Servants of the Lord Ministries (SOLM) President and Senior Pastor: J C Hedgecock STUDY GUIDE TO MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE Version number: 140515 (without answers) Re-order code: n/a This study guide and any references herein, including page numbers, refer to My Sheep Hear My Voice, Revised Version (Printed in the USA). ISBN 0-945255-32-2, 170 pages, ©2002. J.C. Hedgecock Publications ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of this guide or the book My Sheep Hear My Voice may be reproduced or distributed in any form without prior written permission from the publisher. 1 Scripture references without notations are quoted from THE HOLY BIBLE, KING JAMES VERSION. Scripture references noted as (AMP) are taken from THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE, EXPANDED EDITION ©1987 Zondervan Corporation & Lockman Foundation. This guide has been written in British Standard English (BE). Thanks first to Pastor J.C. Hedgecock for leading the way and for considerately passing on the teaching in My Sheep Hear My Voice. Acknowledgement is given to Darren Roy for his effort and dedication in producing this study guide and to Dr Keith Jenkins for his input and guidance. Appreciation is also extended to those in the SOLM team who contributed to this and previous editions. 2 Introduction This study guide has been prepared by Servants of the Lord Ministries (SOLM) to assist you in learning how to apply the teachings from the book My Sheep Hear My Voice. It is intended to help you as you seek to hear the Lord’s voice and develop communion and fellowship with Him. The study guide focuses on the main teaching points and provides added emphasis on the areas that will produce a rapid change in your relationship with God, should you apply them to your daily life. The questions for each chapter are divided into a primary section where answers are found within the text and a secondary part that includes homework tasks applicable to your personal life. Many, but not all, of the primary questions are based around the bold text in the book. There is enough space after each primary question to insert your answer. Answer spaces with different sizes help to give an indication of the detail expected. Where you are asked to complete a sentence, there is enough room to write it completely. If the question asks only to select a particular word, then a one-word answer will suffice. Homework can be completed on separate paper or in a personal journal. As a study guide you may want to search the text in the book and then complete the answer. However, if you already have knowledge of the book and want a more accurate measure of what you know in your heart, you should attempt the questions without revising or searching the text. The latter applies to SOLM training candidates using this as part of the prerequisites. Key words or themes have been underlined in the answers for your attention. It helps to remember that the questions relate to specific statements in the book My Sheep Hear My Voice and answers should reflect the text in the book as closely as possible. Some of the chapters are divided into two parts so that you can focus on the important themes presented. A printed version of this guide with answer pages is available from SOLM. Training candidates can submit their answers by email to be marked by one of the representatives at the back of this guide. 3 Key points that have not been highlighted in the questions or that need extra consideration are presented in sections like this. These keys help to present a clearer understanding of the chapter and they are for personal consideration with the Lord. (p. xx) This symbol (left) highlights a specific warning that is mentioned in the book. A wise person would pay special attention to these warnings! If you have questions about the book My Sheep Hear My Voice or the best way to use this study, you may contact one of the SOLM representatives listed at the back of this guide. 4 Chapter 1 To Know God 1. What is the key provision that we have been given because Jesus laid down His life for us? (p. 1) 2. What is God’s purpose for His children after they accept Jesus as their Saviour? (p. 1) 3. Describe “theology” as it is taught in seminaries and Bible colleges around the world. (p. 2) 4. Select two of the following words to complete this statement. “Pure theology is not the study _______ God. It is the study ____ God”. (p. 2) in ▪ of ▪ for ▪ about ▪ around ▪ from 5. Finish this statement made by J.C. Hedgecock on page 2. “My relationship with God has developed because…” (p. 2) 6. What must we do consistently if we really want to get to know somebody? (p. 3) 5 7. How do we elevate the devil to a realm of power that he does not possess? (p. 5) 8. Where did the concept come from that says we can control our own lives and evolve enough to make right choices? (p. 6) 9. Considering the subject of real success, what is the deception that has made its way into the church? (p. 6) 10. Jeremiah 9:23 lists three things that you are not to glory (boast) in. According to the next verse, what two things might you glory in? (pp. 6, 7) 11. Why does God want you to obey Him whether or not you understand what He is doing? (p. 7) 12. According to John 14:15, what must we do to show Jesus that we love Him? (p. 8) 13. According to John 14:23, what will the Father and Son do when you keep Jesus’ commands? (p. 8) 6 14. How does Jesus define eternal life in John 17:3? (p. 9) 15. What are some definitions of the word ‘know’ in John 17:3? (pp. 9, 10) Homework Tasks ▪ If there is nothing of real value outside of Jesus Christ, which areas of your life have eternal value and which areas have only temporal value? (p. 6) ▪ Before you had read this chapter, what things did you think defined success in your life? (p. 6) ▪ Read, meditate and then comment on John 17, recognising that, according to verse 20, Jesus prayed this for you. (pp. 8, 9) ▪ Make a list of the areas which consume your time and hinder you from the invitation to know God. Seek to remove those hindrances. (p. 10) ▪ Take time with the Lord to consider the consequences of the following statement from chapter 1 (p. 11): “It is crucial that we get to know and understand our Father, because our eternity is based upon the relationship we develop with Him now.” 7 When you choose to open your heart to God and seek a relationship with Him, you will find that God will also begin to open His heart to you. This is the first step to developing a relationship that goes much deeper than an initial encounter with Him. (p. 4) Answers (Chapter 1: To Know God) 1. The opportunity to know Him and the Father. 2. That we move into fellowship with Him. Answers are listed in the printed version of this study 3. “Theology” taughthere in seminaries and Bible colleges around the guide, available from SOLM. To obtain a more accurate world, is focused on studying about God, often by learning from the measure ofother whatpeople you know in your heart, you should attempt lives of or studying the writings of Paul. the questions without revising the answers or 4. …not the study about God. It is the study of God. searching the text in made the book. This particularly applies to SOLM training 5. …I the effort to know Him personally. 6. candidates Spend time usingwith this as them partconsistently of the prerequisites. instead of just occasional encounters. 7. By giving the devil credit (blame) for character flaws which are part of our own selfish, rebellious nature! 8. This concept is a lie from satan. 9. To make worldly success your goal is a deception that has made its way into the church. 10. You can glory in the fact that you can know and understand God. 11. God wants to prove your heart to see if you trust Him enough to obey Him whether you understand what He is doing or not. 12. Obey His commandments. 13. The Father and the Son will come and make their dwelling place with you. They will manifest themselves to you. 14. Eternal life is the ability to know God and Jesus Christ whom He sent 15. To know in many different ways; be aware of, feel, have knowledge of, perceive, and understand. Like the way a husband would know his wife. 8 Chapter 2 A Good Foundation 1. Before reading the rest of this book, what type of attitude should you establish as a necessity? (p. 12) 2. From the following words, select which one will accurately complete the sentence, “What you believe in your _______ rules you.” (p. 13) life ▪ spirit ▪ mind ▪ heart 3. When examining your heart, what must you be sure to do with each scripture noted in the book? (p. 12) 4. What word will complete the sentence, “God desires to speak to you about _______ decision you make about _______ issue in your life”? (p. 13) 5. When the initial season of grace is withdrawn, what will God require you to do as part of your foundation? (p. 13) 6. What will God give you strictly because of His grace, even before your vessel is really prepared? (p. 14) 9 7. What does it usually mean if you become offended at specific points in this book? (p. 14) 8. There is a 3-part process to embrace truth and remove conviction. Complete the first word from each part of the process. (p. 15) C…. the lie you have been believing. R…. of it from the heart. R…. the truth in its place. 9. Why will you become very frustrated if you try to put everything into practice the first time you read it? (p. 15) 10. Finish this statement made by J.C. Hedgecock on page 16. “Each of you has a calling on your life and God wants to use you more…” (p. 16) 11. Fellowship with God will not function properly without faith, so with what must you trust Him? (p. 17) 12. God’s word is forever settled in the heavens, so who has to be prepared to change? (p. 17) 13. To whose ways of functioning must you submit? (p. 17) 10 Homework Tasks ▪ Comment on what it means to have a “teachable attitude” (p. 12). ▪ Ask God to show you where you are spiritually, especially in terms of hearing His voice and having fellowship with Him. ▪ Do not expect to be able to put everything in this teaching into practice the first time you read it. Instead, when presented with truth, consider the following steps (p. 15): • Ask God if each truth is operational in your life or merely mental knowledge. • Take areas of conviction or lack of understanding to God and seek Him for revelation. • Study the scripture references and let the Lord reveal them to you by the Spirit. • Repent of any rebellion in you that would resist the truth. • Embrace the truth and put it in place in your daily life. Go through these steps with any truths which have been revealed in the first 2 chapters. Refer back to these steps later as God reveals more truths to you in other chapters. ▪ Reflect on any areas where you have become offended and consider how this relates to conviction. Practice the process described previously in question 8 (pp. 14, 15). ▪ Take some time to read 2 Timothy 2:21 and then consider how you can become useful to the Master as a vessel of honour (p.16). You must understand in your spirit that I am talking about constant fellowship and communion with God, hearing the Lord’s instructions about everyday life and being personally directed by the Spirit with Jesus as the literal, functional Lord of your life. (p. 13) 11 Answers (Chapter 2: A Good Foundation) 1. You should establish a teachable attitude as a necessity before reading rest ofhere this book. Answers arethelisted in the printed version of this study 2. …your heart rules you. guide, available from SOLM. To obtain a more accurate 3. You must make sure that each scripture is part of your daily walk, measure of what you know in your heart, you should attempt not merely a part of your knowledge about God. the questions without revising the answers or searching the 4. God desires to speak to you about every decision you make about text every in theissue book. This in your life.particularly applies to SOLM training candidates using this asto part ofevery the prerequisites. 