Ethical Sourcing Standard - mondelez international

Cadbury Schweppes Ethical Sourcing Standards
Working With Suppliers
We've always believed good ethics and good business go together naturally.
Social responsibility sits at the heart of Cadbury Schweppes. It always has. We're
clear about our obligations and how they shape the way we operate, and proud of
the loyalty and trust which this approach has earned for our company and our
Consumers and other stakeholders have rising expectations. As our business
grows and becomes ever more complex, we all need to ensure we can live up to
those expectations, both within our own operations and in our wider supplier
And you, our suppliers, are an essential part of this.
We want to share our commitment to the highest ethical standards. This
document explains what our standards are and will help you understand what
that means for you and your own supplier networks.
from milk to maintenance: from cocoa to copiers
We are an international group of companies with a broad and complex supply
chain spanning many countries and many types of goods and services.
This chain provides our businesses with everything from the quality ingredients in
our products to the machinery to make them. Packaging, stationery, promotional
items, technical support, catering, laundry, transport, security and marketing - all
are vital to the creation of our brands, supplying everything from the pallets in
the warehouses to the pencils in our offices.
over 30,000 suppliers, large and small
Around 30,000 firms supply us directly. Some are global corporations, others are
small companies. Many are only one part of a much longer supply chain which
delivers raw ingredients from the field to our factory doors.
Working together to create brands people love
We've worked with suppliers to share knowledge and technical advice, and to
improve quality, productivity and environmental standards. Together we've
created delicious and trusted brands that bring moments of pleasure to millions of
consumers all around the world.
Dialogue to share ethical standards will help ensure we continue to grow and
sustain that success in different and changing markets, and in a variety of
cultures. It's part of delivering our Core Purpose of "working together to
create brands people love".
Sourcing Standards
Respect for human rights, and ethical trading is fundamental to the way we work.
Within our own business, Our Business Principles provide the framework of values
and behaviours expected of every employee, everywhere. They and our Human
Rights and Ethical Trading Policy form the basis of these Sourcing Standards.
We want our suppliers to act in a responsible and ethical manner. We look for
business partners who:
have high standards of corporate governance
carry out their business honestly and ethically
respect the rights and interests of others
abide by laws and regulations
Our Human Rights and Ethical Trading policy is based on international standards
such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the conventions of the
International Labor Organisation. It is outlined below together with an
explanation of what each principle means in practice.
However, no set of standards can deal with all situations. Some may need to be
applied according to local legal definitions or frameworks, or be adapted to
respect cultural sensitivities. In so doing, we expect suppliers to exercise good
business judgment upholding the spirit of the standards. Naturally, in all cases we
look for minimum legal standards to be adhered to and best industry practice.
1. Core labour rights and dignity at work
Preclude the use of forced labour: Workers should enter voluntarily into
employment contracts. Employers should not hold or control the identity
papers of their workers or a money deposit. Prisoners should not be hired.
No slavery or indentured labour.
Respect the rights of employees to join legally recognised labour unions:
No discrimination against union representatives or members. No
obstruction of collective bargaining.
Ensure that children are employed only under circumstances that protect
them from physical risks and do not disrupt their education: No harmful
child labour, which means no employment of anyone under the minimum
school leaving age; the work of anyone under 18 must not interfere with
their education; they should not be exposed to physical or other risks
which can harm physical, mental, emotional or spiritual development.
Do not tolerate any form of harassment in the workplace: All employees
should be treated with respect and dignity and not be subject to
persecution or bullying in the workplace.
2. health and safety in the workplace
Create a healthy and safe work environment for each employee: Keep all
the relevant health and safety laws and provide a safe and healthy
workplace. Supply the necessary safety equipment and training. Ensure
there are appropriate rest periods and suitable facilities.
3. fair remuneration
Ensure that working hours and remuneration are reasonable and
comparable to those offered by similar companies: Meet local legal
minimum standards and comply with local laws. Wages and working hours
should be comparable with those of similar companies and in line with
normal industry standards. All workers should have a written
understanding of their employment contract. Overtime should generally be
worked on a voluntary basis. All obligations in respect of local social
security payments and provision must be met.
4. diversity and respect for difference
Manage diversity to promote and capitalise on cultural and individual
differences to create competitive advantage through new perspectives and
local market sensitivity.
Provide employees with equal opportunities.
5. opportunity for development
Recognise the value that employees create and reward them with
opportunities for personal and career development.
Living out the standards
(a) Implementation
These standards will be part of our general supplier selection helping us to choose
suppliers based upon an assessment of economic, quality, environmental and
ethical factors. They will also be a factor in monitoring and reviewing
(b) dialogue and communication
Securing our sourcing standards is a two-way process which requires dialogue
and mutual understanding.
We began with a series of "pilot studies" talking to a cross-section of suppliers to
see how things work in practice and identify potential issues. The pilots took place
in a range of countries across a variety of commodities, and included consultation
with other stakeholders such as government representatives and interest groups.
They have helped to inform these standards and the methodology for taking the
process further into our supply chain.
(c) Support from us
You may want our advice in interpreting the requirements, or help in
demonstrating your compliance with them. We are happy to discuss any
questions and provide support in addressing issues.
(d) Steps to take
You are asked to review the standards and:
Consider how they fit with your own business practices as well as those of
your own suppliers
Take any action necessary to comply (for example, maintaining
appropriate records and documentation, and ensuring that any statements
of business principles and policies fully address these issues)
Contact us if you need further clarification of our expectations.
I have read and understood the above document and am authorized to accept the
implications that this may have on the ongoing relationship with Cadbury Schweppes.