Getting by with a little help from friends

Blue Moose
N e w s l e t t e r
Volume 11, No. 10 • October 2014
Talking Health: Getting by with a Little Help from Friends
hat would you think if I
sang out of tune: would
you stand up and walk
out on me? Our
relationships with other beings on this
life’s journey define us. We should
have respect for others, and exemplify
decency, and cultivate compassion if
we want to be considered good
people. Certainly, our decision to earn
a career as natural food store people
puts us all in a unique place where
our communities will look to us as
examples of a natural and a better
way of life. When a “social cause”
presents itself to us, we should give
thanks for the opportunity to join our
business with a greater purpose and
affect positive change.
This 4th Quarter of 2014, as the
economy begins to inch slowly
forward and business seems to be
getting back on track for this region’s
retailers and our national
manufacturing partners, we have one
of the most poignant and effectual
Promotional opportunities available to
us that we will ever have. I ask you
directly if you will join with Blue
Moose Consulting and with Nordic
Naturals to make a difference in the
lives of many of America’s military
veterans and their families, and many
innocent and beautiful shelter dogs
who are destined for euthanizing. The
examples that we present to our
communities by the messaging of an
event like this should surely work to
make the lives of everyone who
touches this project better: and that is
real health!
Paws for Veterans is an
Organization many of us may choose
to continue to work with well beyond
this 90-day focus: here is an
organization that is truly doing good.
There is a need. Every 22 seconds,
there is an attempted suicide by an
American Military veteran. Even
more saddening is that these are only
the reported attempts. That is at least
2 attempted suicides in the time it has
taken you to read this far into the
article. That is an intense reality
As one Veteran, who joined
Nordic Naturals at this past Expo
East trade show with his dog to
support the mission of this
organization said, “they train us well
to go out and do our mission: but we
are not trained for how to re-enter
society when we come back from the
mission”. All war is horrible, and it is
sad that humans cannot avoid these
conflicts without warfare and killing,
but we live in this world today and
the realities are that wars pock-mark
our planet. With modern weaponry
and better communication, wars are
more prevalent, more deadly and
more destructive. People drawn to
serve, warriors attempting to protect
our way of life and interests, are
definitely exposed to emotional,
physical and spiritual challenges that
wound and batter and overwhelm.
No one in their right mind can say
that we greet our returning military
with the respect and support that
they deserve and need. Too often, it is
left to the soldiers themselves to get
through the nightmares, doubt and
isolation. Too many soldiers are
separated from their comrades and
expected to fit immediately back into
a harried and stressful civilian life, as
if nothing had ever happened. In
learning about Paws for Veterans and
researching this topic, I have gained
greater appreciation for the statement
that military service is a challenging
experience, that can create a
daunting, life-long recovery time.
Paws for Veterans arose from a
need. For many soldiers, the stressors
sometimes seem insurmountable and
the companionship of a trustworthy
and loyal animal can be the link
needed after military tours and
experiences that may disconnect the
soldier from society. Paws for
Veterans attempts to pair the soldier’s
needs with the dog’s needs.
Yearly, it is estimated that 1.2
million dogs will be euthanized in the
United Sates, as no place can be found
for these animals, and there are no
funds to maintain and feed them.
This is an overbearing reality, as it is
truly no fault of these beautiful living
creatures that they were born; and, to
consciously end their lives for no
apparent reason is just a difficult
ethical decision—a barbarous act—
that society believes has to be made.
The beauty of Paws for Veterans is
the humanizing reality that these
animals can be utilized and given
purpose where they can do dramatic
good in the world. This example of
finding solutions to save and bring
value to life has powerful
repercussions to all who cross the
path of these actions and realities. In
this case, dogs marked for euthanizing
become companion pets for those
returning veterans who struggle with
re-entry into society, and the dogs
truly become life savers.
“Paws for Veterans saves the life of
a shelter dog that would otherwise
face euthanasia. Once rescued, the
dog is rehabilitated, trained, and
placed with a veteran who needs
them and will provide a loving home.”
Two living beings allowed to perform
heroic actions for each other!
Each of these stories is a beautiful
miracle. Nordic Natural’s New Jersey
Rep, Robert Genko, relates, “Nathan
continued on page 2
Getting by With a Little Help
from Friends
continued from page 1
told me he could not even leave the
house before having Rocky's support.
You hear about PTSD and other
serious issues that vets struggle with,
but seeing it and hearing it live makes
you appreciate the sacrifice these
soldiers make... And to think that a
pup, that was written off for
euthanasia, can completely turn
someone's life around.”
The Nordic Naturals 4th Quarter
Promo alerts the public, “Buy one
bottle, Help Two Heroes: your
purchase helps rebuild the lives of
Veterans and their Service Dogs.”
located in Melbourne, Florida. They
are a 501(C)3 non-profit organization
(tax exempt number 27-1876663),
and they are dedicated, and
amazing—a small organization trying
to counter a very large problem. It has
been reported that 1 in 5 American
military service members return from
the wars in the Middle East with
PTSD and/or depression. (Kaplan,
2008) “The existing resources for
returning veterans have been
stretched thin and there is a limited
amount of care being administered.”
