isom catalog.qxp - Illinois District Council Assemblies of God

2013-2014 ISOM CATALOG
Statement of Purpose
The Illinois School of Ministry exists to provide
training for those sensing a call to ministry,
whether as credentialed ministers of the
Assemblies of God or as equipped lay persons
within the local church. The school seeks to
promote a unified purpose for ministry within the
Fellowship, providing doctrinal and practical
instruction based upon common core values and
shared ministry goals.
Subscribing fully to the Statement of Fundamental
Truths of the Assemblies of God, the Illinois
School of Ministry is committed to proclaim and
support the principles and polity of the
Assemblies of God. Additionally, our school
commits itself to provide training courses that
meet District and General Council
educational requirements for ministerial
Student Policies
Students are required to register for courses
no less than thirty (30) days prior to the study
center date of a course.
Students are required to complete a minimum
of ten (10) hours of preparatory self-study in
advance of the class session.
Students are required to read the assigned
course textbook(s), complete the course text
overview and all assignments required for the
course prior to the class session, and be
prepared to submit them upon arrival at the
study center.
Students must attend all class sessions,
complete the required assignments, and
successfully pass the course exam in order to
receive credit for the course.
The final grade for each course is determined
as follows:
Class Participation - 20%
Student Guide/Assignments - 40%
Final Exam - 40%
The Illinois School of
Ministry (ISOM) has been
recognized and endorsed by
the Executive Presbytery Board of The
General Council of the Assemblies of God
as a District-based Bible Institute. The
Illinois School of Ministry has also been
recognized and endorsed by the
Executive Presbytery of the Illinois
District Council of the Assemblies of God
as an official ministerial training program
for those seeking credentials through the
Illinois District Council of the Assemblies
of God.
Courses completed through the Illinois
School of Ministry will be conducted by
the Illinois School of Ministry. All papers
will be graded by Illinois School of
Ministry staff and then sent to Global
University for final recording. All
transcripts and diplomas will be issued by
Global University in partnership with the
Illinois School of Ministry. Students
enrolling should direct any questions
regarding the school or the courses
therein to the Illinois School of Ministry
office at 217.854.4600, extension 4113.
Required credential courses completed
through the Illinois School of Ministry
meet the educational requirements of The
General Council of the Assemblies of God
for the respective level of credential with
the Assemblies of God. Many other
aspects enter into the granting of a
credential, and those aspects must also be
met before a credential will be granted.
The credentialing process is separate from
the completion of the educational
requirements. Taking classes through
Illinois School of Ministry does not
automatically qualify students to receive a
credential with the Assemblies of God,
nor does participation and completion of
the classes give preference in the
credentialing process.
Our History
The Illinois School of Ministry opened in January 2008 with a total of
22 students. By the end of our first cycle of courses, we had grown to
109 students, and we’re still growing today with more than 500 students
having been enrolled with Illinois School of Ministry.
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Message from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Registration Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Class Structure & FAQ’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Lincoln Location & Lodging . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Lincoln Class Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Chicago Location & Class Schedule . . . . . .8
Call the
ISOM office at
217.854.4600, X4113
or send an email to
Ministry Tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-11
Coach’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Class Instructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-15
How to Register
If you are ready to join the Illinois School of
Ministry as a student, whether for personal
studies or for fulfillment of the credentialing
process, you will need to do the following:
In order to register for a class, you must first
enroll in the Illinois School of Ministry. You can
download our enrollment form at
under “How to Register” or call 217.854.4600,
extension 4113, to request an enrollment form.
Once we have received and processed your
enrollment form, we will give you full access to
register for classes online. If you would prefer to
mail in your registration with a check or money
order, you can download and print the
registration form and mail/fax it in. Course
materials will not be shipped until we have
processed your enrollment and the course is paid
in full.
Tracey Tofte, Credentials
Secretary, speaks to ISOM students.
Registration Guidelines
All students are required to enroll before registering for any classes, even if you have previously
applied to Global University.
