2011 Salary Survey For Certified General Accountants Table of Contents Page 1. Project Background 3 2. Summary of Findings 4 3. Workplace Background of Certified General Accountants 4 Working Hours • Gender Distribution • Experience • 5 6 6 4. Compensation by: • • • • • • • • • • • • Company Size Age Geographic Location Employment Status Education Chapter Gender Position Industry Experience Workplace Sector Experience in Workplace Sector 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 22 5. Benefits by Position 28 6. Taxable Benefits 30 7. Bonuses 31 8. Annual Percentage Increase in Salary 32 Project Background Goals, Methodology and Use CGA Ontario conducts a salary survey every year, and 2011 is the eighth year of this online version. The exercise aims to identify the salaries of CGAs and students in the CGA program of professional studies command in the marketplace. Another objective is to better equip CGAs and students in the CGA program to negotiate their salaries and set salary levels for accounting and financial staff. Target Audience A notification about the availability of the survey was distributed to all certified general accountants and current students in the CGA program of professional studies with valid e-mail addresses, as per CGA Ontario’s database. All designated sectors and positions were covered in the study; however, those CGAs or students in the CGA program who indicated themselves as retired or unemployed were not included in the compiled results of the study. Response Rate of Valid Participants: In 2011, 22 per cent completed the survey. Research Method An e-mail invitation, which included the URL link to the survey, was sent to the target audience by CGA Ontario. Each e-mail was personalized and accompanied by a covering letter, which invited CGAs and students in the CGA program to participate in the salary survey. All respondents were assured of the confidentiality of their response. 6. Percentile 95th: 95 per cent of the respondents earned less than the given figure, 5 per cent of the respondents earned more than the given figure. 7. Empty row, columns or cells resulted in insufficient data being collected. Inadequate responses were eliminated for accuracy. To respect confidentiality and accurate analysis, any segment where the number of responses are less than 10 are not included in the analysis and report. 8. For accurate analysis, extremely high or extremely low figures, a.k.a., outliers1, were not included in the calculation of averages, median and percentiles. Note 1: An outlier is a data point that is located far from the rest of the data. Given a mean and standard deviation, a statistical distribution expects data points to fall within a specific range. Extreme outliers have been eliminated from the analysis in order to produce results that are not skewed. Important notice: This report is for the confidential and personal use of CGAs and students in the CGA program of professional studies. Please do not distribute it further without consent from CGA Ontario. For more information, please contact Mila de Los Santos, Executive Assistant, Marketing and Communications, CGA Ontario at mdelossantos@cga-ontario.org. Survey Roll Out The survey was distributed to the target audience for the period of 21 days, running from October 18th to November 9th 2011. Additional Notes 1. Unless specified, Salary/Average annual salary refers to the base salary, excluding taxes, bonuses and taxable benefits. 2. The “mean” refers to the numerical average. 3. The “median” refers to the midpoint of the distribution, e.g., 50 per cent of salaries are above the median and 50 per cent fall below it. Median is not affected by the highest or lowest values. 4. Percentile 25th: 25 per cent of the respondents earned less than the given figure, 75 per cent of the respondents earned more than the given figure. 5. Percentile 75 per cent: 75 per cent of the respondents earned less than the given figure, 25 per cent of the respondents earned more than the given figure. 3 Summary of Findings In 2011, the average annual salary is $94,290 (down $6,224 from 2010). The average value of taxable benefits is approximately $8,421, with an average bonus value of $8,116. Annual Salary $180,000 $165,000 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $94,290 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 Workplace Background of Certified General Accountants • • 4 • • • • $86,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 25th Percentile Median Mean 75th Percentile 95th Percentile The largest percentage of CGAs works within industry/ commerce (49%), followed by government (14%), public practice (13%) and manufacturing (11%). The vast majority of CGAs (81%) are currently employed full-time (permanent, salaried). Ten per cent of CGAs are also employed full-time, on a contract basis, while four per cent of CGAs are self-employed. Only 2 per cent of CGAs are working on a part-time basis. Since 2008, there has been virtually no change to the high levels of employment enjoyed amongst CGAs. This is indicative of the CGA’s resilience and strength as an accounting designation within Canada. A greater percentage of CGAs (44%) are working within large organizations, which employ more than 501 employees, followed by 26 per cent of CGAs who work in companies that have an employee base of between 1 and 50. Mean $94,290 2011 2010 $100,514 Decrease in Mean Salary 2009 2008 $92,142 $100,000 by $6,224K, back to 2009 level. 