Currently, the process of finding a
dog, pairing the dog with a soldier in
need and then training the dog to be
of assistance—and for the two to work
together—is organized by a very small
but very dedicated staff. The training
now occurs in a local open space away
from the offices. This amazing work
has been started, and is successful—
and now it needs to expand and reach
more people.
The good people at Nordic
Naturals have embraced this mission.
They have committed a significant
amount of money to assist in the
building of a new facility for the
organization. They also are offering
yearly supplies of beneficial Omega-3s
to all the veterans and all the service
dogs currently working toward health
in this partnership. This is the way
goodness occurs in the world today.
Nordic Naturals , we salute you!
You too can join this energetic.
The actions of support that you offer
can be profitable to your business at
the same time. The extent of this
marketing campaign is limitless. We
should all think of how we can
maximize this message. I envision
Paws for Veterans creating a bonfire
of enlightenment. Give me a million
veterans and a million dogs considered
useless, and we can build an army that
will do more good than any war could
ever achieve. Thinking good thoughts
for the future, the dreamer in me can
foresee tides turning and new waves
of goodness converting our Nation,
our planet away from destruction and
toward love for fellow beings,
supportive companionship and the
positive energies that these dynamics
Will you join this cause?
Nordic Naturals adds another
vehicle of momentum to this mission.
Support Paws for Veterans. You
contribute the amplifiers: for every
person who hears the story, there is
the possibility of recurring waves of
support. Stories germinate into greater
actions. Outposts sprout nation-wide,
people get involved. Ideas spread like
wildfire. People awaken from stupors
and show compassion, and act. The
added benefit is health. Join the story
of the Paws for Veterans with the
need to correct the Global Omega-3
Deficiency, and you can get more
people acting on their own health:
their own stressors and possible
We have been speaking for nearly
two years about how the American
military is very aware that their
servicemen are Omega-3 deficient.
The need for more Omega-3s is being
discussed as a national security
concern. Soldiers who experience
brain trauma from roadside IEDs or
other war afflictions, are more likely
to recover better if they have a high
Omega-3 profile than if they are
Omega-3 deficient.
The research is accumulating and
it is decisive: Omega-3s EPA + DHA
are the best prevention for PTSD
(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
whether it is caused by a car accident,
or stress or violence or the entire
experience of being in war.
Prevention, meaning that ample levels
of Omega 3-s must be present in the
body (brain and nervous system) for
the body to best response to the
aggression or stress.
The research accumulating is
substantial: Omega-3s EPA + DHA
are integral for both the prevention
and treatment of Concussions and TBI
(Traumatic Brain Injury). In 2011,
retired-Colonel, Dr. Michael Lewis
started the non-profit Brain Health
Education and Research Institute, that
has redefined intelligent protocols for
these injuries.
A 31-year military veteran who
worked on this issue in his career as a
Colonel, Dr. Lewis has several years of
experience developing programs for
the military on the use of omega-3
fatty acids and traumatic brain injury
and suicide prevention. Dr. Lewis has
pioneered the clinical use of omega-3
fatty acids for the prevention, acute
treatment, and rehabilitation of brain
injuries from physical and
psychological trauma to include
traumatic brain injury and
concussions, stroke, PTSD, and other
As Director of the Epidemiology
Division at the Uniformed Services
University School of Medicine in
Bethesda, Dr. Lewis has studied the
needs of our military, and if you have
heard either of his recent
presentations at the last two natural
products expos, Dr. Lewis accentuates
the critical need of optimal Omega-3
nutrition. Thank you for your service,
Dr. Lewis. We salute you. Please visit
the website for BHERI at is
the place to send people when they
have concerns about concussions of
any sort: Doctors should be directed
here too.
Educate yourselves. The maladies
that afflict the returning veterans
have links to many other common
health issues in the lives of everyone
in our communities. Let’s educate
ourselves about use and dosage of
Omega-3s for heart health and
inflammatory concerns, but also for
concussions, depression and suicidal
thoughts. We can be the educators
leading people to healthier lives.
continued on page 6
Blue Moose Consulting Newsletter
Two spectacular sales: Immune Health + Stress Support
Two Promotions, same buy-in guidelines: must use Promo codes
{products identified apply to respective Promotions only)^*^
choose how you want to Save & Promote:
level 1: order between 1-35 units to receive 25% OFF^
level 2: order 35+ units to receive 30% OFF^
^ must mention Promo Code to receive discount
1) Herbal Immune Support Promotion**,
ends December 31 **must use Promo Code: “DSEA”
from the following items: 1 oz.
• Black Elderberry liquid extract^ • Super Echinacea® liquid extract
• Black Elderberry glycerite^ • Echinacea^ glycerite • Children’s Echinacea™^
• Echinacea/Goldenseal liquid extract • Children’s Winter Health™
• Echinacea^ liquid extract • Immune Defense™ • Super Echinacea® capsules
• Virattack™ • Golden Echinacea™ liquid extract^ • Soothing Throat Spray
• Golden Echinacea™ glycerite • Olive^ liquid extract
• Oregano^ Spirits™ liquid extract • Umckaloabo^ liquid extract
2) Stress & Anxiety Support Promotion**,
ends December 31 **must use Promo Code: - “Q414”
from the following items: 1 oz.