Class registrations close 30 days from a course date! Students need to plan on registering 30-plus
days prior to the class in order to secure a seat. If you are within five (5) days of that deadline, please
call us at 217.854.4600, extension 4113.
Once enrolled, you can register for as many classes as you would like through our School of Ministry.
Pay as you go or register for multiple classes all at once. It’s up to you.
Cost for registration is $80 per course. Other costs may include housing and travel.
If you have previously registered for a course through Global University and would like to transfer it
over and finish it through the Illinois School of Ministry, just place a “T” next to the course title on
the registration form. The cost to transfer per course is $25, plus any reinstatement fees.
Course material(s) will only be sent once enrollment is completed and course(s) are purchased and
paid in full. Please allow 7-10 business days for books and materials to reach you. A $10 shipping
charge will apply to all shipped courses.
Classes are conducted once a month, eight times a year. Three tracks and one certificate
program are offered each month, one for each credentialing level:
Level 1 Track – Certified Minister
Level 2 Track – Licensed Minister
Level 3 Track – Ordination
Pick 4 - Certificate of Biblical Studies
What should I expect during an ISOM
Class sessions are held on Friday evening from
6–9:30 PM and Saturday from 9 AM–1 PM. Light
snacks will be provided during two morning breaks
on Saturday.
Registration opens Friday at 5 PM. Homework is
collected upon arrival, and students can pick up
their next course. The first session will provide
students with a full review of the course materials.
The final exam is administered on Saturday
morning. During the remainder of the day, two more
sessions are offered. Focus is on the practical
applications of the topic with discussion of relevant
issues in ministry today. Students are encouraged to
ask questions as well as glean from the experience of
our teaching staff. Course materials are graded and
then submitted along with final exams to Global
University for a final course grade.
What’s expected of students?
Prior to class, students are required to read through
the Independent Study Textbook, take and
self-grade each Unit Progressive Evaluation, and
complete either the Pass It On assignment or Service
Learning Requirement (SLR) to turn in upon arrival
at the study center. An average of ten (10) hours of
preparatory work is necessary. Combining
preparatory time with classroom time, students will
have invested approximately eighteen (18) hours per
* Lincoln campus only
Kenny & Rachel Hufnagle
Who are our instructors?
Our instructors are either ordained ministers or
college professors. As such, they will become natural
mentors as they build relationships and share
experiences with our students. In addition to
courses offered, students are offered ministerial
mentoring through Coach’s Corner as well as access
to faculty advisors who are available to provide
accountability and guidance for the students. For a
list of instructors, see pages 13-15.
Class Structure*
What if I register for a class but
cannot attend the ISOM weekend?
We have added flexibility to allow for students who
are unable to make it to an ISOM weekend to
complete their course online as an independent
student. This is granted on a case-by-case basis.
Students who opt out of an ISOM weekend and
choose to complete courses online may do so for an
additional cost of $25 per course. Grades will be
based on independent study requirements of Global
Lincoln Christian University
100 Campus View Dr.
Lincoln IL 62656
Located in the heart of central Illinois,
Lincoln Christian University has opened
its doors for our ISOM weekends.
Earl C. Hargrove Chapel
Students attending the Illinois School of Ministry have two lodging options:
Option A—Register for a room through ISOM office
If you’re willing to share a room with another student, you may opt to have the ISOM office book a
hotel room at the Best Western Hotel in Lincoln for you at a reduced rate. Simply check “shared
housing” on your registration form to select this option when you register for a course.
Option B—Register for a room on your own
Lincoln has several hotels within driving distance from the study center, several just off Exit 126.
