American Mineralogist, Volume 81, pages 940-951, 1996 40Ar:r'diffusion in Fe-rich biotite Mlnrv Gnovn,c.ND T. M,c.RxH,mnrsox Department of Earth and SpaceSciencesand IGPP, University of California, Los Angeles,California 90024, U.S.A. Arsrn^l,sr Hydrothermal bulk-loss experiments employing radiogenic Ar 1oo4l*, were performed to determine whether aoAr*diffusivity in biotite increaseswith Fe content. Diffusion laws determined for intermediate and Fe-rich biotite assuming single-domain difrrsion (infinite-cylinder geometry) are remarkably similar: Fe-mica biotite (X*i*:0.71) D: 0.401$.!$exp[-(50500+ 2.2)/RT] and Cooma biotite (X_",* : 0.54) D : 0.0751881?exp [-(47100 + 1.5)/Rf]. The nearly identical resultsfor Fe-micabiotite and Cooma biotite and their similarity to those from previous studies indicate that most biotite grains of intermediate composition possesscomparable aoAr* diffusion properties. Becauselimited grain breakageand volumetrically minor recrystallization is unavoidable during hydrothermal heating in bulk diffusion experiments, these diffusion laws necessarilyprovide upper limits to 40Ar* loss by intercrystalline diffusion. The measured rates of aoAr* loss from biotite agreereasonablywell with expectationsbasedon single-domain volume diffusion using infinite-cylinder geometry when experimental uncertainties are taken into account. However, lack of information regarding aoAr* gradients within the hydrothermally treated mica prevents us from precluding more complex diffusion mechanismsinvolving high diffusivity pathways. In this paper we consider the significanceof bulk-loss aoAr* diffusion experiments and discusshow diffusion parametersdetermined in the laboratory may be applied to thermochronology provided suitable constraints are available. et al. 1967;Vedder and Wilkins 1969,Sanzet al. 1983). 40Ar* diffusion studies (Giletti 1974; NorThe ability to constrain temperature-time histories of Hydrothermal rocks is of paramount importance for reconstruction of wood 1974;Harrisonet al. 1985;Hesset al. 1987;Onsthe evolution of the Earth's crust. Thermochronologic use tott et al. l99l) of biotite samplesof known composition of 4oArl3eArdata for biotite or other phasesrequires ev- are indicated in Figure l In this paper we presentresults aoAr* bulk-loss experiments peridence that radiogenic aoAr (ooAr*)loss in nature occurs from hydrothermal formed with Fe-rich biotite (Fe-mica biotite; Govindarby a quantifiable diffusive processand availability ofapaoAr*diffusion studpropriate diffusion parameters(McDougall and Harrison adu 1979;Table l; Fig. l). Previous (Norwood ies 1974; Harrison 1985) et al. have predicted 1988).While field experimentsrelying upon the thermal was that Fe-rich biotite significantly less retentive of 40Ar'* effectsof intrusions (e.g.,Westcott 1966;Hanson and Gast than intermediate Fe'*/(Mg * Fe2+ compositions. To ) 1967) unarguably representthe most direct approach for aoAr* retentivity of Fe-rich biotite understanding the rates and processesof o0Ar* loss in compare directly the minerals under crustal conditions, difficulties inherent in and that of biotite of intermediate composition, addidetermining thermal historiesof crustal rocks rendersfield tional experiments using identical experimental techcalibration of diffusion laws problematic. Therefore, al- niques were performed on Cooma biotite; (Harrison et though extrapolation of diffusion parameters measured al. 1985;Table l). at higher temperaturesand shorter time scalesthan those relevant to 40Ar*loss from minerals in nature is not withExprnrprnNTAl DESTcN out risk (e.g., Villa and Puxeddu 1994), the large uncertainties associatedwith field calibration emphasize the Diffusion coefficientswere calculatedfrom the bulk loss need for laboratory studies. of 40Art<from sized aggregatesof biotite hydrothermally BecauseAr has extremely low solubility in silicate min- heatedat constanttemperature(e.g.,Giletti 1974).This erals (Ozima and Podosek 1983), Ar diffusion experi- simple approach circumvents difficulties related to obments invariably employ natural aoAr* as the diffirsant. taining Ar measurementswith micrometer-scaleresoluHydrothermal experiments are required to study ooAr* tion and hasproducedresultscomparableto thoseof depth retentivity in biotite becauseofbiotite's tendency to de- profiling (e.g.,Kelley et al. 1994a)in orthoclase(Foland composewhen heatedin atmosphereor in vacuo (Brandt 1974). Fractional losses(/) were calculatedaccording to 0003-004x/96l0708-0940$05.00 940 INrnoougrroN 941 GROVE AND HARRISON: {AT* DIFFUSION IN FC-RICH BIOTITE TABLE 1. Biotite comPositions Cooma- biotite 5l r.rAl 16rAl l2 _3 s il Fe3+ FeF+ os 00 Mn Mg K Na Total Cations OH 02 04 06 08 Ft ctt l0 Mg(Mg+Fe) Frcunr l. Contour plot of compositions of biotite from a wide spectrum of metamorphic rocks from subamphibolite to granulite facies;plot is basedon data from Guidotti (1984). The black area indicates the region ofthe plot in which >50/oofthe analysesoccur. Note the predominanceof biotite of intermediate composition. Labeled squaresrepresentcompositions of biotite examinedin hydrothermul +0fu* studies:(1) Fe-mica biotite (this study), (2) Cooma biotite (Harrison et al. 1985),(3) intermediate biotite of Hess et al. (1987), (4) various biotite grains examined by Norwood (1974), (5) Benson Mines biotite (Onstott et al. l99l), and (6) F-rich phlogopite examined by Giletti (1974). Note that new electron microprobe analysesobtained for the biotite of Norwood (1974) are tabulated in Appendix Table l. 2.69 1.31 0.50 0.15 0.07 1. 