• Anxiety Soother™ liquid extract • Kava liquid extract
• Anxiety Soother™ capsules • Kava capsules
• Ashwagandha^ liquid extract • Nervous System Tonic™
Good Mood™ liquid extract • Stress Manager™ liquid extract
Lemon Balm^ Blend liquid extract • St John’s Wort liquid extract
Passionflower^ liquid extract • St John’s Wort glycerite
Passionflower^ capsules • St John’s Wort capsules
all capsules are vegetarian capsules. *^* not to be combined with any other promotions
*MAJOR Announcement:
Herb Pharm® is switching to Certified Organic Vegetable Glycerin:
* Product ingredient change: Mother’s Lactation™
Goat’s Rue replacing Chaste Tree berry. Release date: October 15, 2014
Not represented by BMC in NJ
HARVEST BIG Savings on Wellness Products
from October 6 till November 21st, get 20% OFF on these items:
044/046 L-Glutamine^ 500 mg 418 B-Complex^ 100 mg Vcaps®
Vcaps® 50/100s
052 L-Lysine^ 500 mg Vcaps®
439 Liquid CellularActive®
Methylcobalamin B12 1000
054 L-Lysine^ 500 mg Vcaps®
mcg (raspberry) 2 fl. oz.
444 Liquid CellularActive®
062 NAC [N-Acetyl Cysteine]
Methylcobalamin B12 5000
500 mg Vcaps® 30s
mcg (raspberry) 2 fl. oz.
064 NAC^ 500 mg Vcaps® 60s 534 Mega Bio-C Formula^
065 NAC 500 mg Vcaps 90s
Vcaps® 90s
093 L-Tryptophan 500 mg
536 Mega Bio-C Formula^
Vcaps® 30s
Vcaps® 180s
094 L-Tryptophan 500 mg
550 Super Quercetin® 500 mg^
Vcaps® 60s
Vcaps® 30s
111 Super Earth® Single Daily
552 Super Quercetin® 500 mg^
Multiple (iron-free) 30 caplets
Vcaps® 60s
113 Super Earth® Single Daily
553 Super Quercetin® 500 mg^
Multiple (iron-free)^ 60 caplets
Vcaps® 90s
115 Super Earth® Single Daily
715/717 Calcium Citrate
Multiple (iron-free) 90 caplets
Magnesium PLUS Vitamin D3^
117 Super Earth® Single Daily
caplets 90/180s
Multiple (with iron) 30 caplets 745 EarthSweet® Chewable
119 Super Earth® Single Daily
Zinc^ 15 mg lozenges (natural
Multiple (with iron)^ 60 caplets
orange flavor) 60s
121 Super Earth® Single Daily
787 CellularActive® CoQ10
Multiple (with iron)^ 90 caplets
Ubiquinol 25 mg Vegetarian
304/305 Vitamin D3 (lanolin)
softgels 30s
400 IU^ Vcaps® 90/180s
788 CellularActive® CoQ10
311/313 Vitamin D3 (lanolin)
Ubiquinol 25 mg Vegetarian
1000 IU^ Vcaps® 90/180s
softgels 60s
314/315 Vitamin D3 (lanolin)
790 CellularActive® CoQ10
2000 IU Vcaps 90/180s
Ubiquinol 50 mg Vegetarian
368/369 Vitamin D3 (lanolin)
softgels 30s
5000 IU^ Vcaps® 60/120s
791 CellularActive® CoQ10
334 Super Earth® Antioxidant
Ubiquinol 50 mg Vegetarian
Formula^ 30 caplets
softgels 60s
336 Super Earth® Antioxidant
792 CellularActive® CoQ10
Formula^ 60 caplets
Ubiquinol 100 mg Vegetarian
416 B-Complex^ 100 mg Vcaps® softgels 30s
Not represented by BMC in NJ, SC
793 CellularActive® CoQ10
Ubiquinol 100 mg Vegetarian
softgels 60s
798 CellularActive® CoQ10
Ubiquinol 200 mg Vegetarian
softgels 30s
799 CellularActive® CoQ10
Ubiquinol 200 mg Vegetarian
softgels 60s
841 Astaxanthin 4 mg
Vegetarian softgels 30s
843 Astaxanthin 4 mg
Vegetarian softgels 60s
893/894/895 Super
Bromelain^ 500 mg Vcaps®
1113/1115 Vegetarian
Glucosamine Plus MSM^
Vcaps® 60/120s
1131 CholesteRice®^ Vcaps® 60s
1132 CholesteRice®^ Vcaps® 90s
1266 Super Earth® Organic
Greens powder^ 7.4 oz.
1268 Super Earth® Organic
Greens powder^ 14.8 oz.
