MASTER'S THESIS Calibration and Theory of EUV Detectors The PHEBUS EUV Detector on BepiColombo and the Exceed EUV Detector on SPRINT-A Philip Påhlsson 2013 Master of Science in Engineering Technology Space Engineering Luleå University of Technology Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering CALIBRATION AND THEORY OF EUV DETECTORS - THE PHEBUS EUV DETECTOR ON BEPICOLOMBO AND THE EXCEED EUV DETECTOR ON SPRINT-A A Thesis Presented to The Department of Space Science Luleå University of Technology, Luleå In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science By Philip Påhlsson January 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS There are several people that have contributed to the work presented in this thesis. First and foremost, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Ichiro Yoshikawa for letting me join his laboratory during the period of my master thesis. I wish to thank you for your encouragement and friendship and I am very impressed by your abilities as a race-car driver! I wish to thank Dr. Kazuo Yoshioka and Dr. Go Murakami of ISAS/JAXA that taught me about the detectors and always helped me out when I needed guidance. I will always be a fan of Ghibli! My utmost respect and gratitude goes to Uji Kentaro, thank you for all the discussions and that you introduced me to the fantastic Japanese culture, you are a true friend. I also wish to thank my supervisor at IRV, Thomas Kuhn for your help throughout the project. A special thanks goes to Dr. Victoria Barabash, for your confidence in me when sending me to Tokyo and your encouragement throughout my education at IRV, and Maria Winnerbäck for all your help. I wish to thank my family and friends for their patience and support throughout my endeavours. I also wish to thank my girlfriend Caroline for her sincere support. Philip Påhlsson ii ABSTRACT Calibration of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) instruments utilized in space missions is essential in order to determine detector properties and optimize their design. Under the supervision of Professor Yoshikawa, this study has looked into Resistive Anode Encoders (RAE). Part of the thesis study the RAE readout mechanism and the role of RAE shape, readout technique, electrode position, sheet resistivity and intrinsic capacitance and its effect on detector positional resolution and image distortion. The goal of the study is to increase knowledge of Micro channel plate (MCP) and RAE based detectors so that it can be applied in primarily the development of the PHEBUS and EXCEED detectors and also in future EUV detectors developed at the University of Tokyo. A general conclusion that RAE of Professor C.W Gear’s circular arced terminated design utilizing charge ratio as readout technique is favourable from both resolution and distortion perspectives is made. In order to determine the distortion the RAE and MCP assemblies has been irradiated by a deuterium source through a fixed grating. The Gear anode is found to have an ideally linear position response over the majority of the anode area and shows small signs of positive radial distortion, known as barrel distortion. When designed as a rectangle the effective area of the detector diminishes and the barrel distortion increases. The report also includes a study on determination of correct pulse shape amplifier time constants for optimized operational resolution. A conclusion is drawn, that RAE resistivity and intrinsic capacitance governs the charge diffusion speed through the anode resistive layer and the correct choice of shaper time constant to match the charge diffusion speed, as well as frequency of incoming particles are the key elements in a high resolution distortion free RAE based detector. iii The study includes a series of experiments on RAE charge diffusion and charge injection techniques. The reason for previously unknown RAE charge leakage is explained and has through experiments with probe injected charge been identified to be an error in charge injection technique rather than an error in the anode itself. Theory on correct probe injection is presented stating that injection of charge should be done with a probe with minimized probe tip area. This result shows that injection of charge through a probe tip is not suitable for resistive anode surfaces due to their mechanically brittle nature. Further research into electron gun injection of charge is suggested as an alternative. Measurements of overall detector capacitance have been made utilizing a number of electronic circuits. A Schering bridge is proved to be partially successful and a AVR based timing circuit is shown to be superior in measurement accuracy. The capacitances between the different MCP stages and towards ground is found to be in the range of 30 pF - 150 pF which fit previous calculations made by Dr. Kazuo Yoshioka. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii 1 Introduction 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 EUV Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Scientific Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1 Mercury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.2 Mercury Particle Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.3 Io Plasma Torus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3 Technical Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 BepiColombo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.1.1 Phebus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 EXCEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4 Calibration experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 RAE charge leakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.1.1 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Detector capacitance measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.2.1 Bridge test circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.2.2 Digital test circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 4.2.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 v 4.3 Distortion measurement and effective area determination . . . . . . . 59 5 RAE Parameter Optimisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 5.1 1-D Capacitively Terminated RC-line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 5.2 2-D Sheet Resistivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 5.3 1-D Capacitively Terminated RC-line Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 5.4 2-D Square Anode Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 5.5 Circular Arc Terminated Anode (Gear’s Anode) . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 5.6 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 A JYETECH AVR ATmega48 Capacitance meter schematic . . . . . . . . . 90 B A125B Schematic 91 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 Sodium emission in Mercury exosphere. Observation by Potter and Morgan. Image adapted from [19]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 9 Artist depiction, exploded view of the BepiColombo spacecraft. Image credit: ESA [17]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.2 Artist depiction of MPO spacecraft. Image credit: ESA [17]. . . . . . 16 3.3 Phebus qualification model (QM) Image credit: CNES[34]. . . . . . . 22 3.4 Phebus optical design. Image adapted from Chassefière [16]. . . . . . 24 3.5 EUV/FUV detector design, showing HV, voltage divider, photocathode, V-stack MCP, Z-stack MCP and RAE. Image adapted from Murakami [28]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.1 RAE simulation schematic in Orcad PSpice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4.2 RAE charge/discharge characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4.3 Block diagram leaking charge measurement experimental setup. . . . 34 4.4 Charge division results L-shaped measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4.5 Charge division results Square-shaped measurement. . . . . . . . . . 35 4.6 Charge input/output ratio during probe injection test. . . . . . . . . 36 4.7 Grating test results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4.8 Electron count along a vertical line in the grating. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4.9 Wheatstone bridge layout. Image adapted from [27]. . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.10 Wien parallel bridge layout. Image adapted from [27]. . . . . . . . . . 44 4.11 OrCAD PSpice schematic of the Wien parallel bridge. . . . . . . . . . 44 4.12 OrCAD PSpice simulation results of the Wien parallel bridge with minimum amplitude at 159 kHz corresponding to C2 = 1nC as calculated. 45 vii 4.13 Wien parallel bridge box diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.14 Schering bridge layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 4.15 Schering bridge results, C2 = 100pF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4.16 Schering bridge results, C2 = 9.67nF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 4.17 Schering bridge results, Perfboard model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4.18 Schering bridge test circuit. Coarse and fine adjustment of variable resistors is seen on the front face of the box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4.19 Parallel plate capacitor results, Schering bridge and AVR microcontroller. 54 4.20 Digital RC timer circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 4.21 Example of barrel and pincushion distortion. h is the undistorted vertices distance, h’ the distorted vertices distance. . . . . . . . . . . . 59 4.22 Results utilising movable MCP in front of RAE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 4.23 IMATEST results showing signs of distortion in the square TEX RAE. 63 4.24 DXO Optics Pro 8 results, shows signs of barrel distortion and gimbal θ 6= 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 64 Equivalent circuit of 1-D Capacitively Terminated RC-line. Charge injected as a step into x=X, modelled as a current source discharging a capacitor. Image adapted from Kalbitzer et al. [2]. . . . . . . . . . 66 A.1 JYETECH AVR ATmega48 Capacitance meter schematic. . . . . . . 90 B.1 A125B Movable MCP/RAE Schematic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 viii LIST OF TABLES 3.1 BepiColombo key characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.2 MPO scientific instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.3 MMO scientific instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.4 PHEBUS EUV Detector Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.1 Results Wien bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 4.2 EXCEED QM stray capacitance (pF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 5.1 Results of optimisation, Square anodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 ix Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION This report covers the work conducted during the period of April 2012 - October 2012, at The University of Tokyo. In University of Tokyo’s department of Earth and Planetary sciences a diversity of space related research studies are taking place. The main focus of the department is towards space physics and solar physics. Professor Ichiro Yoshikawa has a research team that is devoted to the development of hardware for space missions. The team consists of Professor Ichiro Yoshikawa, Dr. Kazuo Yoshioka (ISAS/JAXA), Dr. Go Murakami (ISAS/JAXA) and Uji Kentaro a Tokyo University Masters student. The team has a close relationship to both the Phebus project management that is situated in France, Meisei which is the detector electronics contractor in Saitama and Hamamatsu Photonics who provide the detector optics. During the period of my work a number of meetings with these stakeholders took place to further my understanding of the project structure. The report covers the experiments conducted on the extreme ultra-violet (EUV) detectors on EXCEED and PHEBUS scientific payload that will be launched to Earth orbit and Mercury orbit respectively. The two detectors are very similar in design and were studied interchangeably during the stay at The University of Tokyo. The report describes EUV spectroscopy in the introductory part. The report moves on to the scientific background of the two missions, describing the expected mission environments. The main focus is kept on the BepiColombo mission as it was the initial target of this thesis. It has been expanded into the EXCEED mission as well half way through the thesis. 1 A technical description is given of the BepiColombo hardware and the PHEBUS EUV detector. Next part of the report is dedicated to the experiments that were conducted. The calibration experiments are described with an introduction to the theory, moving on into calculations, simulations, construction and results. The chapter RAE Theory is a chapter dedicated to a literature study of the Resistive Anode Encoder in an effort to find detector parameters to optimise. 