5. God will require you obey instruction that is set forth as part of your spiritual foundation. 6. He will give you ears to hear what the Spirit is saying, strictly because of His grace. 7. If you become offended, it is usually because you are convicted. 8. Confess, Repent, Receive. 9. You will become very frustrated because the truths are very extensive and far-reaching. 10. ...than you want to be used. 11. You must trust Him with your whole heart. 12. You have to be prepared to change. 13. You must submit to the way God says to function. 12 Chapter 3 Why Did God Create Man? 1. Which tree was Adam commanded not to eat from according to Genesis 2:17? (p. 19) 2. What did God say would happen if Adam ate of that tree? (p. 19) 3. What did the serpent say would happen if Eve ate of that tree? (p. 20) 4. After the devil lied to her, what did Eve decide when she looked at the tree? (p. 20) 5. If you are feeling separated from God and you cannot hear Him, it is because of what? (pp. 20, 21) 6. Complete the sentence, “Sin separates you from the conscious __________ of God, and it produces spiritual _______.” (p. 21) 13 7. Finish this statement from page 21. “God created man in His own image so He could have someone to…” (p. 21) 8. When God gave the law to Moses, what did it prove? (See Galatians 3:19a) (p. 21) 9. Which parts of the law did the Lamb of God (Jesus) fulfil? (p. 21) 10. How can difficult or trying situations become blessings? (p. 22) 11. Nothing is hard with God, so what is His grace sufficient for? (p. 22) 12. What is the simple choice you are making every moment of your life? (p. 23) God gave us eternal life to make a way for us to know Him and the Son whom He sent. Because of the price Jesus paid, we are again given the privilege to come into the presence of God, hear His voice and walk in communion with Him. (pp. 21, 22) 14 Homework Tasks ▪ Have you ever personally considered why God created you? ▪ Take time with the Lord to consider the ultimate purpose for your life, taking account of the following scripture (pp. 19, 22): “But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, rely on) His name.” (John 1:12 AMP) ▪ Ask the Lord to show you some areas where, like Eve, you made wrong choices after the devil had lied to you. ▪ Take time to consider and comment on what Jesus’ sacrifice means to you personally (pp. 21, 22). ▪ Are you His child? If you have not yet accepted Jesus as your personal saviour, now is the time to do so (p. 23). NOW IS THE TIME TO BEGIN SEEKING GOD WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART Sometimes people try to wait until the last minute to choose God, but then it is too late. DON’T MAKE THAT MISTAKE! 15 Answers (Chapter 3: Why Did God Create Man?) 1. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 2. Thou shalt surely die (Genesis 2:17 KJV) Answers are listed here in the printed version of this study 3. Ye shall not surely die: your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as guide, available fromand SOLM. To 3:4-5 obtain gods, knowing good evil.(Genesis KJV) a more accurate measure of what you know in your heart, should attempt 4. She looked at the tree and decided that it wasyou “good” for food. the questions without revising the answers or searching the 5. Sin. text Sin in the book. you Thisfrom particularly applies to SOLM training 6. separates the conscious presence of God, and it candidates using thisdeath. as part of the prerequisites. produces spiritual 7. …fellowship with. 8. How sinful man was because no one was able to keep God’s commandments. 9. Jesus fulfilled all the law. 10. By walking in the Spirit with His peace and joy surrounding you. 11. His grace is sufficient for anything that might come into your life! 12. You are either choosing God or satan. 16 Chapter 4 Hearing the Lord 1. In our continual learning experience, what is the standard or measure that God is always moving us toward? (p. 25) 2. What is any conclusion that is contrary to what God says? (p. 25) 3. Complete this scripture from John 10:27. “My Sheep _______ my voice, and I _______ them, and they _______ me”. (p. 26) 4. Proverbs 3:5-6 is a key scripture in this teaching. Write it from memory. (p. 29) 5. We love God because He first loved us. So if you love Him, what should you do according to John 14:15? (p. 29) 6. Give the missing words in this definition of ‘faith’ by J.C. Hedgecock on page 30. “Faith is simply _________ God that He is ___________ to do what ___ said He would do”. (pp. 30, 31) 17 7. Select two of the following words to complete the statement, “It isn’t __________ to please God without faith. It is __________”. (p. 30) easy ▪ impossible ▪ unbelievable ▪ difficult 8. What word describes anything you do which is not based upon trusting God, even if it is something good? (p. 32) 9. Whenever you disobey God, what is the reason? (p. 32) 10. If you really want fellowship with God, what do you need to quit and what should you deal with? (p. 33) 11. What is the real reason behind the excuse that believers “forget” to acknowledge God? (p. 33) 12. Answer the following based on Philippians 4:6-7. (p. 34) ▪ What should you be careful (anxious) for? ▪ How do you make your requests known to God? ▪ What shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus? 18 13. Even with available evidence, if something contradicts the Word of God, what can it not be? (p. 35) 14. Any time the Word reveals a sin or lie in your heart and you get upset, what is your flesh reacting to? (p. 37) 15. Finish this statement. “The definition of loving Jesus is…”. (p. 37) 16. Describe the endless confrontation that takes place when believers won’t obey God unless He explains everything? (p. 38) 17. What is the condition for receiving the promise of the Father and Son making their abode in you? (John 14:2125) (p. 39) 18. Compared to obeying God, why is running your own life so foolish? (p. 40) 19 I am no great man of faith. I was given the same measure of faith you have been given (Romans 12:3). I encourage you to use what you have! That measure of faith was sufficient to save you, and it’s enough to appropriate everything else God wants to do in your life. I began to hear the Lord because I used the faith I had, and you can do the same thing. (p. 24) Homework Tasks ▪ Describe the teaching about ‘True Versus Truth’ in your own words. Then, ask the Lord to reveal some events in your life where you believed things that were “true” rather than the full “truth.” (p. 25, 26) ▪ Presented with the opportunity to love God and fellowship with Him, do you now want to? If not, examine your heart to get rid of any rebellion! Remember, God has chosen to love you by His decision and you can choose to love Him in return. (p.28) ▪ Meditate on how holy and awesome God is. Then, being honest with yourself, consider the evil and rebellion in your heart. If you were God, would you put up with you? (pp. 29, 30) ▪ Can you think of some instances where satan has robbed you of time, energy or finances by trying to get you to please God through some way other than simple faith in Him? (p. 30) ▪ Apply Philippians 4:4-8 to a difficult situation you are currently facing and meditate on the list in verse 8. (p. 34) ▪ Give some examples from your own life where you have tried to fill a void in your heart other than through fellowship with God. (p.40) It will help to consider the statement on the following page: 20 “You will lose all worldly ambition when you move into the presence of God. Multitudes have admitted that the fulfilment of their ambitions did not satisfy their souls, but those who have surrendered their ambitions in order to know God have found contentment.” ▪ Ask the Lord to show you the prisons in your life and how to be set free with his truth. (p.36) Many believers do not enjoy the things of God and prefer to stay in the spiritual prisons satan has put in their lives through his deception. For more details about spiritual prisons, it is suggested that you read The Gilted Prison. ISBN 0-945255-57-8 (77 pages) 21 Answers (Chapter 4: Hearing the Lord) 1. Toward the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. 2. It is not truth. It is a lie! arehear listed printed of thisme. study 3.Answers My Sheep my here voice, in andthe I know them, version and they follow guide, available from SOLM. To obtain a more accurate 4. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own measure of what you know in your heart, youHim, should understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge and attempt He shall the direct questions without revising the answers or searching the thy path. (KJV) in the This particularly applies to SOLM training 5.text Keep Hisbook. commandments. 6.candidates trusting,using trustworthy, this as He. part of the prerequisites. 7. difficult. impossible. 8. Sin. 9. It is because you quit trusting Him. 10. If you really want fellowship with God, quit making excuses and deal with the lack of trust in your heart. 11. The real reason they “forget” is that they don’t trust God with their whole heart. 12. Be careful (anxious) for nothing. By prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. The peace of God which passeth all understanding. 13. It cannot be truth if it contradicts the Word of God. 14. Your flesh is reacting to conviction. 15. …simple obedience. 16. An endless confrontation occurs because you cannot force God to do anything. God is not going to change His plans and purposes simply because you demand answers. 