
COMP 3331/9331: Computer Networks and Applications
Lab Exercise 2: HTTP, Web Proxies and DNS (Solutions)
HTTP: To use Wireshark to investigate several aspects of HTTP including
CONDITIONAL GET and basic HTTP authorization.
Web Proxy: To understand the working of a web proxy
DNS: To understand how DNS works by using the dig tool and Wireshark
For the first two experiments we will use the Wireshark packet analyser that we used in
the previous lab. Before you begin go to the “Trace Files” link on the course webpage
and download the traces for HTTP (under Lab2).
Experiment 1: Using Wireshark to
CONDITIONAL GET/response interaction
The following indicate the steps for this experiment:
Start Wireshark by typing wireshark at the command prompt.
Load the trace file http-ethereal-trace-2 by using the File pull down menu, choosing
Open and selecting the appropriate trace file. This trace file captures a request
response between a client browser and web server where the client requests the same
file from the server within a span of a few seconds.
Filter out all the non-HTTP packets and focus on the HTTP header information in the
packet-header detail window.
By looking at the information in the HTTP GET and response messages (the first two
messages), answer the following questions:
1) Inspect the contents of the first HTTP GET request from the browser to the
server. Do you see an “IF-MODIFIED-SINCE” line in the HTTP GET?
Answer: No this header is not present in the request. This is because this is the first
time that the browser is requesting this particular file or the local browser cache has
just been emptied prior to requesting this file.
2) Inspect the contents of the server response. Did the server explicitly return the
contents of the file? How can you tell?
Answer: Yes the server has responded with the contents of the file. This is obvious
by inspecting the body of the response message.
3) Does the response indicate the last time that the requested file was modified?
Answer: The response does indicate that the file was last modified on Tuesday, 23rd
September 2003 at 05:35 GMT.
4) Now inspect the contents of the second HTTP GET request from the browser to the
server. Do you see an “IF-MODIFIED-SINCE:” line in the HTTP GET? If so, what
information is contained in the “IF-MODIFIED-SINCE:” header?
Answer: The second GET request does indeed contain the “IF-MODIFIED-SINCE:”
line and the time specified here is Tuesday, 23rd September 2003 at 05:35 GMT,
which was obtained from the previous response message. In other words, the browser
has cached the “LAST-MODIFED” time from the previous response for the same
page and is including that time in the subsequent response message.
5) What is the HTTP status code and phrase returned from the server in response to
this second HTTP GET? Did the server explicitly return the contents of the file?
Answer: The status code and phrase in the response are 340 Not Modified. This
indicates to the browser that the server has not modified the page since the address
specified in the “If-MODIFIED-SINCE” time in the request. Hence, the server does
not respond back with the requested file. The browser can simply display the locally
cached version of this file.
Experiment 2: Using Wireshark to understand HTTP Authentication
Before you begin this experiment please read through the following link:$2159 titled, HTTP Access Authentication
Framework, which provides an easy-to-read overview about basic HTTP authentication.
The following indicate the steps for this experiment:
Start Wireshark by typing wireshark at the command prompt.
Load the trace file http-ethereal-trace-5 by using the File pull down menu, choosing
Open and selecting the appropriate trace file. This file captures the sequence of
messages exchanged between a browser and a password protected website,
( The user name is “wireshark-students” (without the quotes) and the
password is “network” (again without the quotes).
Filter out all the non-HTTP packets and focus on the HTTP header information in the
packet-header detail window.
By looking at the information in the HTTP GET and response messages answer the
following questions:
1) What is the server’s response (status code and phrase) in response to the initial
HTTP GET message from the browser?
Answer: The response status code and phrase is 401 Authorization Required. This
indicates to the browser that the requested page is password protected. The browser
will then display a pop-up window prompting the user to enter the appropriate user
name and password.
2) When the browser sends the HTTP GET message for the second time (after the
user has entered the user name and password), what new field is included in the
HTTP GET message?
Answer: The second GET request is sent after the user has entered the login name and
password. This message carries an additional header field called “Authorization:
Basic”. The encrypted user name and password and carried in this field. Notice that
the subsequent response from the server includes the desired webpage indicating that
the user is authorized to view this page.