2007 2006 $94,173 $86,463 2005 $83,720 2004 $80,900 0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000 The highest percentage of CGAs hold the title of “manager” (23%), followed by “controller” (16%), “accountant” (15%), and “analyst” (13%). Eight-in-ten (82%) of CGAs indicate they have other accounting or business related degrees, of these individuals 50 per cent have a general business and/or commerce degree from a Canadian institution The majority (61%) of CGAs are working in a metropolitan centre (i.e., more than 500,000 in population). • • $70,000 $105,400 The highest percentages of CGAs (36%) are members of CGA Ontario Toronto Chapter, followed by Peel Chapter (14 %), and the Ottawa Chapter (13 %). Median $86,000 2011 $86,007 2010 Median salary remained steady between 2008 and 2011 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 $84,736 $85,000 $80,000 $78,000 $75,000 $70,950 2004 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 Working Hours • • • • Gender On average, CGAs work 41.7 hours a week. Compared to 2010, the gap in working hours between women and men is relatively unchanged (42.9 hours for males, compared to 41.06 for females). Thirty-six per cent of CGAs work less than 40 hours per week, while forty-five per cent work between 40 and 49 hours per week. On average, 19 per cent of CGAs work 50 or more hours per week. Female 40.72 Male 42.81 0 5 10 15 Among CGAs, presidents and CEOs work the most hours (47.7), followed by VPs and directors (47.4), CFOs and COOs (47.0), and partners (46.9). On average, auditors work the least amount of hours (37.3). 20 25 30 35 40 45 Mean Hours Company Size 501+ 41.75 201-500 42.84 101-200 43.20 51-100 42.22 1-50 40.31 39 40 41 42 43 44 Mean Hours Geographic Location 42.36 Rural (all other areas) 41.90 Small Urban Centre (5,000 to 39,999) Median Urban Centre 41.35 (40,000 to 199,999) Large Urban Centre 41.80 (200,000 to 499,999) Metropolitain (Over 500,000) 40.5 41.67 41 41.5 42 42.5 43 Mean Hours 5 Gender Distribution • • • Experience The average age of a CGA is 45.6 years. At present, male membership is lower than female membership, a trend continuing from 2010 (46% male, compared to 54% female). The sectors in which males out-numbered females are closing. In 2010, male CGAs out-numbered their female counterparts in self-employed public practice (74% male, and 26% female), however in 2011, while there is still a considerable gender gap, it is smaller (61% male, and 39% female). Other sectors where men are slightly more represented than women are hospitality (58% men vs. 42% women), consulting (56% men vs. 44% women) and wholesale/retail trade (54% men vs. 46% women). Conversely, women are over-represented in working for non-profit organizations such as hospitals (66% vs. 34%), charities (65% vs. 35%), non-profit professional associations (67% vs. 33%), in public practice (60% vs. 40%), education (elementary, college and university – 63% vs. 37%), and crown corporations (63% vs. 37%). Gender Distribution Female 54% Male 46% 0% 10% 20% 30% Per cent 6 40% 50% 60% • • • CGAs have an extensive amount of experience, as the average amount of Canadian working experience in accounting and finance is 18.3 years, and combined Canadian and non-Canadian experience is at 22.5 years. On average, male CGAs possess 25.3 years of experience (Canadian and non-Canadian), compared to female CGAs whose average experience is 19.6 years. Among CGAs who hold management-level roles, presidents and CEOs have the most years of experience (32.8), followed by principals (32.6), partners (32.1), sole proprietors (28.3), treasurers (27.7), VPs/directors (26.9) and CFOs (26.5). Compensation Compensation is affected by many factors, including sector, position, experience and age (the two being the most important factors), gender, geographic location and size of the company. Below are the segmented analysis of each factor and its affect on salary scale. Experience within the accounting and finance field and sector experience show the greatest correlation to salary. Effect of the Company Size • Employees tend to collect the highest salaries at companies that employ more than 500 people ($97,720, on average). Effect of the Company Size 501+ $97,720 201-500 $96,670 101-200 $95,369 51-100 $95,476 1-50 $86,464 $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 Mean Salary 7 Effect of Age Annual Salary ($) 8 Age Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count 25 or below $55,196 $52,000 $45,000 $71,000 $100,000 13 26-30 $71,998 $63,000 $55,000 $72,000 $100,000 173 31-35 $76,248 $72,885 $63,000 $87,000 $115,000 437 36-40 $84,172 $80,000 $67,000 $95,000 $132,600 833 41-45 $92,412 $86,500 $70,000 $105,000 $154,000 940 46-50 $98,483 $93,000 $75,000 $110,000 $170,000 897 51-55 $107,391 $96,160 $77,000 $121,000 $197,000 707 56-60 $110,842 $96,000 $80,000 $120,000 $211,000 447 61-65 $103,147 $97,500 $79,911 $124,500 $190,000 180 66 and above $105,814 $96,100 $60,000 $120,000 $200,000 49 • Income increases fairly evenly with age, until it peaks at age 60. Ninety-fifth (95th) percentile earnings and 25th percentile earnings both peak between ages 56-60. Effect of Geographic Location • • Mean salaries are highest in metropolitan areas: the Greater Toronto Area, London and Ottawa*. There is not a great discrepancy of salaries based on other geographic locations/community sizes. * 2006 census data for population size used to determine corresponding regions with particular populations. Effect of Geographic Location Region Size $100000 $90000 $80000 $91,896 $86,476 $89,367 $90,207 $97,129 $70000 Rural (all other areas) Small Urban Centre (5000 39,000) Medium Urban Centre (40,000 199,999) Large Urban Centre (200,000 499,999) Metropolitain (over 500,000) Effect of Employment Status Annual Salary ($) Age Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count Employed full-time (permanent, salaried) $93,428 $86,100 $70,000 $105,000 $156,000 3,795 Employed full-time (contract, temporary) $98,642 $88,000 $70,000 $110,000 $200,000 446 Self-employed, full-time (owner, partner, principal) $113,082 $100,000 $65,000 $190,000 $250,000 261 Part-time employee (contract or permanent) $62,791 $56,800 $42,000 $75,000 $130,000 97 9 Effect of Education Annual Salary ($) 10 Education Mean Median Count PHD $128,063 $130,000 24 MBA $107,648 $98,000 372 Three Year Business Diploma (Non-Can Diploma) $94,190 $90,000 35 Three Year Business Diploma (Can Diploma) $96,716 $88,440 553 Two Year Business Diploma (Can Diploma) $96,694 $85,800 226 General Business/Commerce Degree (Can Degree) $90,735 $85,000 1009 Two Year Business Diploma (Non-Can Diploma) $92,930 $93,000 30 One Year Post-Graduate Diploma (Can Diploma) $96,508 $82,000 55 Honors Business/Commerce Degree (Can Degree) $91,226 $82,735 904 General Business/Commerce Degree (Non-Can Degree) $83,340 $75,000 358 Honors Business/Commerce Degree (Non-Can Degree) $88,548 $80,000 234 One Year Post-Graduate Diploma (Non-Canadian Diploma) $80,009 $85,000 33 • • • • • 82 per cent of CGAs hold commerce or business-related undergraduate degrees, or business diplomas. Ten per cent hold an MBA. Twenty six per cent of CGAs hold a Canadian general business/commerce degree. Similarly, 24 per cent of CGAs hold an honours business/commerce degree and 20 per cent of CGAs have a two or three-year business diploma from a Canadian institution. Concerning non-Canadian degrees, six per cent of CGAs have an honours business/commerce degree, and an additional nine per cent have a general business or commerce degree. Together with the CGA designation, four per cent of CGAs hold a CPA designation and another four per cent an ACCA designation. A very small number of CGAs hold a CA, CFP, CFE or CMA (one per cent each). The vast majority of CGAs, 79 per cent, do not have any other designations, such as CBV, CFA, LLB and TEP. Younger CGAs are significantly more likely to have obtained an accounting or business-related university undergraduate degree (for example, 98 per cent of those who hold a CGA between the ages of 26 to 30 years of age have obtained a commerce or businessrelated degree, compared to 64 per cent of CGAs between the ages of 56 and 65 who have obtained the same degree). Effect of Chapter Annual Salary ($) Chapter Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count Belleville $79,803 $70,000 $55,000 $88,000 $152,000 30 Chatham $82,460 $81,846 $63,000 $101,000 $117,000 25 Durham $96,000 $87,689 $70,000 $110,000 $181,000 221 Hamilton $94,637 $87,000 $68,000 $105,000 $180,000 297 Huronia $95,437 $88,171 $66,000 $110,000 $150,000 126 Kingston $87,154 $84,000 $67,405 $100,000 $132,563 69 Kitchener-Waterloo $87,607 $80,000 $67,000 $99,000 $156,000 299 London $82,076 $77,250 $65,000 $94,000 $128,820 267 Niagara $98,888 $90,000 $78,300 $110,000 $197,000 83 North Bay $93,365 $82,644 $69,500 $122,500 $180,000 38 Ottawa $93,057 $90,000 $74,000 $105,000 $145,000 611 Peel $94,615 $87,000 $70,000 $107,775 $161,000 633 Sarnia-Lambton $90,270 $84,000 $67,000 $106,000 $180,000 36 Sault Ste. Marie $101,015 $85,000 $74,000 $102,000 $230,000 21 Sudbury $100,892 $93,000 $75,000 $118,000 $204,000 57 Thunder Bay $90,758 $82,016 $71,625 $96,000 $150,000 46 Toronto $95,779 $86,600 $70,000 $108,000 $170,000 1687 Windsor $98,490 $87,624 $67,000 $110,000 $176,800 67 Out of Province $143,154 $120,000 $81,200 $195,000 $310,000 63 11 Effect of Gender Annual Salary ($) Age Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count Female $85,179 $80,000 $65,000 $97,463 $137,800 2512 Male $104,919 $95,000 $76,875 $119,000 $193,000 2164 Overall, there is still a pronounced gender-driven earning gap. Gender difference does affect earnings. The average annual salary of a female CGA is $19,740 less than a male CGA. This difference is most visible in senior-level positions (graph below). Gender / Position / Salary $200,000 $180,000 Male Female Mean Salary $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 tn es er id en t/ CE O Pr Pr of in es cip so al r/ In st ru ct or Su pe rv So iso le r Pr op rie to Vi r ce Tr -P e re as sid ur Ch er en ie t / fO Di re pe ct ra or tin g Of fic ie r er Pr Position 12 Pa r le r an ag M nt nt ro l lta Co ns u CF O Co r t Au di to ta n ou n ys t An al t. Ac c sis As Ac Ac co un ta co nt un tin g Cl er k $0 Effect of Position Annual Salary ($) Age Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count Accountant $66,389 $63,000 $54,500 $75,000 $98,000 693 Accounting Clerk $48,715 $45,000 $37,000 $56,437 $82,500 10 Analyst $76,305 $73,000 $64,900 $84,000 $98,730 617 Assistant Accountant $64,750 $67,000 $60,000 $70,000 $96,000 14 Auditor $80,112 $80,000 $67,829 $90,000 $103,000 286 CFO $141,613 $130,000 $100,000 $165,000 $276,000 180 Consultant $111,000 $100,000 $81,000 $125,000 $225,000 84 Controller $93,150 $90,000 $76,500 $105,000 $137,500 743 - - - - - - Manager $92,517 $92,000 $80,000 $105,000 $125,000 1078 Partner $169,534 $132,000 $110,000 $230,000 $395,000 50 President/CEO $168,212 $130,000 $93,000 $200,000 $400,000 72 Principal $115,128 $100,000 $70,000 $150,000 $290,000 46 Professor/Instructor/ Lecturer $111,894 $102,186 $86,000 $140,000 $181,000 40 Supervisor $81,459 $80,000 $70,000 $93,000 $110,000 142 Sole Proprietor $91,948 $80,000 $50,000 $117,000 $200,000 107 Treasurer $121,360 $104,000 $83,500 $144,500 $190,000 53 Vice-President/Director $133,241 $128,000 $110,000 $150,000 $200,000 439 Chief Operating Officer $147,540 $135,000 $104,800 $196,953 $285,000 21 Junior Accounting Clerk 13 Per Industry Annual Salary ($) 14 Industry Mean Median Commerce: Banking, Trust Co./Credit Union $96,075 $87,500 Commerce: Consulting $105,752 $92,000 Commerce: Finance/Investment/Mortgage $98,257 $89,500 Commerce: Hospitality $88,257 $81,000 Commerce: Insurance $97,585 $85,900 Commerce: Others $97,168 $87,000 Commerce: Wholesale/Retail Trade $96,495 $84,000 Construction $97,153 $87,000 Crown Corporation $92,754 $90,000 Education: College/University $94,376 $86,000 Education: Elementary and Secondary $121,281 $108,585 Government (Federal): Canadian Customs $88,943 $93,920 Government (Federal): Other $94,653 $95,000 Government (Municipal): $95,196 $90,000 Government (Provincial): Finance $84,903 $87,000 Government (Provincial): Other $94,247 $91,000 Government (Fed) Canada Revenue Agency $86,341 $87,000 Information Technology $97,325 $86,000 Manufacturing $95,292 $86,000 Not-For-Profit: Charities $78,474 $74,000 Not-For-Profit: Hospitals $98,312 $82,500 Not-For-Profit: Other $89,986 $80,000 Not-For-Profit: Professional Association $101,783 $85,000 Primary Industry $99,899 $90,000 Printing/Publishing $97,681 $95,000 Processing $104,625 $95,000 Public Practice – Employed $80,578 $73,500 Public Practice – Self-Employed $103,238 $95,000 Transportation/Communication $94,839 $88,000 Utilities $109,842 $98,000 Effect of Experience Canadian experience within accounting and finance: Annual Salary ($) - Canadian experience in accounting and finance Experience in accounting and Mean Median finance field Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Minimum Maximum Count 0-2 years $67,019 $62,000 $45,000 $82,500 $150,000 $4,000 $190,000 41 3-6 years $69,254 $62,000 $55,000 $74,000 $110,000 $50 $720,000 372 7-10 years $78,148 $72,000 $62,500 $85,000 $120,000 $53 $780,000 762 11-14 years $86,433 $80,500 $70,000 $97,000 $130,000 $65 $425,000 687 15-18 years $98,120 $90,000 $76,500 $108,680 $160,000 $85 $650,000 668 19-22 years $98,608 $93,000 $76,000 $110,000 $160,000 $90 $400,000 673 23-26 years $102,806 $96,160 $80,000 $115,000 $176,800 $95 $382,000 554 27 yrs & above $113,926 $100,000 $85,000 $127,750 $206,000 $51 $750,000 919 Experience within current workplace sector¹: Annual Salary ($) sector experience Sector experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Minimum Maximum Count 0-2 years $78,953 $74,500 $60,000 $92,000 $130,000 $4,000 $409,516 639 3-6 years $82,901 $75,900 $63,000 $94,000 $138,500 $50 $780,000 1210 7-10 years $90,852 $84,684 $70,000 $100,000 $150,000 $53 $680,000 886 11-14 years $97,670 $90,000 $77,000 $105,000 $170,000 $65 $400,000 646 15-18 years $109,892 $100,000 $84,000 $120,000 $200,000 $180 $750,000 381 19-22 years $107,449 $99,000 $84,000 $120,000 $200,000 $90 $450,000 394 23-26 years $109,108 $100,000 $85,000 $125,000 $180,000 $106 $310,000 244 27 yrs & above $128,878 $110,000 $90,000 $150,000 $240,000 $51 $650,000 276 ¹ Note: Sector experience may also include experience within the accounting and finance fields. 