iヽ )rrtr、 ,::│ぜ j :││,イ l.‐ il l'1:ヽ 1, 1国 目 IGC//EP̲NANCE COMMISsloN FOR GOVLRNMENT OWNED OR CONIROl̲LE D(:O RP()に ヽT101■ lS 3/F,Cnibank cemer,8741 Pas∞ De Roxas,Makal Cny,Ph‖ ippines 1226 HON.JUAN B.SANTOS Jrc Z 3raFl{ 鵬 E明 、 ンm え 「 C力 alrmar7 HON.EM:LIO S.DE QUl Presdeη l and Cわ たfE 11・ ̀ 27 SOCIAL SECUR:TY SYSTEM East Avenue,Diliman,Quezon Cnガ RE : SSS RESTRUCTURINC PL̀ Dear Chairman Santos and PCEO De Quiros, This pertains to the SSS letter dated 25 September 20151, requesting to consider the SSS Reorganization of the Branch Operations Sector (BOS) and Medical Services Division (MSD) as 'rationalization' rather than 'reorganization'. We understand from your letter that in the course of implementing M.O. No. 2015-09 (Reorganization of the Branch Operations Sector and Medical Division of SSS), SSS was advised by the CSC-NCR Office and Director Claudia A. Tan of the CSC Field Otfice-SSS that there are significant distinctions between 'reorganization' and'rationalization', as follows: (a) Reorganization is covered by R.A. 6656, while rationalization is covered by E.O. No.366; (b) Under reorganization, all positions are deemed vacant, while under rationalization, there is no need to announce all positions as vacant; a (c) Under reorganization, reclassification and retitling of positions are not allowed, while under a rationalization, these personnel actions are allowed; and (d) Under reorganization, since all positions are deemed vacant, incumbents need to re-apply for their positions, new appointments shall be issued, and the applicants shall be assessed using the SSS Qualification Standards. Meanwhile, under rationalization, incumbents of reclassified positions have a vested right to the reclassified positions. (e) CSC will approve the filling up of newly created positions in SSS, if SSS is able to seek approval from GCG to treat its 'reorganization, as 'rationalization'. We understand that the CSC NCR office informed SSS that it will not process any appointments resulting from GCG MO No. 2015-09 until SSS first declares all positions in the branches as vacant, thus hindering the implementation of the MO. Notably, R.A. No. 6656 does not expressly mention any limitations as to retitling, reclassification or filling up of positions, nor does it make any mention of all positions in ariagency being declared as vacant. Even the lmplementing Rules and Regulations (lRR) of R.A. No. -ooso j-ssued by csc does n_ot expressly require that in a reorganization, ail positions must first be declared as vacant. we understand that the practice of declaring all positions as vacant under a reorganization w-ere adopted by the implementing agencies based on conditions that existed when R.A. No. 6656 was enacted in 1988. 1 officially received by the Governance commission on 29 september 2015 on the other hand, the "Gocc Governance Act of 2012" (R.A. No. .10149) is a rater regulatory regime that gave the Governance commission authority to reorganile coccs based on new laws and jurisprudence, as wefl as cunent conditions of the g6vernmeni. For instance, the practice of declaring all positrons vacant has been declared ai unconsilitutionat by the courl in Mayor v. Macaraig, et al., (gg1), which involved tne reorgEnlation -supreme of the National Labor Relations commission (NLRC) puisuant to R.A. No. 6715. lne court ruled: Now, a recognized cause for severar or termination of emproyment of a Government officer or employee is the abolition by law of his office as a result of reorganization carried out by reason of economy or to remove redundancy of functions, oicrear and explicit constitutionar mandate for such termination of emproyment. Abolition of an office is obviously not the same as the decraration that that office is vacant. while it is undoubtedly a prerogative of the legislature to abolish certain offices, it cannot be conceded the power to simpry pronounce those offices vacant and thereby effectivery remove the occupants or hordeF thereof from the civil service. Such an act would constitute, on its face, an infringement of the constitutional guarantee of security of tenure, and wilt have to be struck down on that account. rt cannot be justified by the professed "need