Genre Author Title Grade Adventure and Survival Avi Man from the Sky 3 Adventure and Survival Baille, Allan Adrift 4 Adventure and Survival Blume, Judy Tales of a fourth Grade Nothing (series) 3 Adventure and Survival Casanova, Mary Moose Tracks 3 Adventure and Survival Christopher, Matt Stranded 4 Adventure and Survival Fleischman, Sid Jim Ugly 4 Adventure and Survival George, Jean My Side of the Mountain 4 Adventure and Survival Grove, Wayne Dolphin Treasure 4 Adventure and Survival Kehret, Peg Earthquake Terror 4 Adventure and Survival Osborne, Mary Afternoon on the Amazon (and others) 3 Adventure and Survival Scieszka, Jon Tut, Tut and others in series 4 Animals Arnosky, Jay Gray Boy 3 Animals Atwater, Richard Mr. Popper’s Penguins 3 Animals Boughton, Richard Rent-a-Puppy, Inc. 4 Animals Broome, Errol Tangles 3 Animals Clifford, Eth Harvey’s Horrible Snake Disaster 3 Animals Cohen, Barbara The Carp in the Bathtub 3 Animals Corcoran, Barbara Wolf at the Door 4 Animals Erickson, John 3 Animals Graeber, Charlotte Fudge 4 Animals Graham, Harriet 4 Hank the Cowdog A Boy and His Bear Genre Author Title Grade Animals Hesse, Karen Sable 3 Animals Howe, James Morgan’s Zoo 4 Animals Hurwitz, Johanna A Llama in the Family 3 Animals Hutchins, Pat Rats! 3 Animals Jennings, Patrick Faith and the Electric Dogs 4 Animals King-Smith, Dick Ace, the Very Important Pig 4 Animals King-Smith, Dick Babe, the Gallant Pig 3 Animals Manes, Stephen The Great Gerbil Roundup 4 Animals McInerney, Judith Judge Benjamin: Superdog 3 Animals McKay, Hilary Dog Friday 4 Animals Naylor, Phyllis Shiloh 3 Animals Pinkwater, Daniel The Hoboken Chicken Emergency 4 Animals Ryden, Hope Backyard Rescue 3 Animals Saunders, Susan The Daring Rescue of Marion the Swimming Pig 3 Animals Tamar, Erika Junkyard Dog 3 Animals Wallace, Bill Watchdog and the Coyotes 4 Animals Williams, Barbara Mitzi and the Elephants 4 Biography Bridges, Ruby Through My Eyes 3/4 Biography Faber, Doris Calamity Jane: Her Life and Her Legend 4 Biography Fleischman, Sid The Abracadabra Kid: A Writer’s Life 4 Biography Golenbock, Peter Teammates 3 Genre Author Title Grade Biography Huynh, Quang The Land I Lost 4 Biography Kehret, Peg Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio 4 Biography Kossman, Nina Behind the Border: Memoirs of a Russian Childhood 4 Biography Monjo, F.N. Letters to Horseface: Young Mozart’s Travels in Italy 4 Biography Peet, Bill Bill Peet: An Autobiography 4 Biography Stanley, Diane Leonardo da Vinci 4 Biography Warren, Andrea Orphan Train Rider: One Boy’s True Story 4 Fantasy Avi Poppy 4 Fantasy Banks, Lynn Reid The Fairy Rebel 4 Fantasy Bauer, Marion Touch the Moon 3 Fantasy Baum, Frank The Wizard of Oz v Fantasy Brittain, Bill Dr. Dredd’s Wagon of Wonders 3/4 Fantasy Brock, Betty No Flying in the House 4 Fantasy Burnett, Florence A Little Princess 3 Fantasy Coatsworth, Pure Magic 3 Fantasy Cooper, Susan The Boggart 4 Fantasy Coville, Bruce Into the Land of the Unicorns 4 Fantasy Coville, Bruce The Monster’s Ring 3 Fantasy Eager, Edward Half Magic (series) 4 Fantasy Gannett, Ruth My Father’s Dragon 3 Fantasy Gray, Luli Falcon’s Egg 4 Genre Author Title Grade Fantasy King-Smith, Dick The School Mouse 4 Fantasy Kowling, J.K. Harry Potter series 3/4 Fantasy Le Guin, Ursula Catwings 3 Fantasy Lingren, Astrid Pippi Longstocking 3 Fantasy MacDonald, Betty Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle 3 Fantasy Maguire, Gregory Seven Spiders Spinning 4 Fantasy Mayne, William Hob and the Goblins 3 Fantasy McGraw, Eloise The Moorchild 4 Fantasy Morgan, Helen The Witch Doll 4 Fantasy Norton, Mary The Borrowers 4 Fantasy Seidler, Tor The Wainscott Weasel 4 Fantasy Sleator, William Among the Dolls 4 Fantasy Waugh, Sylvia The Mennyms 4 Fantasy Wells, Rosemary Through the Hidden Door 4 Fantasy Wiesner, David Free Fall 3 Fantasy Yolen, Jane The Dragon’s Boy 4 Friends and Family Bauer, Joan Sticks 4 Friends and Family Bulla, Clyde Shoeshine Girl 4 Friends and Family Cameron, Ann The Stories Julian Tells 3 Friends and Family Carlson, Natalie