ADSL System Enhancement with Multiuser Detection A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the Division of Graduate Studies By Liang C. Chu In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta Georgia 30332 July 2001 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS There are a number of people that should be recognized for their help and assistance during my thesis work. First of all I want to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis advisor professor Martin A. Brooke, who has given me the opportunity to complete my Ph.D. study at school of Electrical and Computer Engineering in Georgia Institute of Technology. I really appreciate the time for his advising and it is very rewarding and inspiring to discuss questions with professor Brooke. I also want to thank professor Nikil Jayant and professor John Copeland, who have taken an active part in advising and guiding me in my research and education. Furthermore, I gratefully acknowledge professor Donald L. Schilling, who always encourages my study during these years, since I was studying in my Master’s degree with him at the City College of New York, CUNY. Also, I would like to thank professor Russell M. Mersereau and professor Zhong L. Wang for their supporting to serve in my thesis committee, and all my colleagues at school of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Tech. Finally, and most importantly, I sincerely thank my wife, Dr. Jing Li, who help and support me in my graduate study at Georgia Tech during these years, and deeply love and care about me always. Also, I greatly thank my parents, Mr. Hsun C. Chu, Ms. Sai Y. Feng, and my bother, Dr. Liang T. Chu, for their continuing care and encouragement all the times in my life. I would like to show my great appreciation to my families for their constant help, support and encouragement. ii ADSL System Enhancement with Multiuser Detection Approved: Dr. Martin A. Brooke, Chairman Dr. John A. Copeland Dr. Nikil Jayant Date Approved iii Table of the Contents Chapter One: Introduction 1 Chapter Two: Background 5 2. Problem on the DSL Spectral Compatibility with Crosstalk 5 2.1. Current Crosstalk Model and Distribution 6 2.1.1 NEXT and FEXT Modeling 8 2.1.2 Crosstalk Noise Distribution 10 2.2 Spectral Compatibility between Asymmetric and Symmetric DSL Systems 10 2.2.1 Symmetric DSL Systems 11 2.2.2 Studies on Crosstalk Noise between ADSL and SDSL 11 2.2.3 Current Deployment Plan and Proposed Enhancement 15 Chapter Three: DMT-ADSL Channel Modulation and Characteristics 16 3. Multiuser Multitone Modulation System and ADSL 16 3.1 Overview of Discrete Multitone 17 3.2. Analysis of Discrete Multitone 22 3.2.1 Channel Gap Analysis 22 3.2.2 Margin of the DMT 23 3.2.3 Performance Calculation 25 3.2.4 Bit-loading and DMT-ADSL System 26 Chapter Four: Channel Model and Multiuser Transmission 32 4.1 Twisted Wire Pairs Characteristics 32 4.1.1 Electrical Characteristics of Twisted-pair Wires 33 iv 4.1.2 Telephone Channel 35 4.2. Multiuser Transmission System 37 4.2.1 Basic on Multiuser Detection 37 4.2.2 Optimum Multiuser Detection 38 Linear Multiuser Detection in AWGA Channel 42 Chapter Five: ADSL System Enhancement 45 5.1. Multiuser Detection on DMT-ADSL System 45 5.1.1 Theoretic Bounds on DMT-ADSL Channel 49 5.1.2 Spectral Distribution on the Multiuser Channel Capacity 49 5.1.3 Examples on Capacity Bound Analysis 58 5.2. Joint Maximum-likelihood Sequence Estimation (JMLSE) 60 5.2.1 DSL Co-channel Signal Model 60 5.2.2 MLSE Receiver Design 62 5.2.3 T/2-spaced MLSE Receiver 69 5.2.4 Analyzing MLSE Receiver Structures 72 5.2.5 Reduced Complexity Receiver Structures 76 5.3.6 Joint MLSE for DMT-ADSL Receiver 78 5.3 Preliminary Performance Studies 81 Chapter Six: Low Complexity Enhancement on ADSL Receiver 85 6.1 Tone-zeroing Method 85 6.2. Low Complexity Joint MLSE 90 6.2.1 Multi-stage JVA 90 6.2.2 Multi-stage JVA with Feedback 95 v 6.2.3 Practical Enhanced ADSL Receiver 98 6.2.4 Example and Comparison 101 Chapter Seven: Performance Evaluations and Simulation Results on Enhanced ADSL Receivers 104 7.1 Test Environment 105 7.2 Test Channel Conditions 105 7.3 Loop Characteristics 106 7.4 Capacity Improvement 107 7.5 Reach Improvement 107 7.6 Disturber Scenarios 107 7.7 Co-channel Transfer Functions 110 7.8 Simulation Results 110 Chapter Eight: Conclusions 115 Chapter Nine: Recommendations 117 Reference 119 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1.1 Near-end Crosstalk (NEXT) 7 2.1.2 Far-end Crosstalk (FEXT) 7 2.1.3 NEXT Power Sum Losses for 25 Pairs of PIC Cable Binder Group 9 PSD of 2B1Q SDSL at 1168, 1552 and 2320 kbps 13 Downstream ADSL Bit Rate with 1552 & 2320 kbps SDSL NEXT 14 3.1.1 Basic Multitone Modulation Transmission 18 3.1.2 Illustration of Frequency Bands for Multitone Transmission System 19 DMT Bit-Loading Concept 29 DMT-ADSL Frequency Spectrum 31 Transmission Line Segment 34 Basic Multiuser Transmission System 38 5.1.1 48 ADSL Channel Model with k-l Crosstalk Signals TPC Attenuation Function with Difference Length 50 Channel Attenuation and NEXT Coupling Characteristic 50 Channel Capacity – Single vs. Multiuser Channels 56 Co-channel System Model 61 Basic Receiver Structure 77 Sophisticated Receiver Structure 77 Carrier Recovery in the Noise-free AWGN Channel 78 vii Joint ML Sequence Detection between Adjacent Pair 80 5.3.1 BER for ADSL System with Single-user Detector and JMLSE 83 5.3.2 ADSL System with SDSL Crosstalk on Single-user Detector and JMLSE 84 6.1.1 Joint ML Crosstalk Signal Canceller with Tone Zeroing 87 6.1.2 Margin on DMT-ADSL with Tone-zeroing Crosstalk Noise Cancellation 88 Two-stage JVA (without Feedback Section) 92 Single-user MLSE Computational Flow Structure 94 Two-stage JVA (with Feedback Section) 95 Desired Channel Performance with Three Methods 103 7.3.1 Testing Loops 106 7.6.1 Scatter Plot of Downstream ADSL Throughput with Mixed SDSL Crosstalk 108 7.8.1 Rate-reach Curves for Test Loop #1 111 7.8.2 Rate-reach Curves for Test Loop #2 112 7.8.3 Rate-reach Curves for Test Loop #3 113 9.1 118 Channel Attenuation and NEXT Characteristic viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page Worst-case Measurement for Telephone Channels 36 7.6.1 Disturber Scenarios 109 ix Summary In this thesis, a new approach on mitigating the cochannel interference (CCI), also called crosstalk, in the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) transmission system has been studied. This implementation ensures the spectral compatibility in the DMTADSL system together with other DSL services in a same binder cable. The major part of this thesis concerns a modified technique for high-speed communication over the ADSL telephone network. Discrete Multitone (DMT)-ADSL has been standardized in American National Standards Institute (ANSI) [1]. It offers bit rate up to 8 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream, depending on the deployment coverage ranges. A modified method based on multiuser detection is presented herein, which can mitigate the crosstalk interference in DMT-ADSL receiver. An important issue for ADSL is the problem with crosstalk, which is a major threat in ADSL receiver with other DSL services in a same binder. The performance on the mitigation of ADSL channel crosstalk impairment is the most important criteria for guaranteeing the Quality of Service (QoS) in an ADSL system. The essential issue of this thesis on optimizing the ADSL system transmission throughput is to modify its channel transceiver design. Treating an ADSL channel as a multiple-input and single-output (MISO) system with desired ADSL signal and cochannel interference signals is just like a multiuser communication channel model. Our modified ADSL multiuser detection can greatly outperform the currently deployed single-user receiver with either increasing transmission data rates, or extending deployment rages in impairment environments. Joint Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation (JMLSE) gives very good performance x in our proposed model, but known as a computationally complex technique. The last part of this thesis deals with low complexity multiuser detection to balance the ADSL system performance and computational complexity with a reasonable VLSI capability, which can be implemented in a sub-optimum solution. With these approaches to the mitigation of ADSL impairments, the performance of the ADSL system is greatly enhanced; for example, the ADSL service can be either extended more than 2-kft from the current limit, or has more than 30% transmission data rate improvement, depending on the cost requirement. Under these circumstances, the capacity of the network is utilized to a near sub-optimum solution. [1]Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Metallic Interface, ANSI Standard T.4131995, ANSI, New York. xi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION This thesis deals with an enhancement approach on the DMT-ADSL twisted-pair wires communication system. Our implementation ensures the spectral compatibility between different DSL systems in a same binder cable. Therefore, the capacity of the DMT-ADSL telephone network to support fast Internet access can be better utilized than current solutions. Today, an increasing number of people use the telephone access network for digital data communication. Even if the speed of an analog modem has increased to 54 kbps, it is still frustratingly slow for the next generation fast Internet multimedia services. Highspeed access to Internet service with various kinds of multimedia content has become an emerging technology that is needed by all telecommunications end users. One of the best solutions is Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL) access, which is targeted for residential users, and has recently received much attention by many telephone companies. The architecture of DSL systems allows telephone companies to use existing twisted-pair infrastructures for their next-generation broadband access networks. The sheer inertia of the worldwide installed copper base means that it could take many years for access networks to migrate from copper to fiber. A combination of the existing copper 1 infrastructure and digital subscriber line transmission technologies means that a new era of universal broadband access can now begin at a fraction of the cost and in a fraction of the time required for optical access networks. Even with fiber optical network, the DSL technologies will still exist in the last-mile access transmission. Over the past ten years, DSL technologies have been developed and use larger parts of the available TCP bandwidth. Normally, xDSL use 1 to 15 MHz bandwidth. To be able to use this large bandwidth, the telephone lines interface in the center office (CO) and customer premise end (CPE) need to be exchanged when employing xDSL techniques. However, there is a serious threat to this vision of the future: a variety of impairments in the access systems. The reason is when trying to reach higher bit rates, there is no problem on the channel capacity of the twisted copper pair (TCP), but rather high frequency digital signal interfaces between the lines inside a same telephone binder. As we know that the telephone access networks were originally built for analog voice communication, carrying voice-band signals up to 4 kHz in the frequency bandwidth and not for digital data communication. It is relatively simple to design transmission systems that work well in simulations and some specific laboratory tests, but more difficult to deliver useful capacity when subjected to the hostile environment of the real network. The uncontrolled deployment of such advanced transmission systems in multipair cables can result in server degradation due to cochannel interference. This interference is a linear coupling among multiple channels, also called crosstalk [1]. Even though this problem has been studied in the past [2], [3],[4], [5], solutions for real-world DSL services deployment are not currently available. Even low data rate implementation, such as ISDN service, can significantly pollute the copper network. The current DSL systems 2 are modeled as single-user channel models and crosstalk is treated as white Gaussian noise [6]. This approach is usually conservative, as the true crosstalk signal distributions are bounded in amplitude. However, the Gaussian assumption reduces the attainable channel capacity, but hold for the case of current practical interests [6]. It is well known that the spectral compatibility has become a major issue for all DSL services, especially in the transmission of symmetric and asymmetric services in the same binder group [7], [8], [9], [10]. It is likely that as the DSL services reach significant penetration, their crosstalk between different services will become an important factor to the success of DSL services. The objective of this thesis research is to understand the spectral compatibility issues for various DSL variants [11], in order to determine a more accurate DMT-ADSL channel model and implement with digital signal processing techniques that realize the true broadband potential of the existing copper access network. Currently, a study [12] has demonstrated that crosstalk effects on VDSL might be mitigated; essentially, treated crosstalk is not exactly Gaussian. The drawback of this approach is computational complexity in realization. It is well known to us on accurate models for the case of a single type of crosstalk, where all crosstalk signals have the same power spectral density. The model is called the 1% worst-case crosstalk power-sum. It is described that no more than 1% of all pairs in all binders can receiver more crosstalk than this model [13]. However, crosstalk from multiple different types of DSL services is a relatively new area of study. In this thesis, we focus on a study of the DMT-ADSL system enhancement coupling with the SDSL services in a same binder cable. Our studies can apply to any cases of DSL application, where coexists asymmetric and symmetric services. A 3 proposed multiuser channel model has been derived, and the enhancement on the DMTADSL receiver is introduced to mitigate crosstalk from the SDSL services. Some important simplification algorithms, such as tone zeroing [14], and multi-stage joint maximum-likelihood detection for multiuser DMT-ADSL are derived, which can largely reduce the multiuser DMT-ADSL receiver complexity. Our proposed sub-optimal approach, multi-stage JMLSE with feedback section has a reasonable computational complexity, and also improves Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) about 8 dB at a Bit-Error Rate (BER) of 10-7 in the DMT-ADSL channel. This enhancement gives us a core method on either increasing signal constellation sizes of each DMT sub-channel, or extending the deployment ranges with a fixed transmission rate, or compensating on a poor BER channel in achieving better throughput. In the following sections of this thesis, the origin of the spectral compatibility problem and its current solutions are covered; a new approach technique for mitigation on crosstalk interference is presented; and simulation procedures and results are addressed. Finally, discussions and conclusion of this thesis are presented. 4 CHAPTER TWO BACKGROUND 2. Problem of DSL Spectral Compatibility with Crosstalk Digital subscriber line technology provides transport of high-bit rate digital information over telephone lines. High-speed digital transmission via telephone lines requires advanced signal processing to overcome transmission impairments resulting from crosstalk noise from the signals present on the other wires in the same binder, radio noise, and impulse noise. Fortunately, amateur radio signals are narrowband and transmission methods attempt to notch the relatively few and narrow bands occupied by this noise, which avoids the noise rather than transmitting through it. Impulse noise is nonstationary crosstalk from temporary electromagnetic events in the vicinity of phone lines. The effects are temporary and typically at much lower frequencies. The channelcoding algorithm in ADSL overcomes this effect [15]. As increasing number of DSL services are deployed, the concern is that assumptions made in the design of modem equipment for one type of service will lead to errors in another type of modem equipment, which also share the cable. This is the crosstalk noise. Crosstalk can be the biggest noise impairment in a twisted pair and substantially reduces DSL performance when it cannot be circumvented. In this thesis, we focus on the ADSL receiver 5 enhancement design to mitigate the crosstalk from the other DSL services (mainly targeting on SDSL service). In general, this approach can be applied to any other DSL systems, such as VDSL, with their related channel characteristics. 