnson and Russell, 2014). Logic and past observation suggests that caribou should avoid industrial features that result in habitat change, a negative sensory experience, or a greater real or perceived risk of predation. Selection for an industrial feature would be maladaptive, with these disturbance types representing ecological sinks (Schlaepfer et al., 2002). Although such a result may be a statistical artefact, it might also represent a real ecological effect. Recent work from our study area and other jurisdictions suggests that caribou may occur or even select for habitat types or industrial features that will result in a higher likelihood of encountering predators (Johnson et al., 2005; Faille et al., 2010; Williamson-Ehlers, 2012; Beauchesne et al., 2013; Losier et al., 2015). Such behaviours could be the result of range fidelity, maternally learned habits, an inability to assess the fitness costs of novel human-altered environments or even habituation (Dussault et al., 2012; Johnson and Russell, 2014). When modelling the zones of influence and the resulting habitat change from 1990 to 2012, we chose to ignore such maladaptive behaviours. Instead, we focused exclusively on the reduction in habitat value associated with the observed avoidance of disturbance features. Our results suggested that the behaviour of caribou and potential effects of industrial development were complex and warrant greater mechanistic study. Caribou across the South Peace study area were more likely to select summer and winter habitats at distances >1.0 km from roads and >0.5 km from seismic lines and/or pipelines. Woodland caribou demonstrated similar avoidance responses to roads (1.0– 2.0 km) in Alberta (Dyer et al., 2001) and northwestern BC (Polfus et al., 2011). Linear features can serve as a travel corridor or habitat for predators and other ungulate species (Latham 184 C.J. Johnson et al. / Biological Conservation 186 (2015) 176–186 et al., 2011c; Williamson-Ehlers, 2012). Furthermore, some linear features were the most likely places for human activity, possibly displacing caribou from adjacent habitats which could lead to fewer forage opportunities or increased vigilance (James and Stuart-Smith, 2000; Seip et al., 2007). Caribou ranging across the boreal forest demonstrated a greater avoidance of seismic lines and pipelines, 0.5–13.5 km, when compared to those subpopulations residing in mountainous regions of the study area. The zone of influence for pipelines was unusually large. More than 10% of use locations for caribou in the Narraway subpopulation occurred at a distance >13.5 km from the nearest pipeline, suggesting that this feature may correlate with a larger scale avoidance response to a portion of the range where the pipeline is located. Caribou from the boreal subpopulations selected summer range that was >3.0 km from a cutblock. Such avoidance behaviours were documented for other populations of woodland caribou (Chubbs et al., 1993; Smith et al., 2000; Vors et al., 2007). For example, Schaefer and Mahoney (2007) reported that female woodland caribou avoided recent cutblocks to a distance of 9.2 km. Only the Narraway subpopulation demonstrated an avoidance of wildfire burns during both seasons. Encounters between caribou in the boreal forest and their predators are more likely to occur in areas with early successional vegetation; habitats that support moose, the primary prey species of wolves (Ehlers et al., 2014). Such vegetation communities are associated with recent cutblocks and fires (Nielsen et al., 2005; Losier et al., 2015). During the summer, caribou were likely to occur in habitats located >3.5 km from well sites and other features associated with oil and gas development. This distance is >3 times that observed by Dyer et al. (2001) in Alberta, Canada. The greater distance observed for the South Peace study area might be related to a difference in the density of those features or levels of human activity. Caribou of the Quintette subpopulation avoided coal mines during the summer season only, with a higher relative probability of occurrence beyond a 3 km zone of influence. Caribou calve during early summer and may have less tolerance for high levels of human activity and vehicular traffic associated with mine sites (Weir et al., 2007). Also, some of the highest quality winter habitat was immediately adjacent to mines; selection for that habitat may have overwhelmed a tendency to avoid the mine. Despite these interseason differences, similar response distances were observed for woodland caribou in northwestern BC (2 km – small placer mines; Polfus et al., 2011) as well as in Newfoundland, Canada (4 km – large open-pit gold mine; Weir et al., 2007). However, the footprint and magnitude of mining activities, including noise and human presence, can vary greatly making site-specific comparisons difficult. 