The Family Under the Bridge 4 Friends and Family Caudill, Rebecca The Best Loved Doll 3 Genre Author Title Grade Friends and Family Clifford, Eth The Remembering Box 3 Friends and Family Estes, Eleanor Rufus M 4 Friends and Family Fenner, Carol Randall’s Room 4 Friends and Family Fogelin, Adrian Crossing Jordan 4 Friends and Family Garfield, James Follow My Leader 4 Friends and Family Lowry, Lois All About Sam 3 Friends and Family Mead, Alice Junebug 3 Friends and Family Namioka, Lensey Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear 3 Friends and Family Peck, Robert Soup 4 Historical Fiction Anderson, Joan Joshua’s Westward Journal 4 Historical Fiction Armstron, Jennifer Shipwreck at the Botton of the World 4 Historical Fiction Baylis-White, Mary Sheltering Rebecca 4 Historical Fiction Brady, Esther Toliver’s Secret 4 Historical Fiction Bruchac, Joseph Children of the Longhouse 4 Historical Fiction Bulla, Clyde Sword in the Tree 4 Historical Fiction Bulla, Clyde Robert A Lion to Guard Us 4 Historical Fiction Coerr, Eleanor Sadako and the Thousand Cranes 4 Historical Fiction Cohen, Barbara Molly’s Pilgrim 3 Historical Fiction Cross, Gilliam The Great American Elephant Chase 4 Historical Fiction Dalgliesh, Alice The Courage of Sarah Noble 4 Historical Fiction DeYoung, D Coco A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt 3/4 Genre Author Title Grade Historical Fiction Dorris, Michael Sees Behind Trees 4 Historical Fiction Edmunds, Walter The Matchlock Gun 4 Historical Fiction Fleischman, Paul Bull Run 4 Historical Fiction Fleischman, Sid The Whipping Boy 4 Historical Fiction Gutman, Dan Honus and Me 3/4 Historical Fiction Gutman, Dan Jackie and Me 3 Historical Fiction Hest, Amy Love You, Soldier 3 Historical Fiction Hill, Kilpatrick Year of Miss Agnes 4 Historical Fiction Lawlor, Laurie Addie Across the Prairie 3 Historical Fiction Lord, Bette In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson 4 Historical Fiction MacBride, Roger Little House on Rocky Ridge 3 Historical Fiction Orlev, Uri Lydia, Queen of Palestine 4 Historical Fiction Snyder, Zilpha Cat Running 4 Historical Fiction Taylor, Sidney All-of-a-Kind Family (series) 3 Historical Fiction Wallace, Barbara The Twin in the Tavern 4 Historical Fiction Wilder, Laura Little House in the Big Woods (series) 3 Humorous Pullman, Philip I Was a Rat 4 Humorous Stories Bank, Lynne Reid I, Houdini 3 Humorous Stories Blume, Judy Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing 4 Humorous Stories Catling, Patrick The Chocolate Touch 4 Humorous Stories Cleary, Beverly Mouse and the Motorcycle 3/4 Genre Author Title Grade Humorous Stories Cleary, Beverly Ramona (series) & Henry Huggins (series) 3 Humorous Stories Dahl, Roald Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 3 Humorous Stories Danziger, Paula Amber Brown is Not a Crayon 3 Humorous Stories Gilson, Jamie Thirteen Ways to Sink A Sub 4 Humorous Stories Greenwald, Sheila Give Us a Great Big Smile, Rosy Cole 3 Humorous Stories Gutman, Dan 3/4 Humorous Stories Herman, Charlotte Millie Cooper, 3B 3 Humorous Stories Hurvitz, Johanna Class President 3 Humorous Stories Klein, Robin Enemies 3 Humorous Stories Kline, Suzy Herbie Jones 3 Humorous Stories Manes, Stephen How to Be a Perfect Person in Just 3 Days 3 Humorous Stories Park, Barbara Skinnybones 4 Humorous Stories Rylant, Cynthia Henry and Mudge (series) 3 Humorous Stories Sachar, Louis Marvin Redpost: Kidnapped at Birth? 