2.1 Current Crosstalk Model and Distribution The primary impairment to sending digital information through the twisted-pair loop is crosstalk noise from similar digital services of adjacent loops. In the current situation, DSL transmission is treated as a single-user channel with crosstalk noise as loose Gaussian distribution [6]. The crosstalk noise can be categorized into two types. Crosstalk to a receiver from a neighboring transmitter is called near-end crosstalk (NEXT), as shown in Fig. 2.1.1, and crosstalk to a receiver from a transmitter at the opposite end is called far-end crosstalk (FEXT), as shown in Fig. 2.1.2. 6 Same Binder Group Transmit NEXT Receive Fig. 2.1.1: Near-end Crosstalk (NEXT) Same Binder Group Transmit FEXT Receive Fig. 2.1.2: Far-end Crosstalk (FEXT) 7 2.1.1 NEXT and FEXT Modeling In the case of the NEXT model, it uses Unger’s NEXT model [16], which states, as expected, 1% worst-case power sum crosstalk as a function of frequency [17]. NEXT is dependent on frequency as well as on the relative location of the pairs in the binder group. Thus, to find the crosstalk noise from a contributing circuit into another twisted pair in a 50-pair binder, the power spectral density (psd) on any line in the binder is modeled by Sn = ( N 6 ) ⋅ 10 −13 ⋅ f 1.5 ⋅ S xtalk _ cont ( f ), 49 ( where N is the number of crosstalk-contributing circuits in the binder, Sxtalk_cont is the psd of crosstalk-contributing circuits. FEXT is usually characterized in terms of 1% worst-power sum loss from all signals on other pairs in the binder group [17]. FEXT is less severe than NEXT because the FEXT noise is attenuated by traversing the full length of the cable. Measurement study on a number of pairwise coupling transfer functions in a 50-pair binder cable by C. Valenti [17] has been shown in Fig. 2.1.3. There are two interesting issues as shown in Fig. 2.1.3. First, it shows that the NEXT increases as f1.5 with frequency, but with significant variation in coupling with frequency. 8 NEXT POWER SUM LOSS(dB) 1000 FT, 24 AWG PIC 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.1 1 10 FREQUENCY(MHz) 100 1% Case Fig. 2.1.3: NEXT Power Sum Losses for 25 Pairs of PIC Cable Binder Group Note: Power Sum Loss is expressed as −10 log10 ( Power Sum Transfer Function ) 9 Second, at any given frequency, only few other pairs may contribute significantly to crosstalk, but over all frequencies, many wire lines contribute randomly. As a practical convenience, many telecommunication engineers who work on DSL, average the coupling over many pairs. They assume that the sum of many coupling functions is constant. Therefore, as shown in Eq. (, this constant has been determined by ANSI as ( 2.1.2 N 6 ) ⋅ 10 −13 in a 50-pair binder. 49 Crosstalk Noise Distribution It has been widely used that in the time-domain, crosstalk noise at the DSL receivers is treated as a Gaussian distribution [6]. Obviously, this statement is not true for single crosstalk interference, because of the highly-frequency-dependent nature of the crosstalk. When summed over all frequencies from different contributors on different lines, the central limit theorem of statistics loosely applies to this statement. Practically, it has been validated that this does hold for the case of practical interest [6]. The drawback of such an analysis may strongly depend on the size error between a Gaussian distribution and its true distribution. When background thermal noise is small, this error can actually be large with respect to such noise. 2.2 Spectral Compatibility between Asymmetric and Symmetric DSL Systems Determining spectral compatibility between new and existing DSL services is a significant challenge. Recently, a number of studies have been conducted on spectral compatibility between DSL systems [18], [19], [20], [21]. Spectral compatibility has become a major issue for all DSL systems, especially with respect to transmission of 10 asymmetric and symmetric services in the same binder group. When DSL deployment reaches significant penetration, crosstalk between the various DSL services will become the dominant performance-limiting factor to QoS of DSL systems. The spectral compatibility of the ADSL service with the deployment of SDSL services is the main focus of this thesis. 2.2.1 Symmetric DSL Systems In 1996, ETSI has made the single-pair HDSL (early version of SDSL) in standard. This service transmits a full E1 payload on a single copper pair with a variable line rate up to 2320 kbps [22]. The technique that enables this superior performance of a singlepair SDSL service, uses the same 2B1Q modulation, (as in HDSL, and ISDN), but with a modified maximum likelihood detection on its receiver. There is no error correction coding in SDSL systems. SDSL transmits the same data rate in the upstream and downstream directions and same transmit PSD in the upstream and downstream directions. It is bi-directional and echo-canceled system. 2B1Q SDSL transmits a 4-level baseband pulse amplitude modulation signals. 2B1Q SDSL systems operating at different bit rates have different transmit PSDs. More detailed information about SDSL can be found in [22], [23], [24]. 2.2.2 Studies on Crosstalk Noise between ADSL and SDSL The spectral compatibility of high-rate SDSL services with the ADSL service in the same binder is studied herein. We focus on SDSL services interfere ADSL service, because of the following two reasons. First, The SDAL services are high in demand for 11 the future deployment and run on a single twisted pair telephone line together with ADSL service in a same binder. Second, the PSDs of SDSL services, shown in Fig., are overlapped in most areas with ADSL PSD, which is from DC to 1.104MHz. Spectral compatibility results are calculated for same-binder NEXT with the standard Unger 1% NEXT model. The maximum achievable bit-rate of T1.413 full-rate DMT ADSL in the presence of NEXT from SDSL systems was calculated. The DMT tones are separated by 4.3125 kHz, and the received SNR of each tone was calculated. The maximum bit-rate that each tone can carry with a 6dB SNR margin was found and then summed across all tones to get the total achievable T1.413 bit rate. The average transmit power of downstream ADSL is -40 dBm/Hz, and the average transmit power of upstream ADSL is -38 dBm/Hz, within the passband. T1.413 ADSL is assumed to have trellis coding gain of 3dB and 2dB ripple, and is FDD with non-overlapping upstream and downstream spectra. Downstream T1.413 ADSL is assumed to transmit from 160 kHz to 1104 kHz, and upstream T1.413 ADSL transmits from 26 kHz to 138 kHz. The pilot tones carry no data. A maximum of 12 bits per Hz can be transmitted by any tone in the T1.413 simulations here, allowing a maximum constellation size of 4096 points. ADSL bit rates are rounded down to the nearest integer multiple of 32 kbps. Cyclic prefix redundancy (6.66%) and a minimal 32 kbps EOC redundancy was removed before presenting the bit rates here. Achievable downstream ADSL bit rates in the presence of SDSL crosstalk is obtained as a function of loop length and SDSL data transmission rates. The simulation studies have shown that high rate, such as 1552 and 2320 kbps SDSL NEXT, largely reduces the ADSL downstream transmission data rates below its required minimum target rate, which 12 is 6 Mbps (low bound) up to 9 kft and 1.5.Mbps (low bound) between 9 to 18 kft. The results are shown in Fig. It is obvious that the higher the data rate of the SDSL transmission, the poorer the performance of the ADSL achievable rate. The degradation of the ADSL achievable rates can also be caused by the other DSL services in a same binder with the similar manner. Therefore, it is necessary for us to modify the ADSL system to suppressing crosstalk noise from the SDSL services (also to the other DSL services) to utilize its optimal capacity at reasonable cost. (Meanwhile, the preliminary enhancement studies on the SDSL systems can be found in [25], [26].) 1168, 1552 and 2320 kbps SDSL PSD (dBm/Hz) -30 -40 1168 kbps 1552 kbps -50 2320 kbps -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 0 400000 800000 1200000 1600000 2000000 Frequency (Hz) Fig. PSD of 2B1Q SDSL at 1168, 1552 and 2320 kbps 13 Downstream Bit Rate in kbps DMT-ADSL System with 24-SDSL Crosstalk 8000 7000 6000 1552 kbps SDSL crosstalk 5000 4000 3000 2000 2320 kbps SDSL Crosstalk 1000 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 26-AWG Loop Length in kft Fig. Downstream ADSL Bit Rate with 1552 & 2320 kbps SDSL NEXT. 14 2.2.3 Current Deployment Plan and Proposed Enhancement For the telephone companies deploying the ADSL and SDSL services in their loops, they use a so-called loop plan, which is basically testing and estimating of their deployment loops with limitation on the coverage and numbers of the customer subscribers. Therefore, the ADSL achievable rates degradation resulting from the crosstalk can be loosely controlled with various DSL services in the same binder groups. The drawbacks of this method are inconvenience for deployment management; limit on the transmission data rate; not rejecting out-of-band signal (crosstalk) by receivers, and trading off the loop coverage and subscriber numbers. Our studies on the crosstalk characteristics show that the crosstalk channel characteristics change very slowly over the time and can be modeled as static. Moreover, the type of crosstalk on each line, say on ADSL service line, does not change, as there are fixed DSL services in the same binder from the CO to CPE sides. Therefore, mitigating the crosstalk between DSL systems, we use a technique to enhance the ADSL receiver that “filters” the crosstalk noise. Without loss generality, this approach can be applied to the other DSL systems as well. 15 CHAPTER THREE DMT-ADSL CHANNEL MODULATION AND CHARACTERISTICS 3. Discrete Multitone Modulation System and ADSL Discrete Multitone (DMT) is a common form of multicarrier modulation. It has been introduced by IBM [27] to take advantage of digital signal processing and the FFT. It was later refined to a very high-performance form [28], [29]. That later form is used in the most recent multicarrier voiceband modems, such as ADSL [30]. DMT is a method to approximate the channel complex filters by simpler operations, which are to exploit the knowledge of the channel information matrices, tend to discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) algorithm [31]. It is similar to orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), which is widely used in wireless communications systems. A DMT system transmits data in parallel over narrowband channels. The subchannels carry a different number of bits, depending on their SNR. A DMT system transmits data using a twodimensional QAM on each channel. DMT-ADSL has been standardized by ANSI [15]. Herein, we only focus our study in DMT-ADSL. We are going to have an overview on DMT system first, before landing on the details of the DMT-ADSL system. 16 3.1 Overview of Discrete Multitone The principle of multitone transmission is by using two or more coordinated passband (like QAM) signals to carry a single bit stream over the communication channel. The passband signal are independently demodulated in the receiver and then remultiplexed into the original bit stream. The motivation for multitone is that if the bandwidth of each the sub-channel (tone) is sufficiently narrow, then no ISI occurs on any sub-channel. The individual passband signals may carry data equally or unequally. Usually, the passband signals with largest channel output SNR carry a proportionately larger fraction of the digital information. Fig. 3.1.1 shows the simplest multitone system to understand. N QAM (or like) modulators, along with possibly one DC/baseband PAM modulator, transmit N+1 subsymbol components X n , n = 0, 1, …, N, where N = N / 2 and N is assumed to be even number. X 0 and X N are real one-dimensional subsymbols while X n , n = 1, 2, … , N-1 can be two-dimensional complex subsymbols. Each subsymbol represents one of 2 bn messages that can be transmitted on sub-channel n. The carrier frequencies for the corresponding sub-channels are f n = equivalent basis functions are ϕ n = n , where T is the symbol period. The basebandT 1 t ⋅ sinc( ) , ∀n . The entire transmitted signal can T T be viewed as N+1 independent transmission sub-channels as indicated by the frequency band of Fig. 3.1.2. 17 X0 X1 ϕ 0 (t ) e − j 2πf1t e j 2πf1t ϕ1 (t ) + ϕ1 (−t ) + real part n(t) . . . XN-1 XN ϕ N −1 (t ) ϕ N (t ) e j 2πf N −1t + e j 2πf N t + + h(t) + phase split N = 2N ϕ 0 ( −t ) e − j 2πf N −1t + e − j 2π f N t Yn = H n ⋅ X n + N n + Y0 Y1 . . . ϕ N −1 (−t ) YN-1 YN ϕ N ( −t ) Fig. 3.1.1 Basic Multitone Modulation Transmission 18 Input X(f ) X0 X1 X2 ... H( f ) XN Yn ≈ H n ⋅ X n Y( f ) Y0 XN-1 Output Y1 ... Y2 YN-1 Fig. 3.1.2: Illustration of Frequency Bands for Multitone Transmission System 19 The multitone-modulated signal is transmitted over an ISI/AWGN channel with the corresponding demodulator structure also shown in Fig. 3.1.1. First quadrature decoupling with a phase splitter and then baseband demodulating with a matchedfilter/sampler combination separately demodulates each sub-channel. With this particular ideal choice of basis functions, the channel output basis function ϕ p ,n ( t ) is an orthonormal basis set. Each sub-channel may have ISI, bit as N → ∞ , this ISI vanishes. Thus, symbol-by-symbol detection independently applied to each sub-channel implements an overall maximum-likelihood (ML) detector. No equalizer (nor Viterbi detector) is necessary to implement the maximum-likelihood detector with large N. Therefore, ML detection is more easily achieved with multitone modulation on an ISI channel than it is on a single QAM or PAM signal, the latter of which would require sequence detection with the Viterbi algorithm for a large number of states. Equalization is also unnecessary if the bandwidth of each tone is sufficiently narrow to make the ISI on that sub-channel negligible. Multitone modulation typically uses a value for N that ensures that the pulse response of the ISI channel appears almost constant at H (n / T ) ≡ H n = H ( f ) for | f − n / T |< 1 / 2T . In practice, this means that the symbol period T greatly exceeds the length of the channel pulse response. The scaled matched filters simply become the bandpass filters ϕ p ,n (t ) = ϕ n (t ) = 1 / T sinc(t / T ) ⋅ e j ( 2π / T ) nt and the sampled outputs become Yn ≈ H n ⋅ X n + N n (3.1.1) 20 The accuracy of this approximation becomes increasing exact as N → ∞ . Fig. 3.1.2 illustrates the scaling of H n at the channel output on each of the sub-channels. Each subchannel scales the input X n by the pulse-response gain H n . Each sub-channel in the multitone system carriers bn bits per symbol. The total number of bits carried by the multitone system is then N b = ∑ bn (3.1.2) n =0 and the corresponding data rate is then R= N b = ∑ Rn T n =0 (3.1.3) where Rn ≡ bn / T . Thus, the aggregate data rate R is divided, possibly unequally, among the sub-channels. With sufficiently larger N , an optimum ML detector is easily implemented as N+1 simple symbol-by-symbol detectors. This detector need not search all combinations of m = 2 b possible transmit symbols. Each sub-channel is symbol-by-symbol detected. The reason for this ML detector is so easily constructed is because of the choice of the basis function: multitone basis functions are generically well suited to transmission over ISI channels. 21 3.2. Analysis of Discrete Multitone The multitone transmission system is construed as N subchannels (tones). The most importance is performance analysis and optimization of performance for the entire set of subchannels. 