CHAPTER 30 World War I

Guided Reading Questions/Terms: Chapter 30
World War I
Big Picture Themes:
1. President Wilson outlined the war’s objectives with his Fourteen Points. They set the goals of free seas,
self-determination after the war, and establishing a body to prevent future wars.
2. A military draft was instituted, the first since the Civil War.
3. Women went to work more than they’d ever done and black soldiers were drafted into the military into
segregated units.
4. The Americans focused their military effort in protecting Paris from the Germans.
5. At the Treaty of Versailles, Wilson agreed to allow England and France to punish Germany for the war.
In return, they agreed to start Wilson’s “League of Nations.”
6. However, the US Senate rejected the Treaty/League. They didn’t wish to turn over America’s decisionmaking to a foreign body like the League of Nations.
Chapter 30 “Need to Know”
1. George Creel
2. Bernard Baruch
3. Henry Cabot Lodge
4. Warren G. Harding
5. James M. Cox
6. Self-Determination
7. Collective security
8. Conscription
9. Normalcy
10. Zimmerman Note
11. Fourteen Points
12. League of Nations
13. Committee on Public Information
14. Espionage and Sedition Acts
15. Industrial Workers of the World
Guided Reading Questions/Terms: Chapter 30
16. War Industries Board
17. Nineteenth Amendment
18. Food Administration
19. Bolsheviks
20. Doughboys
21. Big Four
22. Irreconcilables
23. Treaty of Versailles
Reading Questions:
War by Act of Germany
1. What events led Woodrow Wilson to ask Congress to declare war?
Wilsonian Idealism Enthroned
2. Name Wilson’s twin war aims. How did these set America apart from the other combatants?
Wilson’s Fourteen Potent Points
3. List several of Wilson’s Fourteen Points.
Creel Manipulates Minds
4. How were Americans motivated to help in the war effort?
Enforcing Loyalty and Stifling Dissent
5. How was loyalty forced during WWI?
The Nation’s Factories Go to War
6. Why was it difficult to mobilize industry for the war effort?
Guided Reading Questions/Terms: Chapter 30
Workers in Wartime
7. How did the war affect the labor movement?
Suffering Until Suffrage
8. How did the war affect women?
Forging a War Economy
9. Did government become too intrusive in people’s lives during the war? Give examples to support your
Making Plowboys into Doughboys
10. Was the government’s effort to raise an army fair and effective?
Fighting in France--Belatedly
11. How were American troops used in Russia?
America Helps Hammer the Hun
12. Describe the effect of the American troops on the fighting.
The Fourteen Points Disarm Germany
13. What role did America play in bringing Germany to surrender?
Wilson Steps Down from Olympus
14. What political mistakes hurt Wilson in the months following the armistice?
Guided Reading Questions/Terms: Chapter 30
The Idealist Battles the Imperialists in Paris
15. How did Wilson’s desire for the League of Nations affect his bargaining at the peace conference?
Hammering Out the Treaty
16. What compromises did Wilson make at the peace conference?
The Peace Treaty That Bred a New War
17. For what reasons did Wilson compromise his 14 Points?
The Domestic Parade of Prejudice
18. Why was the treaty criticized back in America?
Wilson’s Tour and Collapse (1919)
19. What was the purpose and result of Wilson’s trip around the country when he returned to America?
Defeat Through Deadlock
20. Why was the treaty finally rejected?
The "Solemn Referendum" of 1920
21. What did the results of the 1920 election indicate?
The Betrayal of Great Expectations
22. How much should the U.S. be blamed for the failure of the Treaty of Versailles?