3 Humourous Horvath, Polly The Trolls 3 Vampires Don’t Wear Polka Dots 3 Humourous Stories Dadey, Debbie The Million Dollar Shot Humourous Stories Rockwell, Thomas How to Eat Fried Worms 4 Humourous Stories Sachar, Louis Sideways Stories from Wayside School 4 Humourous Stories Williams, Vera Scooter 4 Mystery Adler, David Cam Jansen series 4 Mystery Avi Who Stole the Wizard of Oz 4 Genre Author Title Grade Mystery Christian, Mary Sebastian (Super Sleuth) series 3 Mystery Clifford, Eth Harvey’s Marvelous Monkey Mystery 3 Mystery Corbett, Scott The Red Riddle Room 4 Mystery Etra, Jonathan Aliens for Breakfast 3 Mystery Godden, Rumer The Rocking Horse Secret 4 Mystery Hildick, E.W. The Case of the Wiggling Wig: A McGurk Mystery 4 Mystery Howe, James Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery 3 Mystery Hughes, Dean Nutty and the Case of the Ski-Slope Spy 4 Mystery Landon, Lucinda Meg Mackintosh and the Mystery in the Locked Library 3 Mystery Manes, Stephen That Game from Outer Space 4 Mystery Martin, Ann Ma and Pa Dracula 3 Mystery Naylor, Phyllis The Bodies in the Bessledorf Hotel 4 Mystery Pinkwater, Daniel Ned Feldman, Space Pirate 3 Mystery Quackenbush, Evil Under the Sea: A Miss Mallard Mystery 3 Mystery Service, Pamela Stinker from Space 3 Mystery Sobol, Donald Encyclopedia Brown series 4 Mystery Van Draaren, Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief (series) 3/4 Scary Stories Adler, David Jeffrey’s Ghost and the Fifth-Grade Dragon 4 Scary Stories Bauer, Marion Ghost Eye 3 Scary Stories Conrad, Pam Stonewords 4 Scary Stories Coombs, Patricia Dorrie and the Screehbit Ghost 3 Genre Author Title Grade Scary Stories Coville, Bruce The Ghost in the Third Row 4 Scary Stories Craig, Ruth Malu’s Wolf 4 Scary Stories Dahl, Roald The Witches 4 Scary Stories Hahn, Mary The Doll in the Garden: A Ghost Story 3 Scary Stories Hahn, Mary Time for Andrew 4 Scary Stories Jacques, Brian Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales 4 Scary Stories Lehr, Norma The Shimmering Ghost of Riversend 4 Scary Stories Levy, Elizabeth Dracula is a Pain in the Neck 3 Scary Stories Martin, Ann Ma and Pa Dracula 3 Scary Stories McKissack, The Dark-Thirty 4 Scary Stories Naylor, Phyllis Bernie and the Bessledorf Ghost 4 Scary Stories O’Connor, Jim The Ghost in Tent 19 3 Scary Stories Schwartz, Alvin Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 3 Scary Stories Spinner, Stephanie Dracula 3 Scary Stories Wright, Betty The Dollhouse Murders 4 School Stories Baker, Barbara Third Grade is Terrible 3 School Stories Cleary, Beverly Dear Mr. Henshaw 4 School Stories Clements, Andrew Frindle 3 School Stories Clements, Andrew The Laundry New 3 School Stories DeClements, The Fourth Grade Wizards 4 School Stories Giff, Patricia Fourth Grade Celebrity 4 Genre Author Title Grade School Stories Park, Barbara The Jacket 4 School Stories Sharmat, Marjorie Getting Something on Maggie Marmelstein 4 School Stories Shreve, Susan The Flunking of Joshua T. Bates 3 School Stories Spinelli, Jerry Fourth Grade Rats 4 Science Fiction Asimov, Isaac The Heavenly Host 4 Science Fiction Beatty, Jerome Matthew Looney’s Invasion of the Earth 4 Science Fiction Bechard, Margaret Star Hatchling 4 Science Fiction Byars, Betsy The Computer Nut 4 Science Fiction Cameron, Eleanor The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet 4 Science Fiction Coville, Bruce My Teacher is an Alien 4 Science Fiction Dillon, Barbara My Stepfather Shrank! 3 Science Fiction Gauthier, Gail My Life Among the Aliens 4 Science Fiction Greer, Gery Max and Me and the Time Machine 4 Science Fiction Hughes, Dean Making the Team 3 Science Fiction King-Smith, Dick Harriet’s Hare 3 Science Fiction Klause, Annette Alien Secrets 4 Science Fiction Scieszka, Jon Knights of the Kitchen Table (and others) 4 Science Fiction Service, Pamela Stinker from Space 4 Science Fiction Slote, Alfred C.O.L.A.R.: A Tale of Outer Space 4 Science Fiction Slote, Alfred My Robot Buddy 3 Science Fiction Van Leeuwen, Benjy the Football Hero 4 Genre Author Title Grade Science Fiction Williams, Jay Danny Dunn, Invisible Boy 3 Sports Christopher, Matt All-Star Fever 3 Sports Christopher, Matt The Fox Steals Home 4 Sports Giff, Patricia Left-Handed Shortstop 4 Sports Herzig, Alison The Boonsville Bombers 3 Sports Hughes, Dean Kickoff Time 4 Sports Hurwitz, Johanna Baseball Fever 4 Sports Kline, Suzy Herbie Jones and the Monster Ball 3 Sports Korman, Gordon The Toliet Paper Tigers 4 Sports Lord, Beman The Perfect Pitch 3 Sports Neigoff, Mike A Terror on the Ice 4 Sports Van Leeuwen, Benjy the Football Hero 3 Sports Wallace, Barbara Hawkins and the Soccer Solution 4