3.2.1. Channel Gap Analysis The probability of error for a multicarrier system is the average of the probabilities of error on each sub-channel. We assume that the probability of subsymbol error to be equal on all sub-channels and to be equal to Pe / 2 = 10 −7 . We also assume that the gap Γ , is a constant value for all the sub-channels, which is defined for any coded QAM system as Γ = 9.8 + γ m − γ c ( dB ) ( where γ m is the margin and γ c is the coding gain. We derive for an individual i th sub-channel that having 3Γ = 2 d min, i 4δ i2 = | H i |2 d i2 4δ i2 ( 22 For any sub-channel, we have bi = log 2 (1 + SNRi ) Γ ( as the maximum number of bits per symbol that can be carried on that sub-channel with margin γ m and coding gain γ c . The quantity SNRi is computed by SNRi = | H i |2 ε i 2δ i2 ( in this thesis, we assume that ε i = ε , a constant value on the sub-channels used and zero on else. This is called on/off energy distribution. In practice, a better solution on the energy distribution, which is called “water-pouring” can be found in [32]. Moreover, in a DMT system, the sub-channels carry a different number of bits, depending on their respective SNRi , this is referred to as a bit-loading algorithm. Several techniques on how to perform bit-loading in a DMT system has been studied [33], [34], [35], [36] and [59]. 3.2.2. Margin of the DMT The total number of bits that is transported in one symbol is the sum of the number of bits on each of the sub-channels, that is N N i =1 i =1 b = ∑ bi = ∑ log 2 (1 + SNRi ) Γ ( 23 Therefore, the data rate is R= b T ( Eq. ( can also be derived as N b = log 2 [∏ (1 + i =1 SNRi )] Γ ( We can define an average SNR as N SNR = Γ{[∏ (1 + i =1 1 SNRi N )] − 1} Γ ( Therefore, Eq.( can be written as b = N ⋅ log 2 (1 + SNR ) Γ ( From Eq. (, it permits direct computation of a margin for a multicarrier system with fixed data rate and probability of error. Normally, the “-1” term in Eq. ( can be ignored, and the average SNR becomes the geometric average N SNR ≈ [∏ ( SNRi )] 1 N ( i −1 24 The definition of margin, γ m , for transmission on an AWGN subchannel with a given SNR, a given number of bits per dimension b, and a given coding-scheme/target-Pe with gap Γ is the amount by which the SNR can be reduced and still maintain a probability of error at or below that target Pe [37]. We may compute the margin of the DMT with Eq. ( as γ m = [10 log10 ( SNR ) + γ c − 9.8]dB b N ( 2 −1 3.2.3. Performance Calculation The procedure to analyze the multicarrier system is summarized in [37] as: 1. From the power budget, compute a preliminary subsymbol energy allocation according to ε = ε i = PT . N 2. Compute the sub-channel SNR’s according to SNRi = ε | H i |2 δ i2 ( 3. Compute the number of bits that can be transmitted on each sub-channel with given margin and given error correction code bi = log 2 (1 + SNRi ) Γ ( 25 4. For those sub-channels with bi < 0.5 , reset ε i = 0 and reallocate their energy to the other sub-channels equally. Then, we need re-compute bi . 5. Compute b by summing the bi , and then compute the maximum data rate R = b/T. A margin can be computed using any number of used sub-channels. For data rates considerably below theoretical optimums, the number of used sub-channels often decreases with respect to the bandwidth used for the maximum data rate. The bandwidth with the best margin is used for a target rate, which is lower than maximum data rate. 3.2.4 Bit-loading and DMT-ADSL System In this subsection, we review the concept on the DMT-ADSL system characteristics. Fig., illustrates the concept of the bit-loading algorithm in the DMT-ADSL system. Bit-loading is a technique that is used for multicarrier systems (DMT in this thesis) operating on a stationary channel [33]. A stationary channel makes it possible to measure the SNR on each subchannel and assign individual numbers of transmitted bits. A subchannel with high SNR transmitted more bits than a subchannel with low SNR. Fig. shows a schematic picture of SNR and how the numbers of bits on each subchannel vary accordingly. When performing bit loading, one usually optimizes for either high data rate, or low average transmitting energy, or low error probability. Typically two of these are kept in constant, and the third parameter is the goal for the optimization. The parameter is optimized depending on the system, its environment, and its application. 26 In a multi-system environment, where there are several DSL systems transmitting in the same binder, the problem is complicated, since this kind of system experience crosstalk. The level of crosstalk is proportional to the transmitting power in the systems, as shown in Eq.( It is therefore desirable to have an equal transmission power in all systems, to obtain equal distribution. In a multi-system environment, the average transmitting power is usually fixed, and the optimization is for either high data rate or low BER. There are several techniques for bit loading in DMT systems and some of these are described [33], [38], [39], [40]. As mentioned earlier, there are several parameters that one can optimize for. Most algorithms optimize for high data rate or low BER. Given a certain data rate and energy constraint, the algorithm to achieve minimal BER is to assign one bit at a time to the subchannels. The algorithm calculates the energy cost to send one bit more on each subchannel. The subchannel with smallest energy cost then assigned the bit. This procedure is repeated until a desired bit rate is obtained. In [38], it has shown that complexity of this algorithm is proportional to the number of subchannels and the number of bits transmitted in a DMT frame. It also suggests a suboptimal algorithm of low complexity. An algorithm that maintains an equal bit-error probability over all subchannels, given a data rate and an energy constraint, is presented in [39]. A suboptimal way of performing bit loading to achieve a high data rate, while maintaining a constant BER across all subchannels is shown in [40]. In this algorithm, the bit-loading are calculated by 27 bk = log 2 ( 3E k g k γ d + 1) − log 2 C 2 Kδ k2 ( where bk is the number of bits carried on subcarrier k, Ek is the average symbol transmission energy, gk is the channel attenuation, and δ k2 is the noise variance. The coding gain is denoted γ d and the constellation expansion factor, due to coding is denoted C. To obtain a desired symbol error rate of Pe, the design constant K is chosen to K = [Q −1 ( Pe 2 )] Ne ( where Ne is the number of nearest neighbors. Expression Eq. ( can be viewed as the union bound for a QAM constellation, with some modification for coding, where K is the SNR required obtaining an error probability Pe. The channel SNR, 3E k g k γ d , is divided by the SNR required to transmit 2 Kδ k2 one bit. The number of bits needed in the coding, log2C is subtracted to get the number of bits carried by subchannel k. Finally, to handle the situation where the numbers of transmitting systems vary one can either do the bit loading for a worst case or employ adaptive bit loading. In [38], it has presented such an adaptive algorithm, which called bit-swap algorithm, designed for the case when a fixed data rate is specified. For detailed information on the bit-loading for DMT-ADSL system, it can be found in [41], [42]. 28 The ANSI T1.413 and ITU g.dmt ADSL system are standardized in the DMT system [15]. The standards of the characteristic of the DMT-ADSL system are addressed in the rest of the section. Bits/channel Attenuation AM Crosstalk Frequency Frequency Frequency Fig. DMT Bit-Loading Concept. 29 As shown in Fig., the DMT-ADSL system has two traffic channels. One is downstream transmission, which signals from CO to CPEs side; the revised traffic is called upstream transmission. They occupy different bandwidths. In a downstream transmission, the system employs a sampling rate of 2.208 MHz, a block size of 512 (FFT) with conjugate symmetry, meaning 256 tones (subchannels) from 0 to 1.104MHz. The actual downstream symbol rate is 4 kHz and the width of a tone is 4.3125 kHz. The average downstream psd is –40 dBm/Hz. The upstream transmission employs a sampling rate of 276 kHz, a block size 64, with conjugate symmetry, meaning 32 tones from 0 to 138 kHz. The symbol rate for the upstream transmission is 4 kHz and the width of the tone remains 4.3125 kHz. The average upstream psd is –38 dBm/Hz. The detailed state of the DMT-ADSL system can be found in [15], [43]. 30 # of Bits Upstream Channel Downstream Channel 14 POTS Frequency in kHz 0 4 30 138 240 1104 Fig. DMT-ADSL Frequency Spectrum 31 CHAPTER FOUR CHANNEL MODEL AND MULTIUSER TRANSMISSION The investigation of crosstalk testing results [17], in Fig. 3, shows that the crosstalk coupling function generally increases as f1.5 with frequency, but with significant (about 10 to 20 dB) variation in coupling with frequency. At any given frequency, only a few other pairs may contribute significantly to crosstalk. Over all frequencies range, many lines contribute crosstalk affect. Plus, the crosstalk psd is significantly high than the background psd of AWGN. Otherwise, the crosstalk would not dominate the effect on DSLs. With these conditions, we propose multiuser detection [44] for the DMT-ADSL receiver that significantly outperforms the single-user detection, which treats crosstalk as a Gaussian distribution. In the following section 4 and 5, we derive the twisted-pair channel model and introduce the multiuser transmission systems. 4.1 Twisted Wire Pairs Characteristics Twisted wire pairs are the dominating cable type in telephone access networks that are built for point-to-point two-way communication. The copper wire pair does not change its physical behavior significantly with time and is considered a stationary channel [55]. This makes it possible to use a technique called bit loading [33], as shown in section 3.2.4. for DMT transmission system, which also makes good use of the 32 spectrally shaped channel. Since DMT with bit loading makes efficient use of available bandwidth, it has become a good candidate for DSL systems. The characteristics of the wire pair channel have been studied in number of the papers [45], [55], [11]. In this thesis, twisted pair cable transfer function is derived from lab measurements using an HP 89410A spectrum analyzer. The transfer function can be modeled as att H (d , f ) = 10 10 ⋅ e − RCf d (4.1.1) where d is the cable length, att is the maximum attenuation, and RC is the cable constant. The corresponding impulse response is given by att 10 h(d , t ) = 10 0 RC e 4πt 3 − RCd 2 4t t>0 (4.1.2) t<0 This model is often used when DSL systems are analyzed [54], [46]. As DSL services carry on the telephone network, we discuss the characteristics of the telephone channel in the following subsection. 4.1.1 Electrical Characteristics of Twisted-pair Wires The details of twisted-pair wire line electrical characteristics can be found in [47] and [48]. According to standard transmission line theory, a wire line can be thought of as a succession of many small sections of the kind shown in Fig. 4.1.1. The inductance and 33 capacitance of the line section are given in L and C per unit length, and the line dissipation losses are R1 ohms per unit length down the line and R2 ohms per unit length across the line. For any sections, the characteristic impendence, defined as the ratio of voltage to current, is Z0 = R1 + jωL R2 + jωL and ω = 2πf ( I R1 dy L dy + R2 dy C dy V _ dy Fig. Transmission Line Segment Another wire line parameter, called propagation constant is defined as γ = ( R1 + jωL)( R2 + jωC ) ( 34 If a voltage V ( jω ) or a current I ( jω ) enters the telephone line, it can be decayed along the line as V ( jω ) exp( −γy ) or I ( jω ) exp( −γy ) . In particular, amplitudes decay as e ( −αy ) , where α is the real part of γ , called the attenuation constant. Normally, it is expressed as 20αy log10 e (dB/length) ( The wave velocity along the line is ω / β , where β is the imaginary part of γ . We need stress that all these parameters depend on the frequency. In particular R is approximately 4.1.2 f , because of the skin effect in conductors. Telephone Channel The telephone is an analog medium with a certain character, roughly speaking as a linear channel with a voice passband of 300 to 3300 Hz initially. There are many kinds of actual physical telephone channels, due to several telephone network connections in the world. In fact, it is necessary to define the telephone channel statistically, because no fixed definition is practical. Extensive studies of the telephone network have been made in different parts of the world. In North America, the telephone channel has been studied in [49], and [50]. In Table, we summarize some of its main conclusions. 35 Table Worst-case Measurement for Telephone Channels Attenuation, end to end, at 1 kHz 27 dB SNR, with special weighting 20 dB Frequency offset 3 Hz Peak-to-peak phase jitter, 20-300 Hz 13o Phase jumps greater than 20o 1/per minute Noise impulses, 4 dB below mean signal or 4/per minute higher Delay 50 ms Different wire line definitions need be pointed out here for a better understanding on the telephone loops. The term on leased line refers to a connection that is permanently allocated to a customer, rather than dialed at each use. A connection is entirely within a local switching area, called central office, has a much better behavior than a toll wire line, called a local loop. In a local loop, sometimes, there are a simple wire pair and have quite a wide bandwidth. The sources of noise in the telephone channel are digital quantization noise, thermal noise in detectors, crosstalk between adjacent lines, impulse, etc. Both thermal and quantization noise can be viewed as a Gaussian noise. Therefore, the telephone channel is normally treated as a Gaussian channel. 36 4.2 Multiuser Transmission System The fundamental limit of multiuser detection is to mitigate the interference among different modulated signals, called crosstalk. We focus our study in telephone cables. 4.2.1 Basic on Multiuser Detection The basic model for a multiuser channel and transmission system is shown in Fig., where L different data symbols, xl, l = 1, 2,…,L, share a channel with joint probability distribution p Y . The channel input can be considered to be one large vector X L X of dimension N x = ∑ N x ,l and the output vector is of dimension N. The set of users l =1 can be viewed as a single user with a larger signal set and a corresponding larger number of possible messages to be transmitted. Optimum detection of the entire set will be addressed in the late of this section. However, a receiver observing Y may not desire all the messages, and likely is attempting to attempting to detect messages from one user. In the most general form, the multiuser channel is described by the conditional probability distribution p X . Normally, many channels fit in the linear AWGN model, Y that is Y = HX + N ( where N is a vector of uncorrelated additive Gaussian noise values that each have variance No per dimension. 2 37 x1 X x2 xL . . . multiuser channel pY Y X Fig. Basic Multiuser Transmission System 4.2.2 Optimum Multiuser Detection The optimum detector for a multiuser channel is a generalization form of the optimum single-user channel detector. The set of all possible multiuser channel inputs will be denoted CX, and contain M =| C X | possible distinct N-dimensional symbols, which may be a large number that typically grows exponentially with L, the number of users. CX is a signal constellation, equivalently a code, for the set of all users. The details of the optimum multiuser detection have been addressed in [52], and [51]. We review some topics related to our research works. 