LESSON PLAN AND REFLECTION *Adapted from Educational Testing Service PATHWISE Classroom Observation System materials for limited use by Ohio Northern University. Used by permission of Educational Testing Service, the copyright owner. Name: ______________________________ School: _______________________ Supervising Teacher: ____________________ Setting/Grade: ________________________ Subject/Topic: _______________________________ Date: ____________________ INSTRUCTION PLAN REFLECTION To be completed by student teacher before observation To be completed after observation. May be completed by student teacher and cooperating teacher or by the student teacher alone. 1. LEARNING GOALS/OBJECTIVES What student outcomes/objectives do you have for this lesson? Did all students meet your objective(s)? How do you know? How do your outcomes relate to the Local/State Curriculum Model(s)? How will you group students for instruction? 2. STUDENT GROUPING How did this grouping work? Would you group differently if you were to repeat the lesson in the future? 3. ACCOMMODATIONS/MODIFICATIONS How will you accommodate for students with special needs/ethnic Were the accommodations/modifications effective? How do you or cultural differences/limited English proficiency? know? 1 Ohio Northern University Lesson Plan Template Pathwise Statement added 8/06 4. METHODS How will you 1) activate background knowledge, 2) make connections, and/or 3) introduce the lesson? Did this engage the students in the lesson? How? What instructional methods will you use? How effective were these strategies/methods? What might you change the next time you teach the lesson? ___ Constructions ___ Library research ___ Inquiry ___ Cooperative learning ___ Peer editing ___ Discovery ___ Discussion/questioning ___ Practicum ___ Practice/drill ___ Problem solving ___ Field Study ___ Experiment ___ Reflection/response ___ Graphic organizers ___ Reporting ___ Independent learning ___ Role playing ___ Journal ___ Laboratory ___ Interactive Lecture ___ Simulation ___ Viewing/Listening/Answering ___ Other________________________ Why did you choose these methods? What activities/applications did you plan? Activity Time Allocated How much time did you actually use? Was it too long or too short? How could you correct this? Did you provide adequate closure? If not, why not? What could you change? How will you bring the lesson to closure? 5. MATERIALS In what ways were your materials effective? Ineffective? What would you change? What instructional materials will you use? How will you infuse technology into the lesson? How did the use of technology enhance the lesson? Technology used: ___ Cassettes ___ Overhead ___ Slides ___ Tape recorder ___ VCR/TV ___ Laser Disk ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ CD ROM Computer Distance learning Internet Digital camera ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ DVD Smart Board Digital camcorder Other_______________ Other_______________ Other_______________ Would you do anything different next time? 6. EVALUATION How do you plan to evaluate student outcomes (see checklist)? Did the evaluation provide adequate information about the desired Why are you evaluating in this manner? student outcomes? Why or why not? Assessment alternatives: ___ Application exam ___ Objective test ___ Quantitative Scales ___ Concept mapping ___ Observation ___ Rating scales ___ Parent evaluation ___ Contract ___ Rubric ___ Peer evaluation ___ Checklist ___ Questioning ___ Self-evaluation ___ Performance ___ Journals ___ Inventories ___ Portfolio ___ Problem-solving ___ Other _________________________________ assessment Put a “√” for assessments reflecting process and an “x” for those that reflect products. 3 Did anything happen during the lesson that caused you to change your evaluation plan? How did it change and why? How will you use the information gained from the evaluation? Ohio Northern University Lesson Plan Template Pathwise Statement added 8/06 7. ADDITIONAL REFLECTIONS AFTER LESSON IMPLEMENTATION Did you develop independent, creative, and/or critical thinking and problem-solving skills in your students? If so, how? If not, how might you incorporate these into future lessons? Was your lesson developmentally appropriate to the students? If not, what do you need to change? Did your lesson address the needs of ALL student sin your classroom (Consider racial and cultural differences, disabilities, limited English proficiency, etc.)? If not, which student(s) had difficulty and what interventions could you use with this group/individual so that he/she might achieve the learning outcomes? Was the learning environment conducive to your lesson? If so, how? If not, how do you need to try to change the learning environment to support your teaching? Do you have any other comments, reactions, or questions about the lesson? Was there anything you felt especially good, frustrated, or confused about? Based on your experiences in this lesson, what will you do in the next lesson? 4 Ohio Northern University Lesson Plan Template Pathwise Statement added 8/06