1 9 0.02 0.98 0.94 0.02 7.87 1.77 0.12 0.11 Fe-mica-- biotite 2.72 1.28 0.53 0.15 0.27 1.27 0.02 0.54 0.91 0.04 7.73 1.59 0.40 0.01 where I and a represent the heating duration and measured radii of the grain, respectively. Neglecting additional terms causesan error of <0. l0 in natural log units for values of Dt/a2 < 0.05. Activation energies(E") and frequencyfactors (Do)were calculatedin the conventional manner from the slope (-,8"/R) and ordinate (ln Do) of an Arrhenius plot of the experimental results (ln D vs. inverseabsolutelemPerature). oF STARTTNGMATERTAT,S CrHucrBmzATIoN The compositions of both Fe-mica and Cooma biotite were determined by wet-chemicalmethods and X-ray dif( l ) fraction (XRD) (Table l). Cell dimensions determined by R.E. Jones(UCLA) usingXRD ate a : 5.335,b : 9.246, c : 10.190A, P : 100.24 for Fe-mica,and a: 5.341, b :9.237, c : 10.233A, P : 100.02"for Coomabiotite. where u and h denote untreated and hydrothermally anSpot analysis by electron microprobe indicated homogenealed biotite, and "r is an experimentally determined neousmajor elementcompositions.Both optical and backconstant characterizingproduction of3eAr from 3eKdurscatteredelectron imaging showed no detectablechlorite ing neutron irradiation (McDougall and Harrison 1988). sample (see also analysis performed by Tetley o0Ar* concentration within in either Use of Equation 1 assumes This is also supportedby high KrO contents(Ta1978). aoAf the grains is initially homogeneousand that external ble l) and the absenceofbasal reflections from chlorite concentrationsare maintained at zero (Crank 1975).The in X-ray difraction patterns. These observations do not latter is guaranteedby an infinite reservoir of atmospherpreclude the presenceof trace, nanometer-scalechlorite 36.4r (a0Ar/36Arotr: 295.5)proic Ar. Measurementsof (e.g.,Hess et al. 1987;Onstott et al. 1991). o0Ar incor- intergrowths vided the basis for correcting for atmospheric porated into the grains during hydrothermal treatment. Distribution of aAr* Following earlierstudies(e.g.,Giletti 1974),diffusioncoCalculation of model diffusion coefficientsrequires hoefficients (D) were calculated with the assumption that aoAr*in the host. Uniform aoAr* aoAr* loss during hydrothermal treatment occurs by sin- mogeneouslydistributed for Fe-mica becauseit is deexpected are concentrations gle-domain, intracrystalline diffusion, with bulk o0Ar* (Roubault et al. 1968) intrusion higlr-level from a rived transport normal to the c axis (infinite-cylinder geomehave cooled rapidly. Although the Cooma to is likely that aoAr* loss try). The compatibility of the systematicsof plutonic complex originated from somewhat deeper levwith these assumptions can be evaluated by comparing els (-3 kbar; Vernon 1988),cooling at approximately20 the measuredvaluesof/with thosepredictedby the model through its closure interval for Ar retention min"C/Ma in plots of /vs. t/a2 or equivalent representations(Crank potential for significant 40Ar*gradients(Tetley the imizes 1975). Diffusivities were calculated using the approxi1978). The 4o\r/3eAr step-heating experiments have mate solution for the infinite cylinder of Reichenberg yielded uniform age spectrafor both Cooma biotite (Te(l 953): tley 1978) and Fe-mica (Harrison, unpublished data). theseresults do not require the absenceof (2) Unfortunately, ooAr* gradients becausestructural decomposition internal :('- (#,"J.^-(#),r (HJ^ GROVE AND HARRISON' 4oAr* DIFFUSION IN Fe-RICH BIOTITE 942 Tlele 2. Cooma and Fe-micabiotitegrain-sizedimenstons Meshsizet Length -L (001) (pm)-. 100-120 318+ 65 120-140 294 + 71 140-170 247 + 59 60-80 80-100 100-120 120-140 140-170 170-200 200-230 488 + 398 + 313+ 289 + 248 + 188+ 143 + 99 84 72 82 73 45 53 width r (001) tum)-Cooma 202 + 166+ 134+ Effective radius (pm)t biotite 29 128 + 13 20 1 1 3+ 1 3 10 96 + 10 Fe-mica biotite 305 + 41 241 + 28 203 + 19 168 + 22 141+16 113r'12 88+11 Ptt2o= Prorut=1000 bars -10 Length/width 1.6 + 0.4 1 . 8+ 0 . 5 1.8+ 0.5 An -15 00 191 + 23 154 + 17 125 + 14 109 + 15 92+19 72+9 56+10 1 . 6+ 1 . 7+ 1 . 6+ 1 . 8+ 1 . 8+ 1 . 7I 1 . 6+ 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.3 t Units are division oer inch. -t Results 100 of measurementsper size fraction. t EffeJtiveradii (a) calculatedfrom measuredflake dimensionsDy a : \alwl2. -20 -25 I Cooma Biotite 1Ann55) r Fe-mica Biotite (Ann 71) -30 400 s00 600 700 E00 900 r("c) Frcuns2. Z-/", stabilityrelationsof ferromagnesian biotite. Solid linesrepresentisoplethsfor annite + O, : magnetite+ of biotite by dehydroxylation and basal delamination potassiumfeldspar+ HrO (valuesrepresentannitecontentof during in vacuo heating obscuresaoAr* gradients by ho- biotite).Phaserelations arecalculated for HrO pressure of 1000 mogenizingthem (Hansenet al. 1975;Gaberet al. 1988). barsusingdataofWonesand Eugster(1965).Buffersshownby Both Fe-rich mica and Cooma biotite indicate homoge- the dotted lines are hematite+ magnetite(HM), Ni + NiO neous aoArxconcentrationswhen sampled in bulk (-5 (I.{NO), qraftz + fayalite + magnetite(QFM), and gaphite + mg) aggregates.Harrison et al. (1985) reported a 4oAr* methane(C-CH4).The solid squaresand circlesrepresentthe conditionsfor CoomabiotiteandFe-mica,respecconcentrationof 6.001 + 0.009 x l0-e mol/g for three experimental tively. replicate analyses of Cooma biotite. Fe-mica (40Ar* : 4.384 x l0-e mol/g Govindaradu 1979)has been used in the UCLA 40Ar/3eAr facility for over 6 yr as a concen- heated, cold-seal pressurevesselsunder conditions inditration standard for aoAr*. The 4oAr:*/3eArratios of ali- cated by previous experimental studiesto be within their quots of both coarse- and fine-size fractions of Fe-mica respectiveP-T-fo, stability fields (Fig. 2; seeWones and can be reproducedwith the sameprecision(=0.60lo). Eugster1965; Rutherford 1973).Experimentswere conducted at 550-700 oC and 1000 bars (Table 3). In FeSizing mica experiments, f and /o, conditions were maintained Mica grains were sorted by dry and then wet sieving at values imposed by the graphite + methane buffer with into sevensize fractions between 80 and 230 mesh. Most the use of thin-walled, AgroPdrocapsulesand methane grains possessedsmooth basal cleavageswith essentially equilibrated with powdered graphite and graphite filler vertical margins as measured from the basal cleavage. rods as the pressuremedium (Huebner 197l). In Cooma Long and short dimensions of cleavagefaceswere mea- biotite experiments,sufficienttime (15-100 d) was likely sured for at least I 00 grains from eachsizefraction (Table available to permit equilibration through the 0.25 mm 2). Diameter-to-flake thickness ratios estimated from thick gold capsulewalls with the intrinsic,fo, of the Stelknown KrO contents and 3eAryields obtained by fusing llte 25 pressure vessel and the stainless steel filler rod measuredgrains with an Ar ion laser were typically 25: l, (approximately that of the Ni + NiO butrer; Huebner