38 Theorem (Optimum Multiuser Detection) The Probability of multiuser ˆ ∈ C to maximize p and is symbol error is minimum when the detector selects X X X Y known as the maximum a posteriori multiuser detector. When all possible multipleuser input symbol values are equally likely, this optimum detector simplifies to ˆ ∈ C , and is maximization of the conditional probability p X over the choice for X X Y called the maximum likelihood multiuser detector [51]. The probability of error for such a system reflects the likelihood that any of the users may been incorrectly detected M Pe = 1 − Pc = 1 − ∑ Pc / i ⋅ p i ( i =1 where Pc/i is the probability that the ith possible multiuser message set is correctly received. The users are often modeled as being independent in their choice of transmit message so that L PX = ∏ PX (l ) ( l =1 A MAP decoder simplifies to a ML decoder, when each of the users is distributed uniformly and independently. 39 The ML decoder for the AWGN channel has a probability of error that is Pe ≤ N e Q( d min ) 2δ ( where the number of nearest neighbors, Ne, now includes all mutiuser-symbol values in the calculation and similarly the minimum distance is over the entire set of all multiuser symbol values. The co-channel interference in multiuser channel is defined in the following [51]. Definition (Co-channel Interference Free Channel) A co-channel interference free multiuser channel (IFC) has a conditional probability distribution that satisfies L p Y = ∏ p y l / xl X ( l =1 This is the channel probability distribution factor into independent terms for each of the users. When the channel is not IFC, it is called co-channel interference (CCI) channel. With this definition, a lemma trivially follows 40 Theorem (Independent Detection (ID)) The optimum decoder for the IFC is equivalent to a set of independent optimum decoders for each individual user. Independent detection means that we can use a separate receiver for each user, potentially then enormously simplifying the detector implementation. Such systems are the norm in early multiuser transmission designs, but the assumption of an IFC may not be true especially when users are not well coordinated or channels are not completely known during design. The probability of being correct on the IFC channel is L Pe = 1 − ∏ Pc ,l ( l =1 from which one notes that the overall probability of error can never be less than the probability of error for any one of the users Pe ≥ Pe ,l ∀l ( a result that also holds true for any multiuser channel, ID or not because maximization of the probability distribution Pxl / Y is the minimum-probability of error detector for the symbol xl given the observation Y. The individual user probability distribution can be computed directly from the overall conditional distribution according to 41 Pxl / Y = ∫ X / xl PX d ( X / xl ) ( Y where the integral for any specific value of xl is simply the set of values for X/xl with xl held constant at the specific value, and it can be computed from known quantities, such as PY ⋅ PX PX = Y X ( PY Equivalently, the individual ML detector for xl given Y uses this distribution PY / xl = ∫ PY ⋅ PX / x l ⋅ d ( X / x l ) X / xl ( X Next, we will review the linear multiuser detection with AWGN channel [51], [52], which is the communication channel for the telephone transmission system. Linear Multiuser Detection in AWGN Channel The linear multiuser AWGN channel has been described in Eq. ( as Y = HX + N ( 42 In this channel, when desired input xl = 0 on the set of values for X/xl, in this case, the channel output contains all the contributions from the other users, except xl. The probability of error is as in Eq. (, when all the other users are simultaneously detected. For detection of desired input user xl, it may be that the overall minimum distance is too small. That is a single fixed value for xl may corresponding to the two multiuser codewords that determine the overall dmin. This can be defined as, d min,l = min X ≠ X ' ∧ xl ≠ xl' H (X − X ' ) ( It is easy to see that, d min, l ≥ d min ( with the equality if and only if any codewords in CX corresponding to the overall dmin also corresponding to different values for the lth desired users symbol contribution. That has, min d min,l = d min l ( This illustrates how it is possible for a detector extracting a single user to have better performance on one that extracts all other users. However, there is always at least one user that has a d min, l that is no longer than the dmin of the overall detector. 43 Symbol sequences can be handled as the following Y ( D ) = H ( D ) X( D ) + N ( D ) ( where all the vector or matrix D-transforms are defined by sampling finding the D transform of each element and D corresponding to a delay of a symbol period. 44 CHAPTER FIVE ADSL SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT 5.1 Multiuser Detection on DMT-ADSL System Last section, we reviewed the concept of multiuser detection [51], [52], where optimum linear detectors and structures for telephone transmission channel has been investigated. This method is very successfully used in the wireless network to combat cochannel signals with employing frequency reuse where one or more secondary signals from nearby cells can interfere with the desired signal. It has also been studied in the VDSL system; together with the Home-Phone LANs (HPL) [53] and showing very little degradation from the HPL crosstalk with multiuser detection, while large degradation with a single-user detector. This thesis employs multiuser detection for the DMT-ADSL system to mitigate crosstalk from SDSL systems in the same binder. The goal of this thesis is to apply this approach and algorithm to all DSL systems to suppress crosstalk between their services in the same binder. The ADSL multi-access channel model can be derived in Fig. 5.1.1, in a binder group with k pairs of wire lines. The transmitted ADSL signals are denoted as x1 and the crosstalk data signals are xk, where K = 2,3,…,k, (can be various DSL signals in this proposal assuming all with the SDSL). The ADSL channel transfer function is 45 represented as Hc(f), and the attenuation characteristic of the ADSL channel is approximated by | H c ( f ) | 2 = e −α where α = m f , (5.1.1) l , l = length of the channel in fleet, l0 = a reference length, f in kHz, and m l0 = a constant of the physical channel = 1.158, as in Ref. [54]. The spectral distribution of the NEXT interference coupling to the ADSL line channel is as in Eq. (5.1.1). A key issue, which differs from the Gaussian model, is that each crosstalking data signal undergoes filtering by a crosstalk coupling function before effectively being added at the channel output to the AWGN. With multiuser detection, our proposal will ensure the performance of telephone systems employing the ADSL loops in the presence of the SDSL crosstalk. At the receiver side, the received output is then K r (i ) = ∑ hk (i ) ∗ x k (i ) + n(i ) (5.1.2) k =1 where xk is the transmitted signals, hk is the channel impulse response when k=1, and together with crosstalk coupling function when k>1, n is AWGN, and K-1 is the total number of the crosstalk signals in a binder. The best detector for the multiuser channel is a joint maximum-likelihood detector. This kind of detector is complex, but theoretically provides bounding of improvement 46 from a multiuser detector. Based on ADSL and SDSL environment studies, a suboptimal solution has been introduced to reduce the computational complexity. 47 x Transmit1 (x1) Noise, σ 2 R ADSL Channel + ADSL Receiver y Transmit2 (x2) Transmitk (xk) Crosstalk Filtering + Crosstalk Filtering Fig. 5.1.1: ADSL Channel Model with k-1 Crosstalk Signals 48 5.1.1 Theoretic Bounds on Multiuser DMT-ADSL Channel The maximum possible capacities for the individual users in multiuser transmission system help provide bounds and goals that guide the design. We have investigated a sophisticated and more convincing theoretic argument on the achievable performance bounds by using the multiuse DMT-ADSL channel with the SDSL crosstalk noise. It shows that data rate of the DMT-ADSL system, which is modeled as a multiuser channel together with the SDSL crosstalk, is higher than the data rate as the single-user channel that modeled the crosstalk as Gaussian noise with the same PSD. The later Gaussian modeling is what is being used today in projections that the SDSL crosstalk defeats the DMT-ADSL transmission, but is grossly pessimistic inaccurately modeling the SDSL crosstalk 5.1.2 Spectral Distribution on the Multiuser Channel Capacity The spectral distribution in twisted pair channels is not distributed linearly within the width of the frequency band. The reason is that the signal amplitude attenuates as the frequency and loop length increase, and thus for the voice band, the useful spectrum of the TPC is located at low frequencies, as discussed in [55]. Fig. shows a typical TPC attenuation characteristic at low frequencies, which is from DC to 3300Hz with the difference measurement point from the center office (CO). Fig. shows a typical attenuation characteristic of a TPC, which is up to 1500 kHz, and also shows the NEXT attenuation (or the channel transfer function) from low frequencies to high frequencies. 49 0 TPC Attenuation in dB 60 0 fe et from CO -50 60 00 feet from CO -100 -150 -200 -250 18 000 fee t fro m CO -300 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Frequency in Hz Fig. TPC Attenuation Function with Difference Length 0 -10 -20 analytic channel model, in Eq.(2) Gain in dB -30 -40 -50 squared crosstalk coupling function -60 -70 -80 -90 0 500 1000 1500 Frequency in kHz Fig. Channel Attenuation and NEXT Coupling Characteristic 50 Based on Fig., we can see that at higher frequencies, there is higher attenuation and higher NEXT crosstalk coupling, which results in smaller the SNR and the channel capacity per unit spectrum decreases in TPC. We derive these issues in the following and also address a comparison on channel capacity performance with our multiuser channel model to current single-user channel, treating crosstalk as Gaussian distribution. For the DMT-ADSL system shown in Fig.5.1.1, basic information theory can be used to determine a maximum data rate between the set of channel inputs containing desired DMT-ADSL signal and crosstalk signals, {x: (x1, x2,…,xk)} and the channel output y, which is called mutual information [56]. This mutual information can be represented as I ( x; y ) = H ( x ) − H ( x / y ) ( where H(x) is called the entropy of the source x and defined as k H (x) = −∑ p ( x i ) log 2 p ( x i ) (bits/outcome) ( i =1 and H(x/y) is called the conditional entropy of x, which defined as H (x / y ) = −∑ p ( x / y ) log 2 p ( x / y ) ( x The mutual information can be viewed as the reduction in the uncertainty in x, on the average, if y is known. Hence, the mutual information is a function of the crosstalk signal contributions, which are often given and not necessarily alterable by optimization, 51 for example using a coding scheme. Therefore, the Shannon’s paper [58] is an assertion of the channel capacity on our study. Shannon asserted that there was a largest measure of information that a given noisy channel can carry with vanishing small error probability; it is called the channel capacity, which is C = max I ( X , O) p( X ) (bits/channel used) ( Therefore, C is the largest possible mutual information between the input source, X, and the output O. The capacity, C is the largest measure of information that can be learned about X through this channel. In the following, we derive the capacity for the conventional single-user and our proposed multiuser ADSL channel models. Fig. illustrates the channel transfer function, and NEXT coupling transfer function, denoted by H c ( f ) , and H NEXT ( f ) , respectively. We assume that the channel can be characterized as a linear time-invariant system. In DMT system, we can divide the transmission bandwidth B of the channel onto K narrow frequency sub-channels (bins); each of width W Hz and assume that the channel, noise and the crosstalk characteristic vary slowly enough with frequency that they can be approximated as constant over each bin. In the conventional single-user ADSL receiver, it is a fact that at higher frequencies, there is higher attenuation and higher NEXT results in smaller the SNR and the channel capacity per unit spectrum decreases. The reason is we sum all the crosstalk interferences and background noise (Gaussian distribution) to get the total Gaussian noise. Consider the case of two neighboring lines carrying an ADSL service (desired 52 channel) and a SDSL service (crosstalk channel), under the Gaussian channel assumption, we can write the single-user ADSL receiver capacity as ∞ Csin gle−user | H c ( f ) |2 Pdesired ( f ) = sup ∫ log 2 [1 + ]df N o ( f ) + | H NEXT ( f ) |2 Pint erference ( f ) Pdesired , Pint erference 0 ( The supermum is taken over all possible Pdesired ( f ) and Pint erference ( f ) satisfying: Pdesired ( f ) ≥ 0, Pint erference ( f ) ≥ 0, ∀f ( and the average power constraints for the two directions ∞ ∞ 0 0 2 ∫ P desired ( f )df ≤ Pdesired _ max , 2 ∫ Pint erference ( f )df ≤ Pint erference _ max ( The denominator of Eq. ( is dominated usually by the lager NEXT, | H NEXT ( f ) |2 Pint erference ( f ) . This NEXT is much lager than background noise, which usually in –140 dBm/Hz. In our enhanced multiuser ADSL receiver shown in Fig. 5.1.1, we use a joint ML detector, which is the best detector for the optimal solution. The objective of the JMLSE is based on the single output available in a single ADSL, it selects over all possible crosstalk channel inputs and main desired channel inputs (herein, as ADSL channel inputs) that particular set of input, which minimizes the distance from the received single 53 channel output. In another word, JMLSE decode the desired vector x1 , and possible the interfering signal vectors x K = x 2 ,..., x k , based on received signal R. The signal component H K ⋅ x K is treated as an interfering signal matrix, which prevents the decoding of the desired signal x1 . Rather than treating this interfering signal as a background Gaussian noise, the JMLSE can significantly improve performance by jointly detecting the desired signal vector x1 with crosstalk signals. Thus, we can write the ADSL channel capacity as ∞ Cmultiuser | H c ( f ) |2 Pdesired ( f ) = sup ∫ log 2 [1 + ]df No ( f ) Pdesired 0 ( Obviously, we can conclude that Eq. ( has much higher throughput that Eq. ( Shown in Fig. 5.1.1, multi-user access channel capacity considers the problem where the received signal Y consists of a superposition of signals X i , received with power Pi and bandwidth B , in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise N with sample power n Y = ∑ Xi + N ( i As an example, consider the two user case, Y = X 1 + X 2 + N , and assume without loss of generality that is X 1 the signal of interest and X 2 is an interfere. An intuitively straightforward way to deal with this case is to think of X 2 as another noise term and 54 lump it into N. This "single user" approach does not take advantage of the structure of the interfering term and results in a significant penalty in the achievable capacity. It can be shown [56], and [57]) that in this case the achievable capacity for user 1 is P1 C1* = B log1 + P2 + nB ( and similarly for user 2 P2 C 2* = B log1 + P1 + nB ( In Figure 4 below, the achievable capacity region is depicted in the square formed by the dotted lines. If however, X 1 and X 2 are considered jointly, then the achievable capacity is given by P P + P2 Ri ≤ B log 1 + i , R1 + R2 ≤ B log 1 + 1 nB nB ( which is depicted in Figure below by convex hull formed by the solid lines. Notice the considerable capacity improvement when the interference structure is taken into account. 