1304 Standardized Astragalus
Root^ Extract Vcaps® 60s
1340 Standardized Elderberry
Fruit Extract Vcaps® 60s
1382 Oil of Oregano Leaf
Extract Vcaps® 60s
1385 Standardized Olive Leaf^
Extract Vcaps® 60s
1386 Standardized Olive Leaf^
Extract Vcaps® 120s
1394 Standardized Turmeric
Root^ Extract Vcaps® 60s
1395 Standardized Turmeric
Root^ Extract Vcaps® 120s
signifies Kof-K Kosher certified
4th Quarter Promotion, through 12/31/14
October–November 2-month Promotions
Buy 3 ea. per SKU = 10% OFF
Buy 6 ea. per SKU = 15% OFF
Buy 12 ea. per SKU = 20%-OFF
*must mention “BMC Special Discount” to get discounts with every order placed
A clean, slightly spicy, invigorating aromatherapy experience:
Lemongrass & Sage Shampoo 12 oz.
Lemongrass & Sage Conditioner 12 oz.
Lemongrass & Sage Hand & Body Lotion 12 oz.
Lemongrass & Sage Bath Salts 20 oz.
Lemongrass & Sage Massage & Body Oil 12 oz.
Lemongrass & Sage Shower Gel 12 oz.
•100% Pure Plant-Based Ingredients
• Exceeds EU Cosmetic Directive Guidelines; Cruelty Free
Lemongrass & Sage Cup Terracotta Soy Candle 7.6 oz.
Lemongrass & Sage Amphora Terracotta Soy Candle 7.4 oz.
Lemongrass & Sage Classic Terracotta Soy Candle 7.1 oz
And another deal
Build your Therapeutic Essential Oil set with Aromaland
10% OFF @ 3 ea. Sage Dalmation Essential Oil 10 ml
10% OFF @ 3 ea. Lemongrass Essential Oil 10 ml
And another deal
Perfectly timed for what seems to be going
around everywhere…two month sale
Order 12 each of the large size Defense Formula Hand Soap
(12 oz.) + receive 15% OFF you need a product as good as this!!!
Deep Cleanse with Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Wild Marjoram + White Thyme
“this product makes me feel protected every time I wash my hands”
—Michael Hennessey
Volume 11, Number 9 • September 2014
Buy One Bottle, Help Two Heroes
Your purchase helps rebuild the lives of Veterans + their Service Dogs
Every purchase of the featured Nordic Naturals® products supports their
donation of:
• A one-year supply of Omega-3s to all veterans+ their service dogs in the
Paws for Veterans program;
• Funds for a new Paws for Veterans training facility
Featured Products: all bottle sizes of:
• Baby’s DHA • Children’s DHA™ • Complete Omega™ • Nordic Berries™
• Ultimate Omega • Omega-3 • Pet Cod Liver Oil • Omega-3 Pet™
48-pc. Floor Display*: 25% OFF
Mix & Match from eligible products
Endcap Display* 25% OFF Case Orders
One order per ship to location per month. Minimum order 5 cases, maximum
15 full cases. Retail Partners receive an additional 5% discount
Off-shelf placement is required + promotional discount must be passed on to
Available Promotional Support materials:
Endcap Poster, Easelback Poster, Dog Tag Necklace, Shelf Tag,
eligible products:
Children’s DHA™ – 90 ct (01710), 180 ct (01720), 360 ct ((02720), 4 oz.
(56780), 8 oz. (02723)
Complete Omega™ – 60 ct (01770), 120 ct (02770), 8 oz. (02773)
Omega-3 – 60 ct (01760), 120 ct (02760), 8 oz. (02763)
Ultimate Omega® – 60 ct (01790), 120 ct (02790), 8 oz. (02793)
Pet Cod Liver Oil – 8 oz. (53783)
Omega-3 Pet™ – 90 ct (50502), 8 oz. (50504)
Paws for Veterans, Inc.:
New in October BE THE FIRST to carry Nordic’s new Omega
Phospholipid: Better than Krill
Not represented by BMC in NJ, SC
What’s Next is now Here!
JUVO Award-winning Raw Meals
time to reJUVOnate your RAW FOOD
New Hope + Natural Products
Expo East chose JUVO products
as 1 of 8 of this year’s “This is
what’s NEXT” Award Winners.
now a family of 7, with single-serve
packets arriving soon!
Canisters: raw organic
JUVO Raw Meal
JUVO Raw Green Superfood
JUVO Raw Green Protein
JUVO Raw Green Grass (glass bottle)
NEW Canisters
JUVO Raw Meal Green Apple
JUVO Raw Meal Vanilla Chai
JUVO Raw Meal Fantastic berry
“This entrant from Juvo is notable because
it was founded by an oncologist who saw
malnourishment as a problem among cancer
patients. The research team went on to study
3,000 ingredients, and developed the brand
that contains 55 of the best raw greens and
whole foods. The vanilla chai tastes great!”
Himalaya’s Bitter Melon
2014 Better Nutrition Best of Supplements
award winner
October Promotions
15% OFF^ in units of 3 ea.
(for independent retailers). MUST mention
Promo to get discount when ordering
Pure Herbs
Ashwagandha 60 caplets USDA-Organic
Holy Basil 60 veg caps Organic
Herbal Formulations
ImmunoCare® 120 + 240 veg caps H
StressCare® 120 + 240 veg caps
Botanique by Himalaya
all 5.07 oz.
