German Level 2 Curriculum Map

New Albany Global Languages Department
German 2 Graded Course of Study
Unit 1Objectives
Walter und Anna
Global Review of German 1; introducing yourself, saying your name and
asking someone's name, saying your age and asking someone their age,
asking someone about their family and where they are from. Students will
review and retell die Katzengeschichte, die Kuh und der Affe Geschichten
and the mini situations to the story-Walter und Anna
Grammar Review of present tense verbs, modal auxillaries in the present tense, stem
vowel changing verbs and the future tense. Introduction of reflexive verbs.
Review of States and capitals of Germany. Using der and die in front of
people's names. Treffpunkt Berlin-Level -Abschnitte 1 & 2
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 2, Exploring German & Look I Can Talk More-Blaine
Resources Ray-Level 2
Assessment Content Quiz#1(A), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Unit 2Objectives
Der Junge, der zu spat kam
Global Review of German 1; talking about how you are feeling and your
emotions; making suggestions and responding to them; explaining that
something has already been done; asking for and offering help; Students
will be able to retell the stories Das verloren gegangene Buch & das
Kleidergeschaft. Also students will be able to act out, retell and discuss
the story der Junge, der zu spat kam.
Grammar Review of present tense verbs, modal auxillaries in the present tense, stem
vowel changing verbs and the future tense. Introduction of reflexive verbs.
Review of States and capitals of Germany. Using der and die in front of
people's names. Advertisements in Germany, Treffpunkt Berlin-Level Abschnitte 3 & 4
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 2, Exploring German & Look I Can Talk More-Blaine
Resources Ray-Level 2, Treffpunkt Berlin Video Series
Assessment Content Quiz#2(A), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Unit 3Objectives
Kurt und Lotte
Global Review of German 1; Talking about your daily routine; talking
about your family responsibilities, retell and discuss the stories das
Lotterielos and das schmutzige Junge. Student will also be able to act out,
retell and discuss the story Kurt und Lotte.
Grammar Review of definite and indefinite articles and possessive adjectives in the
nominative, accusative and dative cases. Thorough explanation of
reflexive verbs and reflexive pronouns.
Info on Dresden, survey of health habits & alternative health habits;
Treffpunkt Berlin-Level -Abschnitte 4 & 5
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 2, Exploring German & Look I Can Talk More-Blaine
Resources Ray-Level 2, Treffpunkt Berlin Video Series
Assessment Content Quiz#3(A), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Revised 11/23/10
Unit 4Objectives
So Ein Zufall
Expressing approval and disapproval, asking for information and
responding emphatically or agreeing with reservations, asking and telling
what you may or may not do. Student will also be able to act out, retell
and discuss the story So Ein Zufall.
Grammar Review of the nominative, accusative and dative prepositions. The
Genitive Case & Genitive Prepositions.
German meals and family life.- Treffpunkt Berlin-Level -Abschnitte 6 & 7
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 2, Komm mit! Level 2, Exploring German & Look I Can
Resources Talk More-Blaine Ray-Level 2
Assessment Content Quiz#4(A), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Unit 5Objectives
Guter Rat
Expressing regret and downplaying; expressing skepticism and making
certain; calling someone's attention to something and responding;
expressing preference and strong preference. . Student will also be able to
act out, retell and discuss the story Guter Rat.
Grammar Narrative Past(Regular & Irregular verbs); Dieser words, welcher words
Etiquette in German restaurants, unwritten restaurant rules-Treffpunkt
Berlin-Abschnitte 8 & 9
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 2, Exploring German & Look I Can Talk More-Blaine
Resources Ray-Level 2
Assessment Content Quiz#1(B), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Unit 6Objectives
Der Arzttermin
Inquiring about someone's health and responding; making suggestions;
asking about and expressing pain. Student will also be able to act out, retell
and discuss the story der Arzttermin.
Grammar Adjective endings after der words-nom., acc.
German Health Care System, Socialized Medicine, Treffpunkt BerlinLevel -Abschnitte 10-11
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 2, Exploring German & Look I Can Talk More-Blaine
Resources Ray-Level 2
Assessment Content Quiz#2(B), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Revised 11/23/10
Unit 7Objectives
Das Familieauto
Expressing indecision; asking for and making suggestions; expressing
doubt, conviction, and resignation; asking for and giving directions.
Student will also be able to act out, retell and discuss the story das
Grammar Adjective endings after der words-dat. & genitive cases.
Reading a german menu and ordering food, giving a waiter a tip.Treffpunkt Berlin-Level -Abschnitte 12-13
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 2, Exploring German & Look I Can Talk More-Blaine
Resources Ray-Level 2
Assessment Content Quiz#3(B), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Unit 8Objectives
Der Ehemann und die Ehefrau
Asking About and expressing interest; Asking for and giving permission;
asking for information and expressing an assumption; Expressing surprise,
agreement, and disagreement; talking about plans. Student will also be able
to act out, retell and discuss the story der Ehemann und die Ehefrau.
Adjective endings after indefinite articles
Television channels statistics on television programs- Treffpunkt BerlinLevel -Abschnitte 14-15
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 2, Exploring German & Look I Can Talk More-Blaine
Ray-Level 2
Assessment Content Quiz#4(B), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Unit 9Objectives
Der Uberfall
Asking for, making and responding to suggestions; expressing hearsay;
ordering in a restaurant; expressing good wishes. Student will also be able
to act out, retell and discuss the story der Uberfall.
Unpreceded adjectival endings
The German Military and the required social service. Treffpunkt BerlinLevel -Abschnitte 16-17
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 2, Exploring German & Look I Can Talk More-Blaine
Ray-Level 2
Assessment Content Quiz#1(C), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Revised 11/23/10
Unit 10Objectives
Die Ferien
Reporting past events; asking for, making, and responding to suggestions;
ordering food; expressing hearsay and regret; persuading and dissuading;
asking for and giving advice; expressing preference, interest, disinterest,
and indifference. Student will also be able to act out, retell and discuss the
story die Ferien.
Subjunctive 2-Conditional Mood
Jugendherbergen, Treffpunkt Berlin-Level -Abschnitte 18-19
Additional Deutsch Aktuell 2, Exploring German & Look I Can Talk More-Blaine
Ray-Level 2
Assessment Content Quiz#2(C), writing and TPR(Total Physical Response)-gestures.
Revised 11/23/10