3) Go to the following webpage: and enter the entire
text following the “Authorization: Basic” header in the above request (excluding the
\r\n at the end) into the form field and and hit “decode” What is the result? Note that
the text that you have just entered in encoded in base64 format by HTTP. The
webpage allows you to decode this.
“ZXRoLXN0dWRlbnRzOm5ldHdvcmtz” translates to “eth-students:networks”
which is the user name and password for the secure website, i.e. the user name is
“wireshark-students” and the password is “networks”.
4) What can you comment on the level of security provided by the basic authorization
mechanism of HTTP?
Answer: The above indicates that HTTP uses base64 encoding to encrypt the user
name and password. Anyone can download a tool like Wireshark and sniff packets
belonging to other users, which pass by their network adaptor (for example. a shared
Ethernet LAN), and anyone can translate from base64 to ASCII (you just did it!).
This shows you that simple passwords on WWW sites are not secure unless
additional measures are taken. There are ways of making WWW access more secure.
We shall discuss this when we cover network security.
Experiment 3: Web Proxy
For this experiment, we will use the netstat utility available in Linux. It can print
information about network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, etc. However,
for this experiment we are only interested in its ability to print information about active
network connections on our computer.
Follow the steps described below. You will notice certain questions as you attempt the
exercise. Write down the answers for your own reference. The solutions will be put up on
the webpage at the end of the week. If you have any questions or are experiencing
difficulty with executing the lab please consult your lab instructor.
Step 1: Open a web browser window and open the main UNSW webpage,
Step 2: Open an xterm window and increase the size of the window to a reasonably large
Step 3: We will now look at the end-points (sockets) of the TCP connection established
between your computer and the UNSW web server. In the xterm type,
netstat –t –n
If you encounter a large number of connections and your screen scrolls down, then follow
instructions in Step 3b. Otherwise, continue to Step 4.
Step 3b (Optional) Employing a similar approach to the first lab experiment on FTP can
filter out all connections not of interest. In the xterm window try and locate the process id
(pid) of your browser process by typing,
ps –U yourloginname
Now remember the pid for the browser process and type the following at the prompt,
netstat –t –n –p | grep processid
Step 4: Note down the IP address of remote end of the connection (i.e. non-local socket).
Step 5: Now change the URL in your browser by typing in:
Immediately run netstat as above and note down the IP address of the remote socket of
the connection.
Question 1. Is the IP address of the remote end of the TCP connection the same?
Answer: The foreign address reflected in netstat will change as the user moves from site
to site within the UNSW network. This is really a matter of policy, internal connections
(UNSW sites) can by-pass the proxy.
Step 5: Now change the URL in your browser by typing in: (a site
external to the UNSW network) Note the IP address of the remote socket by running
netstat as before.
Step 6: Now change the URL to : Note the IP address of the remote
Question 2. Is the IP address of the remote end of the socket different from the one
recorded in step 6? Is the pattern you observe with internal sites similar to the pattern
with external sites? Suggest why the patterns are similar/dissimilar?
Answer: With external sites, expect all connections to be first directed to the proxy. As a
result the foreign address reflected in netstat will always point to the proxy. The proxy
will first check for the requested file in its cache. It will contact the origin server for the
file if no match is found within the cache. Proxies also provide a way for monitoring user
traffic, for example to enforce IP quotas, which is a requirement for external traffic at
CSE. Check the following link, for more information.
EXPERIMENT 4: Tracing DNS using dig
As described in Section 2.5 of the textbook (and in the Week 3 lecture), the Domain
Name System (DNS) translates hostnames to IP addresses, fulfilling a critical role in the
Internet infrastructure. In this lab, we’ll take a closer look at the client side of DNS.
Recall that the client’s role in the DNS is relatively simple – a client sends a query to its
local DNS server, and receives a response back. As shown in Figures 2.26 and 2.18 in
the textbook, much can go on “under the covers”, invisible to the DNS clients, as the
hierarchical DNS servers communicate with each other to either recursively or iteratively
resolve the client’s DNS query. From the DNS client’s standpoint, however, the protocol
is quite simple – a query is formulated to the local DNS server and a response is received
from that server. Before beginning this lab, you’ll probably want to review DNS by
reading Section 2.5 of the text. In particular, you may want to review the material on
local DNS servers, DNS caching, DNS records and messages, and the TYPE field in the
DNS record.
