Frequently asked questions WHERE DO I START? HOW DO I SUBMIT A TVC FOR CLASSIFICATION/OBTAIN A CAD NUMBER? There are several steps involved with classifying a TVC: 1. Prior to production, you should determine if there are any implications for script development by reviewing the Classification Handbook 2. Determine if you would like to utilise the CAD Pre-Check service - this service is free-of-charge and highly recommended 3. Once your material is ready for classification, you will need to Register and submit your application via the CAD Online Application System (CAD OAS). You will need to upload an accurate audio/visual script/storyboard including words to any jingle/testimonials/dialogue from films etc. and any required documentation. You can provide your TVC/s on DVD or electronically. CAD OAS REGISTRATION QUERIES I REGISTERED FOR THE CAD OAS BUT HAVEN’T RECEIVED AN ACTIVATION EMAIL AND CAN’T LOGIN If you have registered and haven’t received the activation email within a matter of minutes after completing your registration, you need to contact CAD on 02 8968 7200 or We can forward the activation email to you and you can validate your registration by clicking on the Activate link at the bottom of the page. I’VE FORGOTTEN MY PASSWORD FOR THE CAD OAS – WHAT DO I DO? Go to the CAD OAS Home page and click on the ‘Forgot your password’ button under Registered Members Login. Enter your email address and a password reminder will be sent to you. I AM A FREELANCER; CAN I REGISTER MORE THAN ONE AGENCY? As a freelancer you can register yourself and add multiple agencies to your registration. When you register you need to select the ‘I work for multiple agencies’ option. You will be required to add agency details. If the agency is already in the CAD database it will appear in the dropdown menu. You need to click on the agency name to select, otherwise fill in the information fields. CAN AN AGENCY HAVE MULTIPLE PEOPLE REGISTERED? We strong recommend that agencies use a generic email address. In situations where that can’t be done as an agency you can register as many people from the agency as you like. They need to register with their own email address. If the agency is already in the CAD database it will appear in the dropdown menu. You need to click on the agency name to select, otherwise fill in the information fields. PRE-CHECK SERVICE HOW DO I GET FEEDBACK ON A SCRIPT PRIOR TO PRODUCTION? Producers are encouraged to discuss the content of a TVC at the concept, script, storyboard or offline stage of production to obtain an indication of the likely classification and be directed to any content requirements. This service is free-of-charge. If your media schedule dictates that the TVC attain a certain classification, please detail this when forwarding your material for Pre-check. You will need to allow at least 5 working days for this service. CAD Numbers are only issued on completed commercials. CAD cannot issue a CAD Number or provide final classification advice until a commercial is reviewed in its final form. For more information, please visit the Pre-Check service section of this site. FAQs – January 2015 Page 1 I HAVE SENT IN A SCRIPT FOR PRE-CHECK. HOW DO I FIND OUT THE STATUS OF MY SUBMISSION? You need to allow at least 5 working days for comments after receipt of material. We will post a comment to your Job List when the pre-check has been completed. If your pre-check is received after 12pm the review process will begin on our next working day. If 5 days has lapsed or your submission has become urgent, please post a comment from your Job List to advise us. I HAVE ALREADY SENT IN A SCRIPT FOR A PRE-CHECK. NOW IT HAS BEEN REVISED. WHAT DO I DO? If you wish to submit a revised script for a pre-check do not submit a new application. Instead, just upload the new script with a comment to the existing pre-check via your Job List. I HAVE RECEIVED FEEDBACK ON MY PRE-CHECK APPLICATION. IS THERE ANYTHING FURTHER I NEED TO DO? When you receive feedback on your pre-check it is important that you note the following – Any substantiation or other information requested at the pre-check stage should be provided before you proceed to submit the final TVC to allow for any changes to be made. When only a script is provided for a pre-check please note that the final classification may differ from the pre-check feedback once the vision is sighted and in some cases we may ask you to upload an offline for confirmation of the classification. Any indicative classification given at the pre-check stage MUST be taken into account when booking