17. Having Jesus’ commandments and keeping them. 18. Our wisdom is foolishness to God and His ways are far above ours. 22 Chapter 5 (Part 1 of 2) Practical Steps to Fellowship with God: Lordship & Two Natures (pp. 42 to 58) 1. Considering the scriptures in Luke 14:26-27, what must you be willing to forsake if you want to be Jesus’ disciple? (p. 42) 2. Complete this statement. “…make sure you have counted the cost, then make the determination to keep your ______ surrendered to God and your _______ submitted to Him in all things”. (p. 42) 3. Who should be your first love if you want to be a faithful disciple? (p. 42) 4. From the following words, select those which will accurately complete this statement. “The main reason for their lack of _________ is their unwillingness to count the cost of giving up their __________”. (p. 42) lordship ▪ success ▪ effort ▪ compassion 5. Who will be deceived if you learn all the “methods” of this teaching but retain your lordship? (p. 43) 23 6. What word describes the condition that you are in if you are still making your own decisions without asking God? (p. 43) 7. What will God reveal in your heart if you humble yourself before Him because you want to receive truth? (p. 43) 8. If you want to walk in this message, what should be absolutely established in your life without question? (p. 44) 9. Rather than making decisions about individual situations, what should you decide once and for all? (p. 44) 10. Finish this statement which is the very definition of Lordship. “If He is the Lord, He is in…”. (p. 45) 11. What is the only thing which proves your love for God? (p. 45) 12. According to J.C. Hedgecock’s testimony, rather than arguing with his own flesh, what kind of attitude did he find pleasing to God? (p. 45) 24 13. Rather than doing something foolish on a whim, what must you do before you step out in obedience? (p. 46) 14. Rather than submitting to Jesus as Lord, what have we spent our whole lives deciding between? (p. 47) 15. In Matthew 7:21 Jesus says not everyone who calls Him Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do what? (p. 47) 16. Complete the sentence, “If you aren’t walking in the S______ and in obedience to God, you may be saved but you are not a C_________”. (p. 50) 17. What does the term ‘Christian’ mean? (p. 50) 18. Which of the following words will accurately complete this statement? “The only works that have ________ value are those which we allow Jesus Christ to _________ in and through us”. (p. 51) eternal ▪ carnal ▪ temporal / facilitate ▪ manifest ▪ watch 19. What two criteria does God use to judge our works? (p. 51) 25 20. If you are submitting completely to whatever God wants in your life and giving Him the glory and honour for what he does, you are said to be ‘walking’ in what? (p. 52) 21. Answer the following based on John 5:30 (AMP). (p. 53) ▪ What was Jesus able to do from Himself? ▪ Why was Jesus’ judgement (decision) always right? ▪ Whose will was Jesus seeking and who did He aim to please? 22. According to 1 John 5:6, what was the Holy Spirit sent to bear witness to? (p. 54) 23. From the following words, select which one is missing from this sentence. “If you are a believer but have __________ sin in your life, the witness of the Spirit will not function as it should”. (p. 55) uncontrolled ▪ unconfessed ▪ unhelpful ▪ unchecked 24. If a false conclusion is presented to you, what will the Holy Spirit not do? (p. 56) 25. Who is the father of pride and your own lordship? (p. 57) 26 26. Why must we stop wanting to be lords and why are there no openings for this position? (p. 57) 27. The only power of choice that you really have is to choose who will be what? (p. 57, 58) 28. Which of the following words is missing from this sentence? “God will not fellowship with you when you are in the flesh, even if you are doing ______ things”. (p. 58) wicked ▪ basic ▪ good ▪ evil ▪ church I have seen many believers try to walk in this truth. They make a great effort for a short season, then end up not walking in it at all. The main reason for their lack of success is their unwillingness to count the cost of giving up their lordship. They will not deny themselves nor will they take up their cross to follow Jesus. Unless you are willing to renounce your lordship and Jesus becomes your whole life, you will never have consistent communion with God nor will you be consistently led by His Spirit. (pp. 42, 43) There is a strong delusion in the church today. There are many antichrist spirits operating in the world and even in the church. Matthew 24:24 says the very elect would be deceived if it were possible. That is why God is sending truth to His children! 27 Homework Tasks ▪ Make a list of the things that you love in your life. Do you love Jesus more than those things? (p. 42) ▪ Take time to meditate on the cost of following Jesus, taking into account the things you may have to forsake for Him. (p. 42) ▪ Check your life regularly using the following questions as a guide. If the answer to any of them is “yes” then you do not have fellowship with God. (p. 44) ▪ Is there open sin in my life? ▪ Am I making decisions from my own mind? ▪ Is the fruit of the flesh manifesting in my life? ▪ Make sure you recognise the difference between the nature of Christ and the carnal nature. This can be a real turning point in your Christian walk. (p. 48) ▪ Consider the ‘parable’ of the two trees in the Garden of Eden. Make a note of which tree has the fruit of ‘good works’ and then comment on the root system. (p. 48, 52) ▪ On the following pages, label the diagrams of the ‘two trees’ representing the two natures. Identify the trunks and root systems, and give more examples of fruit produced on each tree. (pp. 49, 57, 58) ▪ Read Isaiah 64:6 and ask the Lord to show you any deeds of righteousness in your life that are actually filthy rags. (p. 50) ▪ Meditate on the ‘Witness of the Holy Spirit’ and make sure the steps outlined in pages 55 to 56 are operational in your life. ▪ Describe the ‘noticeable way’ in which the Holy Spirit moves upon you personally. (p. 56) 28 Tree of Knowledge of _______ and Evil Fruits and works of the flesh Judging Lying Greed 29 Tree of Life Fruits and works of the_______ Joy Peace Goodness 30 The only thing God requires of you is that you allow Him to work through you. If you will let Him do His work through you, He will let you enjoy the benefits of that work. He will reward you in heaven for allowing Him to work through you, but He will also bless you in this life. You can’t get a better job offer than that! I don’t know of any other job where someone else does the work and the more you let them do, the more they pay you. Yet that is what God is offering to His children. We need to get wise and quit fighting against the way God wants us to operate. If you are having trouble grasping this concept, stop right now and ask God to give you eyes to see and ears to hear what He is saying. (p. 54) Before you obey any direction, pray through the answer and check it in every possible way to make sure it is God. If you would like detailed teaching on confirming God’s voice, the Three Infallible Witnesses booklet is recommended. The booklet teaches how the Godhead can become witnesses to every thought which enters your mind and how to take those thoughts captive. ISBN 0-945255-73-X (39 pages) An introduction to the Three Infallible Witnesses is presented in Chapter 10 of My Sheep Hear My Voice. 31 Answers (Chapter 5 part 1: Practical Steps to Fellowship with God: Lordship & Two Natures) 1. 2. Willing to forsake all you have. Make the determination to keep your will surrendered to God and Answers are submitted listed here in the your heart to Him in allprinted things. version of this study guide, available from SOLM. To 3. You should make Jesus your first love. obtain a more accurate oflordship. what you know in your heart, you should attempt 4.measure success, questions without revising the answers or searching the 5.the You will deceive yourself. in the book. This particularly applies to SOLM training 6.text Sin. 7.candidates Hypocrisy and deception in your heart. using this as part of the prerequisites. 8. The Lordship of Jesus Christ. 9. Decide that Jesus is your Lord and that you will obey. 10. …He is in charge. 11. Obedience. 12. The attitude to simply obey what the Lord says. 13. Make sure it is God. 14. Deciding between what is good or evil. 15. Those that do the will of His Father in Heaven. 16. If you aren’t walking in the Spirit and in obedience to God, you may be saved but you are not a Christian. 17. One who is Christ-like (or) who follows Christ. 18. eternal, manifest. 19. The heart motive and who is in charge of the work. 20. You are said to be ‘walking’ in humility. 21. Nothing from Himself. He did not seek His own will. The Father who sent Him. 22. To bear witness to the Truth. 23. unconfessed. 24. The Spirit will not bear witness. 25. satan. 26. Because Jesus is already Lord! 27. Choose who will be lord. 28. good. 32 Chapter 5 (Part 2 of 2) Practical Steps to Fellowship with God: Flesh versus Spirit (pp. 58 to 68) 1. Righteousness will never be produced when you spend most of your time where? (p.58) 2. According to Romans 7:18 (AMP), what did Paul say about his flesh? (p. 59) 3. If, when you try to obey God, you end up doing the very thing you didn’t want to do, what is the problem? (p. 59) 4. Rearrange the words in bold to write this sentence in the correct order. “The carnal nature in you delights to obey, but your God nature will never want to do what Christ says”. (p. 60) 5. Select two of the following words to complete this sentence. “Any work that isn’t done in obedience to God is a ______ work, and your carnal nature will constantly lead you into _______”. (p. 60) dead ▪ living ▪ sinful / death ▪ life ▪ sin 33 6. You can subdue the old nature by submitting to which other nature? (p. 60) 7. Select one of the following words to complete the sentence, “God isn’t content to ________ with your carnal nature and He never will be”. (p. 60) talk ▪ assist ▪ cohabit ▪ meet 8. God is going to resist your carnal nature until you do what with it? (This is also the way to stop the turmoil between the old and new nature). (p. 61) 9. What word describes somebody who says they are in the Spirit when they are sinning? (p. 61) 10. What does Colossians 3:5 instruct you to do with your old nature? (p. 62) 11. Where is it impossible to fulfil the lusts of the flesh? (p. 62) 12. What is the ‘root of the flesh’? (p. 63) 34 13. Give the missing words to complete this sentence, describing two things we must do to axe the root of the carnal nature. “Move into the tree of L______ and stay there by absolutely refusing to be your own L_____”. (p. 63) 14. What does J.C. Hedgecock’s description of “divine herding” or being on a “cattle drive” refer to? (p. 65) 15. Select two of the following words to complete the sentence, “You can’t be a friend of the ______ if you want to be a friend of ______”. (p. 66) church ▪ God ▪ world ▪ people 16. Finish the sentence, “He’s either Lord of all or…”. (p. 66) 17. When God resists you the strongest, what is it a sign of? (p. 67) 18. According to 1 Peter 5:5-6, what happens when you humble yourself under God’s hand? (p. 68) 19. Give the missing words from these statements. “If you are lord, God _______ you. If He is Lord, God _______ you”. (p. 68) 35 When grace is functioning, you can do anything God calls you to do. Grace will supply whatever you may be lacking in ability. God will sovereignly move on your behalf, and you can obey without fear. He will provide you with revelation, anointing, provision, strength and anything else you need. If God is going to get the credit, He has to do the work. (p. 66) Homework Tasks ▪ Read Romans 7 and 8, then meditate on how Paul found it different to walk in the Spirit instead of the flesh. (p. 58, 59) ▪ Be honest with yourself and acknowledge the times when the wrong nature has been in control. Then consider what the following statement means. (p. 65) “He knows all about our faults and still loves us” ▪ Ask the Lord to show you some examples of when you fought against Him thinking it was the devil. Then ask His forgiveness for judging His actions and motives. (p. 67) We need to be honest with ourselves and begin to know our own hearts. The fear of being honest with ourselves is a common problem among believers. Most of us know when the wrong nature is in control. 