55 P C i = B log 1 + i nB ( Rate (User 1) C1 Multiuser C1* Single User Rate (User 2) C2* C2 Figure Channel Capacity – Single vs. Multiuser Channels An alternate, we can derive the same conclusion of a better performance in multiuser DMT-ADSL model using [14]. As shown in Fig. 5.1.1, the signal y represents the sum of all the data signals and R is the signal at the ADSL receiver. The mutual information I(x, y) cannot exceed the mutual information between the aggregate data signal R and the channel output y, I(R, y) [58] ,[59]. Also, if each user has data rate Ri, i = 1,2,…K, then we have 56 L ` ∑R i =1 i ≤ I ( X, R ) ( Now, we start with: I ( x, y ) ≤ I ( R , y ) , with equality if x ↔ R is a one-to-one mapping. The mapping is one-to-one in all but degenerate cases when the discrete distribution of x is considered. The case of the mapping being close to singular, not oneto-one, is accommodated tacitly in the following analysis by the assumption attached to the level of the power spectral density of the AWGN that is added to R from y. This later mutual information is between a single channel input and a signal channel output and is easily computed for an ADSL channel. The number attached to I(R, y) strongly depends on the level of AWGN, which does not include crosstalk signal impairments. This level can be very low for an ADSL and is often determined by receiver thermal noise or analog-to-digital converter quantization levels, which are often controllable by design. Any larger noise is likely to be crosstalk, and it spans a substantial bandwidth. If it is a crosstalk signal, then this proposal will distinguish it from the noise. Computing the mutual information I(R, y) for an ADSL system is straightforward. This number will be high, often an order of magnitude more or higher than data rates normally projected for an ADSL. This large value is because the AWGN is small compared with the crosstalk signals. The achievable data rate for the desired channel, i =1, is then bounded by the achievable limit [60] K R1 ≤ I ( R, y ) − ∑ I ( xi , y ). ( i=2 57 The limit in Eq. ( can be a much larger number than the data rate based on Gaussian crosstalk assumptions. The sum of data rates subtracted on the right can be a much smaller number than might be initially computed by summing the data rates of all crosstalk signals. The smaller number will occur because of the frequency-selective crosstalk coupling function in Fig. 5.1.1 The effective data rate or information of a highly bandlimited random process is essentially zero when its power spectral density is less than the AWGN level [61]. 5.1.3 Examples on Capacity Bound Analysis As an example, assume that we are interested in the pairwise crosstalk interference from an adjacent neighboring the SDSL has psd of –38dBm/Hz to the desired DMT-ADSL system. Each DMT-ADSL tone has a bandwidth of 4.3125 kHz. The center frequency of the downstream DMT-ADSL is 690 kHz. The SDSL crosstalk coupling function to the ADSL channel can be calculated with 10-9f1.5 [54]. A psd of –38 dBm/Hz SDSL transmitted energy will have a psd of –86.8 dBm/Hz at the ADSL receiver. As we know, the background white noise is –140 dBm/Hz in the commonly used case. The mutual information of a SDSL crosstalk on the ADSL circuit line is I ( x 2 , y ) = BW each _ tone log 2 (1 + 10 ( psd _ awgn − psd _ coupling _ signal ) / 10 ) = 4.3125kHz log 2 (1 + 1014 −8.68 ) = 78.5kbps. This means, it is possible to sufficiently detect a 1552 kbps SDSL signal with 20 tones in the worst case with the right code. Moreover, though it is a pairwise result, this capacity is very closed to an ADSL line in a binder group with many wire lines together, because 58 our study [62] has also shown that the major dominant effect of the crosstalk is from an adjacent neighboring pair DSL service in the same binder group. Therefore, -86.8 dBm/Hz is quite closed to the total 50-pair crosstalk degradation in the binder, but only 2 or 3 dBm worse than that [62]. Assume that a maximum instantaneous data rate of 2320 kbps SDSL signal is coupling with an ADSL system; thus, the maximum mutual information from the SDSL signal into the ADSL line is limited to 2320 kbps. An ADSL signal has an average attenuation of about 43 dB in its downstream bandwidth, with psd of –40dB/Hz. Therefore, it should have a residual capacity of I ( x1 , y ) = I ( R, y ) − 2320kbps = 1.104 MHz log 2 (1 + 10[ − ( 40 + 43) −( −140 )] / 10 ) = 21Mbps. In theoretic bound, there is enough room for the ADSL signal to transmit much faster than the current limit. Though additional SDSL and other DSL signals would reduce this 21 Mbps rate a bit, it will always be possible to detect the ADSL signal even with some large impractical interference signal levels, which may never exist in DSL line channel. Finally, if the SDSL crosstalk coupling were modeled as a white Gaussian noise with the same psd, the ADSL data rate then becomes R ADSL = 1.104 MHz log 2 (1 + 10 8.68−8 ) = 330kbps, 59 which is almost a complete loss. Therefore, it is too pessimistic to model the crosstalk as a white Gaussian noise, as currently used. 5.2 Joint Maximum-likelihood Sequence Estimation (JMLSE) This technique is based on maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) [63], [64]. Since the cochannel signals are jointly recovered, this kind of method is referred to as joint maximum-likelihood estimation (JMLSE) [65]. 5.2.1 DSL Co-channel Signal Model A general multi-access UTP channel model is shown in Fig.5.1.1. As our study shows, the adjacent neighboring pair has the dominating contribution on the NEXT interference [62]. The block of N pairs wire line channel model can be illustrated in as Fig. The transmitted low-pass equivalent waveforms can be represented by x m (t ) = ∞ ∑d k = −∞ m ( k ) g (t − kT ), m = 1,2,...N ( where T is the symbol duration, {d1(k)} is the primary source symbol and {dm(k)},m = 2,3,…,N, is interference source symbols, and g(t) is the shaping function. DSL systems use twisted-pair copper cable as their transmission media. The transfer function of the twisted-pair copper cable can be modeled as [66], [67] H (d , f ) = 10 max_ atten 10 e− RCf d , ( 60 where d is the cable length, max_atten is the maximum attenuation, and RC is the cable constant. The corresponding impulse response is given by att 10 h(d , t ) = 10 0 RC e 4πt 3 − RCd 2 4t t>0 t<0 Primary Channel d1(k) d2(k) g(t) x1(t) ( Ν(t) h1(t) + g(t) x2(t) h2(t) R E C r(t) T/2 Sampler g(t) dN(t) hN(t) xN(t) CrosstalkChannel Fig. Co-channel System Model The discrete measurement samples of the received signal r(t) at the output of the T/2spaced sampler in Fig. 8 are given by 61 N Lm r (kT + jT / 2) = ∑∑ hm ,n (kT + jT / 2)d m m =1 n =0 ( + N (kT + jT / 2), j = 0,1,..., N − 1 where the noise sequences {N(kT+jT/2)} are assumed to be independent, white and Gaussian with zero mean and equal variance. The reasons on choosing the T / 2 -spaced Joint MLSE are to eliminate the whitening matched filter, and also less sensitive to sampling time offsets. As an example on each adjacent pair line, the delay spreads of the primary and secondary channels are L1T and L2 T . The 2( Lm + 1) channel coefficients { hm ,n (kT + jT / 2) } represent the convolution of the frequency selective channels with the transmit filter g(t), sampled at T/2 second. The goal for our proposed receiver is to accurately recover the sequences {d1(k)} and {d2(k)}, given reliable estimates of the channel impulse response h1 (k ) and h2 (k ) , where hm ( k ) = [ hm ,0 ( k ), hm ,1 ( k ),..., hm , Lm ( k )] . Here, we assume the UTP channel is a Gaussian channel, which has mutually uncorrelated, white Gaussian background noise, with zero mean and equal likely spectral density, δ 2 / 2 . As the JMLSE is based on the technique of MLSE, we are going to review the MLSE receiver in the following sub-sections. This helps us on better understanding how JMLSE works on ADSL receiver enhancement. 5.2.2 MLSE Receiver Design The maximum-likelihood sequence estimator [68], [69], [70] has shown the best performance among all the equalizers and detectors, which called an “optimal” receiver in the communication systems. 62 The optimum receiver selects the most probable transmitted sequence, using all available information fully. The a posteriori probability is the probability that the symbol sequence, { α } was transmitted, given that r(t) was received, as pα r (t ) ({α }r (t )) ( The statistically optimum receiver computes a posteriori probabilities for all transmitted sequences, and then chooses the sequence with the greatest a posteriori probability. This receiver structure is called maximum a posteriori probability (MAP). Using Bayes theorem, the a posteriori probability can be rearranged as pα r (t ) ({α }r (t )) = pα ,r (t ) ({α }, r (t )) p r (t ) (r (t )) = p r (t ) α (r (t ){α })pα ({α }) p r (t ) (r (t )) ( Ultimately the probability expression is used for decision-making, so the denominator, p r (t ) (r (t )) , can be discarded, since it is common for all hypothesised sequences. A goal of communications is maximizing the information rate, so source coding (e.g. Huffman coding, arithmetic coding) is often employed. The symbol sequence is approximately white, with equiprobable symbols. Accordingly, maximizing the a posteriori probabilities is equivalent to maximizing the conditional probabilities, p r (t ) α (r (t ){α }) ( 63 for all symbol sequences. This is an MLSE structure, and is optimal when the symbols are equiprobable. As written, the conditional probabilities are computed at the end of transmission, whereas a recursive algorithm to compute the conditional probabilities is preferred since transmission may never stop. A continuous time version of the derivation in [71] is used. The transmission interval begins at tB sec and ends at tE sec. These times may be finite or infinite. The received signal in the ith symbol interval is defined as, r (t ) ri (t ) = 0 iT ≤ t ≤ (i + 1)T otherwise ( The signal up to time (i+1)T is the history of ri(t) r (t ) t B ≤ t < (i + 1)T Ri (t ) = otherwise 0 ( so the conditional probability can be expanded by repeated application of Bayes theorem, as p r (t ) α (r (t ){α }) = t E T ∏p i = t B T ri (t ) Ri ,α (r (t ) R( ) , {α }) i i −1 ( 64 Since the logarithm function is one-to-one and monotonic, choosing the transmitted sequence with maximum log-likelihood is equivalent to choosing the transmitted sequence with maximum conditional probability. The log-likelihood is defined as ln p r (t ) α (r (t ){α }) = t E T ∑ ln p i = t B T ri (t ) Ri ,α (r (t ) R , {α }) i ( i where the product has been reduced to a sum. The sequence with the largest loglikelihood function or metric is the maximum likelihood sequence, and it is selected by the receiver. The sequence of complex phases, {β}, can reconstruct the symbol sequence, {α}, so it is sufficient for a receiver to maximize the log-likelihood over {β} instead, where the revised metric equals ln p r (t ) β (r (t ){β }) = t E T ∑ ln p i = t B T ri (t ) Rir , β (r (t ) R , {β }) i ( i With linear modulations, the information phase, β k k −1 until t = kT+ξF, so the partial sum, ∑ ln p i = t B T transmitted sequence only up to β M k − t B T +1 (k-1). ri (t ) Ri , β does not arrive at the receiver (r (t ) R , {β }), i i depends on the At the kth symbol interval, there are distinct metrics, and in general this number grows exponentially with the transmission duration. Thus choosing the ML sequence involves searching for the best metric through an ever-expanding tree. 65 The kth log-likelihood, ln pri (t ) Ri , β (rk (t ) Ri , {β }) , at the kth symbol period is labeled the branch metric. The running total of branch metrics, from t B T to k, is labeled the path metric. A sequence of transmitted symbols is called a path, since it defines the branches taken through the tree. In hardware implementations of Viterbi algorithm, the log-likelihood, ln pri (t ) Ri , β (rk (t ) Ri , {β }) are usually converted to bit metrics as, M (ri j | β i j ) = a[log p (ri j | β i j ) + b] ( where a and b are chosen such that the bit metrics are small positive integers that can be easily manipulated by digital logic circuits. Therefore, the path metric for {β } is computed as, M (r | β) = k ∑ M (r i =[ t B / T ] i j | β ij ) ( Thus, the code word {β } that maximizes p r (t )| β also maximizes M (r | β) . "Per-Sequence-Processing" is the reason for the exponentially increasing complexity. In the general communications problem, the optimal receiver structure has no a priori knowledge of the channel. However, knowledge of the channel and other parameters is necessary to compute the branch metrics, and these are progressively estimated. The estimation is normally data-dependent, since the transmitted signal must be deconvoluted from the received signal before the channel is revealed. Thus the estimated 66 channel and the branch metric depend on the whole symbol sequence history. The number of branch metrics increases exponentially in time. Furthermore, the log-likelihood of equation ( is difficult or impossible to compute when all random processes are considered. The transmitter carrier oscillator, the receiver carrier oscillator, the transmitter symbol rate oscillator and the receiver symbol rate oscillator all introduce random phase noise. The multipath channel has a random number of paths, with a randomly time-varying path attenuations, delays, and arrival angles. The receiver’s motion is random. When all the individual pdfs are known, it is mathematically prohibitive to construct the joint pdf. When the pdfs are not known, it is impossible. Thus the MLSE receiver structure is not implementable, except when a simple statistical model can describe the communication system and either the transmission interval is short or the tree search simplifies to a trellis search. Trellis searches arise when no data-dependent quantities need to be computed and the branch metric is a function of a finite number of code states and transmitted symbols. One example is the transmission of uncoded data through a time-invariant channel corrupted by white noise, when the channel, the carrier’s frequency and phase, the symbol rate oscillator’s frequency and phase, and the beginning of transmission are completely known [72], [73]. The received pulse shape extends over L symbol periods. The branch metric is a function of the hypothesis vector, {β (i − L +1) , K β i }. There are only a finite number, ML, of hypothesis vectors, which can be mapped to the ML branches of an ML-1 state trellis. At the ith symbol period, the trellis’ state is controlled by the first L-1 symbols, {β (i − L +1) , K β (i −1) }. The last symbol, βi, specifies which of the M branches are 67 selected. There are M paths arriving at each state in the (i+1)th symbol period [72] and [73] demonstrate that the path metric can be constructed as the sum of independent branch metrics. Accordingly, the exhaustive comparison required to compute the maximum likelihood sequence can be performed iteratively, before the end of transmission. Since a path’s metric beyond the ith symbol period is independent from its path metric before the ith symbol period, it is sufficient for each state to retain only the path with the best metric from the M arriving paths. Thus each symbol period, the MLSE receiver extends ML-1 surviving paths in ML ways, one for each hypothesis vector. Immediately, these paths are pruned back to the best ML-1 surviving paths. This is the Viterbi algorithm [72]. Ideally, the algorithm makes no decisions until the end of transmission ("ideal Viterbi"); however, the path histories require linearly increasing storage, and the decisions are delayed too long. In practice, the decision delay is truncated to some fixed value. Herein, we choose a fractionally spaced MLSE for enhanced DMT-ADSL receiver. It is addressed in the following sub-section. The ideal fractionally spaced MLSE receiver has the same performance as the conventional MLSE receiver. We derive an equivalent receiver that does not implement the matched filter, but instead uses a fixed analog filter that is matched to the pulse shaping filter. A noise-whitening filter having a fixed structure that does not depend on the unknown channel is used to whiten the T/2-spaced noise samples. A Viterbi algorithm then operates on the T/2-spaced received sequence at the output of the noise-whitening filter. In conclusion, we summarize the Viterbi algorithm implementation processing. 68 The Viterbi decoding process begins with building the accumulated error metric for some number of received channel symbol pairs, and the history of what states preceded the states at each time instant t with the smallest accumulated error metric. Once this information is built up, the Viterbi decoder is ready to recreate the sequence of bits that were input to the channel. The detail steps are in the following. Accomplishment steps (1) Select the state having the smallest accumulated error metric and save the state number of that state. (2) Iteratively perform the following step until the beginning of the trellis is reached: Working backward through the state history table, for the selected state, select a new state, which is listed in the state history table as being the predecessor to that state. Save the state number of each selected state. This second step is called traceback. (3) Work forward through the list of selected states saved in the previous steps. Look up what best estimated input bit corresponds to a transition from each predecessor state to its successor state. 