Exfoliating Walnut & Wood Apple Face Scrub
Neem & Turmeric Face Wash
Hydrating Face Wash
Invigorating Face Wash
Super Deal 20% OFF^
in units of 3 ea. (for independent retailers)
Turmeric 60 veg caps Antioxidant.
USDA-certified Organic
Notes: Bacopa is on the way: keep in touch with your
BMC Rep + ask for immediate notification: and/or
line up a nice pre-order of this hot, in-demand item!
Remember,the only Organic Tribulus on the market
New Detox brochure: order with your next order. An
excellent way to help your community understand
Detoxing, and the benefits of LiverCare , Triphala,
UriCare and DermaCare
October Promotions
Vitamin C + Calendula Face
Creme with Fruit stem cells
2 oz. jar
• Rejuvenating Vitamin C
helps firm skin + even tone.
For most skin types
SPECIAL DEAL includes free tester
& samples:
BUY 3 get 1 FREE!
$38.70 for 4 jars!
BUY 6 get 2 FREE!
$77.40 for 8 jars!
Organic Calendula +
Spearmint Lip Balm
Enjoy the fresh, clean taste of
Organic Spearmint this Fall
Sale price $1.95 each/
12-pack = $23.40
to receive Newsletter Discount
October Promotion
15% OFF
Direct orders, independent stores,
FREE SHIPPING:, no minimums
Wart Wonder™
Well in Hand’s best-seller
The first all-natural, non-invasive solution
for common + genital warts. Wart
Wonder™ is available in three varieties.
2 fl oz. [60 ml.]
Regular Strength - for warts on the feet,
hands, and body
Delicate - for warts located on sensitive
areas, such as the face or genitals
Super Potent - for even faster results
Certified vegan + cruelty-free. 100% natural.
Free of preservatives, chemicals, and synthetic
ingredients. Handcrafted in small batches for
freshness & effectiveness. Bloodroot + Creosote
are infused for 12 months + combined with a
proprietary blend of essential oils combined
in apple cider vinegar. Results + Testimonials
make this a must-have for every store!
Topically Applied Herbal Answers.
Action Remedies®
ChiaOmega® just became even more
Prices drop $10 per bottle, retail
new, superior source, at a lower price:
all 60 veggie softgels:
$39.95 /$19.95
$37.95 /$15.95
CHIA OMEGA® + Enzymes
$37.95 /$15.95
$ 38.95/$17.95
Join the Chia Revolution™
Results, Uniqueness, + Industry Respect
Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics
Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics honored as
6-TIME Winner of Better Nutrition
Respected probiotic formulation first to
receive this notable distinction
anyone who knows probiotics, knows
that Dr. Ohhira’s has no competition,
naturally the best: and plant-based too!!
October Specials:
15% off mix & match
Discount should be requested
when placing order
Personal Gel 4 oz.
“Intimate Moisturizer Favorite!” - Best,
Safest & Effective. Moisturizing for delicate
& sensitive skin. pH Balancing. Gluten
& fragrance-free. Silky. Non-Staining +
enjoyable for active adults!
Fiber Mate
Exceptional natural Stool Softener for Kids &
Adults! 16 Vegetables + Herbs. Available as
either small tablets, or powder. Good fiber
source, a detoxification-partner perfect for
the whole leaf aloe vera concentrate, and for
regularity without bloating Non-Irritating (no
Senna or Cascara Sagrada: not a laxative).
Gluten Free + Dairy-free.
Fiber Mate combines 16 dark green
vegetables, herbs, FOS. (from Jerusalem
Artichoke), Acidophilus, beets, apple pectin
and whole leaf aloe vera. Fiber Mate contains
1 gram of food fiber per serving.
Fiber Mate tablets 160s
53 servings per bottle: 3-6 tabs per day
Fiber Mate powder 2.5 oz. glass bottle
Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice Products
Aloe Vera is Foundational to Life
Blue Moose Consulting Newsletter
The best lip balm for the world
MORE Hair coloring will be sold in the
last two weeks of October and the first
week of November than at any time of
the year!
Hair Color Decisions for the Holidays will
be made NOW
• Do you want these customers?
• Do you want to help people make
better hair coloring choices?
• Will your store attract new customers
to natural coloring?
• Surya Brasil is the cleanest + THE
• Salon-quality Henna Hair Creams +
Henna powders
This is the precise time of year to:
• Carry ALL the colors
• Endcap - or highlight - the products
• Have bounteous amounts of literature
Make plans NOW with your BMC REP
for the next six week’s success
15% OFF
October deals for you to promote
• Classic SPF products
• Dagoba Chocolate lip balms
• Mongo Kiss
• One World Eco line NEW!
• One World Original
• Premium Lip balms
• Medicinal Lip balms
• Face Stick Lip balms
Detoxify Your Beauty
The Best Lip Balm for the World
October Promotions:
Is healthy immunity an
issue in your community
the best performing immune
support ingredient
the best-selling, best dosage:
on sale this month
Immune Health Basics
Wellmune WGP®
250 mg
60 caps
October Promotion
3 ea. = 15% OFF
6 ea. = 20% OFF
everyone should
have these
products now
and the children‘s
products too!
6 ea. per SKU = 10% OFF
9 ea. Per SKU = 15% OFF
• Maitake Gold 404 1 oz.