in agreement with less precise optical determinations. l97l). Temperaturewas regulatedwith proportionalconGrain radii were estimated by calculating the area of the trollers using dual Chromel-Alumel thermocouples.Presellipse defined by the long and short dimensions of cleav- sure was monitored with a Heise-Bourdon gauge.After age faces and then finding the radius of the equivalent equilibration, variations in these parameters were genarea cylinder (Harrison et al. 1985). An alternative ap- erally lessthan + I 'C and t5 bars. Temperature calibraproachusedby Giletti (1974)and Norwood (1974)yields tion performed using two thermocouplesagreedwith exa radius that is 12.80/o larger and diffusion coefficientsthat pected values for the melting points of pure NaCl and Al are 20o/osmaller (-0.24 natural log units on an Arrhenius wrre within 5 'C. All samples were quenched in complot). This discrepancyis comparableto the experimental pressedair and removed from the pressurevesselwithin uncertainty in the measurement. 5-10 min of power shut off. Chargeswere discarded if weighing routines indicated leakageof HrO. HyonorrmnrvrAl, TREATMENT Light microscope and SEM imaging of treated mica Sized, 25 mg aliquots of biotite were sealedin either revealed both appreciable breakageof original grains as gold or AgroPdrocapsuleswith I mg pure water. Isother- well as new biotite growth. In general, hydrothermally mal, isobaric heating was performed within externally treated Fe-mica biotite tended to exhibit a higher per- 943 GROVE AND HARRISON' 4oAr* DIFFUSION IN Fe-RICH BIOTITE TABLE3, Cooma and Fe-mica biotite experimentalresults T Expt. fc) (d) lnD (pm) HCB-1 HCB-2 HCB.3 HCB-4 HCB-5 HC8-6 HCB-7 HCB-8 550 550 600 600 650 650 700 700 97.1 3 97.13 50.29 50.27 28.91 28.95 15.89 15.93 Cooma biotite 96+10 1 1 3+ 1 3 1 1 3+ 1 3 128+ 13 1 2 8l 1 3 129 + 13 128+ 13 1 2 8+ 1 3 0.102+ 0.074+ 0.159+ 0 . 1 1 1+ 0.181+ 0.180+ 0.241+ 0.233+ 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.006 -31.88+ -31.70 + -29.49 r -29.98 + -28.42 + -28.43 + -27.22+ -27.30 ! Fm-12 Fm-1 Fm-9 Fm-3 Fm-10 Fm-2 Fm-5 Fm-4 Fm-6 Fm-8 Fm-15 Fm-11 Fm-13 Fm-14 Fm-16 Fm-17 700 700 700 700 700 650 650 650 650 600 600 550 550 550 550 550 78.09 15.07 22.01 15.07 14.03 25.88 44.16 20.98 14.86 23.91 75.93 78.09 75.93 75.93 67.92 67.92 Fe-mica biotite 154+ 17 129 + 14 109+ 15 92+13 92+13 125 + 14 125 ! 14 92+13 92+10 56r10 56+10 109+ 15 92+13 56+10 56110 56+10 0.584+ 0.307+ 0.250+ 0.349+ 0.302+ 0.191+ 0.216+ 0.185+ 0.121r 0.216+ 0.290+ 0.0443+ 0.0948+ 0.117+ 0.106+ 0.135+ 0.003 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.0101 0.0076 0.009 0.007 0.007 -26.49 + 0.22 -26.70 ! 0.23 -27.79 + 0.29 -27.O4+ O.29 -27.28 + 0.29 -28.25 ! 0.24 -28.52 + 0.24 -28.71 + 0.30 -29.24 + 0.32 -29.51 + 0.38 -30.04 a 0.38 -32.60 + 0.60 -31.38+ 0.34 -31.93 + 0.42 -32.03 + 0.40 -31.54+ 0.39 centageof new gain growth. XRD patterns obtained for all experiments revealed only biotite peaks. Ultrasonic treatment and wet sieving under acetonewas performed to recover from the capsulesgrains with dimensions similar to those of the original starting material. Only the mica grains with dimensions corresponding to those of the original size fraction (approximately 60-900/oof the treated grains) were used in further analysis.SEM imaging of thesematerialsindicatedthat <5-100/oof the surface of treated grains was covered by neoformed, l-10 pm diameter hexagonal platelets after ultrasonic treatment (Fig. 3). Note that original broken grain boundaries are well preserved even after heating at 700'C for 78 d (Fig. 3a). Close inspectionrevealsthat micrometer-scale biotite overgrowths forming euhedral margins are common on broken grain edges(Fig. 3b). Recrystallization on this scale probably represents < lolo of the mass of the original grain. For example, reprecipitation of biotite to cover 100/oof the surface with 10 pm diameter (l pm thick) grains correspondsto 0.400/orecrystallization. 0.25 0.32 0.25 0.24 0.22 O.22 o.21 0.2'l GP-50 Zr-Al getter pump and analyzedwith a Nuclide 4.5-60-RSS mass spectrometer operated in the Faraday mode [aoArsensitivityof 1.5 x 10-15mol/mV; massdiscrimination of 0.994 per amu; seeHarrison and Fitz Gerald (1986) and McDougall and Harrison (1988) for additional experimental details]. In each analysis, samples were degassedin a crucible preheatedto 350'C for -5 min to melt the enclosing tin foil' Although this gas was generally not analyzed, measurementsperformed for the first severalsamplesdetectedbackground3eArvalues and atmospheric 40Ar/36Arratios. After pretreatment at 350 'C, temperaturewas increasedto 850'C for -5 min to stabilize the mica grains by allowing them to dehydroxylate (Vedder and Wilkins 1969) before fusing them for -5 min at 1350'C. Although, blank determinationsfollowing this procedurewere < l0 x l0-'a mol at m/e 40, <2 x l0-t6 mol at m/e 39, and < I x l0-'u mol at m/e 36, sporadically low-percent aoAr*yields measuredfor all materials indicate somewhat higher degrees of atmospheric contamination. &Ar/3eAl ANALYSTS RBsur,rs Hydrothermally treated Fe-mica and Cooma biotite were analyzed for o0Ar* loss using the 40Ar/3eArtechnique. Hydrothermally treated mica grains interspersed with untreated biotite and Fish Canyon sanidine (FCT1) were irradiated for 120 h in the L67 position of the Ford reactor (University of Michigan). These conditions yielded "I factors of -0.02 (Table 4) and necessitateda correction factor for K-derived o0Arof 0.025 (determined from measurementson KrSOo). Gas extracted from -5 mg splits of mica wrapped in tin foil in a double-vacuum tantalum resistancefurnace was purified with an S.A.E.S. Results of the ooArl'nAr analysesof untreated and hydrothermally annealed Fe-mica and Cooma biotite are presented in Table 4. Note that approximately 300/oof the analyseswere performed on untreated mica. Total fusion ageswere calculated with ,I factors determined by assigning an age of 27.8 Ma to Fish Canyon sanidine (Cebulaet al. 1986).The ageuncertaintiesinclude a 0.50/o analytical uncertainty in "L Weighted mean agesand standard errors calculatedfrom separatealiquots ofuntreated biotite were 307.6 + 0.4 Ma (eight analyses)and 398.1 + 0.7 Ma (19 analyses)for Fe-mica biotite and Cooma 944 GROVE AND HARRISON' eAr* DIFFUSION IN Fe-RICH BIOTITE Frcunr 3. Representative SEM imagesof hydrothermally heatedbiotite. (a) Grain from experimentFm-12, which was heatedat 700'C for 78 d (longestdurationat 700.C).Notethat original fracturedgrain-boundarymorphologiesare well preserved.Note that the cleavagesurfaceis affectedby new mrca grofih of micrometerscale.As discussed in the text, recrystallization on this scaleprobablyrepresents<10/oof the massof the originalgrain.