5.2.3 T/2-spaced MLSE Receiver It is known to us that the optimum receiver filter, given the received signal r(t), is a filter matched to h(t) [72]. In Ref. [72], it showed that a matched filter followed by a symbol-rate sampler gives sufficient statistic to estimate the transmitted sequence {βl}. 69 In conventional MLSE receiver, the T-spaced samples at the output of the matched filter must be obtained at the correct timing phase. The signal at the output of the matched filter is rMF (t ) = ∑ β l x(t − kT ) + v(t ) ( l where x(t ) = h(t ) ∗ h * (−t ) , and v(t) is the response of the receiver filter to the white noise signal n(t). In the receiver of Eq. (, the signal rMF(t) is sampled with rate 2/T. The overall channel impulse response and the sampler can be represented by a discrete time T/2spaced transversal filter with coefficients x ( 2) = ( x−( 22)L , x−( 22)L+1 ,..., x−( 12) , x0( 2 ) , x1( 2) ,..., x2( 2L)−1 , x2( 2L) ) . ( In Eq. (, we assume that the samples are obtained at the correct timing phase, i.e. xl( 2 ) = x(lT / 2) and xl( 2 ) = ( x−( 2l ) )* , where (⋅) ( 2) indicates rate 2/T sampling. The T/2-spaced noise samples at the output of the matched filter have the autocorrelation 1 E[vm* vn ] = N 0 xn( 2−)m 2 ( The z-transform of x(2), denoted as X(2)(z), has 4L roots and can be factored as X ( 2 ) ( z ) = V ( z )V * (1 / z * ) ( 70 where V(z) and V*(1/z*) are polynomials of degree 2L having conjugate reciprocal roots. The T/2-spaced correlated noise samples are now whitened using a filter that has a transfer function 1/V*(1/z*). Once again, V*(1/z*) is chosen such that all its roots are insider the unit circle. The output of the noise-whitening filter is 2L y l( 2) = ∑ vi I l(−2i) + η l( 2) ( i =0 where { η l( 2 ) } is a T/2-spaced white Gaussian noise sequence with variance 1 E[| η l( 2) | 2 ] = N 0 and the {vk} are the coefficients of a T/2-spaced discrete-time 2 transversal filter having a transfer function V(z). The sequence { β ( 2) } is the corresponding T/2-spaced symbol sequence given by , l = 0,2,4,... β β l( 2) = l / 2 l = 1,3,5,... 0 , ( Then, we have 2L L i =0 i =0 ∑ | vi |2 = ∑ | g i |2 = x0( 2) = x0 ( Notice that the samples y 2l( 2) and y 2( 2l +) 1 correspond to the lth received baud where L y 2( 2l ) = ∑ v 2 i β l −i + η 2( 2l ) i =0 71 L y 2( 2l +) 1 = ∑ v 2i +1 β l −i + η 2( 2l +)1 ( i =0 Note that y 2l( 2) is not necessarily equal to yk due to the fact that different noise-whitening filter is used to whiten the T/2-spaced noise samples. Maximum likelihood sequence estimation can be applied to the T/2-spaced received samples in a very similar to that described in Ref. [72]. The Viterbi decoder searches for the most likely path in the trellis based on the T/2-spaced received sequence. However, two samples are fed to the Viterbi decoder for every baud, and a branch metric for each transition in trellis is evaluated. For each transition into the state sl(+i )1 , the samples y 2l( 2) and y 2( 2l +) 1 are used by the Viterbi algorithm to evaluate the following branch metric L γ l ( s lj → s li+1 ) =| y 2( 2l ) − v 0 β l ( s lj → s li+1 ) + ∑ v 2 m β l − m ( sl( j ) ) 2 | m =1 L + | y 2( 2l +) 1 − v1 β l ( s lj → s li+1 ) + ∑ v 2 m +1 β l − m ( s l( j ) ) 2 | m =1 ( We can easily see that T/2-spaced MLSE receiver has the same number of the states as the conventional MLSE receiver, but required twice the number of computations. 5.2.4 Analyzing MLSE Receiver Structures The BER of linear receiver structures is relatively straightforward to compute, since symbols are processed independently and so their errors are independent too. However, 72 this is not the case for non-linear receiver structures, since consecutive errors are not usually independent. The exact BER can be computed as follows. Given a transmitted sequence, the joint pdf of all hypothesized sequences’ path metrics is calculated. This can be viewed geometrically as a density function in a multidimensional space. Each hypothesized sequence is assigned its own (positive only) axis. All the path metrics at the end of transmission can be written as a coordinate vector, specifying a point in this multidimensional space. The value of the density function at this point expresses the likelihood of computing that set of path metrics. The space can be divided into decision regions. Points within the same decision region share the same largest path metric, and so detect the same maximum likelihood sequence. In fact, a hypothesized sequence’s decision region encloses the points closer to its axis than any other. When the ML sequence is detected instead of the transmitted sequence, there are a number of bit errors, unless the ML sequence is the transmitted sequence. This number, divided by the total number of bits in the transmitted sequence, weights each region of the joint pdf. Then the bit error rate due to the transmitted sequence is calculated by repeatedly integrating over all the weighted joint pdf’s dimensions. The overall BER is then this quantity, averaged across all transmitted sequences. Clearly, this exact method has little value since it is difficult to compute. The number of path metrics is increasing exponentially with the transmission length, so the jointly pdf gets very complicated and the number of integrations gets very large. 73 Forney’s union bound technique is more straightforward to compute [72]. The probability that the sequence with the largest path metric that is not the transmitted sequence can be upper bounded by the probability that any error sequence has a larger path metric than the transmitted sequence’s path metric. Thus a joint pdf is not needed, only the pdf of the path metric difference, for all possible transmitted and error sequences. Furthermore, there is no need to compute the pdf over the whole transmission interval. An error sequence follows the same states as the transmitted sequence until the first error. Errors follow until the two sequences merge at a common state again. This sequence of errors is called an error event. Any useful communications system has a low BER, so the error events are normally short compared to the mean time between them. Accordingly, they can be considered independent, so their probability can be calculated by only considering the pdf of the path metric difference in the vicinity of the error event. We point out some notations before our further discussions. The actual transmitted sequence is denoted by {β u,v }. Potential error events are written as {β u,v,w }. The superscript u denotes the length of the error event under consideration. The superscript v enumerates each distinct transmitted sequence in the vicinity of the length u error event. Each transmitted sequence can be confused with several others, so the error sequences are enumerated by a further index, w. When an error occurs, the ML sequence is one of the error sequences, {β u,v,w}. The probability that the sequence, {β u,v ( ) }, is transmitted is labeled by P β u ,v . The probability that an error sequence has a better metric than the transmitted sequence (the ( ) pairwise probability of error) is denoted by P β u ,v → β u ,v ,w . In general, the pairwise 74 probability of error depends on the correct symbols in the vicinity of the error event as well as the actual erroneous symbols. The number of bit errors that arise from the error ( ) event is written e β u ,v → β u ,v ,w . An upper bound on the BER can be deduced from a union bound over all error events. Since this is an infinite sum, it must be truncated. The truncated bound is a credible upper bound if at least the dominant error events are considered; the bound is tight if these error events are relatively disjoint. Thus the BER bound is the union bound of the dominant error events, averaged across the transmitted sequences in the vicinity of the error event, ( )( )( P β u ,v P β u ,v → β u ,v , w e β u ,v → β u ,v , w BER < ∑ log 2 M u ,v , w The form of an error sequence is {β u,v,w ) { ( ( ) } } = β u ,v exp jθ u ,v ,w + ε u ,v ,w , where the sequences {ε u,v,w} and {θ u,v,w} specify the particular error sequence, and are constrained so that {β u,v,w } is also an allowed sequence. For an error event extending from the ith to the (i+u-1)th symbol period, ε ukr,v ,w is zero for k < i and for k > i+u-1. When the data is not encoded rotationally-invariantly, θ ukr,v ,w is always zero; otherwise θ ukr,v ,w is zero for k < i+u and it is constant for k ≥ i+u. This remaining phase offset allows the error event to end when phase lock between transmitter and receiver is lost (cycle slip), since the rotationally invariant code prevents further bit errors. By constraining {θ u,v,w} to be zero 75 until the end of the error event, the sequences, {ε u,v,w} and {θ u,v,w}, uniquely describe an error event. Therefore the error sequence can be written as {Kβ ( u ,v i−2) ( ) } , β (ui−,v1) , β iu ,v + ε iu ,v , w , K, β (ui +,vu −1) + ε (i +u −1) , β (ui +,vu ) exp jθ (ui +,vu, w) , K ( 5.2.5 Reduced Complexity Receiver Structures Since the complexity of the MLSE receiver increases exponentially in time and the necessary log-likelihood cannot easily be computed, reduced complexity systems are employed. In a basic receiver with linear detection, carrier frequency, carrier phase, channel estimation, channel equalization and symbol timing are acquired by separate subsystems, as in figure The symbol-rate oscillators at transmitter and receiver are assumed to be sufficiently precise and stable that the symbol rate is known a priori at the receiver. The more sophisticated scheme of figure uses a fractionally spaced equalizer for joint carrier phase recovery, symbol timing estimation and channel equalization. The carrier recovery structure in an AWGN telephone channel is shown in Fig. 76 Figure Basic Receiver Structure Figure Sophisticated Receiver Structure 77 Many successful algorithms exist for each of these tasks, for the channels of our interest, namely the AWGN channel. Through, the performance of many of these algorithms degrades substantially in the fast fading wireless channel, but not in the telephone wireline DSL channel, which we study herein. Some of these difficulties can be further studied to motivate the development of new receiver structures, explicitly designed for the fast channels. Simple received signal models are used for illustrative purposes, since the same or worse problems appear when more sophisticated signaling formats and channel models are used. Figure Carrier Recovery an AWGN Channel 5.2.6 Joint MLSE for DMT-ADSL Receiver Jointly ML receiver detects both desired ADSL signals as well as crosstalk data signals, which showed in Fig.5.1.1. This technique has been proved an optimal receiver 78 for communication channels with co-channel interference in many wireless applications [74], [75], and [76]. The principle of JMLSE on ADSL channel is by selecting over all main desired channel inputs and all possible crosstalk interference channel inputs, that finding a particular set of inputs that minimize the distance from the received single channel output. We notice here that JMLSE across all the channels, which including main channels and crosstalk channels. This detector is very complex, but theoretically allows bounding of improvement from multiuser detectors. The structure of the optimal JMLSE is a straightforward extension of the single channel MLSE. As in a adjacent pair case, if L1+1 and L2+1 are the channel impulse response lengths of the two co-channel signals, then the JMLSE selects the ith joint symbol sequence { xik,1 , xik, 2 } that maximizes the metric p(r k | x1k,i , x 2k,i ) ≥ p(r k | x1k, j , x 2k, j ) ( for all j ≠ i where r k = {r (k ), r (k − 1),..., r (1)} is the received sequence. The JMLSE can be implemented using a joint Viterbi algorithm. For the joint demodulation of two cochannel signals, the objective of JMLSE, which can be illustrated in Fig., is to determine the pair of sequences { xik,1 , x kj, 2 } that minimizes the sum of squared errors defined by the error sequence eik, j . When the channel has a finite impulse response (FIR), that Viterbi algorithm (VA) is a practical way of implementing optimal single-user MLSE, as shown in [64]. The VA for JMLSE is implemented in a method very similar to that of the single-channel VA. A joint state 79 S ik −1, L = [ sik,1−1, L1 , sik, 2−1, L2 ] is defined by appending the primary ( sik,1−1, L1 ) and secondary ( sik, 2−1, L2 ) states. Therefore, the received metric is equal to ( { ln p r (t ) S k −1, L r (t ) S i k −1, L i t E T }) = ∑ i = t B T ( { ln p r (t ) R , S k −1, L ri (t ) Ri , S ik −1, L i i i }) ( Observe that in this case, each joint state at time k-1 can have transition to M2 states at time k and can be reached by the same number of states from time k-2. The number of states required to implement the optimal joint VA is M L1 + L2 . For high-order signal constellation, for example 64-QAM, the computational complexity will be very high on joint VA. x k i ,1 x 2k, j rk Primary Channel Estimate f1(k) + Secondary Channel Estimate f2(k) rˆik, j - eik, j + Fig. Joint ML Sequence Detection between Adjacent Pair 80 JMLSE for the SDSL crosstalk interference on the ADSL channel model are derived in this thesis. The basic concept is that all the possible transmitted signals of both DMTADSL and SDSL crosstalk are searched and that group of signals that best matches the received signals over a given symbol period is found. JMLSE is the optimum detector for a narrowband DMT-ADSL channel with relatively small AWGN. As an example shown in Fig., for the joint detection of two cochannel signals (desired ADSL and SDSL crosstalk interference), the objective of JMLSE is to determine the pair of sequences (ADSL signal and SDSL crosstalk) that minimizes the sum of the squared error defined by the error likelihood sequence. The squared minimum distance for JMLSD is used to allow accurate projection of the performance of the ADSL system. When the channel is a finite impulse response, the joint Viterbi algorithm for JMLSE is implemented with a method similar to the standard VA, as we have derived in the above. 5.3 Preliminary Performance Studies In the same binder group, the spectral compatibility study here is a SDSL disturber NEXT into a T1.413 full rate DMT-ADSL system [15]. The DMT-ADSL system has a channel coding inside, which makes the SNR gap at a very low level; we have chosen a gap of 4 dB in our simulation. As an example, assume that both ADSL and SDSL channels are FIR, with a total channel memory of 2L = 8. The performance of the optimal M 2 L = 2 8 = 256 states in JMLSE is required to implement a joint VA. That is, a associated trellis diagram has 256 nodes at each stages. Notice here, that the complexity if the JMLSE exponentially increases with the length of the channel impulse response. 81 Fig.5.3.1, shows that the bit error rate (BER) v.s. the channel SNR on multiuser and single-user scenarios for the DMT-ADSL receiver. For the single-user receiver, the SNR is 21.5 dB with BER of 10-7, and it just needs 18.3 dB with multiuser detection. The JMLSE performs better than the conventional ADSL receiver does by more than 3 dB in SNR. In a DSL system, it is designed conservatively to ensure that a prescribed probability of errors occurs. The margin of a design at a given performance level, which we use here, is the amount of additional SNR in excess of the minimum required for a given code with a gap (= 4 in our example) [15]. The margin can be represented as γ m arg in = SNR Γ ⋅ (2 2b − 1) , (5.3.1) where Γ = ( Γ( Pe , C ) , which is a function of a chosen probability of symbol error Pe and the line code, C.) is the gap, and b is the achievable bit rate on the ADSL system, which is, b= SNR 1 log 2 (1 + ). Γ 2 (5.3.2) It has also been shown that the modified ADSL receiver can outperform the conventional receiver much better in the margin, as in Fig. 5.3.2. 