FOUNDED IN 1918, Pearson Construction Company’s reputation has been built upon understanding the needs and requirements of each client and providing the service they expect time after time. PROJECTS/LOCAL LANDMARKS Memorial Hospital Berrien County Jail Whirlpool Corporation Ad Center Berrien County Courthouse HISTORY Pearson Construction Company, Inc. (PCCo), headquartered in Benton Harbor, Michigan, began providing construction services in 1918, and since that time has evolved into a full service general contracting, design build and construction management firm. The founder of the company, Joel Pearson, emigrated from Sweden in 1914 and became the first of three generations to lead the company. Incorporated in 1931, the company grew into a nationally known firm handling many governmental, institutional, commercial and industrial projects. During the 1940’s, PCCo established additional offices in Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. To keep pace with the ever-changing face of the construction industry and continue to provide the highest quality with personal service, PCCo has become a regional company focusing on the needs and demands of Southwest Michigan and Northern Indiana. The creation of Pearson Engineering, Inc. in 1956, dba TERA Architects, has allowed Pearson to remain on the forefront of innovation and construction deliverables. Staffed with highly trained and experienced architects, engineers, and designers, TERA provides efficient, economical project design through both traditional and design build methods of project delivery. In 1972, Pearson Equipment and Services, Inc. (PESC) was formed to provide construction equipment services for the region’s building industry. It also provides the necessary skilled labor trades specializing in concrete, carpentry, masonry, and steel erection for the company’s projects. PCCo’s field operations are maintained and supervised by PESC, demonstrating Pearson’s commitment to schedule and budget control by using its own labor forces whenever feasible. Long noted for their leadership in commercial, industrial, and institutional construction, Pearson continues to broaden their professional services to serve the industry needs of today and tomorrow. St. Joseph Catholic Church Napier Parkview Baptist Church INTEGRITY, QUALITY, AND FAIR TREATMENT. USING THESE THREE CONCEPTS, PEARSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. IS GUIDED BY THE FOLLOWING SEVEN PRINCIPLES: WE BUILD. PEARSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. PEARSON EQUIPMENT & SERVICES CORP. TERA ARCHITECTS PEOPLE. WE INVEST in our people, our greatest asset, and provide them the education, training, and resources necessary to succeed personally and professionally. PERFORMANCE. WE ARE MEASURED by our performance, and strive to exceed all expectations; individually and as a company. PROFESSIONALISM. WE HOLD ourselves to the highest ethical and technical standards. PROGRESSIVE. WE STRIVE to continually improve our knowledge and skills, by embracing change, and seeking better ideas and solutions. PASSION. 1929 1943 Sears and JCPenney WE HAVE passion for our work, and use our passion to move projects ahead and find innovative solutions to perplexing problems. PERSEVERANCE. St. Joseph, Niles, and South Haven High Schools WE RESOLVE to expend all resources necessary to complete each task and project beyond normal expectations. Howard Ice Arena Michigan State Police Post-Niles IN THE EVER CHANGING CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY, PEARSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. STILL OPERATES ON THE SOLID FOUNDATION OF PRINCIPALS THAT FOUNDER JOEL PEARSON ESTABLISHED IN 1918: PARTNERSHIP. WE VIEW all relationships as partnerships; together we all succeed. Today Great Lakes Eye Care St. Joseph City Hall Lake Michigan College Lincoln Township Library COVER PHOTO Silver Beach Center and Carousel, Saint Joseph. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Mayo Studios, Hampton Inn–Stevensville, Muskegon, and Grand Rapids St. Joseph, Niles, and Cassopolis Public Libraries 240 West Britain Avenue Benton Harbor, MI 49022 p 269.926.7281 f 269.926.2657 View our complete project list at Former and present Pearson headquarter locations. using a consultative approach for project requirements, discussion and recommendations allows Pearson professionals to understand and satisfy each client individually. PEARSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. WE BUILD. . . That’s what we do, and have been doing successfully since 1918. Relationships that will be the foundation for the future and our mutual success. Trust between the owner and builder; it’s our number one goal. PROVIDING IN- HOUSE skilled tradesmen on projects that assist in maintaining quality and adherence to schedule. Our people through leadership, empowerment, and training. Safely and have built a safety record and program that is second to none. It all, from commercial, industrial and institutional projects, to residential projects. SERVICES Pre-Development Pre-Construction Design Build Design Build Lease General Contracting Construction Management Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings Skilled Trades Facilities Maintenance Community relations that prove we are a great corporate citizen. Green and incorporate green principles from the job site to the corporate offices. Ethics into everything we do; never compromised, never wavered. let us construct your next project! Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor (top) SERVICES Steel Erection Concrete Carpentry Masonry Equipment Operators General Trades Saint Joseph River Yacht Club, Saint Joseph (bottom) PEARSON EQUIPMENT & SERVICES CORP. WE SELF PERFORM. . . with in-house trade professionals. so we can support our own projects. to control the schedule. to ensure quality. with our carpenters. with our masons. with our concrete finishers. with our equipment operators. with our ironworkers. with our equipment. LET US BUILD your next project! Concrete PERO Packaging, Benton Township (top) Steel Erection The Chapel, Stevensville (bottom) Masonry, carpentry, steel erection Silver Beach Center, Saint Joseph (left) The Heritage Museum and Cultural Center, Saint Joseph (left) ARCHITECTURE AND THE AVAILS of thoughtful design are not luxuries to be afforded by a few, but essentials of the built environment to be deserved by all. TERA Architects WE DESIGN. . . Buildings for commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential clients. By creating form and function from client ideas. With professionals that have construction expertise. Through experience and knowledge. With the latest architectural technology available. To meet and exceed expectations. With every budget in mind. LET US DESIGN your next project! SERVICES Project Administration and Management Evaluation and Planning Design Design Build Bidding and Negotiation Contract Administration Whirlpool Corporation Harbor Town Building, Benton Harbor (top) Sarett Nature Center, Benton Harbor (left) Design Build Delivery Tabor Hill Winery & Restaurant, Buchanan (bottom) using a consultative approach for project requirements, discussion and recommendations allows Pearson professionals to understand and satisfy each client individually. PEARSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. WE BUILD. . . That’s what we do, and have been doing successfully since 1918. Relationships that will be the foundation for the future and our mutual success. Trust between the owner and builder; it’s our number one goal. PROVIDING IN- HOUSE skilled tradesmen on projects that assist in maintaining quality and adherence to schedule. Our people through leadership, empowerment, and training. Safely and have built a safety record and program that is second to none. It all, from commercial, industrial and institutional projects, to residential projects. SERVICES Pre-Development Pre-Construction Design Build Design Build Lease General Contracting Construction Management Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings Skilled Trades Facilities Maintenance Community relations that prove we are a great corporate citizen. Green and incorporate green principles from the job site to the corporate offices. Ethics into everything we do; never compromised, never wavered. let us construct your next project! Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor (top) SERVICES Steel Erection Concrete Carpentry Masonry Equipment Operators General Trades Saint Joseph River Yacht Club, Saint Joseph (bottom) PEARSON EQUIPMENT & SERVICES CORP. WE SELF PERFORM. . . with in-house trade professionals. so we can support our own projects. to control the schedule. to ensure quality. with our carpenters. with our masons. with our concrete finishers. with our equipment operators. with our ironworkers. with our equipment. LET US BUILD your next project! Concrete PERO Packaging, Benton Township (top) Steel Erection The Chapel, Stevensville (bottom) Masonry, carpentry, steel erection Silver Beach Center, Saint Joseph (left) The Heritage Museum and Cultural Center, Saint Joseph (left) ARCHITECTURE AND THE AVAILS of thoughtful design are not luxuries to be afforded by a few, but essentials of the built environment to be deserved by all. TERA Architects WE DESIGN. . . Buildings for commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential clients. By creating form and function from client ideas. With professionals that have construction expertise. Through experience and knowledge. With the latest architectural technology available. To meet and exceed expectations. With every budget in mind. LET US DESIGN your next project! SERVICES Project Administration and Management Evaluation and Planning Design Design Build Bidding and Negotiation Contract Administration Whirlpool Corporation Harbor Town Building, Benton Harbor (top) Sarett Nature Center, Benton Harbor (left) Design Build Delivery Tabor Hill Winery & Restaurant, Buchanan (bottom) using a consultative approach for project requirements, discussion and recommendations allows Pearson professionals to understand and satisfy each client individually. PEARSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. WE BUILD. . . That’s what we do, and have been doing successfully since 1918. Relationships that will be the foundation for the future and our mutual success. Trust between the owner and builder; it’s our number one goal. PROVIDING IN- HOUSE skilled tradesmen on projects that assist in maintaining quality and adherence to schedule. Our people through leadership, empowerment, and training. Safely and have built a safety record and program that is second to none. It all, from commercial, industrial and institutional projects, to residential projects. SERVICES Pre-Development Pre-Construction Design Build Design Build Lease General Contracting Construction Management Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings Skilled Trades Facilities Maintenance Community relations that prove we are a great corporate citizen. Green and incorporate green principles from the job site to the corporate offices. Ethics into everything we do; never compromised, never wavered. let us construct your next project! Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor (top) SERVICES Steel Erection Concrete Carpentry Masonry Equipment Operators General Trades Saint Joseph River Yacht Club, Saint Joseph (bottom) PEARSON EQUIPMENT & SERVICES CORP. WE SELF PERFORM. . . with in-house trade professionals. so we can support our own projects. to control the schedule. to ensure quality. with our carpenters. with our masons. with our concrete finishers. with our equipment operators. with our ironworkers. with our equipment. LET US BUILD your next project! Concrete PERO Packaging, Benton Township (top) Steel Erection The Chapel, Stevensville (bottom) Masonry, carpentry, steel erection Silver Beach Center, Saint Joseph (left) The Heritage Museum and Cultural Center, Saint Joseph (left) ARCHITECTURE AND THE AVAILS of thoughtful design are not luxuries to be afforded by a few, but essentials of the built environment to be deserved by all. TERA Architects WE DESIGN. . . Buildings for commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential clients. By creating form and function from client ideas. With professionals that have construction expertise. Through experience and knowledge. With the latest architectural technology available. To meet and exceed expectations. With every budget in mind. LET US DESIGN your next project! SERVICES Project Administration and Management Evaluation and Planning Design Design Build Bidding and Negotiation Contract Administration Whirlpool Corporation Harbor Town Building, Benton Harbor (top) Sarett Nature Center, Benton Harbor (left) Design Build Delivery Tabor Hill Winery & Restaurant, Buchanan (bottom) FOUNDED IN 1918, Pearson Construction Company’s reputation has been built upon understanding the needs and requirements of each client and providing the service they expect time after time. PROJECTS/lOCAl lANDMARKS Memorial Hospital Berrien County jail Whirlpool Corporation Ad Center Berrien County Courthouse HISTORY pearson construction company, inc. (pcco), headquartered in benton harbor, michigan, began providing construction services in 1918, and since that time has evolved into a full service general contracting, design build and construction management firm. The founder of the company, Joel pearson, emigrated from sweden in 1914 and became the first of three generations to lead the company. incorporated in 1931, the company grew into a nationally known firm handling many governmental, institutional, commercial and industrial projects. during the 1940’s, pcco established additional offices in indiana, Kentucky, and ohio. To keep pace with the ever-changing face of the construction industry and continue to provide the highest quality with personal service, pcco has become a regional company focusing on the needs and demands of southwest michigan and northern indiana. The creation of pearson engineering, inc. in 1956, dba TeRa architects, has allowed pearson to remain on the forefront of innovation and construction deliverables. staffed with highly trained and experienced architects, engineers, and designers, TeRa provides efficient, economical project design through both traditional and design build methods of project delivery. in 1972, pearson equipment and services, inc. (pesc) was formed to provide construction equipment services for the region’s building industry. it also provides the necessary skilled labor trades specializing in concrete, carpentry, masonry, and steel erection for the company’s projects. pcco’s field operations are maintained and supervised by pesc, demonstrating pearson’s commitment to schedule and budget control by using its own labor forces whenever feasible. long noted for their leadership in commercial, industrial, and institutional construction, pearson continues to broaden their professional services to serve the industry needs of today and tomorrow. St. joseph Catholic Church napier Parkview Baptist Church INTEgRITY, QUAlITY, AND FAIR TREATMENT. USInG THESE THrEE ConCEPTS, PEArSon ConSTrUCTIon, InC. IS GUIDED By THE FoLLoWInG SEVEn PrInCIPLES: WE BUIlD. PEARSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. PEARSON EQUIPMENT & SERVICES CORP. TERA ARCHITECTS PEOPlE. WE InVEST in our people, our greatest asset, and provide them the education, training, and resources necessary to succeed personally and professionally. PERFORMANCE. WE ArE MEASUrED by our performance, and strive to exceed all expectations; individually and as a company. PROFESSIONAlISM. WE HoLD ourselves to the highest ethical and technical standards. PROgRESSIVE. WE STrIVE to continually improve our knowledge and skills, by embracing change, and seeking better ideas and solutions. PASSION. 