(b) Closeinspectionofmany brokensurfaces revealsneweuhedral biotiteovergroMhsof submicrometer scale. Notethatan -0.5 pm thick overgrowthcoveringtheentiregrain wouldcorrespondto only 1olo recrystallization. biotite, respectively.Theseresultscompare favorably with previousK-Ar agedeterminationsof 307.3 + 2.0 Ma for Fe-mica biotite (Harrison, unpublished data) and 398.8 + 2.5 Ma for Cooma biotite (Tetley 1978).The homogeneouscharacter of the starting material is indicated by <0.30/oreproducibility in the total gas ages yielded by individual analyses(Table 4). The averageuncertainty in total fusion age (excluding analytical uncertainty in,f is also 0.30/0.Duplicate analyseswere generally performed for treated mica from each experiment. Although only 40o/oof the total fusion ages calculated from duplicate analysesagreed to within 0.30/0,nearly 800/oreproduced to within l0l0. Total fusion ages from hydrothermally treated Fe-mica biotite were more difficult to reproduce than those from treated Cooma biotite (Table 4). Fractional loss (/) values for the hydrothermally treated mica calculated with Equation I are shown in Table 3. Most values of / were computed from the averageof two replicate analysesfrom the same experiment. Propagation of errors associatedwith40Ar*/3eAr and,Iindicate that relative uncertainties in fractional loss values in the range0. l0 < /< 0.50 are -5o/o(on the order of +0.01 units in fractional loss). The uncertainties in fractional loss for a given experiment appear to account for overall experimental reproducibility. For example, values of fractional loss determined for two setsof nearly identical experiments(HCB-5 and HCB-6, HCB-7 and HCB-8) agreedto within 0.4 and 3.50/0,respectively(Table 3). For fractional loss values <0.10, relative uncertaintiesapproach 25o/o. Model diffusion coemcients(D) calculated with Equation 2 are also shown in Table 3. Uncertainties reported for D are typically +0.3 natural log units and reflect + lo uncertainties in both fractional loss and estimated grain size (Table 3). Note that asymmetric uncertainties in ln D were rounded in Table 3. At a given temperature, experimental reproducibility (+0.S natural log units) is nearly accounted for by experimental uncertainty at the +2o level. This scatter likely results from minor (< lolo) recrystallization during hydrothermal treatment and from the presenceof small grain fragments formed during initial experimental pressurization but not removed during subsequentultrasonic cleaning and resizing. Least-squaresregressionofthe Arrhenius data for Femica using a + 5 'C uncertainty in temperature yields 50.5 + 2.2 kcal/mol and 0.40191fcm,/s (MSWD : 2.1) for E" and Do, respectively (Fig. 4a). Following the same procedure for Cooma biotite yields an E^ of 44.5 + 2.5 kcal/mol anda Do of 0.01519$fr! cm,/s (MSWD:0.57). These values are within 1o of those obtained by Harrison et al. (1985), who reported 47 + 2.1 kcal/mol and 0.0771834cm2ls for E^ and Do, respectively.Combining the data obtained for Cooma biotite in the two studies yieldsvaluesof 47.1+ 1.5kcal/moland0.0751ggjf cmrls (MSWD : 1.25)for.E" and Do, respectively.Considering the large experimental uncertainty, these values are essentially the same as those obtained for Fe-mica biotite. The higher degree of scatter exhibited by Fe-mica may reflect greaterrecrystallizationand comminution of grains than was observedin experimentsperformed with Cooma biotite. Drscussrolt Significance of biotite bulk-loss {Ar* diffusion experiments Taking experimental uncertainty into account, loss of aoAr* from biotite in the present experiments agrees reasonably well with expectations based on the singledomain diffusion model with infinite-cylinder geometry. This compatibility is illustrated in Figure 5. In this diagram, values of t/a2 calculated from the measuredgrain size and heating duration are plotted against measured fractional loss. Also shown are single-domain solutions for the infinite cylinder at the indicated temperatures.As GROVE AND HARRISON: aoAr* DIFFUSION IN Fe-RICH BIOTITE 945 TABLE4. Cooma and Fe-mica biotite 10Ar/3eAr analytical results Expt. Jtactor Weight (ms) HCB-1 HCB-2 HCB.2 HCB-3 HCB-3 HCB.4 HCB.4 HCB.5 HC8-6 HC8-6 HCB.7 HCB-7 HCB-8 HCB-8 Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated 0.02054 0.02055 0.02055 0.02055 0.02055 0.02055 0.02055 0.02055 0.02057 0.02057 0.02057 0.02057 0.02058 0.02058 0.02054 0.02054 0.02054 0.02056 0.02056 0.p2060 0.02060 0.02060 3.45 3.40 5.87 5.49 6.83 5.47 3.66 2.91 5.48 5.43 9.93 5.64 5.45 7.16 3.87 6.07 6.49 6.01 6.98 6.25 10.10 5.51 Fm-1 Fm-1 Fm-2 Fm-2 Fm-3 Fm-3 Fm-4 Fm-4 Fm-5 Fm-5 Fm-6 Fm-6 Fm-8 Fm-9 Fm-9 Fm-10 Fm-10 Fm-11 Fm-11 Fm-12 Fm-12 Fm-13 Fm-l3 Fm-14 Fm-14 Fm-15 Fm-15 Fm-16 Fm-16 Fm-174 Fm-17A Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated 0.02087 0.02087 0.02094 0.02094 0.02103 0.02103 0.02107 o.02107 0.02044 0.02044 0.02042 0.02042 0.02040 0.02039 0.02039 0.02038 0.02038 0.02037 0.02037 0.02037 0.02037 0.02037 0.02037 0.02038 0.02038 0.02040 0.02040 0.02041 0.02041 0.02042 o.02042 0.02046 0.02046 0.02046 0.02038 0.02038 0.02039 0.02039 0.02039 0.02044 0.02044 0.02044 0.02046 0.02046 0.02082 0.02082 o.02082 0.02114 0.02114 0.02114 3.77 7.37 3.19 6.07 4.36 4.81 4.00 3.56 sAr x 10-12mol Equivalent V" K2O Cooma biotite 10.3 1.89 10.0 1.81 9.2 2.90 9.7 2.84' o', 3.54 10.2 2.99 10.7 2.09 10.1 1.57 9.9 2.89 2.83 9.7 9.5 5.05 9.8 2.95 1 0.0 2.91 o'l 3.70 9.8 2.02 v.o 3.11 9.8 3.41 9.6 3.10 9.5 3.56 9.4 3.16 9.1 4.91 10.2 3.01 o/o QAf' 74.5 Jb.5 81.6 68.7 76.6 85.6 78.9 55.7 65.3 76.6 83.6 77.6 67.8 76.1 91.3 86.4 91.8 92.0 84.8 74.3 86.8 85.8 {Ar'fsAr 10.79 11.17 11.07 10.12 10.09 10.71 10.65 9.84 9.84 9.84 9.11 9.11 9.17 9.24 12.01 12.06 12.02 12.00 11.98 12.00 11i96 12.00, Apparent age(Ma) 361.1+ 372.8! 