129 No. 28. MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. THIRD SESSION OF THE THIRTY-FOURTH PARLIAMENT. THURSDAY, 28 1JfAROH, 1946. 1. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The President took the Ohair. The Honourable Sir John Beverley Peden, K.C.M.G., E.C., President. The The The The The Honourable Anthony Alexander Alaru, Honourable ·Walter Corrie Cambridge, Honourable Christopher Alfred Dalton, Honourable William Edward Dickson, Honourable Robert Reginald Downing, LL.B., The Honourable Eldred James Eggins, The Honourable Ernest Henry Farrar, The Honourable William James Gibb, The Honourable Charles Hackett, The Honourable Herbert Sydney Henley, The Honourable Henry Edwin Horne, The Honourable Sir Norman William Kater, Xt., M.B., Ch.M., The Honourable Francis Daniel Kelly J The Honourable Robert Arthur King, Major the Honourable Frederick Percival Kneeshaw, D.B.E., I The The The The Honourable Patrick Michael McGirr, Honourable Ala.n William McNamara, Honourable Robert Mahony, Honourable Sir Henry Edward Manning, K.B.E., R.C., B.A., LL.B., The Honourable George Mullins, The Honourable Ernest Charles O'Dea, Brigadier the Honoul'able Thomas Alfred John Play£air, D.S.O., O.B.E., V.D., The Honourable Frederick Graham Pratten, B.Sc., The Honourable William Elliott Veitch Robson, B.A., The Honourable Robert Emmet Savage, The Honourable Ernest Christian Sommerlad, C.B.E., The Honourable Richard Henry Thompson, The Honourable Horace William Whiddo~ The Honourable Samuel Connell Williams. 2. PUYER. 3. BILL:-The President reported the receipt of the following Message from His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor:F. R. JORDAN, Message. Lieutenant-Governor., A Bill, intituled "An Act to amend the Factories and Shops Act, 19121943, in certain;, respe'cts; and for purposes c01'l!nectea therewith/'-as finally passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Lieutenant-Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of His Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Oouncil, to he numbereq and forwarded to the proper Officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law. FAOTORIES AND SHOPS (AMENDMENT) Government H01l$e, Sydney, 28th March, 1946. 3825 130 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDI NGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. (28 March, 1946.) President reported and read the folIowing Messages from tbe Legislative Assembly:- 4 . MESSAGES FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY :-The (1.) Industrial Arbitration (Police) Amendment Bill:- Mr. PRESIDENT,- The Legislative Assemb1y having th is day passed a Bm, intituled uAn Act to apply cerba4n provisions of the Industrial Arbitration Act, 1940-1943, to members of the Police Fo'ree.; for this purpose to amend the SOlid Act.; and for purposes connected therewith,~'-presents the saIDe to the Legislative Oouncil for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly Chamber, Sydney, 26th March, 1946. D. CLY:t-.TE, Speaker. Bill, on motion of Mr. Downing, read a :first time. Orde1'ed, That the second reading stand an Order of the Day for next Sitting Day, and that the Bill, in the meantime, be printed. (2.) Theatres and Public Halls (Amendment) Bill :- Mr. PRESIDENT,- The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill, intituled uAn Act to make further provision in,. relation to the licensing and reg,ulaUon of theatres an.d publi·c halls and the exhlibition of cin.ematograph film.s; to amend the Theatres and Public Halls Act,' 1908-1939; and for purposes con;n;ected tJl.erewith/-presents the same to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly Chamber, D. CLYNE, Sydney, 26th March, 1946. Speaker. Bill, on motion of Mr. Dickson, read a first time. Ordered, That the second reading stand an Order of the Day for next Sitting Day, and that the Bill, in the meanti:p:1e, be printed. (3.) Farm Water Supplies Bill:Mr. PRESIDENT,- The Legislative Assembly has this day agreed to the amendment made by the Legislative Council in the Bm, intituled uAn Act to enable farmers to obtain advances for the purposes, of carrying out works of water supply,' to empower Me Water Conser·vation and Irrigation Commission to carry out such works on be.h alf of farmers; and for purposes connected therewith/' Legislative AssemHy Chamber, D. CLYNE, Sydney, 26th JfOA'ch, 1946. Speaker . . (4.) Infla=able Liquid (Amendment) Mr. Bill:~ PRESIDENT,- The Legislative Assembly having this <lay passed a Bill, intituled C<An Act to make furrther provision 1m relation to the keeping, conveyance and sale of inflammable liquid and/01' dangerou-s goods; to amoo.d the Infl"amma.bl8. Liquid Act, 1915~1931; and for purposes con71-ected theT~with,"-presents the same to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly Chamber, D. CLYNE, Sydney, 28th March, 1946. Speaker. Bill, on motion of Mr. Dickson, read a first time. Ordered, That the second reading stand an Order of the Day for next Sitting Day, and that the Bill, in the meantime, be printed. (5.) War Service Land Settlement (Amendment) Bill:Mr. PRESIDENT,- The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a BiB, intituled uAn Act to malde furthe1' provision fo-.,. and in relation to the Settlement on the land of members or discharged memben of His ~[aiestys Naval, Military, or Air Fo.rces; for Mis pwrpose to amend the War Service Land Settlement Act, 1941, in certain respects; and for p-urposes connected therewith/'-presents the same to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly Chamber, D. OLYNE, Sydney, 28th ]farch, 1946. Speaker. Bill, on motion of Mr. Downing, read a first time. Ordered, That the second reading stand an Order of the Day for next Sitting Day, and t hat the Bm, in the meantime, be printed. 