1.1 EUV Instruments Extreme Ultra Violet(EUV) radiation is light in the wavelength region 10 nm -150 nm. EUV photons have their origin in hot gas emission where very high energy electron transitions occur. It is naturally occurring mainly in photoemissive processes and electron collision induced ionization found in the solar corona and in planetary atmospheric interaction with the solar wind. Man-made EUV sources consist of lasers that induce high temperature plasmas that emit EUV photons. EUV radiation is characterized by its inability to propagate in any medium but vacuum. This implies that in order to observe in the EUV part of the spectrum the detector need to be outside of Earth’s atmosphere. Long considered undetectable, the field of EUV spectroscopy has become a mandatory part of scientific spaceborne payloads of today. [13] In this report the PHEBUS EUV detector on BepiColombo is the main subject of study, albeit the EUV detector on the Japanese ISAS/JAXA mission SPRINTA/EXCEED is studied as well. The measurement objectives of the detectors are measurements of the thin exosphere of Mercury (PHEBUS) and in the plasma torus around Jupiter’s moon Io(EXCEED). EUV light is emitted from a number of different molecules through photoexcitation of their nuclei which result in photoemission in the EUV range. This 2 process can be used to map the thin exospheres in order to determine the abundance of photoemissive species such as Na, Ca, Mg, Fe etc. Instruments similar to detectors made especially for the EUV range can be found in a multitude of applications. Most significant are the X-ray detectors used both in space applications as well as in medical scanning systems. The detectors utilise similar designs with a photocathode mounted in front of a channel electron multiplier (CEM) or microchannel plate (MCP) that in turn is kept at accelerating potential compared to a anode readout mechanism. Most common is the solid state detector followed by the strip and wedge anodes or as in this report the resistive anode encoder (RAE). The anode encoder is in turn connected to pre-amplifiers, pulse shaping amplifiers, discriminators and ADC:s which comprise the readout electronics. The detectors peak photon detection wavelength is determined by the choice of photocathode material and anode material. EUV detectors are used as photon-counting devices that provide information of the photon energy and angle. 3 Chapter 2 SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND 2.1 Mercury Mercury is the innermost planet in our solar system orbiting the sun at merely 0.3 Au at perihermion and 0.46 Au at apohermion. The orbit has an high ecliptic inclination of 7.01 degrees. Earth-based Mercury observations are difficult due to the atmospheric disturbances coupled to Mercury’s position in the sky and Mercury orbiters are technically challenging and expensive projects. To this date Mercury is one of the least explored planets in the solar system. The combination of high inclination and short distance to the sun makes Mercury only visible from Earth during short periods of time before sunrise and sunset, through a large airmass that generates an increase in atmospheric refraction and random refraction from turbulence. The atmosphere absorbs radiation used for in spectrographic measurements and atmospheric water vapour and oxygen attenuates and refracts signals for radar based measurements. In addition, the solar elongation angle between Mercury and the Sun is never larger than 28 degrees which create difficulties for sensitive instruments that cannot be pointed that close to the Sun. It was long thought that Mercury was in a 1:1 orbital mean motion to spin rate resonance. The surface topography of mercury is hard to map from Earth but the few times it was possible it seemed to be showing the same side towards earth at all times. The reason for this has shown to be that Mercury is in an unusual 3:2 orbital-spin resonance state that coincides with the Earth’s motion in a 4:3 spin-orbit resonance state. [4] 4 In-situ observations are made difficult by the thermal environment in proximity to the sun, any spacecraft in the vicinity of Mercury would be subject to a increased solar irradiation of a factor 10 in addition to the reflected light of the sunlit side of Mercury. The gravitational pull of the sun makes insertion of spacecraft in to orbit highly challenging [5]. To date only the NASA Mariner 10 spacecraft during the 1970s and the NASA MESSENGER spacecraft in 2008-2012 have been successful in this feat. The many unique features of Mercury pose questions on the origin of the terrestrial planets and more significantly questions on why Mercury developed into what can be observed today [7]. A few of the questions that still have to be explained are: • Why is Mercury’s high uncompressed density much higher than the other terrestrial planets? (about 5.3 gcm−3 ). • Why is Mercury so heavily cratered? • What is the origin of the Mercury magnetosphere? • What is the origin of the Mercury Exosphere? • Why is the rotational period of Mercury so long? Launched in 1973, Mariner 10 was the first dedicated Mercury mission. It was carrying instruments for imaging (using dual television cameras and telescopes), IR radiometry, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectroscopy, magnetometry, plasma and charged particle characteristics, and radio wave propagation. The set of instruments gave a complete picture of the so far unknown Mercury environment. The Mariner probe made three Mercury fly-bys in 29.03.1973, 21.09.1974 and 16.03.1974 which revealed the existence of a weak magnetic field [8], provided television images of 46% of the planetary topography [10] and atmospheric data on particle abundances and 5 species. [11] In August 2004 the NASA discovery class orbiter MESSENGER (an acronym of MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging) was launched. After 3.5 years in hibernation it arrived at Mercury for a first fly-by in January 2008. The MESSENGER orbiter carried instruments for both exosphere particle studies as well as magnetospheric measurements and geological surveys. Its six main scientific objectives were to characterize, [4] (1) The chemical composition of Mercury’s surface (2) The planet’s geological history (3) The nature of Mercury’s magnetic field (4) The size and state of the core, (5) The volatile inventory at Mercury’s poles (6) The nature of Mercury’s exosphere and magnetosphere. During its two fly-bys and after the injection into the one year orbit phase, MESSENGER provided detailed data of the Mercury environment and found evidence of previously suggested water ice in permanently shadowed impact craters close to the poles[9]. The UVVS (Ultra Violet Visible Spectrometer) of the MASCS instrument package was a spectrometer with two different detectors, one working in the FUV (far ultraviolet) 150 nm - 190 nm the other in the MUV (middle UV) 160 nm - 320 nm. The detectors are similar to the FUV/EUV detectors studied in this report only in photon detection wavelength. The UVVS is a Ebert-Fastie diffraction grating spectrometer with two photomultiplier tubes mounted behind slits giving 1 nm of spectral resolution [18]. The BepiColombo spacecraft is joint ESA/JAXA mission and is one of the designated planetary exploration cornerstone missions. Originally designed as a four part 6 mission BepiColombo aimed to further deepen the understanding of the Mercury environment and to complement the data collected by the MESSENGER orbiter. BepiColombo was originally designed with modules Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO), Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) and the Mercury Surface Element (MSE). Due to budget constraints and technical issues the MSE had to be cancelled, delaying surface probing of Mercury until the next Mercury proposals. The MMO and MPO conduct four Mercury fly-bys before injection into the designated orbits. Both will be inserted into elliptical polar orbits with apohermion at 400 km, the MMO with perihermion at 12000 km, MPO with perihermion at 1500 km. More information about BepiColombo will be provided in section 3.1 BepiColombo. 2.2 Mercury Particle Environment Mariner found that Mercury, instead of a atmosphere has a particle environment similar to an exosphere i.e the particles will behave purely ballistical, where the exobase is situated at the planetary surface. The exosphere species identified by the photometer on Mariner where in falling abundance: H,He and atomic oxygen O. These species are main constituents of the exosphere and have their origin in the solar wind.[11] In 1985 ground-based observation made by Potter and Morgan with the MacDonald telescope discovered two distinct sodium emission lines in the Mercury exosphere situated at 589.1 nm and 589.6 nm, see figure 2.2. In 1986 Potter and Morgan utilised the NPO McMath-Pierce telescope and found two distinct emission lines at 769.69 nm and 769.78 nm corresponding to potassium. Since these initial ground based emission line findings the following species have been identified using ground based telescopes [19]. 7 • Sodium (Potter and Morgan, 1985) • Potassium (Potter and Morgan, 1986) • Calcium (Bida et al., 2000) • Aluminium (Bida and Killen, 2010) • Iron (Bida and Killen, 2010) • Ca+ (Vervack et al., 2010; Bida and Killen, 2010) In addition to these ground based observations, the observations made by the MESSENGER MASCS revealed further that the Mercury atmosphere contains Magnesium. The main discovery made by the MESSENGER MASCS is the complex dynamics of the Mercury exosphere. The three flybys have highlighted the exosphere’s nonuniform nature: MASCS has observed temporal variability, spatial inhomogeneities in the surface flux, differences between exospheric species, and multiple source processes contributing to the production of single species. The discovery of Sodium and Calcium emission in a tail like structure in the anti-sun ward direction, that varies heavily on a time scale of hours, and seem to be dependant of solar radiation pressure, affirmed earlier theories of a dynamic exosphere made by ground observations. The origin of the Sodium emission and the Calcium emission in the tail region are believed to be different. The calcium tail appears symmetrical around the equatorial region where it has its highest density whilst the Sodium has its source close to the poles, with a clear sink close to the equatorial region. Atoms in the exosphere heavier than hydrogen and helium predominantly originate from the surface of Mercury. [14] The source processes are believed to be physical sputtering of surface materials through solar wind interaction with the surface itself, MMOD impacts, photoionisation and thermal desorption. 8 Figure 2.1: Sodium emission in Mercury exosphere. Observation by Potter and Morgan. Image adapted from [19]. 9 2.3 Io Plasma Torus Io is one of the Galilean moons of Jupiter. It is considered the most geologically active body in the solar system and is hence an object of big interest. It orbits Jupiter in a low radius orbit which is, in combination with its interaction with the other Galilean moons, believed to cause Io’s active volcanism. Jupiter, Ganymede and Europa’s gravitational influence on Io is believed to cause a tidal heating by the caused interior friction of the core [6].The atmosphere of Io has been shown to consist of mainly SO2 and small amounts of Na. The SO2 is deposited into the atmosphere from volcanic eruptions and surface frost sublimation. Neutral S and O atoms are deposited through surface sputtering. The neutral atmosphere around Io is spatially limited to a region close to the planet as the average neutral particle lifetime is limited by interaction of hot electrons and photons [22]. The dissociation energy required to split SO2 into S an O is low, 5.6 eV such that dissociation by EUV photoionisation occur. Observations first performed by Voyager showed that Io is situated inside a plasma region, shaped like a torus around Jupiter, in the Io orbital plane. The plasma torus consists of heavy ions that co-rotates with the Io orbital plane at a higher orbital velocity than Io, as it is accelerated by the Jovian bulk plasma flow. Io’s orbital velocity is 17 km/s whilst the corotational velocity of the plasma torus is 74 km/s. This implicates that Io is inside a belt of heavy ions overtaking Io at a relative velocity of 57 km/sec. The heavy ions collide with electrons in the Jovian magnetosphere creating a population of electrons with very high kinetic energy. A large portion of the energetic heavy ions constitute of higher order ionised atoms, i.e O3+ , S 3+ and S 4+ which radiate in the EUV part of the spectrum. As a result the Io plasma torus glows in the EUV wavelengths [23] [24]. The hot electron population and EUV photons acts to excite both neutrals and ions in regions close to Io, thus adding heavy ions to the plasma torus. The heavy 10 ions are accelerated by the Jovian magnetic field and the rate at which particles are added to the Jovian magnetosphere is one ton per second, making Io responsible for 98% of the heavy ions present in the Jovian plasmasphere [25] [29] . 11 Chapter 3 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION This chapter covers the technical description of the instruments developed in professor Yoshikawa’s laboratory. 3.1 BepiColombo BepiColombo was planned to be launched from Kourou, French Guiana, during July 2014 but will instead be launched during the backup launch window August 2015. The key characteristics is summarised in table 3.1 adapted from I.Casteren.