June 21, 2015 - Holy Spirit Catholic Church

Holy Spirit Catholic Church
17270 Ward St., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 * Tel: (714) 963-1811 * Fax: (714) 968-1775
www.HolySpiritFV.org * Email: Office@hsccfv.org
Msgr. Tuan Joseph Pham, JCL, Pastor
Reverend Dan Wilder
Reverend Joseph Duc Hoang, STL
Deacon Phil Goodman
Deacon Paul Manh Van Mai
Deacon Rigoberto Maldonado
June 21, 2015
12th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Parish Office:
MaryAnn Mullin, Parish Manager
Tom Leeman, Parish Manager
Agnes Pham, Office Manager
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Faith Formation: (714) 963-7871
Sr. Cecilia Trang Pham, LHC, Director
Roz Esh, English Coordinator
Sr. Van Nguyen, LHC, VN Coordinator
Email: FaithFormation@hsccfv.org
Youth Ministry: (714) 350-5707
Catherine Ord, Director
His Hands Service: (714) 968-2111
17101 Ward St., FV, CA 92708
Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 11:00am
Anointing of the Sick: In case of serious
illness or emergency, please call the Parish
Office as soon as possible.
Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office.
Confession: Every Saturday from 3:30pm 4:30pm or by appointment.
Marriage: Contact the Parish Office at least
six months prior to proposed wedding date.
Eucharistic Adoration:
Monday-Friday from 7:00am - 9:00am
24 Hour Adoration every Friday and on the
4th of each month following the 9am Mass.
Mission Statement
We, the Parish Community of
Holy Spirit Catholic Church, are a
family of many cultural backgrounds.
Our mission is to enrich the spiritual life of all parishioners, through
the active participation in prayer and
the sacraments, promoting opportunities to grow in faith and hope, and
providing a place to come together
in the love of God and neighbor.
We are committed to the needs of
our parishioners and to reach beyond
to serve the needs of others. We are
called by the Spirit to witness the
forgiving, healing and saving presence of Jesus as one Church and one
(Adopted January 12, 2006)
Daily Mass:
6:30am Mon - Fri
9:00am Mon - Sat
7:00pm Friday
Sunday Mass:
Saturday Vigil
7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am,
12:00pm, 5:00pm
Vietnamese: 1:30pm, 3:15pm, 6:30pm
earest Holy Spirit Church Family,
Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers! May Jesus, through the intercession of St. Joseph,
bless you with love and rest during this weekend for you definitely deserve it!
As you may know, Fr. Joseph Duc Hoang will be leaving our parish to join the United States Air Force
as Chaplain with the support and blessing of the Diocese. We were blessed to have him for the last three
years. His last day here with us will be June 30. He will truly be missed and we wish him all the best on his
new endeavor. Replacing Fr. Joseph, will be Fr. Thomas De Nguyen. He comes to us from Saint Barbara’s
Church, Santa Ana. More information about Fr. Thomas will be published in
next month’s bulletin. Wishing you a blessed week!
Msgr. Tuan Pham
1st Reading: The Lord said to Job: Who shut within
doors the sea? And who said: Thus far shall you come but
no farther! (Job 38:1, 8-11).
Psalm: Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting
(Ps. 107).
2nd Reading: Whoever is in Christ is a new creation
(2 Cor. 5:14-17).
Gospel: Who is this whom even wind and sea obey?
(Mk 4:35-41).