Best Western Hotel - Lincoln
See how to register at
Class Date
Certified Minister
Level 1 Courses
Licensed Minister
Level 2 Courses
Level 3 Courses
August 16-17
Intro to
Intro to
Preaching in the
Contemporary World
September 20-21
Local Church in
Eschatology: A Study of
Things to Come
Church Administration,
Finance & Law
October 18-19
Assemblies of God
History, Missions, and
Effective Leadership
Intro to Missions
No courses offered in November and December
Relationships & Ethics
(District Seminar)
Conflict Management
(District Seminar)
Pastoral Ministry
(District Seminar)
February 21-22
Christ in the
Synoptic Gospels
Romans: Justification
by Faith
Prayer and Worship
March 14-15
Intro to Pentecostal
Intro to Theology
The Corinthian
April 25-26
Acts: The Holy Spirit at
Work in Believers
New Testament
The Pentateuch
May 30-31
Prison Epistles:
Ephesians, Colossians,
Philippians, and Philemon
Old Testament
The Poetic Books
January 24-25
2013-2014 Lincoln Class Schedule
No courses offered in June and July
August 15-16
Intro to
Intro to Homiletics
Preaching in the
Contemporary World
September 19-20
Local Church
in Evangelism
Eschatology: A Study of
Things to Come
Church Administration,
Finance & Law
October 17-18
Assemblies of God
History, Missions, and
Effective Leadership
Intro to Missions
No courses offered in November and December
“Now the one who has fashioned us for this
very purpose is God ...” 2 Corinthians 5:5
Evangel Assembly of God
5700 Bartels Road
Hanover Park
What should I expect during a Chicago ISOM class?
Class sessions are held on Saturdays from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Lunch and a snack are provided. Registration opens
at 8 am. Homework is collected upon arrival, and students can pick up their next course. The first session will
provide students with a full review of the course materials.
The final exam is administered at the end of the Saturday afternoon session. Class discussion includes both text
materials and practical applications of the topic with discussion of relevant issues in ministry today. Students are
encouraged to ask questions as well as glean from the experience of our teaching staff. Course materials are
graded and then submitted along with final exams to Global University for a final course grade.
2013-2014 Chicago Class Schedule
August 24
September 14
October 26
Intro to Hermeneutics
Local Church in Evangelism
Assemblies of God History, Missions, and Governance
No courses offered in November and December
January 24-25
Certified Minister Level 1 Courses
February 15
March 8
Relationships & Ethics (District Seminar)
Christ in the Synoptic Gospels
Intro to Pentecostal Doctrine
April 5
Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers
May 10
Prison Epistles: Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians,
and Philemon
Relationships and Ethics in Ministry/District Seminar (MIN181)
This course is offered as our District Seminar for those seeking their Certified Minister credential. Students will gain a
biblical approach to the relationships that are important to the minister, both personally and professionally. This course
will look at the temperament theory and its relevance to human relations, examining relationships and ethics in view of
the minister’s personal growth, ministry challenges, people in the community, and other ministers.
Christ in the Synoptic Gospels (BIB114)
This course is a study of the life and teachings of Christ based on Matthew, Mark, and Luke. After a brief introduction to
the world into which Jesus was born, it provides a chronological study of His life. Emphasis is given to the context of
His teachings and miracles. The content is arranged to help students apply the principles of the study to their own lives
as well as in their preaching and teaching.
Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine (THE114)
In this course, students examine the four cardinal doctrines of the Assemblies of God: salvation, baptism in the Holy
Spirit, healing, and the second coming of Christ. After an introductory unit on the importance of doctrine, there is a unit
of study on each of the doctrines. This course is essential to the further understanding of the complete Pentecostal
message as presented in other courses.
Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers (BIB115)
This course is a thorough study of the content, purposes, principles, and applications of Acts. This course emphasizes
the role of the Holy Spirit in the early church and today. Attention is given to the geographical, numerical, cultural, and
theological growth of the church from Jerusalem to Rome. The journeys of Paul are examined as the background for his
Prison Epistles: Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians and Philemon (BIB117)
This is a practical study of the principles Paul wrote to the churches during his imprisonment. The concepts are
presented in a language that is easy to understand with explanations, illustrations, and applications that make the
concepts helpful to students in both their personal life and ministry.
