Biology 11 STUDY GUIDE for Kingdom Protista Kingdom Protista Animal-like Protists Phylum Ciliophora (Paramecium, Stentor, Vorticella) Phylum Sarcodina (Amoeba, heliozoans, radiolarians, foraminifers) Phylum Sporozoa or Apicomplexa (Plasmodium) Phylum Zoomastigina (Trypanosoma) Plantlike Protists Phylum Bacillariophyta (diatoms) Phylum Euglenophyta (Euglena) Phylum Pyrrophyta (dinoflagellates) Phylum Chrysophyta (yellow-green and golden-brown algae) Phylum Phaeophyta (brown algae – kelp) Phylum Chlorophyta (green algae - Volvox) Phylum Rhodophyta (red algae - agar) Funguslike Protists Phylum Myxomycota (acellular slime molds) Phylum Acrasiomycota (cellular slime molds) Phylum Oomycota (water molds) Vocabulary 19.1 Intro to Protists macronucleus diatoms eukaryote micronucleus carotenoids protozoan binary fission meiosis microsporidia conjugation bioluminescent endosymbiosis cytoplasmic bridge algal bloom 19.2 Animal-like Protists pseudopod Euglena cilia Amoeba eye spot Paramecium test colony pellicle cyst Volvox ectoplasm spores daughter colonies trichocysts Plasmodium decomposers oral groove flagella 19.4 Funguslike Protists gullet Trypanosoma cellulose endoplasm Chagas disease plasmodium food vacuole 19.3 Plantlike Protists acrasin anal pore chloroplasts fruiting body contractile vacuoles phytoplankton water mold Key Points (see PLOs for more details) MAIN IDEA: Protists form a diverse group of organisms that are subdivided based on their method of obtaining nutrition. • • • • Protists include unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes Protists are classified by their methods of obtaining food The first protist might have formed through endosymbiosis Protists might have been the first eukaryotic cells with chloroplasts and mitochondria, evolving billions of years ago MAIN IDEA: Protozoans are animal-like, heterotrophic protists. • • • • Protozoans are single-celled protists that feed on other organisms to obtain nutrients Protozoans live in a variety of aquatic environments Protozoans reproduce in a variety of ways, including sexually and asexually Protozoans have specialized methods for movement, feeding, and maintaining homeostasis MAIN IDEA: Algae are plantlike, autotrophic protists that are the producers for aquatic ecosystems. • • • • Plantlike protists produce their own food through photosynthesis Algae are important producers of oxygen and food for aquatic ecosystems Euglenoids, diatoms, and dinoflagellates are unicellular algae Red, brown, and green algae have multicellular forms MAIN IDEA: Funguslike protists obtain nutrition by absorbing nutrients from dead or decaying organisms. • • • • • The cell walls of funguslike protists do not contain chitin Slime molds, water molds, and downy mildew grow in aquatic or damp places Acellular slime molds form a plasmodium that contains many nuclei but no separate cells Cellular slime molds form colonies of cells to reproduce Water molds envelop their food source with a mass of threads Potential test questions 1. What habitats are protists most commonly found in? 2. Describe the “theory of endosymbiosis”. 3. Trichonympha are beneficial to termites. Describe the relationship between this protist and termites. 4. How are the fossils of foraminifera valuable clues to the possible presence of oil in rocks? 5. How do you know whether a flagellate you are observing is a zoomastiginan or a euglenoid? 6. Many protists that lack cell walls have contractile vacuoles. Why are contractile vacuoles important in such organisms? 7. What is the main characteristic used to separate protozoans? 8. What is the difference between the micronucleus and macronucleus of ciliates? 9. What are the two hosts that are required for Plasmodium to be successful? 10. What are the three characteristics used to classify algae? 11. What benefits come from living as a colony (e.g. Volvox)? 12. Euglenoids have characteristics of both autotrophs and heterotrophs. Explain. 13. Name the organism that causes a “red tide” and why is it potentially harmful to humans? 14. What funguslike characteristic do water molds have? 15. Name two ways in which organisms benefit from members of the Kingdom Protista. 16. Name two ways in which organisms are hurt by members of the Kingdom Protista. 17. Diagrams to label: paramecium, amoeba, euglena, vorticella, volvox, stenor, a. Use handouts and knowledge from live specimen lab.