Propaganda Techniques Identification Activity Picture Cards

ELA Grade 6 Plugging into Propaganda, Lesson 2
Resource 2.6T
Propaganda Techniques Identification Activity Picture Cards
Students will be working in groups to examine six different pictures of product advertisements and identifying
which propaganda techniques are best represented by each ad. The answers are below:
Bandwagon = cell phones/Starbucks ad. (Rationale: Everyone/everybody uses phones and drinks Starbucks coffee, so you
should too.)
Loaded language = Crest ad (Rationale: Strongly positive words – 3D, white, brighter – used to emphasize benefits of
product promising great results for the consumer.)
Product placement = Wayne’s World movie scene (Rationale: By showing a popular movie character eating a certain
brand of pizza, fans will want to buy that brand to be more like the character.)
Snob appeal = car ad (Rationale: Attractive young woman looking down on old car and making snobby comment that
makes consumers want what she drives instead of what they drive.)
Symbols = M&M’s ad (Rationale: By mimicking former communist Russian revolutionary imagery and symbolic color,
consumers are persuaded to vote for red M&M’s.)
Testimonials = Icy Hot ad (Rationale: If Shaquille O’Neal, a famous, well-liked athlete endorses Icy Hot, it must be a
good product.)
ELA Grade 6 Plugging into Propaganda, Lesson 2
Resource 2.6T
Teacher directions: Cut out the six separate cards and keep them together as a set (they can be clipped together
or put in a plastic bag or envelope). Each student group will receive one set of cards for the Propaganda
Techniques Identification Activity (Lesson 2). Enough sets are provided for up to 10 student groups.
ELA Grade 6 Plugging into Propaganda, Lesson 2
Resource 2.6T
ELA Grade 6 Plugging into Propaganda, Lesson 2
Resource 2.6T