[15] BepiColombo will be launched with MTM in the bottom connected to MMO, connected to a solar shield needed during the cruise phase. Inside the solar shield the MPO will be connected. See fig.2 . The spacecraft will be stoved inside a nosecone of a Ariane 5 rocket. The orbital transfer/cruise phase will utilise a number of gravity assist manoeuvres that orbit Earth once, Venus twice and Mars five times (EVVMMMM-M) and will last until mid 2020 [21]. The BepiColombo mission scientific objectives are to investigate the following: • Origin and evolution of a planet close to the parent star • Mercury as a planet: form, interior, structure, geology, composition and craters • Mercury’s vestigial atmosphere (exosphere): composition and dynamics • Mercury’s magnetized envelope (magnetosphere): structure and dynamics • Origin of Mercury’s magnetic field 12 Table 3.1: BepiColombo key characteristics BepiColombo MPO MMO Launch July 2014 Spacecraft Dual (Planetary and Magnetospheric Orbiter) Trajectory EVVMMMM-M Electric propulsion Cruise duration ≈ 6 yr Arrival (MOI) Second half 2020 Orbital mission duration 1 yr + 1 yr optional mission extension Altitude 400x1508 km 400x11824 km Period 2.3 h 9.3 h Inclination 90◦ 90◦ Argument of periherm 16◦ N-16◦ S 2◦ S Number of experiments 11 5 Mass 80 kg 45 kg Power 100-174 W 90 W Launch mass 4200 kg including Launch Adapter Mass in Mercury orbit 1147 kg Propellant mass 816 kg chemical + 500 kg electrical (xenon) Delta-V 1065 m/s chemical + 5025 m/s electrical Downlink 1550 Gbits/yr 275 kg Solar Array power in Mer- Aph. 1565 W Perih. 935 W cury orbit 13 100 Gbits/yr Aph. 348 W Perih. 450 W Figure 3.1: Artist depiction, exploded view of the BepiColombo spacecraft. Image credit: ESA [17]. • Test of Einstein’s theory of general relativity In order to fulfil these objectives the mission consists of two orbiters; MMO that is mainly developed by JAXA and MPO that is mainly developed by ESA. The orbiters will be injected into coplanar elliptical orbits at different height. MPO will orbit Mercury at a low height in its search for mainly particle events. MMO will be orbiting at a greater height. The MMO instrumentation package is focused on magnetospheric processes . The orbiters scientific instruments have been carefully selected in order to fulfil the scientific objectives and should be able to provide a full understanding of the Mercury environment see table 3.3 and table 3.2 adapted from I.Casteren [15]. Many of the MMO and MPO instruments will be working synergistically, looking at the same phenomena but in different scales (local vs. regional) or parts of the spectrum. The mission is deviced in order to keep track of solar particle events and 14 Table 3.2: MPO scientific instruments PI and Co-PIs N. Thomas, CH, and T. Spohn, D BELA - BepiColombo Laser Altimeter V. Iafolla, I ISA – Italian Spring Accelerometer K.H. Glassmeier, D MERMAG – Magnetic Field Investigation H. Hiesinger, D MERTIS – Mercury Radiometer and Thermal Imaging Spectrometer I. Mitrofanov, RUS MGNS – Mercury Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer G. Fraser, UK MIXS – Mercury Imaging X-ray Spectrometer L. Iess, I MORE – Mercury Orbiter Radio Science Experiment E. Quémerais, F PHEBUS – Probing of Hermean Exosphere by UV Spectroscopy S. Orsini, I SERENA – Search for Exospheric Refilling and Emitted Natural Abundances J. Huovelin, FIN SIXS – Solar Intensity X-ray and particle Spectrometer E. Flamini, I SIMBIO-SYS – Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory System Table 3.3: MMO scientific instruments PI and Co-PIs W. Baumjohann, A MERMAG – Mercury Magnetometer Y. Saito, JPN MPPE – Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment Y. Kasaba, JPN PWI – Plasma Wave Instrument I. Yoshikawa, JPN MSASI – Mercury Sodium Atmospheric Spectral Imager K. Nogami, JPN MDM – Mercury Dust Monitor 15 Figure 3.2: Artist depiction of MPO spacecraft. Image credit: ESA [17]. the MMO/MPO division gives an opportunity to study solar wind interaction with the exosphere and surface through observation of local effects at the same time as large scale effects. The hope is to clarify the sources of the Na, Ca etc. in the anti solar ward tail and if there is any magnetospheric redistribution of particles active in the exosphere[14]. The MMO instruments are mainly designed for in-situ plasma measurements and electromagnetical field measurements of the Mercury magnetosphere. It carries instruments capable of detecting neutral, charged and dust particles as well as one remote sensing instrument. The octagonal shaped spacecraft is 1.8 m in diameter and 0.9 m in height. It weighs 275 kilos and holds its own cold gas thrusters (N2 ) for orbital control. Due to the high solar irradiance parts of the spacecraft will be covered with solar reflectors to keep the orbiter at an acceptable temperature. When ejected from the MTM and MPO, MMO will be spun to a spin stabilized state with a 4 s rotational period (15 rpm). The high gain 80 cm array antenna will be de-spun with with a designated motor to counteract the orbiter spin state. The MPO instruments are focused at remote sensing, in-situ particle measure- 16 ments as well as a radio experiment. The spacecraft is a 1.6 x 1.7 x 1.9 m box shaped structure that is mainly covered with MLI. One of the orbiter sides is a radiator pointing in the anti sun-ward direction to dissipate the heat from the solar radiation. 5 out of 6 sides are at some time in direct sunlight thus driving up the requirements on the spacecraft heat conduction properties. MPO holds 11 scientific instruments which are mostly mounted in the nadir side of the spacecraft. Some of the instruments are situated at the radiator in order to cool the detectors as much as possible, PHEBUS is situated at the main radiator in order to get its required calibration FOV. After launch MPO will be responsible for all spacecraft communications via its two fixed Low-Gain Antennas (LGAs), its steerable Medium-Gain Antenna (MGA) and the steerable one-metre-diameter High-Gain Antenna (HGA), all in the X-band. During the cruise phase MMO will be in a hibernation state and all power will be drawn from the MTM. After separation MPO will deploy its single sided solar array. The array is mounted on a rotational boom this in order to prevent damage from overheating. The boom keep the array surface at an angle towards the sun generating ≈ 1000 w of power. MPO is also equipped with star-trackers, sun sensors, Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs), reaction wheels and hydrazine/MON-3 thrusters for attitude corrections. In addition to the two scientific orbiters there is the Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) that carries the necessary propulsion required to brake BepiColombo as it gets deeper into the solar gravitational well and to reach the point of MMO and MPO orbit insertion into their Mercury orbits. The interface structure for mounting together MMO and MPO is called MMO Sunshield and Interface Structure (MOSIF). It is a MLI covered semi-cylinder cut at an 16◦ angle designed to keep the MMO from overheating during the interplanetary cruise phase as well as minimising the vibrations during MMO spin up before separation. [17] 17 3.1.1 Phebus PHEBUS Probing of Hermean exosphere by ultraviolet spectroscopy (PHEBUS) is the dual EUV/FUV spectrometer onboard the MPO orbiter. PHEBUS will be mapping the Hermean exosphere in wavelengths previously never mapped in search of even higher energetic photon emission. It is known that the Mercury exosphere contains Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron and Ca+. Recent observations made by the MASCS instrument on MESSENGER showed that there is magnesium present as well[18]. The PHEBUS EUV spectrometer on BepiColombo that maps Mercury in the range 55-150 nm shall be able to reveal additional exosphere species in the UV spectrum range where sulfur, carbon, OH, Ca+ and Mg+ have their emission lines. The EUV detector may also be used to search for resonance lines of H, He, He+ (121.6, 58.4 and 30.4 nm) in the inner heliosphere as a sign of solar wind interaction with interstellar gas. PHEBUS Objectives The PHEBUS objectives can be divided into two categories and are taken directly as stated in E. Chassefiere’s article PHEBUS: A double ultraviolet spectrometer to observe Mercury’s exosphere [16]. - Scientific Objectives The core scientific objectives of PHEBUS, oriented toward better understanding the coupled surface–exosphere– magnetosphere system, may be summarized as following: • Composition and vertical structure. From vertical scans of the exospheric composition, information about the scale heights of the different species, and their possible variations with altitude denoting the presence of differently generated populations, will be obtained all around the planet, providing information about composition, temperature, release processes, etc. 18 • Dynamics: day to night active to inactive regions circulation. The complete local time and latitude coverage will allow to follow species from day to night. The significant longitude coverage will allow to get information about local transient active regions and episodic transport in the exosphere. • Surface release processes and sources. By measuring the 3-D fields of different species, produced by different release mechanisms (e.g. sodium by thermal desorption and calcium by sputtering), it will be possible to establish maps of the ratios between two specific species used as a signature of a certain release mechanism, and to characterize systematic and/or local (in space and/or time) deviations signing this release mechanism. • Dynamics of ionized species and the correlation with neutral atmosphere. A few ions are expected to be detected (e.g. Mg+, S+, C+, etc.) and mapped as a function of time, together with their source neutral species, which would allow to characterize the formation and dynamics of ions in the exosphere. • Exosphere–magnetosphere exchange and transport processes. Characterizing ions and neutrals at the interface with the magnetosphere, synergistically with MMO measurements, should allow to follow planetary ions from their formation region in the exosphere, through the magnetosphere, until escape or re-injection into the exospheric system through the magneto-tail. • Escape, source-sink balance, geochemical cycles. Measuring the escape rates of species is of tremendous interest to characterize, synergistically with the results of geochemical instruments ( like the X-ray spectrometer), the composition of the eroding regolith. Comparing the escape rate and the exospheric density for each species, it will be possible to characterize the residence time of this species in the regolith–exosphere system and to constrain recycling to the regolith, and 19 more generally geochemical cycles and source/sink balance. Finally, if noble gases are detected, the present outgassing activity may be characterized, as well as (tentatively) the history of solar wind particle implantation. • Search for surface ice layers in polar regions. Some observations on the dark side of Mercury will be dedicated to the search for water ice which may be present in some craters at high latitude. Indeed, some craters close to the poles never receive direct sunlight from the Sun and some water ice brought by comets impacting Mercury may have accumulated there. On the night side of the planet, the main source of Lymanα radiation is caused by the scattering of solar photons by hydrogen atoms in the interplanetary medium. This creates a glow at 121.6 nm which lights the night side of Mercury. At high ecliptic latitudes, this emission is close to 500 R and varies by one or two hundred Rayleighs with the solar cycle. If present, water ice will be detected by variations of the surface albedo at 121.6 nm. Assuming that the mean UV albedo of Mercury is close to the value of the UV albedo of the Moon, that is around 4%, we should get a signal around 20 R. For water ice, the albedo at 121.6 nm is close to 2% (Hendrix and Hansen, 2008). In that case, we should see a decrease of the signal by a factor of two, that is 10 R in that case, when the line-of-sight(LOS)reaches a surface covered with water ice. The actual observations maybe more complicated according to the actual UV albedo value of the surface. A similar idea is being used on the Moon by the LymanAlphaMappingProject(LAMP)instrument (Stern et al.,2004) on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to try and find the presence of water ice in lunar craters. The main measurement objectives of PHEBUS are: • To detect new species, including metallic species (Si, Mg, Fe, etc.), atoms (C, N, S, etc.), molecules and radicals (H2O, H2, OH, CO), noble gases (Ar, Ne), 20 ions(He+, Na+, Mg+, etc.), in addition to already detected species (Na, K, Ca, O, H, He). • To measure an average exosphere (number densities of constituents, vertical structure), with as much as possible species monitored together, at different positions of Mercury around the Sun. Averaging over 1/8 of Mercury’s year, that is on a timescale of 10 Earth days, is appropriate. • To measure sharp local and temporal variations of the exosphere content (timescale: less than a few hours), at specific times and places of interest. • To search for albedo variations of Mercury’s night side surface, lighted by the interplanetary H Ly-α glow, at 121.6 nm, in order to exhibit possible signatures of surface ice layers (H2 O, SO2 , N2 , CO2 , etc.) in high- latitude polar craters, and any other signature of interest on the night side. 21 PHEBUS Technical description The PHEBUS instrument is seen in figure 3.3 . The instrument consists of: Figure 3.3: Phebus qualification model (QM) Image credit: CNES[34]. • Scanner head with entrance baffle and off-axis parabolic mirror • Holographical grating • Light