Self-Healing Meditation & Letting Go of the Past - FOG

A Workshop Series in:
Self-Healing Meditation
& Letting Go of the Past
• Did you experience neglect,
abuse or trauma?
• Depressed? Lost? Confused?
Release the past and
connect with a deeper sense
of self through Self-Healing
When: 8 cumulative sessions, Saturdays:
September 25; October 2, 9, 16,
23, 30; November 6, 13
Where: Convenient SF Location
Time: 10 AM - 12 noon
$20-$40 per session, sliding scale.
No one turned away due to lack of
funds. Call to arrange a payment
plan or work exchange.
Space Limited
RSVP: (415) 626-6441
What: Self-Healing Meditation
Basics: Muscle Testing/
Applied Kinesiology;
Grounding, Centering
Meditation & Chakra
Therapy; Psychic Healing
& Releasing Blocked
Energies. (See next page
for details.)
Other: No previous meditation
experience required. Open
to all person of any gender
and at least 18 years of
Self-Healing Meditation & Letting Go of the Past
Sep. 25: Introduction - Basics. Applied Kinesiology/Muscle
Testing; Balancing Your Energy and Affirmations; Meditation and
Psychic Hygiene Basics: Grounding, Centering, Being in Present
Time; Cleaning & Aligning Chakras
Oct. 2: 1st (Root) Chakra – Earth/Stability/Survival/Fear. Turning
on the Superconscious: The Temple of Silence; Cleaning Out and Healing
My 1st Chakra (Survival); Rebuilding My Foundation; Rooted in
Mother Earth (Solidity), I Release My Fear
Oct 9: 2nd (Sacral) Chakra – Water/Fluidity/Sexuality &
Emotions/ Guilt. Cleaning Out and Healing My 2nd Chakra
(Emotions, Sensuality and Sexuality); Leaving the Pain Behind; Releasing
Guilt, I Feel Again; Rebuilding My Emotions Container; I Feel With
My Five Senses, I Feel My True Self; Owning & Protecting My Space
Oct. 16: 3rd (Spleen) Chakra – Fire/Vitality/Power & Will/
Shame. Cleaning Out and Healing My 3rd Chakra (Autonomy,
Energy, Will, Initiative, Strength, Choice, Decision-Making): Golden
Sword of Energy: Cutting Out the Pain; Rebuilding My Power Combustion Chamber; Releasing Shame, I Express
Myself; A Power & Energy Affirmative Meditation
Oct. 23: 4th (Heart) Chakra – Air/Love, Relationships/Balance/Grief. Cleaning Out and Healing My 4th
Chakra (Love of Self & Others); Rebuilding My Heart; I’ve Been Here Before; Releasing Grief with Forgiveness, I
Love Myself and Others; Learning to Love Again
Oct. 30: 5th (Throat) Chakra – Sound/Creativity/Communication/Lies. Cleaning Out and Healing My 5th
Chakra (Creativity & Communication); De-Energizing, Draining “Pictures”; Releasing Lies, I Hear and Speak
the Truth to Myself and Others; Rebuilding My Truth Center.
Nov. 6: 6th (Third Eye) Chakra – Light/Clear Seeing/Intuition/Illusion. Cleaning Out and Healing My 6th
Chakra (Sight); You and I Are the Same; Releasing Illusions & Delusions, I Can See; Equanimity Practice
Nov. 13: 7th (Crown) Chakra – Thought/Wisdom/Awareness/Attachment. Cleaning Out and Healing My
7th Chakra (Knowingness); Releasing “Perfect Pictures” and Negative Programming & Beliefs, I Just Know;
Lovingkindness; Sending Out My Signal to the Universe
Space Limited
RSVP: (415) 626-6441
One-Day Only:
Heal The Mind, Heal the Body
Meditation to
Your Body!
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: REVIEW: Self-Healing
Meditation Basics Muscle Testing/Applied Kinesiology;
Grounding, Centering Meditation & Chakra Therapy;
Psychic Healing & Releasing Blocked Energies
10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon: Identifying the troubled
emotions behind my body’s aches and pains
1:00 – 2:00 PM: Creating my own body self-healing
aspirations & affirmations; using flower essences
Using muscle testing, meditation and psychic reading
tools to “see” my issues and heal the wounds blocking
health and wellness in my body.
Space Limited
RSVP: (415) 626-6441
When: Saturday, Nov. 20, 2010
Where: Convenient SF Location
Time: 9 AM - 4 PM
Cost: $50-$100 sliding scale. No
one turned away due to
lack of funds. Call to
arrange a payment plan or
work exchange.
Other: Open to all persons of any
gender at least 18 yrs. old.
Recommended for those
with previous Self-Healing
Meditation experience.
About the Teacher:
Rev. Trinity Ordona, Ph.D.
Since 2004, Rev. Trinity A. Ordona, Ph.D., has
devoted her primary attention to work with
survivors of sexual violence by teaching selfhealing meditation and facilitating access to nondiscursive healing modalities from Western and
Eastern healing traditions, especially to underserved
and marginalized racial, ethnic, and sexual minority
populations. To this end, Trinity completed a twoyear seminary program in psychic healing arts and
ordained as a minister of the Church of Natural
Grace, a non-denominational metaphysical church
here in San Francisco.
Dr. Ordona received her doctorate in History of
Consciousness, UC Santa Cruz (2000) and completed a
postdoctoral research program in Health Policy Studies at UC
San Francisco where she trained in lesbian health research
and served as the UCSF Associate Director of the Lesbian
Health & Research Center from 2002-04. Trinity currently teaches classes on lesbian relationships and
queer communities of color at City College of San Francisco and is the founder of Healing for Change, a
student club promoting healing opportunities for survivors of abuse and violence campus community and
public at large. Trinity has spoken widely to local, national and international audiences on race, ethnicity
and health and taught various undergraduate and graduate courses and classes on these topics at San
Francisco State University, John F. Kennedy University and the California Institute for Integral Studies. In
2008, Trinity was named among the “20 Most Influential Lesbian Professors” by Curve Magazine, the
leading national lesbian monthly publication in the U.S.
Lastly, Trinity has been in a committed lesbian partnership for 20 years and has a 40-year history of civil
rights activism in people of color and queer communities in national and international arenas and has
received several awards for her organizing efforts.
Registration & Location: Space is limited; RSVP as soon as possible to assure a seat. A return confirmation message
will provide the address and directions of the retreat (a convenient n San Francisco neighborhood near public
transportation). No time restrictions on Saturday for neighborhood street parking, but come early to find a space.
Miscellaneous: On the first day, please come 15 min. early to complete paperwork and settle down. The site will open a
half hour before the session. For the all-day training, bring your own lunch or purchase something at nearby restaurants
or stores. Out of respect for people with environmental illnesses, please do not wear fragrance or scented products.