Lecture 6: Light Emitting and Detecting Devices MSE 6001, Semiconductor Materials Lectures Fall 2006 While silicon dominates most electronic applications because of the electrical properties of the silicon-silicon dioxide interface, silicon emits light too poorly for making devices because of its “indirect-gap” band structure. Many of the III-V and other compound semiconductors have “direct” bandgaps that are used for light emitting devices. Most light emitting devices rely on electrons and holes recombining at the boundary between p and n doped materials, a pn junction. 6.1 pn Junctions and Light Emission The local concentration of electrons and holes in a semiconductor can be represented by the Fermi level in a band diagram. (Fig. 1) The Fermi level is the local chemical potential for electrons in the crystal. A large electron concentration, for example due to doping with donors, pulls the conduction band edge EC down to near the Fermi level EF . A large hole concentration lifts the valence band edge EV to near the Fermi level. At a pn junction, with no current flowing across it, the bands bend to align the bulk Fermi levels, giving a single, flat Fermi level. The material has a depletion layer near the junction with essentially no electrons or holes, where the immobile acceptor and donor ions left behind are depleted of free carriers. The resulting electric field due to the depletion layer ions provides a barrier keeping the electrons in the n type material and the holes in the p type material. (Fig. 2) Such junctions are at the heart of pn diodes, LEDs, diode lasers, and solar cells. When the junction is forward biased with a positive voltage applied to the p side with respect to the n side, large currents flow. The holes and electrons that carry this current flow in opposite directions because of their opposite charges, passing through the depletion region. The electrons and holes can recombine in the depletion region, emitting photons with energies hν ≥ Eg for direct band gap materials. Carriers injected across the depletion region can also recombine on the other side to give light. p-type (NA) n-type (ND) EC electrons EF EC EV EF holes EV F IGURE 1: In p type semiconductors the Fermi level is close to the valence band edge and in n type material the Fermi level is close to the conduction band edge. 6-1 depletion W p-type (NA) n-type (ND) EC electrons EF EV holes F IGURE 2: A depletion region forms at a pn junction. When forward biased, electron and holes recombine in the depletion region, emitting light. 6.2 Light Emitting Diodes Figure 3 plots badgap energies versus the crystal lattice constants for semiconductors used for LEDs. The horizontal band of colors corresponds to the energies of the visible light spectrum. Light emitting diodes have been developed for light emission from infrared to ultraviolet wavelengths. Over the coming decade or two, it is thought that LEDs will replace many other lighting technologies because of their much greater efficiencies. Already, LEDs are being used in traffic lights GaN, InGaN, and AlGaN materials provide longer wavelength emission But nitrides hav AlN 6.0 0.2 •No lattice-matche (dislocations) G@N, AlG@N: UV 5.5 3.5 InG@N: blue, 4.0 0.3 green, @mber G@N 0.4 3.0 AlP G@P 2.5 InN 2.0 0.5 AlAs AlSb 1.5 1.0 G@As InP 1.0 G@Sb 0.5 0.0 4.2 W@velength ( ! m) (eV) 4.5 Energy G@p 5.0 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 •Mg p-type doping (poor activation, h •Highly non-linear (poor control) 2.0 InSb5.0 InAs •AlGaN not lattice (dislocations and c 6.4 6.6 L@ttice Const@nt ( ) F IGURE 3: Materials for LEDs. (J. Simmons, Sandia National Labs) •High T, high pres (poor stability) Optical & electrical properties 6-2dependent on defect concentrations F IGURE 4: Heterostructure laser band diagrams. (B. Spears, http://britneyspears.ac/lasers.htm ) because of their much longer lifetimes. For context, an average incandescent light bulb converts electrical power to visible light with an efficiency of about 4%. This means that a 100 W bulb is only putting out 4 W of light. LEDs typically have efficiencies in the range of 20 - 40%, though with device engineering these efficiencies can be above 50%. 