15 Effect of Non-Canadian Experience 16 Non-Canadian experience in accounting and Mean Median finance field Annual Salary ($) Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Minimum Maximum Count 0-2 years $94,752 $87,000 $70,000 $108,000 $165,907 $51 $750,000 3078 3-6 years $85,663 $80,000 $65,000 $98,000 $150,000 $50 $320,000 415 7-10 years $87,738 $80,000 $66,000 $97,000 $154,900 $16,000 $430,000 330 11-14 years $117,580 $87,000 $75,000 $120,000 $350,000 $38,925 $780,000 107 15-18 years $97,373 $88,500 $72,500 $110,000 $176,820 $22,000 $425,000 115 19-22 years $90,772 $75,000 $62,925 $105,625 $181,250 $85 $300,000 64 23-26 years $90,552 $82,500 $70,000 $99,500 $175,000 $40,000 $180,000 25 27 yrs & above $106,442 $94,000 $72,000 $136,000 - $45,000 $200,000 13 • Salary may also include effect of Canadian experience, as respondents can have Canadian as well as non-Canadian experience in the accounting and finance fields. Effect of Workplace Sector Industry Sector The table displays the effect of the sector and experience on annual salary. Experience in accounting and finance field (Canadian + non-Canadian experience) Experience in accounting and finance field Annual Salary ($) Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count 0-2 years $82,000 $58,000 $41,000 $135,000 - 5 3-6 years $63,966 $60,000 $52,500 $67,000 $97,100 71 7-10 years $77,430 $70,000 $60,000 $82,375 $129,125 208 11-14 years $82,106 $77,625 $67,250 $92,850 $124,500 249 15-18 years $93,479 $87,000 $72,118 $109,625 $151,500 297 19-22 years $97,243 $90,000 $72,000 $110,500 $178,000 294 23-26 years $109,431 $98,200 $81,812 $122,875 $190,000 253 27 years and above $116,649 $101,500 $85,000 $130,000 $224,750 441 Experience within current workplace sector Annual Salary ($) Sector experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count 0-2 years $79,797 $75,000 $60,000 $92,000 $135,000 292 3-6 years $87,116 $78,000 $66,000 $100,000 $150,000 536 7-10 years $94,356 $85,387 $72,000 $105,000 $162,300 397 11-14 years $99,718 $94,000 $77,125 $115,000 $177,750 248 15-18 years $111,411 $100,600 $85,000 $125,000 $200,000 185 19-22 years $110,458 $103,000 $86,700 $125,000 $200,000 176 23-26 years $116,134 $100,650 $90,000 $131,500 $205,700 100 27 years and above $140,491 $120,000 $90,000 $157,500 $300,000 105 Industry sector includes the following sectors: 1. Primary Industry (oil and gas, mining, forestry, fishery) 8. Commerce: Wholesale/Retail Trade 2. Manufacturing 9. Commerce: Banking/Trust Co/Credit Union 3. Processing 10.Commerce: Finance/Investment Mortgage 4. Construction 11.Commerce: Insurance/Real Estate 5. Transportation/Communication 12.Commerce: Hospitality 6. Utilities 13.Commerce: Other 7. Printing/Publishing 14.Commerce: Consulting 17 Government Sector Experience in government sector (Canadian + non-Canadian experience) Experience in accounting and finance field Annual Salary ($) Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count 0-2 years $98,000 $98,000 $98,000 $98,000 $98,000 1 3-6 years $68,745 $65,500 $56,500 $74,996 $113,775 28 7-10 years $77,928 $79,500 $66,985 $86,144 $103,600 53 11-14 years $85,652 $86,377 $72,000 $98,000 $113,298 63 15-18 years $84,334 $85,000 $71,359 $96,000 $116,250 78 19-22 years $91,370 $90,000 $79,175 $99,250 $144,750 82 23-26 years $100,357 $102,289 $88,485 $110,000 $144,250 78 27 years and above $105,816 $97,000 $86,600 $114,000 $149,600 163 Experience within current workplace sector Annual Salary ($) Sector experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count 0-2 years $84,856 $85,000 $66,000 $98,000 $137,500 89 3-6 years $84,133 $83,000 $67,827 $95,500 $120,700 165 7-10 years $94,054 $86,763 $78,000 $97,800 $119,800 120 11-14 years $92,600 $91,500 $84,750 $101,692 $121,000 93 15-18 years $97,824 $97,000 $84,750 $107,136 $150,500 38 19-22 years $99,863 $95,739 $87,000 $112,000 $123,440 47 23-26 years $108,987 $103,600 $93,402 $117,406 $172,750 34 27 years and above $120,002 $110,000 $98,000 $135,900 $185,600 43 Government sector includes the following sectors: 18 1. Government (Federal): Revenue Canada 4. Government (Provincial): Other 2. Government (Federal): Other 5. Government (Municipal) 3. Government (Provincial): Finance 6. Crown corporation Public Practice Employed Experience in public practice employed (Canadian + non-Canadian experience) Experience in accounting and finance field 0-2 years Annual Salary ($) Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count - - - - - 0 3-6 years $56,222 $56,000 $49,500 $62,500 - 9 7-10 years $77,514 $72,000 $66,000 $80,000 $164,000 27 11-14 years $85,382 $74,000 $65,000 $117,500 $136,000 29 15-18 years $96,177 $89,500 $69,000 $120,000 $188,000 27 19-22 years $101,693 $100,000 $79,000 $117,500 $197,500 29 23-26 years $104,208 $108,000 $80,625 $123,750 $177,500 24 27 years and above $126,441 $110,000 $83,250 $158,500 $260,400 37 Experience within current workplace sector Annual Salary ($) Sector experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count 0-2 years $76,295 $66,000 $55,000 $85,000 $174,000 27 3-6 years $80,481 $72,500 $60,000 $102,500 $144,000 51 7-10 years $95,093 $89,500 $70,750 $113,500 $167,500 37 11-14 years $108,636 $95,000 $80,100 $121,000 $235,000 29 15-18 years $111,573 $100,000 $82,500 $150,000 $244,800 24 19-22 years $132,944 $124,000 $104,750 $140,000 - 18 23-26 years $106,733 $96,000 $82,500 $133,500 - 9 27 years and above $160,000 $170,000 $102,500 $212,500 - 5 19 Public Practice Self Employed Public practice self-employed (Canadian + non-Canadian experience) Experience in accounting and finance field 0-2 years Annual Salary ($) Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count - - - - - - 3-6 years $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 2 7-10 years $68,333 $75,000 $50,000 - - 3 11-14 years $80,200 $75,400 $70,200 $95,000 - 4 15-18 years $79,400 $74,500 $62,250 $95,750 - 11 19-22 years $102,333 $92,000 $80,000 $130,000 - 9 23-26 years $96,200 $81,000 $67,500 $132,500 - 5 27 years and above $99,961 $87,000 $59,592 $125,800 - 6 Experience within current workplace sector Annual Salary ($) Sector experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count 0-2 years $106,250 $106,250 $100,000 - - 2 3-6 years $73,981 $70,800 $69,000 $79,000 - 11 7-10 years $83,475 $83,750 $76,550 $93,750 - 8 11-14 years $81,671 $83,750 $57,717 $104,500 - 10 15-18 years $116,750 $93,500 $70,250 $186,500 - 5 19-22 years $84,400 $85,000 $74,000 $94,500 - 5 23-26 years $153,500 $153,500 $142,000 - - 2 - - - - - - 27 years and above 20 Other Sectors Other sector experience (Canadian + non-Canadian) Experience in accounting and finance field 0-2 years Annual Salary ($) Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count - - - - - - 3-6 years $63,920 $60,000 $53,000 $71,470 $155,000 40 7-10 years $71,986 $69,500 $60,000 $81,750 $120,000 88 11-14 years $78,084 $74,100 $62,000 $85,000 $118,000 135 15-18 years $93,382 $90,000 $72,625 $104,750 $159,500 141 19-22 years $95,697 $85,000 $72,750 $111,250 $150,000 146 23-26 years $99,451 $94,000 $74,000 $115,167 $165,000 107 27 years and above $112,450 $96,000 $80,000 $133,375 $200,000 240 Experience within current workplace sector Annual Salary ($) Sector experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count 0-2 years $76,870 $72,000 $60,000 $90,000 $130,000 186 3-6 years $85,798 $78,000 $63,500 $94,000 $147,850 283 7-10 years $93,221 $86,000 $72,000 $105,000 $153,500 193 11-14 years $106,124 $90,000 $77,000 $115,000 $186,500 133 15-18 years $126,058 $102,000 $85,582 $145,000 $252,000 57 19-22 years $109,368 $99,500 $73,250 $131,500 $207,150 68 23-26 years $105,960 $100,000 $89,087 $124,266 $179,332 40 27 years and above $138,783 $125,000 $94,000 $181,000 $269,600 33 Other sector includes the following sectors: 1. Education: Elementary & Secondary 4. Not-for-Profit: Hospitals 2. Education: College & University 5. Not-for-Profit: Charities 3. Not-for-Profit: Professional Association 6. Not-for-Profit: Other 21 Experience in Workplace Sector (Canadian experience only) Commerce: Banking, Trust Company/Credit Union Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $62,272 $57,000 $43,000 $62,000 - 11 6 to 10 years $77,022 $79,000 $68,000 $86,000 $104,000 35 11 or more years $105,518 $98,500 $84,925 $120,000 $182,430 110 0 to 5 years Commerce: Consulting Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $58,056 $54,200 $30,750 $85,000 - 8 6 to 10 years $82,824 $77,271 $64,500 $96,750 - 15 11 or more years $114,645 $100,000 $80,000 $125,000 $225,000 79 0 to 5 years Commerce: Finance/Investment/Mortgage Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $62,346 $60,000 $50,000 $71,000 - 13 6 to 10 years $73,267 $69,250 $60,625 $75,000 $136,500 48 11 or more years $110,332 $101,250 $82,500 $125,000 $200,000 139 0 to 5 years Commerce: Hospitality Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count - - - - - - 6 to 10 years $73,400 $75,000 $59,500 $86,500 - 5 11 or more years $90,265 $85,000 $70,000 $100,000 $170,200 38 0 to 5 years Commerce: Insurance/Others Years of Experience 22 Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $47,861 $55,250 $32,500 $57,500 - 6 6 to 10 years $80,831 $75,750 $67,500 $89,750 $139,500 26 11 or more years $104,575 $92,000 $79,500 $120,000 $175,000 105 0 to 5 years Commerce: Others Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $88,323 $63,810 $51,750 $110,000 - 9 6 to 10 years $75,352 $70,500 $60,000 $77,750 $141,550 36 11 or more years $106,469 $98,000 $76,750 $126,500 $181,500 94 0 to 5 years Commerce: Wholesale/Retail Trade Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $61,236 $56,000 $48,000 $71,000 - 19 6 to 10 years $82,282 $70,000 $57,375 $80,000 $133,000 68 11 or more years $103,459 $95,000 $75,000 $120,000 $199,200 235 0 to 5 years Construction Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $62,508 $62,525 $57,500 $68,000 - 6 6 to 10 years $77,654 $72,000 $62,000 $87,000 $127,240 31 11 or more years $107,060 $99,200 $79,500 $119,750 $200,000 83 0 to 5 years Crown Corporation Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $77,666 $80,000 $66,000 - - 3 6 to 10 years $76,195 $71,000 $57,500 $92,268 - 13 11 or more years $97,324 $94,000 $80,000 $106,500 $151,000 57 0 to 5 years Education: College/University Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $85,714 $56,000 $55,000 $155,000 - 7 6 to 10 years $74,568 $69,500 $61,500 $80,500 - 18 11 or more years $98,507 $93,000 $75,000 $108,789 $175,450 101 0 to 5 years 23 Education: Elementary and Secondary Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $55,345 $55,345 $50,000 - - 2 6 to 10 years $78,678 $82,000 $58,000 $94,000 - 7 11 or more years $132,309 $118,000 $91,700 $148,500 $189,600 39 0 to 5 years Government (Federal): Canadian Customs Years of Experience 0 to 5 years 6 to 10 years 