1929 1943 Sears and jCPenney WE HAVE passion for our work, and use our passion to move projects ahead and find innovative solutions to perplexing problems. PERSEVERANCE. St. joseph, niles, and South Haven High Schools WE rESoLVE to expend all resources necessary to complete each task and project beyond normal expectations. Howard Ice Arena Michigan State Police Post-niles In THE EVEr CHAnGInG ConSTrUCTIon InDUSTry, PEArSon ConSTrUCTIon CoMPAny, InC. STILL oPErATES on THE SoLID FoUnDATIon oF PrInCIPALS THAT FoUnDEr joEL PEArSon ESTABLISHED In 1918: PARTNERSHIP. WE VIEW all relationships as partnerships; together we all succeed. Today Great Lakes Eye Care St. joseph City Hall Lake Michigan College Lincoln Township Library coveR phoTo silver beach center and carousel, saint Joseph. photo courtesy of Jennifer mayo studios, Hampton Inn–Stevensville, Muskegon, and Grand rapids St. joseph, niles, and Cassopolis Public Libraries 240 West Britain Avenue Benton Harbor, MI 49022 p 269.926.7281 f 269.926.2657 View our complete project list at former and present pearson headquarter locations. FOUNDED IN 1918, Pearson Construction Company’s reputation has been built upon understanding the needs and requirements of each client and providing the service they expect time after time. PROJECTS/lOCAl lANDMARKS Memorial Hospital Berrien County jail Whirlpool Corporation Ad Center Berrien County Courthouse HISTORY pearson construction company, inc. (pcco), headquartered in benton harbor, michigan, began providing construction services in 1918, and since that time has evolved into a full service general contracting, design build and construction management firm. The founder of the company, Joel pearson, emigrated from sweden in 1914 and became the first of three generations to lead the company. incorporated in 1931, the company grew into a nationally known firm handling many governmental, institutional, commercial and industrial projects. during the 1940’s, pcco established additional offices in indiana, Kentucky, and ohio. To keep pace with the ever-changing face of the construction industry and continue to provide the highest quality with personal service, pcco has become a regional company focusing on the needs and demands of southwest michigan and northern indiana. The creation of pearson engineering, inc. in 1956, dba TeRa architects, has allowed pearson to remain on the forefront of innovation and construction deliverables. staffed with highly trained and experienced architects, engineers, and designers, TeRa provides efficient, economical project design through both traditional and design build methods of project delivery. in 1972, pearson equipment and services, inc. (pesc) was formed to provide construction equipment services for the region’s building industry. it also provides the necessary skilled labor trades specializing in concrete, carpentry, masonry, and steel erection for the company’s projects. pcco’s field operations are maintained and supervised by pesc, demonstrating pearson’s commitment to schedule and budget control by using its own labor forces whenever feasible. long noted for their leadership in commercial, industrial, and institutional construction, pearson continues to broaden their professional services to serve the industry needs of today and tomorrow. St. joseph Catholic Church napier Parkview Baptist Church INTEgRITY, QUAlITY, AND FAIR TREATMENT. USInG THESE THrEE ConCEPTS, PEArSon ConSTrUCTIon, InC. IS GUIDED By THE FoLLoWInG SEVEn PrInCIPLES: WE BUIlD. PEARSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. PEARSON EQUIPMENT & SERVICES CORP. TERA ARCHITECTS PEOPlE. WE InVEST in our people, our greatest asset, and provide them the education, training, and resources necessary to succeed personally and professionally. PERFORMANCE. WE ArE MEASUrED by our performance, and strive to exceed all expectations; individually and as a company. PROFESSIONAlISM. WE HoLD ourselves to the highest ethical and technical standards. PROgRESSIVE. WE STrIVE to continually improve our knowledge and skills, by embracing change, and seeking better ideas and solutions. PASSION. 1929 1943 Sears and jCPenney WE HAVE passion for our work, and use our passion to move projects ahead and find innovative solutions to perplexing problems. PERSEVERANCE. St. joseph, niles, and South Haven High Schools WE rESoLVE to expend all resources necessary to complete each task and project beyond normal expectations. Howard Ice Arena Michigan State Police Post-niles In THE EVEr CHAnGInG ConSTrUCTIon InDUSTry, PEArSon ConSTrUCTIon CoMPAny, InC. STILL oPErATES on THE SoLID FoUnDATIon oF PrInCIPALS THAT FoUnDEr joEL PEArSon ESTABLISHED In 1918: PARTNERSHIP. WE VIEW all relationships as partnerships; together we all succeed. Today Great Lakes Eye Care St. joseph City Hall Lake Michigan College Lincoln Township Library coveR phoTo silver beach center and carousel, saint Joseph. photo courtesy of Jennifer mayo studios, Hampton Inn–Stevensville, Muskegon, and Grand rapids St. joseph, niles, and Cassopolis Public Libraries 240 West Britain Avenue Benton Harbor, MI 49022 p 269.926.7281 f 269.926.2657 View our complete project list at former and present pearson headquarter locations.