Nancy Ahlswede
Barbara Arnold
Carol Baker
Mary Bosma
Crystal Bracey
Lydia Branley
Luz Buscos
Joan Clark
Elena Chavez
Barbara Collins
Mike Daguio
Lorraine Diersing
Tricia Elting
Robert Espinoza
Dean Del Favero
Kathryn Foley
Betty Fox
Eleanor Fujimoto
Michael (Jimmy) Gallagher
Michael Giap
Mayme Gonzales
Nam Hong
McKenzie Hopkins
Nina Kasperowski
Gary Katsuki
Mary Killeen
Gerry Mariacher
Boy & Cecille May
Joyce Meersman
Maria Mejia
Richard Newhouse II
Parker Nguyen
Dan Paulson
Manola Navarro
Pangan Family
Sharon Pennington
Victor Rangel
Rosie Reeves
Dale Rensing
Gustavo Sanchez
Joe St. Martin
Kaylin Zimms
Jun 26: Lucy Hoang & Michael Dozois
Jun 27: Kathryn Farrell & Matt Maupin
Thu Hoang & Thang Nguyen
Mai Loan Nguyen & Huy Vo
Jul 4: Julie Luong & Bryan Nguyen
Kim Huong Nguyen & Quang Nguyen
Jul 11: Tina Dao & Hieu Do
Dominic Nguyen & Ninh Hai Nguyen
Lea Huynh & Allan Suyao
Jun 24
Jun 25
Jun 26
Jun 27
Jun 28
6:30am George Protzner †
9:00am Ginger Grace Hughes & Family
6:30am Daniel Divenuto Sr.†
Betty Laing †
Wilke Family †
Rice Family †
Calixto Lovell Bernales †
Pat McDowd †
9:00am Ed Fitch †
6:30am Jorge Tapia †
9:00am Jim Heil
6:30am Ginger Grace Hughes & Family
Msgr Tuan Pham
Emily Bowen & Family
Lilly Flores
Shelley Ilwitz
Pope Benedict
9:00am Ronaldo Abella †
6:30am Michael Nguyen & Family
9:00am Encaracion Cube & Family †
9:00am Jerry Forbes †
5:00pm Henry Nguyen †
6:30pm Ginger Grace Hughes & Family
7:30am All Souls †
9:00am Pro Populo
10:30am Michael Rochester,
Wayne Roemild & Family
12:00pm Vincente Minh Ta †
5:00pm Maria Diem & John Trong Do †
(† Rest In Peace)
Our Parish Community wishes to extend our sympathy to the family and friends of all the faithful
departed, especially for Millie Misajon & Phung
Thi Vo. May they r est in peace.
Institute for Pastoral Ministry and Holy Spirit Faith
Formation would like to
invite Catechists, Catholic
School Educators, Youth Ministers, Confirmation Coordinators,
and Faith Formation Ministers to
our Diocese of Orange Summer
Classes provided will fulfill your
requirement for Basic Certification, Basic Recertification, and
Master Catechist.
Come into our Faith Formation
office to pick up the program or
register through the Institute for
Pastoral Ministry at
R210B Theological Formation
Saturday, June 27
9:00am - 5:30pm at Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Instructor: Jim Crofut
This course provides a more complete and systematic study of Catholic teaching
that flows from the Scriptures, Tradition, and Magisterium. Basic theological understanding of the Catholic faith will be discussed in areas such as sacred scripture, Christology, and moral theology, among others.
R210C Pastoral Formation
Saturdays, July 18 & 25
9:00am - 5:30pm at Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Instructor: Dr. Kathy Schinhofen
This course provides and cultivates attitudes and skills that pertain to effective
ministry. An awareness of the nature of catechesis and the catechetical process
will be discussed.
Confirmation and First Holy Communion certificates & pictures are
ready to be pick up in our Faith
Formation Office. We are open
Monday - Friday
9:30am -5:00pm.
MARK 4:35-41
Then he asked them, “Why are you
terrified? Do you not yet have
Rồi Người nói với các ông: S" ao các
con sợ hãi thế? Các con không có đức
tin ư?"
Our Parish Ministries and Organizations
SHIP is seeking donations to re-supply our garage.
Many times, guests come into our program without
good, clean, and appropriate clothing for a job
search. They also often lack sufficient hygiene
items. We cut program costs tremendously by keeping our supplies well-stocked using donations from
our network of friends. It is time again to solicit our
supporters and churches as our supplies are getting
low. Your donated, "gently used," items are always
greatly appreciated.
