Yi-Hsin Chen - College of Education

Yi-Hsin Chen
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Measurement and Research
College of Education
University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Ave, EDU162
Tampa, Fl 33620-7750
Phone: (813) 974-4964
2000 – 2006
1992 - 1994
Ph. D., Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Major:— Measurement, Statistics, & Methodological Studies
In Educational Psychology
M.A., Taipei Municipal Teachers College, Taipei, Taiwan
(Now Taipei Municipal University of Education)
Major: Elementary Education - Evaluation
1987 – 1992
B.A., Taipei Municipal Teachers College, Taipei, Taiwan
(Now Taipei Municipal University of Education)
Major: Elementary Education, with Honors
Minor: Counseling
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
2006 – Now Assistant Professor of the Educational Measurement and Research Department,
College of Education
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
2005 – 2006
Research Assistant, supervised by Dr. Mark Roosa & Dr. Jenn-Yun Tein
Working in Prevention Research Center (PRC) at ASU as a data analyst.
This project focuses on exploring diversity within Mexican Americans on both
cultural orientation (i.e., from very traditional Mexican to very mainstream U.S.) and
traditional demographics (e.g., SES) and the relationship of this diversity to the need
for mental health services.
Major responsibilities include conducting Multilevel Modeling (MLM) and Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) analyses by using SAS, SPSS, and Mplus, etc.
Yi-Hsin Chen
2004 – 2005
Research Assistant, supervised by Dr. Marilyn Thompson & Dr. Joanna Gorin
Project: The Pursuit of Post-Secondary Education: Exploring Underrepresented
Groups in Arizona, ASU COE Stimulus Grant.
Responsibilities included searching possible ethnic data sources, such as College
Board, NCES website, Department of Education, making graphs for ethnic groups
comparisons, choosing appropriate variables from National Education Longitudinal
Study of 1988 (NELS: 1988) dataset, conducting logistic regression analysis by using
2004 – 2005
AM software.
Research Assistant, supervised by Dr. Joanna Gorin
Project: Investigation of Curriculum Alignment: Improving Elementary Reading and
Mathematics Achievement, Evans and Newton, Inc. My major responsibilities include
designing data management procedure for the study, conducting statistical analyses,
writing the manuscript.
2003 – 2004
Research Assistant, supervised by Dr. Joanna Gorin
Worked in Psychometric Testing and Eye-tracking Laboratory (P-TEL). Major
responsibilities were to develop computerized tests of reading comprehension, and
collect data from college students. Contributions included installing the CAT software
- FASTTEST in the computer server and workstations, creating computerized tests of
reading comprehension, collecting data for reading comprehension tests, extracting
data from FASTTEST and transferring to SPSS format, and conducting Logistic
Linear Latent-Trait Model (LLTM) analyses. The final report was presented at AERA
2003 Summer
2004 annual meeting.
Research Assistant, supervised by Dr. Sam Green
Project: Student Ratings of Teaching Effectiveness. The aim of this project was to
investigate student ratings of teacher effectiveness and provide suggestions to the
College of Education at ASU for revising the student rating form. Contributions
included writing literature review on potential bias of student ratings as well as the
summary and suggestions. The final research report was presented to the Education
College Council.
2002 – 2003
Teaching Assistant, supervised by Dr. Marilyn Thompson
Assisted in teaching Multiple Regression and Correlation, a graduate level course.
Responsibilities included teaching basic SPSS skills, evaluating students’ homework,
and providing office hours and consultation.
2001 – 2002
Research Assistant, supervised by Dr. Marilyn Thompson
Worked in Educational Data Communication, Analysis, Research, and Evaluation
Lab (EDCARE lab).
Responsibilities included conducting statistical analyses and providing statistics and
measurement consultation. Contributed to using BILOG and BILOG-MG to get item
Yi-Hsin Chen
parameters and test information for large-scale assessment program. And applied
TESTFACT program to examine the unidimensionality of tests.
Professional Experience in Taiwan
Research Assistant
1997 – 2000
Research Assistant, supervised by Dr. George Chang
Project: Relationship of Teacher Criticism to Students' Self-concept in Elementary
Schools. Funded by National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan, R.O.C.
Wrote and submitted the project proposal to NSC. Interviewed students, created the two
new surveys of teacher criticism and student self-concept, collected data, conducted
statistical analysis, and wrote research report.