In this experiment, we’ll make use of the dig tool, which is available on our lab
computers (and also most Linux/Unix and Microsoft platforms) To run dig in
Linux/Unix, you should open a xterm window and type the dig command on the
command line. The dig tool is often used by network administrators for verifying and
troubleshooting DNS problems.
In it is most basic operation, dig allows the host running the tool to query any specified
DNS server for a DNS record. The queried DNS server can be a root DNS server, a toplevel-domain DNS server, an authoritative DNS server, or an intermediate DNS server
(see the textbook for definitions of these terms). To accomplish this task, dig sends a
DNS query to the specified DNS server, receives a DNS reply from that same DNS
server, and displays the result. You can find out more about dig by typing “man dig” at
the prompt.
Note: Some of you may have heard of the nslookup tool. This has now been depreciated
and replaced by dig.
Follow the steps described below. You will notice certain questions as you attempt the
exercise. Write down the answers for your own reference. The solutions will be put up on
the webpage at the end of the week. If you have any questions or are experiencing
difficulty with executing the lab please consult your lab instructor.
Step 1: Open an xterm window and increase the size of the window to a reasonably large
Step 2: Use dig to find out details about the CSE web server. Type,
Question 1. What is the canonical name for the CSE web server? What is its IP address?
Suggest a reason for having an alias for this server.
The following is the output of the above dig command:
; <<>> DiG 9.3.2-P1 <<>>
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 43449
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 4
CNAME 86400 IN A
;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 86400 IN A 86400 IN A 86400 IN A 86400 IN A
Query time: 0 msec
WHEN: Wed Aug 1 18:25:45 2007
MSG SIZE rcvd: 195
The headers at the top indicate that this DNS message contains 1 query (the original
query), 2 records in the Answer section, 2 records in the authority section and 4 records
in the additional section.
After examining the Answer section it is apparent that the canonical name for is and the IP address for the
server is Canonical names are usually very long and to hard to remember.
An alias such as “” is more mnemonic and easy to recall.
Question 2. What can you make of the rest of the response (i.e. the details available in the
Authority and Additional sections)?
Answer: The Authority section contains NS resource records for the domain name. In other words it indicates the two authoritative
are and
The Additional section contains the IP addresses for these two authoritative name servers
(i.e. the Type A resource records for the name servers). As will be apparent each of the
names servers is replicated (i.e. there are 2 physical servers hosting each name server).
This increases reliability and also allows for some load distribution.
Question 3. What is the IP address of the server that replied to the DNS query that you
initiated in Step 2 using dig? (Hint: The answer is available towards the bottom of the
response)? Which server is this?
Answer: The SERVER line at the end of the response (third-last line in the response)
provides the IP address of the server that replied to the DNS query issues by dig. The IP
address of this server is This represents the local DNS server (or default
DNS server), which is the server to which any DNS query from your host will be directed
at. Although the response comes from this local DNS server, it is quite possible that this
local DNS server iteratively contacted several other DNS servers to get the answer, as
described in Section 2.5 of the textbook.
Step 3: We will now query for the NS record for the “” domain. Type,
dig NS
This causes dig to send a query for a type-NS record to the default local DNS server. In
words, the query is saying, “please send me the host names of the authoritative name
servers for “”. (When the type option is not used, dig uses the default,
which is to query for type A records, as we did in Step 2).
Question 4. What are the DNS name servers for the “” domain? Find out
their IP addresses?
Answer: The name servers for and their IP addresses are:
The Answer section of the response to the above dig command (Step 3) provides the NS
resource records of the name servers and the Additional section contains the IP addresses
(Type A resource records).
Step 4 (Do-It-Yourself): Try running dig with the trace option (e.g., dig +trace Observe the output. When the trace option is set dig uses iterative
queries to resolve the hostname. The output includes the answers received from each
server along the query path.