Our Wish List includes:
Men's collared shirts
Work trousers - khakis, denim, black
Shoes, dress pants, belts, coats, sweat shirts, socks,
and new underwear
Bedding - twin sheets, pillow cases, blankets
Towels, wash cloths, new pillows and toiletries
Donations can be dropped off anytime at SHIP
House - 12361 Magnolia St., Garden Grove, CA.
Questions or need pick up? please call Pat at (714)
847-6617 or email: patgoodman@yahoo.com
Thank you to His Hands Christian Service for your
donation and also for your generosity!!!
Month 6… Baby hears, stretches,
nestles in his or her favorite position.
Toenails are visible, eye color is usually blue because pigment is not yet
formed, bony skeleton is assembled
but not connected at joints. Skull
made of four soft plates and not yet
fused together so head can become long and narrow when going through birth canal. Very active
and growing rapidly. Brain and nervous system are
developed enough to control breathing and body
temperature. Lungs are able to breath on their own
at 26 weeks.
Babies born at this stage often survive.
♦ Game
Night: Monday, 6:00pm - 8:00pm. All
junior high and high school students are invited to
♦ Steubenville
Prep Meeting: Tuesday, 7:00 pm 8:30pm. We will be deciding on t-shirt designs
during the meeting.
♦ Fountain
Valley SummerFest: Want to save $6
and help Youth Ministry? Pre-sale ride wristbands
can be purchased online for $19. Please select
benefiting organization Holy Spirit Y outh
Ministry. Last day to purchase the wristbands is
Wednesday, June 24. Also, we need help from
adults and teens with our food booth during the
♦ Holy Spirit and Blessed Sacrament Church are
teaming up to sell fireworks from June 30 - July 4
in the parking lot of Sam Ash Music Stores
(14200 Beach Blvd, Westminster, CA). We are in
need of adult volunteers. Thank you for your
support! 10% off coupons will be in next bulletin.
Please contact Catherine Ord at
(714) 350-5707 or email:
youthministry@hsccfv.org or
www.HolySpiritCYF.com for more info.
 General meeting on Sunday, June 28 at 3:30pm
in Doyle Hall followed by the 5:00pm Mass.
Everyone is invited
 Summer Movie on the Lawn starts Friday, June
26 at 8:00pm. We will be showing "Chronicles
of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe." Free admission! Donations always appreciated!
 Save The Date: next Potluck and Bonfire will be
Saturday, July 18 at 3:00pm in Huntington
Beach. To RSVP or for any info, please email
us at lumenchristi.hscc@gmail.com or call Paul
at (562) 896-5021.
Attention all Ministries and Organizations! Due to changes in our Par ish
Bulletin Editor, requests must be received by SUNDAY NIGHT a week before
the requested publication date. This will allow extra time for editing and lay out.
Please email your bulletin announcement request to
Total Offertory
Parishes in Collaboration
hank you!!!
to the families who have
come on board and signed up for Online
Giving. Your gifts and participation are a blessing
to us. Why? It helps the Office Staff save processing
time. Online Giving is convenient, safe, and secure.
You decide exactly when and how much. If you
haven’t thought about using this method, please
prayerfully consider it! Just click on the Online Giving button at www.HolySpiritFV.org.
Tuesday, June 23 from 1:00pm - 3:00pm: Visitation to Seaside Terrace for our Catholic retirees.
Volunteers Needed:
to bring frozen entree for lunch for the needy at
Southwest Community Center in Santa Ana - only
six times a year (every other month) on the 2nd
Monday of the month. The new requirement from
the health department allows only store bought frozen food. For more information, please call Pam
Mehle at (714) 848-4180.
Mission Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 11:00am;
Phone: (714) 968-2111
La Oficina de Ministerios Hispanos de
Holy Spirit (714) 963-1811 y marcar la extensión
127. Para más información en español sobre todos
los Ministerios de la parroquia, o si necesita información sobre Bautismos, Primera Comunión, Bodas,
Quinceañeras: favor de dejar un mensaje con su
nombre, número de teléfono, su pregunta o motivo
de su llamada.