detector with high speed shutter • Two NUV detectors • EUV detector • FUV detector 22 The instrument is French-led (PI E. Quemerais, LATMOS and co-PI F. Leblanc, LATMOS) and implemented in a cooperative scheme involving Japan (EUV/FUV detectors), Russia (scanner system) and Italy (ground calibration)[12]. The PHEBUS scanner head contains a entrance baffle as well as an off-axis mirror that focuses the incoming light towards the gratings further within the instrument. The Scanner head is mounted on a stepper motor that rotates 360◦ at a pace of 4◦ /60s at an accuracy of 0.1◦ . This rotation together with the MPO orbital and spin motion gives PHEBUS the coverage required to meet its measurement objectives. Two Hamamatsu photodiodes are mounted inside the entrance baffle to measure the incoming illumination levels. If the levels are outside a preset value the scanner head FPGA (dedicated for stepper motor control, photodiode level surveillance, shutter hall sensor surveillance and communication with the main electronics of PHEBUS) will automatically shut the entrance baffle shutters in order to protect the detectors from destructive illumination. Inside the scanner head there is a slit that is used as it defines the instrument field of view. The slit is situated in a way that, taking the orientation of PHEBUS in MPO into consideration, makes the IFOV 1.9 x ≈ 0.095◦ . The slit is hence oriented in a way that the large proportion of the slit is parallel to the planetary limb, to get accurate vertical limb scans. During calibration this grating has to be removed as the IFOV is smaller than the calibration targets (selected stars). It is hence mounted on a movable arm so that it can be removed during calibration. As seen in figure 3.4 the incoming photons now impinge on a set of two holographical gratings, one for FUV and one for EUV. The gratings are made of aluminium covered in higly reflective platinum. The main design parameter driving the need of holographical gratings is the UV sensibility to reflections, the detectors flat surfaces inability to correct for abberation (which means that the spectral resolution requirements cannot be met). The requirements to detect faint emission lines that are close to bright emission lines put high demands on surface roughness. Rough surfaces scatter uv light in a way 23 that makes faint emission sources undetectable, they get smeared into the nearby bright emission lines. Holographic gratings fulfill the requirements with low surface roughness and no or low abberation. Figure 3.4: Phebus optical design. Image adapted from Chassefière [16]. The Mercury exosphere contains strong emission lines in K (404.7 nm) and Ca (422.8 nm) and the PHEBUS instrument has hence been fitted with two dedicated detectors for these species. Following the optical path of the FUV part of the grating a portion of the reflected light is collected towards the center of the instrument. The 24 NUV photons are detected by 10-stage bi-alkali photomultipler tubes (PMT), sensitive between 300 and 650 nm. The NUV detectors are connected to a high voltage supply (≈ 1000v) circuit board and a voltage divider/pre-amplifier circuit bord. The FUV detector is almost identical in design to the EUV detector. They consist of detector system of five Multi Channel Plates (MCP) mounted above a Resistive Anode Encoder (RAE). See 3.5. The MCP input is covered with a photocathode that has its maximum spectral response in the EUV/FUV wavelengths. The photocathode will convert the incoming EUV/FUV photon to an electron. The electron will hit the top of the MCP surface. This will cause an avalanche of electrons through the MCP structure, amplifying the amount of electrons caused by the photon event. The MCPs are kept at accelerating voltages that make the electrons accelerate towards the RAE. The RAE corners are connected to four analog readout electronic chains, detector frontend electronics. The frontend electronics react to the incoming charge and shape, discriminate and digitize the electron event amplitude. The digitized values are passed to a field programmable gate array (FPGA) controlled by gating logic signals from the frontend electronics. The FPGA compares the four channels charge amplitude and by amplitude ratios a 2-D event position can be calculated. The FUV detector has an input window made of MgF2 that is transparent to photons above 121 nm. This makes the detector protected from all EUV photons. The backside of the window is covered by a CsTe photocathode coating that is sensitive to incoming photons in the range 120 nm - 330 nm. The input window on the top of the detector and a ceramic plate mounted in the bottom of the detector are designed to keep the detector interior at vacuum at all times to protect the five stage MCP from atmospheric contamination prior to launch. Reasons for this will be explained in a section about MCPs. The five stage MCPs are arranged in a configuration where two MCPs are mounted closely together (called a V-stack) at the top of the detector followed by a three stage detector mounted above the RAE (three stage is 25 Figure 3.5: EUV/FUV detector design, showing HV, voltage divider, photocathode, V-stack MCP, Z-stack MCP and RAE. Image adapted from Murakami [28]. called Z-stack). Connected across the front and back face of each individual MCP is a accelerating voltage provided by a high voltage supply (HV). In the case of UV photon detection the polarity of the detector frontside accelerating potential is not of importance from a particle capture perspective, and is as such kept at the recommended negative polarity -3.2kV. This makes the application of the RAE easy as it is kept at ground potential. The negative polarity HV is connected to a voltage divider circuit that is connected in a crossed pattern between the inputs and outputs of the individual MCPs, in order to keep each MCP face at a by experiments decided optimum voltage. The MCP gap accelerating voltages has been shown to affect the detector pulse height distribution (PHD) and has been optimised for maximum contrast and spatial resolution. [28] The EUV detector is designed in the same way as the FUV detector. The detector is situated behind a hatch with a MgF2 window that can be opened by a paraffin actuator. The MgF2 window is impenetrable by EUV photons and needs to be removed 26 Table 3.4: PHEBUS EUV Detector Overview Spectral resolution 1 nm Spatial resolution 0.28◦ @ 15 km projected size Photocathode material CsI Photocathode thickness 0.3 µm MCP Capillary diameter 12µm MCP Capillary angle 13µm MCP Capillary Length/Diameter ratio 40:1 MCP Resistance 125 MΩ MCP Diameter 40 mm RAE Sheet resistivity 40kΩ/ RAE Border resistivity 500Ω/cm RAE Sheet material Rb RAE Electrode material Au RAE Effective area 20 x 40 mm during data aquisition. The reason for the movable window design is that the photocathode used for the EUV detector is CsI that is highly sensitive to moisture. The photocathode is coated onto the top of the V-stack MCP and must be kept at high vacuum during all times prior to launch (with exception for vibrational and thermal testing). The moisture of the orbiter must be outgassed before the window can be opened and the photocathode can be exposed directly to incoming photons. The EUV detector has because of this an ion pump connected to its housing that will be removed as late as possible before launch [16] [28]. 27 Detector MCP MCP are glass wafers made up by an array of capillaries fused together. The inside walls of the capillaries have been processed to provide a specific resistance. When an electron enters the capillary and hits the capillary wall a secondary electron will be emitted in a parabolic trajectory from the wall. The MCP back face is kept at an accelerating potential compared to the front face. This makes the electron follow its trajectory towards the MCP back face. On its way through the capillary the electron will cause an avalanche of wall emitted electrons as the trajectory curvature radius is much larger than the capillary diameter. Properties that govern the characteristics of a MCP is its thickness, the capillary bias angle αand the electrode evaporation depth. MCPs are highly resistive devices in the range 5 MΩ − 500 MΩ. Detector RAE A 2-D Resistive Anode Encoder (RAE) is a thin ceramic plate with a layer of highly resistive RuO2 deposited on the anode surface. Depending on design, gold read-out electrodes are etched to the plate at either each vertices or at the sides of the anode. The RAE functions as follows, charge is injected into the surface from the output-face of the MCP. The resistive sheet acts as a charge divider, delivering a proportional amount of the charge to each corner of the anode, thus enabling a position read-out by either channel rise time measurements or by channel charge amplitude division. The RAE electrodes are kept at virtual ground as they are connected to pre-amplifiers. The RAE is prone to stray capacitance if the back wall is not insulated properly. The spatial resolution of a RAE is governed by its resistivity and capacitance which govern the electrode signal rise-time, in combination with the expected incoming photon flux together with a carefully selected shaping amplifier time constant. Induced electrical noise from the detector HV as well as stray capacitance generated by the MCP- 28 to-RAE gap and the stray capacitance to ground together with the small intrinsic capacitance within the material itself cause additional delay, hence lower resolution. RAE important parameters will be further discussed in chapter 5. Detector frontend electronics The EUV/FUV detectors utilise four readout channels (one per RAE corner). The charge cloud is diffused through the RAE resistive layer and enters the radiation hardened amplifer circuitry. All electronics is chosen to handle the harsh environment in the MPO orbiter, with regards to temperature, radiation and power consumption. The charge is accumulated in an Amptek A225 hybrid amplifier that is a combined charge sensitive amplifier/pulse shape amplifier. The initial charge amplifier signal is splitted before the pulse shaper and redirected to a timing output. The timing signal has a rise time of 18 ns and is sent to Amptek A206 voltage amplifier(VA)/low level discriminator(LLD) that is connected with the VA bypassed to form a high speed discriminator signal that acts as a timing pulse for the FPGA sampling. The discriminator threshold level is set by a 4.5 - 5.5 v reference voltage and a variable voltage, both controlled by the FPGA. The shaping amplifier rise time is nominally 2.4µs for unipolar use but is driven in a bipolar mode where the output rise time is ≈ 2µs. The bipolar output is connected to a Amptek PH300 peak hold that gets a signal from the FPGA after it has received the timing signal from the LLD, that sets the gate input to high, allowing for sampling on the input. The PH will ramp up the amplitude to the maximum amplitude until the gate is set low. The output is sent as an analog out to an Maxwell7809LP 16-bit ADC set to work on the external clock provided by the FPGA. The external clock frequency is set to 8 MHz and since the ADC outputs data every 16 clock cycles, the full 16-bit digitized output will be provided every 2µs. 29 3.2 EXCEED SPRINT-A/EXCEED will be launched in 2013 as part of the ISAS/JAXA program for small scale satellites. EXCEED will be looking at the flux rate of the escaping atmospheres of Venus and Mars as well as the plasma torus around Jupiter’s moon Io in EUV wavelengths. The hope is to investigate the solar wind intensity to particle escape rate dependencies. The satellite bus is a new type of structure that will be evaluated for future Japanese small scale mission. The main scientific instrument onboard is a EUV detector together with a high precision guidance camera for the detector. The mission will be launched with a solid fuel booster from Tanegashima, Kyushu. 30 Chapter 4 CALIBRATION EXPERIMENTS 4.1 RAE charge leakage Laboratory measurements of a RAE response to injected charge had shown signs of it leaking charge, i.e. the charge collected at the output was significantly smaller than the charge injected into the anode. The reason for this was believed to be a significant stray capacitance somewhere between the RAE and the pre-amplifier. In order to evaluate the performance of the anode charge injection simulations and experiments were made. In order to protect the input of the amplifiers from too much incoming charge and to create a RAE input signal with charge similar to the MCP generated electron cloud, a charge-box (C-box) was simulated and constructed. In order to create a 1 pC RAE input charge the C-box was designed according to equation 4.1. Q=C ∗V (4.1) Hence the C-box was constructed as a 1 V sawtooth input to a 1 pF capacitor with a 50 Ω resistor connected to ground, for schematics see the first stage in the RAE OrCad PSpice simulation schematics in figure 4.1. The input frequency was set to 26.6 kHz in order to generate a 3.75 µs rise time. The RAE was simulated as a series of resistances with stray capacitance distributed between the resistive sheet and ground, simulated as 2 pF capacitances between the resistors and ground. The RAE was simulated successfully and the results showed the expected tendencies with increased charge up/discharge time the further from the input the measurement was taken as seen in figure 4.2. 