JOB DESCRIPTION As of January 2009 LEGISLATIVE TRUSTEE Members of the Board are legally and morally responsible for all activities of the organization. The Board is responsible for determining policy, approving the annual budget, and determining the goals of the organization. The Legislative Trustee shall: Represent the membership and the state in a professional, efficient and effective manner. Attend all Board meetings, participate actively in board affairs, and carry out all its functions as prescribed by the bylaws of the organization and resolutions of the Board. Understand and support the policies and programs of the MTMGMA. Actively assist in making decisions regarding the organization and in resolving problems. Perform fiduciary and other defined responsibilities under the law for protecting the organization’s assets and seeing that the organization is well managed according to defined objectives and beneficial to all members. Duties Specific to Responsibility: Attend and represent MTMGMA at meetings pertaining to specific areas of commitment. Serve as Chairman of the Government Affairs Committee. Attend MTMGMA Board meetings, via teleconference or in person as scheduled. Also provide a written summary related to recent governmental affairs activities prior to each board meeting. Represent the association at forums within the state. Trustee may attend any other meetings that he/she feels is beneficial to the membership. Collaborate with the Montana Lobbyists in advocating for legislative measures that benefit the business of healthcare in the State of Montana. Keep members informed of legislative issues that affect the State and encourage membership to be active in grassroot campaigns. Possibly serve in an advisory capacity to other federal and state agencies, such as CMS Region X, DSHS, Labor and Industries, the Healthcare Authority, etc. Serve as the primary contact and liaison with the MGMA Government Affairs department. Provide professional expertise and provide membership representation in commenting on legislative issues, regulatory proposals/amendments, and other issues affecting physician practices. Serve as a resource whereby MTMGMA members can alert MTMGMA to specific issues that are affecting physicians’ practices. Follow-up on problems and/or questions submitted from MTMGMA membership. Write articles for the MTMGMA Newsletter. Suggests ideas for improving MTMGMA website. 2/9/2016 Related travel expenses are reimbursed by MTMGMA. MGMA sponsors a Legislative Liaison listserv and conducts as a special meeting of State Legislative Liaisons at the MGMA Annual Conference. 2/9/2016