MY FUTURE PORTFOLIO Grade 9 Learning Strategies

Grade 9 Learning Strategies (GLE 10) Final Culminating Activity
You will be creating a portfolio to showcase what information and strategies you have
learned and how this will affect your future career and life plans. There will be several
sections, so include a ‘Table of Contents’ and ‘title pages’ with graphics for each
section. Remember to have an opening title page. Be creative with colour and
graphics. All work will be typed and double-spaced. You may either put the completed
project in a duo-tang or simply use 2 staples along the edge to make a booklet.
Remember this is a “showcase of your work”, so be as neat, precise, and creative as
you can. Class time is given, but you will also be expected to do individual work on your
Please include:
Portfolio Title Page with graphics to decorate
Table of Contents
Labelled Sections with graphics to decorate
Attach all typed Reflections and Section One research
Section Seven Graphics Collage
SECTION ONE: Exploring Future School and Career Activities
Using and you will research a future career, a
schooling path get you there, and then complete a plan for your 4 years at High
School. Make sure that the courses you pick reflect the prerequisites you will need for
your future education to meet your career goals. Remember your future could include
University, College, an Apprenticeship, or preparation for the Work World.
Include the following:
A. Your typed reflection will identify what your plans are and how you feel this will
impact you.
B. The information from My Blue Print including your completed 4 year plan
C. Your future Schooling Information including the details of a chosen Educational
Institution, and a sample description about your chosen career, its prospects for
the future, salary ranges etc.
SECTION TWO: Learning Styles
Please type a 1/2 page paragraph explaining what you have learned about your
‘learning preferences Include your preferred learning style (audio, visual, and/or
kinesthetic), Whether you are left-brained or right- brained or both, and how you use
these preferences to help you learn and study. What ways, according to Gardner’s
Nine Intelligences, are you ‘Smart’? Name your top three Strengths and explain how
these help you learn. Then examine your Weaknesses or Areas for Improvement. How
could you improve on these? How could practicing these improve your study skills?
Please be as honest as possible-in your reflection.
SECTION THREE: Setting Goals
Please explain in a 2 page reflection the importance of setting appropriate goals.
Describe the difference between long-term and Short-term goals. Give examples of
each of these, and explain how you Will use them to affect your future. Describe how
you will carry through with a plan for accomplishing each Goal. What kind of planning
and organization Will you need to succeed? Also, explore any ‘bad habits’ you have
that could hinder your goals and therefore your success. Examples of these could
include but are not limited to: procrastination, lack of homework completion, poor
organizational skills, poor planning, little goal setting, lack of initiative and/or motivation,
or poor study habits.
SECTION FOUR: Personal Management Skills
Please define these and name which ones you ranked high and low. You might need
to revisit your notes to refresh your memory. How will your best skills help you
succeed? How could you work on the lower ranked skills to help you in the future? How
could these skills he meaningful, not only for school but for life? Give examples. Why
would you consider these ‘Employability Skills’? When might you be called upon to use
them in the Workplace? When might you need to self-advocate for yourself` in school
or in life? Again, be as reflective and honest with yourself as you can, as this will only
benefit you in the future.
SECTION FIVE: Concept Collage
Please create an 8 x 10 graphics collage depicting visual symbols of several ideas and
concepts we have learned over the semester. These could include words and pictures
about learning, studying, the future, careers, stress, balance, goals, values, personality,
learning styles, skills, abilities, school activities, strengths, Weaknesses, teamwork,
Ways of being smart, conflict resolution, communication, life, friends, resources, your
dreams, etc. Use your imagination and be colourful and creative. Display your talent,
knowledge and creativity. This is your showcase for your abilities.
Have fun with this Portfolio. It is a showcase of all that von have learned and
accomplished, and it hints at all that You will become fox° your successful and
rewarding future. Think, reflect, and display your talents, skills and abilities. Show your
creative energy.