36 To add more light to some of the subjects taught in My Sheep Hear My Voice, you may consider the following book: This book called ‘Light’ has been produced by J.C Hedgecock to shed God's light on twenty-three key areas including faith, unity, authority, judgement, the Spirit, the five-fold ministry and the anointing. It is written for the children of God who are lights in a world of darkness and who desire to shine even brighter. Ignorance and darkness flee before the light! Many key truths await you in this book. (181 pages, ISBN 0-945255-19-5) If you walk in the Spirit, you can boldly say, "If God be for me, who can be against me?" (Romans 8:31) Nothing can stop you if God is on your side. On the other hand, if you try to do the same thing in your own lordship, you will find you have lost the grace and anointing to get the job done. No wonder we fail! We find ourselves resisting God and his control over our lives, then satan mocks us for our foolishness. Some people try to get rid of the resistance they feel by rebuking satan. They begin to think they don't have enough faith because the opposition doesn't leave. It doesn't leave because God is resisting them instead of satan! They are operating in pride and being lord, and God continually resists them because they are headed for spiritual death (separation from God). (p. 67) 37 Answers (Chapter 5 part 2: Practical Steps to Fellowship with God: Flesh versus Spirit) 1. 2. In the flesh. Paul said, “I know nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my Answers are listed here in the printed version of this study flesh”. guide, available from SOLM. To obtain a more accurate 3. You’ve never changed trees! of what youinknow in your youyour should attempt 4.measure The Christ nature you delights to heart, obey, but carnal nature the will questions without revising the answers or searching the never want to do what God says. in the book. This particularly applies to SOLM training 5.text dead, death. using to this part of Christ. the prerequisites. 6.candidates By submitting theasnature 7. cohabit. 8. Until you get rid of it! 9. A liar. 10. Mortify (kill) it. 11. In the Spirit. 12. Pride (pride of your own lordship). 13. Life, Lord. 14. Being herded back and forth between the two natures, without knowing how, usually as a result of a church service atmosphere. 15. world, God. 16. …or He isn’t Lord at all. 17. We are closest to the edge of destruction! 18. He will exalt you in due season. 19. resists, assists. 38 Chapter 6 Establishing Fellowship with God 1. What word beginning with ‘R’ is a key factor in establishing fellowship with God? (p. 69) 2. According to 2 Peter 3:9, why is God so longsuffering (patient) towards us? (p. 69) 3. From the following words, select which one will accurately complete the sentence, “Conviction and the opportunity to repent are great ________ from God”. (p. 69) mysteries ▪ blessings ▪ victories ▪ actions 4. What comes when the Spirit uses the truth to expose sin in your life? (p.70) 5. Rearrange the words in bold to write this sentence in the correct order. “The process of receiving natures and repenting of the truth you have been believing will stop the war of the two lies within”. (p. 70) 39 6. According to Romans 6:16, who are you a servant to? (p. 71) 7. If sin is in you, who invited it in? (p. 71) 8. Which of the following words will complete this sentence? “Any time you are in carnality, you are moving _____ from God”. (p. 72) up ▪ away ▪ across ▪ down 9. Sorrow for your failures is not the same as repentance, so what kind of “sorry” will not produce change? (p. 72) 10. Complete this statement. “Doing ______ works doesn’t make you holy. Being in ________ makes you holy”. (p. 73) 11. Finish the sentence, “Holiness is a commandment, not an…”. (p. 73) 12. Which one of the following words will accurately complete both these sentences? “You sin because you _______ to sin. You can also _______ to stay in the Spirit and obey God because you love Him”. (p. 73) love ▪ fight ▪ choose ▪ live 40 13. When you are in the Spirit, what type of fruit and character will you develop? (p. 73) 14. Through repentance and the forgiveness provided by Jesus’ blood, what can you be free from? (p. 74) 15. What must be denied so that you will not have to serve sin anymore? (p. 75) 16. Select one of the following words to complete the sentence, “You can’t operate in the flesh and try to ______ it at the same time”. (p. 76) kill ▪ assist ▪ dodge ▪ join 17. God would not command you to do something impossible. So what does this mean when He says to mortify the flesh? (p. 76) 18. Complete the sentence, “you have to move completely out of the c nature by moving into C ”. (p. 76) 19. If you want to break a habit and you deal with it consistently, how long has it been said to take? (p. 76, 77) 41 20. Rather than giving up after two or three days, for how long should you concentrate on not running your own life? (p. 77) 21. Finish the statement, “If something normally tempts you, stay…”. (p. 77) 22. Select two of the following words to complete the sentence, “When you show God you love Him by your ____________, you will enjoy continual ____________ with Him”. (p. 78) eagerness ▪ patience ▪ obedience blessings ▪ fellowship ▪ authority Now is the time of repentance: Acts 17:29-31 “Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.” 42 The flesh cannot be fed if you are not doing what it wants to do. When it is not fed, it loses control and eventually dies. The first few days of mortifying the flesh will be difficult because it will keep trying to rise up and control you. If you resist those carnal desires and keep your eyes on the Lord, the flesh will continually grow weaker. (p. 76) Homework Tasks ▪ Meditate on 2 Peter 3:9 and Romans 2:4. Do you consider it a blessing to receive conviction and be given the opportunity to repent? (p. 69) ▪ Give some recent examples of when you have felt troubled in your spirit because you have been convicted. (p. 70) ▪ Ask the Lord if you have repented (changed direction) in the areas you were convicted. Consider any areas where you may have been sorry you just “got caught”. (p. 72) ▪ Review pages 73 and 74, then meditate on the verses mentioned. Are you presenting yourself totally to the Lord as a living sacrifice? ▪ Make the decision to concentrate on not running your own life until the habit is broken. With consistency, this could take approximately three weeks. (pp. 76, 77) Isn’t it worth the effort to be able to enjoy the rest of your life in fellowship with God and walking in the Spirit? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be free from the pull of your carnality? There is no comparison between the bountiful benefits of this decision as compared to the initial discomfort of carrying it out. (p. 77) 43 Answers (Chapter 6: Establishing Fellowship with God) 1. 2. Repentance. He is not willing that anyone should perish but rather that we all Answers are listed here in the printed version of this study come to repentance. available from SOLM. To obtain a more accurate, blessings. measure of what you know in your heart, you should attempt 4. Conviction comes. the questions without revising the repenting answers of orthe searching the 5. The process of receiving truth and lies you have text been in the book. will This particularly applies to SOLM believing stop the war of the two natures 6.candidates The servant using of this whom asyou part obey. of the prerequisites. 7. You invited it in. 8. away. 9. Being sorry you “got caught”. 10. Doing good works doesn’t make you holy. Being in Christ makes you holy. 11. …not an option. 12. choose. 13. Godly fruit and character. 14. Sin. 15. The flesh. 16. kill. 17. It must be possible. 18. You have to move completely out of the carnal nature by moving into Christ . 19. 3 weeks to break a habit. 20. Until the old habit is broken! 21. …stay away from it. 22. When you show God you love Him by your obedience, you will enjoy continual fellowship with Him. 44 Chapter 7 Essential Steps to Fellowship 1. Select two of the following words to complete this statement. “Make the decision right now to ______ your flesh and submit ________ to the Lordship of Jesus Christ”. (p. 79) deny ▪ totally ▪ indulge ▪ partly 2. Even if you memorise this entire teaching, what do you still need that is received through humility? (p. 79) 3. What is the only acceptable motive for seeking God? (p. 79) 4. Why is it necessary to study the written Word of God? (p. 80) 5. What will never be replaced by ‘divine direction’? (p. 80) 6. The instructions in which two verses of Proverbs will help you break the habit of running your life? (p. 81) 7. Complete the sentence, “When you are v move in responsibility for you. (p. 82) 45 , God will 8. Select the following word which completes this statement. “If you aren’t willing to trust God with all your _______, there is no point in continuing this teaching”. (p. 82) money ▪ friends ▪ heart ▪ brain 9. What type of value is there to everything you do, as long as you aren’t doing it from your own initiative? (p. 83) 10. When you reason things out in your mind, what nature are you operating in? (p. 83) 11. The scripture says to acknowledge the Lord in all your ways. So, is it God’s will that you only ask Him about the big decisions of life? (p. 84) 12. Complete the sentence, “It is important that you practice these principles until they become h you don’t have to t about”. (p. 85) 13. Finish this statement. “God will speak clearly about the big things if you have developed the habit of asking Him about the…”. (p. 86) 46 14. Complete the sentence, “The only way to totally deny the old n is to deny it in e area”. (p. 86) 15. Your decision to obey should already have been made, so what type of obedience is not really obedience? (p. 87) 16. Which one of the following statements is correct? (p. 88) (a) Some believers need a spiritual covering. (b) Every believer needs a spiritual covering. (c) Mature believers need a spiritual covering. 17. What type of spirit tells you to “get alone before God” because you are too mature to submit to a pastor? (p. 88) God never ministers to His children to separate themselves, judge others and break fellowship with fellow believers. Submitting to a spiritual covering is crucial for your growth and it will help to keep you from deception. 47 Homework Tasks ▪ What is your motive for wanting to hear the Lord? (p. 79) ▪ Take some time to ponder on what it means to trust God with all your heart, then comment on any areas in which you do not trust God. (pp. 82, 83) ▪ Develop the habit of acknowledging the Lord every morning, then resolve not to make any decision during that day. If you get under pressure, do the best you can. If you fail, try again. Ask about the simple things like what clothes to wear. (p. 86) ▪ Read Matthew 10:29 and 30, then meditate on the following statement. (p. 86) “…the God who knows when a sparrow falls and counts the hairs on your head has the time and the desire to answer every little question you have about all the decisions of your life” ▪ Ask the Lord to show you examples in your life when you did not obey Him instantly. (p 87) ▪ Describe the type of spiritual coverings you have and what your attitude is towards them? (pp. 87, 88) ▪ Satan will try to confuse you if he can, so review page 89 and be consistent in letting the Lord run your life. (p. 89) If you keep any control for yourself and your carnal desires, satan will use his lies and your ignorance to deceive you and keep you away from God’s perfect plan for you. GOD IS NOT THE ONE WHO LEADS YOU INTO DECEPTION 48 Deuteronomy 28:1 and 2, “And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all His commandments which I command thee this day, …all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee”. If you will listen carefully to the Lord and obey His voice, His blessings shall come upon you. You can’t outrun the blessings of God if you are doing what He says with the right motive. (p. 81) 49 Answers (Chapter 7: Essential Steps to Fellowship) 1. deny, totally. 