4 drops 2x daily: bottle equals 210
servings. Patented extract derived from
maitake mushrooms
• Maitake Caps
Organic, full spectrum, 300 mg per
serving. 90 Vcaps 25% polysaccharides
MaitakeGold™ is a potent Maitake mushroom
extract developed by Dr. Hiroaki Nanba,
PhD., the inventor of Maitake nutraceuticals.
MaitakeGold represents such a significant
improvement in Maitake formulations that
it was granted a U.S. Patent (U.S. Patent #
5,854,404). MaitakeGold™ is all natural, & is
extracted from Maitake mushrooms grown by the
Yukiguni Maitake Company of Japan.
Maitake (Grifola frondosa), contains
polysaccharides in a unique beta-1,6 1,3
glucan structure. Research shows that these beta
glucans stimulate the macrophages + have the
ability to directly enhance the activity of Natural
Killer (NK) cells, & to change NK precursor cells
into activated NK cells.*
NEW il Wha Ginseng
opening order discounts
10% OFF 3 ea. SKU
15% OFF 6 ea. Per SKU
Volume 11, Number 10 • October 2014
20% OFF
Select OTC formulas
Liquid or pellet complexes
(Qty 6+ per SKU)* listed below)
• Dust~Mold~Dander (N056)
• Panic Button! (N217)
• Sick Stopper (N216)
• Kids Detoxifier (F001)
Dust~Mold~Dander - for associated
symptoms such as labored breathing,
congestion, sneezing, runny nose, watery
eyes + skin irritations.
Panic Button! - for symptoms associated
with extreme or sudden panic such as
shock, anxiety, tension, stress or fear.
Sick Stopper - for symptoms associated
with colds + infections. Begin at the onset
of symptoms.
Kids Detoxifier - formulated for liver
+ kidney functions + for symptoms
associated with toxicity such as newborn
jaundice, hypersensitivity + sluggish
1987-2014 • 27 Years of Excellence
Not represented by BMC in NC, SC
October Immune Health Month
ALL Oxylent formulas are
now Non-GMO
in 30-day supply canister
6.3 oz. net wt.
Two flavors: Sparkling Mandarin
Sparkling Blackberry Pomegranate
GREAT NEWS for that register box of
new LOWER PRICE on the 30 ct
Oxylent Variety Pak!
October Promotions
15% OFF*
24 box minimum (mix & match, 30 ct.)
• Sparkling Berries
• Sparkling Mandarin
• Sparking Blackberry Pomegranate
• Oxylent Variety Pak
• Children’s Oxylent®
*Standard shipping structure applies
Discounts are not given automatically.
Promos must be set up 4-weeks in advance of start
Getting by With a Little Help
from Friends
continued from page 2
The information is out there.
Knowledge and the sharing of all the
natural and wholistic research is the
best way to do your part to help those
in your community who have
difficulties related to their tours of
duty, or those who are dealing with
the many modern afflictions that
effect the brain, endocrine system and
the nervous system.
Let’s begin with a focused
outreach where so much of the work
has been done for you. Certainly,
Nordic Naturals is one of the most
effective marketing companies in the
natural channel, which is a nice
complement to their superior
production of the world’s safest and
most effective Omega-3 oils.
Paws for Veterans is a perfect
opportunity to get your community
active in the cause: helping the
veteran, the dogs and their own
health. What can you do? Put the
designated Nordic products on sale
with either a floor display or an
endcap display. Or both. Speak to
October is National
Breast Cancer
Awareness Month
Purchase a Bamboo
Reader TODAY
10% of proceeds from the
purchase of each Bamboo Reader
unit will be donated to
help find a cure.
Orders need to be placed by 10/31
for proceeds to be donated
~You can make a difference~
This display is beautiful
each counter unit contains:
6 colors/with 7 lens strengths:
1.25 - 3.00
SKU # 7707B/ $250
Eye Readers are purchased every
day in your community: and these
are made with recycled materials
and add to an excellent cause
your BMC or Nordic Rep about how
to best bring the product off the shelf
and into the vision of every customer
in your store.
This is the time for a big display
presence. The economy is moving
forward, we are entering what
traditionally is the busiest 5 months
of sales in our sales year, and the
message you are presenting is
universal. For many stores, the health
message of Omega-3s had been
lessened because the demand seems
to have been down for the last 16
months (and while most sales data
reports show that Omega-3 sales have
been flat, Nordic Naturals sales have
had healthy—and the only positive—
sales increases in these last 16 months.
Actually, Nordic sales are showing a
strong positive spiking in the last two
months). The negative press on
Omega-3s seems to have peaked, and
there are many new positive ads to
match the continued positive clinical
The industry, and our Omega-3
Trade Association, GOED (Global
Organization for EPA and DHA
Omega-3s), is working to counter the
negative rash of recent misinformation
Educate through social
media and weblinks:
check out the video at
about the ongoing BRAVO Study,
Better Resiliency Among Veterans
with Omega-3s
Finest Quality Hair, Body and
Skincare Accessories
Let's Offer a Loving
Brushing to Our Pet
Grooming is Constant
Many dogs shed their coat with the
change of seasons. Summer coats are
converted into Winter coats and that
means pet lovers will be searching for
new grooming tools
Bass Brushes owns the category
of professional-quality, natural Pet
Grooming tools. Did you know that there
are 31 different Bass Pet Brushes, and
3 different display racks? People are
spending on their pets more than ever,
and the best brush on the market – a
Bass Brush® – is something that pet lovers
will buy from your store again + again.