5.3. Quantifying Habitat Change These results strongly suggest that activities related to the exploration and extraction of energy, forest, and mineral reserves are dramatically threatening the quantity and quality of habitat for a large proportion of woodland caribou from one evolutionarily significant unit. Although habitat loss is dramatic, we speculate that the mechanism of population decline is complex. Across much of the range of woodland caribou, predation, facilitated by environmental change, is thought to be the proximate cause of low survival or recruitment (Wittmer et al., 2005; Festa-Bianchet et al., 2011; Latham et al., 2011a,b; Apps et al., 2013). Referred to as apparent competition, more abundant and widely distributed ungulate populations do not directly compete with caribou for nutritional resources, but support greater numbers of predators (Wittmer et al., 2007; DeCesare et al., 2010; Serrouya et al., 2011). In the case of the South Peace region, more early successional forage, as a result of forest harvesting and other types of land clearing, has allowed for a broader distribution of moose, wolves, and bears resulting in a higher predation for caribou. With these subpopulations of caribou being at extremely low densities, it is unlikely that competition for forage is influencing reproduction or survival (COSEWIC, 2014). During winter, caribou subpopulations in the low-elevation boreal forests experienced the greatest loss (up to 65.9%) of habitat as a result of development activities. Habitat loss was less severe during the summer, but those reductions in high and very-high quality habitat may have severe implications for the survival and recruitment of caribou. Other studies have revealed that predation-related mortality for adult and newborn caribou mostly occurs during summer (Seip, 1992; Wittmer et al., 2005; Gustine et al., 2006). Consistent with those observations, the strongest relationship between population decline and habitat loss occurred for the summer season (Fig. 2). Through habitat change, industrial development may result in a greater adjacency of predators and caribou during summer or facilitate the movements of predators along snow-free linear corridors that allow for more efficient searching and hunting behaviour (James et al., 2004; Apps et al., 2013). This is despite data that revealed that caribou were located across relatively high-elevation habitats during that season. Regardless of the mechanism, the rapid decline of caribou across the South Peace region suggests that there is an immediate need for habitat protection and restoration (Fig. 2). Indeed, more drastic and potentially controversial measures may be required to arrest the steep decline of the subpopulations highlighted in this study. The rate of development and resulting loss of contiguous habitat is pushing already small populations of caribou to low numbers that are susceptible to stochastic events. The Burnt Pine subpopulation was declared extirpated during the course of this study. And recently, a maternal penning project was implemented to increase calf recruitment in a bid to prevent extirpation of the Moberly subpopulation. These trends are especially troubling when considering that the subpopulations documented in this study represent a large proportion of the caribou found within the Central Mountain DU (COSEWIC, 2011). Thus, we have documented significant landscape change and risk to not just one population, but a collection of subpopulations that represent a unique and irreplaceable component of Canada’s biodiversity. Similar declines are reported for the other 5 subpopulations, including extirpation of the Banff subpopulation (COSEWIC, 2014). Legislated recovery of caribou across the South Peace region is made difficult by the occurrence of resource industries with considerable significance to the BC economy. These industries, and their footprint on the landscape, will expand in the future with impacts for caribou habitat and the persistence of those subpopulations. We have documented a history of development that has resulted in impacts over a large area that will be very difficult to address over the short term even with aggressive habitat restoration or other recovery efforts (e.g., maternal penning). Although these caribou receive protections under the federal Species at Risk Act, there may be few opportunities to maintain some subpopulations while allowing for the existing or an increasing industrial footprint (Environment Canada, 2014). The outlook for these subpopulations and likely the broader Central Mountain DU is bleak if the observed rates of habitat change and concurrent population declines continue. Thus, extinction is a possibility that must be addressed by conservation professionals today not just a hypothetical outcome to be considered in the distant future. Acknowledgements The Habitat Conservation Trust Fund and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council supported this study. Funding for the caribou research program was provided by the C.J. Johnson et al. / Biological Conservation 186 (2015) 176–186 Government of BC and numerous industrial contributors to the Peace Caribou Research Program. We thank K. Verbruggen and T. Raabis for providing inventory data; Elena Jones, Brad Culling, and Diane Culling conducted most of the fieldwork and data collection. Telemetry data for the Narraway herd were provided by the Alberta Ministry of Sustainable Resource Development. We thank the handling editor, Dr. Robin Pakeman, two anonymous reviewers, and F. Lesmerises for providing valuable comments that improved the manuscript. Appendix A. 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