369.8+ 340.9+ 339.9+ 358.9+ 357.1+ 392.2+ 332.5l 332.5+ 309.9+ 309.9+ 3 1 1 . 9+ 3 1 4 . 1+ 397.8+ 399.3r 398.1+ 397.8+ 397.2+ 398.5+ 397.3+ 398.5+ 2.2 2.1 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.6 2.0 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 Fe-mica biotite J.5Z 5.47 4.48 7.31 5.26 4.52 4.36 6.16 J.CO 4.59 /.oc 6.69 5.85 1.89 4.37 3.14 1.26 2.05 3.70 6.29 4.06 5.00 5.38 5.85 4.30 2.83 8.09 2.65 5.40 3.24 5.80 4.3 3.85 2.62 5.28 7.20 +.c I 5.89 2.45 7.13 5.85 7.45 2.00 3.52 1.71 3.11 1.14 2.33 2.04 1.32 2.69 2.74 2.25 3.43 2.46 2.30 2.24 2.78 1.69 2.10 3.27 3.52 3.25 0.891 2.18 1.59 0.634 0.664 1.68 3.01 2.07 2.49 2.61 2.97 2.10 't.21 4.27 'l.29 2.68 1.58 2.99 2.12 1.90 1.35 2.40 3.55 1.97 2.88 1.30 3.61 2.91 3.41 9.8 8.8 9.8 9.4 4.8 8.9 9.3 6.8 9.5 9.4 9.5 8.8 8.8 9.6 9.7 8.5 9.0 8.6 8.1 9.9 10.5 8.9 9.4 9.6 9.5 6.1 8.6 9.0 9.6 9.4 9.1 9.5 9.2 8.0 10.0 9.2 9.4 9.2 9.7 9.3 9.3 o7 8.5 9.3 8.0 9.0 9.8 9.2 9.1 8.3 50.9 50.3 73.5 73.4 68.1 63.9 84.8 61.2 69.1 82.0 81.6 84.4 oc.c 85.0 74.9 88.0 63.3 39.4 42.9 72.4 64.9 86.3 84.8 77.1 41.9 79.8 70.8 77.8 77.2 69.7 79.1 96.6 88.9 67.4 94.0 93.5 83.4 63.3 68.2 78.0 85.1 77.8 62.7 90.8 84.4 89.7 29.5 86.2 95.2 72.5 6.18 6.16 7.18 7.19 5.70 5.81 7.20 7.18 7.14 7.12 8.00 8.00 7.14 6.80 6.87 6.35 6.38 8.70 ', 8.74 3.82 3.78 8.32 8.20 7.88 8.22 6.57 6.36 8.11 8.17 7.81 7.94 9.18 9.08 9.07 9.11 9.23 9.09 9.13 9.09 9.11 9.09 9.07 9.08 9.12 8.91 8.93 8.63 8.75 8.80 8.80 218.9I 1.4 218.2! 1.2 252.7+ 1.3 253.0+ 1.2 204.2+ 1.2 208.0+ 1.2 254.8+ 1.4 254.2! 1.5 245.8!',t.2 245.1+ 1.2 273.0! 1.4 273.0+ 1.4 245.3+ 1.3 2U.3 + 1.1 236.5J 1.5 2 1 9 . 6+ 1 . 1 2205 + 1.2 294.3+ 1.6 295.6+ 2.3 135.2+ 0.7 133.8+ 0.7 282.4! 1.6 278.7! 1.4 '268.7+ 1.4 279.4+ 2.3 226.9! 1.4 220j + 1.4 276.3+ 1.3 278.2+ 1.4 267.O ! 1.4 271.'l! 1.4 319.5+ 1.6 307.4+ 1.5 307j + 1.7 307.2+ 1.5 3 1 1 . 0+ 1 . 7 306.8+ 1.7 308.0I 1.5 306.8+ 1.5 308.1l 1.9 307.4+ 1.5 306.8+ 1.5 3O7.4+ 1.7 308.7r 1.5 307.0+ 1.7 397.6+ 1.5 298.1+ 2.6 306.2l 1.5 307.8+ 1.6 397.9+ 1.5 946 GROVE AND HARRISON'4Ar* DIFFUSION IN Fe-RICH BIOTITE (a) Fe-mica Biotite -25 {b) Cooma Biotite f Opensymbolsfrom 6 Harrisonetal.(1985)O + - La t1 rJ \vr\ I d \ \T Y \U) c\ ((),- a 5 -29 202 pm 125gm A 113pm V 97pm V 96Pn o o sopm 56um tr -31 E, = 50.51 Z.ZkcdJmoI E^= 47.I + 1.5kcaVmol l n D o = - 6 . 9 *11 . 2 lnDo=-2.59*6.3a MSWD=21 MSWD= 1.3 -JJ -JJ 0.95 r.00 1.05 1.10 1.1_51.20 1.25 1000/r(K) 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 t.20 1.25 1000/r(K) Frcunp 4. Arrhenius plots for Cooma biotite and Fe-mica (infinite-cylinder model). (a) Diffusion coefrcients calculatedfor Fe-mica. (b) Resultsfor Cooma biotite, including data from Harrison et al. (1985). Note that the values are nearly identical to those for Fe-mica biotite. Results obtained for Cooma biotite (solid symbols) in the presentstudy agreewith those of Harrison et al. (1985; open symbols)\ /ithin the experimental uncertainty, except for the a : 202 pm size fraction. Analytical uncertainties are lo and reflect uncertainties in fractional loss and calculated grain radii. The reproducibility ofdiffusion coefficientsat a given temperature is explained by experimental uncertainty at the 2o level. Much of the variability is believed to result from minor recrystallizationand the presenceofgrain fragmentsformed during initial pressurizationthat remained after ultrasonic cleaning and resizing. indicated in Figure 5, the majority of the results agree with the infinite-cylinder solution within experimental uncertainty. An alternative interpretation, advanced by Villa and Puxeddu (1994), of the mechanismsgoverning a0Ar*loss from biotite in hydrothermal experimentsholds,6u1 +0fu* is liberated primarily as a result of dissolution-reprecipitation reactions.These workers note that the dissolution rates (ftu,..)indicated by Wood and Walther's (1983)Arrhenius-typerelationship[3.5 x l0 t2to 1.2 x l0-" mol biotite(cm'z.s)over the temperaturerange 550-700 'Cl predict substantial to complete dissolution of the biotite in hydrothermal experiments performed under conditions similar to those employed in the presentstudy. The low solubility of biotite at 500-700 "C, 1000 bar conditions (Frantz et al. l98l) and the 40loby weight HrO content ofthe chargesrequire that nearly all dissolvedbiotite be precipitated as new grain growth. Preservationoforiginal grain morphologies and lack of evidence for volumetrically significant new grain gpowth in the presentexperiments indicate that values of ko,""obtained from the Wood and Walther (1983) model are significantlyoverestimated for biotite under these conditions. For exam- ple, the minor textural changesnoted for Fm- l2 (Fig. 3), which was heatedat 700'C for 78 d, are grosslyinconsistent with the 580/orecrystallization that would be required to explain Ar loss by this mechanism. Moreover, the activation energy determined for 40Ar* retention in biotite grainsexaminedin this study (47-51 kcal/mol) is significantlyhigherthan the 13.3kcal/mol activation enthalpy requiredby the Wood and Walther (1983)model. The apparent inability of the dissolution model to account for the experimental results may be explained by difficulties inherent in estimating effective surfacearea of grainsand failure to adequatelyaccountfor deviation from steady-stateconditions causedby damagedgrain surfaces (Helgesonet al. 1984;Kerrick et al. 1991).Valuesof ku,., for steady-statesilicate hydrolysis,for example,have been found to difer by more than four orders of magnitude at constanttemperature(Murphy and Helgeson1989). Incongruent dissolution of K representsan additional potential pitfall. Becausefractional loss is calculatedfrom changesin the a0Ar*/3eArratio rather than from measured differencesin 40Ar* concentrations,values of /are erroneous if the K content of mica is altered by incongruent dissolution during hydrothermal treatment (Hess et al. GROVE AND HARRISON: aoAr*DIFFUSION IN Fe-RICH BIOTITE 947 (a) Fe-micaBiotite 0.5 0.5 a CA 750"C I 700"C | 7500C 650 0C O I rcO"C -+ ^. 6000c / Y sso"c/ r'so"c f 8 0.4 0.4 J "l E 0.3 I I tr L - o r?, t).2 {)? -+ 0.0 1o1o lo11 t0t2 t/a2 (slcmz) 550 (l ? 