2. Grace. Answers are listed here in the printed version of this study 3. You love Him and want to obey Him. guide, available from SOLM. To obtain a more accurate 4. The written word keeps you from deception and confirms what you measure of what you in your heart, you should attempt are hearing from theknow Lord directly. the questions without revising the answers or searching the 5. The need to study the written Word. in the book. 6.text Proverbs 3:5 andThis 6. particularly applies to SOLM training using this as part ofwill themove prerequisites. 7.candidates When you are vulnerable, God in responsibility for you. 8. heart. 9. Eternal value. 10. The carnal nature. 11. It’s not God’s will. 12. It is important that you practice these principles until they become habits you don’t have to think about. 13. …the little things. 14. The only way to totally deny the old nature is to deny it in every area. 15. Obedience that is not instant is not obedience. 16. (b) Every believer needs a spiritual covering. 17. A lying spirit. 50 Chapter 8 (Part 1 of 2) Daily Growth and Fellowship: Three Voices & the Major Obstacles (pp. 90 to 98) 1. What will God reveal if you seek Him with an open heart? (p. 90) 2. Finish the following two statements which J.C. Hedgecock relates to Proverbs 3:5-6 and Hebrews 11:1-6. (pp. 90, 91) “Trust God with all your…” “You must walk in this message by…” 3. According to Luke 9:23, when and how often should you practice taking up your cross and denying yourself? (p. 91) 4. Select one of the following words to complete the sentence, “Seek God for direction in _______ possible detail so that your flesh is denied in _______ area”. (p. 91) one ▪ every ▪ some ▪ equal 5. If you first submit to God, what (who) is it within you that will release authority the devil cannot defeat? (p.91) 6. Give the missing word to describe the appropriate response to each of the three voices. (p. 92) “When God speaks, ______ Him” “When the devil speaks, _______ him” “When self speaks, ______ yourself” 51 7. Most Christians recognise the devil’s voice, so the problem in most believers is the strength of their what? (p. 92) 8. When the opinions of your flesh are controlling your thoughts, you are not where? (pp. 92) 9. What are some things satan will do to try to stop you from walking in this message? (p. 93) 10. If you are not hearing God, who is the problem in? (p. 93) 11. What is wrong with the concept that you will become mature enough to make “spiritualised” decisions? (p. 94) 12. Write down two of the following statements which are correct. (pp. 94, 95) (a) He is the Lord and there is no other! (b) He is the Lord and we have equal rank with Him. (c) He is the Lord but we have each other. (d) He is the Lord and no one has equal ranking with Him. 52 13. Select one of the following words to complete this title of a section in the chapter. “God is ________ Speaking”. (p. 95) Maybe ▪ Sometimes ▪ Normally ▪ Always 14. Write out this list of major obstacles to fellowship, inserting the missing or incomplete words. (pp. 95, 96) i. O rebellion and known s . ii. P , haughtiness and your own . iii. S in any form. iv. Rebellion to spiritual . v. habits. vi. Absence of the of the Holy . vii. Absence of the f of the L . 15. It takes a lot more power to be something than it does to say something. So what is the primary purpose of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 1:8? (p. 96) 16. If you do not have the power of God operating in you by the Spirit, what is not functioning? (p. 97) 17. Write out the following sentence, inserting the incomplete words. “When you walk in the power of the S , He will lead you into all t , change your character and bring you the b you have been ordained to receive.” (p. 97) 53 18. The more you flow in the Spirit, to what will you become more sensitive? (p.97) 19. Give the missing words in this statement relating to the fear of the Lord. “You must develop an overwhelming __________ toward the Lord and become aware of the awesome _ of the living God”. (p. 97) 20. If you are quick to repent when you make a mistake and God convicts you, what status of yours is assured? (pp. 97, 98) If you come to God with the attitude of trying to persuade Him to let you do something that feeds the lust of your flesh, you are already in the flesh. The “answer” you hear that gives you permission to fulfil your fleshly preferences is not from God. This is why it is so crucial to deny yourself in every area of your life. (p. 92) 54 Homework Tasks ▪ Meditate on the section entitled Steps to Maintenance, making sure that each point is established in your spirit. When you have done so, write the following scriptures from memory. (pp. 90, 91) Proverbs 3:5-6 ▪ Hebrews 11:1-6 ▪ Luke 9:23 ▪ James 4:7 ▪ Describe any personal opinions, desires and agendas that come from your flesh which need to be denied. (p. 92) ▪ Comment on some ways that satan will try to stop you from walking in this message. Why should his attempts encourage you? (p. 93) ▪ Describe the Parable of the Television Set. (p. 93) ▪ Ask the Lord to show you situations where you have made “spiritualised” decisions because you thought you were mature. Re-read the section entitled A Dangerous Deception. (pp. 94, 95) ▪ Meditate on the list of Major Obstacles to Fellowship and ask the Lord which of these needs to be dealt with in you. (pp. 95, 96) ▪ Do you have the power to overcome any protest of the flesh so that you can simply do what God says? If not, you need to seek God for the power so you can become who He has ordained you to be. (p. 97) ▪ We prefer to ponder on God’s mercy and grace, but He also moves in judgment against rebellion, idolatry and unfaithfulness. Therefore, consider the following statement. (p. 97) “You must develop an overwhelming reverence toward the Lord and become aware of the awesome power of the living God.” 55 Answers (Chapter 8 part 1: Daily Growth and Fellowship: Three Voices & the Major Obstacles) 1. God will reveal any hindrances. 2.Answers …yourare heart. listed here in the printed version of this study …by faith. guide, available from SOLM. To obtain a more accurate 3. Daily. measure of what you know in your heart, you should attempt 4. every. the The questions without revising the answers or searching the 5. Spirit within you. in the book. particularly 6.text obey Him. resistThis him. deny yourself. applies to SOLM training candidates using this as part of the prerequisites. 7. Personal opinions. 8. You are not in the Spirit. 9. He may cause you to become offended when you are convicted. He may tell you that you are already walking in this truth. He will set up obstacles to keep you from walking with God. 10. The problem is in you. 11. Being mature enough to make “spiritualised” decisions is a lie which is contrary to many scriptures in the Word of God. 12. (a) He is the Lord and there is no other! (d) He is the Lord and no one has equal ranking with Him. 13. always. 14. i. Open rebellion and known sin. ii. Pride, haughtiness, and your own lordship. iii. Selfishness in any form. iv. Rebellion to spiritual authority. v. Bad habits. vi. Absence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. vii. Absence of the fear of the Lord. 15. For you to be endued with power, so that you can be a witness. 16. The baptism is not functioning. 17. When you walk in the power of the Spirit, He will lead you into all truth, change your character and bring you the blessings you have been ordained to receive. 18. The Lord’s voice. 19. reverence, power. 20. Your status as a son of God remains sure. 56 Chapter 8 (Part 2 of 2) Daily Growth and Fellowship: Things to be Aware of and Things to Do (pp. 98 to 107) 1. Why can subtle hindrances actually cause the greatest problems? (p. 98) 2. Complete the sentence, “ 3. Complete the sentence, “If you choose to be a good lord, you are still in s and you are not in the S ”. (p. 98) 4. Which 3 characteristics of God does J.C. Hedgecock say you are not to question? (p. 98) 5. Why does God not need your opinion? (p. 98) 6. Complete the sentence, “You won’t have a loving ______________ with God if you are constantly asking for your own way”. (p. 99) is the enemy of best”. (p. 98) 57 7. Select one of the following words to complete this sentence. “God wants to bless you, but ___________ with Him is more important than the blessings He can give you.” (p. 99) Leading ▪ Singing ▪ Fellowship ▪ Fasting 8. What will the study of Philippians 4:4-8 help to deal with? (p. 99) 9. Select two of the following words which describe things you must get rid of because they are signs that you are not trusting God. (p. 99) Unbelief ▪ Sorrow ▪ Possessions ▪ Conviction ▪ Doubt 10. Which one of the following statements is correct? (p.99) (a) Late obedience is better in God’s eyes. (b) Delayed obedience is still obedience. (c) Obedience that is not instant is not obedience. 11. What is produced by anxiety and fear (which may even come from satan) when you open the door to satan’s attacks by not trusting God? (p. 99) 12. Select two of the following words to complete this statement. “Let the ________ guide you as you study the Word of God and immediately _______ everything He teaches you”. (p. 99) flesh ▪ Spirit ▪ pastor 58 / question ▪ apply ▪ deny 13. According to 2 Corinthians 10:5, what must you do with your thoughts? (p. 100) 14. Write out and finish this statement which describes why you must bind the enemy from speaking to you. “Satan will feed you a lake of truth to give…” (p.100) 15. God’s will is always for your good because He is trustworthy and He loves you. So what should you do with your will? (p. 100) 16. Rather than avoiding God’s directions for your life, what should you do? (p. 100) 17. If you feel pressure in your relationship with God, what are you doing to stop the flow of grace? (p. 102) 18. What should you never do when you hear a spirit or a person questioning the integrity of God? (p. 102) 19. Complete the following statements relating to the section “Everything with Nothing”. (p. 102) (a) God can do ________ with much, much with ________ and . everything with _________. (b) If you help God a lot, He can do ________. 59 (c) If you help God a little, He can do a _____. (d) If you get to the point that you don’t help Him at all, . then He can do ________. 