1996 – 1997
Research Assistant, supervised by Dr. Chao-Wei Dan & Dr. Mei-Ying Tang
Project: An Exploration of Human Rights Education in Elementary Schools. Funded by
National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Conducted literature search to define the human rights of elementary students.
1993 – 1994
Research Assistant, supervised by Dr. Fu-Shan Jang
Project: Reference Manuals of Teaching and Evaluation of Elementary Schools. Funded
by Taipei Municipal Education Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Conducted qualitative analyses in terms of cognitive components hidden in the
elementary school textbooks. Edited the results into reference manuals and provided
these manuals to teachers of elementary schools.
Research Assistant, supervised by Dr. Lan-Wen Mou
Project: Establishing Guidance Center. Funded by National Science Council (NSC),
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Took notes regarding the discussion of meetings and summarized conclusions.
1998 & 1999
Evaluator, Assessment of textbook on Moral Education. Funded by Ministry of
Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Provided suggestions to revise the textbook of Moral Education.
Evaluator, Assessment of test items on Mathematics, Funded by Ministry of Education,
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Provided qualitative analyses of mathematics tests.
Teaching Experience in Schools
1997 – 2000
Elementary School Teacher, Taipei Municipal San-Yu Elementary School.
Taught Computers in grades 5-6 and also provided computer lessons to colleagues.
Designed the school Internet network, managed the computerized administrative affairs,
Yi-Hsin Chen
and maintained the computers in school.
Director of Teaching Evaluation Study Group, Taipei Municipal San-Yu Elementary
Hosted the biweekly meeting, provided information on new evaluation methods, and
wrote meeting conclusions.
1991-1992 &
Elementary School Teacher, Taipei Municipal Wen-Chang Elementary School
Taught Chinese, Math, Science, and Social Science in grade 4.
Assisted in school affairs of academic administration, and taught Computers in grade 6.
Chen, Y.-H., Gorin, J. S., Thompson, M. S. & Tatsuoka, K. (April, 2006). Verification of Cognitive
Attributes Required to Solve the TIMSS-1999 Mathematics Items for Taiwanese Students.
Collected in the database of Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) (ED 491509).
Thomspon, M. S., Gorin, J. S., Obeidat, K., & Chen, Y.-H. (In press). Academic precursors of
underrepresented groups in higher education: Findings from multiple data sources. To appear
in Journal of Negro Education.
Thompson, M. S., Green, S. B., Chen, Y.-H., Stockford, S., & Lo, W.-J. (2005). Power of the t test for
normal and mixed normal distributions. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 4,
Yu, C. H., & Osborn, S. (2005). Test equating by common items and common subjects: Concepts and
applications. Practical Assessment Research and Evaluation, 10. [On-line] Available URL:
http://pareonline.net/pdf/v10n4.pdf . (Special thanks to Chen, Yi-Hsin for helping in compiling
the table of comparing between Winsteps and Bilog.)
Chen, Y.-H., & Thompson, M. S. (2004). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of a School Self-Concept
Inventory. Collected in the database of Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) (ED
Chen, Y.-H., & Thompson, M. S. (April, 2003). Relations among teacher expectancies, student
perceptions of teacher oral feedback, and student self-concept: An empirical study in
Taiwanese elementary schools. Collected in the database of Education Resources Information
Center (ERIC) (ED 482682).
Conference Presentations
Chen, Y.-H., Gorin, J. S., Thompson, M. S. & Tatsuoka, K. (April, 2007). An Alternative Examination
of Taiwanese Mathematics Achievement: Application of Rule -Space Methodology to
TIMSS-1999. Submitted to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Yi-Hsin Chen
Chen, Y.-H., Gorin, J. S., Thompson, M. S. & Tatsuoka, K. (April, 2006). Verification of Cognitive
Attributes Required to Solve the TIMSS-1999 Mathematics Items for Taiwanese Students.
Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San
Francisco, California.
Thompson, M. S., Gorin, J. S., Obeidat, K., & Chen, Y.-H. (April, 2006). Academic Precursors of
Underrepresented Groups in Postsecondary Education: Findings from Multiple Data Sources.
Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San
Francisco, California.
Chen, Y.-H. (October, 2005). Application of Rule-Space Methodology to Taiwanese Eighth -Grade
Mathematics Achievement: From Micro -Skill Perspectives. Presented at the annual meeting of
the Arizona Educational Research Organization, Phoenix, Arizona.