11 or more years Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $73,000 $73,000 $73,000 $73,000 $73,000 1 - - - - - - $91,220 $93,920 $88,000 $96,000 - 7 Government (Federal): Other Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $74,143 $65,450 $60,925 $87,250 - 16 6 to 10 years $76,944 $78,750 $65,625 $86,826 $94,750 40 11 or more years $102,057 $99,500 $90,000 $110,000 $144,900 140 0 to 5 years Government: (Municipal) Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $68,025 $62,322 $53,680 $82,196 - 6 6 to 10 years $75,373 $74,000 $63,875 $86,216 $103,750 24 11 or more years $98,867 $94,854 $82,000 $106,000 $144,625 174 0 to 5 years Government (Provincial): Finance Years of Experience 24 Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $82,500 $82,500 $82,500 $82,500 $82,500 1 6 to 10 years $75,860 $78,200 $70,000 $80,000 - 15 11 or more years $86,903 $88,000 $76,500 $95,000 $138,500 69 0 to 5 years Government (Provincial): Other Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $79,000 $79,000 $58,000 - - 2 6 to 10 years $79,115 $75,900 $65,000 $103,000 - 11 11 or more years $98,186 $92,250 $84,750 $107,000 $152,300 50 0 to 5 years Manufacturing Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $79,856 $66,000 $55,000 $90,000 $189,000 23 6 to 10 years $76,336 $72,000 $63,000 $88,000 $130,250 105 11 or more years $101,275 $92,068 $75,250 $110,000 $180,250 393 0 to 5 years Not-For-Profit: Charities Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $51,035 $52,000 $45,660 $61,000 - 9 6 to 10 years $67,643 $64,304 $60,250 $78,750 $111,000 28 11 or more years $83,714 $78,000 $66,890 $97,597 $141,400 105 0 to 5 years Not-For-Profit: Hospitals Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $56,962 $56,962 $38,925 - - 2 6 to 10 years $77,839 $72,550 $68,488 $86,250 - 18 11 or more years $104,249 $86,150 $76,000 $109,500 $218,150 76 0 to 5 years Not-For-Profit: Other Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $75,245 $73,000 $68,602 $82,500 - 6 6 to 10 years $77,318 $71,000 $62,500 $89,500 $119,806 21 11 or more years $93,839 $83,133 $70,625 $102,750 $189,183 92 0 to 5 years 25 Not-For-Profit: Professional Association Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $69,400 $60,000 $51,000 $92,500 - 5 6 to 10 years $77,072 $75,000 $70,000 $85,000 - 11 11 or more years $117,847 $92,000 $80,000 $140,000 $359,200 27 0 to 5 years Primary Industry Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $74,126 $74,252 $60,250 $87,876 - 4 6 to 10 years $87,525 $70,000 $57,400 $88,750 - 16 11 or more years $107,823 $102,250 $88,243 $123,500 $191,450 39 0 to 5 years Printing/Publishing Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $48,300 $48,300 $48,300 $48,300 $48,300 1 6 to 10 years $68,875 $63,000 $51,625 $92,000 - 4 11 or more years $107,969 $101,250 $86,775 $123,000 - 17 0 to 5 years Processing Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count - - - - - 2 6 to 10 years $92,500 $92,500 $75,000 - - 2 11 or more years $107,050 $93,500 $84,250 $113,500 - 10 0 to 5 years Public Practice - Employed Years of Experience 26 Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $59,963 $54,000 $46,250 $60,000 $94,500 41 6 to 10 years $66,633 $65,000 $55,000 $75,000 $103,350 90 11 or more years $87,697 $80,000 $65,000 $97,500 $160,000 295 0 to 5 years Public Practice – Self-Employed Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $105,000 $105,000 $60,000 - - 3 6 to 10 years $59,917 $60,000 $45,000 $70,000 - 17 11 or more years $107,907 $100,000 $62,500 $140,000 $232,000 163 0 to 5 years Transportation/Communication Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $63,375 $60,500 $49,000 $69,500 - 8 6 to 10 years $70,597 $69,144 $62,000 $80,000 $92,400 27 11 or more years $105,376 $96,600 $78,187 $123,500 $171,175 86 0 to 5 years Utilities Years of Experience Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Count $52,750 $48,000 $36,500 $73,750 - 7 6 to 10 years $71,000 $71,000 $71,000 $71,000 $71,000 5 11 or more years $88,888 $80,000 $65,000 $125,000 - 25 0 to 5 years 27 Benefits The table bellow displays the per cent of respondents receiving respective benefits. For example, 54 per cent of CGAs indicated they would receive a pension. Benefits (%) Position Drug Plan Training Pension Hospitalization All CGAs 82% 81% 68% 59% 54% 48% Accountant 70% 68% 52% 47% 34% 32% Accounting Clerk 70% 60% 30% 30% 40% 20% Analyst 86% 86% 77% 62% 69% 45% Assistant Accountant 79% 79% 64% 57% 43% 43% Auditor 90% 89% 74% 66% 78% 56% CFO 86% 84% 69% 61% 58% 63% Consultant 46% 46% 39% 44% 27% 24% Controller 86% 86% 66% 56% 41% 48% Junior Accounting Clerk - - - - - - Manager 89% 88% 77% 70% 65% 55% Partner 48% 46% 28% 38% 14% 28% President/CEO 58% 60% 47% 54% 32% 39% Principal 41% 33% 26% 39% 9% 17% Professor/Instructor/Lecturer 83% 90% 78% 35% 80% 60% Supervisor 90% 91% 79% 67% 65% 55% Sole Proprietor 9% 7% 3% 13% 0% 5% Treasurer 89% 89% 85% 81% 83% 81% Vice-President/Director 93% 93% 81% 69% 65% 65% Chief Operating Officer 81% 81% 52% 57% 62% 52% 28 • Dental Plan Vision Care There is no broad significant difference in the benefits received among