to professionarize the higher levels of officialdom invested with adjudicatory powers and functions, and to upgrade their qualifications, ranks, and salaries or emoluments.,, x x x The inquiry therefore should be whether or not RA 6715 has worked such an abolition of the petitioners' offices, expressry or impriedly. This is the onry mode by which, under the circumstances, the petitioners' removal from their positions may be defended and sustained. It is immediately apparent that there is no express aborition in RA 6715 of the petitioners' positions. so, justification must be sought, if at alr, in an implied abolition thereof, i.e., that resurting from an irreconcirabre inconsistency between the nature, duties and functions of the petitioners' offices under the ord rures and those corresponding thereof under the new law. The Governance commission met with csc-NCR and SSS last 13 November 2015. the above ruling however, we understand from GSC-NCR that csc has not yet D-espite officially changed lts practice of requiring all positions in a reorganization to be declared vacant as a prerequisite to processing any appointments, even for iniumbents whose positions were merely retitled but othenivise not affected. Although organizational changes and creation or changing of positions is under the jurisdiction of the Governance commission pursuant to R.A. No. .tot+g, appointments to such positions remain within the exclusive jurisdiction of cSC pursuant to Seciion 2, Article lX of the 1987 Constitution. Thus pending a revisit by CSC of its practice and internal guidelines on processing appointments resulting from a reorganization, attached for your referince is GCG Mo No. 2015-09 (Re-lssued) renaming the organizational change as ,,Restructuring,, instead of "Reorganization." According to the csc-NCR office, the chinge in term would allow sss to process appointments resulting from the GCG Mo without havlng to first oecLie alt positions as vacant and thereby unnecessarily cause uncertainty on the s--ecurity oitenure ot incumbents who are clearly not affected by the GCG MO. under the "Restructuring, new positions and recrassified positions (invorving a s|bstantial change in duties) must still adhere to the rules and regulations ot tfre biviiService Commission (CSC) on qualification standards. Retitled positionslwith no suostantiai in duties) wilr arso have to be registered with csc foilowing 'tneir appiicanie' cnange rurel-ano regulations. Accordingry, we crarify the terms of GCG Memoiandum oioer zot s_og (nelssued) as follows. 2 Mayor v. Macaraig,194 SCRA672 (1991) 1. 2. 3, Retained and refilled positions are not deemed vacant. lncumbents may continue to occupy said positions. lncumbents of abolished positions are subject to the rures on removar and separation of employees. NEWCREATED positions are vacant. Applicants are subject recruitment process of SSS. 4. to the positions, insofar as the reclassification entails a modification in the Job Grade, are vacant and the positions recrassified are deemed ABoLISHED. lncumbents of reclassified positions must re_ apply for these positions. RECLASStFtED .we trust that the foregoing will enable sss to immediately process the necessary appointments with cSC for its new branches and improve service delivery to its members. FoR YoUR INFoRMATIoN AND GUIDANcE. Very truly yours, ″ ― RAINIER B BUTALID ― Cc: DBM Secretary FLORENCiO B ABAD DOF Secretary CESAR V PUR:SIMA CSC Chairperon AL:CiA DELA ROSA‐ BALA CSC NCR Ofrce CSC Director CLAUDlA A TAN,CSC Field Omce.Sss Commissioner 12/1/2015 │ REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OFBUDGET AND MANAGEMENT General Solano St San Miguel,Manila ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RECE:P丁 The Department of Budget and Management hereby acknowledges the receipt of your letter/request which has been uploaded to the DBM-Document Management System and routed to the appropriate office/s with the following information: Sender: GCG¨ SSS― PERSONAL Document Title: GCG― SSS― RE.SSS FURNISHED) DEL:VERY RESTRUCttURING PLAN OF BOS&MSD(COPY Document Reference No:201)BC‑096386 Date and Time Uploaded:Tuesday,December 01,20154:19:39 PM Uploaded By: RECEIVING― Chenリ Routed To: BMB¨ C TEODORiCO:LAGA CC: Total no of pages l copy and 3 pages received: The determination of the completeness of the documentary requirements submitted, evaluation of the technical person in charge. This receipt is system generated and does not require signature. Received by: DOCUMttN丁 MANAGttMEN丁 M SYS丁 種 frttp://dms.dbm.gw.