0.1 0.1 600 0c -c 0C + -e 0.0 10e '+ -+ Open symbols fiom Harrisonct al. (1985) lolo loll 1012 t/a2 (slcr#) Fretnp 5. Plots offractional loss (f) vs. t/a2, where a and I represent the measured grain radius and heating duration, respectively. Error bars reflect propagation of uncerlainties associated with a and the experimentaluncertainty in I Solid curves are calculated for the single-domain, infinite-cylinder model at the indicated temperatures.Results for Fe-mica biotite are indicated in a and those for Cooma biotite are shown in b. Open symbols representresults of Harrison et al. (1985). Open symbols with dots represent the a : 0.0202 cm size fraction. Note that experimental results for both Fe-mica and Cooma biotite define nearly two orders of magnitude variation in t/a2 arrdgenerally fall within lo of the solution of the infinite-cylinder model. This relationship reveals compatibility of the results with the single-domain diffusion model. 1987). Although imprecise (+100/o),equivalent percent KrO can be calculated from the 3eAr yields of both untreated and hydrothermally heatedbiotite (Table 4). Values obtained for untreated and treated Fe-mica biotite (9.t + 0.6 and 9.1 + 0.9 o/oKrO,respectively)are identical and similar to the 8.8 t 0.4 o/oKrOvalue reported by Govindaradu (1979). Similarly, percent KrO values obtainedfor Cooma biotite (9.6 + 0.3 and 9.9 + 0.4 for untreated and treated grains, respectively)agreewell with the 9.8 o/oKrOvalue reported by Tetley (1978). These results indicate that incongruent dissolution of K can be ruled out at the l0o/olevel. Uncertainty regarding the nature of 4oArrtconcentration gradients developed in the hydrothermally treated mica prevents alternative diffusion mechanismsfrom being precluded. Use of natural biotite presents special problems in that both the diffusion geometry and the actual length scalesof diffusion are not known with certainty. Moreover, extended defects and intergrown chlorite or similar phasesin biotite may also significantly influence these parameters.Interestingly, laser-spot-profiling studies of naturally heated, millimeter-scale biotite and phlogopite(Phillipsand Onstott 1988;Onstottet al. 199l; Phillips l99l;Kelley et al. 1994b)and other micas(e.g., Hodges et al. 1994) have reported aoAr* loss profiles that appear inconsistent with those predicted for single-domain volume diffusion. Although some intragrain discontinuities are typically imaged, o0Ar* concentration gradients are predominately developed normal to grain boundaries over length scalestypically correspondingto grain dimensions. Additionally, integrated ages tend to be somewhat younger than those predicted by single-domain intracrystalline diffusion. These observations have been cited as evidencefor the existenceofhigh-diffusivity pathways operating over length scalescorresponding to grain dimensions(Onstott et al. l99l; Lee 1995).Unfortunately, similar detailed laser-spot-profiling of hydrothermally treated mica grains examined in the present study to determine concentration gradients was precluded by their small dimensions.Moreover, use of coarser materials is limited practically by the minimal amount of bulk aoAr* loss (- lolo)that can be induced during hydrothermal heating(=200'C) on laboratory time scales (e.g.,Onstottet al. l99l). An apparent discontinuous relationship between grain dimensions and apparent aoArretentivity not anticipated GROVE AND HARRISON' 40tu,| DIFFUSION IN Fe-RICH BIOTITE 948 Lb Cooma t4 a - t2 Biotite (650'C Tlau 5. Calculation of effective radii of diffusion data) a (cm) MssnedD, Dla'z(1ls) Db(cm,is)t a. (cm)'. 0.0202 1.0000 Erpeilmentalf 2 . 6 4 7x 1 0 e 1.08x 10-12 0.0147 0.0150 0.4095 0.014s 0.5905 butkl Dl* Distribution 1 2.539 x 10-o 2.722 x 10-e 2 . 6 4 7x 1 0 e 1.08 x 10-i2 0.0147 0.0201 0.9852 0.0026 0.0148 butkl Dl* Dist.ibution 2 1 . 4 1 4x 1 0 - e 8.483 x lo-t 2.647 x 1g-e 1.08 x 10-'e 0.0147 O MDD Model MP Mdel I 4.08 SinSle-Domain Diffusion Model (4=007?cm'zA) Single.Dodn Ditrusion Model (4=0rxoc#rO 00 t, 50 r50 100 200 ?so a\w) Frcunr 6. Measuredor bulk diffusioncoemcients(Do)of Coomabiotite in 650 .c experiments of the presentstudyand Harrisonet al. (1985)plottedasa functionofgrain size(a).The horizontallines representtwo solutionsfor single-domain diffusionusingan activationenergy(,E-") of 47 kcal/molandpreexponentialfrequencyfactors(Do)of 0.077and 0.040cm2ls,respectively.The dashedline representsa solution from the multipath(MP) modelcalculated by l-ee[1995;seeTable2 and Fig. 4 ofLee (1995)for detailsl.The solidline represents a solution from the multiplediffusiondomain(MDD) modelwith a domaindistributionconsistingof a singlelargedomainaccounting for 98.50/o of the volumeand smaller,a: 0.0015cm domainstotaling1.5volo/o.In all instancesthe dimensionsof the largestdomainin the MDD modelare negligiblysmallerthan actualgraindimensions.Both solutionsprovidean equallysatisfactoryfit to the observeddata.The MDD solutionindicates a preexponential frequencyfactor(Do)of -0.040 cm2lsandimpliesthat the valueofDo determinedfrom regression ofexperimentaldatafrom all temperatures (0.077cm2ls)wasoverestimatedby a factorof two. by single-domain intracrystalline diffusion models has been observed in hydrothermal experiments. For example, experiments by both Giletti (1974) and Harrison et al. (1985)indicatedthat Arrhenius resultsfrom relatively coarse-grainedmica (a > 200 rrm) were found to plot at systematically higher diffusivities than those calculated for finer grained mica (Fig. a). Note that only grains < 150 pm were usedin the presentstudy.Harrison et al. (1985) interpreted the enhanced diffusivity exhibited by the coarse mica to indicate the existenceof an effective diffusion radius (c.n) of - 150 pm. Similar discontinuous relationshipsbetweengrain dimensionsand apparent40Ar retentivity have also been observedin total fusion studies of biotite heatedin nature (e.g.,Wright et al. l99l). Transport of 40Art<along high-diffusivity pathways operating over length scalescorrespondingto grain dimensions during hydrothermal heating has been argued for by Onstott et al. (1991)and others.Lee (1995)presented calculations that demonstrate that increase in bulk diffusivity with grain radius can be explained as being a direct manifestation of high-diffusivity pathways in the multipath model (MP; Lee and Adama 1992).In the MP model, progressivelymore 40Ar* is able to diffuse out of the crystal along interconnected, high-diffusivity path- Notej Calculations are based on 4 : 47000 calimol and Do: 0.077 cm'?