20. What does satan love to tell believers about their mind? (p. 102) 21. What is J.C. Hedgecock’s calling and what scripture is the message based on which he is commissioned to share? (p. 106) You have to keep practicing and depending on the grace of God. You must stay in humility before Him. As soon as you think you are really hearing well and become overly confident, God will hold back a little grace and you won’t hear as clearly. He wants you to remember to depend on Him at all times. (p. 104) 60 Homework Tasks ▪ Meditate on the list of Subtle Hindrances and consider memorising them so that you can use them as safeguards in your spiritual walk. (pp. 98, 99) ▪ Which of the Subtle Hindrances have kept you from fellowship with God? (pp. 98, 99) ▪ Take some time to study the Word of God and let the Spirit guide you. Apply everything that He teaches you and then ask the Lord to bring some circumstances in your life so you can walk it out. (pp. 99, 100) ▪ Take some time to consider An illustration about Lordship and Trust and then “sign the contract”. (p. 101) ▪ Review the following list of fruits from page 105 and ask the Lord if they are manifesting in your life. Then for each one ask the Lord how you may increase them. (p. 105) Grace ▪ Truth ▪ Peace ▪ Rest Joy ▪ Fruit of the Spirit ▪ Victory DON’T LET ANYONE (INCLUDING YOUR OWN FLESH) ROB YOU OF THE GIFT OF FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD 61 Answers (Chapter 8 part 2: Daily Growth and Fellowship: Things to be Aware of and Things to Do) 1. Because you tend to notice the big things but fail to look at the attitudes that, in your opinion, don’t seem “that bad”. Answers are listed here in the printed version of this study 2. Good is the enemy of best. available SOLM. To are obtain accurate, If you choose tofrom be a good lord, you still in asinmore and you are not measure of what you know in your heart, you should attempt in the Spirit. questions without revising the answers or searching the 4.the Don’t question God’s motive, integrity, or goodness. in has theenough book. wisdom This particularly applies to SOLM training 5.text He to run the universe without your help. using as part of the prerequisites. 6.candidates You won’t havethis a loving relationship with God if you are constantly asking for your own way. 7. Fellowship. 8. To deal with anxiety and fear. 9. Get rid of doubt and unbelief. 10. (c) Obedience that is not instant is not obedience. 11. Confusion. 12. Let the Spirit guide you as you study the Word and immediately apply everything He teaches you. 13. Bring every thought under control to the obedience of Christ. 14. Satan will feed you a lake of truth to give you a cup of poison. 15. Set your will to do the Father’s will. 16. Take the initiative to find out God’s will for you. 17. You are resisting Him. 18. You should never listen. . 19. (a) God can do little with much, much with little and everything with nothing. (b) If you help God a lot, He can do little. (c) If you help God a little, He can do a lot. (d) If you get to the point that you don’t help Him at all, then He can do anything. 20. Satan loves to tell believers that God has given them a mind and He expects them to use it. 21. J.C. Hedgecock is called as an apostle to lay foundations in Christ’s body all over the world. God has commissioned him to share the message of John 17:1-3 which means we can know the Father and the Son intimately. 62 Chapter 9 The Strait Gate and the Narrow Way 1. Someone who is openly rebellious knows he is wrong, but what does someone who is deceived think? (p. 109) 2. Complete the sentence, “A minister who is truly c and prepared of God will require you to be a d of the word and not a h only.” (p. 111) 3. The underlying theme of a false pastor’s ministry will be to please whom? (p. 111) 4. God will continue the process of exposing your carnal nature and renewing your mind until you become like whom? (p. 112) 5. If the size of a congregation is the main evidence of godly fruit (which it isn’t), then which of the following ways would be right? (p. 112) Broad ▪ Hard ▪ Narrow ▪ Long ▪ Convicting 6. From the following list, select the correct phrase to complete this sentence, “God is calling to Himself those who…” (p. 112) 63 (a) … long for eternity with Him (b) … long for intimacy with Him (c) … long for ministry with Him. 7. Very few people enter through the strait gate because they are turned aside by what? (p. 113) 8. Select the following word from Luke 13:24 which describes what we have to do to enter the strait gate. (p. 114) Seek ▪ Walk ▪ Stride ▪ Strive ▪ Run 9. Complete the sentence, “You have to make up your m get to the Lord and go through whatever s necessary for you to walk with Him.” (p. 114) to are 10. Who is the gate that leads to the narrow path? (p. 115) 11. Who has to die at the strait gate? (p. 116) 12. From the following list, select the phrase to correctly finish the sentence, “If you don’t repent and deal with your flesh…” (p. 116) 64 (a) … you will never get through the gate. (b) … it will take more effort to get through the gate. (c) … you won’t get through the gate quickly enough. 13. Complete the sentence, “If you continue to walk in the flesh, all the __________ you know (or the ______) can’t push you through the strait gate.” (p. 116) Homework Tasks ▪ Meditate on Matthew 7:13-23 and, in your own words, explain what it means. (p 108) ▪ Ask the Lord to show you how much of your life has been spent on the broad way and how much has been spent on the narrow way. (pp. 108, 109) ▪ The character of Christ being formed in each member is the real “standard of success” in a ministry. Therefore, consider how Christ-like you are and whether you will be part of the remnant. (pp. 112, 113) ▪ Consider what it means to strive and make a note of the definitions. Then make up your mind to go through whatever struggles are necessary for you to walk with the Lord. (p. 114) You have to face the fact that the time is coming when the wrath of God will manifest and His judgement will go forth. WHEN THE BRIDE IS COMPLETED THE DOOR WILL BE SHUT. 65 Answers (Chapter 9: The Strait Gate and Narrow Way) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Someone who is deceived thinks he is right when he is actually in sin. A minister who is truly called and prepared of God will require you to be a doer of the word and not a hearer only. To please “self” instead of God. Until you are like Jesus (Christ). The broad way would be right. (b) God is calling to Himself those who long for intimacy with Him. By the obstacles that are put in the way by their flesh and the devil. Strive. You have to make up your mind to get to the Lord and go through whatever struggles are necessary for you to walk with Him. The gate is Jesus. Self has to die at the strait gate. If you don’t repent and deal with your flesh, you will never get through the gate. If you continue to walk in the flesh, all the Christians you know (or the Lord) can’t push you through the strait gate. Three Roads (Which One?) is the title to chapter 6 of the book Sound Doctrine also by J.C. Hedgecock. This gives further insight on the narrow way as well as many other teachings on corrupted doctrines, learning systems and ways that seem right. If you want to be mature and not be ignorant of satan’s devices, then this book is for you. ISBN 0-945255-50-0 (312 pages) 66 Chapter 10 Confirming God’s Voice 1. When God, your flesh, or satan speaks to you, what form does it take? (p. 117) 2. What must you do with every thought that comes to your mind? (p. 117) 3. Complete the sentence, “You must out who it is coming from.” (p. 117) 4. Complete the following sentences based on James 4:7 and Colossians 3:5: (pp. 117-118) each ___ to find “Submit to God and ______ the ________ and he will flee from you.” “_________ your _______ in obedience to God by giving it no place.” 5. In Romans 8:6a (AMP), ‘sense and reason without the Holy Spirit’ is the definition of what? (p. 118) 67 6. Complete the sentence, “The job of being has been filled by Jesus Christ, and will never give any of His children permission to run their from their own “s ” lordship.” (p. 119) 7. Who are the three infallible witnesses that God revealed to J.C. Hedgecock? (pp. 119, 121) 8. Complete the statement, “You must _______ assume that a thought you have is from God without first __________ it.” (p. 121) 9. Give the first word and the missing words to these three points about getting the Godhead to bear witness to thoughts in your mind: (p. 121) B R of the sin of your Lord of your life. C any thought that comes to your mind with the three witnesses. that God will speak to you. and make Jesus the 10. Divine revelation from God will never be contradictory to what? (p. 121) 68 11. What will happen if you try to use your natural reasoning abilities or mental recall when using the Word as the first witness? (p. 122) 12. Write out the correct one of the following statements to describe what you must do for the first witness to work correctly (p. 123) (a) Search your Bible until you possibly find a scripture that is contrary to what you think you are hearing. (b) Ask the Lord to bring any scripture back to your memory which is contrary to what you believe you are hearing. (c) Think or ask God about one common scripture which will fully support what you believe you are hearing. 13. What can you assume if you become defensive or resistant to questions about your “revelations”? (p. 123) 14. Complete the sentence, “If your h is p want to do or believe anything that is Word.”(p. 123) , you will not to God's 15. What can the Holy Spirit not bear witness to? (p.124) 69 16. Rather than “initiate” the flow of the Spirit, what should you do? (p. 125) 17. If you are not in right standing with God, which of the witnesses will work correctly? (p. 125) 18. What do you already need to have ruling in your heart for the third witness to work properly? (p. 126) 19. Write out the correct one of the following statements which is correct. (p. 127) (a) God’s peace can be evident in most circumstances. (b) God’s peace isn’t swayed by outward circumstances. (c) God’s peace may change dependant on circumstances. 20. 1 Peter 5:7 gives some instructions to obtain God’s peace. Which other scripture provides instructions? (p. 127) Philippians 4:4-8 ▪ Romans 6:10-16 ▪ Matthew 7:21-23 21. State true or false to the statement, “God’s peace can be a “quick fix” when everything goes wrong”. (p. 128) 22. Complete the sentence about the peace of God, “This witness does not function by __________ to ____ God’s peace to confirm what you have heard.” (p. 128) 70 23. What will happen if you begin to do something that God doesn’t want you to do, even if you believe the first two witnesses have confirmed what you heard? (p. 128) 24. As you begin to obey God, what could be considered the fourth witness as a proof to whether you heard God or not? (p. 129) 25. What are two of the greatest enemies of clearly hearing God? (p. 130) Personal o and j . 