Level 1 Track - Certified Minister
Introduction to Hermeneutics: How to Interpret the Bible (BIB121)
Introduction to Hermeneutics is the introductory course on the principles for interpreting Scripture. It summarizes the
need for hermeneutical principles and explores the qualifications, tools, and goals of a biblical interpreter. This is
followed by a historical survey of hermeneutics from early Jewish interpreters to the present. The course includes a unit
on the general and specific principles for interpreting the Bible, a unit on genres, and a unit on applying the principles.
Students develop their skills by practicing the principles in exercises that are provided.
The Local Church in Evangelism (MIN123)
The local church is the origin of evangelism for reaching its community and the world. After gaining an understanding of
the biblical theology of the Great Commission and the Holy Spirit’s role in evangelism and discipleship, students will
focus on a variety of evangelism methods, the evangelistic purpose of an organized fellowship of churches, and pastoral
leadership in evangelism.
Assemblies of God History, Missions and Governance (THE142)
This course is a study of the historical development, the history of the missions movement, and the ecclesiastical
governance of the Assemblies of God Fellowship. Attention is given to the General Council Constitution and Bylaws in
relation to credentialed ministers, local churches, and district councils.
Beginning Ministerial Internship—To be done on your own or see Coach’s Corner (page 10)
(Required for Certified Minister candidates only)
This is the first of three internships in the process of a Ministerial Studies Diploma. Each internship will require the
student to work with a local pastor to gain hands-on experience in various ministry activities. This course discusses the
importance of a good attitude in ministry as well as many of the functions of ministry such as weddings and funerals. It
also emphasizes servant leadership and the minister’s devotional life.
Level 2 Track - License
Conflict Management for Church Leaders/District Seminar (MIN281)
This course is offered as our District Seminar for those seeking their Licensed Minister credential. Students will gain a
biblical approach to conflict resolution. This course offers a spiritual way to deal with the inevitable occasions when
conflict arises, particularly in a church setting.
Romans: Justification by Faith (BIB215)
This in-depth study of the book of Romans focuses on Paul's systematic explanation of the gospel to the Romans and
offers insight into the doctrines of sin, salvation, and sanctification. The student will learn how union with Christ and
the indwelling Holy Spirit leads to spiritual growth.
Introduction to Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective (THE211)
This course is a study of historic Christian doctrines as expressed through Protestant and evangelical traditions. It
provides a complete study of the “Statement of Fundamental Truths” of The General Council of the Assemblies of God.
New Testament Survey (BIB212)
New Testament Survey will give students a background for understanding, teaching, and applying the principles of the
New Testament. Key facts from each book of the New Testament are highlighted to further enrich the student’s
personal and ministerial life.
Old Testament Survey (BIB214)
As a practical approach to the Old Testament, this course gives students insight that they can use in teaching and
preaching. It covers the significant details from every book of the Old Testament in an inspirational and informative
Introduction to Homiletics (MIN223)
Introduction to Homiletics is a basic study of the principles of Christian preaching. The course emphasizes biblical
exposition and deals with practical matters such as the preparation of sermons, the sources of materials, the
construction of sermon components, the variety of sermon types, and the delivery of sermons.
Eschatology: A Study of Things to Come (THE245)
A biblical study of end-time events written from a Pentecostal perspective. The course studies the Rapture, plus
various views of the Tribulation and the Millennium. It provides excellent material for teaching and preaching on the
Second Coming of Christ.
Effective Leadership (MIN251)
This course provides a biblical approach to the principles of leadership, applying those principles in the church setting
and giving the student the practical skills needed to serve in a leadership role in the local church.
Intermediate Ministerial Internship - To be done on your own or see Coach’s Corner (page 12)
(Required for Licensed Minister candidates only)
This is the second of three required internships for the Ministerial Studies Diploma. This course helps the student
develop the right attitude for ministry. It examines characteristics to be avoided and tests to be passed in the life of a
minister. It further focuses on public aspects of ministry, such as teaching, preaching, and leading meetings. The
personal life of the minister, including time management and personal health, are also discussed.