82 Bit Error Rate for ADSL -2 10 single-user detector -4 10 -6 10 BER -8 10 multiuser via JMLSE -10 10 -12 10 -14 10 -16 10 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 SNR in dB Fig.5.3.1: BER for ADSL System with Single-user Detector and JMLSE 83 20 15 JMLSE Margins in dB 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 Single-user Detector with SDSL Crosstalk -30 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 ADSL Service Length in kft Fig.5.3.2: ADSL System with SDSL Crosstalk on Single-user Detector and JMLSE 84 CHAPTER SIX LOW COMPLEXITY ENHANCEMENT ON ADSL RECEIVER JMLSE is an “optimal,” but has a high computational complexity for any DSL channels. This approach estimates the channels of both the desired signal (ADSL signal here) and the cochannel interference, and then uses a vector-JMLSE equalizer to jointly demodulate the desired signal and crosstalk. The full search for the minimum distance requires approximately equal to (number of sub-channel)∗(set size of crosstalk)2 computations. Therefore, the complexity increases exponentially with the sum of the channel lengths of the desired signal and the crosstalk. We use some simplification methods to reduce the complexity of JMLSE. The technique we proposed is sort of having feedback session between the primary and secondary sequence estimators. Meanwhile, we also review an alternative method, called Tone-Zeroing [77], [81] for complexity reduction. Our comments with this method have also been discussed after the reviewing. 6.1 Tone-Zeroing Method Using the loading algorithm [78], [79] in DMT system together with the studies on ADSL and SDSL spectral compatibility results, a sub-optimum solution on ADSL receiver enhancement and modified deployment plan will be proposed. 85 With the property of DMT system, a proposed scheme for the SDSL and the DMTADSL joint detection minimum distance improvement is to zero a few tones in the DMTADSL transmission that correspond to the largest instance of the SDSL crosstalk noise. After FFT output, the crosstalk detector is used to find out the crosstalk look-up table. It can be realizes as, the DMT-ADSL receiver decides initially the SDSL crosstalk sequence by using the tone zeroed for the DMT on corresponding sub-channels. In another word, by using tone zeroing, it can eliminate various crosstalk error event sequences from consideration. Simulation result has shown that it reduces the complexity and also largely mitigating the crosstalk noise on DMT-ADSL system. For some case, less than 5 tone zeroed, it can improve more than 10 dB in margin, comparing to single-user ADSL solution. Communications theory allows accurate projection of the performance through the calculation of the squared-minimum distance for the joint ML detector [72], [80] as, 2 d min = N min ( X n ,C i }≠{ X n' ,C 'i }n = 0 ∑| H n=0 n ( X n − X n' ) − (C ni − C ni' ) | 2 , (6.6.1) The expression in Eq.(6.1.1) for jointly detection minimum distance can be increased in value by zeroing DMT-ADSL signal on tones where the SDSL crosstalk signals are large. As we have discussed in the previous section, the number of the tone being zeroed is depended on the coupling DSL data rate, the ADSL transmitting throughput and its bandwidth. In fact, in very high bit rate DSL (VDSL), just a few zeroed tones lead to a dramatic improvement in minimum distance [81]. The choice of setting tones to zero depends on knowledge of where crosstalk signals have the largest energy, but generally the band of any crosstalk is known, if the various of DSL systems are co-located in a Telco CO. Loading algorithms in DMT allow for various tones to be easily zeroed and 86 thus unused [59]. For example, in DMT-VDSL, it may be wise to zero tones in the 7 – 7.3 MHz transmission band because of radio emissions [81]. The receiver for this prototype can be derived in Fig.6.1.1 and is considerably simplified, but slightly more performance loss, with respect to JMLSE. The receiver decides initially the crosstalk sequence Ci by using only the tones zeroed for DMT-ADSL system. Upon detecting the crosstalk signal, the proper crosstalk coupling function is applied and the entire crosstalk interference on the remaining tone is reconstructed and subtracted, leaving only desired DSL signals and background noise. This is like “EchoCancellation” type method on crosstalk noise suppression at DMT-ADSL receiver. In another word, the DMT-ADSL system seems “orthogonal” to the crosstalk signals on these “heavy crosstalk affected tones”. If the data rate of the crosstalk signal is low and the SNR is excellent, only a few tones are necessary to create a detection error probability below 10-7. Y y - FFT Crosstalk Detector DMT Decoder + Ci Crosstalk Table Fig. 6.1.1: Joint ML Crosstalk Signal Canceller with Tone Zeroing 87 We use the same example of the SDSL coupling to the DMT-ADSL channel, in section 5.3, and assume that the DSL channel is static and constant on crosstalk profile table. By zeroing about 20 tones to build up a NEXT cancellation table, we can get about 10 dB in margin near 18kft, shown in Fig. 6.1.2. Therefore, there is a large potential for us to delivery a high bit rate, with crosstalk profile table modifications on receiver. 20 15 JMLSE Margins in dB 10 5 0 -5 -10 Tone-zeroing -15 -20 -25 Single-user Detector with SDSL Crosstalk -30 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 ADSL Service Length in kft Fig. 6.1.2: Margin on DMT-ADSL with Tone-zeroing Crosstalk Noise Cancellation 88 Surely, this method has an advantage of mitigate the NEXT and complexity reduction (comparing with JMLSE) with asymmetric and symmetric services coexist. The key issue for the tone zeroing is necessity of accurate modeling of noise (crosstalk), as described in [77]. Since the feedback section is using some kind of adaptive filter technique. The adaptive filter coefficient is largely depends on frequency components with high power. If a frequency band making NEXT noise has small power, it can not be modeled correctly due to high power frequency component until sufficient number of coefficient are used [77]. Therefore, the tone zeroing modeling works well for high frequency power noise component. If so, in a common case of the telephone channel, many kinds of random noises often occur in any selected frequency band, it is very likely to make an error decision on the cancellation table and induce error propagation. As described in the above, tone zeroing technique has a deterministic co-channel signals profiles assumption (crosstalk table), which may lead error propagation, due to the random source signal transmissions and various random noises in any selected frequency band on DMT-ADSL channel. Therefore, very frequently crosstalk table tracking and updating are needed in order to make accuracy crosstalk signals estimation. This processing makes the receiver frequently adaptive to random channels and may more complexes to realize in practical loops. But, we still believe that tone zeroing is a good technique on reducing computational complexity to achieve a better throughput. It performs a better solution for less complicated loops, especially in DMT version DSL solutions. The simplified technique that we use in this thesis is a multi-stage joint MLSE for ADSL receiver. This method is a sub-optimal to the ideal joint MLSE estimator, 89 provides an excellent way to trade a sub-optimal performance for reducing complexity. This approach can apply to both DMT and non-DMT versions of DSL solutions in the same manner. 6.2 Low Complexity Joint MLSE 6.2.1 Multi-stage JVA The structure of the Joint MLSE, as derived in the previous section is a straightforward extension of the single channel VA. The drawback for Joint MLSE is the large computational complexity, due to the exponential increasing on the transition states. In the Fig., as an example of only one co-channel interference case, for a M-ary symbol alphabet, the JVA requires M L1 + L2 states, with M2 transition leaving (and entering) every state. In order to reduce the complexity of JMLSE (or JVA), we introduce a multi-stage JVA method. Using the same example in Fig., we can describe a two-stage JMLSE scheme in Fig., which can be extended, to N stages on N co-channel interference case, without loss generality. As a first step, the complexity reduction can be attempted by employing a two-stage JVA having only M L1 + M L2 states by implementing a successive interference cancellation approach [52]. For N co-channel interferences case, this computational complexity is reduced largely comparison with JMLSE, and its ratio can be derived as R= M L1 + M L2 + ... + M LN M L1 + L2 +...+ LN ( 90 As an example, assumption on all equal tap length, L, the Eq. (5.2.1) can be further simplified as R= N ⋅ML = N ⋅ M L (1− N ) N ⋅L M ( In Eq. (, it is always true to have N > 1 in any telephone binders, thus, L(1-N) <0. It is obvious to us that R is always (much) smaller than one. Therefore, multi-stage joint MLSE reduces the computational complexity largely comparison with ideal joint MLSE. This multi-stage VA technique is very similar to conventional VA receiver (section 5.2.2), instead having multi-stage inputs and outputs. The primary (strong) signal r1(k) is estimated using low delay decisions from a single-channel VA, and r (k ) − rˆ1 (k ) is forwarded to the second VA section to estimate the co-channel signal. This structure that we use it here, as a category of JVA, through it likes a feed-forward multi-stage single channel VA detectors. We name this as multi-stage JVA (MS-JVA). The major advantage for this structure is largely reducing the complexity on optimal JVA as shown in Fig. Its computational complexity is in a similar range of a single-channel VA, with just a scale-increasing factor by N (N is the total number of UTPs in a binder, assuming the same length, L, for all the channels.). 91 dˆ1 ( k − L1 ) r(k) dˆ2 ( k − L2 ) + r ( k ) − rˆ (k ) + _ VA 1 L1 M states dˆ1 ( k ) 1 VA M L2 states L1 Fig. Two-stage JVA (without Feedback Section) The trade-off on mitigation of the crosstalk with this method is relatively poor performance comparing to the optimal JVA at a low signal-to-crosstalk ratios (SCRs) channel condition. The reason for this is while the secondary section receives a relatively CCI free signal sequence, the primary section is sensitive to the un-cancelled secondary signal. In practice, a viable reduced-complexity single-user MLSE receiver can retain fewer survivor sequences, one for each combination of the latest S ≤ W hypothesized symbols. The choice for S is a trade-off between complexity and performance [82]. Fig. 92 shows the single-user MLSE receiver computational flow structure for unknown channels when the signal’s second order statistics are known. 93 Fig. Single-user MLSE Computational flow structure 94 dˆ1 ( k − L1 ) s1 (k ) + r(k) + _ VA M L1 states k ,L dˆ1 1 ( k ) dˆ2 ( k − L2 ) + s (k ) VA + 2 M states _ ˆ ( ) r k k ,L fˆ1 ( k − 1) 1 dˆ2 2 (k) L2 rˆ2 (k + 1) fˆ2 ( k ) Fig. Two-stage JVA (with Feedback Section) 6.2.2 Multi-stage JVA with Feedback Achieving the better performance and complexity reduction on the ADSL receiver, we introduce a multi-stage JVA with feedback section (w/FB), shown in Fig. A similar structure has been used by [83] on a two-stage JMAPSD detector. Hence, we use multi-stage JVA, instead of JMAPS. The reason is that it is preferable using JVA due to tolerate longer decoding delays, because the complexity of JMAPSD grows exponentially with the decoding delay, while it is essentially linear for the [83]. This characteristic of JVA fits the need of the ADSL receiver, which widely used in real-time multimedia applications. As shown in Fig., where at time k, the low delay causal decisions from the secondary, namely {dˆ 2,i (k − 1),..., dˆ 2,i (k − L2 )} , are used to cancel a portion of 95 the cochannel signal r2(k) from the input to the primary VA section. This structure just has an additional L2 tap filter on computational complexity comparing to the MS-JVA. The performance on MS-JVA-w/FB is considerably better than MS-JVA, as the MSJVA-w/FB can cancel the secondary energy corresponding to the previous estimated symbol dˆ 2 ( k − j ) , where j = 1,2,…,L2. A suboptimal multi-stage JMLSE rule to make a decision on the (k-L)th symbol, at time k, is dˆ ( k − L) = d n (k − L) , where dˆ k , L = d nk ,L , n = Arg[max p( d nk ,L | r k )] ( i In each single stage channel, the MLSE metrics are updated independently like derived in section (5.2.2). It is shown in Eq. ( ln p r (t ) β (r (t ){β }) = t E T ∑ ln p i = t B T ri (t ) Ri −1 , β (r (t ) R( ) , {β }) i i −1 ( In a similar to [83], the overall two-stage JVA is summarized in the following two steps. This algorithm can be easily applied to N stage JVA with a similar extension. 96 Two-stage JVA Algorithm Step 1: 1st JVA stage (1): Determine 1st. input s1 (k ) = r (k ) − rˆ 2 (k ) (2): Update 1st JVA metrics with Eq. ( (3): Compute 1st decisions with Eq. ( (4): Compute total estimate of 1st. signal L1 rˆ1 ( k + 1) = ∑ f1,l ( k − 1)dˆ1,max ( k − l ) l =0 Step 2: 2nd. JVA stage (1): Determine 2nd input s1 (k ) = r (k ) − rˆ 2 (k ) (2): Update 2nd JVA metrics with Eq. ( (3): Compute 2nd decisions with Eq. ( (4): Compute total estimate of 2nd signal L2 rˆ2 ( k + 1) = ∑ f 2,l ( k )dˆ 2, max ( k + 1 − l ) l =0 Step 3: Return to step 1 for a new sequence. 97 This MS-JVA-W/FB employs only an additional L2 tap filter in comparison with MSJVA. For large ADSL channel sequences, it has the same computational complexity as the MS-JVA. Our studies have shown that the MS-JVA-w/FB has considerably better performance than the MS-JVA. Further more, this enhancement and reasonable complexity are exactly suitable for our proposed DMT-ADSL receiver with crosstalk environments, which normally above 10 dB in SCR [15]. Therefore, we choose MS-JVA-W/FB for the enhanced DMT-ADSL receiver. Moreover, a T/2-spaced MLSE algorithm is used for this proposed receiver. In the next sub-section, a practical T/2-spaced MLSE receiver is described, which has a great advantage than conventional MLSE receiver for unknown channels. 6.2.3 Practical Enhanced ADSL Receiver In Fig., it shows the block diagram of a practical ADSL channel system. n(t) {β l } Channel c(t) g(t) + g*(t) Sampling rate 2/T {βˆ l } T/2-spaced MLSE T/2-spaced noise-whitening filter Fig. Practical ADSL Channel System 98 Since rate 2/T sampling satisfies the sampling theorem, the two systems can be represented by the T/2-spaced discrete-time signals. Let G(2)(z), C(2)(z) and H(2)(z) be the z-transform of the T/2-spaced discrete-time signals that correspond to g(t), c(t) and h(t), respectively, where g(t) is the shaping function, c(t) is the impulse response of the telephone channel function, and h(t ) = g (t ) ∗ c(t ) . The z-transform of the autocorrelation function of the noise samples at the output of the receiver filter g * (t ) = N 0 X g( 2) ( z ) , where X g( 2 ) ( z ) = g ( 2) ( z )( g ( 2) (1 / z * )) * . Using the factorization X g( 2 ) ( z ) = V g( 2 ) ( z )(V g( 2) (1 / z * )) * , ( the noise can be whitened by using a filter with transfer function (V g( 2) (1 / z * )) * . The ztransform of the overall response at the output of the noise-whitening filter is Veq( 2) ( z ) = G ( 2) ( z )C ( 2 ) ( z )(G ( 2) (1 / z * )) * /(V g( 2) (1 / z * )) * = C ( 2) ( z )V g( 2) ( z ) . ( On the other hand, we have H ( 2 ) ( z ) = G ( 2 ) ( z )C ( 2) ( z ) ( and 99 X ( 2) ( z ) = G ( 2 ) ( z )(G ( 2) (1 / z * )) * C ( 2) ( z )(C ( 2 ) (1 / z * )) * ( C ( 2) ( z )(C ( 2) (1 / z * )) * = Vc( 2) ( z )(Vc( 2) (1 / z * )) * ( Let be a factorization of C(2)(z)(C(2)(1/z*))* such that (Vc( 2) (1 / z * )) * has a minimum phase. Using Eq. (, Eq. ( and Eq. (, we have X ( 2 ) ( z ) = V g( 2 ) ( z )(V g( 2) (1 / z * )) * Vc( 2) ( z )(Vc( 2) (1 / z * )) * . ( The transfer function of the noise-whitening filter must be chosen as 1 /((V g( 2) (1 / z * )) * (Vc( 2) (1 / z * )) * ) . Therefore, the overall transfer function at the output of the noise whitening filter, is equality to conventional one, V(z), which is given by V ( z ) = V g( 2) ( z )Vc( 2 ) ( z ) . ( The equivalent response Veq( 2) ( z ) in Eq. ( has the same amplitude as V(z), but different phase. Also, Veq( 2) ( z )(Veq( 2) (1 / z * )) * = X ( 2 ) ( z ) ( 100 Therefore, the distance between sequences of channel outputs using the system in T/2-spaced MLSE channel is the same as in the conventional MLSE channel, that implements the matched filter, and they have the same performance. The advantage of the T/2-spaced system is that the noise-whitening filter does not depend on the unknown channel and has a fixed structure. The unknown overall channel can be estimated after the noise-whitening filter and the MS-JVA-W/FB is then implemented using the combined metric in Eq. ( Although the number of computational needed in this practical receiver is about twice as the conventional receiver [72], the latter one cannot be implemented for unknown channels. Moreover, for unknown channels the conventional MLSE implemented with a matched filter has poor performance when the matched filter is implemented using an inaccurate channel estimate. 