131 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. (28 },[arch, 1946.) 5. PA1"'EHS :-Mr. Dickson laid upon the Table the undermentioned Papers:(1.) Sydney Oorpo ration Act, 1932-1942-Statement of Accounts and Balance-sheet of the Municipal Council of Sydney for the year ended 31st December, 1944. (2.) Government Railways Act, 1912-1944-By-law No. 1014: Freight charges on mixed fruits. (3,) Hunter District Watel', Sewerage and Drainage Act, 1938-1941Amendment to Catchment Areas By-law. (4.) Lotteries and Art Unions Act, 1901, as amended-Balance-sheets of .art Unions in respect of (n) l3'el)ingen District Am'b u]ance; (b) Camden Ambulance Building Fund; (c) Nyngan Ambulance. (5.) Sydney Harbour Trust Act, 1900-1941-Amendments to (a) the Port of Sydney Regulations; (b) the Regulations for the control of shipping wit'Q1n the Rose Bay Airport. 6. COOK'S 7. OnDER POSTPONED-LAW REFORM RIVER IMPROVEMENTS BILL (For mal Business) :-On motion of Mr. Dickson. read a third time. Whereupon Mr. Dickson moved. That this Em be returned to the Legislat ive Assembly, with the following Message:Mr. SPEAKER~The Legislative Council having this day agreed to thE! bill. intituted UAtl Act to sanction, Glnd to provide fOT the consir-ucfJion of certatim.. works for the iUl-provement of CooFs River, and Wolli Creek; and for purposes connect ed the1'ewith:'-returns the same to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. Legislative Council Chamwer, Sydney, 28th March, 1946. Question put and passed. CMISOELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) BlLL:-The Order of the Day No. 2 on the Notice Paper of GovEn'nment Business for To·day, in reference to this subject. postponed, on motion of Mr. Downing, until next Sitting Day. 8. ORDER POS'IlPONED-OBSOENE .AND INDEOENT PUBLICATIONS (AMENDMENT) BJLL:- The Order of the Day No. 3 on the Notice Paper of Government Business :for To-day, in reference to this subject, postponed, on motion of Mr. Downing, until next Sitting Day. 9. SPEOIAL ADJOURNMENT ;- (1.) Mr. Downing moved, That this House, at its rising To·day, do adj ourn until Tuesday next. . Question put and passed. (2.) Mr. Downing moved, That this House do now adjourn. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. The House adjourned accordingly, at Three minutes beiora Five o'clock, p.m., until Tuesday~ 2nd April, 1946, at Four o'clock, p.m. W. K. CHARLTON, Clerk of t he Parliaments. 132 MINUTES OF l'HE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. (28 MOJT'ch, 1946.) NOTICES OF QUESTIONS AND MOTIONS AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. TUESDAY, 2 APRIL, 1946. GOVERNMENT BU SI NESS--NOTlCES OF MOTIONS;- 1. Mr. DOWNINC to movc,That pursuant and subject to the provisions of the Closer Settlement Acts this House approves of the Governor resuming fr om the owner the private land comprised in the "Gragiu" Estate of about 34,701 ncres. 2. Mr. Dowr.'TNG to move,That pursuant and subject to the prOVISIons of the Closer Settlement Acts this House approves of the Governor pUTchhsing by 'a greement ,w ith the owners the private land comprised in the "Fairview" Estate of about 8,929 acres at the price of £4 58. Od. per acre on a freehold basis. 3. Mr. DOWNING to mov6,That pursuant and subj ect to the prOViSIOns of the Closer Settlement Acts t his Rouse approves of t he Governor pUl'cWtsing by agreement 'whh the owner the private land comprised in the part of "Willeroo" E state of about 8,600 acres at tlle price of £7 I s. Od. per acre on a freehold basis. 4. Mr. DOWNING to move,That pursuant and subject to the prOVISIons of t he Closer Settlement Acts this House approves of the Governor purchasing by agreement ""ith the own er the private land comprised in the "Hillcrest" E state of about 4,260 acres at the price of £7 12s. 6d. per acre on a f reehold basis. GOVER N MENT nUSlNEss-oRDERS OF THE DAY:- 1. Law R eform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill; third reading. [,lIT. D owning.] 2. Obscene and Indecen t Publications (Amendment) Bill; t hird l'eading. [.Mr. Dou"<Jting.] Industrial Arbitration (Police) Amendmen t Bill; second reading. [M·r. D owning.] Theatres and Public Halls (Amendment) Bill ; second reading. []k Dickson.] Inflammable Liquid (Amendment) Bill; seco nd reading. [MT. Dic/cson.] Wa r Service Land Settlement ( Amendment) Bill; second reading. []k Downing.] 7. Le.g islative ~ssembly Members P ensions Bill; second reading . []fT. D owning.] 2. ·4. 5. 6. Sydney: Thomas Henry Tennant. Government Printer-194.6. [44,]