Experiment 5: Tracing DNS with Wireshark
For this experiment, we will use the Wireshark packet analyser that we used extensively
in the previous lab. Before you begin go to the “Lab Traces” link on the course webpage
and download the DNS traces for Lab 2.
Follow the steps described below. You will notice certain questions as you attempt the
exercise. Write down the answers for your own reference. The solutions will be put up on
the webpage at the end of the week. If you have any questions or are experiencing
difficulty with executing the lab please consult your lab instructor.
Step 1: Open an xterm and run Wireshark.
Step 2: Load the trace file dns-ethereal-trace-2 by using the File pull down menu,
choosing Open and selecting the appropriate trace file. This file captures the sequence of
messages exchanged between a host and its default DNS server while using the nslookup
utility for obtaining the canonical name (type A record) of The IP address
of the default DNS server for the host is Now filter out all non-DNS
packets by typing “dns” (without quotes) in the filter filed. Also click the right arrow for
DNS in the packet-header detail window. Now focus on the last two DNS messages from
the 6 listed and answer the following questions:
1) What transport layer protocol is being used by the DNS messages?
Answer: DNS uses UDP.
2) What is the source and destination port for the DNS query message and the
corresponding response?
Answer: Source port is 3742 and destination is 53 for the query. For the response it is
reversed i.e., source port is 53 and destination is 3742.
3) To what IP address is the DNS query message sent? Is this the same as the default
local DNS server?
Answer: The DNS query is sent to the IP address, which is the default
local DNS server.
4) How many “questions” are contained in the DNS query message? What “Type” of
DNS queries are they? Does the query message also contain any “answers”?
Answer: There is only one “question” in the query message. It is of type A and is
requesting for the IP address for
5) Examine the DNS response message. Provide details of the contents of the
“Answers”, “Authority” and “Additional Information” fields. What can you infer
from these?
Answer: The response message contains one “Answer” which is the RR (resource
record) for The RR is as follows: type A, class inet, addr
In addition there are three authoritative records which are the RRs for the
authoritative name servers for the “”. These RRs are as follows: type NS, class inet, ns type NS, class inet, ns type NS, class inet, ns
Finally there are also three additional RRs, which contain the type A records for the
above three name servers. They are as follows: type A, class inet, addr type A, class inet, addr type A, class inet, addr
Step 3: Load the trace file dns-ethereal-trace-3 by using the File pull down menu,
choosing Open and selecting the appropriate trace file. This file captures the sequence of
messages exchanged between a host and its default DNS server while using the nslookup
(this tool is similar to the dig tool that we used earlier in the lab) utility for obtaining the
name servers (type NS record) of the “”. The IP address of the default DNS server
for the host is Now filter out all non-DNS packets by typing “dns”
(without quotes) in the filter filed. Also click the right arrow for DNS in the packetheader detail window. Now focus on the last two DNS messages from the 6 listed and
answer the following questions:
1) To what IP address is the DNS query message sent? Is this the same as the default
local DNS server?
Answer: The DNS query is sent to the IP address, which is the default
local DNS server.
2) Examine the DNS query message? What “Type” of DNS query is it? Does the query
message also contain any “answers”?
Answer: There is only one “question” in the query message. It is of type NS and is
requesting for the name servers for the domain.
3) Examine the DNS response message. Provide details of the contents of the
“Answers”, “Authority” and “Additional Information” fields. What can you infer
from these?
Answer: The response message contains three “Answer” RRs (resource record) for
the name servers of the domain. These RRs are as follows: type NS, class inet, ns type NS, class inet, ns type NS, class inet, ns
There are three additional RRs, which contain the type A records for the above three
name servers. They are as follows: type A, class inet, addr type A, class inet, addr type A, class inet, addr
Step 4: You can confirm the above records by using nslookup yourself. Type the
following two commands and observe the output and compare it to your answers for
Steps 2 and 3,
nslookup -sil
nslookup –sil –type=NS NS
It is recommended that you try out these two commands since the format of the output
with nslookup is slightly different from that of dig.
Note: The “-sil” flag suppresses the message that indicates that nslookup is depreciated.
Answer: This step will confirm the above information.