6.3 Heterostructure Diode Lasers A laser may be made by placing a light-emitting material in a cavity formed with partiallyreflecting mirrors and then electrically or optically exciting, or “pumping”, the material. The light field in the cavity forms a standing wave pattern that coherently stimulates the emission of more photons with the same frequency and and same phase, a process that feeds back on itself, building up the strength of the field until the losses from the mirrors balances the power input into the emitting material. The light that leaks out of a mirror forms the coherent laser beam. If a simple pn junction is used for a laser, the electrons and holes that are injected into the depletion region at the very high concentrations needed for lasing can diffuse away, reducing the numbers of carriers available for emitting light into the cavity. This problem is avoided by using a “double heterostructure”, which clads the depletion region with wider-bandgap material to confine the electrons and holes to the junction. Figure 4 shows the equilibrium band diagram and the band diagram for a double heterostructure laser under forward bias. In a semiconductor laser, the pn junction is placed between mirrors that are formed by cleaving the crystal to give partiallyreflecting surfaces. (Fig. 5) Semiconductor lasers are used in fiber optic communication systems, where the laser beam is coupled into a silicon dioxide fiber. Higher-power semiconductor lasers have also been developed for welding and cutting applications. 6-3 F IGURE 5: Heterostructure laser. (B. Spears, http://britneyspears.ac/lasers.htm ) 6.4 Quantum Cascade Lasers Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) have been recently developed that do not rely on pn junctions. Figure 6 plots the conduction band edge of the active region of a QCL. The superlattice has been designed such that as electrons flow through the structure, they make quantum transitions that emit light, emitting one photon per period. QCLs are being developed for the near infrared to far infrared wavelength region. The applications for these devices are in chemical and biochemical detection and infrared imaging. For the very long wavelengths, QCL-like devices may be the active devices in electrical circuits above 1 THz, at frequencies where will work. 2001 Appl. transistors Phys. Lett., Vol. 79, no No. longer 24, 10 December TABLE I. Population of the individual levels in t at 80 K with only carrier–phonon "c–p# scatterin carrier–carrier "c–c# scattering. Letters refer to th ing the first miniband in Fig. 1. g represents the in capital letters label the other levels in ascending o Subband index FIG. 1. Conduction band energy diagram of the chirped superlattice under an average electric field of 3.5 kV/cm. The layer thickness "in nm# are, from left to right, starting from the injection barrier 4.3/ 18.8/ 0.8/ 15.8/ 0.6/ 11.7/ 2.5/ 10.3/ 2.9/ 10.2/ 3.0/ 10.8/ 3.3/ 9.9, where Al0.15Ga0.85As layers are in bold face and the 10.2 nm wide GaAs well is doped 4"1016 cm#3. Also shown are the moduli squared of the wave functions; the optical transition occurs between states 2 and 1. 3 2 1 F E D C B g Energy "meV# Pop. "c–p only# (109 cm#2) 51.7 36.1 17.9 14.1 11.0 7.7 4.5 3.2 0 0.02 0.94 4.72 7.13 8.08 7.34 5.14 1.99 6.19 the absence of c–c interaction, the car high in the upper states of the injector m larly in subband 1. On the other hand, in scattering, electrons efficiently relax into F IGURE 6: Quantum cascade laser. Conduction band electrons through the superlattice, pute a significantly longer lifetime ! 1 !14.5cascade ps resulting the injector (g,A), from where they ar emitting one photon each period.c–c (Kohler, et al., Applied Physics from superlattice almost comparable and c–p contributions. In real-Letters, into2001) the upper laser state of the following ity, the electron dynamics is dominated by very fast c–c case a population inversion of 'n!1. scattering with a quasiresonant level "1 ! in Ref. 7#. However, between subbands 2 and 1: compared t such a process acts in both directions "1→1 ! and 1 ! →1# the number of electrons of subband 1 i with nearly equal rates, thus6-4 giving only a marginal contriwhereas that of state 2 increases by a fa bution to the electron depletion of state 1. From the simulalated lifetimes are ! 2 !0.8, ! 21!8.3, ! tion we also obtain the value of the operational current denwith ! 2 and ! 21 dominated by c–p scatte sity, 50 A/cm2, in very good agreement with the measured that ! 21 is much greater than ! 2 due to th