6.2.4 Example and Comparison We consider adjacent pair wire line co-channel interference as an example. Assume that the channel has PAM modulation with desired channel memory of two symbols. The trellis for VA in the desired channel section has two parallel transitions. The computer simulation performances on the symbol error rate vs. channel signal-to-noise ratio for ideal JMLSE, multi-stage JMLSE with feedback section and without feedback section have been studied. As we mentioned in section 6.2.2, the SCR is normally above 10dB in most of the DSL channels, we have chosen SCR = 10 dB in our simulation studies. The results are shown in Fig. From Fig., we can see that MS-JMSE W/FB outperform MS-JMLS WO/FB significantly when SCR is 10 dB or better. This approach is a sub-optimal solution to ideal JMLSE with slightly degradation, but has about 90% 101 saving in computational complexity. Therefore, multi-stage JMLSE with feedback section is our solution for ADSL receiver enhancement. 102 0 10 -1 Symbol Error Rate 10 -2 10 + : MS-JMLSE-WO/FB * : MS-JMLSE-W/FB -3 10 o : Ideal-JMLSE -4 10 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Signal-to-Noise Ratio Fig. Desired Channel Performance with Three Methods 103 CHAPTER SEVEN PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS AND SIMULATION RESULTS ON ENHANCED ADSL RECEIVER In current DMT-ADSL receiver, channel noise is lumped together and accommodated by reach and rate restrictions as well as margin limits. No attempt is currently made to take advantage of the structure of the interferers. This “single user” approach ignores the underlying sources of noise in environments where spectral interference occurs. However, channel capacity is inherently higher in communications channels that employ multiuser receivers to distinguish and address discrete noise sources to effect higher performance (e.g., rates, reach and margin), as derived in section 3.2. JMLSE technique described here takes advantage of such principles to compensate crosstalk noise and enable higher loop plant utilization. The multiuser detector is completely compatible with existing DMT-ADSL standards and is designed to be integrated into commercial DMT-ADSL transceiver chipsets with modest computational impact. The multiuser detector technique can be inherently singleended and relies on input available in the DMT-ADSL network. 104 7.1 Test Environment The ADSL noise compensator has been tested on simulated DSL disturbers, with a significant margin gain demonstrated. For the purposes of this thesis, examples are shown which illustrate this impact when the compensator is implemented in a DMTADSL CPE receiver, subject to foreign NEXT (major threat, hence from the SDSL services and some other DSL services) in realistic deployment scenarios. 7.2 Test Channel Conditions The ADSL receiver crosstalk compensation is single-ended, which is present at the receive side of the ADSL link. The victim DSL service is DMT-ADSL. Disturber that we investigate here is 2B1Q SDSL NEXT, HDSL NEXT and ISDN NEXT. Because in the frequency band between 25 to 138 KHz, HDSL and/or ISDN services result in similar and even slightly higher NEXT PSD level than ADSL. Therefore, in our crosstalk simulation study, though we focus mainly on SDSL NEXT, but also with other types of the above services. Moreover, considering the UTP binder segregation in real world is not feasible [84], we will expect that all interfering sources to be in different types of services. Meanwhile, the ADSL self-NEXT will not be considered as a disturber due to the practical condition that ADSL is installed almost exclusively in FDM mode. SNR improvement through recovery of margin depends on the particular loop characteristics and disturber scenario. For this reason, the JMLSE receiver results are stated in terms of margin recovery for specific scenarios, each of which include a main channel specification, set of co-channel transfer functions, and a selected disturber set. Three cases are shown that represent impaired DMT-ADSL loops, which are chosen from 105 G996.1 [85]. For each of these cases, the expected multiuser DMT-ADSL receivers’ performance improvement is stated in terms of margin recovery (SNR gain), bit rate improvement, and loop reach. For all scenarios described in this thesis, a UTP background AWGN level of –140 dBm/Hz is assumed. 7.3 Loop Characteristics We choose three representative ADSL test loops for our simulation studies, which are studied in [85]. They are shown in Fig. 7.3.1. ATU -C ATU- Test Loop #2 ATU-C ATU -C Test Loop #3 ATU -C ATU-C 26 AWG 26 AWG 26 AWG Test Loop #1 1500 ft 1500 ft 1500 ft 3000 ft 6000 ft 1500 ft 26 AWG 26 AWG 26 AWG 1500 ft 1500 ft 26 AWG 26 AWG 9000 ft 2000 ft 500 ft 500 ft 26 AWG 24 AWG 24 AWG 18000 ft 26 AWG 24 AWG ATU -R ATU -R ATU -R Fig. 7.3.1: Testing Loops 106 7.4 Capacity Improvement To estimate capacity improvement (achievable transmission data rates) with enhanced multiuser detection DMT-ADSL receiver, the margin is held at 6 dB and the bit loading algorithm uses the improvement in SNR to calculate the maximum downstream ADSL capacity. 7.5 Reach Improvement To estimate reach improvement with enhanced multiuser detection DMT-ADSL receiver, the margin is held at 6 dB, and the loop is extended until the simulation results in a bit rate equivalent to the impaired bit rate. 7.6 Disturber Scenarios The main focus on the spectrum management standard of this thesis limits the maximum SDSL bit rate on a given loop length to assure spectral compatibility with ADSL. As shown in Fig., limit based on maximum SDSL bit rates is that crosstalk from lower bit rates is always less damaging than crosstalk from higher bit rates. This is not always obvious to all the practical cases, especially considering that there may be mixed crosstalk from a number of lower bit rates, such as lower rate SDSL. Our simulation results below show how the random SDSL bit rates and lower rate DSL services implicit to downstream ANSI DMT-ADSL throughput. To start, simulations run with randomly generated SDSL bit rates uniformly distributed between 160 kbps and 2320 kbps. Each simulation has three clumps of SDSL disturbers, and each clump has the same randomly generated bit rate. The total number of 107 SDSL disturbers is uniformly distributed, and the number of disturbers in each SDSL is uniformly distributed with mean equal to one-third of the total number of SDSL disturbers. Scatter plot of downstream ANSI DMT-ADSL bit rates on a 9 kft 26 AWG loop as a function of the total number of SDSL disturbers with SDSL disturbers having uncontrolled random bit-rates are presented in Fig. 7.6.1 [86]. Downstream ADSL bit ra (kbps) 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 10 20 30 Total Number of SDSL NEXT 40 50 Fig. 7.6.1: Scatter Plot of Downstream ADSL Throughout with Mixed SDSL Crosstalk 108 Fig. 7.6.1 shows little correlation between random SDSL bit rate disturber numbers for downstream ANSI ADSL bit rates. Our conclusion is that controlling the gross number of SDSL disturbers has little effect on ADSL performance, without controlling the SDSL bit rates, which is not practical in real world at all. The real solution is to modify the DMT-ADSL receiver to mitigate crosstalk effect on the ADSL throughout. Tables 7.6.1 list the disturber sets used in the simulation. The disturber scenarios illustrate interference situations that might result from a predominately residential 25 pairs UTP binder that has just a few installed symmetric services to businesses. They reflect a situation in which there is a mix of symmetric services installed prior to the Spectral Management Standard [87], which do not conform to its’ deployment limitations as well as Symmetric services that do conform to the Spectral Management Standard. Table 7.6.1 Disturber Scenarios Disturber Pairs Test Loop #1 Test Loop #2 Test Loop #3 3 SDSL 1 HDSL 2 SDSL 1 ISDN 18 DMT-ADSL 1.0 Mbps 784 Kbps 720 Kbps 160 Kbps Fully Loaded 1.0 Mbps 784 Kbps 656 Kbps 160 Kbps Fully Loaded 784 Kbps 784 Kbps 416 Kbps 160 Kbps Fully Loaded 109 7.7 Co-Channel Transfer Functions The NEXT co-channel transfer functions have been measured as the way in section 4.1 on real cable. These measured co-channels are similar to those found in the spectral management draft standard [87]. These co-channels are used to simulate the coupling between the DMT-ADSL and other DSL distributors. 7.8 Simulation Results In the test simulation, each interference noise source in the disturber scenario (Table 7.6.1) is randomly assigned as cochannel input. Results are averaged due to the statistical nature of the binder assignments. The standard deviation of the improvements is maintained and a representative case below shows the 1σ limits of the compensation margin improvement. It is useful to look at multiuser detection improvements from the limiting case of when the disturbers are installed to the same equivalent working length in an intact binder. In this case, all disturbers are assigned similar co-channel transfer functions that represent approximate co-location of the disturbers and DMT victim. The results of the simulation test of the compensator for DMT-ADSL CPE receiver are shown below in Fig. 7.8.1 through Fig. 7.8.3. In these figures, we compare three different solutions, which are conventional (currently deployed), ideal JMLSE, and multistage JMLSE with feedback section DMT-ADSL receiver. 110 Achievable Downstream Data Rate in Mbps 4 square : ideal JMLSE x : multi-stage JMLSE 3.5 o : conventional ADSL receiver 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ADSL Service Length in kft Fig. 7.8.1: Rate-reach curves for Test Loop #1 111 Achievable Downstream Data Rate in Mbps 3.5 square : ideal JMLSE 3 x : multi-stage JMLSE 2.5 o : conventional ADSL receiver 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ADSL Service Length in kft Fig. 7.8.2: Rate-reach curves Test Loop #2 112 Achievable Downstream Data Rate in Mbps 10 9 square : ideal JMLSE 8 x : multi-stage JMLSE 7 o : conventional ADSL receiver 6 5 4 extension prediction 3 2 1 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ADSL Service Length in kft Fig. 7.8.3: Rate-reach curves for Test Loop #3 113 Fig. 7.8.1 through Fig. 7.8.3 shows how the margin improvement enabled by the enhanced multiuser ADSL receiver. This modification can be used for either increasing the capacity, which moving achievable data rate vertically from the conventional rate to the great improved rate, or deployment limits, which moving reach limit horizontally from the conventional deployment rage to the further extension limits. Furthermore, Fig. 5.1.1 show that when services strictly adhere to spectral management deployment limits, crosstalk from the other DSL services in the channel can affect the DMT downstream rate at points significantly removed from the coupling. In these cases, as well as those that represent legacy disturber scenarios that may exist in the loop plant prior to the spectrum management standard [15]. The multiuser ADSL receiver improvement in bit rate and loop reach extensions, and represents an important performance enhancement to the DMT type DSL receivers. 114 CHAPTER EIGHT CONCULUSIONS This thesis suggests that the traditional approach to DSL cochannel interference modeling and receiver design may dramatically under-project achievable capacity level in DMT-ADSL transmission systems. With the increasing importance of spectral compatibility and a difficulty in surmounting the multiple problems created by the mixture of different DSL services, the principle of multiuser detection has been used to relieve substantially the problems created by crosstalk in ADSL system. The use of this enhanced multiuser detection technique has a wide array of potential benefits for spectral management and deployment in all DSL services, where interference exists due to legacy services, and newly deployed services with heavy crosstalk noise. This approach is a core method on improvements of either increasing transmission data rate, or extending deployment areas, or compensating in poor BER DSL channels, based on different requirements. In our studies, it has shown that this modified ADSL receiver is able to achieve and sustain significantly higher data rates. Also, this enhancement on the receivers having ability to reject the effect of interferers, the length limit on potentially interfering services, such as SDSL services, may be relaxed without harm to victim services (like ADSL). 115 Our simulation results show that higher rate services can be deployable further out in the loop plant. Therefore, this approach on the ADSL receiver gives degrees of freedom, and great overall loop plant utilization, while preserving spectral compatibility. Finally, our enhanced ADSL system also has acceptable computational complexity for current VLSI capability. 116 CHAPTER NINE RECOMMENDATIONS Without loss generality, using the multiuser detection receiver technique described herein to mitigate the effects of crosstalk can be applicable across all existing and contemplated DSL transceivers, including DMT/QAM/CAP ADSL, HSDL, SDSL and future VDSL. The benefits vary and are significant. Further more, the techniques contained herein are extensible to fiber and wireless. Studies of the twisted-pair channel (TPC) model and conventional crosstalk coupling function [55], [88] show the characteristic of the TPC attenuation and NEXT function in Fig.9.1. It is explicit that for high data rate downstream ADSL transmission between 6 to 14 kft, JMLSD is needed to suppress the SDSL NEXT interference. Other complexity reduction methods for joint VA decoding will be further studied for this enhanced ADSL receiver. As it reaches further, such as above 14 kft, the NEXT will be very large and easy to detect, and then it will be easy to cancel them. Based on the ADSL downstream data rate threshold or noise margin, a switched dual-mode of single-user and multiuser DMT-ADSL receiver could be used for simplicity and less latency with QoS of the transmission rates. 117 0 -10 -20 analytic channel model, in Eq.(2) Gain in dB -30 -40 -50 squared crosstalk coupling function -60 -70 -80 -90 0 500 1000 1500 Frequency in kHz Fig.9.1: Channel Attenuation and NEXT Characteristic 118 REFERENCES [1] M. L. Honig, P. Crespo and K. Striglitz, “Suppression of Near- and Far- End Crosstalk by Linear Pre- and Post- Filter,” IEEE J. Select. Areas in Comm., pp. 614-629, April 1992. [2] S. Cox and P. Adams, “An Analysis of Digital Transmission Techniques for a Local Network,” Brit. Telecommun. Technol. J., vol. 3, no.3, July 1985. [3] J. W. 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He also taught undergraduate and graduate courses in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY. His research interests include multiuser detection and communication theory, wireless communications, broadband access technologies, and digital signal processing. He has received Regent's Scholarship at Georgia Institute of Technology and University Merit Fellowship at the City University of New York for his graduate studies. He is a student member of IEEE. 129