$r/lorne.aspx if any, is subject to the ヽ2 Otfir nf tltr {lrrsilcrrl of thr l:llliIiuprtrrs GOVERNANCE COMMIssloN FOR GOVLRNMENT Oヽ VNED OR CONTROLLED(iORPo島 ハ (T10NS 3′ R鷺 剛 呈NGCu F,Cnibank cmer,8741 Pas∞ De Roxas,Makati Cny,Ph‖ ippines 1226 HON.JUAN BosANTOS 2 C力 arirman 乙2015 HON.EMiL:OS.DE QU:ROS,JR. Presideη f and cゎ たfExecυ flive Ottcer fPcEOリ SOCIAL SECUR:TY SYSTEM(SSs) East Avenue,Diliman,QuezOn ctty RE Dear Chairman Santos and PCEO De euiros, This pertains to the SSS letter dated 25 September 20151, requesting to consider the !!^S-Reorganization gltn: Branch operations sector (Bos) and Medical Services Division (MSD) as 'rationalization' rather than 'reorganizationl We'understand from your letter that in the course of implementing M.o. No z0ls-09 (Reorganization of the Branch operations Sector and Medical Division ot sss), sss was ad;i;; 6v tn" csc-NCR Office and Director Claudia A' Tan of the CSC Field office-SSS that there are significant distinctions between 'reorganization' and,rationatization,, as follows: (a) Reorganization is covered by R.A. 6656, while rationalization is covered by E.O. No. 366; (b) Under reorganization, all positions are deemed vacant, while under ' a rationalization, there is no need to announce all positions as r."rnt; (c) Under reorganization, reclassification and retifling of positions are not allowed, while under a rationalization, these personnel ac"tions are attoweo; anO (d) Under reorganization, since all positions are deemed vacant, incumbents need to re-apply for their positions, new appointments shall be issued, and the applicants shall be assessed using ine ssS eualification sianoaros, Meanwhile' under rationalization, incuirbents of reclassified positions have a vested right to the reclassified positions. (e) CSC will approve the filling up of newly created positions in SSS, if SSS is able to segk approvar from GCG to treat its ,reorganiiation, as 'rationalization'. we understand that the csc NCR office informed SSs that it will not process any appointments resulting from GCG Mo No. 2015-09 until sss tirst oeclares aiipositions in the branches as vacant, thus.hindering the implementation of the Mo. Notabt, h.n. ruo. ooso does not expressly. mention any limitations as to retifling, reclassification'or filling up of positions, nor does it.make any mention of all positions in-.n .g"n.y being declared as vacant. Even the lmplementing Rules and Regulations (tRRj or n.n.-rrro.'ooso i-..r"J by csc does not expressly require..that in a reorgariization, ail poiition. must first be declared as vacant. we understand that the practice oideclaring all as vacant under a reorganization iositions were adopted by the implementing agencies-based on tonoition. that existed when R.A. No. 6656 was enacted in 199g. 1 officially received by the Governance commission on 29 september 2015 i鷲 署聾尊∬ il市曇 舅 iI upgrade their qua‖ lcat ons,ranks,and sa 占λ 端報:'m聴;剰鼻 靭 聾脳事 撻∬♀ 憾忌 撒1鮮 鮒 j尉 麟 鮮 嶋 週[抵 献 11蝋 冨ざ酬 8:e面 2 Mayor v. Macaraig,194 SCRA 672 (1991). y On he secuny dね nuЮ d l 2. 3. 4. neta)neo and refrtled positions are not deemed vacant. rncumbents may continue to occupy said positions. lncumbents of abo_/rshed positions are subject to the rules on removal and separation of employees. NEWrcREATED positions^ vacant. Applicants recruitment process of SSS. "re are subject to the RECLA.StFtED positions, insofar as the reclassification entails a modification in the Job Grade, are vacant and the positions ,""lr."ifi"i are deemed ABoLTsHED. tncumbenGJileclassifiei positions ,;: apply for these positions. ;uJ we trust that the foreqoing wi, enabre sss to immediatery process csc for iti nei branches ,no irpior" r"rice derivery to itsthe necessary appointments with members. FoR YoUR INFoRMATIoN AND GUIDANcE, Very truly yours, 一 ″ RA:NiER B.BuTALID 一 Cc: 群灘 j棚鶉鐙BM CSC Director CLAUD:A A TAN,CSC Fie:d Ofrcesss Commissioner