- Association of Medical Research Charities

All-Party Parliamentary
Group on Medical Research
Annual General Meeting
Churchill Room, House of Commons
Wednesday 10 July 2013
Note of meeting
Dr Christiane Abouzeid
Professor Judith Bliss
Dan Bridge
Tracey Brown
Christina Clark
Head of Regulatory Affairs
Director, Clinical Trials &
Statistics Unit
Policy Manager
Director of Research &
Senior Policy Adviser
Policy Intern
Jessica Clark
Mark Edwards
Senior Company Counsel
R&D Director
Dr Mahdi Farhan
Group Clinical Director
Ruth Francis
George Freeman MP
Dr Tom Foulkes
Head of Communications
Dr Laura Boothman
Dr Kieran Breen
Will Greenacre
Emma Greenwood
Dr Matt Hoghton
Programme Manager:
Experimental Medicine
Wellcome Research Fellow in
Policy Officer
Head of Policy Development
Medical Director
Baroness Howe
Dr Julian Huppert MP
Ella Jackson
Deborah Kahn
Dr Sabine Kleinert
Public Affairs Officer
Director of Publishing
Senior Executive Editor
Dr Ben Goldacre
Peter Knight
Dr Sile Lane
Kate Law
Rebecca Lumsden
Dr David Lynn
Catherine Meaden
Dr Sarah Meredith
Professor Jonathan
Melissa Norton
Nicola Perrin
Becky Purvis
Deputy Director, Head of
Research Information and
Director of Campaigns
Director of Clinical and
Population Research
Policy Officer
Director; Strategic Planning and
Communications Director
Deputy Director
Deputy Editor (UK)
Head of Policy
Head of Policy
UK Biondustry Association
Institute of Cancer Research
Arthritis Research UK
Parkinson's UK
Cancer Research UK
Sense About Science
Association of Medical
Research Charities
Elsevier Limited
Ethical Medicines Industry
Roche Global Clinical
BioMed Central
House of Commons
Medical Research Council
London School of Hygiene &
Tropical Medicine
Wellcome Trust
Cancer Research UK
Royal College of General
Practitioners Clinical Innovation
& Research Centre
House of Lords
House of Commons
NHS Confederation
BioMed Central
The Lancet
Department of Health
Sense About Science
Cancer Research UK
Association of British
Pharmaceutical Industry
Wellcome Trust
Association of the British
Pharmaceutical Industry
MRC Clinical Trials Unit
Health Research Authority
Wellcome Trust
Association of Medical
Research Charities
All-Party Parliamentary
Group on Medical Research
Proposed workplan
Annual General Meeting
Dr Christina Reith
Richard Stephens
Clinical Research Fellow, CTSU
NCRI Consumer Liaison Group
Lord Turnberg
Dr Martin Turner
Senior Policy Officer
Lord Walton
Dr Sarah Wollaston MP
Liz Woolf
Dr Naho Yamazaki
Head of Cancer Help UK
Policy Manager
University of Oxford
National Cancer Research
House of Lords
Association of Medical
Research Charities
House of Lords
House of Commons
Cancer Research UK
Academy of Medical Sciences
Voting in of officers
Chair - Lord Turnberg
Vice-Chair - Lord Kakkar
Treasurer - Dr Julian Huppert MP
Secretary - Lord Davies of Coity
There has been no change to the membership of the group.
Review of APPG Medical research activity over 2012-13
How data saves lives – Unlocking the research potential of information
11 July 2012
Summer Reception
Attendees: 231
16 MPs (including shadow Science Minister Chi Onwurah)
29 peers
Speakers: Earl Howe, Minister for Research, DH; Lord Turnberg, Chair, APPG on Medical Research; Sir
John Savill, Chief Executive, MRC; Professor Nic Jones, Chief Scientist, Cancer Research UK; and Anthony
Cox, person with Parkinson’s.
A vision for research in the NHS
23 January 2013
Breakfast meeting
Attendees: 61
6 MPs (including George Freeman MP, life sciences advisor to David Willetts)
11 peers
Speakers: Lord Turnberg (Chair), Chair, APPG on Medical Research; Dr Russell Hamilton, Director of
Research and Development, DH; Sharmila Nebhrajani, Chief Executive, AMRC; Professor Dion Morton,
Professor of Surgery, Birmingham University; Dr Caroline Mitchell, GP and Senior Lecturer, Sheffield
University; and Dr Nicki Latham, Chief Operating Officer, HEE.
All-Party Parliamentary
Group on Medical Research
Proposed workplan
Annual General Meeting
The interface between public, charity and industry funders
6 February 2013
Annual Dinner meeting
Attendees: 57
4 MPs
12 peers
Speakers: Baroness Morgan (Chair), House of Lords; David Willetts MP, Minister for Universities and
Science; Professor Mariana Mazzucato, Professor of Science and Technology Policy, Sussex University; Sir
John Savill, Chief Executive, MRC; Dr Liam O’Toole, Chief Executive, Arthritis Research UK, Professor
Roberto Solari, Visiting Professor, Imperial College London and GSK.
Investing in medical research for the UK’s future
A breakfast with Sir Paul Nurse
14 May 2013
Breakfast meeting
Attendees: 51
5 MPs
9 peers
Speakers: Dr Julian Huppert MP (chair); Professor Sir Paul Nurse, President of the Royal Society and Chief
Executive, Francis Crick Institute; Harpal S Kumar MA, MEng, MBA, Chief Executive Officer, Cancer
Research UK; Dr Patrick Vallance, President, Pharmaceuticals Research and Development,
Health APPGs Chairs’ Forum: embedding research in the NHS
15 May 2013
Breakfast meeting
Attendees: about 40
7 MPs
9 peers
Speakers: Lord Turnberg (Chair), Chair, APPG on Medical Research; Nigel Lewis-Baker, Patient
Ambassador, Cancer Research UK; Dr Peter Brindle, GP and R&D Programme Director, Bristol, North
Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Groups; Dr Louise Leong, Head of Research
and Development, Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry; Professor Sir Patrick Sissons, Clinical
Vice-President, Academy of Medical Sciences; Professor Jonathan Montgomery, Chair, Health Research
Authotiry; Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, National Media Director, NHS England; Dr Dave Rosser, Medical
Director, University Hospitals Birmingham
Sharing results and data in medical research and AGM
10 July 2013
Breakfast meeting
Speakers: Dr Julian Huppert MP (chair), Tracey Brown, Sense About Science; Peter Knight, Department of
Health, Professor Jonathan Montgomery, Health Research Authority; Nicola Perrin, The Wellcome Trust; Dr
Mahdi Farhan, Roche.
All-Party Parliamentary
Group on Medical Research
Proposed workplan
Annual General Meeting
Discussion of proposed activities for the coming year, 2013-14
October/November 2013 – Possible event discussing the implications of spending round decisions
October/November 2013 – Research in children and young people
January/February 2014 - Annual dinner, possibly on genomics and personalised medicine
Spring/summer 2014 – Reception and panel discussion launching a booklet demonstrating the value
of medical research to the UK
2014 (TBC) – Meeting during consultation on draft regulations, or ahead of parliamentary debate of
regulations, to allow mitochondrial transfer for treatment of mitochondrial diseases.