31 Figure 4.1: RAE simulation schematic in Orcad PSpice. The anode was mounted on a three axis µm precision bed with a acrylic glass plate in between the bed and the PEEK (ultra-high vacuum plastic) insulation layer mounted on the back of the RAE. The detector readout electronics consisted of four Amptek A225 hybrid amplifiers, one for each output electrode connected via SMA cables. The amplifier pulse shape outputs were connected to a four channel oscilloscope which provided simultaneous measurements of all channels, see figure 4.3. In order to make measurements of the position the amplifier needed to be calibrated against a know input charge. The C-box output was connected directly into the four amplifier channels and a 1 pC amplification constant for each channel was calculated. It was found that the cables were a source of charge loss and the calibration was redone but with the 1 pC charge injected directly into the RAE vertice output electrodes. 3 pC charge was injected into the RAE surface through a BNC banana plug. The banana plug was fixed in a position and the RAE was moved to create the position measurements. Position measurements were made in an L-shape in the central area of the anode and shown to be correct and seemingly linear over the area tested. The test was 32 ** Profile: "SCHEMATIC1-Bias" [ C:\Users\Philip\Documents\Master Thesis\th... Date/Time run: 04/20/12 17:53:35 Temperature: 27.0 (A) thesis-SCHEMATIC1-Bias 900f 800f 700f 600f 500f 400f 300f 200f 100f 0 0s S(I(R2)) Date: April 20, 2012 20ns S(I(R3)) 40ns S(I(R4)) 60ns S(I(R5)) Time Page 1 80ns Time: 20:00:52 Figure 4.2: RAE charge/discharge characteristics. 33 100ns S(I(R6)) A225 A225 OSCILLOSCOPE CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4 1 V Sawtooth C-Box 1 pC/V RAE A225 A225 Figure 4.3: Block diagram leaking charge measurement experimental setup. redone within a central square shaped area and in a point close to the RAE vertices. The results as calculated by equations, Qx ≡ (i1 + i4 ) x = i0 d (4.2) Qy ≡ (i2 + i1 ) y = i0 d (4.3) can be seen in figure 4.4 and figure 4.5. It was show that the applied input mechanical pressure had significant effect on the resulting readout amplitudes and was set to a fixed value throughout the measurements. It was shown that 50-60% of the input charge reached the output terminals for the chosen connector pressure, see figure 4.6. However increasing the pressure by raising the bed 500 µm increased the output charge to input charge ratio to the region of 80%. The mechanical strain on the anode with the applied pressure was deemed to be close to the mechanical limitation of the brittle anode. Measurements in the corners of the anode showed that the total collected charge increased but the position determination become less accurate. 34 Figure 4.4: Charge division results L-shaped measurement. Figure 4.5: Charge division results Square-shaped measurement. 35 Figure 4.6: Charge input/output ratio during probe injection test. An attempt on directly measuring the stray capacitance was made where the time constant between the point of charge input and the amplifier output was measured for a large set of input positions. By utilising equation 4.4, and knowing the resistance/cm across the RAE, the intention was to calculate each channels stray capacitance to ground as a function of RAE position. The test resulted in a approximation on the capacitance, ≈ 84.67pF between the central region of the anode and and the amplifier output. τ = 0.63 ∗ RC (4.4) The charge experiments showed signs of charge loss in the cables and additional loss of up to 40% of the input charge most probably due to the injection method. To verify that the loss was due to the injection method an additional test was performed utilising a different charge injection method. The RAE was placed behind a MCP connected to resistive voltage divider (bleeder circuit) in turn connected to a HV-source. The the front-face of the MCP was covered by a mask with with a pin-hole grid. The setup was mounted onto a gimbal inside a vacuum-chamber. A monochromator was connected to the chamber and in turn 36 connected to a deuterium arc lamp. The chamber was evacuated for 48 hours before commencing operation in order to reach stable high vacuum conditions (p ≈ 5e-5 Pa). After verifying the bleeder circuit resistances and cross RAE resistances the HV was turned on and decreased with -100 V/min until at -2.6 kV where dark counts were done. The decrease in voltage continued until it reached operational MCP voltage, -2.9 kV. The monochromator was set to 1135 Å, on the left flank of the emission intensity maximum, which resulted in a suitable electron count rate at 18000 electrons during a 100 s exposure. Measurements were done during 30 s exposures and the result can be seen in figure 4.7 with count rate across a line of the RAE in figure 4.8. Figure 4.7: Grating test results. 37 Figure 4.8: Electron count along a vertical line in the grating. 4.1.1 Discussion The vacuum chamber test results showed no sign of image distortion or uneven distribution of counts that could be related to a stray capacitance. The addition of a MCP in front of the RAE will cause additional capacitance as it creates a parallel plate capacitor. The effect of having a MCP mounted in front of the RAE was studied and the increase in total capacitance is calculated according to equation 4.5, C= A d (4.5) Where is the permittivity of the material between the plates, A the plate area, d the separation. For the 5cm2 RAE with relative permittivity r ≈ 1 the additional capacitance was found to be 22.13 pF. The leaking charge was hence believed to be a probe injection problem. The probe position measurements were done to verify the linearity and functionality of the square Gear anode provided. The results showed a significant loss in the input to output charge ratio. The loss of charge in the cables between the RAE and the amplifier was removed from the measurements. The entire setup was covered in aluminium foil and interconnected to create a 38 ground plane insensitive to electrical noise. The output showed that by using ratio calculations the positions could be recovered. As seen in the results the precision is low, perhaps in the order of millimetre although the bed has µm- precision- This is probably due to the setup movement while changing measurement point and also possible overnight movement due to earthquakes. The charge into the RAE was found to be pressure dependent and deemed to be a Probe injection problem. The contact resistance between the probe tip and the surface is the reason for “leaking charge”. The surface of probes are never smooth and thus create small areas of charge conductance. In order for proper conduction to occur the probe must penetrate the coating of the RAE in order to create a metal-to-metal bond. This is a not suitable with a RAE seeing it is a brittle ceramic plate. According to probe theory the probe should be as sharp and thin as possible to create the best conduction [26]. This is not possible with the RAE as it would not cope with the high structural pressure. Hence a recommendation is to use an electron gun where an exact amount of injected electrons are defined, to further evaluate if there is an intrinsic stray capacitance in the RAE. All parts of the test point towards the contact resistance causing the illusion of a stray capacitance. 39 4.2 Detector capacitance measurement In order to measure the capacitance of the EXCEED EUV-detector two different approaches have been studied. The difficulty of the problem is the low values of capacitance expected in the detector. The performance requirements of the measurements were set at 2 pF resolution and 5% accuracy. The first approach studied was analogue electronic circuits based on variations of the Wheatstone bridge. The theory of the Wheatstone bridge is to balance two branches of a bridge circuit in order calculate a value of the unknown capacitance. The Wheatstone bridge can be seen in figure 4.9. A Sinusoidal signal source is connected to four resistors in two branches. A null-detector is connected across the middle of the bridge. For the bridge to balance the resistance of the two branches should be equal, thus removing any potential difference between the two branches. The result is a zero reading on the null-detector in other words no current flowing between the two nodes seen in figure 4.9. Figure 4.9: Wheatstone bridge layout. Image adapted from [27]. If resistor R4 is changed to an unknown resistor and resistor R1 is changed to a trim potentiometer a reading of the unknown resistance can be made. When the null meter gives a zero reading the bridge is balanced and the unknown resistance value 40 can be read from the trim potentiometer. Mathematically the Wheatstone bridge is expressed as; R1 /R3 = R2 /R4 (4.6) The same principle can be extended to impedance measurements of LRC bridges as was done in the Wien parallel bridge and the Schering bridge. Instead of balancing resistance it is impedance that is balanced [27]. The balancing of the analogue circuits were found to be very sensitive to stray capacitance between the bridge arms and ground. To reduce the effect of the stray capacitance a switched Wagner grounding was introduced to the analogue circuits. Wagner grounding is based on matching the impedance between the measurement point and ground with a capacitor and a trim pot. By switching the measurement points grounding between the Wagner earth and then balancing the bridge and the common earth and rebalancing the circuit the stray capacitance can be minimized. A second approach to measure the capacitance which proved more accurate was the digital RC timer based approach. A microcontroller is used together with a external crystal oscillator. When measuring a capacitance the capacitor is added to a voltage divider network connected to the microcontroller analogue comparator inputs. By measuring the transient while charging up the capacitor the capacitance can be deduced. The microcontroller has a high accuracy in time measurements with its oscillator at 12 MHz giving high resolution by the number of accumulated clock pulses during the RC-circuit’s charge up time until the set voltage threshold. 41 4.2.1 Bridge test circuits Wien Parallel Bridge In order to calculate the zero condition for the Wien parallel bridge the impedance in the two bridge arms must be balanced. Cx is the unknown capacitance to be measured. There is one frequency at which impedance balance occurs (the frequency dependent reactance and the resistance are equal in the two arms). Balancing the circuit in Figure 4.10 means adjusting R4 and C2 until the current between points A and B becomes zero. This happens when the voltages at points A and B are equal. When the Wien Bridge is balanced, it follows that R2 /R1 = Z1 /Z2 where Z1 is the impedance of the arm containing C1 and Z2 is the impedance of the arm containing C2 . Mathematically, when the bridge is balanced, R2 /R1 = (1/ωC1 + R3 )/(R4 /[ωC2 (R4 + 1/ωC2 )]) (4.7) where ω = 2πf ; R2 /R1 = (1/ωC1 + R3 )/(R4 /[ωC2 R4 + 1]); (4.8) or R2 /R1 = (1/ωC1 + R3 )(ωC2 + 1/R4 ); (4.9) or R2 /R1 = C2 /C1 + ωC2 R3 + 1/(ωC1 R4 ) + R3 /R4 . 42 (4.10) The bridge balance condition is valid when capacitive reactance cancels out, R2 /R1 = C2 /C1 + R3 /R4 (4.11) C2 /C1 = R2 /R1 − R3 /R4 (4.12) Utilizing that a Wien Bridge is frequency-dependent one can determine the capacitance in C1 or C2 . The frequency f at which the Wien Bridge in Figure 1 becomes balanced is the frequency at which, ωC2 R3 = 1/(ωC1 R4 ), (4.13) f C2 R3 = 1/(2πf C1 R4 ). (4.14) or Thus, the frequency f is given by the following equation: p 1/R3 R4 C1 C2 . (4.15) C2 = 1/(2πf )2 ∗ R3 R4 C1 (4.16) f = 1/2π C2 can hence be expressed as: Simulations were carried out in OrCAD PSpice as seen in figure 4.11 for different values of the bridge components in order to determine their optimum values. As seen in the simulation output in figure 4.12 a clear minimum can be found at the frequency given by equation 4.15. The simulations were carried out for a number of values of the resistors and capacitors. As expected the zero frequency is lowered when using larger resistor values. A low resistor value gave zero frequencies in the range 10-100 MHz which is impractical when building the circuit. The simplest solution to balancing the circuit was to choose R1 = 2R2 and R3 = R4 and all resistor values in the region of 10 k Ω. 43 Figure 4.10: Wien parallel bridge layout. Image adapted from [27]. Figure 4.11: OrCAD PSpice schematic of the Wien parallel bridge. 44 Figure 4.12: OrCAD PSpice simulation results of the Wien parallel bridge with minimum amplitude at 159 kHz corresponding to C2 = 1nC as calculated. AC SOURCE WIEN BRIDGE 10V AC 1Hz-15MHz OSCILLOSCOPE NULL DETECTOR OSCILLOSCOPE CH1 - CH2 Figure 4.13: Wien parallel bridge box diagram. 45 A breadboard model was constructed and tested with a input frequency sweep ranging from 1 Hz to 10 MHz, R1 =2R2 =1 kΩ, R3 =R4 =10 kΩ. Connecting reference capacitances of known values to the C2 position gives the possibility to determine the accuracy of the method. Utilizing equation 4.16 the value of C2 was determined from the minimum response frequency. Measurements were taken with two channels on a digital oscilloscope between the two bridge arms. The output is summarized in table 4.1 below. The measured output showed a similar behaviour as the simulation and calculation. However the sensitivity of the circuit was low and the zero frequency was not a narrow valley rather a smooth continuum with a minimum amplitude 1-2 V below the input voltage. The center frequency of the minimum response amplitude was situated far below the calculated values in the region of 500 Hz during all tests (calculated 15-225 kHz). This corresponds to a C2 capacitance in the range 10 µF. The results were considered faulty and hence discarded. 