/s.A volume diffusivity ol 5.71 x 10-13cmr/s was determined from the Arrheniusequation[D: 4 exp(-ElRI)] at 650 rc. Volumefractions cafculatedassuming cylindricalshape with a:l : 10:1, where / is one-half height of the cylinder. Individualdomains sum to volume ot a : 0.0202 c m c y l i n d e (r a : / : 1 0 : 1 ) . . Bulk difiusivitycalculatedfrom bulk (D/d) value using a = 0.0202 cm. .'Effective radius(ad) for Ndiffusion domainscalculatedwith l/acd: 28,f,|4. f Results for experiment CB-o in Table 2 of Harrisonet al. (1985). I Bulk Dld calculatedfor /Vdifiusion domains calculatedwith D/#o : 2l!1 fDla|. ways as the overall grain dimensions increase (Fig. 6). We emphasizehowever, that the observed behavior can also be easily explained with the multiple diffusion domain model (MDD; Lovera et al. 1989; Lovera 1992). An argument typically employed againstthe possible existence of an effective diffusion radius for biotite is the failure to recognize compositional subdomains in 40Ar/ 3eArlaser-spotfusion studies(e.g.,Phillips and Onstott 1988).However, the conceptofan effectivediffusion radius necessarilyrequires multiple diffusion domains that differ in dimension. In the MDD model, many domain distributions are capable of explaining the anomalously high diffusivities exhibited by the coarse-sizefractions. These include distributions in which the largestdomains are comparable in dimension to the observed grain size (Table 5). To demonstrate, consider the specific example employed by Lee (1995; resultsof Harrison et al. 1985 reproduced in Table 5). In this experiment, the diffusivity calculatedfrom the experimentalresultsusingc :0.0202 cm was higher by a factor of about two than the values yielded by smaller grains. The value of a"u required to reconcilethe resultsin this instanceis 0.0147 cm. Note that although the results can be modeled with a distribution of length scalescomparable to a"n(distribution I in Table 5), an equally plausible distribution consisting of a single large domain and a significantly smaller one also provides a satisfactoryfit (distribution 2 in Table 5). In fact, many such distributions exist in which small domains not resolvable by aoArl3eArlaser-spot-profiling techniques increase bulk diffusivity. Given that typical spot sizesemployed during 40Ar/3eArlaser-profiling studies are -25 trm, a grain characterizedby such a distribution would appear to have a0Ar* loss gradients controlled by grain boundaries and would yield a total gas GROVE AND HARRISON: {AT* DIFFUSION IN FE-RICH BIOTITE agelower than that anticipated from a single-domaindiffusion model. In the bulk-loss experiments,the Arrhenius parameters were determined following the assumption that eetrcorrespondsto measuredgrain dimensions (a-.".). The value obtained for Do by regressingthe experimentally determined bulk diffusivities representsan upper limit to the extent that a"o is smaller than the measured than 4-"",. This relationship is illustrated in Figure 6. Here, grains from each size fraction were consideredto be characterized by a single large domain correspondingto 98.50/oof the total volume of the grain and a smaller (a : 0.0015 pm) domain accountingfor the remaining 1.50/0. With Do equalto 0.040 cm,/s insteadof 0.077 cm2ls,the fit to the experimental data is equally satisfactoryas that provided by the multipath model, implying that the value for Do was overestimatedby a factor of two. Note that although the existence of effective radii of diffusion is supported by apparent age-grain size relationships observedfor biotite heatedin nature (Wright et al. l99l), the existence of the smaller domains in the experimentally heatedmica could represent an experimental artifact: Incomplete removal of broken grains formed as the experiments were initially pressurized. 949 Values of c"n can be estimated for a biotite of interest by comparing its difusivity determined in a hydrothermal experiment with that calculated from appropriate Arrhenius parameters (Table 5). For example, Copeland et al. (1987)calculateda"n: 0.034 cm for an intermediate biotite [Fe,.,/(Fe,.,+ Mg) : 0.49, a : 0.08 + 0.02 cm] from the Quxu pluton, southern Tibet, from the 7.80/o aoAr* loss incurred in a single hydrothermal experiment (T : 710 oC, A1 : 5.15 x 105s, / : 0.078) and by assuming applicability of Arrhenius parameters from Harrison et al. (1985).Assuming l0'C/Ma cooling,this correspondsto a closure temperature of 335 'C. Villa and Puxeddu (1994) performed similar experiments(T : 7 l0 " C , A t : 5 . 1 1 x 1 0 5s ) w i t h a - 0 . 0 0 6 5c m g r a i n so f + Mg) : 0.50] biotite from the intermediate [Fe,o,/(Fe,o, Larderello geothermal field. Although values of a.o calculated from these results agreed favorably with measured grain dimensions,Villa and Puxeddu(1994) concluded that aoAr* loss incurred during hydrothermal heating resulted from dissolution processesand that bulk closure temperatures for biotite in nature were significantly higher than those indicated by experimentally determined diffusion parameters. As discussedbelow, it appearsthat most intermediate biotite compositions (Fig. l) have similar Arrhenius paApplication to thermochronology rameters. However, large uncertainties regarding approSingle-domain, intracrystalline diffusion representsthe priate Arrhenius parameters for nontypical biotite comsimplest model available for Ar transport in biotite or positions indicate that caution should be applied in the other silicates that possessthe predictive value required estimation of values of a.nfor thesematerials in the manfor thermochronology. Calculation of bulk closure tem- ner describedabove. For example,Onstott et al. (1991) peratures from experimentally determined diffusion pa- employed different extrapolationsbetweenGiletti's ( I 974) rameters is straightforward when a single-domain diffu- Arrhenius parametersfor phlogopite and those for intersion model is employed(e.g.,Goodwin and Renne 1991; mediate biotite compositions(Norwood 1974; Harrison Hesset al. 1993).For example,bulk closuretemperatures et al. 1985) for Benson Mines phlogopite [Fe,.,/(Fe,.,+ of 310 t 40 and 330 + 50 'C are calculatedfor Cooma M g ) : 0 . 