Versículo Bíblico –“¿Por qué tenían tanto miedo?
¿Aún no tienen fe?” Marcos 4, 35-41
Oración Para Nuestras Familias – “Señor Jesús,
creemos que siempre nos cuidas, incluso en medio
del caos y la confusión. Ayúdanos a entregarnos a ti
y confiar en que tú nos llevarás a tu Reino sanos y
salvos.” (La Palabra Entre Nosotros Junio 2015, p. 41)
¡Feliz Día Del Padre! ¡Les deseamos un día lleno
de bendiciones y felicidad a todos los padres de
nuestra comunidad cristiana y a los padres que no
están presentes con nosotros!
¡Información Importante que Recordar!
¡Aparten la fecha!
Lumen Christi Noche de Película en verano en el
césped, viernes, 26 de junio
American Red Cross Blood Drive, donar sangre,
el martes 30 de junio
Cena de agradecimiento a los voluntarios, viernes,17 de julio
Picnic Anual de la parroquia, domingo, 9 de
¡Por favor recuerden! Debemos ser buenos vecinos. Recuerden manejar con cuidado y observar las
leyes de tránsito al entrar y salir del estacionamiento
de la iglesia. ¡Gracias!
Friday, July 17: Volunteer Appr eciation
Dinner from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.
Sunday, August 9: Our Par ish Annual Picnic
at Green Valley Park from 10:00am - 3:00pm.
We need to be Great Neighbors. Please drive
carefully and obey all traffic laws when entering
and exiting the church parking lot. Thanks!
Recycling Bin: The bin is for newspaper only.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Holy Spirit Council 9667
Jun 22:
Jun 23:
Jun 24:
Jun 25:
Jun 26:
Singing Knights Practice, 7:00pm
Officer’s Meeting, 7:30pm
Bocce, 4:00pm
Chapter Meeting, 7:30pm
Thinking of joining the K of C?
Call: Carlos Cisneros, GK,
(714) 310-1011 or ccisneros@me.com.
Knights of Columbus
are sponsoring a Flag
Retirement Ceremony at
The Green Valley Clubhouse
across from the Holy Spirit
parking lot on Saturday, June
27 from 11:00am - 3:00pm.
Anyone having old, worn flags is invited to bring
them to the Parish Office. For more information,
please call Roy Sapp at (714) 809-7666.
Around the Diocese
The Parish Office will be closed from
Friday, July 3 - Sunday, July 5.
There will be NO 6:30am Mass
on Friday, July 3.
Bishop Kevin Vann, Ragtime Piano
The Choir Boyz Barbershop Quartet
Holy Family Cathedral Choir, Soloists and Orchestra
Dr. Steven Van Wye, Conductor
Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 7:00pm
Pre-Concert Parish Picnic at 6:00pm
Holy Family Cathedral
566 South Glassell Street, Orange, CA 92866
Visit us at www.holyfamilysacredmusic.com
Using Facebook? ‘Like’ us at Holy Family Cathedral
Choir. Bring the whole family to our first ever Independence Day Picnic and Concert! Join us at 6:00pm
for an All-American Dinner of hot dogs, chips, drink
and ice cream for only $5!
Tuesday, June 30, 2015 from 1:00pm – 7:15pm
Location: Doyle Hall
Please sign up online at redcrossblood.org
Sponsor Code: HolySpiritFV or call
Ryan Bateman (714) 351-992
email: ryan.bateman@redcross.org
All donors will receive a FREE #1 Meal (Enchilada
& Taco) from Wahoo’s Fish Taco and a chance to
win a Beach Cruiser. Also all presenting donors will
get an exclusive admission for two (with a two beverage minimum) to the Hollywood and Long Beach
Laugh Factory and will also receive two free tickets
to the Grammy Museum ($5 processing fee per ticket is required) along with an offer for up to 50% off
to select San Diego Padres home games at PETCO
Park. Games range from May 14 to Sept. 24.