airtime as the classification may not be able to be changed without amendment to the TVC, should a lower/different classification be required. If you don’t agree with the classification indicated at the pre-check stage please post a comment as soon as possible. I HAVE SUBMITTED A PRE-CHECK DO I NEED TO RE-APPLY TO GET A CAD NUMBER? The pre-check service is only for comment/feedback during the concept/pre-production stage. Once we have provided feedback and the TVC has been finalised you will need to apply for classification of a TVC and submit final scripts and vision to receive a CAD number. CAD numbers can only be issued on completed commercials. Refer the Classifying a TVC section of this site. COMPLETING THE CAD ONLINE APPLICATION WHAT IS A KEY NUMBER? A key number is like a serial number for a commercial, it enables CAD and TV stations to identify individual commercials. Each key number is assigned a CAD number. The key number needs to be provided when submitting the TVC and included on the ID board. Ask the client if they have assigned a key number to their commercial, otherwise the agency can make one up. It must be limited to 13 alphanumeric characters. Do not include symbols, spaces or punctuation marks. HOW CAN I SEND VISION TO CAD? You can provide your material electronically to CAD using the services of Adstream, Dubsat, IMD or upload an MPEG via the CAD OAS. All mpegs must be OP53 compliant and 10MB or less. File specifications as follows: Codec - .mpg; mpeg Codec - .mp4 H264 Resolution - 720 x 576 Resolution - 720 x 576 Video bit rate - 2000Kbps Video bit rate - 1000Kbps Aspect ratio - 16:9 Aspect Ratio - 16:9 Audio - AAC @ 64 Kbps Audio - AAC @ 64 Kbps We also accept DVDs. DVDs must be OP55 compliant. To find out about OP compliance please refer to the Free TV website Operational Practices. FAQs – January 2015 Page 2 THE CAD OAS ASKS FOR A ‘REQUIRED BY’ DATE – WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? The ‘Required by’ date is the date that you require a CAD number. It should not be the same as the ‘On-air’ date. You must allow sufficient time between your ‘Required by’ date and ‘On-Air’ date for any amendments or substantiation requests. TVCs with complex claims and/or requiring a detailed review and Infomercials will take longer. Applications are prioritised by ‘Required by’ and ‘On-Air’ dates and then processed in the order in which they are received by CAD. If your ‘Required by’ date or ‘On-Air’ dates are much further ahead than 2 working days, your application may be delayed while more urgent applications are processed. WHAT IS THE ‘PRODUCT/SERVICE’ FIELD WHEN SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION? When you are applying for classification the Product/Service field is where you insert a description of the TVC/Infomercial content. Insert the product and/or campaign name; or if the TVC is for a movie/DVD/game, the title and rating (if known) of the movie/DVD/game. Some typical examples of product/service information would be; Stocktake Sale; End of Financial Year Sale; Shrek 3 (PG) - Now showing; Colour Sensational Pearls Lip Colour; Hahn Dry. WHY DO I NEED TO SUBMIT A SCRIPT WITH THE APPLICATION WHEN I AM SENDING VISION? All applications for classification must be accompanied by a full audio/visual script or storyboard which must detail all graphics, disclaimers, lyrics, dialogue from movie trailers etc. The audio/visual script must match the final TVC/Infomercial. CAD does not retain the vision and so an accurate audio/visual script or storyboard is required as a record of each TVC/Infomercial submitted. ARE THERE ANY SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS WHEN UPLOADING SCRIPTS? Each script must be clearly marked with the final key number which corresponds with your application. If you provide scripts without the final key number the classification process will be delayed. When uploading scripts/storyboards separate files are preferred with the key number in the filename. Scripts/storyboards can be uploaded Word or PDF documents (.doc, .docx or .pdf) formats. I AM SUBMITTING MY FIRST JOB AFTER REGISTRATION AND THE PAYMENT IS DEFAULTING TO DIRECT DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD, WHEN I KNOW WE HAVE AN ACCOUNT WITH CAD. You may have registered incorrectly by not selecting your agency’s name from the primary agency dropdown menu. You will need to contact CAD on (02) 8968 7200 or email CAN I GET SAME DAY TURNAROUND? See – What is a Late Fee? When does a Late Fee apply? WHAT DO I DO IF I HAVE MULTIPLE TVCS FOR THE SAME CLIENT BUT ONLY ONE TVC IS URGENT AND REQUIRES SAME DAY CLASSIFICATION? If you have a TVC requiring an urgent CAD number please apply for the urgent key number separately from other non-urgent key numbers, so you won’t be charged a late fee for all TVCs. If you have already submitted the application and suddenly require an urgent CAD number/s, please post a comment to the job informing us and we will contact you with further instructions. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO PROCESS AN APPLICATION? Once all materials are received, CAD will commence processing your application. CAD must receive ALL materials (including vision and accurate script) at least 2 working days prior to your ‘Required By’ date. This allows time for any amendments or substantiation requests to be finalised. The ‘Required By’ date is the date you require classification by prior to despatch of your material to stations. FAQs – January 2015 Page 3 The ‘Required By’ date should not be the same as your On-Air date. If less than 2 working days is provided processing of your application may be delayed. Ads containing complex claims and/or requiring a detailed review may take longer than 2 working days. Applications submitted after 5pm Sydney time will be treated as next day jobs. If classification is required the next day a 100% late fee will apply. Applications requiring same day classification must be received with ALL materials by MIDDAY on the day required (100% late fee applies). Same day classification will only be provided if pre-arranged with CAD. Same day classification is in no way guaranteed. Upon classification, you will be issued with a CAD Number. For more information, please visit the Processing Times for TVCs section of this site. HOW LONG DOES A CAD NUMBER LAST FOR? CAD numbers are valid for 2 years. The 2 year period commences from the date the CAD number is issued. CAD numbers issued for Government or Statutory Authorities/Agencies expire three months after initial classification. The CAD number can be extended on request for a further three-month period up to the full 2 years, where no change has been made to the commercial. For further information on requesting an extension click here When a CAD number has expired after 2 years, commercials should be resubmitted to CAD for classification in the usual way. The process for classification will be done in the usual way and may include the need to supply substantiation if the original substantiation is no longer valid. I WANT TO SUBMIT A REVISED TVC BASED ON A PREVIOUS KEY NUMBER. DO I NEED TO SUBMIT EVERYTHING AGAIN? ‘Revisions’ include changes to voice-overs, product inserts or cut-downs and the process for classification is similar to classifying a new TVC. In circumstances where only a minor change is made to an existing TVC, CAD may be able to issue a new CAD Number for the revised material on the submission of ‘No Vision’. For more information on the process for classifying revised commercials and whether the commercial qualifies for the ’No Vision' submission process, please visit the Revising a TVC page. FEES WHAT ARE THE FEES FOR CLASSIFICATION? CAD maintains different fee structures for classification of TVCs and Infomercials. Please visit the Fees page for more information. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A NATIONAL/METRO FEE AND REGIONAL FEE? The National/Metro fees apply to television commercials produced for a campaign which is broadcast nationally in a combination of metropolitan and regional markets, eg on-air Sydney, Melbourne, Newcastle and Wollongong; OR in Metropolitan markets only The Regional fees apply to television commercials produced for a campaign which is broadcast solely in regional markets, eg on-air solely in Canberra. FAQs – January 2015 Page 4 Where one or more TVCs in a campaign are aired in a Metro area, the National/Metro fees apply to all versions, even if they are submitted on separate applications. In addition, a revision to a Metro TVC will be charged at the National/Metro rate, regardless of whether it airs in Metro or Regional areas. WHAT IS A LATE FEE? A late fee is applied to an application when the CAD classification is required the same day that the TVC is submitted to CAD. The late fee is calculated automatically by the CAD OAS. The amount of the late fee will appear on the application summary and order form. However, in some circumstances a late fee may also apply after the application has been submitted. APPLICATION SUBMITTED REQUIRED BY LATE FEE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Same