2 1 ,a : 0 . 1 5 5c m ,. f : 0 . 0 1 3 3 , T : 7 0 0' C l a n d biotite and Fe-mica biotite, respectively,using Dodson's found that a.nvaied between 0. ll and 0.18 cm (note (1913) solution of the diflusion equation,the experimen- that the latter value is physically impossible). tally determined Arrhenius parameters,and assuming a : 0.015 cm and l0'C/Ma cooling.More complex 40Art! Effect of biotite composition on Ar retentivity retention properties in biotite indicated by ao[11ts;t luThe remarkable similarity of experimental results obser-spot-profiling studies dictate the use of more general tained for Fe-mica biotite and Cooma biotite casts seridiffusion models such as MP or MDD that are capable ous doubt upon the view that Ar retentivity in biotite of describing this behavior. Unfortunately these models increasessimply as a function of Fe content,as proposed introduce additional parameters that are unlikely to be by Norwood (1974) and.Harrison et al. (1985).When the constrained by aoArl3eArdata becauseof the instability current experimental results are consideredtogether with of biotite during in vacuo incremental heating experi- those of Hess et al. (1987) and Norwood (1974), it apments. pears most probable that typical intermediate biotite As a first approximation, the MP and MDD models compositionssuch as those depictedin Figure I possess differ only in that interaction is permitted betweenintra- broadly similar aoAr* diffusion properties. crystalline domains and high-diffusivity pathways in the Within silicate structures,the diffusion energeticsof a former but is precluded in the latter. This differencelim- chemically inert substancesuch as Ar are likely to depend its the predictive value of the MP model for thermo- primarily upon potential energy changesincurred in the chronology to a significantly greater extent than that of distortion of bonds of adjacent atoms during intracrysthe MDD model. For example, interaction parameters talline diffusion (Sardarov 196l). Note that crystalline must be constrained for every temperature to apply the defectsand phaseboundarieswith intergrown phasessuch MP model. Alternatively, all that is required to calculate as chlorite also represent likely sites for Ar residence. a bulk closure temperature in the MDD model is a valid However, although high-diffusivity pathways related to estimate of a"o. the occurrenceof these featurescould significantly facil- 950 GROVE AND HARRISON: rcAr* DIFFUSION IN Fe-RICH BIOTITE itate 40Ar* transport from biotite (Hess et al. 1987; Lo and Onstott 1989; Onstott et al. l99l; Lee 1995),the effectsare unpredictable becauseof uncertainties regarding their volumetric significanceand degreeof interconnectivity. Becauseofits large size,radiogenicAr confined within homogeneousmica is likely to be confined to vacant interlayer sites between the comparatively closer packed 2:l layer units. This is demonstratedby the ionic porosity model, which predicts significantly higher diffusivities in the interlayer region relative to either the tetrahedralor octahedralsheets(Fortier and Giletti 1989). Halogens substituted for OH groups may play a significant role in 40Ar* retentivity. Interlayer bonding forces in biotite are primarily due to electrostaticattraction between uncompensatedchargeson the 2: I layer structures and the interlayer cations (Bailey 1984). In trioctahedral micas, the strength of the interlayer bond is appreciably weakened by the positioning of the OH group (Giese 1984). Becauseoccupation of all three octahedralsites forcesthe OH group to be oriented essentiallyperpendicular to (001), the exposedproton is situateddirectly above K+ in the interlayer cavity. K+-H+ repulsion reducesthe interlayer attraction, increasingthe basal spacingand destabilizing the interlayer cation (Giese 1984).This repulsion is progressivelyeliminated by substitution of F or Cl- for the OH group with concomitant reduction in cell parameters (Noda and Ushiro 1964; Takeda and Morosin 1978).Calculationsperformedby Giese(198a) indicate that interlayer bonding energiesincreaseby about 5 kcal/mol or 25o/owith substitution of F- for OH- in phlogopite. The higher F content of Fe-mica biotite could explain its slightly higher aoAr* retentivity relative to Cooma biotite (Table l). Note that becausethe maximum amount of Cl substitution for OH- is small (generally <5-l0o/o) relative to the amount of F- that may be accommodated (up to 1000/0),F concentration plays the major role in influencing interlayer bonding in biotite (Munoz 1984).The apparentincreasein aoAr*diffusivity with increasing Mg/(Mg + Fe) could be linked to F content. The affinity of F for Mg-rich biotite has been well documented (Guidotti 1984; Speer 1984). The F-rich (660/o)phlogopite examined by Giletti (1974) is significantly more retentive of o0Ar* than the intermediate biotite compositionsinvestigatedhere. AcxNowr,nocMENTs We thank O.M. Lovera, C.E. Manning, M.T. Heizler, W.A. Dollase, and P.S. Dahl for helpful discussions We are particularly gateful for assistanceby R.J. Jonesin electron microprobe measurements,SEM imaging, and determination ofthe cell parametersofthe starting materials. We thank B.J. Giletti for supplying us with biotite samples studied by Norwood (1974) for electron microprobe analysis.M. Coscaand L Villa are acknowledgedfor providing constructive reviews, which improved the manuscnpt. RrrnnnNcps crrED Bailey, S.W. (1984) Crystal chemistry of the true micas. In Mineralogical Society of America Reviews in Mineralogy, 13, I 3-60. Brandt, S.B., Smirnov, V.N., Lapides,I.L., Volkova, N.V., and Kovalen- ko, V.I. 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Compositions of the biotite of Norwood (19741 Si r4rAl t6lAl Ti Cr Fe Mn Mg K Na Total Cations std-s srd-6 std-8 2.77 1.23 0.19 0.16 0.00 1.11 0.02 1.35 0.94 2.80 1.20 0.28 0.12 0.00 1.29 0.02 1.11 0.96 0.00 7.80 2.79 1.21 0.12 018 0.00 1.08 0.02 1.33 0.95 0.02 7.70 0.o2 7.78 Notej Results of electron microprobeanalysis performed at UCLA with materials supplied by B.J. Giletti. These compositions differ appreciably from those reported by Norwood (1974).