SPATIAL DATA PARTNERSHIP PROBLEM STATEMENT/DECISION OPPORTUNITY NOTE Date: March 2, 2005 Date of previous note: File: 37000-30/KSDP/Tech CLIFF/tracking #: I. PREPARED FOR: Tim Salkeld (VRI Technical Applications Coordinator – MSRM Victoria) is the key person as this is a provincial level issue. Chris Mulvihill is acknowledged as the Regional Steward. Issue raised post the January 31, 2005 Kootenay FSP Data Partnership meeting. II. ISSUE/PROBLEM: Make the VRI digital data easier to use for forest planning and forest management. III. BACKGROUND: There are multiple issues with the VRI data structure. It was developed to meet many needs and as such has become very cumbersome to do any forest management analysis. Some examples are: 1. Legacy FC1 fields (i.e. Non Forest Descriptor, Non Productive Descriptor) in true VRI datasets are confusing as they are sometimes populated and other times not. There does not seem to be any consistent standard. These fields are intertwined with the VRI fields and are not easily identifiable unless one is highly knowledgeable in both data structures. Queries or analysis made using the FC1 fields could result in inappropriate or misleading management decisions. 2. Identifying newly logged NSR, or regenerating stands, that have a crown closure of less than 10% is difficult, if not impossible. This identification is necessary for most types of planning assessments & reviews (i.e. wildlife, visual, patch analyses). If the history fields in the VRI is kept current then it can be used to help identify logged, but not yet “treed conifer” polygons. However, history fields are not being consistently maintained in the VRI data. History data is more efficiently managed in RESULTS or other forest management software. It is recognized that “NSR” is a cultural description and VRI was intended not carry cultural descriptions. However, it is a significantly Page 1 important description from a forest management perspective. We should not pursue political correctness to the determent of forest planning 3. Map labels do not always reflect the database information accurately. As an example, a stand with age class 8 conifers that has less than 10% crown closure (thus would be considered “shrub low or shrub tall”) is being labeled as an Age Class 8 treed stand, with a component of shrub cover. It’s true that if you looked closely at the label, the label would show the minimal crown closure % but most of the general public and even operational forestry workers would either not think to look at this detail or not understand its meaning. Why would this polygon not be labeled as a “shrub” polygon? IV. DISCUSSION: This provides the context for a decision opportunity Possible solutions: 1. Legacy FC1 issue: • Create an FC1 table in the VRI .mdb file to contain non-VRI FC1 fields. If they were separated at least a less knowledgeable person on the old and new data structures would be able to have better confidence on the use of the data. Or • Strip out the old FC1 fields from the VRI tables. If these fields are determined to be needed, consciously re-incorporate them into the VRI tables. Or • Develop a query tool which creates new VRI tables that contain only true VRI fields And (for all options) • Complete the VRI data dictionary. The current document is incomplete (i.e. many of the “Description” fields are blank). It is understood that the data dictionary was not always recognized as an important document but as more users are working with the VRI datasets, a uniform understanding of the attributes is critical. Page 2 2. Identifying new stands issue: • Re-incorporate the Non Forest Descriptor field for “NSR” into the database field structure. AND • Consider a stand as TC (treed conifer) if it has leading species information and is less than 30 years. Or • Ensure that the VRI tables and the RESULTS database are capable of being spatially linked or merged together to identify information on cutblocks. Or • Create an attribute field which identifies whether the polygon is capable and likely to produce a stand of trees within a reasonable rotation period. (probably easier to identify whether harvesting has occurred on this site, if yes, the area is likely capable of producing another stand). 3. Map label issue: • Fix the label program to accurately represent what is in the database fields: We used to have NP on a label, if this is not culturally acceptable find another method to properly represent site vegetation information. (i.e. if tree crown closure is less than 10%, do not include the treed portion in the label) Contact: Initiator: Kathy Howard Organization: Canfor-Slocan Operation Phone: (250) 355-2100 Email: Alternate Contact: Name: Chris Mulvihill Organization: MSRM Phone: (250) 354-6364 Email: copied to: Project manager and regional data administrator (Per Wallenius), to be distributed to Partnership. Approved by: Custodian, (date stamped and cc’d to Steward on deadline for completion) Page 3