Gorin, J. S., Thompson, M. S., Obeidat, K., & Chen, Y.-H. (October, 2005). Using Multiple Data
Sources to Support Diversity Research: Examining Underrepresentation in Postsecondary
Education. Presented at the 2005 Educating All of One Nation Conference of the National
Council on Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Yang, Y., Argo, A., Lo, W.-J., Chen, Y.-H., Gorin, J. S., Green, S. B., Thompson, M. S., Krech, P. R., &
Mitchell, L. (April, 2005). Item Analysis Methods for Emergent Factors: A Case Study of a
Stress Scale. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association. Montréal, Canada.
Chen, Y.-H. (October, 2004). Cognitively Diagnostic Examination of Mathematics Achievement:
Improving Construct Validation of Tests and Interpretations of Test Scores. Presented at the
annual meeting of the Arizona Educational Research Organization, Tempe, Arizona.
Chen, Y.-H., Lo, W.-J., & Yang, Y. (October, 2004). Exploring the Effects of Teachers’Characteristics
on Students’Attitude and Mathematics Achievements: Application of HLM to Taiwan Data
from TIMSS-1999. Presented at the annual meeting of the Arizona Educational Research
Organization, Tempe, Arizona.
Chen, Y.-H., & Thompson, M. S. (October, 2004). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of a School
Self-Concept Inventory. Presented at the annual meeting of the Arizona Educational Research
Organization, Tempe, Arizona.
Gorin, J. S., & Chen, Y.-H. (April, 2004). Manipulation of Processing Difficulty on Reading
Comprehension Test Questions: A Step Towards Item Generation. Presented at the annual
meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California.
Chen, Y.-H., Lo, W.-J., & Yang, Y. (October, 2003). Analyzing Data from Complex Large-Scale
Samples. Presented at the annual meeting of the Arizona Educational Research Organization,
Tempe, Arizona.
Rivera, R., Yang, Y., Chen, Y.-H., & Green, S. B. (October, 2003). Evaluation of Student Ratings of
College Instruction: A Case Study. Presented at the annual meeting of the Arizona Educational
Research Organization, Tempe, Arizona.
Yi-Hsin Chen
Chen, Y.-H., & Thompson, M. S. (April, 2003). Relations among teacher expectancies, student
perceptions of teacher oral feedback, and student self-concept: An empirical study in
Taiwanese elementary schools. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Thompson, M. S., Green, S. B., Stockford, S. M., Chen, Y.-H., & Lo, W.-J. (April, 2002). The .05
Level: The probability that the independent-samples t test should be applied? Presented at the
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Stockford, S., Lo, W.-J., Chen, Y.-H., Thompson, M. S., Green, S. B., & Yu, C. H. (October, 2001).
Confronting the statistical assumptions: New alternatives for comparing groups. Presented at
the annual meeting of the Arizona Educational Research Organization, Tempe, Arizona.
Workshops and Seminar Presentations
Chen, Y. H. (June, 2006). Rule-Space Software Workshop: Introductions and Applications of
BUGSHELL. Invited to present to Psychometric Testing and Eye-tracking Laboratory (P-TEL)
at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Chen, Y.-H. (November, 2005). Examining Mathematical Processing Knowledge and Sub-skills of
Mathematics Achievement: Application of Rule-Space Methodology. Invited to present to
Testing, Evaluation, Assessment and Research (TEAR) Group at Arizona State University,
Tempe, Arizona.
Thompson, M. S., Green, S. B., Stockford, S. M., Chen, Y.-H., & Lo, W.-J. (April, 2002). Applying
newer parametric approaches to old parametric problems: Trimmed means, bootstrapping,
and dominance statistics. Presented as an Educational Psychology brownbag seminar and as a
Psychology Department Quantitative Series seminar at Arizona State University, Tempe,
Papers Under Review or In Progress
Under Review
Green, S. B., Thompson, M. S., Lo, W.-J., Stockford, S. M., & Chen, Y.-H. (Submitted). Another view
of the independent samples t test: A test of mean pairwise differences between groups.
Submitted to Journal of Statistics Education.
