Chapter 2 Earning an Income 2.2 Alternative Ways to Earn Money TIME REQUIRED FOR THIS SECTION: 1–2 CLASSES STUDENT BOOK, pp. 64–71 MATH ON THE JOB STUDENT BOOK, p. 64 Have a student read this section aloud to the class. Introduce the ideas of self-employment and piecework. Discuss with students the possible advantages and disadvantages of both selfemployment and being paid on a piecework basis (see chart on the right for some suggestions). Explain that there is more than one way to calculate pay for piecework and this example reflects just one of those ways. Other industries may calculate piecework using a simpler method such as a rate for each item produced (often used, for example, in manufacturing industries such as the garment trade). Explain that this carpenter has to calculate the points value of the work he completes so that he can invoice the cabinet company for the correct amount. Ask students to work with a partner to solve the problem, and review the solution with the class. SOLUTION Calculate the points for the standard cabinets. Multiply the total points by the dollar value. 19.5 × $16.00 = $312.00 Henry will be paid $312.00. SELF-EMPLOYMENT Advantages Disadvantages •freedom to select appealing jobs •may not have enough clients •ability to set own hours •you may not like self-promotion •able to take time off when desired •you may not like bookkeeping •you’re your own boss •you may find working alone lonely •you may prefer working alone •you don’t get paid holidays or benefits PIECEWORK Advantages Disadvantages •can earn more if you work quickly •will earn less if you don’t work quickly •clear relationship between output and wages •you may be tempted to take shortcuts •wages based on your performance •you may be tempted to ignor safety procedures 6 upper + 5 lower = 11 cabinets •quantity emphasized over quality 11 cabinets × 1 point = 11 points Calculate the other points. 7 crowns + 6 toe kicks = 13 13 items × 0.5 points = 6.5 points pantry = 2 points Calculate the total number of points. 11 + 6.5 + 2 = 19.5 ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION Calculate the points for each piece installed (cabinet plus toe kick plus crown moulding) and find their total. 99