Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (GJPAM) ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 11,Number 1 (2015) © Research India Publications ::: MULTI-SERVER FUZZY QUEUEING MODEL USING DSW ALGORITHM S. Shanmugasundaram Assistant Professor, B.Venkatesh Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Government Arts College, Salem-7, India E-mail: . Department of Mathematics Sona College of Technology, Salem-5, India E-mail: Abstract- In this paper we study DSW algorithm in II. DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM fuzzy set for multiserver queueing system. DSW algorithm is one of the approximate methods based on the α-cut representation of fuzzy sets in a standard interval analysis. Numerical example is also given. We consider a traditional queueing system with multi server(C), calling population is infinite and queue discipline is first in first out. i.e) ( M/M/C : KEYWORDS: interarrival time, service time, membership function, fuzzy number, DSW algotithm , standard interval analysis. /FIFO ). Arrival rate and service rate are fuzzy numbers denoted by I . INTRODUCTION and . The inter arrival time (A) & service times (S) are represented by the following fuzzy sets. The aim of all investigations in queueing theory is to get the main performance measures of the system: number of customers in the system, average waiting time in system, etc. A S In traditional queueing theory the inter arrival times and service times are required to follow certain distributions. In real life, the arrival rate and service rate are represented by linguistic terms such as high, low or moderate can be best described by fuzzy sets. Where X and Y are the crisp universal sets of the inter arrival time and service time. The membership functions of A and S are Fuzzy queueing model have been developed by researchers Li and Lee[2 ], Chen[4] using Zadeh’s extension principle[1]. Traditional queueing model will be more realistic if it is converted into fuzzy queueing model. A S Where and are crisp sets using -cuts. Using different levels of confidence intervals , the interarrival time and service time are represented. 45 Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (GJPAM) ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 11,Number 1 (2015) © Research India Publications ::: The membership function P(A,S) is constructed. III. INTERVAL ANALYSIS ARITHMETIC Let I1 and I2 be two interval numbers defined by ordered pairs of real numbers with lower and upper bounds. I1 = [a,b] , a where z1 L(z1 ) I2 = [c,d] , c z 2 z 3 z4 and R(z4 ) = 0. Define a general arithmetic property with the symbol *, An approximate method of extension is propagating where * = [+, -, ×, ÷] symbolically fuzziness for continuous valued mapping determined the the operation. membership functions for the output variables. I1 * I2= [a,b] * [c,d] represents another interval. The interval calculation II. a. THE (FM/FM/C) : ( /FIFO) QUEUE In this model we consider the depends on the magnitudes and signs of the element a, b, first-in first-out c, d. discipline and consider an infinite source population. The [a, b] + [c, d] = [a + c, b + d] inter arrival time and the service time follow exponential distributions . [a, b] − [c, d] = [a − d, b − c] The expected number of customers in the system [a, b] . [c, d] [a, b] ÷ [c, d] = [min (ac, ad, bc, bd) , max (ac, ad, bc, bd ) ] =[a,b]. [c, d] The average waiting time in the system The expected number of customers in the queue IV. DSW ALGORITHM DSW(Dong, Shah and Wong) is one of the approximate methods make use of intervals at various α - cut levels in defining membership functions. It uses full α-cut intervals The average waiting time of a customer in the queue in a standard interval analysis. The DSW algorithm simplifies manipulation of the extension principle for continuous valued fuzzy variables, Where such as fuzzy numbers defined on the real line. 46 Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (GJPAM) ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 11,Number 1 (2015) © Research India Publications ::: Any continuous membership function can be represented by a continuous sweep of α-cut interm from α = 0 to α = 1. Suppose we have single input mapping given by y = f (x) that is to be extended for membership function for the selected α cut level. The DSW algorithm [3] consists of the following steps: 1. Selected a α cut value where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. 2. Find the intervals in the input membership functions that correspond to this α. 3. Using standard binary interval operations ,compute the interval for the output membership function for the selected α- cut level. 4. Repeat steps 1 -3 for different values of α to complete a α- cut representation of the solution. Where V. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE Where x = [11+α , 14–α] & Consider a FM/FM/C queue where both arrival rate and y = [7+α, 10–α] service rate are fuzzy numbers represented by = [11 12 13 14] , = [ 7 8 9 10] and C=3. The interval of confidence at possibility level α as [11+α , 14–α] and [7+α, 10–α]. 47 Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (GJPAM) ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 11,Number 1 (2015) © Research India Publications ::: TABLE: The α-cuts of Ls , Lq,, Ws, Wq at α values . Fig:1 Ls Fig:2 Lq 48 Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (GJPAM) ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 11,Number 1 (2015) © Research India Publications ::: Fig:3 Ws Fig:4 Wq Using MATLAB we perform α – cuts of arrival rate waiting time in the system Ls falls between 1.4367 and service rate and fuzzy expected number of jobs in and2.0938, and it will never fall below 1.1225 or queue at eleven distinct α levels: 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, …1. exceed 4.6184. The above information will be very Crisp intervals for fuzzy expected number of jobs in useful for designing a queueing system. queue at different possibilistic α levels are presented . in table. The performance measures such as expected CONCLUSION number of jobs in the system (Ls), expected length of queue (Lq), expected waiting time of job in queue Fuzzy set theory has been applied in many fields (Wq) and expected waiting time of job in the system particularly in queueing system, it provide broader (Ws) also derived in table. application in many fields. When the inter arrival time and service time are fuzzy variables, according The α – cut represent the possibility that these four DSW performance measure will lie in the associated range. algorithm, the performance measures such as the Specially, α = 0 the range, the performance measures average system length, the average waiting time, etc., could appear and for α = 1 the range,the will be fuzzy. In this numerical example, we performance measures are likely to be. For example, illustrate that the values of Ls ,Lq, Ws, and Wq in the while these four performance measures are fuzzy, the interval [1.4367 , 2.0938], most likely value ofthe expected queue length Lq [0.1197,0.1611], [0.0086, 0.0361] falls between 0.1033 and 0.4688 and its value is respectively. impossible to fall outside the range of 0.0225 and efficiency of the DSW algorithm. 2.6184; it isdefinitely possible that the expected 49 Numerical [0.1033,0.4688 ], example are stationary shows the Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (GJPAM) ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 11,Number 1 (2015) © Research India Publications ::: REFERENCES [10] Buckely.J.J, (1990) “Elementary [1] L.A Jadeh, Fuzzy sets, Information and control queueing theory based on possibility 8 , 338-353 (1965) theory”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 37, [2] Li.R.J and Lee.E.S(1989) “Analysis of fuzzy 43 – 52. queues”, Computers and Mathematics with [11] Negi. 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