Pastoral Ministry/District Seminar (MIN381)
This course is offered as our District Seminar for those seeking Ordination. This course examines pastoral ministry in
three areas: preparation, responsibilities, and relationships. Topics covered in the course include a pastor’s qualifications
and responsibilities regarding credentials, devotional life, and personal life; preaching and teaching, worship, pastoral
care, leading, training, forming cell groups, and special services; and relationships with lay leaders, staff, work, and
calling. This is a principle-centered study to lay a lifelong foundation for the pastoral ministry.
Prayer and Worship (THE311)
An overview of the biblical teaching on prayer and worship leads to practical considerations for cultivating intimacy
with Christ in every aspect of life, from personal, private prayer to corporate celebration. Students will discover the joys
and benefits of a dynamic prayer life and gain a fresh appreciation for the many ways in which the Holy Spirit makes
prayer and worship both meaningful and powerful.
The Corinthian Correspondence (BIB313)
A study of 1 and 2 Corinthians, providing the student with truths for teaching and preaching as well as practical
assistance in dealing with the issues facing today's church. The student will learn how Paul instructed the Corinthians
to deal with division and difficulty. By applying these same principles, the student will be prepared to deal with the
challenges of ministry in the twenty-first century.
Level 3 Track - Ordination
The Pentateuch (BIB318)
A study of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy with a practical approach that will provide preaching
and teaching material. The Pentateuch forms the foundation upon which the New Testament covenant is based and is
an important study for anyone wishing to understand the entire Bible more completely.
The Poetic Books (BIB322)
A study of the five books of poetry or wisdom—Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. These books
cover issues like suffering, parenting, and the fear of the Lord, teaching us how to live. The course is designed to help the
student in his or her own walk with God and in ministering to others who need instruction.
Preaching in the Contemporary World (MIN325)
The purpose of this course is to help preachers present life-changing messages that connect with the world around them.
The course will focus on presenting messages that are true, clear, interesting, and relevant. Students will be challenged
to present messages that are true to the intent and power of Scripture as well as relevant to the needs and concerns of
this audience.
Church Administration, Finance, and Law (MIN327)
An introductory study of many principles, procedures, and techniques used in today's business world as they apply to
the local church and its leadership. Attention is given to organizing and staffing functions of the church, practical
methods of raising money for the church's expenses, keeping good records, and managing the church's money, facilities,
and equipment.
Introduction to Assemblies of God Missions (MIN261)
An introductory course in the science of missions. It is a survey of the theology, history, and methods of Christian
missions in general and within the Assemblies of God. There is a special emphasis on recent developments, crucial
issues, current trends, and missions as they are carried out through national and local churches.
Advanced Ministerial Internship (MIN391)
Building on the foundation of the previous two internship courses, this course focuses on three attributes of the heart of
ministry, characteristics to be avoided, tests that must be passed in the life of the ministry, basic areas of pastoral
counseling, and other skills needed to be a successful pastor.
Prayer is a value
ISOM is more than an educational experience ... it’s a community of believers
learning and doing life together. In addition to gaining valuable classroom knowledge
and ministerial experience, you have the opportunity to form lifelong relationships.
We not only learn together ... we pray together and encourage one another.
All students pursuing credentialing with the Assemblies of God are required to complete an internship
course for each level of study. Illinois School of Ministry is offering an OPTIONAL internship track for
Level 1 and Level 2 students called Coach’s Corner.
The Coach’s Corner program is based on Global University’s Beginning and Intermediate Internship
courses (MIN191 and MIN291) and led by our District Executives. This “two for one” option provides
Track 1 and 2 students with mentoring options.
How does it work?