46 Table 4.1: Results Wien bridge R3 =R4 = 10 kΩ Test C1 Test C2 Calculated frequency PSPICE frequency Measured Frequency 1,00E-09 F 5,00E-12 F 225079,079 Hz 224313 Hz f → 500 Hz 1,00E-09 F 3,00E-12 F 290575,8416 Hz 290367 Hz f → 500 Hz 1,00E-09 F 1,00E-11 F 159154,9431 Hz 159162 Hz f → 500 Hz 1,00E-09 F 2,20E-11 F 107302,2407 Hz 108203 Hz f → 500 Hz 1,00E-09 F 4,40E-11 F 75874,14207 Hz 76172 Hz f → 500 Hz 1,00E-09 F 1,00E-10 F 50329,2121 Hz 50148 Hz f → 500 Hz 1,00E-09 F 1,00E-09 F 15915,49431 Hz 16115 Hz f → 500 Hz 1,00E-08 F 5,00E-12 F 71176,25434 Hz - f → 500 Hz 1,00E-08 F 3,00E-12 F 91888,14924 Hz - f → 500 Hz 1,00E-08 F 1,00E-11 F 50329,2121 Hz - f → 500 Hz 1,00E-08 F 2,20E-11 F 33931,94788 Hz - f → 500 Hz 1,00E-08 F 4,40E-11 F 23993,51044 Hz - f → 500 Hz 1,00E-08 F 1,00E-10 F 15915,49431 Hz - f → 500 Hz 1,00E-08 F 1,00E-09 F 5032,92121 Hz - f → 500 Hz 47 Schering bridge Figure 4.14: Schering bridge layout. A frequency independent Schering bridge was also studied and tested. The Schering bridge is built with the same basic balance principle of impedance balancing as the Wien bridge. However balance is achieved by comparing an unknown capacitor to a capacitor of known value, with scaling determined by the values of the resistive network, see 4.14. The Schering bridge is balanced by a single trim potentiometer until the impedance in the two arms are equal [27]. In the Schering Bridge, the resistance values of resistors R1 and R2 are known, while the resistance value of resistor R3 is unknown. The capacitance values of C1 and C2 are also known, while the capacitance of C3 is the value being measured. To measure R3 and C3 , the values of C2 and R2 are fixed, while the values of R1 and C1 are adjusted until the current between points A and B becomes zero. This happens 48 when the voltages at points A and B are equal. When the bridge is balanced, Z1 /C2 = R2 /Z3 (4.17) , where Z1 is the impedance of R1 in parallel with C1 and Z3 is the impedance of R3 in series with C3 . The capacitive reactance of a capacitor C is 1/2πfC. Utilised this in equation 4.17, Z1 = R1 /[2πf C1 ((1/2πf C1 ) + R1 )] = R1 /(1 + 2πf C1 R1 ) (4.18) Z3 = 1/2πf C3 + R3 . (4.19) while Thus, when the bridge is balanced, 2/(1 + 2πf C1 R1 ) = R2 /(1/2πf C3 + R3 ); (4.20) 2πf C2 (1/2πf C3 + R3 ) = (R2 /R1 )(1 + 2πf C1 R1 ); (4.21) C2 /C3 + 2πf C2 R3 = R2 /R1 + 2πf C1 R2 . (4.22) or or When the bridge is balanced, the negative and positive reactive components are equal and cancel out, 2πf C2 R3 = 2πf C1 R2 (4.23) R3 = C1 R2 /C2 (4.24) or . Similarly, when the bridge is balanced, the purely resistive components are equal, so C2 /C3 = R2 /R1 49 (4.25) Figure 4.15: Schering bridge results, C2 = 100pF . or C3 = R1 C2 /R2 (4.26) Simulations of the Schering Bridge showed promising results where the circuit could be balanced for low frequencies. As the parametric sweep only is done over R2 , frequency increase will cause the bridge to drift from its balance condition, i.e. when the reactance components cancel. This causes phase delay and equation 4.26 is no longer applicable. In order to increase the range of the measurements two different values for C2 were studied; 100 pF in order to measure the capacitances in the range of a pF and a 10 nF in order to measure the capacitances in the order of µF. The simulations were carried out by parametric sweeps of the resistance R2 and the output signal was taken as the difference of the two branch voltages. The bridge was constructed on a breadboard and tested for a range of test capacitors. The results can be seen in figure 4.15 and figure 4.16. The bridge did not work according to theory during breadboard testing. Noise 50 Figure 4.16: Schering bridge results, C2 = 9.67nF . pickup in the experimental setup was shielded using aluminium foil and ground loops were avoided. The conclusion of the breadboard model was that a large stray capacitance inside the breadboard was creating a non-balance and limitation on the Schering bridge capacitance resolution. A Wagner grounding approach was tested, where the point of measurement is switched between a capacitor and trim pot connection to ground and the circuit main ground. The Wagner earth balancing approach did not improve the measurements. The reactive components where tried to be balanced out by utilizing variable trimming capacitors in additions to the circuit capacitors, however this approach did not improve the measurements as well. To circumvent the issue of the stray capacitance the model was soldered on a perf-board. The perfboard model was mounted into a metallic box with the casing connected as ground as seen in figure 4.18. The model was tested for a range of capacitors from 3 pF-1 nF. The results seen in Figure 4.17 still showed signs of a stray capacitance, albeit smaller than in the breadboard model. The results did not comply with the Schering 51 Figure 4.17: Schering bridge results, Perfboard model. Figure 4.18: Schering bridge test circuit. Coarse and fine adjustment of variable resistors is seen on the front face of the box. 52 bridge theoretical calculations. However it should be noted that the measurements were aimed at capacitance in the pF range, where noise and stray capacitance is a major measurement issue. The bridge was sensitive enough to be used for differential measurements, as it could sense capacitance differences of a few pF. The Schering bridge was constructed and calibrated with a look-up table with resistance values corresponding to test capacitors of known values. In this way the non-theoretical Schering bridge could be utilized for capacitance measurements. A step towards adapting the experiment to the EXCEED detector was to test it on a physical capacitor of parallel plates with a dielectric medium between the two capacitor walls. The capacitor was constructed using two overlapping metal plates separated by a sheet of paper of known thickness and dielectric constant. The area of the plates were measured and used to calculate the capacitance through equation 4.5. The results can be seen in figure 4.19. The results from the parallel plate capacitance measurements showed uncertainties in the accuracy of the Schering bridge and the results were considered faulty. The Schering bridge was hence considered too unreliable and another approach to measuring the detector capacitance was chosen. 53 Figure 4.19: Parallel plate capacitor results, Schering bridge and AVR microcontroller. 4.2.2 Digital test circuit ATmega48 RC timer circuit The capacitance measurement is done as a measurement of RC transient with a JYETECH designed circuit see A. Voltage build-up in the RC circuit is expressed as V (t) = V0 e−t/RC (4.27) when V(t) reaches the threshold voltage V = Vt equation 4.27 is derived to isolate charging time, t = −RC ∗ (1 − Vt /V0 ) (4.28) The circuit utilises the ATmegas analogue comparator, with a lower and upper triggering limit. The limits are determined by a voltage divider that is connected to the comparator pins PD6 (AIN0) and PD7 (AIN1). The AIN1 gives the lower limit and as its threshold level is reached it starts the microcontroller internal timer circuit which is governed by the 12 MHz crystal connected across the PB6(XTAL1) and 54 Figure 4.20: Digital RC timer circuit. PB7(XTAL2) pins (the microcontroller is run in external clock mode). The number of clock cycles is measured from lower threshold until upper threshold voltage is reached and the voltage threshold levels are stored. The charge up time is used to calculate C from equation 4.28 and sent as to a 10-bit ADC which is connected to a LED 4-digit display for direct readouts and a serial output for connections to a terminal. The combination of 12 MHz oscillation frequency, chosen resistances and 10-bit ADC functionality gives a capacitance range of 0.1 pF - 500 µF . The firmware initiate the microcontroller by setting a RC bias point, in order to remove the effect of stray capacitances and power supply smoothing capacitors. 55 Measurements of test capacitors were conducted for a range of values between 3 pF - 47 µF and showed capacitance values within 2% of the expected values. The circuit was fitted with extension cords with spring clamps and measurements of parallel plate capacitance was conducted. The results can be seen in figure 4.19. The results were in the range of 95-150% of the expected capacitance values. The slight deviation from expexted values was deemed a measurement error. Together with Dr. Kazuo Yoshioka, EXCEED QM capacitance measurements were carried out. The Measurements took place in a cleanroom at ISAS/JAXA in Sagamihara. Dr. Yoshioka had previously calculated theoretical values for detector stray capacitance and the measurements were aimed to verify his findings. The circuit was connected to all possible combinations of the detector outputs. SMAA-SMAD values are the measurements done to the four RAE vertices output SMA connectors, Zin/Zout the top/bottom face of the Z-stack MCP input voltage connector and Vin/Vout the top/bottom face of the V-stack MCP input voltage connectors. The values were found in the range of 150pF between the signal outputs and ground and in the region of 35-65pF between the MCP HV inputs. These results confirm the previous calculations done by Dr. Yoshioka. The cross RAE intrinsic capacitance (SMAx-SMAy) was not able to be measured, most probably due to the large cross RAE resistance upsetting the RC relationship of the comparator input. When the oscillation from the crystal is injected into an output channel of the RAE the pulse will diffuse through the surface and arrive at the channel where the measurement is being taken according to the differential equation that is governing thermal diffusion in materials. Along the lower resistance border the charge will travel much faster than across the high resistance surface. The resulting readout pulse will hence be a mixture of multiple diffusing waves, creating a mixture of frequencies. The readout from the microcontroller timer will hence vary and not give any accurate capacitance reading. 56 Table 4.2: EXCEED QM stray capacitance (pF) Ground 4.2.3 SMAA SMAB SMAC SMAD Zin Zout SMAA 154 SMAB 153 SMAC 153 SMAD 149 Zout 40,9 36,2 36,2 36 36 Zin 42,6 36,5 36,5 36,7 36,6 Vout 64 48,5 49 49,4 49,1 314 167 Vin 63,2 48,8 49,5 49 49,2 136 77 147 Discussion Due to noise in the EXCEED HV supply at 212.5 kHz a fear of charge build-up in the detector had to be investigated. The charge could be stored in stray capacitances inside the detector consisting of metallic parts with a small physical separation. Three measurement methods were studied, calculated, simulated and tested. Given the small expected values of stray capacitance the method needed to resolve capacitance in the order of pF. The Wien parallel bridge was shown to function both in theory and in OrCad PSpice simulations. However it did not function on a breadboard. The reason for this is believed to be interference from the stray capacitance in the breadboard itself as well as inaccuracies in component values that makes the frequency dependent and noise sensitive circuit impossible to balance. The circuit and method is hence not recommended for capacitance measurements below ≈ 1 nF. The Schering bridge studied was also shown impossible to balance fully. Utilising higher quality trimming capacitors might improve the functionality when balancing the phase shift. The lookup-table method was shown to function to a semi-satisfactory degree, it is 57 hence recommended as a measurement method for larger capacitors. The Schering bridge was utilised in a RAE intrinsic capacitance measurement for the TEX RAE and the EXCEED RAE and their capacitance was shown to be in the range of 500 pF and 1 nF respectively. These results were deemed too high and are believed to be due to the effect of the RAE sheet resistivity. Its effect on the measurement has not been investigated. The digital RC timing circuit was soldered and tested on parallel plate capacitances, test capacitors and the EXCEED detector. It was shown to work with high precision and can hence be recommended for use with any future detector. The values that were measured verified the calculated capacitance values and were presented to Hamamatsu Photonics during a meeting in July and were deemed to be accurate for the detector. The values are in a range where the stray capacitance is not interfering with the readout results. 58 4.3 Distortion measurement and effective area determination RAE can be of different shapes and sizes as described in chapter 5. In order to determine the effect of RAE shape on its performance a experiment was conducted. The hope was to determine the effective area of the anode, i.e. the size of area in which the image resolution was acceptable, position response linear and no distortion effect would occur. Distortion in RAE is either related to positive radial distortion (pincushion distortion) or negative radial distortion (Barrel distortion) see figure 4.21. Figure 4.21: Example of barrel and pincushion distortion. h is the undistorted vertices distance, h’ the distorted vertices distance. Distortion is expressed in terms of radius from the image/distortion center according to equation 4.29. h = h0 + k1 h03 (4.29) where h is the undistorted vertices distance, h’ the distorted vertices distance. The distortion can take on more complex forms and will then be expressed as, h = h0 + k1 h03 + k2 h05 + k3 h07 ... 