male and female CGAs. Benefits (%) Position MembershipLaptops Parking Subscriptions Share Car Option Interest Free Loans 44% 46% 27% 22% 12% 5% 4% Accountant 35% 38% 13% 17% 7% 2% 3% Accounting Clerk 40% 20% 0% 30% 10% 10% 10% Analyst 42% 44% 16% 12% 14% 0% 4% Assistant Accountant 50% 50% 7% 29% 7% 0% 7% Auditor 38% 48% 20% 11% 3% 2% 1% CFO 45% 51% 46% 33% 11% 14% 6% Consultant 23% 35% 31% 11% 10% 4% 4% Controller 46% 48% 32% 25% 10% 6% 4% - - - - - - - Manager 51% 51% 32% 27% 14% 2% 3% Partner 24% 28% 32% 28% 6% 20% 2% President/CEO 33% 44% 42% 35% 10% 38% 3% Principal 11% 26% 28% 22% 7% 20% 2% Professor/Instructor/Lecturer 60% 23% 45% 3% 5% 0% 15% Supervisor 56% 45% 22% 15% 10% 0% 4% Sole Proprietor 3% 8% 9% 3% 1% 9% 1% Treasurer 51% 68% 26% 25% 6% 8% 8% Vice-President/Director 56% 55% 46% 37% 26% 16% 6% Chief Operating Officer 52% 52% 48% 19% 5% 0% 5% All CGAs Education Subsidy Junior Accounting Clerk 29 Value of Taxable Benefits Annual Value of Taxable Benefits ($) Position Mean Median Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Minimum Maximum Count Accountant $6,090 $3,100 $1,500 $6,000 $15,800 $50 $135,000 693 Accounting Clerk $2,302 $2,163 $1,000 $2,500 $6,000 $150 $6,000 10 Analyst $8,557 $5,000 $2,000 $10,000 $25,000 $90 $107,000 617 Assistant Accountant $10,400 $5,000 $3,500 $11,000 $41,000 $1,500 $41,000 14 Auditor $7,529 $5,000 $2,200 $10,000 $20,000 $150 $100,000 286 CFO $14,719 $10,000 $5,000 $20,000 $44,000 $20 $80,000 180 Consultant $13,491 $9,000 $3,120 $14,000 $60,000 $1 $80,000 84 Controller $9,134 $5,000 $3,000 $10,000 $25,000 $100 $200,000 743 - - - - - - - - Manager $10,226 $6,000 $3,000 $13,000 $30,000 $10 $150,000 1078 Partner $8,856 $6,000 $4,800 $10,000 $20,000 $500 $40,000 50 President/CEO $25,297 $13,000 $6,725 $25,000 $160,000 $9 $225,000 72 Principal $11,350 $6,000 $3,000 $12,000 $30,000 $1,500 $60,000 46 Professor/Instructor/ Lecturer $15,641 $7,000 $3,000 $15,000 $30,000 $187 $175,000 40 Supervisor $9,050 $4,500 $2,000 $10,000 $30,000 $200 $80,000 142 Sole Proprietor $7,280 $6,000 $2,500 $10,000 $18,000 $100 $20,000 107 Treasurer $13,143 $10,000 $3,000 $20,000 $30,000 $444 $40,000 53 Vice-President/ Director $17,346 $12,000 $5,300 $21,000 $50,000 $125 $145,000 439 Chief Operating Officer $19,358 $13,200 $5,000 $20,000 $120,000 $2,000 $120,000 21 Junior Accounting Clerk 30 Percentile 25 Bonuses Annual Bonus ($) Position Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Minimum Maximum Count Accountant $5,208 $3,000 $2,000 $6,600 $15,000 $50 $75,000 693 Accounting Clerk $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 10 Analyst $5,995 $5,000 $3,000 $7,000 $15,000 $150 $100,000 617 Assistant Accountant $7,375 $2,000 $1,500 $25,000 $25,000 $1,000 $25,000 14 Auditor $5,523 $3,000 $2,000 $7,000 $14,000 $500 $40,000 286 CFO $51,990 $20,000 $10,000 $60,000 $200,000 $1,000 $500,000 180 Consultant $18,274 $11,000 $5,000 $20,000 $44,000 $1,500 $150,000 84 Controller $13,248 $10,000 $5,000 $16,000 $40,000 $300 $210,000 743 - - - - - - - - Manager $10,405 $8,000 $4,000 $15,000 $30,000 $150 $80,000 1078 Partner $40,312 $25,000 $10,000 $85,000 $150,000 $5,000 $150,000 50 President/CEO $85,583 $50,000 $20,000 $100,000 $500,000 $5,000 $515,000 72 Principal $64,009 $25,000 $6,500 $100,000 $250,000 $1,000 $250,000 46 Professor/Instructor/ Lecturer $19,428 $6,000 $5,000 $40,000 $67,500 $1,500 $67,500 40 Supervisor $6,281 $4,000 $2,500 $9,000 $15,000 $500 $50,000 142 Sole Proprietor $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 107 Treasurer $27,127 $30,000 $10,000 $45,000 $55,000 $2,400 $55,000 53 Vice-President/ Director $32,253 $20,000 $10,000 $40,000 $100,000 $120 $300,000 439 Chief Operating Officer $26,272 $25,000 $8,000 $30,000 $85,000 $4,000 $85,000 21 Junior Accounting Clerk Annual Bonus ($) Gender Mean Median Percentile 25 Percentile 75 Percentile 95 Minimum Maximum Count Female $10,649 $6,000 $3,000 $11,000 $33,000 $50 $250,000 2512 Male $21,133 $10,000 $5,000 $20,000 $75,000 $120 $515,000 2164 31 Salary Increase By what percentage did your yearly salary increase when you progressed from student to member? (This change might take into account a new position or raises and bonuses beyond annual increases.) Salary Increase 0% 1% - 5% 6% - 10% 11% - 15% 16% - 20% 21% - 25% 26% - 30% More Than 30% No Answer 0% 32 • • 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% In this year’s study, the 0-5 per cent bracket was split into two separate categories: 0 per cent and 1-5 per cent. This change was accompanied by significant shifts in the affected brackets (from: 35 per cent to 43 per cent), as well as in the 6-10 per cent and 11-15 per cent brackets, with 6-10 per cent dropping dramatically from 20 to 4 per cent, and 11-15 per cent bracket increasing to 21 per cent, from 13 per cent. The fact that all other results are very consistent with previous waves, and that there were no significant year-over-year changes in the respondent characteristics (demographics, experience, sector, etc.) indicate that these results are likely an anomaly that is localized to, and is the effect of the changes in this particular question.