Yang, Y., Argo, A., Lo, W.-J., Chen, Y.-H., Gorin, J. S., Green, S. B., Thompson, M. S., Krech, P. R., &
Mitchell, L.(Submitted). Item analysis methods for emergent factors: A case study of a stress
scale. Submitted to Psychological Assessment.
Under Revision
Chen, Y.-H., Thompson, M. S., & Chang, G. H. Relations among teacher expectancies, student
perceptions of teacher oral feedback, and student self-concept: An empirical study in
Taiwanese elementary schools.
Chen, Y.-H., & Thompson, M. S. Confirmatory Factor Analysis of a School Self-Concept Inventory.
Thompson, M. S., Green, S. B., Stockford, S. M., Chen, Y.-H., & Lo, W.-J. Comparing two
Yi-Hsin Chen
independent groups: Beyond differences in means and t tests. Will submit soon to Journal of
Modern Applied Statistical Methods.
Chen, Y.-H., Gorin, J. S., Thompson, M. S. & Tatsuoka, K. Application of Rule-Space Methodology to
Taiwanese Eighth-Grade Mathematics Achievement: From Micro-Skill Perspectives.
Chen, Y.-H., Gorin, J. S., Thompson, M. S. & Tatsuoka, K. Cognitively Diagnostic Examination of
Mathematics Achievement: Improving Construct Validation and Utility of Test Scores.
Chen, Y.-H. (May, 2006). Cognitively Diagnostic Examination of Taiwanese Mathematics
Achievement on TIMSS-1999 . Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Arizona State University,
Tempe, Arizona.
Publications in Chinese
Theses and Project Reports
Chen, Yi-Hsin. (1994). The application of item response theory and knowledge structure analysis to
analyze sixth graders' achievement on social study. Unpublished master thesis . Taipei
Municipal Teacher College, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, Yi-Hsin. (1991). An Exploration of Teachers College students' sub-culture. In Chen, Yi-Hsin et
al. (eds.), Students' Memorial Essays (pp195-213). Taipei: Department of Elementary
Education, Taipei Municipal Teachers College.
Chang, G.., Chen, Y.- H., Chen, C. Y., & Jang, M. C. (1999). Relationship of Teacher Criticism to
Students' self-concept in Elementary School. Research Report, NSC87-2413-H-133-008.
National Science Council (NSC), Taipei, Taiwan.
Dan, Chao-Wei., Tang, Mei-Ying., Chen, Yi-Hsin, & Liu, Chao-Wen. (1998), Human Rights
Protection and Education: An Exploration of Human Rights Education in Elementary Schools.
Research Report, NSC87-2413-H-133-006-F11. National Science Council (NSC), Taipei,
Chapters in Books and Journal Articles
Chen, Yi-Hsin. (1998). The application of item response theory and knowledge structure analysis to
analyze sixth graders' achievement on social study. In Wu, Chin-Shan et al. (eds.), Graduate
Students' Memorial Theses (pp32-41). Graduate Institute of Elementary Education, Taipei
Municipal Teachers College.
Chen, Yi-Hsin et al. (1994). Reference Manuals of teaching and Evaluation of Elementary Schools.
Taipei: Taipei Municipal Education Bureau Press.
Chen, Yi-Hsin. (1993). Causal Comparative Research. In Chen, Yi-hsin et al. (eds.), Research Methods
in Education (pp139-154). Graduate Institute of Elementary Education, Taipei Municipal
Teachers College.
Chen, Yi-Hsin., & Liu, Chao-Wen. (1999). Effective teaching strategies: An inquiry into cognitive
process of reading. Teachers World, 102, 78-85.
Yi-Hsin Chen
Chen, Yi-Hsin.(1997). An exploration of teacher criticism. Education Research & Information, 4(5),
Chen, Yi-Hsin. (1994). Influence of reading strategies on text learning. Education Data Digest, 192,
Conference Proposal Reviewer
2007 AERA National Convention :
Division D-Measurement and Research Methodology; Section 1-Educational Measurement,
Psychometrics, and Assessment
SIG (Special Interest Group): Structural Equation Modeling
October, 2002
Psychology in Education Promising Scholars Fellowship. Presented by College of
2001 – 2006
Education, Arizona State University.
Graduate Assistantship, Division of Psychology in Education, Arizona State
August, 1992
Graduate Student Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- June 1994
Paid monthly.
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Arizona Educational Research Organization (AERO)
National Council on Measurement Education (NCME)