59 (4.30) The reason for radially distorted output images in RAE is not well known. The main reasons are believed to be the RAE output electrodes placement, seeing that they create local areas of lower potential, thus creating a non-uniform E-field through the anode. In square anodes, placing the electrodes at the vertices will create pincushion distortion and at the center of the sides of the anode will result in barrel distortion. The test comprised of a rectangular resistive anode of Gear’s design that is similar in size and shape to the one utilised in PHEBUS. A 5-stage movable MCP was mounted in front of the RAE. The MCP was mounted on a PEEK plate with four sets of pre-drilled holes so that the MCP could be moved in regards to the RAE. The schematic can be seen in appendix B. The setup was put in a vacuum chamber that was evacuated to high vacuum during a weekend. Connected to the vacuum chamber were a vacuum-gage and a monochrometer connected to a deuterium arc lamp. At the connection between the lamp and the monochrometer was installed a slit in order to further limit the intensity. The MCP and RAE was mounted on a four-axis gimbal (x,y,z,θ). Cross RAE resistances were measured and the HV was turned on and decreased with -100 V/min until reaching -2.6 kV, where dark counts where made. The decrease in voltage continued until it reached operational MCP voltage, -2.9 kV. No grating was at this time available in the laboratory, thus a grid pattern was mimicked by moving the gimbal with 5 mm at a time in first along the x-axis while keeping the z-value constant. This was repeated until a full grid had been measured. After collecting the data the chamber was taken back to atmospheric pressure. The MCP was moved with respect to the RAE and then put back into the chamber. The chamber was then again evacuated during a minimum of 48 hours. This procedure was repeated three times. The results can be seen in figure 4.22, where all three measurements have been spliced into one readout. The resulting image shows some tendencies to image dis60 Figure 4.22: Results utilising movable MCP in front of RAE. R tortion. The data was entered into Matlab where each grid-point distance to the image center was calculated and stored in a vector. A grid-pattern with undistorted points was generated and the distance from the undistorted grid-points to the image R center was calculated and stored in a vector. Utilising the Matlab lsqcurvefit for curve fitting, the distorted data points distances could be fitted to 4.29. The resulting radial distortion coefficients are shown below. k1 = -0.0058 k2 = 2.3916 C = -129.2964 61 Discussion The results of the distortion measurements are deemed to be inaccurate seeing that there are so many unknowns affecting the measurements. First and foremost the MCP is not as efficient close to its rim where some of the measurements are made, the gimbal position might have had a small θ value causing a slanted area for the EUV light to impinge upon that can produce a effect similar to distortion. The MCP and RAE position was not centered with a measurement at the central 512x512 pixel. This creates a very troublesome distortion problem seeing that the measurement point positions are changed both due to distortion and initial unknown distance to the distortion center. In order to verify and visualise that there was a image distortion a visual distortion correction of the data was made using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and DXO Optics Pro 8, see figure 4.24. Tests where the output was entered into a camera calibration software, IMATEST TM , gave no information for the case with the movable MCP. However the results from the charge leakage vacuum chamber test were entered into the software and a distortion profile of the square TEX anode could be made. The output is shown in picture 4.23. IMATEST TM can be utilised to measure distortion camera lenses by photographing printed dot-patterns at a given distance with an aperture of known focal length f. The results of the distortion tests show that the rectangular RAE suffers from image distortion. The tests show that if a grid-mask is placed precisely in front of the center of the movable MCP, so that a correct center to vertices vector can be calculated, the distortion should be able to be determined by Matlab and IMATEST. The gimbal should also be fixed in a known position so that no error due to gimbal movement can upset the results. The tests seems to show that the rectangular RAE is prone to more radial distortion. This should be further investigated in order to optimise the detector design. 62 Figure 4.23: IMATEST results showing signs of distortion in the square TEX RAE. 63 Figure 4.24: DXO Optics Pro 8 results, shows signs of barrel distortion and gimbal θ 6= 0. 64 Chapter 5 RAE PARAMETER OPTIMISATION A literature study of the theory behind what governs RAE resolution and noise performance was carried out. The subject has been studied extensively, mostly during the 1960s to the early 1980s. In general, laboratory results within the field has shown difficult to trace back to theory as there are very many ingoing parameters that affect RAE performance. This chapter will describe the theory of charge division, amplitude ratio read-out and some resolution limitations that arise in square anodes and anodes of circular arc terminated design. A calculation of the mean-square resolution of a Gear anode is done, based on articles by G. W. Fraser [35] [36] [37] [38]. 5.1 1-D Capacitively Terminated RC-line In order to explain the RAE diffusion process and read-out technique the 1-D case of a RAE is studied. The anode is modelled as a one dimensional RC line with terminating capacitors and one connection used to measure the total charge from the anode. RAE readout methods are based in the combination of two fundamental equations; Continuity equation (5.1) ∂φ +∇·j =0 ∂t 65 (5.1) Figure 5.1: Equivalent circuit of 1-D Capacitively Terminated RC-line. Charge injected as a step into x=X, modelled as a current source discharging a capacitor. Image adapted from Kalbitzer et al. [2]. 66 Fick’s Law j = −D(φ)∇φ(r, t) (5.2) (5.1) and (5.2) are combined to create the two dimensional diffusion equation, ∂φ = ∇ · (D(φ)∇φ(r, t)) ∂t (5.3) Applying equation 5.3 to the charge input response of the 1-D RC line is described by the differential equation, ∂U L2 ∂ 2 U ={ }( ) ∂t RC ∂X 2 Where U = Voltage; t = Time; R = Resistance of the back layer; C = Capacitance of the detector junction; L = Length of the detector; X = Position coordinate on the line. Applying Dirichlet boundary conditions: U = 0, for all t at X = 0 and X = L. With initial conditions: U = ∞ at X = x and U = 0 a X 6= x with x 6= 0, L and for t = 0. 67 (5.4) Equation (5.4) is also derived from the telegraphic equation for the case of vanishing inductivity, which in turn is the wave equation for diffusion processes, with ”diffusion constant” of L2 . RC The solutions of the diffusion equation are given by the Fourier series expansion, ∞ 2Q0 X nπ nπ −n2 π 2 t U (x, t) = sin{( )X} × sin{( )x} exp{ } C n=1 L L RC (5.5) Q0 is the total charge deposited into the RC line during a ∂t, significantly shorter than the subsequent readout time constants given by, Z Q0 = i0 dt (5.6) Current can be expressed as, L ∂U i=( ) R ∂X (5.7) Equation (5.4) and (5.7) combines to the readout current at position X=0, X=L, X=E arranged according to figure 5.1 ; ∞ 2πQ0 X nπ −n2 π 2 t i0 (x, t) = { } n sin{( )x} × exp{ } (RC) n=1 L (RC) (5.8) ∞ nπ −n2 π 2 t −2πQ0 X iL (x, t) = { } n sin{( )x} × cos(nπ) exp{ } (RC) n=1 L (RC) (5.9) ∞ −2πQ0 X nπ −n2 π 2 t iE (x, t) = { } n sin{( )x} × {1 − cos(nπ)} exp{ } (RC) n=1 L (RC) (5.10) 68 As seen from equations 5.8-5.10 the readout current is not linearly dependant on position. Investigation of the collected charge gives after integration, according to 5.1, ∞ 2Q0 X −1 nπ −n2 π 2 t Q0 (x, t) = n sin{( )x} × 1 − exp{ } π n=1 L (RC) ∞ −2Q0 X −1 nπ −n2 π 2 t QL (x, t) = n sin{( )x} × cos(nπ) 1 − exp{ } π n=1 L (RC) (5.11) (5.12) ∞ −2Q0 X −1 nπ −n2 π 2 t QE (x, t) = n sin{( )x} × {1 − cos(nπ)} × 1 − exp{ } (5.13) π n=1 L (RC) Integration t → ∞ gives the total charge collected, Q ∗0 (x, t) = ∞ nπ 2Q0 X −1 x n sin{( )x} = 1 − ( )Q0 π n=1 L L ∞ −2Q0 X −1 nπ x Q ∗L (x, t) = n sin{( )x} × cos(nπ) = ( )Q0 π n=1 L L 69 (5.14) (5.15) ∞ nπ −2Q0 X −1 n sin{( )x} × {1 − cos(nπ)} = −Q0 Q ∗E (x, t) = π n=1 L (5.16) From equations (5.14-5.16) it follows that an RC line can be seen as an linear, position dependant charge divider. The charge collected at the energy source QE is position independent. 5.2 2-D Sheet Resistivity The same theory holds for the two dimensional case of the RAE. The RAE can be viewed as an planar resistive sheet. If R denotes the surface resistivity, the electrostatic capacitance is denoted C, V(x,y) the potential and the vector current density denoted S. By combining Ohm’s law and the continuity equation, RS + ∇V = 0 (5.17) ∇ · S + C V̇ = J (5.18) Where J is the charge applied to the RAE surface. J can be modelled by a delta function, J(x, y, t) = Qδ(t)δ(x − x0 )δ(y − y0 ) (5.19) Q is the total charge delivered to the anode and x0 , y0 are the input coordinates. 70 the result is shown to be the two dimensional time dependent diffusion equation, ∇2 V − RC V̇ = −RJ (5.20) As seen from equation (5.20) designing a RAE with total capacitance close to zero results in, ∇2 V = −RJ (5.21) Evaluation of the DC-limit enable calculation of the electrode currents. I.e c = 0 or the current injection is considered in a steady state condition. Equation (5.21) is then simplified to, ∇2 V = 0 (5.22) which has known solutions for Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions. When the RAE is connected to a low impedance pre-amplifier it can be considered grounded (virtual ground) at its boundary. Uniform Dirichlet conditions now apply to the diffusion equation which has previously been shown for the 1-D case. The important result is that a small anode capacitance to ground (negligible in comparison with the pulse shaping amplifier capacitance) or pulse shaping amplifier time constant Ta rc π2 fulfil the DC-limit conditions where unwanted time dependant, non-linear pulse responses due to anode charging disappears. See equations (5.11 - 5.13) 71 While operated in the DC-limit the Maxwell reciprocal theorem is applicable to the four output terminals. If a current i0 enter the RAE at position (x,y), the terminal currents are given by 4.2, 4.2, It is clear that (ideally) i0 = i1 + i2 + i3 + i4 , which allows for amplitude ratio position determination. 5.3 1-D Capacitively Terminated RC-line Resolution To continue and look into the resolution of the 1-D system it is vital to understand that the pulse rise time at the readout electrodes are given by RC product, that is given by the anode properties itself. The RC product increase as distance increase from electron incidence position and MCP to RAE distance increase. This will give the actual anode RC product a range of values in which to vary. In order to create detector with high resolution the pulse shape amplifier time constant must be matched to this value. This puts limitations on line length (for a set value of R)/pulse shaping amplifier rise time, seeing that the distance governs the anode rise time. Resolution of a resistive anode is coupled to thermal noise both intrinsic in the anode material but also in the feedback resistor of the pre-amplifier and pulse shape amplifier. Great care has to be made to minimise the resistance between the anode and the charge amplifier. If for instance the output of the pulse amplifier is connected to an RC-integrator in order to create a bipolar pulse for the electronics further down the line, concerns of which order of integration/differentiation added must be taken, seeing that every order is an additional capacitance that needs to be charged. A series of articles written by G. W. Fraser et al.[1], [36] and [37] was studied that gives a quantitative description of the non-linearity and resolution parameters. The main conclusions applicable from these articles in a somewhat simplified, condensed form is given below. 72 The first case studied is a 1-D capacitively terminated RC line as depicted in figure 5.1, utilising the amplitude ratio readout method described in equations 4.2, 4.3. Assumed filter configuration is a CR-CR-CR filter. Parameters utilised in the calculation are, Normalised time constant Ta π 2 T = RC (5.23) Where, Ta is the shaping amplifier time constant, R is the total line resistance and C is the total capacitance to ground. Terminal to line capacitance ratio Cd C (5.24) The performance is dependent on a set of properties optimised for the above stated parameters. The positional sensitivity is S(x). It expresses the position dependant fluctuation in terminal amplitude ratio Q(x) for the two output terminals in the RC-line. For Q(x) see four terminal equivalent equations 4.2, 4.3. Positional sensitivity S(x) = dQ(x) dx (5.25) RMS non-linearity N 100 1 X 0 δx = ( [Q (xi ) − (xi − 0.5)(2Sm )]2 )1/2 2Sm N i=1 (5.26) The dimensionless resolution parameter is the proportionality constant between the RMS positional resolution ∆x and the signal to noise ratio qn /q0 . r12 is the noise correlation coefficient, a is peak amplitude of shaping filter step response, see article [1]. 