Question OP1 Are there aspects of the application that present

Please find below the responses of NLC to the 1st Round Questions.
Question OP1
Are there aspects of the application that present particular conflicts with
current or emerging local plan policies?
Answer to OP1
The area along the proposed route of the underground electricity cable
between Chase Hill Road and the North Killingholme electricity sub-station
lies within a large employment allocation covering the South Humber Bank
area between Immingham Dock and East Halton Skitter. Current local plan
policies which apply to this area are as follows:
1) North Lincolnshire Local Plan (saved policies):
Policy IN1-1
Industrial Development Location and Uses – South Humber
Policy IN4
Estuary Related Development – South Humber Bank Land
Between South Killingholme Haven and East Halton Skitter
Policy IN 5
Estuary Related Development – South Humber Bank Land
Between Chase Hill Road and East Halton Skitter
Policy IN6
Defined Industrial Buffer Areas
Policy IN12.6 Bulk Freight Handling Facilities – South Humber Bank
Policy LC6
Habitat Creation
Policy LC20 South Humber Bank Landscape Initiative
2) North Lincolnshire Core Strategy
Policy CS12 South Humber Bank Strategic Employment Site – A Broad
3) Housing and Employment Land Area Development Plan Document
(emerging and Submission Document imminent)
Policy SHBE-1 South Humber Bank
Whilst the policies recognise the economic energy cluster at the South
Humber Bank employment site and underground electricity cables are seen
as part of necessary infrastructure (as is the North Killingholme Electricity
sub-station), it is essential that such infrastructure causes the least amount of
detriment to the future potential for the development of the site for estuary
related employment uses. This point is further emphasised by the emerging
SHBE-1 policy describing the allocation as the “jewel in the crown” for future
employment in North Lincolnshire. The proposed route of the underground
cable between Chase Hill Road and the North Killingholme Electricity substation is within the allocated employment land and is located at the southern
fringe of an existing planning permission (Able Logistics Park (ALP)) in an
area where a major access road and building plots are proposed (see answer
to question OP2). Provided the route of the cable at this point is not
detrimental to the delivery of the planning permission for the ALP (which is
seen as essential in delivering this part of the South Humber Bank
employment allocation) there will be no conflict with existing and emerging
local plan policies.
The underground cable route south of Chase Hill Road travels on land
allocated for landscaping only NLLP LC6 and LC20). It is considered there will
be no conflict with local plan policies between Chase Hill Road and the
boundary between North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire Council
areas provided landscaping conditions are applied as appropriate.
Question OP2
Does the route of the on-shore cable corridor affect any allocated sites
in relevant development plans or sites for which planning permission
has been granted?
Answer to OP2
This question has been largely answered in OP1, but extra detail is given in
relation to the ALP proposal. The ALP has recently been given full planning
permission (reference PA2009/0600) in accordance with Local Plan policy for
the area. There may be conflict with the route of the cable north of Chase Hill
Road and the southern fringe of the ALP planning permission. In this area a
major access road to the ALP and two building pots are proposed. It will be
important for the cable to be routed adjacent to the proposed access road and
along the southern boundary of the ALP building plots so that the full potential
of the employment allocation is realised (and not prejudiced) and to make
sure there will be no conflict with the ALP planning permission and the local
plan policy intentions of delivering the employment allocation in its entirety. It
is assumed that the applicant has notified Able UK of the proposed cable
route, but if not it is recommended that the applicant carries this consultation
out as a matter of course.
The route of the cable is not considered to prejudice the local plan
landscaping policies LC6 and LC20 provided suitable landscaping conditions
are provided for after construction of the cable and the expansion of the North
Killingholme electricity sub-station.
Question PN13
What is the state of discussions between the applicant, Natural
England and the Environment Agency and the local planning
authorities on:
(a) Agreeing the scope and the objectives of the proposed
ecological management plan;
(b) Agreeing any surveying, monitoring and reporting schemes to
support the operation of the plan;
(c) Identifying and agreeing any other monitoring, management
and mitigation plans for other potential impacts;
(d) Agreeing any role for adaptive assessment and management
in the operation of the plan over the life of the project;
(e) Agreeing the implementation timetable, and the procedure by
which any changes to that timetable may be agreed;
(f) Agreeing appropriate enforcement measures related to the plan
that can be applied to the appropriate owner or agent of any part
or stage of the project?
Response to all of the points a) – f) is as follows:
a) At present we have agreed in principle to the ecological clerk of works
approach as set out in the submitted documents (my response re
Project 2, dated 05 November 2012). Little detail has been added at
this stage, save some guidance on appropriate planting around the
proposed converter station. We have also agreed to the wording of the
Statement of Common Ground, which sets out the required approach.
Question DC21
Article 12(2) provides for deemed consent if a local planning authority
fails to notify the undertaker of a decision on access to works within 28
days of receipt. Would this create any particular problems for the LPA?
Any works on the highway will need to conform the statutory requirements. We
would not be supportive of decision being automatically granted, within 28 days
of the undertaker's application, should the council have not made a decision on
the application for works.