day Yes Original deadline moved forward Same day (or if on-air date is over the weekend or before midday on the following Monday) Same day (or if on-air date is before midday on the next business day following a public holiday) Same day After 5pm Mon to Fri Next business day Friday Business day prior to public holiday Yes Yes Yes Yes NOTE: Same day classification is in no way guaranteed until it has been confirmed by CAD. CAD requires your online application and ALL materials, including audio/visual script and final vision, before classification can commence. INFOMERCIALS HOW DO I SUBMIT AN INFOMERCIAL FOR CLASSIFICATION/A CAD NUMBER? Infomercials must also be classified before they can be broadcast on Free TV. There are several steps involved with classifying an infomercial: 1. Prior to production, you should determine if there are any implications for script development by reviewing the Classification Handbook 2. Once your material is ready for classification, you will need to submit your application via the CAD OAS and upload a copy of your script and any required documentation. You will need to provide your material on DVD. Once all materials are received, CAD will commence processing your application. You will need to allow at least 28 working days for classification of an Infomercial. Upon approval, you will be issued with a CAD Number. For more information, please visit the Classifying an Infomercial section of this site. WHAT DO I DO IF ….. I CAN’T VIEW ALL MY AGENCY’S JOBS? To view all agency jobs, login and select the My Job List page from the Quicklinks menu, then select VIEW All Agency Jobs. This will enable you to view all jobs submitted by your agency. To view only your own jobs select the Only My Jobs option. I HAVE SELECTED ‘VIEW ALL JOBS’ AND STILL CAN’T SEE ALL MY AGENCY’S JOBS? If after selecting VIEW All Agency Jobs you still can’t see them, you may have registered incorrectly by not selecting your agency’s name from the primary agency dropdown menu. You will need to contact CAD on (02) 8968 7200 or email FAQs – January 2015 Page 5 MY JOB STATUS IS ‘TVC WITHOUT REQUIREMENTS’? When you see key numbers with the Status – TVC without Requirements – this means the TVCs are still being reviewed and at that stage no request for further information or amendments has been made. MY JOB STATUS IS ‘FOR CAD REVIEW’? The status ‘For CAD Review’ means the job is lodged at CAD but has not yet been viewed, or new material/comment sent by the agency regarding the job is still under review by CAD. Please check the date/time any requirements were posted and allow a reasonable amount of time for CAD to respond to new material/comments you upload before posting a follow-up comment, as CAD’s response will not be instant. I WANT TO KNOW THE RATING/PLACEMENT CODE THE TVC RECEIVED? The first letter of the CAD number is the placement code or TVC rating e.g. G = G, P = PG The placement code provides advice to stations regarding placement of the commercial in the appropriate time zone under the requirements of the Code of Practice. For further information refer Placement Codes. MY TVC HAS BEEN CLASSIFIED BUT I REQUIRE A LOWER RATING? If you need to have the TVC rating reviewed you need to Post a Comment on the job as soon as possible, so the Classifier can review the TVC. When submitting TVCs for movies/DVD/games it is always a good idea to indicate on the application what rating you need so the TVC can be reviewed with that rating in mind. I’VE BEEN ASKED TO PROVIDE SUBSTANTIATION FOR A CLAIM – WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? The consumer protection provisions of the Australian Consumer Law require advertising to be truthful and not misleading. To facilitate the classification of commercials containing claims, advertisers must provide adequate substantiation. Refer to Substantiation and Other Document Requirements. Where substantiation has previously been provided you can either re-supply the substantiation OR quote the original key number and/or CAD Number on your new application. I HAVE SUBMITTED A TVC/INFOMERCIAL FOR CLASSIFICATION. HOW CAN I FIND OUT IF IT HAS BEEN CLASSIFIED? If CAD requires further information a Job Update email will be sent to the registered users email address. Alternatively you can log in to the CAD OAS to view comments/requirements, the status of your jobs and CAD numbers via your Job List. I WANT TO AIR A TVC/INFOMERCIAL IN NEW ZEALAND? You will need to contact the Commercial Approvals Bureau in New Zealand. Please visit for more information. FAQs – January 2015 Page 6