Weather change? Yes, it is Pet
Grooming Season
The Hair Doc Company: makers of
The Green Brush® by Bass Brushes® https://
Finest Quality Hair, Body & Skin Care
Products since 1979
with an accentuation of the continued
positive message: therapeutic levels of
Omega-3s are a valid health gamechanger. For more on GOED, go to (bookmark
this) and www.naturalproductsinsider.
Paws for Veterans is a cause to
market and discuss at your store cash
register. Speak clearly in your store
front window: Military Vets—come
in and ask about Paws for Veterans.
There is plenty of marketing and
educational collateral that you can use
to bring this message home in a
positive way on your website. Here is
the opportunity to really make a
strong message large on your website:
this may be the moment where you
may get people to understand that
your website is a valuable place to
check out regularly. Spend that extra
day on this, and make this message
heard. The good news is that this
promotion is three-months long, so
your actions today can carry the
headlines on your website through the
end of the year!
Ask for demos, and build the
endcap as a towering presence saying
that your store believes in this cause.
On the business side, here is the
perfect opportunity to grow or
regenerate your store’s Pet section.
Every pet deserves better heath. The
current market for pet products is
booming, and most of that purchase is
for unimportant stuff. It is amazing
how big pet stores are getting, and the
Omega-3 sets remain at an
unimpressive single shelf. Over 50%
of the stores in BMC-land do not have
an active Pet section. That story that
“pet products just don’t sell here”, is
Blue Moose Consulting Newsletter
We Are All Health Food People
Meredith Greiner, Marketing Manager, Nordic Naturals
Life’s Little Gifts:
Hailing from St. Augustine, Florida, I am the third of seven
children. Natural and alternative medicine was very much
a part of my life growing up. My parents gave me omega3 fish oil, and I thought they were crazy. I now know they
were ahead of their time. In addition, they taught me to
challenge conventional wisdom and to stay true to my
values. What amazing gifts.
In search of change, I moved to Santa Cruz,
California, in 2006. Shortly after arriving, I found Nordic
Naturals and accepted the position of Marketing Manager.
Working in the natural products industry is a gift in
itself. The consciousness and awareness embodied by this
industry and those who support it is like none other.
One gift I almost missed was my dog, Rosalita Chanel. I found her roaming the
parking lot at Nordic Naturals one Christmas season and took her home, determined
to find someone to take her in. Six years later, Rosalita is still with me. She’s one of the
most amazing creatures I have ever met. Her unconditional love is an anchor in my
life. She even loves fish oil!
My experience rescuing Rosalita makes me especially excited about Nordic
Naturals’ “Who Saved Who” Facebook contest. It’s part of the work we’re doing to
raise awareness about Paws for Veterans, an amazing nonprofit organization that
pairs medical service dogs with combat-wounded veterans. Their motto is, “Rescuing
Dogs to Rescue Heroes.” They have discovered a way to give the gift of life to shelter
dogs, who in turn give the gift of hope to veterans.
I believe we all have special gifts—something to offer to the world. We just have
to find the right door to walk through. I just so happened to walk through the doors
of Nordic Naturals—one of the most passionate and committed companies I know.
In December, I will celebrate my eighth year with them. I believe we, and the entire
industry, are truly working to inspire change and to pass on the gift of health around
the world, and that feels really, really good.
Visit us on Facebook and join us in supporting Paws for Veterans.
the story of a self-limiting store. So,
while you can actively help hurting
human veterans and rescued dogs, you
also have a three-month platform to
gain new customers. Nordic Naturals
provides the best Pet Omega-3s in the
world, and customers will make your
store a destination just to buy these
daily essentials if you can educate
them. Big display up front, attentiongrabbing signage by the register and
the front door, and a second, big
display near your pet section.
The amazing regeneration for the
dogs in this program is awe-inspiring.
Learn about the stories of how these
downtrodden animals, marked for
annihilation, become heroes quickly;
and how they become the center of
the healing for wounded humans—
and how they prove that we have so
much to learn from our furry animal
friends. Wear the Nordic Naturals
Paws for Veterans dog-tags openly and
when people ask what those are—
they are one of the greatest
Volume 11, Number 9 • September 2014
conversation-starters ever—you have
the platform for communicating on a
cause, and maybe bringing people in
to understand about both Omega-3
Nutrition and Optimal Human
Health. Talk about an impressive and
urgent win-win.
Never doubt that a small group
of thoughtful, committed people
can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that
ever has.
—Margaret Mead
Be proactive, get out of your store
and engage. Call your local newspaper
and media and present the idea. You
know that this simple action will find
willing and eager ears to get the word
out. Use this guerilla-marketing to
help the messaging and to help the
Vets. There is no reason to think
small. Here is an opportunity to be a
Local Hero.