26. You won’t be able to fully release your faith that you are hearing God’s voice if you move back and forth between what? (p. 132) You cannot ignore the need to bring every thought captive to Christ. The Word is very clear that God will never authorize you to be the lord of your life. 71 Homework Tasks ▪ Give examples of situations when you assumed you heard from God without even checking the thought. (pp. 117, 121) ▪ Give examples of situations when you found scriptures or chose them from memory to justify things you were doing. (p. 119) ▪ Considering the decisions you make, what percentage of time are you submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ on a daily basis? (p. 119) ▪ Write your own description of the three infallible witnesses and comment on what things you should be careful of to reduce the possibility of erroneous readings. (pp. 121 - 129) ▪ Ask the Lord to remind you of times when you became defensive or resistant to somebody’s questions about your revelations. (p. 123) ▪ If you realise that your testing equipment isn’t working properly, go before the Lord with an open heart and review the Helpful Instructions on pages 130 to 132. (pp. 130 – 132) God loves you and accepts you where you are. When you begin to sow love into God by obeying His commands, he will bless you with an outpouring of His love. This process will continue and multiply as you develop a closer walk of communion with God. It is through communication that you develop a deeper love relationship with Jesus Christ and the Father, and consistent obedience produces closer fellowship. It all begins with the simplicity of getting into God’s presence through repentance and humbling yourself, learning to hear His voice and doing what He says because you love Him. (pp. 132-133) 72 Satan has deceived numerous believers for years by whispering a false interpretation of the Word into their spirits and encouraging their personal desires so that they are led astray. That is why the third witness is so critical! In the word of encouragement at the end of chapter 10, J.C. Hedgecock mentions the process of developing love. How Love Grows is a pocket booklet that sets out the teaching on this subject, so that you can allow God’s seed of love to grow in you. God not only wants you to be filled with His love, He also wants you to have an abundance to share with others. The greatest way to be effective ambassadors and children of God is to manifest His character, which is love. This booklet will take you stepby-step through the process that will bring you to an abundance of love which is your heritage. Don’t let anyone steal it from you! (56 pages, 17x11 cm, ISBN 0-945255-74-8) 73 Answers (Chapter 10: Confirming God’s Voice) 1. A thought in your mind. 2.Answers You must captivity to the of are bring listedevery herethought in the into printed version ofobedience this study Christ. guide, available from SOLM. To obtain a more accurate 3. You must test each thought to find out who it is coming from. measure of what you know in your heart, you should attempt 4. Submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you. the Mortify questions without revising the answers or searching the your flesh in obedience to God by giving it no place. text in the book. This applies to SOLM training 5. A definition of the fleshparticularly (AMP). candidates using this as part of the prerequisites. 6. The job of being Lord has been filled by Jesus Christ and God will never give any of His children permission to run their lives from their own “spiritualised” lordship. 7. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 8. You must never assume that a thought you have is from God without first checking it. 9. Believe that God will speak to you. Repent of the sin of your lordship and make Jesus the Lord of your life. Check any thought that comes to your mind with the three infallible witnesses. 10. The rightly divided written Word. 11. You will miss God. 12. (b) Ask the Lord to bring back to your memory any scripture that is contrary to what you believe you are hearing. 13. You have reached a personal interpretation of the Word rather the rightly divided truth. 14. If your heart is pure, you will not want to do or believe anything that is contrary to God's Word. 15. He cannot bear witness to a lie. 16. You should let the Holy Spirit come upon you. 17. None of the witnesses will work correctly. 18. The peace of God. 19. (b) God’s peace isn’t swayed by outward circumstances. 20. Philippians 4:4-8. 21. False. 22. This witness does not function by trying to get God’s peace to confirm what you have heard. 23. You will lose God’s peace. 24. Good fruit that glorifies Him. 25. Personal opinions and judgments. 26. If you move back and forth between your lordship and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. 74 Chapter 11 How the Mature Communication System Works 1. What are two key reasons for establishing communication with the Lord? (p. 134) 2. Most believers love God and call Jesus “Lord”, but what do they really know deep down? (p. 134) 3. Where does the control of your mind and body originate from? (pp. 135, 136) 4. Who chooses whether you accept particular data into your “mental computer”? (p. 136) 5. Complete this sentence, “…you are commanded to m . your and resist its control because you cannot function as God intended you to with two ________ fighting to control your mind and b all the time.” (p. 137) 6. According to Romans 6:16, you become a servant of, and are controlled by, whom? (p. 137) 75 7. When Jesus is on the keyboard of your “spiritual computer”, who else is a modem automatically connected to? (p. 137) 8. When Jesus is in control, he makes you much more efficient than you could be on your own. What must you remember to do when that happens? (p. 138) 9. Complete the sentence, “All you have to do to get your “spiritual computer” in working order is to yourself under the mighty hand of God and put on your keyboard.” (p. 138) 10. Which of the following words is used to correctly begin this sentence? “___________ in this walk is the key to making it work correctly”. (p. 139) Swiftness ▪ Audacity ▪ Consistency ▪ Caution 11. Every thought that comes to our mind must be tested because of which common habit? (p. 139) 12. Complete the sentence, “Even though Jesus was God’s Son, He did not make d out of His own i .” (p. 140) 76 13. If you walk in this message, revelation will be flowing to your mind at a much faster rate, but what is the key difference? (p. 140) 14. What word can describe making a judgement or decision from your own lordship? (p. 141) 15. Complete this sentence. “You can’t keep your flesh in charge of the “_______ ________” and expect to hear God clearly in the “_____ ________”.” (p. 141) 16. In which areas does God love to talk about the decisions natural or spiritual? (p. 142) 17. Complete these sentences: “Remember, you don’t ______ to ask the Lord about e . You _____ to ask the Lord about e !” (p. 142) 77 Jesus is either Lord of all or not Lord at all. One important reason for asking the Lord about every little issue is because this gets you into the habit of walking in the Spirit with Jesus as Lord instead of in the flesh with you as lord. (p. 142) Homework Tasks ▪ Identify the areas where you stop trusting Jesus as Lord and therefore use your own reasoning and understanding. (p. 134) ▪ Describe the “computer parable” in your own words. (pp. 135, 137) ▪ Take some time to meditate on what it means to use your mental abilities more when Jesus is on the keyboard. What does this mean when studying according to 2 Timothy 2:15? (pp. 140, 141) ▪ Describe why asking the Lord about little, insignificant decisions can be a stumbling block. (p. 141) ▪ Consider your motivation for wanting to hear the Lord and obey Him. Remember, you don’t have to ask the Lord about everything. You get to ask the Lord about everything! (p. 142) 78 If you desire to mature and be productive in the Kingdom, then The Manifested Sons of God may be the next book for you. It describes in detail how to reach maturity and become a vessel of honour. Many scriptures reveal that there will be a manifestation of the sons of God in the last days of the church age. The question you must ask of yourself is whether or not you want to be a manifested son of God. Now is the time to prepare yourself for God’s call! ISBN: 0-945255-14-4 (216 Pages) 79 Answers (Chapter 11: How the Mature Communication System Works) 1. So we can acknowledge Him in all our ways, and so we can obey God to show Him how much we love Him. Answers are listed here in the printed version of this study 2. They know that He is not the literal, functional Lord of their lives. from SOLM. To obtain a more accurate, Youravailable spirit. measure of what you know in your heart, you should attempt 4. You choose by your will. questions without revising theyour answers or resist searching the 5.the “…you are commanded to mortify flesh and its control text because in the book. This function particularly applies to SOLM training you cannot as God intended you to with two candidates this as partyour of the prerequisites. natures using fighting to control mind and body all the time.” 6. To whom you yield your members to obey. 7. A modem is connected to Father. 8. Give God all the glory for what He does. 9. “All you have to do to get your “spiritual computer” in working order is to humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and put Jesus on your keyboard.” 10. Consistency. 11. The habit of making decisions for ourselves. 12. “Even though Jesus was God’s Son, He did not make decisions out of His own initiative.” 13. The difference is who is taking the initiative for your thought processes. 14. Sin. 15. You can’t keep your flesh in charge of the “little things” and expect to hear God clearly in the “big things”. 16. Both the natural and spiritual. 17. Remember, you don’t have to ask the Lord about everything. You get to ask the Lord about everything! 80 Chapter 12 Putting It All Together 1. What two “basics” are required to get to know God with any level of intimacy? (p. 144) 2. Give the missing word from this warning. “If you have read this book for _____________ only, that is not enough.” (p. 145) 3. Select two of the following words and write out the following sentence correctly. “____________ you need to put yourself in a condition to hear God and have _____________ with Him was paid for on the cross.” (p. 146) Something ▪ Everything ▪ fellowship ▪ worship ▪ church 4. What is the first and foremost thing you must settle in your heart if you want to walk in this message? (p. 146) 5. State true or false to the statement, “God expects you to immediately walk in perfection and maturity.” (p. 147) 6. What is the only acceptable motive for walking in this message? (p. 148) 81 7. What do you not understand if you are having trouble loving God with a pure heart? (p. 148) 8. What should be your two-word response to whatever God says? (p. 149) 9. According to the scripture in James 4:8, who takes the initiative to “draw near”? (p. 150) 10. If you don’t deal with your weaknesses and fleshly habits at the appropriate time, what will satan use them for? (p. 150) 11. Only write out the following statements which are true. (pp. 151, 152) (a) There is no reason to ever leave God’s presence. (b) Fellowship with God only lasts for a while. (c) Getting your heart right through worship and singing moves you into His presence. (d) Getting your heart right before God through repentance moves you into His presence. 