73 Dimensionless resolution parameter 2 + Vx2 )1/2 a (V1−x 2r12 V1−x Vx 1/2 × (1 − ) D(x, T, Cd/C) = S(x) (V1−x + Vx )2 (V1−x + Vx )2 (5.27) The line-noise parameter determine qn for a given operating temperature (Te ) and capacitance to ground (C). Dimensionless line-noise parameter Z 1Z ∞ Cd /C µ(T, Cd /C) = {|H(jω)|2 |P (x, ω)|2 dωdx}1/2 2π a 0 0 (5.28) where, P (x, ω) = coshγ(1 − x) + Zd sinh(γ(1 − x)) 2coshγ + (Zd + Z1d )sinh(γ) (5.29) where Zd = (1/γ)(C/Cd ) and γ = π(jω)1/2 . The RMS positonal resolution is hence given as, RMS positonal resolution ∆x = (kTe C)1/2 µD/q0 (5.30) The resolution of the 1-D line can hence be expressed as a function of Te and C through the parameters µ and D. The addition of preamplifier noise qa is neglected as the its noise level (A225 noise level; 280 electrons RMS) is considered lower than the intrinsic line noise. Optimisation is done by calculating minimum levels of input parameters and thus returning the minimum corresponding RMS resolution. For a 1-D capacitively terminated RC-line the optimum resolution product is, µD(T, Cd /C) = 0.895 (5.31) at T = 1.2 (Cd /C = 0). This results in a RMS positional resolution, (∆Xm )min = 0.569C 1/2 q0−1 µm(cm of line length)−1 74 (5.32) 5.4 2-D Square Anode Resolution When the 1-D case extend into two dimensions it adds another dimension to the diffusion problem stated earlier. A similar resolution dependency on µD(T, Cd /C) applies in the 2-D case, but the optimized values are changed due to that the geometry of the anode itself starts to play a part in the resolution of the system. The choice of anode geometry also plays a significant part of the possible resolution. The square anode is severely affected by distortion, see figure 4.21. This is due to the E-field through the resistive layer is not linear. The output electrodes are connected to charge sensitive preamplifiers that act as virtual ground. This causes local sinks in the electrical field. Thus the incoming electrons will not diffuse directly proportional to the incoming position as in the 1-D case. If the electrodes are places at the anode sides the recovered positions will be affected by barrel distortion (negative radial) as the electrons have been accelerated towards the sides. When the electrodes are placed at the vertices of the anode the opposite, pincushion distortion (positive radial) will affect the results. This causes only the central area to be linear in its response. The effective area is hence lowered while the additional unused area adds to MCP to RAE parallel plate capacitance. The fraction of anode side length to electrode etching length is denoted F, electrode fraction. The length of the electrode will govern the amount of distortion seen in the readout. Two different cases is studied in G. W. Fraser and E. Mathieson’s report; The case when the electrode are placed at the sides of the anode and the case where the electrode is placed in the vertices. The case of vertices placed electrode is found to be less prone to distortion and also better from a positional resolution perspective. The choice of readout coordinate axis arrangement also affect the resulting resolution and distortion. The two cases studied are coordinate axis parallel to the anode sides and axis along the anode diagonal. 75 In order to optimise the square anode a set of properties need to be minimised as in the case of the 1-D RC-line, but this time for a more general type of (RC)M (CR)N filter for the same parameters utilised in the 1-D case, equation 5.3 and equation 5.23. The mean sensitivity is the constant that describe the deviation of recovered position from the amplitude ratio calculation. Mean sensitivity in the case vertice placed electrodes and coordinates parallel to the anode sides Sm xs = (i1 + i4 )/(i1 + i2 + i3 + i4 ) (5.33) Sm ys = (i1 + i2 )/(i1 + i2 + i3 + i4 ) (5.34) The distortion parameter is the root mean square of the recovered displacement of a test grid of input charge. It is expressed as percentage of the anode side length. Distortion parameter δ2 = 100( N N 1 XX {[x(i, j) − xs (i, j)]2 + [y(i, j) − ys (i, j)]2 })1/2 N2 i j (5.35) The RMS positonal uncertainty is as in the 1-D case given by, RMS position uncertainty δx = D(x, y)qn /q0 (5.36) δy = D(y, x)qn /q0 (5.37) where D is the dimensionless resolution parameter as seen in the 1-D case but here adapted to the 2-D case. 76 Dimensionless resolution parameter in the case vertice placed electrodes and coordinates parallel to the anode sides √ 2a (V3 + V2 )2 + (V1 + V 4)2 2(rrad + rop (V3 + V2 )(V1 + V 4) ×[1+rad − ]} D(x, y) = { 4 S(x, y) (V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 ) (V3 + V2 )2 + (V1 + V 4)2 (5.38) where r12 is the noise correlation coefficient at the ends of a RC-line, the rad at adjacent vertices, rop at opposite vertices. The noise in each channel is expressed as qn which incorporate the thermal noise in the resistive sheet and the preamplifier noise. Channel noise qn = γ( 2kTe Ta 1/2 ) π R1 (5.39) where R1 is the single terminal resistance, Te is the absolute temperature, k is Boltzmann’s contant and γ is a dimensionless filter constant. For a matched (RC)M (CR)N filter, Dimensionless filter constant 1 γ(N, M ) = { a Z 0 ∞ x2N −2 dx}1/2 (1 + x2 )N +M (5.40) where a is peak filter response amplitude. γ(1, 1) = 2.41 and γ(2, 1) = 1.92. Combining equation 5.39, 5.38, 5.36, 5.37, with the correct choice of input parameters Te , Ta , q0 and R gives the resulting resolution limit of the 2-D RAE see table 5.1. All usable areas are deemed to be in the region of 70%. The vertice placed electrode with coordinates parallel to the RAE sides is the best option. It gives in a resolution optimised case, δ2 = 3.7% pin-cushion distortion. The system would be be characterized by R1 /R = 0.953. Utilising a sheet resistivity of 250 kΩ it would result in a 1560 electrons RMS in noise charge. The positional resolution would for Ta = 1µS, Te = 300 K and C 40 pF be, (∆x)m = 3∗10−4 . The corresponding mean RMS resolution would hence be ≈ 15µm, showing that the resolution limitation of 77 Table 5.1: Results of optimisation, Square anodes. V/P - Vertice/Parallel, V/D - Vertice/Diagonal, S/P - Side/Parallel, S/D - Side/Diagonal V/P V/D S/P S/D Electrode fraction F 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.5 Optimum resolution product µ D 1.2 1.6 1.8 1.4 the detector would be dependant on the MCP (capillary diameter 12µm) or frontend electronics noise charge, not the thermal noise generated in the square RAE. 5.5 Circular Arc Terminated Anode (Gear’s Anode) The limiting factors for the 1-D Capacitively terminated RC-line and the square resistive anode has been shown to be distortion, noise and geometric limitations within the anode itself. The resulting output performance has shown to be closely dependent on the readout electronic design. The choice of preamplifier, pulse shape amplifier and filter as well as distance between RAE and MCP greatly effect the RAE results. C.W. Gear have designed a resistive anode ideally linear in its response [40]. It has a square shape that is bounded by circular arcs between the anode vertices. Along the border of the anode a low resistance line resistivity is etched.It is based in the boundary value theorem presented by Gear; that a steady state current flow in a uniform resistive sheet R is not affected by a circular hole of radius a as long as a border resistance is deposited along the border of the hole that satisfy, RL ≈ R a (5.41) so that the differential potential drop laying between θ and θ + δθ along the curvature is matched with the intercept current in the border resistor. 78 The assumption is valid for w d but should rather be exchanged to the more general expression, β R 2−β (5.42) w a(2 − wa ) (5.43) RL = where, β= w denotes the border resistance width, a the curvature radius and d the sheet diameter. The name Circular Arc terminated anode is used interchangeably to Gear anode throughout this report. Studies indicate that the Gear anode does not suffer from the image distortion seen in square anodes. The output distortion due to geometry seen in square anodes depend on a number of factors. The main driving factor for image distortion is the choice of terminal layout as seen in 5.4. The RAE electrode terminals can either be situated on the vertices of the RAE or in the middle of the RAE sides. The two types of distortion that square anodes are affected by are called pincushion distortion or Barrel distortion. The Gear anode is not affected by the above named distortion. This is however done at the cost of usable image area. The Gear anode is linear in its central area but towards the edges loses its linearity. As a guideline the Gear anode usable area is in the scale of 70% of D. The Gear anode also suffers from a higher level of thermal noise since it has a resistive border termination. The sheet resistance value of the RAE is a major design factor and affect many aspects of the system. The main factor it affects is the rise time of 79 the anode charge response, τ . R should be chosen so that, τ= Rc π2 (5.44) is much smaller than the τ for the output amplifier. A low value of R will increase the systems overall sensitivity to pick up noise from the high voltage supply and voltage divider circuits but in turn it will have a charge dissipation throughout the material will be quick and the relaxation time of the anode will shorten. A small R is in this case considered in the region of 1 k Ω-10 kΩ. A high value of R will increase the stability of the system but make the step response slow. The position resolution is increased with higher resistivity as long the shaping amplifier is chosen to match the resistivity and the detection event rate, the pulse shaping amplifier must be able to integrate the entire pulse during its peaking time (A225 - 2.4 µS) other wise the result will be position accuracy degradation. A high R is in the region of 100 kΩ-1 MΩ. A study of the DC-limit resolution according to the findings of G. W. Fraser and E. Mathieson [35] was carried out. In order to describe the Gear anode an angle θ from the circular terminators center point is defined, see figure ??. The total anode area is given by, AG = d2 (1 − 2θ − sin2θ = d2 g(θ) 2sin2 θ (5.45) where d is anode side length. The inscribed area of the anode (the rectangular area made up by the vertices) is given by, Aw = d2 (1 − 1 − cosθ 2 ) sinθ (5.46) The total strip area is given by, As = d2 4θ w ( ) sinθ d 80 (5.47) The total usable anode is therefore, A (θ) = Aw AG + As (5.48) The mean square fluctuation in x is given by, (∆x)2 = 2 2 qnb d 2 q0 (5.49) The term q0 is the injected charge, qnb is the noise charge across the anode given by, 2 qnb =( 2kTe 2 Ta γ ) π R2 (5.50) where R2 the cross anode resistance is given by, R2 = R (1 + cotθ) (5.51) ηRc π2 (5.52) Ta is chosen such that, Ta = where η is a constant in the order of 10, chosen to get linear readouts. The expression for mean square fluctuation in x can hence be expanded to, (∆x)2 = 1 2kTe 2 ηc 2 2 ( )γ 2 Aw f (θ, w/d) q02 π π (5.53) where f 2 (θ, w/d) = 1 + cot(θ) (1 + As /AG )g(θ)2A (θ) (5.54) Utilising FreeMat and Matlab a simulation based on equation 5.53, 5.54 of the TEX RAE was made. The results are shown below. 81 ————–Results————— ************************************ For a RAE of Gears design with: ** RAE width: 0.0500 ** Circular arc radius: 0.0800 ** Circular arc angle: 18.2100 ** Boundary resistance width: 0.0010 ** RAE Sheet resistance per square: 40000.0000 ** Boundary resistance: 503.1248 ** Anode temperature: 300.0000 ** Eta: 10.0000 ** Gamma: 2.4100 ******************************** Mean square fluctuation in x: 1.867353E-012, Root mean square fluctuation in x: 1.320418E-012 The simulation shows that the RAE is showing negligible fluctuation in position. 82 5.6 Discussion A literature study has been done in order to help with the design work of future detectors. Optimised design parameters for the 1-D capacitively terminated RC-line and square anode have been presented. For the Gear anode design recommendations have been presented. The theory has been applied through software simulation and shown promising results for the TEX RAE. A recommendation is to continue the work by applying it to the PHEBUS and EXCEEED detectors. Conclusively, the design process of a RAE based detector of Gear’s design should be done in the following steps. First the expected detection count rate should be matched to the pulse shaping amplifier time constant. The sheet resistivity shall be maximised for best resolution, while still fulfilling Ta η Rc . The capacitance c can π2 be approximated with a parallel-plate approximation of the MCP - RAE gap and plate areas. 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R18 DNI DNI PC0/ADC0 PC1/ADC1 PC2/ADC2 PC3/ADC3 PC4/ADC4 PC5/ADC5 AREF GND GND AVCC VCC PC6/RESET PB5/SCK PB6/XTAL1/TOSC1 PB4/MISO PB3/MOSI/OC2A PB2/SS/OC1B PB1/OC1A PB7/XTAL2/TOSC2 PB0/CLKO/ICP1 R17 PD7/AIN1 PD6/OC0A/AIN0 PD5/OC0B/T1 PD4/XCK/T0 PD3/INT1 PD2/INT0 PD1/TXD PD0/RXD J7 1 2 DNI NOTE: DNI = DO NOT INSTALL 3 D C B A 90 GND 2 3 5 10 1 2 4 7 11 DP g f e d c b a C1 C2 C3 C4 12 9 8 6 Figure A.1: JYETECH AVR ATmega48 Capacitance meter schematic. Appendix B A125B SCHEMATIC Figure B.1: A125B Movable MCP/RAE Schematic. 91