Topics Covered in Rotation
Coach’s Corner is offered from 7:30-8:45 AM on the
Saturday of each ISOM weekend (Lincoln only.) To
register, simply show up, sign in, and complete the
personal application assignment two months in a row
and we’ll add you to the roster. Coach’s Corner
materials are provided at the beginning of each session.
There is no fee required to attend Coach’s Corner;
however, there is a fee for students desiring course
• Values-Driven Leadership
• The Theology of Change
• Recruiting Volunteers
• Expository Preaching
• Missions
• Team Concepts
• Evangelism
• Spiritual Gifts & Personality Profile
• Developing Ministry Vision
• Ministry Integrity
• Church Revitalization
Steve Adamson
Steve Adamson has served as senior pastor of Faith Assembly of God in Peru since
January 1993. His previous ministry included serving as senior pastor at Carthage and on
staff at Calvary Temple in Springfield. He was a member of the Illinois District Presbytery
for seven years. He is a graduate of Central Bible College and attended the Assemblies of
God Theological Seminary.
Doug Banks
Doug Banks has served as senior pastor of Maranatha Chapel in Evergreen Park since 1999.
He is also the presbyter for the South Central Section in the Chicago Region. He received
his BA degree from Southeastern University and his MA degree in Missions from AGTS.
Previously, he was founding pastor of International Community Church in Frankfort IL and
served several years as a world missionary to Mexico.
Meet Our Instructors
A.B. Bennett
A.B. Bennett has served as lead pastor of Pawnee Assembly of God since September 2005.
He also serves as Presbyter of the South Central Section in the Central Region. He
previously served as the associate pastor of Pawnee AG; youth and associate pastor at
Alma AR; and lead pastor of New Life Worship Center, Sulphur Springs TX. He attended
Evangel University and graduated from Global University.
Gary Blanchard
Gary Blanchard serves as Assistant Superintendent & Executive Secretary of the Illinois
Assemblies of God, as well as President of the Illinois School of Ministry. He worked in the
private financial services industry for 30 years and served as a bi-vocational pastor in
St. Charles IL and Marlton NJ. He earned a degree from St. Michael's College, Colchester
VT, and did graduate work in Church Leadership at Olivet Nazarene College, Kankakee IL.
Dr. Kristopher Blanchard
Kristopher Blanchard chairs the MBA Program at Upper Iowa University in Fayette IA and
provides consulting services to churches, non-profits, and businesses. Previously he served
as the Executive Pastor at Bridgeview AG in Minnesota for 8 years and was an Associate
Professor at both North Central University and Crown College. He has a BS in Accounting
and MBA in Finance from Indiana State University, and a PhD in Organization and
Management with a focus in strategic leadership from Capella University. He is a
credentialed minister with the Iowa District.
Dr. Roger D. Cotton
Roger D. Cotton serves as Professor of the Old Testament for Assemblies of God
Theological Seminary in Springfield MO. In addition to teaching at the college and
seminary levels, Dr. Cotton has served as associate pastor and minister of Christian
education. He has written numerous articles and book chapters and has also written
courses on the Pentateuch for Global University. He received his BA from Central Bible
College, his MDiv from AGTS, and a ThD from Concordia Seminary.
ISOM Instructors (continued)
Bob Eby
Bob Eby has served as pastor at Lake Villa since 2003. Previous ministry included
pastoring at Minier AG. He graduated from Central Bible with a BA in Biblical Languages
and recently received an MA in Contemporary Theology from Lincoln Christian University.
Ed Garvin
Ed Garvin has served as lead pastor of First AG in Normal since May 2007. He is also
presbyter of the North Central Section of the Central Region. Previous ministry included
pastoring churches in Florida and Wisconsin and serving as Public Relations Director of
North Central University.
Dr. Dean Grabill
Dean Grabill has served as senior pastor of Peoria First AG since 2002. Previously he
served 10 years as an associate pastor in Massachusetts and Indiana and 14 years as a senior
pastor in Florida, Indiana, and Illinois. He also was a professor and VP of Academics for
Central Bible College. He has a BS degree from Indiana University of PA, an MDiv from
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and DMin from Trinity Evangelical Div. School.