12. Why does satan tempt you to take over lordship? (p 152) 82 13. When you really love God with all your heart, what type of sins have you turned from and what does the devil have to come up with? (p. 153) 14. If you fail (even repeatedly), what lie from the devil should you refrain from listening to? (p. 154) 15. You should use the principles of Proverbs 3:5 and 6 all the time. Again, what are they? (p. 155) 16. State true or false to the statement, “Hindrances to faith always come from lies satan has used to deceive you.” (p. 155) 17. Regarding painful memories, what is one of the devil’s favourite tricks? (p. 156) 18. What truth from Isaiah 55:9, should stop us from ever questioning God’s goodness, love or integrity? (p. 156) 83 19. According to 1 Peter 1:7, the testing of your faith is more precious than what? (p. 157) 20. What do you sow into God by obedience that you will reap in a greater measure? (p. 158) 21. When is the easiest time to obey God and what happens if you procrastinate? (p. 158) 22. Complete this statement. “If you want to have c__________ fellowship with God, you must stay in His p by maintaining c__________ obedience.” (p. 159) 23. Finish this statement. “If you want something you’ve never had before, you must…” (p. 161) Let Jesus be the first love in your life and obey Him because you desire to express your love for Him. If you find yourself unable or unwilling to obey, humble yourself once again, get back into God’s presence and ask Him to show you the reasons for your disobedience. He loves to show His children the things that separate them from His love and fellowship! (p. 159) 84 Homework Tasks ▪ Take some time to check that you are doing the basic things listed in the “Television Parable”. (p. 145) Do you believe the truth in this teaching? This means believing from your heart that you should be walking in fellowship with God. Are you a doer of the word which God has revealed to you? Are you seeking God for opportunities to obey what you have learned? Do you maintain your “television set”? If not, you should review Chapter 8. Are you watching for any tricks the devil might use to hinder you? ▪ If you are having trouble loving God with a pure heart, get into His written Word and meditate on the magnitude of His love for you. (p. 148) ▪ List some areas in your life where satan has deceived you into doing things that were not obviously evil but were ways that seemed right. (p. 153) ▪ If you are still struggling with your flesh and it is moving you out of the Spirit, go back to review chapters 4 to 8. (p. 153) ▪ Prayerfully consider any painful or negative experiences in your life and make sure that God is not blamed and His integrity is not questioned. (p. 156) ▪ Make a note of any teaching in this book which you are not yet obeying and devote time to putting it in place. (p. 159) You can’t allow ministry, your job, your spouse and family, yourself or anything else to take priority over your love relationship with the Lord. HE MUST BE YOUR FIRST LOVE! 85 Answers (Chapter 12: Putting it All Together) 1. Spend quality time in God’s presence. Communicate with Him and be able to hear Him clearly. Answers are listed here in the printed version of this study 2. information. guide, available from SOLM. To obtain a more accurate 3. Everything you need to put yourself in a condition to hear God and measure of what you in paid yourforheart, have fellowship with know Him was on theyou cross.should attempt questions the answers or searching the 4.the That Jesus iswithout the literal,revising functional Lord of your life. in the book. This particularly applies to SOLM training 5.text False. this as part isoflove. the prerequisites. 6.candidates The onlyusing acceptable motive 7. How much He loves you. 8. “Yes, Lord”. 9. You (or I) take the initiative to draw near. 10. To draw you into sin. 11. (a) There is no reason to ever leave God’s presence. (d) Getting your heart right before God through repentance moves you into His presence. 12. He knows sin will take you out of God’s presence. 13. You have turned from the obvious sins of the flesh. The devil is left to come up with ways that seem right to you. 14. God is mad and won’t talk to you until you “earn” forgiveness. 15. Trust God with all your heart, refuse to lean on your understanding and acknowledge Him in all your ways. 16. True. 17. He brings them up from your past and tells you it is God’s fault. 18. His ways are higher than ours as the heavens are above the earth. 19. More precious than gold. 20. Love. 21. The first time He speaks a direction is easiest to obey and it gets harder when you procrastinate. 22. If you want to have consistent fellowship with God, you must stay in His presence by maintaining consistent obedience. 23. …do something you’ve never done before. 86 Chapter 13 Conclusion 1. To reveal the areas that you need to work, who should you ask? (p. 162) 2. Rather than simply gaining mental knowledge of this teaching, what is the main foundation you must always go back to? (p. 162) 3. To walk in this message, what must you accept without compromising any part? (pp. 162, 163) 4. What is meant by the following statement from J.C. Hedgecock? “He does not require you to walk where someone else is walking” (p. 163) 5. Give the one missing word that will complete this sentence. “Learning how to be consistent and growing up is part of the p , but it is a p .” (p. 163) 6. What does Isaiah 46:10-11 show us about God? (p. 163) 87 7. How will God treat you if you maintain a heart of obedience? (p. 164) 8. Select two of the following words to complete the statement, “You may appear to be before God on the outside, but He knows if you are standing up on the ”. (p. 165) relaxed ▪ bowed ▪ outside ▪ inside ▪ upside 9. At what stage of the sin process does God convict you? (p. 165) 10. Complete the sentence, “If you stay in God’s timing and repent every time He brings correction to you, you will abide in His g .” (p. 165) 11. What is an important truth to remember when finding out about how wrong you are? (p. 166) 12. What things in the present or future does God long for you to put away? (p. 167) 88 13. Select two of the following words to complete the statement about God. “He wants you to be in right standing with Him so that He can have , intimate fellowship with you.” (p. 167) occasionally ▪ continually / constant ▪ sporadic 14. Write out and finish this statement about where you are on God’s schedule. “You don’t have to be a grown up, trained soldier the first week you begin… ” (p. 168) 15. Again, what two things does God accept as the only pure motive for seeking Him and hearing His voice? (p. 168) 16. According to 1 Corinthians 13, if your motive is not love, what are your works worth and what are you? (p. 169) God wants you to seek Him and His righteousness first, then He will add to you what you need and even long for. God created us in the very beginning because He wanted to have fellowship with us. His heart has never changed and He longs for you to open your heart to Him with love and a longing to know Him. This attitude touches His heart as nothing else can. (p. 168) 89 Homework Tasks ▪ Consider why is it important to refrain from comparing your spiritual walk to someone else’s. (p. 163) ▪ Using the illustration of a seed and a tree, explain what is meant by “God sees in fullness”. (pp. 163, 164) ▪ Consider what it means to repent, move into Christ and grow up. To study the two ways of growing up, read Chapter 5 of the book called Sound Doctrine, also by J.C. Hedgecock. (p. 164) ▪ Review the teaching on ‘God’s Timing’ and list some areas in your walk that are out of His timing. (p. 165) ▪ Take time to meditate on the fact that God already knows how wrong you are and He still wants to fellowship with you. (p. 166) ▪ Write out Hebrews 12:6 and 11. After meditating on these verses, describe what they mean to you. (p. 167) ▪ Take time to review your motive for wanting to hear God and check if you have any selfish agendas. (p. 168) ▪ Read J.C. Hedgecock’s closing comments and consider the value of the teaching in this book. What price are you willing to pay to possess these truths? (pp. 169, 170) GOD WILL REQUIRE OF YOU EVERYTHING THAT HE REVEALS TO YOU BY HIS SPIRIT. YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN SUBMISSION TO HIS LORDSHIP AND HE WILL NOT EXCUSE YOUR FLESH. SO DON’T PLAY THAT GAME 90 Answers (Chapter 13: Conclusion) 1. Ask the Holy Spirit. 2.Answers Submitting to the Lordship Jesus Christ. version of this study are listed here in ofthe printed, The available standard God has established. from SOLM. To obtain a more accurate 4. God deals with each of His children at their level. Do what He measure of what you know in your heart, you should attempt shows you. Don’t worry about what He says to someone else. the process questions without revising the answers or searching the 5. , process. text in the book. This particularly SOLM training 6. God sees in fullness / He sees the end applies from the to beginning. candidates using this as part of the prerequisites. 7. As if you have already hit the mark of the fullness of obedience. 8. bowed, inside. 9. At the thought stage. 10. If you stay in God’s timing and repent every time He brings correction to you, you will abide in His grace. 11. God already knows and has always known. 12. Anything that would separate you from Him. 13. continually, constant. 14. You don’t have to be a grown up, trained soldier the first week you begin hearing the Lord. 15. Pure love and the desire to know Him. 16. Nothing and nothing. The truths in My Sheep Hear My Voice are far-reaching and some people find parts are not simple to apply even after genuine attempts to obey. The book My Friends Obey My Voice has been written as a helpful sequel for those who have studied the first one but still find they are not walking in the fullness of the teaching. (66 Pages, ISBN 0-945255-09-8) My Sheep Hear My Voice has also been translated into many other languages including German, Spanish, French, Finnish, Norwegian, Italian, Czech, Polish, Dutch, Nepalese, Russian, Romanian, Telugu and Tamil. 91 The following book, released in 2014, is highly recommended as a resource to use in conjunction with My Sheep Hear My Voice: WAKE UP! TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Have you struggled spiritually for years? Are you frustrated because you long for intimacy with your heavenly Father and Jesus as Lord? Do you believe that being in constant communion with God is an unreachable goal? Do you desire to abide in the Spirit and finish the race God has set for you but question your ability to do so? It is time to wake up from your spiritual slumber because time is running out. Whether the Lord returns soon, or you go to Him in death, now is the time to get prepared. WAKE UP! TIME IS RUNNING OUT is the first book of the series, Foundations for Spiritual Maturity. Volume 1 provides simple, detailed instructions about how to identify spiritual hindrances and the steps needed to eliminate them from your life. It gives practical directions on how to move into God’s presence and have a loving, fulfilling relationship with Him. Not only will you begin to recognize how much God loves you, you will also enjoy fellowship with Him as He reveals His purposes for your life. Your perspective about conviction and repentance will change. This book covers many truths that are biblically proven and will help you in areas where you have believed lies and false doctrines. It covers many topics that will change your life, including God’s immeasurable love for you, laying foundations, how to become spiritual, true repentance, and how to receive wisdom and knowledge from God. It includes many practical applications that can be put in place immediately to help you overcome the issues that have hindered you for years. (180 pages, ISBN 0-945255-90-X) 92 For further assistance with any aspect of this study guide, for marking or for details of SOLM teaching and training opportunities, please contact one of the following: ▪ Dr Keith Jenkins, SOLM International Coordinator Tel: +44-(0)115-9176101 Email: ▪ Darren Roy, Assistant Coordinator to Dr Keith Jenkins Tel: +44-(0)1229-586136 Email: Teaching arrangements can be arranged as required and can include day or weekend seminars or workshops. No church or fellowship is too large or too small. For further information about the work of SOLM and the available resources, please contact one of the following: ▪ Dave Kennard, SOLM UK Coordinator Tel: +44-(0)115-8335050 Email: ▪ Dave Finney, SOLM UK Publications Officer Tel: +44-(0)1209-831498 Email: Information is available about books, study aids, CDs, mp3s, videos, DVDs and the latest itineraries. You can also sign-up to the SOLM newsletter. Please visit us online at: 93