Here is a way to connect in a
national chain of unified support to
lend a hand to these Veterans in need.
Support is coming. You can get by
with a little help from your friends.
You may find local heroes and
wounded warriors gravitating to your
store for help, to help­— and with
gratitude. This is the reason that we
are in this natural products
movement. We can be the local
community resource center. Everyone
deserves a helping hand: every living
being deserves respect and the
opportunity to live, and to be healthy
and have purpose
The primary mission is to bring
attention to this amazing
organization. The second mission is to
help them to build a facility to
accomplish more good work. Make
this a challenge that both your store
and your community can get behind.
Learn about the actions to build the
Janos V. Lutz Wounded Warrior
Ranch (and PTSD Health Center),
and be creative in your own Veterancentric in-store fund-raisers. Learn at and share this
We all can see the combined
goodness in this opportunity. Know
that BMC will be talking about this
constantly for the next three months.
You will hear more stories. We want
to crescendo with this story so that
everyone stays interested and
motivated to constantly share this
important communication. Nordic
Naturals will soon have a DVD that
speaks to this event, so that stores
that have looping video capabilities
can have the story skillfully told as a
highlight to their endcap display. This
can be a powerful link for your
website, and something that can be
good local news that reporters can tell
over and over, everywhere. Tell your
BMC Rep that you want a DVD, and
that you will maximize its use.
Today, the American government
signed an agreement with the new
government of Afghanistan that
includes keeping a minimum of
10,000 American troops there till
2024 and beyond (strange this was not
headline news): multiple tours of
continued on page 8
Blue Moose Consulting
P.O. Box 557
Falls Church, Va. 22040-0557
got email?
If you’d like to receive information by
email, send your request to
VISIT us at our website!
“If you don’t read this newsletter every month, you are missing something.”
Getting by With a Little Help
from Friends
continued from page 7
duty, over and over again. No support
networks provided upon return.
In military training, troops are
taught to have each other’s backs. That
Band of Brothers mentality serves well
in turmoil and combat. When a soldier
comes home and feels isolation—that
can understandably be a life-changing
stressor. It can change perspective and
world-view: it is the definition of
traumatic. Check out the current
research: Omega 3s, and their total
body support, their cellular health
reinforcement, are the most important
things that you can hand to a wounded
warrior who is seeking a way back to
an America where people are willing
to offer a little help for their friends.
For those of us who even once have
had our hearts buoyed by a companion
pet, it is easy to understand that we
could be making little miracles here.
Millions of moments of healing. We
can change the world: the love you
make is equal to the love you take.
Share love: more love, come surround
us! Let’s reach out our hands, to help.
Note: The BMC newsletter sale list is
available by the first day of each month as
a one-page faxable form that easily fits on
the wall for quick viewing/decisionmaking. Want to receive all the deals on the
great BMC lines this via fax early every
month? Call Anita Lomel at 770-2962506 and put in your request now.
How to Reach Blue Moose Consulting
Call as often as necessary: we want to be of assistance
Blue Moose Consulting • Michael Hennessey
office: 202-588-8238 • cell: 202-236-3735 • fax: 202-986-9501 •
PO Box 557 • Falls Church, VA. 22040-0557
Companies represented:
Bluebonnet Nutrition
fax: 1-281-240-3535
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Herb Pharm
information: 541-846-6262
orders: 800-348-4372
fax: 800-545-7392
Williams, OR 97544
Newton Homeopathics
fax: 1-800-760-5550
Conyers, GA 30012
Aloe Life International
orders: 1-800-414-ALOE
fax: 619-258-1373
San Diego, CA 92107
Himalaya Herbal
fax: 800-577-6930
Sugar Land, TX 77478
The Hair Doc Company
800-7 hair doc
fax: 818-341-3104
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Aromaland, Inc.
Santa Fe, NM 87507
Vitalah, LLC
fax: 831-761-3648
Watsonville, CA 95076
Action Remedies
434-534-6050 • 888-550-7774
fax: 434-534-6040
Forest, VA 24551-1200
Nordic Naturals:
Pure and Great Tasting
Omega OIls
800-662-2544 • 831-7246200
fax: 831-724-6600
Watsonville, CA 95076
Surya Brasil
fax: 516-328-0760
New Hyde Park, NY 11040
Essential Formulas, Inc.
fax: 972-255-6648
Farmers Branch, TX 752348906
Erom, Inc./Juvo
714-562-1515 •
800-558-Juvo (5886)
fax: 714-562-1516
Buena Park, CA 90620
Immune Health Basics
fax: 651-675-0400
Eagan, MN 55121
Ph: (425) 333-5480.
Orders and fax: (425) 491
Carnation, WA 98014
Eco Lips, Inc
Ph: 1-866-326-5477
fax: 1-319-364-3550
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Support all the lines we
represent: Independence,
Quality, Strength
Mushroom Science
888-283-6583 • 541-344-8753
fax: 541-344-3107
Eugene, OR 97405
Opinions expressed in this
newsletter are solely those of
Blue Moose Consulting. Blue
Moose Consulting is not paid
for endorsing any products.
Editor and writer, Michael
Hennessey • Graphics, Theresa
Welling • Distribution and
webmaster, John Holback