Larry Griswold
Larry Griswold was a full-time executive officer for IDCAG from May 1997 until 2012,
serving the last ten years as Superintendent. Previously, he pastored churches in Ottawa,
Mascoutah, and Joliet, Illinois, for 27 years. He graduated from North Central Bible College
and also attended Northwestern University and Wheaton Graduate School.
John Harper
John Harper has served as Executive Director of Teen Challenge Illinois since 1999.
Previously, he held various ministry positions as a senior pastor, teacher, and preacher. He
is a former Teen Challenge graduate with a BA degree from Valley Forge Christian College
and an MDiv from Vision Christian University in Ramona CA.
Dr. Randy Hedlun
Randy Hedlun serves as Vice Provost and Professor of Bible and Theology for Global
University. Previous ministry assignments include senior pastor in Gregory SD and
associate pastor in Inver Grove Heights MN and Corpus Christi TX. Randy has a
BA degree from Evangel University, an MA from AGTS, and ThD from the University of
South Africa.
Jim Hernando
Dr. James D. Hernando is Professor of the New Testament for Assemblies of God
Theological Seminary in Springfield MO. He is also a prolific writer with writing credits in
several magazines and books. He received his BA from State University of New York, his
MDiv from AGTS, and a PhD from Drew University.
Timothy R. Kruzan
Timothy R. Kruzan has served as senior pastor of Jacksonville AG since December 2003.
Previous ministry includes pastoral positions in Missouri, Tennessee, and Mississippi. He
has held numerous leadership positions in all three districts and completed his ministerial
training through Berean School of the Bible.
Doug Lowery
Doug Lowery is founding pastor of Maranatha AG in Decatur, which he pioneered in 1978.
His previous ministry included serving as a youth pastor in Decatur IL and Escondido CA
and as senior pastor at West Point IL. He also served on the Illinois Presbytery for several
years. He earned his BA from Central Bible College and an honorary Doctorate of Divinity
from Evangel College (Merced CA).
ISOM Instructors (continued)
Mike Massey
Mike Massey has served as senior pastor of Glad Tidings AG in DeKalb since October 1990.
He has served on the Illinois Presbytery Board for many years and currently is Executive
Presbyter of the North Region. He has over 30 years of ministerial experience, including
youth pastor at Crystal Lake and senior pastor at Dixon and Mascoutah. He graduated
from Central Bible College.
Roy Rhodes
Roy Rhodes has served as senior pastor of Abundant Life Community Church in Alton
since November 2010. He holds a BA from Southwestern AG University and an MA in
Ministerial Leadership from Southeastern University. Previously, he pastored in Paola KS,
served as District Youth Director for the Arkansas District Council, and as a youth pastor
in Russellville AK.
Dr. Dave Rumley
Dave Rumley has served as Executive Pastor of First AG in Normal since July 2013.
Previously, he was senior pastor of Danville First AG from 2006-2012 and on staff at
Central AG in Springfield MO. He has a BA from Evangel University, MA from AGTS, and
an MA and EdD from Indiana Wesleyan University.
Erik Scottberg
Erik Scottberg has served as Lead Pastor of Cornerstone Church in Bethalto since August
2012 and served as Executive Pastor of the church from 2010 until 2012. Previously, he
served as youth pastor at The Stone Church in Orland Park and junior high pastor at First
AG in Joliet. He has a BA from Central Bible College and an MA from AGTS.
Dr. Randy Walls
Randy C. Walls, DMin, is the director of continuing education for AGTS where he
oversees the seminary’s branch campus sites, distance learning, network partnerships, and
certificate programs. He has also taught courses in biblical Greek, personal and
organizational leadership, and spirituality at AGTS. Previous pastoral experience includes
associate ministry in church planting, youth, and music. Prior to his current position, he
served as senior pastor of Christian Assembly of God in Newport RI.